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La Mirada, CA

La Mirada Regional Park - Front 18

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La Mirada Regional Park - Front 18 reviews

6 2
Experience: 47.2 years 39 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

best bet in Orange County 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Pro shop back open, full park facilities, beautiful park, Nice lake (barely comes into play), nice elevation changes, if you get bored, you've got another 18 out back. Good cement tees on the front 18. Good mix of distance and accuracy shots.


foot traffic and kids playing by hole 1 and 18. Sometimes crowded parking lot (but plenty of parking available on the streets. Sometimes muddy in areas.

Other Thoughts:

Pretty faithful to old layout with a few minor changes to the course I started playing "frisbee golf" on back in 1977.
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5 5
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 62 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 14, 2009 Played the course:once


-Good elevation which is hard to come by in the LA area.
-Quality hole design, many good tests of each type of shot, up, down, left, right, you name it.
-Very nice park setting with big cool trees and a lake in the middle
-Concrete tee boxes
-Old course that has withstood the test of time


-Lots of people, disc golfers and non-disc golfers
-Awkward routing of the course, seemed like there was a lot of back tracking and walking the wrong direction to the next hole.
-I think the shots and holes were selected for the hole design, but it is sacrificing the overall flow and layout.

Other Thoughts:

La Mirada is probably the best DG destination in SoCal. Not a lot of other courses can compete with the 36 holes available there. This course just needs some upkeep as far a signage and it would be a 4 to 4.5 star in my book.
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17 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.6 years 291 played 57 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Facilities 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 28, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Two 18-holes Courses On-Site
Concrete Tee Pads
Multiple Basket Placements
Great Variety
Very Well Maintained
Decent Elevation Changes
Plays Around A Small Lake
Fairly Easy To Navigate
Good Tee Signs at Each Hole
Other Park Facilities/Amenities Available


Can Get Crowded (Course and Park)
First Hole Plays Beside Busy Picnic Area/Play Area
Can Get Swampy In Some Areas

Other Thoughts:

A few friends and I played this course as part of a disc golf road trip from Ohio to California. I played this course about six months ago, but recently found my pictures and notes from the courses, so I thought I would go a head and give the review since this is such a great disc golf facility. Course is decently laid out with a lot of variety. There are multiple types of shot requirements and the distances vary greatly. This course is definitely a championship type course for more advanced players, but beginners could play here as well. Beginners might have a tough time with the distance on most holes, but there is very little rough to lose discs in and the lake only punishes in most cases when you over shoot the basket, so this shouldn't be an issue for beginners. The only place that discs can get hung up is in the trees. There are beautiful mature trees throughout the course and they are very capable of catching any disc that come their way.

Some people have said they had some issues navigating the course. We didn't have issues finding our way through the course. I don't know if this was because the gentleman at the pro shop gave us a crash course on the layout, or because we were following a few people up a head of use. This said I guess I'm not going to have a fair assessment of what it could be like for a first-timer to go out there and play. The pro shop is now closed, last I heard, so unless you come across some fellow DG-ers, there could be some issues getting from hole to hole.

Once you get to the park, you will want to head towards the tennis courts, the old pro shop is between the two sets of tennis courts in the park. First tee pad is on the concrete by the old pro shop and the basket is located down by the lake. As I stated before, they lake can really only come into play if you bomb it past the basket. The first hole also plays near a busy picnic area so watch for other park go-ers as you tee off. After we teed off on hole one we walked down over the hill a bit and some kids had picked up one of our discs and was playing catch with it, so keep an eye out, discs can "grow legs" and walk away.

After hole #1 you have to walk up the hill a bit, to get to the tee for #2. The next few holes are all pretty easy to navigate, tee pads for the next hole are all visible when you finish the previous hole. The first place where this isn't the case is after hole #6. After #6 you will want to head to the corner of the park, near the intersection and you will see the tee pad for #7. After #7 head back down towards the street for the tee pad for #8.

After finishing up at #8 you will need to back track again, the tee pad for hole #9 is next to the basket for #7.

The tee pad for #10 is pretty easy to find, but #11 can be the worst on the course. After you finish up #10, head down the hill towards the lake. The tee is right beside the lake, when we played there were some benches next to the tee pad. The fairway plays back up the hill, away from the lake.

Holes #12, 13, and 14 are all easy to find, and the tee pad for #15 is on the concrete beside the gym (brick building to the right of the basket for #14).

After #15, head back up towards the gym, just to the right of the gym, is the tee pad for #16. Hole #17 and #18 are easy to find and put you right back beside the old pro shop.

This is a beautiful course and anyone who gets a chance should get out and give this one a go. Anyone who loves the game will enjoy this course no matter skill level, but it was definitely designed with advanced players in mind and they are going to be the only one shooting great scores out here. Can't wait to give this one a shot and check out the other course in the park. The pro shop is no longer open and will be greatly missed the guys that worked and hung out there were very friendly and helpful, and were great advocates for the sport. We came out from Ohio and the guy there told us about all the courses in the area and what was worth checking out, really sorry to hear that they aren't there anymore.
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19 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 23, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is set in a hilly park with a mix of open space and trees, and a small lake. The course configuration is occasionally different, with this 18 sometimes playing as the front nine of a championship 18 course, but both layouts are challenging and fun. The course design makes the most out of the various densities of trees throughout the course, and uses the available elevation very well. The lake doesn't often come into play, but it is very pretty, and will punish really bad drives on a few holes.

There is very nice grass on all the holes, and it has been nicely mowed every time I've played. Many of the holes punish poor tee shots without having any nasty rough or brush anywhere on the course. Unless you throw into the lake, there isn't really a chance of losing a disc here.

The tees are all concrete pads, and most were in good shape. There are tee signs, and for the most part they were accurate and helpful. Navigation was not an issue, even when the signage was lacking, as the course had very nice maps and scorecards. Every time I've played here, I've had a great experience with the people on the course, and always end up playing with very friendly locals.


The tee signs and the basket numbering really could use some work. The map made this less of an issue, but this takes away from ease of navigation somewhat. The tee pads can also be inconsistent with regard to length and quality, so for some players this might throw them off. There are several holes with interference from other park users and that bring roads, sidewalks, and other park uses into play making for some waiting and some possible safety issues.

Other Thoughts:

This course is worth driving out of your way to play. It's a course that will challenge any level player with long/short holes, and some blind shots, but is accessible to fairly new and inexperienced players. I have really enjoyed every single round I've played here, and always look forward to another chance to play this course.

Edit: Apparently the pro shop is no more, review changed to reflect that.
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2 3
Experience: 16.3 years 19 played 17 reviews
4.50 star(s)

challenging course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2009 Played the course:once


park is nice, grass, hills, tree, blind shots, short and long shots, elevation changes, water fountains here and there


some dog traffic, but its a park, misnumbered i dont know if i shot into the right basket on a few occasions. but oh well

Other Thoughts:

dont rely on the back 18 maps that are downloadable from this page. the course is different now. it didnt help me but i managed to make it all the way. i guess the shop has the new map.

great course i would go if i were you
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6 3
Experience: 18.2 years 8 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sweet Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2009 Played the course:once


Can't really list any new Pros here. I agree with almost all of the other reviews when it comes to the positives of this course. If you're anywhere in the LA area this is a 'must play'.


I know it's been said before but the two biggest negatives that stand out are the lack of indicators as to which pin position is in use and the mismarked baskets.

Considering that this course has such a great reputation it was disappointing that you almost have to guess where to throw off the tee on a good number of holes. A great course like this shouldn't have bush-league stuff like this going on.

A grease pencil mark or even a piece of tape on the tee signs would go a long way to let non-regular players know the course better.

And a $10 trip to Home Depot for some number stickers could solve the basket problem.
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19 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 38.6 years 30 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Course that needs TLC!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 11, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Great use of space and elevations. Very challenging (I love a course that can fustrate you at times). Regular tourneys and great locals. The park is beautiful and fairly maintained. Signage is very good, accurate, and easy to follow (although, they need to indicate which placement the hole is on blind shots with a grease pencil). The pro shop is back


A few hole are just too long for anyone less than Am/Pro. I don't mind it, but I think it doesn't help average players get a rise out of the course.

The pro shop closed

Only 1 restroom on the front 18 and it is at #17 teepad. Handle your businees b4 you get there. Needs more trash cans so the park can be kept cleaner.

The park is WAY over watered. The front 18 is horrible and like playing in a swamp and the teepads suck!!! Worst teepads in OC, they are literally ramps on some holes

Also, the flow was very weak, as there were long walks (well over the PDGA recomended 50 ft., many were over 250') from hole to tee.

The mandys are overboard. With a hole that is very long or a challenge already without the mandys, it is not needed. Although, I know they will help less skilled players stay in bounds and make the park safer overall, I (personally) don't even acknowledge mandys, the course is fine without them.

Other Thoughts:

The course is great to play if you have some decent skills and experience in the game. I just worry that the length and difficulty may deter growth in the sport in the area (my friends that play recreationally won't join me here). Some short tees for begineers may be a solution.

The course need some loving to get this place to the glory it truly deserves. Fix the teepads, find out why the city is over watering and breaking state water conservation laws. Make some short tees for Beginner/ Rec. players. This place should be the Meca for Disc Golf in OC, it just doesn't appeal to ever player and sadly, it could. Basically, the difficulty and shear volume of holes carries this course and the cons outweigh them

Favorite Hole: Nothing really stands out. They are all challenging, but nothing that I would tag as a "signature" hole. But, if I gotta choose one, it would be #13 for the technicallity and accuracy involved. Only hole where the water is really even a factor. (There is a lake, use it!!!!)
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14 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 18 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Destination Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 14, 2009 Played the course:once


-Nice Pro shop with discs, food, and course maps.
-Grass was lush and green.
-Holes were all clearly marked and we had little difficulty with the layout having the map and lots of locals made it easy.
-Multiple pin locations and lots of elevation changes offer various challenges.
-Several blind tee shots and long distance holes really challenge the average player. All Par 3's even on the 450+ pin locations.
-Mandy City! If this is your first time playing here be conscious of where they are. Hole #13 on the front 18 and all of the street holes (#10-13) on the back 18. OB can be a problem as well.
-I was not prepared for the challenge but I can't wait to play again.
-Several holes are well fitted for rollers


-Bathrooms on back 18 were locked, few benches available and trash cans were hard to come by. All kind of important when you are playing 36 Holes (3+ hours)
-Signage is great but which pin location is being used is not marked on the signs. (Grease pens like Morley uses would be very helpful)
-Would also be helpful if the baskets all had the correct Hole #'s.
-Lots of park goers presented obstacles, particularly on the front 18. We had a few close calls, and several waits for groups to clear out.
-Lost a disc in the water on hole #1 on my drive after a roll. Very frustrating way to start the day.

Other Thoughts:

I have been looking forward to playing here for quite some time and it did not disappoint. I have the score to prove how challenging it was. I look forward to playing again. Definately a must stop in LA.
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6 5
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of SoCal's Best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 2, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of fun holes, including some that really test the player's ability to go deep. The course is in a park which is beautifully maintained, and fairly scenic (for L.A.). Also, the final 9 holes, are referred to as "championship holes," and are all very long (500 ft +, with one hole over 800 ft.), challenging and fun. Also, the course is free to play, and considering how good of a course it is, it is not crowded at all.


It is mostly an open grassy area, so some of the holes don't have much in the way of obstacles... its kinda like throwing on a empty football field. The only other thing that was a problem (slight) was that the park is not used exclusively for disc golf, so there are sometimes people wandering around the fairways obliviously or sunbathing while you are trying to play. Not a big deal though. Also, the course is pretty flat, so there aren't many shots with elevation changes.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course to play in the LA area. Also, it is close to the 5, so if you are driving through LA, it is a nice place to stop off. If you are playing for the 1st time, stop by the Park Headquarters, and they will give you a map to the course which will help you find your way around.
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7 9
Mark R
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 118 played 90 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 21, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


La Mirada is a terrific park in a very nice area, and not just for disc golf; there are also outdoor raquetball and tennis courts. Mostly good tee pads (though some are adapted from adjacent sidewalks) and mostly good baskets. Great maintenance and short, thick green grass. Has some good crush opportunities, as well as good overhand holes. Right sized holes (No 500+ foot holes, but none under 150 either). Signs have improved since I last played in 2010. Pond is nice with geese and ducks, and despite being near a large population center, lots of bird species were spotted (A guy from the parks dept. mentioned that there were bluebird boxes in hidden spots). Lots of beautiful palm and cypress trees remind you that you are in California, as well as creating challenging shots. A few elevation changes keep things from being boring. Cool locals who enjoy the game.


Hard to follow even with the newer signs. First timers may have to take a minute to figure out which basket to shoot at. Lots of mandatories, a few too many in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

Basically this is a four-star disc golf course within a five-star public park. Between the Front and Back 18 courses, one 24 Hole course could be made that would rival the world's best.
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17 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 43.1 years 186 played 37 reviews
4.50 star(s)

my favorite cali course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 1990 Played the course:5+ times


Located in a city park, La Mirada is exquisitely cared for. How often do you hear complaints of the grass being overwatered? The palm trees and finely cut grass give a distinctly country club feel in a public park. The pro shop is in the heart of the two courses and is surrounded by tennis courts. There's a lake which comes into play in a couple configurations. And the rolling hills make for some sweet use of elevation. Not severe, but enough to create a good challenge.


Being in a public park, there is ample opportunity for conflicts with walkers, bikers, picnicers, sunbathers, you name it. It's about the only thing that keeps La Mirada from being rated a 5 - is that it's not exclusive to DG. But if it was, it probably wouldn't enjoy the servicing that it does now.

Other Thoughts:

It's been a long time since I played this course, but it left quite an impression. Last time I was there, there were 27 holes available to play, Dan Mangone still ran the pro shop, and Scott Stokely was chunking an Aviar w/ a 71 mold stamp on it.
It's a plus to hear that new signs have been installed and also nine more holes. If you are passing through LA and fail to play La Ma - you have made a mistake.
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16 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 112 played 104 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Place To Be 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 2, 2008 Played the course:once


The front 18 at La Mirada is a really fun course to play. It does play very technical in that there are gaps to hit on many holes. There is a good variety in length and shot type. The tee signs are very helpful and have recently been updated. The local club does a good job keeping the course changing on a regular basis and keeping signs in good condition. Most tee pads are still in good condition as well. The park is really well maintained. This 18 plays around a beautiful lake and makes really good use of the land features and trees.


The pedestrian traffic is very heavy on the first three holes and most of the time players will play the front 18 creating lots of Disc traffic as well. Tee pads are inconsistent as far as size is concerned. There are just a couple of places where finding the next tee might be a challenge, 7 to 8 and 16 to 17.

Other Thoughts:

Having made La Mirada my home course for the past several months, it has been a treat getting to know the large and helpful local scene here. There is at least one 1000+ rated player that plays here regularly (SuperDave) and several that are right behind him as well. This is the original course that was put in here at La Mirada and is usually played as is. The pro shop recently changed ownership and the current owners are very much tennis people. They do sell discs but their prices are steep.
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1 24
Experience: 48.4 years 15 played 15 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2008 Played the course:once


It's La Mirada,My home town and course.I was THERE when it all began.


LOL Too many too list

Other Thoughts:

Give me a month and it would be the way it should be,T Pads,Signs,etc.
Get it together Willy.This course should be the Cadillac.The Crown Jewel.
[email protected] for rates on how to make it right .(Or Complaints)
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10 3
Experience: 16.7 years 45 played 10 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Absolutely the best place to play in Southern California. The grass playing surface, lake, scattered trees, rolling hills and scenery in general set a great backdrop for some truly challenging holes. Hole placements change occasionally to give variety. There are two 18-hole courses - the Lakeside course and the Backside course. The 36 total holes can be combined to make an awesome 18-hole Championship course. The pro shop is well stocked and the course pro, Mike Williams, is very knowledgeable.


The course is very long. If you don't have a big arm, then you could be playing catch up to others who do. Be careful about friends who get tired quick. They might be limited to just one round out there. Some holes can get blocked up by non-disc golfers who are oblivious to letting you play through or refuse to get out of the way.
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19 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.3 years 197 played 19 reviews
4.50 star(s)

First Course I Played Married 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2008 Played the course:once


This course is what disc courses should strive to be! The pro shop had everything disc related (I picked up a nice avenger ESP as I was only traveling with a mid-range and putter, and it was only 15 bucks). Tee pads on every hole, although some were incorporated into sidewalks. I got to talking to the shop pro and he told me they just dropped 2500 bucks into new signs for all 36 holes, and I believe it, the signs are great. We only got to play the Lakeside course, but my new wife and I loved the length and the scenery, playing around the lake with all the ducks and stuff, I was expecting more duck poo, but didn't have any issues with the stuff. The baskets were super nice too, although they were often mis-labeled. Great elevation, not too severe, but still it was there, made for a nice walk through a nice park. I really liked how they used the trees to guard baskets, nothing was just a wide open straight shot, there was thought put into every single hole on the front side...oh yeah, maps at the pro shop are very helpful, very, very helpful...and there is a full array of ammenities at the pro shop/restrooms/club house.


2 cons:
-Lots of the baskets were labeled with different numbers than they actually were...not a big deal if you got a map.
- the course is over-watered, not that big of a deal, the course pro guy said, "Even though we're in a drought the parks department insists on overwatering this place!"...this isn't a big deal to me, but the wife thought it was a little messy

Other Thoughts:

We're from NC, got married in LA on Saturday and I was able to talk her into playing this course on Tuesday. My arguement, we're 3000 miles from home, when am I gonna get another chance?...now I wish I could have talked her into playing the full 36!!!...I only hope I can get back out there to play the back side! GREAT COURSE...I used to think DeLaVeaga was the best Cali course, but this one is right there giving it a run for it's money!
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1 14
Experience: 40.3 years 112 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2008 Played the course:never


Long, beautifully manicured, toughest course in SoCal. Great variety. Rollers are a must. Intense challenge for anyone. Great original layout of 27, now a beast of a course set at 18 for tournaments. Completely stocked pro shop.



Other Thoughts:

The Grandaddy of courses.
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16 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 18 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

LaMa's New Back 18 a Must Play! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 25, 2008 Played the course:never


This review is only for the "back 18" newer course at La Mirada. For the "front 18," we agree with previously posted comments. That's a great course -- but we love the back 18 more for many reasons:
- it's more wooded, which not only makes it more challenging, but also cooler on a sunny day
- it's harder. The holes are longer overall (6440' vs 6050'), and include several long blind tee shots to the right and left
- 7 and 15 are monster holes at 640' and 540' and 6 is deceptive with the pin in plain view at the end of a wide fairway but 420' away
- favorite holes 3-4-5, which shoot down-up-down the same hill, with 8-9-10 also fun shooting back and forth thru a thicket of trees
- hole 11 is a virtual tunnel: it's located on a grass strip 30' wide between a sidewalk/busy street and a parking lot, with the pin unobstructed straight ahead at 290'. Keeping your disc on the grass here is as difficult as shooting down any narrow tree tunnel, with the added disadvantage that you hook your shot, your disc (or you, chasing it) could be run over by an oncoming car. Straight shots only on 11


- the course is new, so tee markers are absent and the baskets have random numbering -- a volunteer project is in the works to make new tee signs for both courses. One or two tees are also still dirt, but most are already concrete
- not necessarily a con, but worth mentioning, some of the tees are on the sidewalk. If you play neighborhood pitch n putt courses you're already used to minimalist markings -- in this case, look for taped corners on the sidewalk about where you expect the tee to be. Be sure to get a map at the pro shop (soft copy not currently available to post)

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course. The first three holes shoot around a busy area of the park that includes the racquetball courts and kiddie playground, so expect to wait occasionally for the traffic to clear. We played on a busy holiday weekend, and it was a minimal issue. Starting with hole 4, the course plays through an area of the park that is lightly used, and includes a great little canyon with hole 6 in the middle.

This is a long course, and if you shoot much over par you're likely to be tired at the end of the round. If you want to play both 18-hole courses in the same day, allow a generous rest period in between. The pro shop has a great inventory of Innova, Discraft, and special edition discs, and more importantly, ice cream and sodas to enjoy while resting from La Mirada's "back 18."

Play this course as soon and as often as you can
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6 1
Experience: 23 years 8 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

My Home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 25, 2008 Played the course:never


Long grassy fairways, many different shots to make. a must for socal trips. huge proshop for your disc needs. it currently has 2 18 hole courses in stalled; the lakeside and the backside.

The lakeside course is a longer and slightly less technical course around the lake side of the park, holes 6, 7, 9, 10, 12-16 are the highlights of the park mainly these are the deal breakers of the casual score or round

The backside course is a mixed course of distance and technical shots. shooting the par is easier than the lakeside due to the 2 4 pars making the course par a 56. it's mildly wooded course with the infamous hole 4 as reviewed in the DGM. my favorite holes in the back 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18,


lots of people on the weekends. mainly by the ridge of the lakeside hole 1, anywhere in the shade on 10, the ridge by 16, by the lake on 12 and 13

Other Thoughts:

5/12/2008 Golden state layout will be coming in a few weeks i'm guessing and i'll write a review of the super course 18 when it gets installed.
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15 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
4.50 star(s)

You Could Play This Course Barefooted! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2005 Played the course:never


It's set in a beautiful park with a pond, some nice little hills and a lush, green carpet of grass to walk on. There's a little store there to buy discs and other non-essentials. The orginal 18 holes play through the lovely picnic areas of the park. Rollers will help your score on this course. Out of bounds are usually the borders of the park. Sometimes you teeing off from the sidewalk, that can get a little confusing.


This park can get crowded. People will park themselves with a blanket right in the middle of a fairway. We lost a disc down near the big pond when a group of non-players pleaded insanity as to the whereabouts of our disc, even though it must have just missed them. I'm sure they snatched it after we left. Never trust a non-golfer! Also the course is not exactly easy to follow.

Other Thoughts:

Okay, it has a couple of flaws but it's so beautiful and fun to play. Get up early and play before the crowds move in. It's an American classic and should be sipped not gulped. There's also another nine holes located in another section of the park. We ran out of time and were unable to play it. I understand it's much longer than the first 18 with some par 4's and 5's. Next time!
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8 1
Experience: 45.5 years 133 played 39 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Best in So Cal 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 1, 2008 Played the course:never


Beautiful setting, especially during the week when the pedestrian traffic is not so high. The regular 27 hole layout requires a wide variety of tee shots. Lots of deuces, but you have to earn them. The 18 hole layout is spectacular and puts a premium on long, well placed drives and smart decision making. La Ma is definitely for long throwers! Pro shop with discs and snacks.


A public park with occasional heavy pedestrian traffic. Some of the tee pads need to be replaced.

Other Thoughts:

I live 90 miles from the course and consider the drive well worth it.
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