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Arvada, CO

Johnny Roberts DGC - Old Layout

3.355(based on 87 reviews)
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Johnny Roberts DGC - Old Layout reviews

1 8
OG Neal
Experience: 29.3 years 17 played 7 reviews
1.00 star(s)

I really wanted to like this course.... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 30, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-If you can throw over 200, it's pretty much all ace runs.
-Tee pads, multiple basket locations, and tee signs on most holes.
-It's a nice park.


-Locals are not very inviting or friendly
-The holes are all short and easy to approach.
-The other golfers there are rude. Who walks around a course with a radio blaring? I helped one guy with his disc and he walked over mine without saying a word. You're welcome.
-You won't want to putt most holes as water pools around the base of baskets because of poor irrigation.
-Way too may people. This is not a place to have a course.

Other Thoughts:

Just because Steady Ed designed this course doesn't mean he put any time or effort into it. Very clique-ish atmosphere takes away from the aesthetic.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 179 played 110 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Cool Course vs. Crowded Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2013 Played the course:once


Design - Steady Ed was on to something. Johnny Roberts is a very well-designed course that plays alongside, and occsional over, a meandering creek. While it wasn't necessarily long, the variety of shots required was great. Lots of midrange work to be enjoyed at the course. Occasional blind shots, but scouting is not too difficult.

Park - The park was very neat and well-kept. Some guys were selling discs out of their trunk near #1 and #18. Landscaping was good. Creek was beautiful.

Tee Signs - some of the best tee signs I have ever seen. They were informative and accurate. No guesswork required and this was the main reason that scouting was so easy. You may have to walk about 25-30 feet up the fairway to get a "visual" of the basket if you like, but you at least know where you should be looking.


Too Many Bystanders - This is the biggest "con" and it really isn't close. The walking trails were full of folks and many of the holes border or traverse these trails. We waited at one hole for nearly 5 minutes while two small girls (around age 4) played around a sign on the path that read "Watch out for Disc Golfers" Eventually their mother came and they moved on and my tee shot clanged into that very sign as they were about 30 feet away...they all looked back at us shocked. Oh well, the sign was in the middle of the fairway, so I didn't feel that bad about hitting it.

Too Many Other Players - Arvada is a cool little town, and I can see why disc golf is popular there. However, it's really hard to enjoy a round when there are players on every tee pad with others waiting. There were also far more "one-disc wonders" than I have ever seen on a course. My friends and I decided we were going to let the guy behind us play through, as he was just chucking a disc and had a girl with him who wasn't playing. Well we waited for him at the next tee, but he never came. He simply decided to hop around to other holes that happened to be vacant.

Lack of Etiquette - There were a lot of recreational/newbies on the course who ended up in the creek on nearly every shot. Since the couse is "tight" and not a lot of land was available, they should all simply stand off the fairway while one looks for or retrieves their disc. But this is definitely not the case at JR. Multiple times, there were groups standing in the fairway, occasionally telling us to go ahead and tee off...while they are still standing and jumping around in the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

Johnny Roberts is definitely a cool course, and I enjoyed it despite all of the other "distractions". However, we were told by some folks "in the know" that the course is likely to be pulled in the near future. I wish I could say that this historical course should be fought for by all disc golfers everywhere as a means of preserving a great Steady Ed design...but it is dangerous for other park patrons. That's just the simple truth of the matter. I am very glad I had the opportunity to play it, and if I am in Denver and it's still open, I will gladly play it again.

#8 is currently pulled, but we knew that going in, so no need to list that as a "con". Just thought it should be mentioned.

Disc retrieval from the creek is very possible. However, please be smart and look carefully at the best way to get down into the creek. There are some slippery slopes down the steep banks. Use caution.

I think the course design at Johnny Roberts is deserving of a 3.5, but I feel it's necessary to factor in the inherent danger and distractions caused by the many people in the park. It is definitely a good course and one that should be played if you have opportunity. Just be aware of the potential issues going into your round and try not to get frustrated.
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5 1
Experience: 21.4 years 137 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Keep Discin' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Great course in the middle of a big park with mostly all grass. Can work on your technical shots and bring different discs out of your bag. Lots of shade on course due to all of the trees and it stays pretty cool with the creek running through the course.


Will get very crowded when people begin to get off work and on weekends. Even during the day there will be a lot of people. No signs to tell you where to go for the next holes although it is manageable for first time players. The creek can get deep in spots and you wont even be able to tell the difference until you are neck deep in it. Don't play after a big rainstorm because the creek is flowing so hard in some spots that you will have a hard time finding your disc. Hole number 8 has been taken out due to people throwing discs and damaging cars and houses.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite courses that I have played and I can say that it can be challenging to both new and long time throwers. I try to play in the early mornings due to the crowd that begins to form later in the day. If you get a chance go throw this course and I promise that you wont be disappointed.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Excellent park style course designed by the legendary Steady Ed that plays across lush green fairways, around several mature trees and along a scenic creek that comes into play on many holes. The concrete tees are very nice and most are attached to the paved walkway. Excellent baskets in good shape and catch very well. The tee signs are very informative with hole map + an actual photo showing each of the possible pin placements (same style found at Beaver Ranch and I think are the model for what a tee sign should be.)

The course is superbly designed, as one might expect from Steady Ed, making the most of the land and natural obstacles. There are holes of varying lengths, some wide open, others more narrow, every basket is strategically placed for risk/reward, a straight shot is best, but there are places where a left or right shot can improve you score by a shot, and it is a good test of distance control as many times you do not want to run too far past the hole. The creek that runs through the middle of the course is a disc funnel (not a matter of if you will throw in the creek, but when and how often!) It is pretty shallow and clear so you have a good chance of retrieving your disc.

I love playing courses like this- it is so much fun and in a beautiful setting. This was the only course during my week in Denver that I went back and played on a different day.


This course seems to always be very crowded (understandable). The downside is there is the constant fear of people throwing into you. The negative to the creek is that everyone is landing discs in there and then looking for discs on most holes, so things get backed up, or people are just standing in the fairways waiting on others to find their disc. We were told several times just to go ahead and throw despite the fact they were in our line of fire (we politely refused until they moved, but this just backed things up more.)

Also, there is a walkway that borders or cuts across many holes. Many people use it and there are lots of little kids, strollers, etc. so you often have to wait a long time to be able to throw without a chance of hitting somebody.

The course was missing hole 8, not sure why, I knew that going in so not a huge deal.

Other Thoughts:

I heard from several people in the know in Denver that there was a good chance this course may be pulled soon for forever which would be a big time shame- as it interferes with the walking trail coupled with the large number of people I witnessed playing that seemed clueless about how dangerous a disc can be it is no wonder people are complaining. Which is too bad because it truly is a great course. I am glad I got a chance to play here.

If you are in the Denver area and need a break from the higher elevation hilly mountain courses like Phantom Falls you will want to check this one out for sure before it goes away. I recommend avoiding weekends and late afternoons (though it was still surprisingly busy on a weekday morning.)
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2 3
Golden Tuna
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.6 years 211 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not a bad course to play on vacation 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 17, 2012 Played the course:once


Pretty easy to navigate - somewhat challenging - good variety of shots used - nice tee signs - water holes that offer OB, without necessarily loosing your disc - restrooms

This course is in a nice, clean, well maintained with plenty of challenging shots once you factor all the OB into play. It is not an epic course that is tough to play, so we enjoyed a quick round before moving on to another local course. Lots of stuff to do in the area if you're just visiting. Lots of locals to point you in the right direction if you need some help. Seems to be a very popular course as it is in the city.


Crowded park & course - lots of pedestrians - some holes seem to criss cross, so watch out or errant throws

There was quite a bit of non-disc golf traffic in the park as well as numerous holes that had potential for hitting someone on another hole

Other Thoughts:

There were a couple tee signs missing when we played, so we got a little turned around, but i'm sure that is just a temporary issue.
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4 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 36 played 36 reviews
3.50 star(s)

OK... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2013 Played the course:once


Water in play on 12 out of 18 holes, but no real danger of losing a disc

Challenging without being brutal.

Concrete tees, multiple pin positions, port-a-pots on site, etc. All the basic amenities for a course you'd want to play repeatedly.

Fun! This is often an overlooked part of reviewing a course (imho) but I left wishing I had time to play another round here.


Fairly tight layouts, with a couple holes playing directly over another basket, and a couple more play over sidewalks.

Even at 10am on a weekday there was a bit of traffic through this park, so I can understand where other reviewers worry about traffic here. It was busier than some Ohio course are on the weekend!

Missing the 8th pin. I'm not sure if this got stolen or permanently pulled due to the way 8 plays over the 7th fairway. Either way, I'd have liked to have played 8.

Other Thoughts:

On the advice of the fine people over at Phenix I played Johnny Roberts, and I'm glad I did. While the course is short and not very terribly challenging (I shot 4 over pro par my first time through) it does force you to think and hit specific lines. Additionally, with many pins perched on the edge of the shallow creek running through the park you really have to have confidence in your driving game to be aggressive going after 2's. This was a different style of course compared to what I'd played previously. In Ohio or Michigan a "technical" course is usually one that plays through tightly wooded fairways. Johnny Roberts requires similar precision, but uses strategically placed trees, other fairways, and a small creek to force lines. It's no less effective, and is significantly more fun to play, as errant shots tend to still be in play as opposed to buried in the woods. With fewer obstacles and vertical limits I was able to be more creative in my line shaping. This is any easy course to post 3's on every hole, but you will risk bogeys if you want to take a shot at birdie on many holes. Overall a nice city course that I'd play again.
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1 5
Experience: 19.3 years 80 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Very Tight 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 9, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


I am told this is a Classic Course and it has some very fun shots. They have done a very good job of putting 18 holes in such a tight space. Nice Park


This course gets extreme use and lots of traffic from walkers and bikers. #8 is no longer in play.
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2 1
Experience: 11.9 years 31 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Grand Dame of Metro Denver 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Tucked away in a little valley, lack of wind when most other area courses were being crushed by gusts up to 35 mph.

Really pretty, neighborhood setting.

Lots of use, but DG is acknowledged and respected. Course is maintained well, park users are respectful and aware of one another. Very cool vibe given the high usage.

You gotta be on your techinical game, there's a lot to get caught up in if you are not paying attention.

Muskrat swims around the creek by hole 8.


High usage might be a pain (not for me, playing solo, today)

Location in a valley impedes snow melt. It was wet and sloppy today.

Other Thoughts:

I was a schlub, today, and got a disc lost under the ice in the creek (?@#$#@!!!), and another wedged tight in a tree. I got a mild soaker, and had to climb a bit to where I could shake my disc free. Mighty embarrassing in front of all the locals (who were kind enough to ignore my folly).

I picked up a beat-on old Banshee in the snow. Two names written, but no phone. If you want it back, let me know your name. It makes a pretty good putter...
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7 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 33.3 years 52 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tourneylicious! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


---Awesome tee signs that show all possible positions as well as a "from the teepad" photo that gives you the lay of the land
---Intuitive layout that makes it very easy to follow
---Good selection of shots, with no real wide open bombers, so you have to put your skills on point
---Creek down the middle provides a good challenge as well as "risk vs. reward" shots, without being too intrusive or too hardcore so as to take your discs
---Famous course in the middle of downtown Arvada...other courses nearby as well as some fabulous adult beverage-serving establishments


---It's in a public park, it's a famous course; it gets crowded early and often, no matter the season, with DGers and Walkers alike (please be respectful)
---Upkeep is somewhat lacking. The baskets and teepads (what teepads there are) are still pretty good, but there is lots of little bits of trash i.e. cigarette butts
---Short course. No need to bring a distance driver. A good fairway and some mids will suffice
---Hole 8 no longer exists...not sure why, but it's not there so don't bother looking

Other Thoughts:

A classic CO course, it's a course that really must be played for completions sake. Johnny Roberts' huge, boisterous personality infects the place (in a good way) and you won't find any bad vibes here. It's pretty hard not to have fun, no matter your skill level.

Tournaments are frequently played here, as well as weekly tags, so it would be a good idea to double-check what's going on before heading to Johnny. We did a tournament there last Saturday with 110 players and the place was packed. A few non-tourney players showed up and politely waited until we finished to begin their round...like I said, very positive vibes here.

I almost rated this a 3, but the good feelings and the fun factor raise it up a half point.
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4 1
little oz
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 103 played 31 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Course in the midst of the Masses 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2012 Played the course:once


The course has some great lines you need to hit to stay out of the creek. The creek is a positive in my book, as some shots i kind of puckered while my disc was in flight. Hole #2 and #15 were my favorites (basket within a few feet of the water, and i parked #15!). Plenty of grass and shade for hot days. Also has some of the best course signage i've seen. Being a Steady Ed course adds an aura to it. Locals were cool and let me play through on my solo round with no hassle.


crossing fairways, as mentioned in other reviews. The course has a success problem in that it's a fine course and a lot of people want to play it. It was even crowded (but not insane) on a Thursday at noon. It's packed in to a pretty small parcel so heads up.

Other Thoughts:

When i pulled up to the course, i was disappointed how compact the layout was, but the quality of the design quickly put that to rest. I thought it might be a historical course that wasn't all that (see Huntington Beach), so i'm glad it was a nice challenge. Police were given a guy a ticket on #1 for not having his dog on a leash. Bummed the mini-ramps aren't at the skatepark anymore.
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3 1
Experience: 17.5 years 14 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great tight course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 21, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


This is one busy course, but well worth the wait. The open areas are great minus some ppl you might have to dodge on a throw or two. As you get further through the course the trees begin to close in on you. Tons of short holes good for up'ing your mid game and putting. Water isnt really a big factor, unless your disc starts floating down the creek.


None really beyond lines, but thats expected at a course like this. I guess fairway crossing is a bit of an eye opener, so make sure your yelling FORE.

Other Thoughts:

Earlier is better at this course. As the day goes on, it starts getting packed. Watch for the houses along 17ish... The ppl that own it have signs that state "DO NOT ENTER" so getting a disc back may require a knock on the door. I would imagine they arent too fond of their house getting pelted with discs....
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2 5
Experience: 26.3 years 9 played 9 reviews
1.00 star(s)

why go to johnny? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


there are some trees and water hazards which are rare in a CO course. #7 and #17 are good holes but i don't really enjoy any of the other ones at all.


short, flat, kids that steal your discs off the fairway, crowded, skate punks, cyclist, roller-bladers, runners, walkers, smelly porta-potty, lots of opportunities to hit the teepad of the next hole with your drive, when the river runs fast it is pretty murky and hard to find your disc.

Other Thoughts:

i used to play here in 2000 and i much preferred that layout to the one there is now. i don't understand why people like this course.
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1 4
Hyzer Soze
Experience: 19.3 years 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2006 Played the course:5+ times


Needed some TLC last I played it in '06. Short course and a lot of potential to put up a good score. Good course to escape those front range winds.


Not extremely challenging & crowded.

Other Thoughts:

Still a favorite nonetheless. I learned how to play on this course.
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9 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Old School Course The Way I Like It! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2012 Played the course:once


Johnny Roberts DGC is an old school disc golf course that is showing her age. The baskets are old, the tee pads are old, the signs are old, the distances are not up to today's lofty standards. But I love the fact that this course has not been tinkered with. Today's advance/pro players haven't been able to totally redesign the course adding distance and moving the baskets to even more difficult positions. They're already often enough in difficult enough positions next the creek.


By today's standards, this course is probably a little tame. Some players might complain about the difficult and tight nature of the course. I normally dislike tight, technical courses but I really enjoyed my round here this morning. But I think I may have been lucky to have been playing in July during a drought when the creek was way low.

Other Thoughts:

As a 60 year Recreational player, this course suits my level of play to a tee. I'm sure it would frustrate me at times but this morning I was happy to have finally had the chance to play the legend of Colorado courses.
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4 0
Experience: 12.6 years 21 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Love/Hate Relationship. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


- Challenging course that will improve your game.
- Free to play.
- Ample shade, great for sunny/hot days.


- Hole #8 is missing.
- Mistakes are punished severely.
- Can be very crowded.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very technical course. Every hole either has trees, water or both. If there are any weaknesses to your game, this course will be more than happy to not only show them to you, but beat you senseless with them.

Don't go to Johnny Roberts if you are looking for a fun, confidence building day of disc golf. You won't find it. If you are looking for a challenge, maybe you've reached a plateau and need to see where your games needs improving, or if you need some tweaking before a competition this would be a great course to play.

J-Rob's is a very beloved course by many disc golfers locally. It's a must play! Just be aware of what your getting yourself into, otherwise you will not understand what all the "fuss" is about.

P.S. This course is literally in the backyard of the Arvada Police department, and it is not uncommon to see police officers on bike or on foot patrolling the course. Common sense is a must!
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7 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A Dying Old Man 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-JR is a challenging, technical course that uses every square inch of a multi-use park in creative ways. A classic DGC!

-There's something for everyone on this course. Beginners will enjoy the reachable distances while Pros can still thread the needle on the tough technical shots.

-Short distances to the pin. But JR will force you to use every shot in your bag. S-out between some mando trees on one hole, then hyzer over the creek next hole.

-A multi-use park. So there's friendly green grass and a well-maintained creek. Quite pretty and shady.

-Pin placement is varied and squeezes every interesting nook out of the park. The course winds back and forth over Ralston Creek and almost every hole uses the mature cottonwoods and elms as obstacles.


-Very, Very, Very high traffic. Frequented by large groups of amateur players with many, many bottlenecks at the T-pads. So busy the weekends are sometimes unplayable.

-Multi-use park DOES NOT mesh well with Disc Golf. Dog-walkers, Kids, Bicyclists, a SkatePark and a Basketball Court (the occasional volleyball game) all are caught up in your shots. This is a very dangerous course that requires you to be aware of your surroundings.

-Pin placements, while interesting and varied, require you to drive across pedestrians and sidewalks. Plus quite a few drives cross back on previous holes requiring you to drive across other greens or walk through other fairways. Again, very dangerous for the high level of traffic.

-The Arvada police walk the park on foot and are rather hostile to disc golfers. Leash your dog or you'll get a ticket! And never throw near a pedestrian... or you'll get a ticket.

-In late Spring the creek swallows discs like a fat kid swallows McDonalds.

-Hole #8 has been removed for safety reasons.

- The queues are ridiculous and frustrating. Between waiting for large groups of amateur players and the pedestrians, I usually waste a good half hour.

Other Thoughts:

-JRs is a disc golf course pulled in too many directions at once. Holes #1, #4, #5, #7, #11, #14 and #17 all drive across heavily used sidewalks. A few holes overlap each other. Too much has been pressed into a very small space. And the large traffic of disc golfers detracts from the experience.

-The course focuses on mid-range control and recently (June 2012) the pin placements have been shortened even further on #6 and #7 to avoid pedestrian/golfer problems.

-This is a park first and a disc golf course second. Way too many things going on in this park. Safety is always an issue here.

-Still JR does a lot of things right, incorporating almost every interesting feature of the park into a varied and technical game.

-An old classic that's slowly being nerfed, occluded with too many people and a dangerous mix of traffic and discs. Once extraordinary, now neglected in its old age. JRs is quickly becoming just another park: a place to walk your dog or have a barbeque, not throw discs.
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1 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.4 years 344 played 195 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 24, 2012 Played the course:once


Real nice park. Lots of garbage cans and benches. A few interesting shot. Good tee pads and baskets.


Flat and not too many technical shots. Very crowded with lots of pedestrians. Basket 8 is currently missing

Other Thoughts:

A good course to play but just too many people for me to want to play it more.
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3 0
Experience: 13.4 years 39 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great, fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Variations of shots, multiple basket placement, great use of the creek, open park and trees. The course wasn't boring at all to play and really easy to follow once on and going. Unlike some other courses it isn't located in a big open park that just zig-zags back and forth making for a boring round, the location along Ralston Creek makes for a fun and technical round.


Throwing across fairways, 17 over 5, 14 over the top of 2's basket. There were a lot of people out and enjoying the weather therefore having to wait to throw until they were clear. 8 was missing, not sure if road construction was the reason for closing it.

Other Thoughts:

I have found this to be the best out of the 4 courses I have been to in the Denver area. Two others were wide open and packed with little shade. When waiting here you can stand in the shade while waiting for your shot.
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1 4
Ghetto B
Experience: 14.6 years 25 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cop Shop 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 4, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


For being an old course it's very well kept By both the City and the Locals. well maped out and very challenging with all the water hazards.


During spring and early summer months the creek can run pretty fast and deep. Be ready to take a dip. Also bring a tool to fish out disc's. the water hazards are brutal.
This course is VERY well known so be ready to play quickly.

Other Thoughts:

An AMAZING 18 hole course. The pictures uploaded do not show how nice this park really is. Thank you Arvada. Keep up the good work.
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3 2
Experience: 22.3 years 63 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2011 Played the course:once


Descent variety of shots
A few great basket placements
Nice park
Not congested if you play before noon
Good baskets
Sheltered for the most part making it playable on windy days


Not many long holes - could have got through course with mids and putters
Missing hole 8 ..
Couple short short holes

Other Thoughts:

Good course overall. Would recommend playing if you are in the area and have a hour or an hour and a half. Hole 15 gets a thumbs up!
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