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Wexford, PA

Knob Hill Park

4.015(based on 67 reviews)
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Knob Hill Park reviews

2 7
Experience: 15.2 years 6 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Decent Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 2, 2010 Played the course:once


Great layout. Good Challenge and cool placements of Tee and Holes. Good variety of wooded and open holes. I liked the use of terrain to make the holes more interesting.


Lots of underbrush, my friend lost his driver (though it was getting dark at the time). There are a few areas that you can lose a disc with a off throw as with any course but there are some spots that you dont see that are deep spots etc.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 149 played 40 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Stalwart of the Pittsburgh Region 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2010 Played the course:once


• Three Tees: blue/rubber/long - white/concrete/medium - red/natural/short
• Tee signs at white tees
• Multiple pin positions available
• The balance of heavily/moderately wooded & open/semi-open holes combined with available elevation made for a sensible flow and required a variety of shots to score well.
• Easy to navigate even without a map
• Course well used and broken in so very little punishing rough (except for ridiculously errant throws on some holes) resulting in low disc loss possibilities
• Clean & well maintained
• Park is multi-use and has bathrooms, etc.


• Finding first tee not obvious - disc golf sign has you going over bridge through some woods to a path that splits with no directional info on which way to go. Would be easier to point players up gravel pathway away from parking area as first tee is just up there a short distance. There's a map at the info board for reference however.
• Not crazy about design of holes 16-18 which are fairly close to one another and play near to/over the road leading to DG parking lot. Saw many non disc golfers walking up/down this road so caution is warranted.
• Three pin positions per hole but no way of telling what position pin is in (most pins you can see from the tee, others you'll have to scout)
• Red tees on some holes are wood boards on the ground so players using these may find them difficult to locate

Other Thoughts:

With 25 reviews on site, going into detail here seems unnecessary and excessive so I'll stick to some general thoughts:

It's always interesting playing a mature, well established course designed in the early 90's and seeing how it withstands the test of time. Knob Hill seems to be enduring quite well as it appeals to a wide range of players, is challenging but not overly long or technical & has extremely strong support from the surrounding community -and for good reason - this is a fun place to enjoy a relaxing, low stress round in a pleasant park setting. If I lived in the general vicinity, I'd be playing this one regularly.

Some of the reviews/ratings on the site seem to be somewhat inflated as the course doesn't quite have all of the qualities I would have expected to justify the rating. Even so, it's a more than solid course and I cannot fault those who play it regularly for showing their devoted appreciation.

Therefore labels like 'championship quality' or 'a must play destination' are not applicable here. Nevertheless, it's totally worth a play if in the area.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Heinz 57 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Three tees per hole - rubber at blue, concrete at white, natural at red. Signs at blue and white tees - only distance info at blues, breadth of information on signs at whites. Three pin positions per hole. Scattered benches and trash cans.


Current basket location pegs not used. Red tees on back nine marked by hard-to-find in-ground boards. Numbers 16&18 have crossing fairways. Boggy in places - 2,9,12,15 were on the damp side the day I played.

Other Thoughts:

Course plays in the woods, fairways defined by pockets of forest, and wide-open spaces, of a public park built on one very large hill and surrounding flat spaces. Nice mixture of elevation changes - flat, moderate, a couple quite steep. Fair blend of tightness - course cycles through tight woodwork, then scattered, larger hardwoods at random points, to fairly open, then repeat. Lengths are "typical", i.e. the tighter the hole, the shorter the hole. Variety of turns needed, a bit more emphasis on right turns.

Navigation: If you find yourself in a small parking lot with a baseball field to your right, you can start here - basket-7/tee-8 is just up the hill - or jump back in your car, find the main entrance about a half mile away, and find the kiosk at the end of the shaded parking lot there. Taking a digital photo of the map at the kiosk proved useful - follow the obvious path out the back of the parking lot to find tee-1. After basket-8, the most obvious tee is #11 - #9 is farther down to the right, and the hole plays down the hill, and then #10 will return you to the top of the hill for tee-11.

Favourite hole: #10 Long and uphill, pockets of trees on both side. Eventually need to make a sharp left-turn (if too sweeping, you'll catch some trees towards the back), finding the basket a bit farther up the hill, in an opening between two rows of trees.

With three tees and three pin positions per hole, and the variations in tightness, distance, and elevation, this course should appeal to many different types of players.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.3 years 48 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pittsburgh's Classic Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 19, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Knob Hill was Pittsburgh's main disc golf course project during the 1990s, and it shows some of the promise the has produced more recent gems. Specifically, elevation is used creatively on the courses "knobby" terrain, resulting in many very interesting greens and engaging tee shots.

A good variety of shots are required, with young shrubby trees forcing you to make shots on the more technical holes.

Three sets of tees and three pin positions per hole make it both a good recreational and tournament course and a worthy host to the Pittsburgh Flying Disc Open.

Although one of the simpler holes, my favorite is #7, which is a 300+' slight uphill drive for the 'A' pin position with a big tree 200' out and a tree-line the right side. It's just a really fun drive with my teebird that I look forward to every time I play the course.


Par isn't well defined (i.e., tweener Par 3.5 holes) for certain combinations of tees and (far) pin positions. Although hole lengths vary, I found it mentally tiring to face these holes where you're just trying to play conservatively to make a 3 because a 2 is unrealistic.

With the shrubby trees and hillsides, I didn't find the holes to be framed as well as Deer Lakes or Moraine. The fairways just didn't feel as natural, and the holes just aren't as memorable. (Changes in disc technology might be partially to blame.)

Course can get very muddy.

Other Thoughts:

Nice autumn colors and a good course to play in the winter when the ground is frozen and the couple patches of underbrush aren't a factor.

Your course experience can vary wildly depending on the pin positions you face. Playing a round with mostly 'C' pins (the hardest pins) gave me new respect for this course.
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5 12
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.5 years 160 played 74 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Average Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 17, 2010 Played the course:once


Having three sets of tees was good to see and a big pro in my book. The course had some good elevation and seemingly gets a lot of play. The park is very beautiful and in a nice part of town. The course featured two awesome downhill holes in the middle of the course that stood out from the rest.

The tee signs are extremely helpful and beautiful. For someone who travels to a lot of courses I can't stress how much value a good tee sign adds to a course. Too many courses have terrible or incorrect tee signs and that leaves players frustrated. These tee signs are some of the best I have ever played.


The course had serious design flaws. Some of the holes were just really confusing with decent fairway routes but poke and hope routes near the basket.15 in particular had literally no route to the basket, and my shot hit the top of the basket by pure luck. Hole 2 was another example of just a "throw it and hope to get lucky." I am a firm believer in having fair but challenging holes but when a green is full of obstacles and tough to access with a good shot it becomes frustrating. Luck should never be the determining factor in a hole. Not all of the holes had this feature but it was enough for me to remember.

Holes 16 through 18 were just confusing, with fairways criss-crossing. The park seemed super busy and I just felt it was a safety issue to have criss-crossing fairways. I think fixing this issue would immediately raise the rating of the course in my opinion. Some of the walks between the holes were pretty long - also, each hole had three pin locations but you could never tell which location the pin was in. Once again, this may not be a big deal for a local but for an out of town player it can be frustrating to have to walk down the fairway to see which location the pin was in. Having a simple washer system on the tee sign to indicate the current location of the hole would solve this problem.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a lot of potential. I feel like the course is probably very enjoyable to a local player but for an out of towner it is tough to enjoy a course with guesswork on the location of the pins. Fixing that issue and also addressing the criss-crossing fairways would immediately raise this course rating to a 4.0.

UPDATE: I originally gave this course a 2.5 but after playing it again I raised the rating to a 3.0. Keep in mind that this rating indicates a "Good" rating. This course has great potential and is in a very nice park that is very busy. I just think its important to keep in mind that not everyone that plays this course is a local.
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3 2
Experience: 15.4 years 11 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A nice place 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


A challenging course, with both wide open fairways, and some 'chutes' off the tees. Constant pin relocation makes it different every time I've been there.


There are 3 killer hills, each one getting more severe (16 may require older people to take a break climbing). Some of the red tees difficult to find

Other Thoughts:

The park is constantly maintained, and some of the nicest people frequent this course
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6 1
Experience: 15.3 years 19 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Knob Hill 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


I really enjoy playing this course each time I'm down this way from Rochester, Ny and I think thats the biggest endorsement. There's a lot of challenge on this course and while there are a fair amount of chances for a duce, each of them really makes you earn it. The fact that they have flypads on the pro tee's and cement on the white tee's is such a great job thats been done by the local club. The first time I played the course I just walked up to a group of locals to aske about where a basket was and they envited me to play with them which was great. The course was really well maintained which makes coming down for the PFDO really great. I can't recall seeing any trash at the course or signs of vandalism any of the times I've been there. There aren't many chances to really air a disc out on this course but the technical challenge makes up for that ten fold. I played this course for the first time last spring and again at the PFDO and couldn't believe how they had cleaned up one of the holes to really make it a gem.


hmmmmmm...I think it was a little wet on some of the holes at the bottom of the hill when I played in the spring. ***If your not playing the long tee's to the long baskets this course can be really easy.***

Other Thoughts:

I can understand others rating this higher then a 4 but there wasn't anything that had a WOW factor for me. Still a super solid course and a must play.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 85 played 85 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course for Northern Pittsburghers! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 18, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


- This course has tremendous variety with tightly wooded and technical holes vs. long, wide-open expanses. Uphill drives contrast downhill drives.

-Each hole is adequately signed and the trails are well blazed, leading to the next hole with little confusion.

- Particular care is given to the maintenance of the course with litter and debris at a minimum. The grassy fairways are often cut and well-trimmed. I'm sure this is partially due to the PFDS presence here.

- The topography of hole #11 in particular, with some blind shots between the tee and basket, makes for a memorable shot.

- Several large trees make for challenging hazards on long open drives. Hole #7 comes in mind.

- frequent pin rotation makes the holes interesting and unique

- study cement tee pads for the red and white holes accompanied by wooden stumps that serve as benches

- a nice long course with white and blue holes that well exceed a mile in total length. Your arm will get a decent workout here!


- This course can get incredibly crowded -- even at times when traffic on most courses is usually at a minimum. I've gone on Tuesdays at 1pm and I'll run into 20 people playing. While I'm elated to see people playing disc golf, waiting for people to tee off can be an encumbrance.

- As mentioned in other reviews, the first hole can be a little difficult to find at first; after the first hole, however, there are little to no issues navigating

- The course can get a little muddy and slippery after wet days due to a lack of drainage. Watch your footing on these days!

Other Thoughts:

I've played many courses in the Pittsburgh area and Knob Hill is one of the best. Not quite the caliber of Moraine or Deer Lake, but certainly better than Schenley or Old Economy. For those living in northern Pittsburgh, you can't really beat this for a home course!
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5 3
Experience: 15.3 years 543 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Well kept and close 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 14, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Well designed and well maintained par 61 course, that has a good flow and variety of holes. Will test your shot making skills with open bombs, R to L, L to R, uphill & downhill shots. Course gets a lot of use so paths between holes are well defined.

Concrete white tees are the most used. Newley installed concrete Blue tees are big & grippy. They make playing the difficult blue layout much more inviting.

3 pin placements per hole for the new Prodigy DGT1s.

Lots of work has been done in the months leading up to the 2015 PDGA World Championships and the course is that much better for it. Holes 13 & 14 have been lengthened to make them par 4s. New signage is great. This course has been a part of the annual PFDO for many years and it still shows why.


Can get very crowded with lots of 2-3 disc frolfers.

Will get very wet/muddy in the spring.

Red tees just grass/board in the ground. Almost non existent.

Other Thoughts:

This course is the best "par 3" in Pittsburgh. You can get whatever you want out of this course. The red tees offer beginner friendly looks at the baskets, especially in A pins. Whites offer lots of fun while still challenging golfers of all ages. The Knob Hill Blues tees might be the toughest Blue tees in the Pittsburgh area. Now that they are concrete they should get played a lot more. The Park is very pet friendly as many take their dogs golfing with them. Bathrooms by the practice basket & 18 blue tee.

C pins can be VERY challenging especially when combined with the blue tees!

If you're looking for a fun, challenging round, take the time to play 18 at this great course.
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8 0
Experience: 18.3 years 16 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great All Around Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 7, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


An extremely well-maintained course, Knob Hill is one of the few disc golf courses that could be considered mainstream. Holes are designed to be accessible to a variety of skill levels and also reward players with strong shots and strategy. Fairways are laid out very well, and construction from tee pads to signs is first rate.


Crowded. This course is the star of the immediate Pittsburgh area and attracts huge numbers of people, particularly on weekends. A lot of families can make play tedious for the speedier veterans.

Other Thoughts:

Update: A lot of improvements have been made to this course in recent years, and they've vastly improved the quality of play. Added an extra .5 stars!

A great course all around, just difficult to play an entire round without having to wait a bit. Moraine's Lakeview course is further from Pittsburgh (another 20 minutes up Route 19), but is a superior course with far less crowding.
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2 5
Experience: 35.2 years 55 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

up and down we go 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


A great course it asks alot of you ...you need to be on top of you game the wind and the hills well make you smile or cry but it's a fair course in all words


well cons none on buy me

Other Thoughts:

it's a great park just to walk around in ..Me and my wife walked around the park for about 5 hours it's just a great park
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15 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pittsburgh's Original Favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2009 Played the course:once


So many devoted and friendly players here. Multiple tees and alternating basket locations. Perfect combination of field holes, moderate woods and tight woods. Elevation is evident but is never too much or too little. Concrete tee on each hole. It's an old course but is aging nicely due to the designs emphasis on elevation and trees to temper disc technology. I particularly enjoyed the uphill climb of hole 5? (Picture seems wrong on this site) The rollercoaster drive down hole 9. (funny the best hole on course is not on the photos here). Not many bad holes here and there really is a good variety to shot and disc selection here. Fairways are well groomed and undulating terrain comes into play on many of the holes which is fun. Alternate tee position for hole 16 looked pretty wild I wish I played that one.


It's not as World Class as I expected based on this site. I was prepared for something amazing. I was mildly disappointed. I think there is a great Pittsburgh Scene and many there must cling to this course and hence it gets a lot of points based on reputation which was probably established years ago. Still a quality course and if you have time while playing Deer Lakes and Morraine, please play here. But don't dare skip Morraine or Deer Lakes to play here. Holes 1 and 2 are shorties that faceoff at one another. Hole 16 and 18 criss cross one another's fairways. Hole 15 is a technical hole, but c'mon I mean really is it more luck or skill to get a deuce? Often the long tees seemed to just stretch the drives without really adding anything to the shot. Kind of like just requiring a midrange placement shot off the tee because a drive from these tees would be too reckless? Maybe I'm just not that good. fairways are nice but shule off to the sides of these are often quite thick and unforgiving. I don't mind trees but bushes, thorns, and overgrowth make for a frustarting afternoon.(OK I lost my Star Valk on Hole 9 I'm negatively biased) A bit muddy/soggy in places but that occurs on all wooded and hilly courses.

Other Thoughts:

I really felt like I trashed this course. It's a fine course indeed. I was just expecting so much more based on all of the 4 ratings and above I saw on this site. Knob Hill has a bit of everything and you won't get bored at all here. You just won't remember it as an amazing course because chances are if your in the region you will have played Morraine and Deer Lakes which blow this place away. If I lived near Knob Hill I would love to play it on a regular basis. It's just not a destination course and I don't feel the attraction to return here like I do with World Class courses. Hole 1 is beyond the rear of the lot and a walk way up the gravel path. Ask a local it can be tricky to find.
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2 7
Experience: 12 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

EXCELLENT 'A MUST' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2009 Played the course:once


Very nice course. Easy to walk. Hills are just right. Good hole locations. Right amount of trees and open fairways. Rewards good shots. Family friendly even pets.


A little wet. "It's spring"

Other Thoughts:

Easy to get to. Alot of ameneties.
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3 7
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 200 played 61 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The Course has a very nice layout, holes with varying lengths and elevation. The long Tee pads are perfect for a good run up. Also the multiple pins can greatly change the holes, even changing some from a par three to a very difficult par 4.


Wet! The entire course is covered in natural srpings so where something waterproof.

Other Thoughts:

The entire park is a great visit, lots of amenaties, playgrounds, bathrooms, and ball fields.
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 77 played 68 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Another Great PA Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2009 Played the course:once


• Lots of hole variety
• Beautiful park
• Multiple tees/baskets
• Secluded park
• Minimal overlap on other park activities
• Well maintained


• Seems like mud could be a problem during rainy times
• Course flow could be a bit confusing for first-timers
• Some tee signs missing placement markers for the current basket placements.

Other Thoughts:

Another great course in western Pennsylvania. Knob Hill takes full advantage of the rolling hills and wooded areas of the park.

Great balance of technical wooded shots, open long-bomb drives, uphill and downhill.

Overall the course flows nicely and is easy to follow, but could be a bit confusing your first time out. There is a bit of a walk from basket-to-next-tee on some holes, but that is made up for by the well thought out course--the extra hike was done to create a great hole.

This course will work a good portion of your throwing skills, and you will employ a wide range of discs from your bag.

A challenging course, but nothing that would be off-putting to a novice or casual player.

I just played the long concrete (white) tees, and so cannot comment on the red/blue tees. Blue tees seemed more obvious, and had the rubber mats instead of concrete pads. Both the mats and the concrete pads were plenty long, and in good shape.

Locals were very friendly. It was a beautiful day and the course seemed busy with players, but not too crowded.

Park has full amenities, playground (with a castle!), baseball field, grills, shelters, bathrooms, etc. I didn't seek out water fountains, but I am sure they are there somewhere judging by what I did see of the rest of the park.

The park is not very far off the freeway exit, and easy to find--just follow the main road into the park all the way to the end, where you will see the DG kiosk. Follow the gravel path to the hole #1 tee.

I suggest bringing/wearing a pair of light hiker boots, as the course has some mud & muck throughout (at least in early Spring) and I can see it getting muddy in places if there was recent rainfall.

As of this review, the only other nearby course I have played in the area was Moraine State Park, and if you are making a trip out the Knob Hill make time to hit Moraine as well.
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6 0
Experience: 16.4 years 7 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 12, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Long concrete tees allow for a long run up if you'd like. Also, the blue (pro) tees are a thick rubber material that makes a nice tee. Multiple pin locations make the course fun to play over and over again. Good variety too, with some long open fairways, and some wooded, sloped fairways.


Although the white and blue tees are very nice to play on, the beginner and/or women's tees (red) are not marked very well. Also, finding the next hole may be confusing such as going from #2 to #3 (you would think that you would walk straight when done with #2, but instead you walk to the right into the woods to get to #3).

Other Thoughts:

This is my home course, so I play it all the time. Its definately worth the time to play.
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6 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 43.1 years 186 played 37 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Something for everyone here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2006 Played the course:5+ times


There really is something for everyone here.
-Multiple Tees and Pins
- Nice elevation
-Nice Mix of woods (both tight and sparse) and open shots
- Nice distance/skill change between short and long tees, offering a challenge for all skill levels
- Ample parking
- Bathrooms
- Covered shelter Area
- Dedicated local golfers make for excellent tournaments and an overall welcoming DG Community.
- A Parks department that loves DG!!


The only real con to this course is after a rain, there are a few holes (3 or 4 total) that turn into mucky mud pits. This really can't be helped as those holes are at the base of a fairly steep hill.

Other Thoughts:

Haven't been back in a couple years - I'm looking forward to returning to Knob Hill this summer for the PFDO.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.3 years 27 played 27 reviews
4.50 star(s)

45 min drive for us, but worth it 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2008 Played the course:never


Lots of variety. Good use of multiple tees. Excellent challenging hole placement. The grassy areas were very well cut. Relatively easy walking for so many hills. I especially liked 5, and 12 - to the right side basket, 13, and 14 (even with the swampy tire tracks cutting through it). My 10-year-old daughter had a great time from the reds. The rest of us found it very tough using the whites - not too surprising at our skill level.


Some of the holes and tees were hard to find for a first visit. Red tee lines were hard to find on some holes. Area might get very messy after strong rains. Sign at Tee 16 is misleading, but it's kind of obvious to guess where it's going.

Other Thoughts:

Not too long from whites - didn't wear out my arm before the end of 18. Water hole on 15 isn't much of a water hole any more. That suited my family just fine. 11 to the C basket was a monster uphill for us. My worst round of the summer score-wise, and I still had a good time. More clear signs to first tee would help, or maybe we missed something. The first visible tee is 18, so we parked before it. That was a mistake. We ended up walking about half the course backward, just to get our bearings and find #1. Next stop will be Deer Lakes.
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3 4
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2007 Played the course:never


Cement teepads, more of a open course, trees have sum corrugated piping on them incase of discs hitting wont really damage


When it rains or day after it is a mud pit, also everything is par 3 some should be par 4s but its a hard course very challenging
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2 5
Experience: 61 played 7 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Good one! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2008 Played the course:never


Definitely one of the best courses I've played. Options everywhere, which is what I like. Rolling hills, good distance and well groomed. Two sets of tees makes it ultra challenging.


There seem to be a lot of pin positions and there really isn't a way to tell where the pins are unless you run all the way down the fairway.
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