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Aurora, IL

Jericho Lake

3.075(based on 37 reviews)
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Jericho Lake reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Lots of Potential... But a Bit of a Hot Mess 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


- water hazards add interest, but typically don't add major risk
- holes 7, 8 were updated during park updates and have newer tees/baskets
- practice basket
- well maintained park with generally easy navigation
- 2 sets of tees, both with concrete tees
- relatively open, but significant number of trees/foliage add decent challenge, especially on the front 9


- tee signs missing for holes 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
- baskets are just ok
- tee sign for 8 is on current hole 9 tee
- course maps are outdated and don't show park updates
- no tee signs for long (yellow) tees
- 7, 8 appear to only have one tee (or aren't marked)
- some very short holes (< 200') on short (red) tees
- hole 10 long tee over creek is so overgrown you can't even see where you are throwing to
- back 9 is rather tedious pitch and putt back and forth through park
- rough on hole 17 is super nasty disc eater

Other Thoughts:

I haven't played Jericho Lake in over 10 years, and I had fond memories of it. Perhaps that was because I hadn't played so many better courses back then. In hindsight, it's relatively average. I enjoyed my round and would come back if I was in the area, but there are also better courses around.

That said, compared to West Main Park in Batavia which I played the same day, this course is a joy. As was previously mentioned, the only bad place to lose a disc is hole 17 (and I managed to do so). The rough/tall grasses here are a disaster if you throw your disc in. Otherwise, the course is very playable and the water hazards really don't come into play much.

This course would be even better with some TLC. A lot of holes are missing tee signs, and the tee signs are mediocre to begin with (no hole maps, some relatively weathered down). It is nice that both tees on virtually all the holes have concrete tee pads. Besides 17, my other main complaint was the long tee on hole 9 that shoots over the creek. I'm all for shots like this, although this one is a bit gimmicky since you are shooting from the high ground with the creek right in front of you - even newbies will clear this with ease. However, the tee pad is so overgrown you can't even see in front of you. I feel like you'd end up lobbing you disc up high to clear the foliage and you can't even make a reasonable shot. I'm good with challenging lines but this is just silly without being trimmed back.

There are walking paths throughout this park to be cognizant of. I was there early in the morning and saw virtually nobody but it may be busier in the middle of the day. The back 9 gets a bit tedious since its a lot of more open back and forth. I preferred the first half of the course. I think Jericho Lake is worth checking out if you're in the area but it's not going to be a destination.
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2 0
Experience: 14.2 years 12 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Jericho 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2015 Played the course:once


-Typical beginner course that happens to be a full 18.
-Could use some updating and better marking for hole and pin location.


-Not as challenging as some other courses in the area.
-Holes seem short and all if not most pins are positioned directly straight out in plain view.
-First few holes could have been designed to flow better. Front nine is also near where you park so on a crowded day look out for discs decking you as you walk to the next hole and check your car for dents before you leave.

Other Thoughts:

Will need to play this course a few more times.
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1 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 286 played 55 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Too short and open for my taste 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Nice concrete tee pads with long and short pads. There are several cool and fun holes. This is a great place to bring beginners and to practice your upshot game. There are a few holes where you will need to pull out the driver. There is a decent mix of left and right turning holes.


This is a deuce or die course. Drive, putt, drive, putt etc. This wouldn't be so bad if the lines were more difficult but they are not as the obstacles are sparse trees.

Other Thoughts:

The Fox Valley Metro DG Club usually holds their ice bowl here and it is always a terrific event with the biggest raffle around, a fire pit, and a provided lunch.
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10 0
Three Putt
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Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 29.8 years 157 played 128 reviews
2.50 star(s)

MOR 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Jericho Lake has a pretty easy design to follow, as you basically throw back and forth. The park is well cared for and there are two sets of concrete tees per hole. The tee signs don't have a map, but they do have the distances for both the long and short tees. From the short tees it is a good novice course; from the longs it is more of an intermediate course. The site is moderately wooded and has a bit of up and down to it (it's flat-ish but not as flat as a lot of Chicagoland courses.) The Fox Valley Metro Disc Golf Club is very active at this park and does a good job of keeping the course cared for.


The biggest problem Jericho Lake has is that Blackberry Creek floods a lot, and the area around holes 2-3-4, 10-11 and 17-18 flood a lot. It is often a swampy, muddy mess with standing water and misquotes. You pretty much have to be prepared to go mudding here. The second problem is that the design really isn't very challenging. It is a recreational course that really doesn't punish bad shots on many of the holes, and the distances are too short to make up for that. There is a creek and a lake in the park, neither of which are used in the course design except for the # 10 long tee. Hole # 6 and # 7 play back and forth beside the entrance of the park with a road in-between with no guardian trees to keep you from throwing over the road, not the best of set-ups from a safety aspect. The basket for # 8 is set up near a pavilion, and groups using the pavilion are often over by the basket. The course flows generally well, but after you play hole # 9 there is a path off to the left that looks like the way to go (it's not.) There should be a directional sign at that hole. Most of the long tees basically make the hole longer and are easy to find, but really don't change the shots much. One of the best long tees is #10, and it just happens to be one of two long tees (along with the long tee for # 14) that is very hard to find. Because the holes basically go back and forth, you can get thrown at pretty easily on many of the holes when the course is busy.

Other Thoughts:

In the end, Jericho Lake is an average disc golf course. It has some good points and some weak points. If you are in the area (and the course isn't flooded) it's a nice place to play a casual round. The park has a cool rural feel with some surrounding agricultural land and the creek running through. However, if you are looking for a challenging course to test your disc golf skills, this isn't the place.
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8 0
Experience: 16.3 years 36 played 28 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Average 18 Hole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 4, 2009 Played the course:once


Dual tees with cement tee pads.

Baskets are in good shape.

Located in a nice park with a nice view of a lake.

Moderately wooded throughout with some varied shot selection.


No signs, just a wooden post with yardage marked. Holes are usually in view but i still like signs on holes.

Seemed kind of bland with only a few trees on most holes in the back 9 that don't really get in the way.

Mostly flat with little punishment for poor throws.

Some holes border the entrance/exit road. Also a bit confusing on where some holes were and where to go next.

Holes were not marked or mapped very well, a lot of holes seemed really short and you could get away with inaccurate throws.

Other Thoughts:

I was expecting more from this course, it was just average for me but if you are going to the Oswego course this is close enough to go to as well. I think it is more like a Madison Meadows type course. Yeah it has 18 holes, but the challenge for me just wasn't there.
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