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Raleigh, NC


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Kentwood reviews

6 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Kentwood DGC Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Kentwood is one of the older courses in the area, giving one a glimpse into disc golf's past. Depending on your point of view, this past can either be nostalgic or downright ugly. Kentwood's pros and cons can be in the eye of the beholder, but I will provide my objective opinion on the course that inhabits downtown Raleigh.
- Kentwood is what many would call a pitch and putt course. There are no holes over 400 feet and most are within 200. This probably served a challenge with older versions of discs, but within today's standards, the course plays quite easy. There is a good amount of elevation which may compensate for the shorter holes. This could provide a good starting course for beginners and a fun round for anyone intermediate and up.
- This course drains extremely well and remains playable after the heaviest of storms.
- Due to the short length, there are plenty of birdie opportunities and aceable holes. In my last visit, there were 2 aces on the course while I was playing so be prepared for a plethora of congratulatory high-fives.

This sums up the main "positives" of the course, on to the negatives.


Kentwood is like middle-school. It may have been daunting your first time there, but once you graduate from it, you never want to return. Any serious player should typically avoid this course, especially if they want to have any semblance of a serious round.

- Kentwood has to be the busiest course in the area. The crowds can make it almost unplayable on most days at any time. The course is right next to NC State so it attracts the herd of college kids. Most players are those who haven't played before which drastically slows down the pacing for everyone in succession. It's fairly typical to wait for every hole before playing.
- Although having some woods, this course is very rocky. Any premium plastic will take a beating here.
- The tee pads on this course are entirely too small. They aren't typically in bad shape, but reflect the style of older courses. They may also become slick on a wet day.
- The course doubles-over itself so playing can be somewhat hazardous. Coupled with the players who are oblivious, you may have frustration throwing and navigating the course.
- The baskets are pretty dated and are known to spit out discs. Most, if not all, lack yellow bands on the top making them difficult to spot if you aren't familiar with the course. Additionally, Many baskets for different holes are near each other, making it easy to throw to the wrong basket or get hit by another person while retrieving yours.
- In addition to the crowding, the players here are not often courteous, leading to rushed rounds and frustration when someone throws while you're still finishing the hole.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, Kentwood is not the greatest nor worst of the courses in the greater Raleigh area. It definitely has its place as a casual course and it sticks true to that mantra. Filled with newer players, college kids and the girls they are trying to impress, Kentwood can either delight or disappoint depending on the experience you are seeking.
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2 0
Experience: 22.5 years 96 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Meh 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2016 Played the course:once


- Lots of elevation. Sits on the side of a hill so you play up and down.
- Course was very dry even with a lot of recent rain. Most of the course is rocky which helps this.
- Little undergrowth to hide discs.


- Tough to find your way around. Without the online map (from this site) I would never have been able to get through the course. Each tee pad has a marker that tells the hole number and distance but otherwise no signage. Baskets are not numbered so I wasn't even entirely sure I was always throwing at the right one.
- Layout is very crowded. Fortunately I played a morning round (8:15am) and there were no other golfers about. Seems like it would be a mess with a lot of people playing as the holes seem to crisscross and sit right next to each other.
- Baskets need repainted as they are sometimes difficult to see.
- Tee pads in poor shape.
- Close proximity to playground and baseball field. I realize that a lot of courses are like this but even being careful I had a shot bounce off the fence of the baseball field. Also a number of houses closely border the course.

Other Thoughts:

My experience with this course definitely ended up better since I played an early round and there was no one else around playing golf, baseball, or on the playground. Again, it is difficult for a newcomer to find his or her way around with the lack of signs. Cramped. All things considered I definitely enjoyed the round I played (and I'm glad I checked it out), but the Triangle area has much better to offer.
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4 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Location, Location, Location 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 29, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


So many people can't be wrong, right? On some level this is true. the most crowded disc golf course that I've seen has a few things going for it and not just the prime location.

It is very beginner friendly. I can't imagine newbies getting frustrated here. Not much distance is required at any point. At the same time, it's tough to get off track here and even tougher to lose a disc. The only people who might be frustrated with the courses and MA2-MA1 players who want to deuce just about every hole here but will likely only get the two on about half.

It's one long ace run. I mentioned that the holes are short? Well there isn't one hole here that can't be aced by a decent player. I'm very aware that some people are very into this.

And taken individually, there are some good holes here. There's actually a host of fun holes that I wouldn't mind another shot at. There are some nice uphills and some solid downhills. And since there isn't too much in the way of obstacles, there are some great chances to practice distance control on both types of slope.

There is even a small creek that winds its way through. Two of the downhills play to a basket across the creek. It even ventures into some actual woods for a few holes. A couple of these holes on a course with greater variety would not go remarked upon.


However, that location is a two-edged sword. I have never seen a course as crowded as this one. On my second visit, I arrived at 8AM on a Sunday morning. There were multiple cars in the parking lot already. This is a weekday morning course if I have ever seen one.

Those crowds would be more tolerable on a better course. But for a bunch of 200-foot holes? There are better courses in the Triangle that could be played in a lot less time.

And it is a bunch of 200-foot hole. There isn't much shaping required. There isn't much challenge. There isn't much of note at all. It's just a decent course made up of decent holes. Except.......

It features the worst tees I have ever seen. Pre-made slabs of cement that are far too narrow and far too short. They also sit uncomfortably a few inches above the surrounding ground so it is almost impossible to think about your shot without wondering if you are going to fall off the tee.

It gets worse. The tees are not even flat. Some of them have stylish arcs come out of them. Which looks cool except "that's where I wanted my foot to go. On a few of them, there has been an attempt to fill them. Now there is a big bum in the tee.

Fine, fine. I can just tee of on the natural surface next to them, right? Well, sometimes. Often, the natural surface alongside the tee is loose rocks.

Yet the biggest problem may be the shared fairways. There are a few times when discs from separate tees will be flying in the same area. There are even a few times where tees are in range of other tees. This would be a problem anywhere. On a course as crowded as this, its dangerous.

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent course, derailed by the worst tee situation imaginable. I'd play it in the right circumstances, but I wouldn't attempt to battle the crowds. Not in Raleigh, where better courses are plentiful.
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2 4
Experience: 14.4 years 174 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Unchallenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 7, 2012 Played the course:once


- Ease of navigation.. kind of
- Course layout given the area it occupies
- Good mix of possible tee shots; ranging from straight to hyzer to anhyzer/RHFH
- Courteous and friendly players


- Not a single hole is over 250(ish)
- No alternate tees/holes
- Tee pads for the next hole are way too close to the pin on a few holes
- Tees are way skinny and are unnecessarily long
- Way too crowded with recreational players

Other Thoughts:

If I didn't ask around, I would not have found the first hole as it isn't marked off very well. Also navigating from 10-12 isn't really obvious either. Didn't use my driver once on this course, which is fine but I mean c'mon, not once?! Probably the worst DGA baskets I've played, discs went in and out having hit the chains dead center. Baskets are in rough shape on a bunch of the holes. I shot a -5 with ease having not thrown a driver once; just using my magnet, zone, buzz ss and ion. All while with 3 torn ligaments in my knee 10 days out from surgery, so my power isn't there to begin with. Good course for newbies and non-competitive players I suppose.
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2 4
Experience: 31.3 years 164 played 17 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


- Very fun, beginner friendly course
- Great use of elevation
- Holes 4, 9 and 18 all return to the bathroom area
- Uncrowded Park


- Very crowded course
- Near a college campus
- Very "easy" course
- A little difficult to navigate
- Holes 7 and 16 cross
- Rocks all over the course that eat up your discs

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course if you need to learn the game, have a friend who has never played or something like that. If you are interested in getting better, this course forces you to throw straight and putt well. This course is not anything special, but pretty much everyone from the Raleigh area - which includes some of the greats in sport - learned to play on this course.
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1 3
Experience: 12.7 years 3 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Confusing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 27, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Open holes. Easy course to find. Very popular among high school and college kids.


Holes cross over frequently. Mismarked tees make it hard to find the right hole to shoot at. Overcrowded on weekends and summers.
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1 5
Experience: 14.3 years 3 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Pitch and Putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Kentwood is a great course for beginners. Bring your putter and a mid range to work on your short game. The course is easy to get ot from 440. I played this course a bunch when i was on the NCSU campus. convenient.


The course is crowded and rocks eat up your discs. Other courses in the area like Cedar Hills, Buckhorn, and Leigh Farm are more challenging and scenic.

Other Thoughts:

Kentwood is an older Par 3 course.
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1 0
Experience: 16.4 years 49 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Kentwood ROCK 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2009 Played the course:once


-Close to NC State
-Great place to practice your mid-range off the tee and your approaches from the "fairway"
-Elevation changes, occasional water, and unnatural ground make for a unique challenge


-Course design, this place seemed dangerous because of hole layout
-Crowded/busy, its next to a college campus!
-The rocky fairways, don't even bother with your dx/pro-d plastics unless you want to wear them in really quickly
-unimaginative course, feels tight

Other Thoughts:

If you go to NC State and know what disc golf is, you've played Kentwood. If not, I'm not sure I'd bother going back unless I'm in the area and really need to play. The course layout is a real hazard due to its design combined with the local college players propensity to not pay attention
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4 5
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not a bad course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


A great course to meet some new friends. lots of college kids. cute girls. a exciting layout.


lots of dumb ass college kids. exciting layout with disk flying overhead from all directions.

Other Thoughts:

a fun course to go with a group of friends and goof off and look at cute girls.
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