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Modoc, IN

Kamp Modoc DGC

2.135(based on 4 reviews)
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Kamp Modoc DGC reviews

4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Appeal: Gimmick Greens 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


An investment in quality Discatcher baskets at this private, rural Indiana lakeside campground was made in 2010, and a pretty decent nine hole course was installed on the acreage concurrently used for 'Chucker Golf". Even in its current state, the DG course is a fun, quick round for folks who want to air out a few drives and play a little risk/ reward on a couple of touchy approaches and greens.

Despite the DG course no longer having any markings for where to tee off, if you play it somewhat as suggested in the map(s) on here, you'll find:
A mostly level 1st hole that plays around 300' to a tree-guarded basket,
A long (600 feet or so), wide open 2nd hole,
A downhill 3rd to a basket guarded by a small copse of trees,
A fairly unique 4th hole that plays +/- 300' along the eastern dam (berm) side of the lake, with a narrowing fairway and an elevated target hanging with the basket rim about 8' off the ground, at the northeast corner of the lake,
A 400' downhill crowd-pleaser 5th south off the dam wall towards the road (with a drainage run and a scary culvert to the right of the green,
An uphill 6th with an unusual window through a wooden wall just a few feet in front of the basket (assumed as a mando),
A longer 7th, slightly upslope to the basket just in front of a massive disc-eating pine,
A down slope 8th basket placed between two gorgeous pines, with the lake view beyond, and
A short 9th that completes the loop back to the start, but with its basket uniquely placed under a tree in a rock garden.

Overall, there is currently enough space and uniqueness at Kamp Modoc to interest disc golfers from the casual beginner to maybe an Intermediate skill level, and enough room for safari golf.


However, there are some downsides, the main one of which is that the course is moving toward a more private status. I spoke with a campground worker the day I played there who told me they'd had some less than savory experiences with the disc golf community, and have as a result decided to officially make this a private course for the exclusive use of camp patrons, likely as soon as the end of summer, 2014.

Until they do, there is a fee ($3) just to play the course, and there are now no longer any markings for tee areas (which had always been grass anyway). There are still wooden signs and the in-ground holes for the chucker golf course, and those fairways definitely cross the flight paths for the disc golf targets. And when it's dry, holes 1, 8, & 9 play adjacent to or over the pathway for the community's golf carts used to access the lake. So there is strong potential for non-dg'ers to be out there, and cautious play is a necessity.

In terms of course flow, you may arbitrarily use some of the chucker golf tees for dg tees, but the hole numbers won't necessarily correspond. You will walk back up the 4th fairway to play toward the 5th basket, and near the 8th to play 9.

If you do happen to play the elevated basket, and you don't play Center in the NBA, look for a stick before putting out on the hanging basket. The rim is 8 feet off the ground. Personally, my arm can't reach over that lip and down to get my discs...

Other Thoughts:

With Kamp Modoc DGC going increasingly private, and already a bit remote for most players, I'm actually glad to have gotten a late opportunity to try it out. But I probably wouldn't have planned to return, if that tells you a little something helpful. ;)
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3 0
Experience: 11.2 years 124 played 2 reviews
0.50 star(s)

A Dying Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2014 Played the course:once


This nine hole course has plenty of potential! The lake, low-cut grass, and mix of scattered trees make for a great setting for a disc golf course!


This course is in some serious need of repair. I could not make heads or tails of how to navigate from hole to hole. I believe that the pads used to have flags that marked where to tee off, but none of these flags still exist. There is also a lot of signage for the chucker golf course that occupies the same area which makes it even more confusing.

Other Thoughts:

This could be a very fun course with very minimal work. It is also not very challenging so it would be great for beginners and kids.
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4 2
Experience: 16.4 years 110 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Scenic course with well-manicured fairways, tee pads are simple with just a board in the ground at the front. It is quite easy to remove the flag at each tee and replace when done throwing, takes 2 seconds total. Each hole has something unique about it, especially in how most of the pins are either guarded or somehow made interesting.
It's a neat course, worth checking out for sure if you're in the area or playing boondocks farms or mcculloch park in muncie.
Hole 1 is a tough uphill shot with the basket tucked behind a tree at the end.
Hole 2 is a monster 501 ft shot straight down a beautiful fairway. Trees and OB on the right, fairway slopes down and to the left, then up again for 100 ft to the pin.
Hole 3 forces a shot over the corner of the lake and the levee, then it drops off and goes down behind a 30 ft wide set of trees/brush. There is a hole through the brush that rewards a great shot with a birdie attempt.
Hole 4 is across another corner of the lake but is much more in play as the basket is down a narrow fairway with OB water on the left and OB field on the right. Ending on the hanging basket makes this hole a wonderful but possible 2, but more likely a good 3 or circle 4.
Hole 5 is a little down hill with an OB road on a hill behind the basket, and even a tunnel that will eat an errant tee shot.
Hole 6 is a long uphill shot with a fence in front of the basket guarding it from most up shots. It must be played smartly to ensure a good 3.
Hole 7 is uphill again with some guard trees and a large tree behind the basket that will gobble up some discs.
Hole 8 is a nice flowing down hill shot between two more hungry trees that are about 15 ft apart, terrain drops off behind the basket.
Hole 9 is a decision shot with lines to the right and to the left, basket is guarded by a tree and is in a neat rock garden, making it a very challenging and memorable finishing putt!


Hole 5 has no real obstacles in the fairway yet, but I am told that plans are being concocted to change that.
On that campground's busiest weekend of the year, labor day, there will likely be a few people playing chucker-golf on the overlapping courses. If you don't go on labor day weekend, you probably wont see a single person playing chucker golf. Worst case scenario: you have to wait a few minutes for them to be out of the way.

Other Thoughts:

Disc golfers need to play with caution sometimes as people stay at (and sometimes walk around) the campground.
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6 3
Matthew boals
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.4 years 288 played 65 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Another Activity 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 5, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


In a private campground with many other activities for the family. Very friendly staff with the office having discs' for sale & rent (Innova only,about 3/4 dozen,different plastics) Scorecards with maps. Other stuff for the family include Camping,Chucker golf,Volleyball,Water activities. The course plays on a gentle slope,with small rolling mounds a Levee and Pond. Mature trees with underbrush on one hole. Well maintained grass. Baskets are strategically placed behind & between and hanging from & around trees. New Discatchers that have a set of staggered inner set of chains. Tees are marked by 3/4' tall flags, Red (Pros) & Blue (Ams). All have distance and par. Hole #3,4 are the two best on the course. #3 Pro (407') Tee over a corner of the pond and Levee to the discatcher that's downhill and slightly behind mature trees. #3 Am (269') Tee from on top of the Levee. #4 Pro (351') & Am (280') Tee from on top of the Levee to end. The hanging basket is between mature trees with underbrush. A decent mix of holes,for the land they had to work with. Shows newbies the possibilities of hole design.


The course plays along with a "Chucker Golf" course!? (Go google it,I did)This is a lawsuit waiting to happen! The #1 pro tee you must throw OVER the C.G. #1 tee,#2 "green" AND #3 tee?! #2 pro tee plays along with C.G. #6? fairway with the discatcher behind the C.G. Green. #6 has a new man-made wood wall with 5/6 post's that are 3/4' taller than the wall.I guess they are to be used as an obstacle,or they just haven't cut them down yet. The wall has a window you are to putt thru. To me,this makes the hole feel cheesy. Kinda like a mini-golf/putt-putt gimmick....wind mill,clowns mouth. #5 hanging basket is to far off the ground. I'm 6'4" and the bottom of the basket was just over my head! They do have a pole nearby to get your disc,I hope no one takes it. I'm thinking it's that far off the ground because they don't want kids using it as a swing? If it's going to stay there atleast cut the pole below the basket. Either way it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. #7 Pro (341') plays over another C.G. Green. #8 & #9 also play along with the Chucker golf course. #9 discatcher is placed slightly behind a mature tree with a low canopy shot in a rock garden.The limb needs trimming,IMO. Grass tees with 2x4 as markers. The flags are installed at the end of the board. That made think I was going to hit it on my drives. But, they are only 3/4' tall. The sharing of two different sports in the same area! The Chucker Golf or the Disc golf course needs to be moved. With newbies playing two new sports in a small area like this.....it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Concrete tees,Trash cans and a few Benches would be nice. But you could take a break on the Levee.

Other Thoughts:

I played here on The Sunday of Labor day weekend,within a week after it was installed. A "Chamber of Commerce" type of day. Blue skies,80*,low humidity,little breeze. As you stop in at the office to pay your $3 fee,for all-day discin' get something to drink,chips. Bathrooms available. If your in the area,playing McCulloch DGC in Muncie it's worth a trip to play. It's only 30 minutes away. Or if you bring the family for a weekend of camping get a few rounds in each day. With the "Chucker golf" course mixed in with Disc golf I wouldn't come to play only this course. If you do maybe not on a holiday weekend, better chance of no Chucker golf players.
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