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South St. Paul, MN

Kaposia Park

3.945(based on 63 reviews)
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Kaposia Park reviews

1 9
Experience: 19.4 years 59 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2013 Played the course:once


Interesting holes in a beautiful park.


Needs better signage and better maps.
A couple of holes had poorly placed baskets.

Other Thoughts:

For a pay to play course I expect a little better. IT is a tight course and some blind holes that were a bit tough to navigate since it was my first trip through it.
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1 8
Experience: 14.6 years 82 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Has everything you need in the summer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


during the summer the course is amazing, it has every type of shot you could imagine. and it might be minneapolis' oldest course. very well groomed, shop on site (during summer)


pay to play (summer), during winter 9 holes are closed off because of hazard of traveling up and down ravines. in snow or slick mud

Other Thoughts:

great course
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6 0
Experience: 23.5 years 37 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Please, Print a map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 20, 2013 Played the course:once


- Very diverse holes, a great mix of everything a player could want to experience.
- large course, not a lot of interference from other golfers.
- trashcans and benches at most holes.
- some of the most interesting holes I have played thus far
-concrete tees for both pro and am


- tee signs? forget about it.
- baskets are very hard to see, with little marking and most of the time you have to walk a ways to even see where the pin is from the tee.
- dangerous walk ways, especially after a rain

Other Thoughts:

I had heard a lot of great things about this course and I had a great, some what frustrating experience. There are no tee signs, no indicators for the next tee, and the baskets are virtually unpainted leaving them in their original hard to see metallic finish.

We spent more time trying to find the next tee then we did golfing, luckily I had the map on my phone but due to the change in basket locations we still had trouble navigating the course. I wont count this against the course although, I would suggest to try to play with someone who has previously navigated it or bring a map for sure.

Besides the navigation I have to say this is the most surprising course I Have played thus far. You could not ask for more variety in hole length, elevation, and hazard. There are many heavily wooded holes and a few that shoot around smaller ponds/marsh. Many of the holes are quite long and huge uphill shots, bring something to drink, it had me pretty tuckered out by the end.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.4 years 226 played 128 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 4, 2013 Played the course:once


Kaposia seems to be a stand-alone course that's a mix of park setting on grassy rolling hills and woodland that sets partially on the edge of steep canyon cut. The first and last holes are the most civilized, on those grassy rolling hills and trees. Things are tougher when you pop into the woods. You will be punished (fairly) by bad shots, as there's some thick little trees lining those fairways. They were thick after the spring thaw - before the foliage had grown in! (This could be considered a con, but I have not played it in the summer).
The best feature here is the variety of shots offered, and over 26 holes will see if you have any weaknesses in your game. Has uphill, downhill, left, right and everything in between.
One memorable hole (#20) starts with a slight hyzer straight uphill in a narrow slot between trees. You must land in this slot to line up for a narrow opening that goes into a grassy field where the pin is hidden over a grassy hump in said field. A gnarly tough hole!


Signage is lacking. There were distances marked on posts, though. If you don't have a map, you will have a rough outing. If you DO have a map, you may still have some confusion like I did- Especially holes 20,21,22. Though 20 is a great hole, you have to practically walk the whole thing (uphill) to see where the objectives are. Hole 21 has moved the pin Past the hockey rink, and (in my opinion) is not a very good pin placement at all. Hole 22 has changed and the tee pad is pointing in the wrong direction and then you are shooting at a blind pin, which adds to the confusion. This three hole section deflated my sails a bit with way too much walking and steam coming from my ears.

There is a lot of walking between holes, but most of it is bearable. The walk between 25 & 26 is kinda ridiculous and though 26 is a good hole, I don't think it's worth it (the group I was with skipped it altogether). Finally hole 26 is a nice, short aceable shot, but right behind it is the parking lot - to go for the ace makes this is a safety hazard to people who can't see it coming. In short, I would just take out those last two holes altogether, as fun as they are....

Other Thoughts:

I played this course immediately after they had played the MN Amateur Championships. Someone later informed me that I had played some long pins that are never in that position normally (one which was part of the area that frustrated me so much). So, all considered, I still would keep my rating the same (I actually did not downgrade the course due to those foibles). But I am eager to play this course again!
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5 0
Experience: 17.4 years 55 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging, Conditions Could Be Better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 27, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The course is very challenging and offers the most variety of holes in the Twin Cities area I believe. There are a variety of holes both in the open and in the woods. The holes also offer a variety of lines for all types of players. It's a great course to work on every shot from backhand hyzers, anhyzers, tomahawks, and forehands. The course also offers several holes with elevation change, including downhill shots on Holes 9 and 22 and uphill shots on 19, 23, and 24. There is also a creek on Hole 18, but the water plays casual. There are also several protected pin locations and greens with roll away potential, including 1, 17, and 19. Overall, I would say that the majority of the holes are set in the woods, but there are wide gaps and tunnels to hit. However, it is crucial to have accurate drives on the holes because the rough/brush at Kaposia can be quite thick, hard to get out of, and is not very forgiving. If you can steer clear of the rough and stay in the fairway, the course plays much easier.


The course needs new baskets, considering the caliber/potential of this course...so many spit-outs. I hear of a lot of vandalism on this course and it is definitely noticeable on some holes with chipped up tee pads, broken benches, broken glass, and broken signs. There are also some sketchy walkways in the woods and areas of erosion that could be and should be vastly improved for safety. Some of the holes in the woods also have a significant amount of brush and fallen trees that need to be cleared out. Some of it had been cleared out the last time I was there, but much more needs to be done. Considering that this course is pay to play and has been for a while, it should be in a lot better condition than it is. Some wood chips around the baskets would also help significantly in cutting down on the dust and roll-aways.

Other Thoughts:

The challenging aspects of this course, especially the tight fairways in the woods, thick brush off the fairways, and the pins with roll away potential, could compete with BRP once the quality improves. Lengthwise, this course is quite comparable to The Valley, but maintenance wise, it's not even close. Once these improvement are made, I would gladly rate this course a higher score.
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5 0
Premium Member
Experience: 12.4 years 96 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Get your woods shots on! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 27, 2012 Played the course:once


•Great big concrete tee pads, the best I've seen in my limited career.
•Many fantastic narrow wooded fairways. If you can't throw straight, which I often can not, this is a challenge, but a fun one.
•Par seemed legitimate to me.
•Beautiful setting on the high bluffs above the Mississippi River, an odd constant that runs through all the courses I've played, from St, Cloud to LaCrosse.
•The pay wagon had been removed for the season, so we played for free.
•24 holes = bonus golf.


•Without a map, this place would be damn near impossible to navigate. There is a series of holes in the first nine, where you back track from pin to tee about 5 times, and play basically the same hole over and over, as opposed to going back and forth,
•Signage is gone on most holes, adding to the confusion.
•Had I payed, given the above, I'd have felt slightly cheated. The fees they collect should be reflected in the maintenance of the course.

Other Thoughts:

Played on a cool, crisp, sunny autumn morning, this place was brilliant. I have relatives that live near the freeway entrance nearby, and never realized until I searched that this park was here.

Highly recommended, but get the map - you need it.
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2 3
Experience: 13.5 years 6 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Get a Map! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:once


challenging, elevation varies greatly, varying hole distances, 24 holes, clean


The course is pretty dusty. Getting from hole to hole can be very confusing. There is almost no signage present. There are a lot of very tight and narrow tee shots once you get into the woods. In the summer the foliage is VERY thick!

Other Thoughts:

Kaposia is a very challenging course. I enjoy the variety it offers. Playing it can turn into quite a hike. My biggest complaint is how unintuitive the course layout is. First time players will be consulting the map after every hole from 5 and on. Even a skilled player could end up spending a lot of time in the woods and looking for discs as there are a lot of blind fairways and keeping an eye on your disc in the woods can be difficult.
SIDENOTE: Fairway Flyerz tends to pump the course up a lot. The fact that they run the course(or at least is the entity accepting the course fee) and have a small store on the course might have something to do with it.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Intermediate/Expert 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2012 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a medium sized city park, that is home to a few other activities. A playground and baseball field are near the beginning, and there is a hockey rink on a later hole, but these shouldn't cause any interference. Should be free and clear for DG.
- A large amount of the holes here are set in a dense forest, that have clear fairways but serious punishment in the rough. It starts with #5, a smaller valley shot to a gap, then down again, with nasty sloping woods on the right. #6 is another long straight shot in the woods, under some low branches. #10 is slightly downhill, friendly to a RHFH flex shot, but with a landing zone for a shorter hyzer. #14 is a 490' double dogleg with tight gaps, left then right, with plenty of trees to snag errant shots. #15 is a simple enough downhill hyzer, that has a tight hyzer finish through a gap to the pin. #19 is an extremely steep uphill shot with more rough off the fairway. Accuracy is crucial on these holes, due to the nasty rough/hazards, and plenty are long enough where distance is tested.
- Tons of other holes aren't as deep in the woods, but play through or around trees, bushes, and rough to define the hole shape. #8, for instance, is a blind uphill shot out of the woods, onto a lightly tree'd fairway, with the basket on a built up green behind numerous large pines. #11 is a big hyzer shot that starts out of the woods, plays to an open area, and ends back in the woods. #18 is a nice little valley shot with woods and a little stream on the right, and some path OB on the left. Some tougher longer ones near the end as well; #21 is a sharp dogleg right around dense woods, #23 is a long, uphill valley with a tough approach shot into a grove of trees, and #24 is another uphill dogleg right around more dense woods. Plenty of length on these holes as well, getting the right line with lots of distance off the tee is key.
- A few holes are definitely more open, with smaller trees dotting the fairways. #1 and #2 start the course off with some slightly downhill RHBH hyzers/straight shots, #3 is a slightly uphill anny, and #4 is a straight shot through a bushy gap. #22 is a cool shot, pretty open hyzer lane, but with a blind elevated teeshot.
- Elevation changes play a big part on a lot of holes, both on and off the fairway. #1-#4 and #24-#26 play near a similar section of the park, and have slight ups and downs. Also some extremely nasty rollaway potential behind and right of #1 and #25. Lots of uphill shots to test distance and control, like on #6, #8, #16, #20, and some more extreme ones on #23, #24, and especially #19. Downhill slopes present on #9, #12, #15, #17, and definitely #22. Some more rollaway potential behind #6 and #8's baskets, to the right of #21's fairway, and to the left of #16 and #17's fairway. DO NOT GO TOO FAR LEFT ON #17 OR SUFFER!!!
- Also a few water hazards present, but nothing too serious. The small creek around #18 is casual water, and it's just a little swampy by #11.
- Practice basket up front, baskets in general are good. Teepads are decent, though a few are breaking down a little. One natural pad on #20. Signs are nearly nonexistent, a map is a MUST to navigate the course and see the hole lengths/lines.


- Usually I don't care too much about the conditions of the course, but this place is pretty bad. Tee signs were a surprise, and not the norm, some broken/breaking teepads, some overgrown spots, and a ridiculous amount of graffiti/vandalism. I constantly hear complaints that the course doesn't invest the money it collects from the greens fees, but why would they? Any new additions to the course would probably be destroyed the same day, based on the state of everything else. That's a shame.
- Layout is a little weird in spots; #1 thru #4 are kind of smashed together at the beginning, there is a pretty long walk to #6, a few holes play directly next to a main road. Nothing too major.

Other Thoughts:

- Well, this course definitely provides the difficulty, from both sets of tees. Long holes in the woods provide dead straight or dogleg lines, with nasty punishment off the fairways. Long holes out of the woods offer serious opportunities to bomb drives, and are still chock full of hazards. Good elevation changes, only a few extreme places but fairly constant. With 26 holes in the current layout, the shorter hole lengths here and there are a break instead of a bore. Definitely suited to more experienced players.
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4 2
Da big bark
Experience: 12.9 years 16 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging but needs upkeep 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2012 Played the course:once


Kaposia Park is a challenging course requiring a wide variety of shots and skills. The tee pads are in good shape and most tees have benches nearby. The length and challenges of the course make for an enjoyable experience. There is a short walk between holes, so you are not distracted by other players or passing traffic, except for the two holes that are near the road leading to the park.


The downside of the course is that the paths between the holes are not well marked. In addition, the course has experienced significant erosion in the paths between holes and in the fairways just past the tee off pads. In some cases the path is downright dangerous and needs to be repaired. The trees and shrubs are wildly overgrown which makes shotmaking that much harder and it makes it difficult to find discs that have gone off course.

Other Thoughts:

For a course that is pay to play, I expect better maintenance of the course. The erosion and disrepair reduce the overall enjoyment of the course. Although the course offers a challenge to anyone's game, I won't go back because of the conditions.
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5 2
Experience: 13.2 years 21 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pretty good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2012 Played the course:once


Lots of different shots
Low traffic
Concrete tees and good baskets
benches and garbage cans


for a pay to play, its not good enough for me.
Bad signage, if i didnt have a course guide i would have gotten lost
Also lots of trees have been downed in the middle of fairways

Other Thoughts:

Like I said before, i wont go to many more times because of the fact that it's pay to play and yet the course upkeep is bad, the course needs new baskets, signs, benches, and tees
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Nice challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2011 Played the course:once


This course is a pretty complete test of a wide range of disc golf skills. There's a handful of more open holes with scattered trees and brush in play, some of which let you open up and throw some longer shots. The build of the course plays fairly technical with a mix of really tight holes that punish even minor mistakes and holes with clearly defined wooded fairways that allow for some different lines but have enough rough to make you pay for missing the fairway.

You'll need a balanced set of shots, this course has an excellent mix of hole shapes and lengths. There are a few par 4 holes where a great tee shot and upshot are needed to card a birdie three, and a nice mix of reachable and tougher par 3s. The course is pretty fairly balanced with a good mix of left, right and straight shots. The elevation available isn't huge, but it's used excellently to add some fun and challenging shots including some tricky greens. There are 26 holes on the property, you have a choice between the 24 or the 18 hole layouts depending on the time you want to spend. Either way it feels like a complete course.


Navigation is pretty bad, there are no next tee signs and no signage at the tees. Even with a map (provided at the pay booth or available here online), it's not always obvious where to go between holes or where to throw without some wandering and scouting. There are some erosion issues in the woods, especially on the hillier parts of the course, an unfortunate side effect of being a popular course.

Other Thoughts:

I had a great time here, and would definitely put it on my list for my next visit to the area. It provides a great challenge for experienced players, with good length and pretty good punishment for poor execution. Beginners will find this course pretty tough, but not to the point of being completely frustrating, it seems that a good number of newer players do play here and enjoy it.
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.5 years 34 played 28 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bring a map for this challenging course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 5, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-Very challenging starting from hole 5 straight through to the end
-Tons of elevation changes throughout the course
-Pleasant scenery throughout especially when you get to the later holes with the ravines
-Mobile shack at start has some discs and scorecards
-Practice basket
-Aside from a walking path that goes by a couple of holes this course is essentially uninterrupted by other park users
-Park is pretty clean, there was a little bit of trash on the ground but not much. There are a couple of garbage cans throughout the course.


-Navigation is extremely difficult at times, you absolutely will need a map
-There are some very long walks from the basket to the next hole, the flow of the course probably could have been improved in this regard
-There is a tee pad for one hole right next to the road going into the park and another hole that plays along side of the road, I am not a proponent of this as it introduces the potential for accidents to occur
-Some of the hikes on the holes can be hazardous as some of the pathways are poor at best (be very careful if it has recently rained on a few of these hikes as it very slippery going up or down the ravines)
-There are no signs at numerous holes and a couple of the later holes have dirt tees

Other Thoughts:

I quite enjoyed the difficulty progression of the holes. The first four holes are wide open and between 275'-360'; all more or less reachable with a good drive and good warm-up holes. After that, you go into the woods and the holes start getting much tighter with some longer distances mixed in. After playing these holes for a while some severe elevation changes start showing up on the course with the cream of the crop being #19 with #20 a close second. #19 is a bear of an uphill hole that's just 345' but the thing plays a lot closer to 500' if you ask me. Making it even more difficult is the fact that the grade is so steep it's next to impossible to get any sort of running approach to throw and there is a giant ravine on the right so you must throw it long and accurate. Throw it down the ravine on either one of these holes and it will go all the way to the bottom; and you will spend at least 2-3 throws getting it back up.
A full round here will take quite a while, last time it took a friend and me about 3 hours; so plan accordingly and don't come here on an empty stomach. This course will wear you out, I recommend pants and good hiking shoes. There's a lot of those prickly bushes in certain areas just off the fairways and you may find yourself in them on more than one occasion.
There are several things about this course that hold it down. First off is the navigation. Signs are not present on more than a few holes which is quite a disappointment, especially considering that this is a pay to play course. On more than one occasion you may find yourself lost in between holes, especially if you do not have a map. It is absolutely imperative that you procure a map of this course before you start your round. My most recent round here was my second round here and I still got lost in between a couple of the holes.
The other disappointment is with the pathways between some of the holes. Some of the walks between holes are very long. Some of the pathways are treacherous as well. I would very surprised if there wasn't a handful of injuries at this course every year because of the poorly designed and maintained pathways between a few of the holes. Again, this is mainly an issue once the ravines start coming into play on the course.
All in all, I was pretty impressed with this course. I'm not sure if I'd call it the most difficult course in the Twin Cities as some people do, but it's definitely right up there. The only type of shot you won't really utilize here much is a straight up bomb of a drive. I'm okay with that, go to Fort Snelling if you want that. With improvements in the pathways and signage I would easily give this course a 4.5; but as is it gets a 4.0. I hold out hope that the fees collected from players will go to improve and add signage and improve the safety of some of the pathways. I highly recommend checking out this course.
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1 6
Experience: 128 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2011 Played the course:once


This course has an awesome set up. There is a great variety of wooded fairways and long bomber holes. They have a nice little club house and practice basket.

Other Thoughts:

I like the idea of pay to play courses. Its a great way to raise money. This course is very well maintained and Im sure the fee goes towards the city workers that keep Kaposia looking nice.
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9 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.4 years 351 played 178 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Add signs and this is the best course in MN/St. Paul 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2011 Played the course:once


Kaposia is a great piece of property with hills, ravines, water, open areas, and tunnels. Distances range from 210 to 510 feet and everything inbetween. This is a mostly fun par 3 course with a few tougher par 4's. Staying in the fairway is critical to scoring well on this course. Those 3's turn into 4's+ very quickly if you are not throwing good shots. This is an Adv/Pro championship calibur course. You will throw every disc and shot you can think of.

Near hole #1 there is a small shack with drinks, snacks, and a small selection of discs.

There is an option to play an 18 hole route and 24 hole route. We played all 26 holes on the property.

This is a very clean and well kept pay to play course. There is a very secluded feeling after you get past the first few holes and back into the woods.

Multiple pin positions and short tees on several holes.

There are several tiered greens and nice landscaping in places.

Concrete tee pads.

Mach 3 Baskets in good condition.


This course lacks tee signs and directional arrows. If you added them to this course I think this is the best course in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

There are a few longer walks to get to a few holes but none of them are wasted walks. You will not be disappointed with the next hole.

Other Thoughts:

Make sure you get a map. With the use of a map this course is much more enjoyable to play. Without one you may go in the wrong direction or skip some holes.

This is a must play while visiting. I would love to have this as a home course. I was amazed at the quality course MN/St Paul has. We played 11 courses over 3 days and this area has by far the best courses as a group.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 247 played 35 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Tons of Signature Holes! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2011 Played the course:once


I'm not sure how this course is only rated 4.00 on here. I've got this in my top 10 of 211 played. Kaposia will get you to throw just about every shot in your bag. Beautiful fairways cut through the woods and significant elevation change on just about every hole. There are 26 holes on the course and most of them are memorable. There is a handful of legit par 4's, but the course mostly consists of demanding par 3's that can yield quite a few birdies if your hitting lines and can also leave you with some big numbers if you get off track. Even though the course is what I'd describe as pretty heavily wooded on most of the holes, there isn't alot of schule so you won't spend much time looking for discs. Tee pads and baskets are top notch and the course is well maintained. If you are in the Minneapolis area, this is a course you simply can't miss. I played the long tees on my only visit.

Holes 1-4 Starts off pretty easy with 3 birdie holes in a more open area. 3 midrange shots and a nice ~350 ft drive.

Holes 5-7 are cut through some heavy woods. Its not ridiculously tight, but you need to hit your line to score well. These are 3 great looking holes.

Hole 8 a big par 4 in a more open area, ending on a dangerous downslope. Hole 9 is a very short, but tight putter/midrange shot.

Hole 10 is one of the best looking holes on the course. Significant downhill drop with a tunnel of trees. A beautiful 385 ft shot, but you don't need a big arm to reach it.

11-18 continue through the woods. A few midrange shots in here combined with a couple demanding par 4's that require long straight tunnel shots. The course works both your anhyzer and hyzer game through here.

A bit of a walk to find Hole 19 (we needed the map). Its a beautiful downhill midrange shot with a steep hill and heavy woods on the right and a path OB on the left. Hole 20 is a monster straight uphill par 4 through the woods (I mean WAY uphill!).

Holes 21-24 come out of the heavy woods and give some opportunities to crush some drives and come up with some creative shots to get around corners (rollers or over-the-top shots are in play for some players).


Its best to bring a map when you play, as there are some significant walks between holes and not alot of tee signs to help you out. Its pay-to-play ($5) and you can get a course map at the clubhouse.

Other Thoughts:

In a nice, clean park. I'd compare it to a Water Works in KC, but with a few more tight wooded shots.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 77 played 35 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Minnesota Old Gaurd 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Kaposia DGC is one of Minnesota's best known courses. It has been around since 1990 and has stood the test of time. It is located in a nice county park and has hosted many A & B tear events over the years. Some things have changed over the years but this is still one of the top courses in Minnesota.

1.Nice cement tee pads most of which have been updated in the last two years.

2.Great variation in distance and shot requirement. Left, Right, Up, Down, Long, Short, Wooded and Open.

3.Lots of risk and reward opportunities including water, roll away pin placements, tightly guarded greens and tough O.B.

4.Park is clean and quiet.

5.Some nice landscaping and some tiered greens most of which have wood chips on them.

6.Challenging course that will test every aspect of your game.

7.Small pro shop with disc's and other essentials.

8.Not to buggy. This is surprising to me because there are a few swamps on the property.

9.The park is beautiful; this makes for some awesome looking holes.

10. Garbage cans and porta potties on site.

11.Benches and picnic tables at most holes.

12.Shares the park well. Many of other activities are available.

This is a great course that will test even the best pros. There are a lot of tight, wooded, tunnel shots that will challenge your shot shaping abilities. The course is a great workout and requires a lot of walking up and down some big hills. You will use every shot and possible every disc in your bag on this course. If playing in the Minnesota area for the first time this course is a must.


Most of the cons of this course are due to its age and are in the proses of being addressed. The layout has been changed because of erosion and IMO it was much better before the change. The course had to pull its signature hole because of the erosion. They are trying to fix the problem and reopen the hole but it may never happen.

1.The flow of this course leaves a bit to be desired, as backtracking occurs on a few holes. IMO it was much better as an 18 hole.

2.There is no signage to speak of. It can be very hard for a first timer to find their way through the first time. It would also help if there was signs for each hole with a description of the the pin placement.

3.Some of the walks for hole to hole are a bit long.

4.The baskets are old but in pretty good shape for the most part.

6.A few of the fairways could use a more clearing.

7.Some of the fairways play over a walking path and you may have to wait for other park users before throwing.

8.Not very beginner friendly. No short tees and some of the rough can be very unforgiving.

I know that they are trying to address all of these problems. The first thing that this course needs and should have is SIGNAGE. The course is pay to play. I have no problem with that but it needs navigation signage at least some new players know where they are going.

Other Thoughts:

I had not played this course in 10 years and it has changed a lot over that period of time. It is the first course I ever played. I have talked to some of the people who run the course and the plan is to go back to an 18 hole lay out and make it a Gold Level Course. I think this is a great idea that will solve many of the cons of this course. I really wish the old valley hole was still in because it was one of the most recognized holes in Minnesota disc golf history. I will play this course again and am eager to see how this course evolves in the next few years.
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5 0
Experience: 27.1 years 38 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Old Classic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 22, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Kaposia is a fantastic course with great variety and style. As an older course, it holds the classic style in an established urban park. While I would not say it operates under confined space, Kaposia does use most of the space available nicely.
- Hole variety is great at Kaposia. Despite most of the holes playing in heavily wooded areas, very few holes play alike.
-Requires you to use a lot of different throws. From drives, to upshots, you need to have all the throws to succeed at Kaposia (a good tomahawk comes in real handy if your drive is a little off.)
- Tee pad improvements started in 2010 and I believe will continue through the following year. The new pads are really nice, some of the old pads really need updating.
-Course is open in the winter. They pull the lower baskets and move a few of the pin placements closer, but the course remains open.
-Picnic table for drinking sodas while waiting.
- Kaposia is a beautiful park, more so than most of the other parks in the metro. It isn't "up-north," but it has the feeling that you aren't right in the city (suburb).


-With the additional money coming in from the pay to play format, this course has to get some better signage. I've been playing this course for 10 years and still find myself missing a hole every now and then. This can also be dangerous, as another reviewer noted, as some paths through the woods lead to oncoming traffic.
-Tee signs with accurate descriptions of the holes and lengths would be nice. As an old championship caliber course, these aesthetic improvements could help it return to glory.
-There is a litter problem. Pick up your trash, don't be a bitch.
-Pads in some areas are in dire need of face-lift.
-$5 a rounds seems a little steep. I'm not trying to sound cheap and yes I'm talking about $5, but for the improvements they made last year, I didn't see where the money went. Comparatively, Three Rivers/Hennepin Co. just dumped a ton of cash into all three of their courses, especially BL and EC, but they only charge 3$ a day.

Other Thoughts:

Erosion is a problem here and the park closes annually in the spring to help control this problem. As the course evolves, It seems like erosion will eventually take the entire course from us, tread lightly.

It's also hard to walk up on the old valley shot and not get sentimental about one of the coolest shots ever. RIP #14
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6 0
Experience: 17.4 years 66 played 12 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A Minnesota Classic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 2, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Site of Cam Todd's 2001 PDGA Pro World Championships victory, Kaposia was once a world class course. It's glory has diminished some with the emergence of new courses, the evolution of the sport, and the decline of the park. In early 2010 it was converted to the pay to play format and has seen a lot of improvements and is being re-established as a phenomenal course.

Large new tee pads were poured on 4 or 5 of the holes. All now feature a large concrete tee pad and nice baskets.

New stairs have been built on several of the holes with elevation change, making for safer travel.

Kaposia is an advanced level course. It's long, varied, and has you throwing in thick woods up and down treacherous fairways. It's an old course, and feels like it. It doesn't have any new school super long bomber holes. It's a technical course that will challenge you to throw a lot of different lines but rarely will you need to throw farther than 350' to card a birdie or easy par.

The "club house" sells a limited selection of plastic.

The pay to play format has really eliminated a lot of undesirable elements. The course is quiet and treated with respect now. Everyone you see there is out to enjoy a friendly round of disc.

Kaposia offers fundamentally satisfying disc golf to the serious disc golfer. If you're looking for a challenging course, this one's for you.


The park has not aged all that well. It's been maintained by volunteers (thanks!) but, as a result, it's not landscaped like other pay to play courses around here. Bryant Lake, Elm Creek, Blue Ribbon Pines, and Hyland Hills all costs the same or less and are set on beautiful pieces of property and have better amenities and are more aesthetically pleasing. It is for that reason I knocked off a 1/2 star.

Other Thoughts:

Kaposia is one of the most challenging courses in the Twin Cities. In the past, it was a 5 star course. It's lost a bit of shine over the years but it's still awesome.

I am a proponent of the Pay-to-Play format here. I feel it's restored the park to elite status. More improvements are planned for the future.

The daily pass is $5, the yearly pass has been raised to $40 for 2011 I understand. If you live in the area, buy a season pass.

If you're coming through on a road trip, you should play Oakwood, The Valley, and Kaposia. 3 four star courses all within 25 minutes of each other southeast of St. Paul. All playable in one day.
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3 2
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

shows her age 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


new pads, staircase going in, its 1/2 finished,
this course has a little of everything.
26 holes in all- $5 for the day- picnic area
no waiting, minimal hoodlums, much cleaner
HEAVILY WOODED- easy to find discs
bring bright colors- leave all green discs at home...


HEAVILY WOODED easy to lose disc...
the picnic tables show there age as do the woods.

Other Thoughts:

i put in signs with hole # dist par, added a couple arrows were needed.
1st year pay to play is awesome! the long waits to throw are gone.
you get to cross spring fed stream, play on old indian hunting grounds!
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2 6
Experience: 25.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Hits the Spot 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Very long, obstacle-filled, elevation changing holes and lots of them. Concrete pads, great baskets. Great practice pin. Pretty well groomed. Friendly crowds. Changes from 18 to 27 holes in summer. Great scenery, wildlife. I can't say enough about this course. Best course I have played.


Can get exhausting if your stamina ain't up there. There are stretches of holes where every drive needs to be 400 feet or over. Takes a toll on the arm. Some of these holes are so tough, the best one can hope for is a par at times. Gets kinda discouraging. The course layout gets a little confusing so I suggest first timers come with someone familiar with the course. There is one particular transition that is pretty dangerous. You have to walk right into the line of the next guy teeing off to get to the pad.

Other Thoughts:

I miss this course soooooo much. Come prepared for about a 2 hour round not counting getting slowed by long searches or crowds. I have a high metabolism so I pack almost a full lunch and several Gatorades or plenty of water. This course really is a gem.
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