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Lewiston, NY

Joseph Davis State Park - Green

3.125(based on 33 reviews)
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Joseph Davis State Park - Green reviews

4 1
Experience: 24.8 years 47 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

a solid day's golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Let's start with the basics. Free entrance to the parking is always a good thing ( in the winter month's you have to take the BACK entrance, but still open, and still free). I can't speak to weekends as I've only played on weekdays, but I've only occasionally seen someone else playing the course, and other than the odd dog-walker no one else is around. 27 holes is a plus for me, and the grass is always well maintained. A decent number of tricky holes to go along with all the open baskets, and if you're newer to the sport, only one hole longer than 400 from the mid tees, and 5 from the longs.


No terrain changes so it's a very flat run, which is a plus for pulling a cart, but I enjoy elevation changes on a course. A LOT of standing water due to that flatness, and the closeness to the waterway. Unless it's the dead of summer, the water is always present in some quantity, so it can alter shot selection. Some of the pars set out for the holes seem fairly generous. There are a couple of par 4's that really should be par 3's. To my memory, none of the long tee's has a pad, only the middle tee's.

Other Thoughts:

A fun trip out to play 27 holes in one spot. Needed both the forehand and backhand off the tee. Print the scorecard for the distances, as the info on the signage at the tee's has mostly faded out over the years, and don't wear any shoes you're worried about damaging with water.
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1 0
Experience: 9 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Fun Park Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 10, 2018 Played the course:once


**This review is from a beginner's perspective**

A fun, no drama course to play. Wide open enough to experiment and let loose a bit, but there are enough obstacles to avoid to keep it interesting. As others have said its very hard to lose a disc on this course, the rough isn't very dense. Baskets and tee pads are in great shape. The various pines, weeping willow trees, etc. made for a visually pleasing experience in some areas.


A few basket locations were on flat ground and out in the open, it'd be nice to see some of them spiced up a bit, eg raised baskets, big stones nearby, etc.

Other Thoughts:

It looks like some new foot bridges and tables/benches have been installed and they are plentiful, that was nice to have on a longer, busier course.
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2 2
The Don
Experience: 8.2 years 18 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

27 Holes! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2016 Played the course:once


It's great to play 27 holes in a row. You can really get a good round in if you play all 27. If you like open holes this course is nice and parking is always free.


Course can get a little boring as the holes start to blend together. No wooded holes and nothing particularly difficult.

Other Thoughts:

A great course to play a long round of 27 with your buddies!
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1 6
Experience: 8.7 years 21 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of the oldest DG courses in North America 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Very well maintained course in park setting. Some challenging and fun holes. Nice scenery and a great walk


A couple of crazy long holes. Plenty of trees to snag errant drives.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course in national park. Free parking
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1 2
Experience: 12.4 years 15 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Joe D 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Solid course 27 holes makes the longer drive worth it.
Not too tough or easy middle of the road.
Good use of existing trees, brush and roads/paths for ob.
Very minimal park use besides disc golf.


Can be wet in the spring as with most course in the area.
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3 0
Experience: 26.3 years 29 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good change of pace 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


- Virtually a disc golf only course
- Very well maintained, clean, grass neatly trimmed
- Good mix of shots, course makes good use of available trees and bushes to make shots challenging but fair
- Good beginners course, also good for advanced players to go old school and throw mids and putters.
-Zero chance of losing a disc. Fairly wide open, and brush is very manageable
- Benefits of being a state park without the entrance fee.


- Location, long drive from almost anywhere
- 27 holes. Some may see this as a pro. For me it is too many holes, I like to take a break between rounds and by the time I hit hole 27, I am ready to call it a day.
- Could use new baskets. Although they are in good shape, the DGA baskets could definitely use an upgrade. Too many spit outs and too many discs slipping through the chains.

Other Thoughts:

A piece of disc golf history. This course has been around 35 years, one of the original Steady Ed courses. Remnants of ancient pear orchard on hole 21 helped tide me over until I got back to my car.

There are the original 18 holes designed in 1980, then the additional "modern" 9 holes designed around 2000.

If you have reasonable expectations of this course you should have fun. Some reviewers have been overly unjustly harsh of this course in my opinion.

Careful of the pheasant hunters in the fall.
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3 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 156 played 41 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Relaxing Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


- cement tee pads
- mostly open holes with good use of bushes to add challenge
- 27 holes on site
- large area kept well mowed (at least when i was there)
- course flowed quite well (The group I was with played through without a map)
- good mix of anhyzer and hyzer holes
- not a great risk of disc lossage
- 27 holes with enough variety so that it does not get boring
- At least two tees. We played from the white where the cement tee pads are but there is a well marked longer blue tee option as well


- for some the length of the holes might be a con because they are on the short side (most hole between 250 and 350). However there are blue tees (no cement pads) for those who want a longer course
- No real way to play just 9 or 18 if in a hurry
- not much elevation
- no real 5 star holes that make you say wow but they are all pretty unique and fun
- can be really wet at times

Other Thoughts:

If you get a chance to play this course on a dry day it is pretty fun. This course would be pretty good for beginners because it is pretty forgiving. There are some thick areas but we had no problem finding any discs that found there way in the brush. The course is just fun to play, not extremely challenging but there is some challenge to it. Basically it was just fun to be out there and play
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.5 years 41 played 33 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


- 27 holes of fun
- 3 sets of tees. The blues are a bit harder to find but generally right at the tee sign. For most of the holes the blues just add distance and don't change the hole otherwise.
- Ample cement tees on the whites. Natural tees on the reds/blues.
- Decent signage. Sufficient tee signs. The flow is pretty straightforward without a map with only 1 weird transition (near 9).
- Picnic tables at a few tee pads if you need a quick break.
- In my 2 trips, very few non-DG activities going on (a few dog walkers), its almost all DG in the park.
- Park is very clean, well maintained, and nicely mowed.
- A few ace runs, and a lot of birdie opportunities.
- With well marked short tees and little punishing rough this makes JD a great place to bring a beginner. Very little chance of a lost disc.


- A few holes have the tees too close to another fairway which can impact flow if full (as it was for dubs event today). For example, a normal RHBH line on 2 goes right over 3's tee, so I won't throw on 2 if someone is on 3's white tee. Then on 4, in 3 rounds I've seen 2 discs end up closer than I'm comfy with to 4s white tee. Granted you shouldn't be there, but if your RHBH drive doesn't flip like you intended you'll be on / near 4s tee.
- Although there are very few weak holes, a lot of ok/good holes here, I struggle to pick one or two GREAT holes.

Other Thoughts:

JD has you playing 27 holes through a typical park setting. Most of the holes are rather open but do require you to do some shot shaping - it's not just a hyzer bomb fest like some more open courses. I found myself (primarily RHBH) throwing hyzers, S-curves, anny's, flicks, and a few straight shots as well. Playing with a partner that threw RHFH I didn't notice a bias for FH/BH.

This is a course I struggled with on my review and wanted to wait until I had an opportunity to come back. I can see why there is a bit of contention over the rating here. If you are looking for a bunch of memorable holes - you won't find it. But you will find a lot of decent / good holes that add up to a good course, IMO. It just depends on what you are looking for and what you expect in a course. Perhaps if they cut it down to 18 and put in a few par 4s it may be better, but I'm not sure the obstacles are there to work with to make that happen.
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3 7
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cluster of mediocrity 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2014 Played the course:once


Not very crowded, concrete tees, and thats about all the positives I can say.
Hole 12 is only memorable hole with the fake island.


27 holes is not a pro. This could be an epic 18, instead is is a clustered mess of 27 less than average holes. Tee 18 to basket 19 would be a great hole, instead 18 is a dinky.shot that rewards you for missing the hole and 19 is a tiny open putter hole.
Course flow was an issue, tees were often behind previous baskets or crossed other fairways. If you took a handful of paracord and tossed it into the air, the way it would land probably resembles this layout. From basket 8 to tee 9 you cross 18s fairway. Other close holes would make a tournament here very uncomfortable.
Tee signs are 30-60 feet from pads. I would.bet if I searched the 3 inch grass I would find a brick buried at ground level denoting "alternate pads" but to be honest this course is one basket one tee.
Hole 15 is uncomfortably close to the road
Gimmick holes are plentiful here. Hole 22 has brush 3 feet in front of tee on both sides. This hole provides no challenge for experienced players, but severly punishes novice players. another hole that screams gimmick would be 25. This hole is a joke with large brush directly infront of the tee 15 feet infront of you, forcing a massive anny, long flick, or for the novice a risky blind tommy.
Many holes are high disc loss for lower level players, the course beats up the weak while bores the experienced.

Other Thoughts:

I can imagine the discussion for this course, "we already have several nice 18 holes, so why make another, lets make a crappy 27!"
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4 3
Experience: 11.1 years 89 played 28 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Like 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 25, 2013 Played the course:once


-Good tee box signs
-Nice baskets
- 27 holes!!!!
- 3 different tee boxes on every hole
- This course had a flow to it


-The signs are far away from the tee box
-Some holes were hard to find
-The out of bounds was harsh

Other Thoughts:

This course was great because it was 27 holes. It had a variety of holes
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3 6
Experience: 14.7 years 16 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not what I expected, needs some loving. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2013 Played the course:once


What makes this course special is the amount of disc golf to be played, going into my round I had never played a course with 27 holes, and the cement tee pads were a plus as well. There are not too many courses in Buffalo with cement so this is a very attractive addition to this course but...


This is a classic case of quantity over quality. There are a lot of holes but almost none of them are challenging or interesting, unless you are a beginner in which case this would be an excellent place to throw down, and the few that are interesting are just not good enough to make up for the lackluster holes in front and behind it.

Other Thoughts:

The signage is not excellent and needs to be placed at the tee pads.

The cement tees should be at the blues instead of the whites.

If this course went from 27 to 18, got a redesign and some love it could be something special but right now it is one of the weaker courses in Buffalo.
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2 2
Experience: 30.3 years 8 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


If you like Huge air and fairly open course this is it. Plus 27 holes,makes it a local standout. Several ace able holes makes it even better. Concrete tees keep you out of the mud when it's wet. Bring your throwing arm because the only other local course that has as much open air shots is beaver island. Good drives off the tee can deuce or 3 par most holes.


Few cons, older park that switched hands from state to county town back and forth but is on its way to back being a first rate park.

Other Thoughts:

This is where I learned to play disc golf over 20 years ago and still like a home coming every time I go back. All round good mix of holes and probably the best local course for newbies to learn the game and long time players to just relax and have fun playing.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 127 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


27 holes play throughout a very nice park setting. Most of the holes here play relatively short and open, so its a great course for beginners to learn the game, and also good for more experienced players to practice their lines, and dial in their shots.

Each hole has a tee sign that illustrates the hole layout from 3 tee placements, including distances for each.

Concrete tee pads are located on the white tees for each hole.

Picnic tables and trash cans can be found on most holes, so the course is very clean and has very little litter.

The original baskets have been replaced with new Mach III.

Hole #12 features an island green (surrounded by asphalt) which gives the course a bit of character.

The Mid 9 loops back around to the end of the front 9 and the beginning of the back 9, so if you only have time to play 18 holes, you can break off after hole # 8 and play # 18 - # 27.


This isn't the most challenging course. Most of the holes are pretty similar. Open, short, and flat. As stated before, great course for beginners.

Layout can get a little confusing at times. One example of this is after hole # 8, the next tee pad you see is actually hole # 18. Might want to print out the course map your first time.

There are a couple instances where two pins are located close to one another(hole # 5 and hole # 8, and also hole # 24 and hole # 26). Make sure that you check your map and the tee signs carefully to make sure that you're shooting at the correct basket.

The tee signs are located at the blue tees and the concrete pads are located at the white tees. This makes for a lot of walking back and forth if you're using the pads.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course is very enjoyable. They're aren't many places here where one will be punished for a bad shot. Great course to play once a year coming from the next city over.
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1 5
Experience: 13.3 years 42 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


27 hole course, if you're looking to make a day of it this is the perfect course. Most holes are fairly short and flat. Concrete pads


Extremely simplistic and not too challenging of a course

Other Thoughts:

Fun, flat, easy,
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3 0
Experience: 18.5 years 49 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

better than expected 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 22, 2011 Played the course:once


- description: 27 hole course, mostly flat, moderately wooded
- tees and signs: graphics on signs are functional and give indication of where to find the next tee. tee pads are concrete. we found some of them to feel slick to tee off from, almost too smooth if your shoes are wet. most of them, however, had enough grit and were fine.
- variety: holes are good mix of short and long with lots of birdie chances and places to air out a great drive. fairways aren't too tight, usually giving you a couple of options for your lines if you're right or left handed.
- basket placements: good. on some of the shorter ones, the basket is slightly hidden off the tee to make them more interesting/challenging. one of my favorites is the island placement on hole #12 surrounded by the road (ob), another is hole 14 where you tee off through a small opening out into the fairway and the basket is just beyond another small opening 215 feet away.
- busy: not too bad. we let several groups play through, since we were a group of 5 and most were only 2. while we were leaving, a lot more groups showed up despite some bad weather. one group of guys we met we talked with about the course, how it's better than most people give it credit
- flow: pretty good with the help of the arrows on the tee signs. some of the holes are laid out pretty close to each other, but this didn't seem to be much of a problem
- difficulty: pretty easy. because it's so open, you rarely find yourself in major trouble. good course to practice shaping your lines
- bathrooms: open? locked for us.


- signs are looking old. it would be nice if each tee placement had its own sign
- blue and white tees are easy to find. no sign of the red tees

Other Thoughts:

- one of the better open courses in buffalo. i was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it more than wilson or ellicott
- a solid, fun course to pair up with beaver island if doing a trip on that side of buffalo

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2 0
Experience: 16.6 years 11 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Keeps You Guessing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2011 Played the course:once


The length, and variety of holes, of this course makes it worth the drive. Every hole is different and there is a good number of memorable holes on this course. Not terribly busy, but there are enough players around to help out the first timer.


The signs don't tell you where the next hole is, and the layout is not very intuitive. I wasted a good amount of time trying to hunt out a few holes (14 and 18). Save yourself some time and print out a map before you come out.

There are a lot of shots that are in the open, so bring a hat and some sunblock for those sunny days.

A couple of holes are next to the road, and the wayward shot runs the risk of hitting a passing car...

This doesn't really have anything to do with the layout of the course, but the mosquitos are terrible. Some insect repellent will be greatly beneficial.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a really good course. Allow yourself plenty of time to enjoy the whole course (and bring plenty of water and a snack).

Be sure to stay on the fairway, I spent a lot of time in the bushes fishing out discs, and there are a lot of thorns!
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1 2
Experience: 21.5 years 21 played 5 reviews
1.50 star(s)

JD is still alive and kicking.... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


27 holes!! variety if shots required. its very flat and a nice quiet walk.


the grass is being cut but it's mostly paths and a little fairway, get off track and you'll be spending some time looking for your disc

Other Thoughts:

This is my "home course" so to speak. When I want to go out and practice this is where I go. Shot back to back par rounds here from the am Tee's. I wish the pro Tees were marked better so I could start playing from them.
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2 1
Experience: 16.4 years 28 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Surprisingly Good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2010 Played the course:once


This is the first 27 hole course I have ever played and from some one that has to travel here like I do I think its well worth the drive. The length of this course is Just fantastic. Some challenging holes to be played for both left hand and right hand players. Nice elevation changes and a good use of the area the holes are set to make for some interesting holes. All the holes are marked with signs and most of the have next tee this way signs too so its very easy to find your way through for the first time.


The parking lot is a little difficult to find now that the main road comming into the park is blocked off because according to the locals the park is closed but this should not stop you from throwing here. Because its closed the grass tends to not be kept as well as other courses but some people in the area mow it so its still will never get that bad.

Other Thoughts:

Durring the wind storm right before i went a tree was knocked down right in front of one of the tees this makes this hole a little more challenging but I say to leave it like it is a good overhand shot and your home free!
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1 3
Experience: 15.3 years 19 played 19 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Shoot Alot 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


27 holes lets you throw a lot. You can leave your drivers in the car. A great beginners course. The park is no longer used by anyone but DGer's. There are decen't cement teepads.


27 holes of boring disc golf. The baskets are dismal looking and in the way they perform.

Other Thoughts:

If you want to see a basket that has totally rusted out this is the place to come.
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2 0
Experience: 15 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A park just for disc golfers 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


No major woods or trees to damage your discs, wide open; a driver's course. Hard to lose a disc. No water holes. Not crowded/very quiet park seemingly just for disc golf. 27 holes. Lots of apple and pear trees for a tasty snack. Tee boxes are paved concrete.


Not too challenging for really experienced pro-level players, (not a problem in my case). Flat, wide-open terrain can make it a little boring. Lots of hedgerows and shrubs to make retrieving a bad throw difficult. A little "in the middle of nowhere" for some.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite courses to just do an easy round at. It's probably my "home course". It's also nice that there are 27 holes, (and certainly room for another 9 to be put in--hopefully someday).
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