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Kaukauna, WI

Kaukauna Jr. DGC

1.935(based on 14 reviews)
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Kaukauna Jr. DGC reviews

16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 670 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Like A Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, But Without Bacon, Cheese or Meat.

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2023 Played the course:once


(1.878 Rating) A beginner friendly niner with two tees.
- TWO TEES - Naturally, when someone sees Jr. within a course name, the thought is cupcake gameplay. And yes, that aspect is here. What make's this place better than the 150 ft hole Jr. type courses I've played, is the fact that there are 2 concrete tees here on every hole. The long tee layout here averages around 200 feet long per hole. One of the holes is even over 300 feet long. The short tees average 145 feet with a pair of sub 100 footers. The two-tee aspect expands the appeal beyond beginners to include MA4s and perhaps a few MA3s. Plus, one can throw both tees for 18 quasi different looks.
- ACE FACTOR - Because I wanted my first Wisconsin ace, I elected to throw the short tees. I hit the chains once, the cage once, and the pole once. No aces ☹. Veteran locals throwing here weekly will likely have several aces a year.
- SIGNAGE AND NAVIGATION - It's good enough. The tee signs look appealing, but are actually very generic with their artistic description, not that this course needs an artistic description. The signs are only present at the short pads and they don't have next tee direction on them. Baskets have the number on top. No one is getting lost here, even if they don't have a map.
- QUICK PLAY - I came here needing a quick in-and-out course as I was meeting up of with DGCR's DeanMoriarty at nearby Grignon in 30 minutes. This place 100 percent delivered. It didn't even take me 15 minutes. Check.


Leaving without an ace.
- SIMPLE GAMEPLAY - As alluded too above, the course will work well for MA4s. Players with MA2 level skills or better, will feel like they are going through the motions. I putted horribly and threw a 21 from the front tees and likely would average around the same from the back tees if I lived locally. Note, I am a MA2 level player. I did like that there are some trees in play on a few holes, but a similar amount are obstacle free. Like many parkstyle courses in this region, I think there used to be many more trees in play here, but the emerald ash borer probably killed all the ash trees.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - The maintenance of the grounds was great. No trash and mowed. The landscape however, is rather blah. Mostly flat, although a couple tees use the slope along the school. The course backdrop is surrounded by buildings, roads and parking lots, which are in view the entire time. I scored this aspect at 15 percentile.
- HOLE VARIETY - I scored the play type variety into my bottom 10-15 percent for this category. Just not enough diversity to please the mind.

Other Thoughts:

Kaukauna Jr will work for kids at the school, local MA4s and for course bagger like me. No need for the destination course pilgrim to show up here. It reminded me of courses like Coker Elementary in North Georgia, Hodges Town Park in Alabama, both Spassland and Jackson Park near Milwaukee, Little Mountain DGC in Vancouver Canada and O'Brian Park in Chicagoland, minus the hill shot. Overall a mid to weak 2.0 level course to me. Had it been only the short tee layout, I would have scored it a 1.5.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.2 years 1038 played 214 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Great elementary school course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2014 Played the course:once


Set between two schools, and in the shadows of the Kaukauna water tower (their Ghost mascot may be the weirdest thing I've seen, as far as mascots go).

DGA baskets, all in good repair, and caught well. No issues here. One pin placement per hole.

Two concrete tee pads on each hole, which was a very pleasant surprise on an elementary school nine. Plenty long enough, and grippy, even in early morning after a frost. Very impressive. Also had the hole number and tee color painted on the ends, yet small enough that it won't affect your run up.

While this isn't the toughest course around, there are a good amount of trees throughout the course, and especially come into play from the long tees. Nothing too crazy, but you definitely had to shape a few shots to score well here.

Good tee signs at each hole, with hole number and distance from both tees. A very nice touch.

Navigation is simple...once you get started. We parked on the road and started on hole 5. Hole 1 is back around the school.


It's short, for sure. Most of the holes measure in under 200', even from the long tees. There was a 310' hole, and another in the 250' range, though.

I could see it getting a little swampy in the low lying areas, especially in the spring. There was a little bit of standing water after a relatively dry week.

You won't be able to play during school hours.

Other Thoughts:

This is really a superb school course. The short tees are short enough for the youngest of kids, and the long tees are fun for just about anybody. Whoever designed this did a great job of making it just challenging enough.

Great for ace runs and beginners, or just a chance to bring a putter and mid and practice approach shots all day. Not necessarily good enough to go out of your way for, but definitely worth stopping by if you're in the area.
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2 2
Experience: 20.3 years 12 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Kaukauna Jr. DGC Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


It's fun to play as a mini-golf, disc golf course. The pads and pins are fairly new, so they play good. Good place to try out a new disc, that you want to figure out how it flies and how good you can throw it.


Its really short and easy. Not too much of a challenge for average and above players. Don't make plans to come here and expect a hard game.

Other Thoughts:

For being a small course at the elementary school its pretty fun to go there with friends and play like a "mini" golf game. We just play round after round until it becomes boring.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Great for beginners and ace runs 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 19, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is set between 2 elementary schools. This is a great set up for younger kids to learn the sport and still fun for more experienced players to work on your short game. There are two sets of concrete tees on almost all the holes which is really cool for a short beginner course like this. The reds were the shorts and the blacks are the longs. The baskets are Mach 5's that are in great shape and catch nicely. There's not any real long holes here but enough for beginners to be tested. The shortest hole is 85' on number 3's red tee up to 310' on number 4's black tee. Most holes are in the low to mid 100 foot range. There are signs by each tee that have hole #, par, and distances. These look like the same ones they have at Plamann park. There are trees to make things challenging on almost every hole and some very slight elevation on a couple holes. It was extremely windy when we went and that made for the biggest challenge that day. The course was well mowed and maintained when we went. Hole 9 ends right by hole 1.


It is a school course so it wouldn't be playable during school hours. Again the distances are short but it is for younger players. If you park by the water tower you have to walk to the other end of the course to get to hole 1. No restrooms, garbages, etc. But again it is a school course.

Other Thoughts:

This was another surprise in the Appleton area. Nothing too amazing but a fun place to try for some aces. There were three elementary school kids playing when we were there which is awesome to see. Again if in the area check it out, but don't go out of your way for this one.
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1 2
Experience: 12.3 years 7 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

spring 2013 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2013 Played the course:once


Grounds maintained and baskets clearly marked along with pars.


beginner course. under 200 feet for all tees. ...............................................................

Other Thoughts:

in-between two elementary schools so you may not want to play during regular school hours.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.3 years 936 played 137 reviews
1.00 star(s)

nearly perfect for its type 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Two broomed tees, per hole, with colored lines; designating tee skill level. Footage stenciled on each tee (I happen to get 50% credit for the painting work.) Signs on short tees.

Visually and quality appealing; red powder coated DGA baskets.

Couple of elevated tees from longs.

This is a fine example of a middle school course. From long tees; there is enough to make you feel you've played an actual course; just barely.

I only play here once or twice a year. But, I know of at least one high level advanced player (top 30 when advanced worlds was, most recently, in Wisconsin); who came here often; (for a couple of years); to work on his upshot game and make ace runs/long deuces. I believe he hit nearly 30 aces, during this period.

Can jog thru this one in very short time.


Of course that segways into the con: this course is short. (Nearly every hole requires a bit of line shaping; and trees are used as much as possible; but, you only need to bring your putter and perhaps one mid or driver).

Usual school course restrictions.

Other Thoughts:

Parking here is odd; and most will probably park by the water tower; on the street. You can park in the school lot; by tee 1; but, it's a bit difficult figuring how to get there.

I've only seen a couple of other courses where you're this close to the cities' water tower. Our seven man group joked consideraly about trying to throw a disc high enough to even reach the bubble portion of tower; much less put one on top. No one gave it a try though.

We played the course as par two; of which I had eight (with a four also); to win, out of a seven man group (-7). Smashed chains on #9; which is always fun (didn't stay; it was left side).

Grignon Park, Kaukauna Jr. DGC, Kimberly High School (frontwards and then backwards), and Telulah Park, makes for a fun route of "checking courses off the list;" and there are others not too distant.

You probably won't want to return here; once you've played it once; but, it is in the midst of a fun scoring type day; and can be combined with some good courses.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 394 played 276 reviews
1.00 star(s)

C- = Class of the field….for elementary schools 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2010 Played the course:once


Of about 10-15 elementary/middle schools I have played, this ranks at the top. This course is well suited for elementary gym class AND it introduces some concepts of DG that many school courses don't. I love to see these elementary courses as I have 3 elementary ages kids myself. But unfortunately due to the purpose of this site, I need to rate 'em like I see 'em and my low grade does not do justice to the happiness in my heart this course gives me!

What I personally like and how this course stacks up in my list of 9 hole courses:

1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == C-
(Slightly below average in this area. The reason for this is that very few of the holes have any sort of trouble early in the fairway that will ever turn a bad drive into a bogey. There are a few bonus points in this category since several holes give you choices on what route to take and what throw to make....which is what real golf is all about.)

2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I'm a Blue level player (950ish skill) who throws 300' accurately, 360' max. == C
(Surprisingly this course has some longer holes with enough shot shaping required that when you park it you actually feel like you have accomplished something.)

3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == C
(Certainly not wooded, the use of available trees to make you throw a variety of shots is really quite good for an small, simple and flat course. It is about average for 9-holers.....which makes it one of the very top school courses out there since most of these courses simply are not on property where this can be accomplished.)

4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == C-
(Below average for all courses, but above average for school courses. Nice grass, nice neighborhood, nice trees. Overall it's a quiet location for being in a town, but it is in no way secluded.)

5) Bonus points for multi-throw holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == NA (But, if any elementary aged kid can complete the longer holes on this course in one throw.....I want to meet them and get their signature!)
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Awesome beginner course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2010 Played the course:once


First of all, this course is just about perfectly designed for middle school aged kids to try the game. It's a reasonable length for younger kids, with really short tees for trying it out, and short tees for kids who start to get it and are ready for a little more challenge. There are enough trees to encourage trying some different shots, and to keep it from just being 9 of the same short hole.

Both sets of tees are nice concrete pads in good shape. There are tee signs at the shorter set with hole diagram and length from both tees, and the hole number and distance are stenciled on the long tee. The baskets are in great shape, and the red looks nice and unique. The grounds were well taken care of, with no trash or vandalism.


For anyone other than a middle school kid, the course is short and very easy, so I can't rate it much higher when I rank it in my full list of courses played. Even from the longer set of tees, there is one hole that justifies a midrange shot, the rest are ace runs with your putter (I hit chains 3 times during my round from the longer set of tees with just a wizard, and I'm not very good). A few of the long tees are simply straight back from the short tees, though for the most part the design tries to get a little different shot from the two tees for a little more variety. When parking on the street you have to start in the middle of the course as the first hole starts up by the school, not a big deal, just something to know so you don't go wandering around looking for the first tee.

Other Thoughts:

I love seeing school courses that expose kids and the community to the sport, especially ones that are so perfectly designed for their target audience. I hate giving such a low rating to such a nice beginner course, but try to remain consistent in my ratings. Beginners will find some challenges to shape different lines here, and very reasonable lengths. More experienced players won't find much challenge, but might enjoy running every hole for the ace and getting some approach practice.
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6 0
Experience: 21.5 years 95 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2009 Played the course:once


Quick, easy practice course
While being short, there are ample trees to make you concentrate on drive shot
Full size pads, even though no run up really needed


Plays around the back side of a school. I wasn't there when school was in session, but there might be little ones around.
All holes can be played straight at the pin, no real curve needed.

Other Thoughts:

I parked on the road and started playing at hole 4, not 1 which is up by the school.
All holes can be aced and you can make a run of the course in under 15 mins. With plenty of trees and not much activity you can really play from anywhere to any pin and practice your skills.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not your typical wide open lame school course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 7, 2009 Played the course:once


1) Very beginner friendly. Of course it is . . . it is on a school property and I assume it gets used by the school to introduce the game to its students.
It is short and I mean short (only one hole is not EASILY reachable and that is hole #4.

2) NIcely sized dual concrete tees with a small colored strip to indicate which tee you are on! Are you kidding on a school course . . . this course was done right and is all ablout representing the sport to the beginners!!!!

3) Nice signs on the course with distances and a minimal diagram.

4) Baskets are in good condition.

5) This course incorporates trees into about 7 of the 9 holes. Being short on the holes with tree you can still sortof just gun a putter or a roc right up to the basket, but for beginners they will have to learn how to shape shots a little bit which is good.

5) This course is mostly flat, but does incorporate some rolling hills and does have two tees that are elevated slightly from the basket.

6)Just a great representation of how courses should be done . . . obviously this was designed with beginners and introduction to the sport and it was very well done with that mindset. Don't come here expecting a tough challenge with great holes, it is just a beginner course, but one I can appreciate as designed very well.


1) Not enough of a challenge for most above average disc golfers.

2) Mostly flat which is somewhat boring.

3) No garbage cans or benches on the course, although you can play in about 15 minutes so you probably won't finish a soda in that time, nor will there ever be a wait.

Other Thoughts:

Short tees are short and long tees are still short! Still a very enjoyable course. I good place to practice some hyzer flips, a massive anny, and your putter driving. Go for as many aces as you can in one day! All in all I still think it was a worthhile course and I think you can find ways to enjoy it even though it is short and truly a beginner course. It is the best beginner course I have played because it still provides some challeneg because of the trees on the property.
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3 3
Experience: 19.3 years 24 played 24 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Blah.. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Decent, family oriented type course. Good for practicing mid range type throws and putting. Does have one decently long hole, I believe it's 8 or 9 that's fun to launch on.


No challenge whatsoever. Holes are VERY short. I landed way past the cage on one hole... with my PUTTER.

Other Thoughts:

Recommended for beginners but that's about it.
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2 4
Experience: 17.9 years 30 played 15 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Great for Kids 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


My nine-year-old loves it!


Not the place for a serious round of golf. But where else can you shoot a 2 on every hole?

Other Thoughts:

I'm not nine years old, but it's fun to play ocassionally.
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10 1
Experience: 28.3 years 23 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Skip it. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2008 Played the course:once


The tee pads and signs are nice. Ace runs (not sure if you would count an ace on a 130 ft hole though).


This is a Jr. course so it is very small, the longest hole is 301ft the rest are under 200ft. I would only recommend this course if you live down the block and want to practice putting. Otherwise make the drive to one of the other full size courses in the area.

Other Thoughts:

Honestly, I thought it was a waste of time, but I did run into a dad who brought his young daughter discing... it seems like the perfect course for a situation like that.
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1 9
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

what it is like 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2008 Played the course:never


eazy good for starters in disc golf
pretty ezay fun to do not alot for people there so not waiting


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