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Lewisville, TX

Lake Lewisville Park - Old Layout

3.965(based on 70 reviews)
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Lake Lewisville Park - Old Layout reviews

2 0
Experience: 12.5 years 34 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful scenery! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 9, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- extra large tee pads, accomdating even the biggest run up
- helpful signage indicating distance, hole location, mandos and OB
- amazing view of the lake on holes 1, 2, 3, and 7
- good mix of shots needed to avoid trees and water.
- some elevation changes


- sand gets everywhere
- the wind hates you
- "5 people drown in this lake every year" signs are disconcerting
- no alternate tee positions, or hole positions
- tournaments often close the course on weekends

Other Thoughts:

The first time I ever played this course, I fell in love after the first three holes. I had no idea there were such beautiful vistas to be had on a disc golf course. I enjoy the risk/reward to throwing big hyzers over the water on six, and the temptation to throw a big anny on 3. There are just enough trees to keep things interesting, and to test your accuracy (like holes 5, 10, 15 and 16.) With no short tees, it's a long course for a beginner, but still remains fun. Some of the signs are in need of maintenance and updating. Navigation can be a little confusing, particularly where the path from six crosses over the tee pad of two. Great all around course, I would recommend it for all skill levels.
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1 1
Experience: 14.5 years 53 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

One of the all time greats 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-one of the oldest and best courses in DFW
-Great large cement tee pads; they give you tons of room to do whatever type of run up you can think of
-drains great, best course to play after a good rain, elevation and sand soaks up all the water
-some super fun shots over water hole 3 and hole 7
-The front 9 and back 9 play pretty different which I like, lots of putters and mids for the front and you get to bust out a couple of drivers on the back 9
-quick to play as long as it doesn't get to busy
-after all the rain from this year and the course was super flooded for many weeks the course is still playable since the put all the baskets back in.
-lots of tournys here through out the year


-late fall when all the leaves fall off the trees, it makes it very hard to find disc that slide up under all the brush on the ground
-very popular course, can get very busy on sunny weekends and evenings
-Signs in poor condition
-there are many more shots for a RHBH player, it makes it interesting for left handed players

Other Thoughts:

-I love this course
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2 1
Experience: 11.2 years 33 played 16 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A top course for sure 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Very challenging course that caters to advanced disc golfers
-Nice technical holes that can build your skill set...or frustrate you...
-Simply stunning surroundings with evergreens, red sand, and lake Lewisville as a backdrop. This course just offers a different beauty than other courses in the area. I always appreciate a course that has a "different" and "fresh" feel to it, and this one certainly does
-Nice concrete teepads and good tee signs
-The front 9 are more thread-the-needle types by the lake. The back 9, though just across the street, are like playing a different course. More open, longer holes, with light to medium tree cover
-There are tons of things to do in the area as well
- A lot of top area players come here often, which is always a good sign
- This is a great course to play when area rains or inclement weather force you out of your normal course. The elevation changes along with the sand and rocks just whisk the rain away.
-There is a port-a-potty about half way through
-Nice course flow, but know that #10 is across the street (that will help everything make sense)


-This is a disc eater course, especially on the front 9 where several holes are right by and/over the water. Any really good course such as this one always presents a risk of disc loss, however. Hole #7 is the bain of my existence. You can play it safe...but where's the fun in that? Go for it! Just be sure to use a disc that isn't going to make you cry like a toddler if you lose it.
-It would be nice if they would spruce up some of the signs a bit. They're not bad, but there are a couple holes that could do with some more info...like..towards the next hole.

Other Thoughts:

One of the best courses in dfw. There is another course nearby for those who like to play two-fers. Great fishing as well. As a side note, there is also a very nice disc shop nearby.
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.3 years 123 played 72 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Excellent Course that needs some maintenance. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 6, 2015 Played the course:once


This course plays through land on the edge of Lake Lewisville that has a moderate number of trees, though less dense that what I would call a forest. There is very little underbrush that comes into play. The first 9 holes play on the lake side of a park road that separates the two nines. The second nine plays longer and slightly more open feel than the front.There are no truly open holes - every hole has trees, but some holes are more open than others. There on only two true tunnel holes that I remember, 5 and 16, and a high hyzer can avoid the tunnel and get you in birdie position.

The challenge in this course is hitting your line to give you a shot at birdie. Only a couple holes on the front 9, 6 and 9, are over 400 feet and both are just over that distance. On the back 9, holes 11 and 17 are over 400. Most of the remaining holes are reachable for most players off the tee, but the course has been laid out well to force accuracy off the tee if you want to putt for birdie. There are many more right turning holes than left turning holes. I can remember only three holes that require a turnover or RHFH throw. Most are straight or hyzer holes.

Even the long holes require accuracy and have fairly low ceilings. I found this to be a fun course and wish I had had time to play it again.

Two holes, 3 and 7, invite throws out over the water, but can be approached without risking a disc. 3 is the better risk/reward hole of the two, requiring a blind right turning shot through a tight hole with a significant water carry. Two holes, 6 and 8 have "elevated" greens where long or short upshots/teeshots can take you out of easy putting distance.

The amenities are a mixed bag, with excellent tee pads and benches at many of the holes.

There is some minor elevation on this course that only comes into play in connection with two or three of the longer, low ceiling holes.

Another bonus is that Dynamic Discs has a location less than a mile from the park entrance. If you are traveling and playing this course, do yourself a favor and stop in and shop around.


As much fun as this course is and as well designed as it is, there are significant cons.

Many holes, if not most, require a hike to determine where the basket is. The baskets are difficult to see and I don't remember them having numbers on them. I found myself consulting the distances in the hole info on my DGCR app to help locate baskets.

This seems to be a fairly popular park. I went on a holiday weekend and there was a lot of non-disc-golf activity, including people swimming and fishing along the holes by the lake and just walking around the course in general. Hole 9 required a throw directly at a parked vehicle with a lady milling around aimlessly by it (I still have no clue what she was doing). The distance was probably out of play, but an inopportune turnover might have caused a scene.

Navigation is less than good. Some holes have next tee signs. Some holes do not. Some tees are easy to find, some are not. Some holes have tee signs, some don't, etc. This is a shame, because this is a fine course being dragged down by lack of maintenance. Print out the map before you go because none are available and you will need it if you've never played this course before.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun and challeging course. It would be a solid 4-4.5 course in my opinion if I had wasted so much energy and time scouting around to figure out where to throw and where to throw from. Really, just updated tee signs and replacing missing next tee signs would seal the deal on this course for me. I can't complain about the layout at all, just really fun.

Take water with you as I saw none on the course. There were portable toilets along the roadway separating the two halves of the course. I do not know if those were there just for the holiday weekend or not. Also, there is a lot of sand on the holes by the lake. This is probably not a course to play in sandals. If I had known about the sand, I would have brought boots, but I really didn't have any problems being careful how I walked in hiking shoes.
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1 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

This is a good course but ... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 3, 2015 Played the course:once


Really like this course because it could be very challenging, and fun to play. Who doesn't like to have to span some water or be challenged by the occasional long hole?

The Pros are solid layout and some memorable holes.


The course really isn't in very good shape right now. There is a ton of litter because it's by a lake where a lot of camping, partying, etc. go on. But that leads to some icky situations on the fairways and especially off the fairways where trash accumulates in the woods and brush. Some abandoned soccer chairs and other debris complete the ambiance. It just needs a big time clean up.

The third hole is a shot across a cove but the cove is so thick with vegetation from the recent flooding there is just no way to throw it. You can't hardly see the basket much less find a lane to throw in.

The seventh hole is gone. No basket.

Several of the signs on holes are also gone. That leads to some basket hunting - "where are we going to?" gets old after a while.

Other Thoughts:

This course needs some work and it could be a gem. Someone looking for an Eagle Scout project could really make hay here. Or maybe the City of Lewisville ought to stand someone on tee box 1 on a Saturday and see if they can get everyone to donate a couple of bucks. Take the money and do so some brush hogging, painting, and re-doing some signs. With a little work this could be one of the top courses in the area. But right now -- it's good but a little worn, a lot trashy and a lot of "this could be better ... MUCH better."
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2 0
Experience: 30.5 years 24 played 8 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Lake Lewisville DG Park is still DFW's most loved DG course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 26, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Every DFW disc golfer knows Lake Lewisville Park is the first Disc Golf course in DFW to play after a rain. LLP re-opened in September, with 3 new, very challenging, deep woods shade, 'annie' fairways. All 3 ( #9, 10 & 11) are tunnel technical fairways & have varying 'anhyzer baskets'. Bring your forehand or 'annie' drivers or stay on the porch.
Look for the New Lake Park Map inside the community billboard next to Teepad #1.
The first 7 fairways, on the beach side of Sandy Beach Road, are very close to their original design. Fairways #8-18 are on the west side of Sandy Beach Road, with # 8,9,10,11 and 15 inside the woods.
So: + Lake Park is still the first DFW disc golf course to dry out and is playable right after a rain. LLP has more shade, more parking and 4 new Annie fairways inside the woods.
+ The Lake Park Park Rangers are friendly to disc golfers & they will move any picnicers set up too close to our baskets or on our tee pads.


- The Lewisville City Council's federally funded Hike and Bike Trail is wide enough to drive a Semi-trailer through the park. Many folks picnic and fish at the Lewisville Lake and the new trail will bring more mindless wanderers to the park. - Remember, the 'Lake' Park Rangers will ticket you for alcohol, so Hide your beer.
So: + We All Gotta share the Park. Play Nice!
- Everything changes, come throw the New Lewisville LAKE PARK.

Other Thoughts:

Steven Storrie & Brad Crow of Carrollton's Dynamic Discs did a fine job re-designing a new more challenging 'Lake Park'. You'll find a new fairway map posted inside the community billboard near #1's tee pad, or you can find it @ Lake Lewisville Disc Golf Park page on FaceBook.

Fairway #1 has a shorter tee pad matching it's shortened fairway. Our signature #1 basket remains backlit by the sunrise, down on Sandy Beach. Fairway #2 remains a gorgeous challenge to kick you butt. Trees blocking Fairway #3's 'Over the lake' Anny' angle have been cut, as have the beachside drive space. #3's basket is now high, up on the hill, even with #4's Fairway. Fairways #5 and 6 remain mostly unchanged. Back on the beach, Fairway #7 has a new tee pad & the Hyzer fairway is even longer. After #7's basket, walk directly across Sandy Beach Road to what was old #16, now #8 tee pad. Enter the woods to the right of Basket #8 & follow the path to Fairways # 9,10 & 11. Good luck there! After #11, turn to your right & follow the open path across a culvert, under overhanging trees. Turn left past the overhanging trees & you'll see the new Teepad #12 beside North Mill Street. Many folks first on LLP miss #12's tee pad. Fairway #12 is the longest (504ft) drive with Sandy Beach road OB on the left and the tall thick forest on the right. Past #12's basket is new #13 (twas #17) & #14 (twas #18). New #15 brings you back into the woods with another Annie. Follow the new path to a familiar #16,17 in the open park. New #18 is that short hard Hyser back toward #15.

Come back to DFW"S favorite LAKE PARK.
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1 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.3 years 138 played 28 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Always a fun round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 9, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Natural beauty.
The lake.
Well designed holes that are all fun to play.
Drains well.
Proximity to Dynamic Discs.
Elevation - OB and water hazards - well kept.


Crowded with people and crowded course design with fairways that are side by side. Some tees are in position to take incoming drives from another hole.

Be careful where you park.

Other Thoughts:

I have always had a good time at this course. It's the best course to play after or during a rain in north Texas. In the summer, it's fun to swim in the lake between rounds or after playing.
This isn't a bomber course, but you will be required to play golf with well placed shots. It seems to have a little bit of everything. That's why I rated it so high. You'll love to play here - guaranteed.

If you like to drink when you play, the vigorously enforced no alcohol policy would be a con.
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4 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 1166 played 232 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun course with a lakeside view 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has a good mix of short, moderate, and longer length holes.
Adequate signage and excellent tee pads.
This course uses the elevation well especially on the front 9 and the last few holes of the back 9.
There are wooded/technical holes as well as holes that are more open. All of which provide excellent lines to be hit and make for great discing.
The chance to run the chains is present here as well.
There are benches and trash cans throughout the course, so that is a plus. This course has protected baskets and elevated tees and baskets too.
The flow is logical and there are also directional arrows to keep you pointed in the right direction.
Water threat was present on hole 7 in particular and a few holes give you a nice view of the lake.
My favorite holes here are 1,3,7, and 16.


If you are not paying attention on 10 you could hit an oncoming car with a disc so safety is priority number one.
7's sign is missing its diagram and just had HOLE 7 spelled out with white tape. Sadly 8's signage is missing as is 12, 13, and there wasn't any info for 15 either.
Not a major con but you could twist an ankle in a few spots where the terrain is a bit uneven on the front 9.

Other Thoughts:

I can't say enough good things about this course as I've grown to appreciate it more as the years have gone by. This was actually my second course ever played and I was really impressed by it in 2010 and even more so now that 5 years have gone by. The golf shots here are fun and challenging and you will use a variety of shots when you play this course.
This course can get a lot of traffic but after you play it you will see why so many players of all skill levels love playing here. This course is a must play if you are in the area and worth it even if you must drive several miles to get here.
I'm highly certain that you will find this course enjoyable. I know when I get the chance to make it to this area again I will be playing here again.
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5 0
Experience: 24.3 years 42 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Challenges, Beautiful Location, and the Locals Make It Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


+ variety of shots are needed whether you use your Left or Right throwing arm
+ good layout for the use of space
+ popular course and many locals will help you out if you are new to the area (like myself)


- some trimming/pruning of trees on the lake side and possibly hole #3 & #16 come to mind during the Fall/Spring should be done to help the trails and flight line choices
- trash along the course sadly
- Correct tee signs and measurements
- use better markings for Mando's other than small pink tape

Other Thoughts:

Good fun course and location. I was there on a busy weekend and you could see all types of experienced players throwing discs.. that's a good sign for the sport in the area.

I was able to throw a variety of shots if I chose and I had options for bigger ones, but the winds and lack of course layout knowledge prevented me, but I will consider it next time.

I enjoyed Hole #3 since I almost ACED it twice in the same weekend with a RHBH Flick over the lake's edge.

Side note/tip I got from a local: Ensure ALL WHEELS of your vehicle are OFF THE PAVEMENT when you park or else the parks police could write you a ticket for being on the right of way.
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2 2
Experience: 11.3 years 35 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 25, 2014 Played the course:once


Beautiful course along Lake Lewisville! Played for my first time and not my last. Very challenging course of mixed shots. Everything will be needed to play here. Nice signs at most tee boxes and super long tees giving you lots of room for the run up. Trees look to have been trimmed back and some removed making it a little easier to get a disc where you want. Nice signage for next tees, very easy to navigate the course and not get lost. Though, having a local around did help us on a couple of them.


It is very busy. Be prepared to wait on people in front of you and many solo players to play through. Everyone seemed to be very respectful about it. Even turned my group of 2 into 5 with some guys who decided to play along instead of play through.

Fairways run close to each other. Pay attention if you get out of your fairway as you are probably in someone elses!

Other Thoughts:

I will be back many times and hope to not get beat too bad in June!
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9 0
Experience: 20.3 years 128 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lake Lewisville Lovin' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Lake Lewisville plays as nicely as it looks. Situated in a quiet neighborhood in a historic district, the course pleases from the moment you drive up to the last putt on hole 18. Hole 1 drives off the top of a hill down towards the beach and then the course winds along the shore. As you play through the course you will find that Lewisville will challenge you with uphill approaches and both hyzer and anhyzer approaches. The course is both technical and open at the same time. Great baskets complimented by luxuriously long and wide teepeads add to the atmosphere of a quality course. The parking lot for the course is marked by a sign which is situated with benches near hole 1 and hole 18 finishes near the parking area as well.


The course does have a few cons that detract from the overall experience. Parking is very close to the fairways and can become an issue. Holes in several places seem to be throwing at each other or are overlapping. There are a lot of non golfers wondering in and out of the woods and fairways!

Other Thoughts:

- Need some plastic before or after the round? Stop by the Dynamic Discs pro shop, a mile from the course!
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1 4
Experience: 11.2 years 116 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lake Park is awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Long tee pads, great terrain, great view, some nice ace-able holes that are not too easy. Different shot selection on most holes


Very easy to lose a disc here during the summer months be it in the lake or in the trees. There are normally a lot of people here. Parking is terrible, while abundant but in lines of shots. The port-a-cans are semi clean, but real restrooms would be nice. The random people walking through the course to get to the lake.
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5 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 80 played 33 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Disc Golf by the Lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2013 Played the course:once


A very nice course on Lake Lewisville. Several different types of shots come in to play. Generally shorter holes. The lake is put into play on a few holes, an obstacle that few other courses in the area have. The elevated basket areas are very nice.


It's easy to throw into or across the roads in a few places. In a number of places baskets for two different holes are very close to each other, 20ish feet in some cases. This can lead to some confusion as to which basket goes with which hole. The benches, while well built and in general a good idea, are too tall to really be used comfortably. This seems really odd.

Other Thoughts:

I imagine that the holes by the lake shore could be hellacious in heavy winds.

The city takes care of this course very well, and the DD people help to keep it looking nice.
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3 4
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 106 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Crowded, but good 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 25, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- Lots of different lines and distances
- Ridiculously long teepads
- Challenging, but not annoyingly tight - a good mix of open and tight holes


- Very crowded on the weekends, a lot of riff-raff
- Not a ton of elevation change
- Some bad overlap of fairways and proximity to parked cars

Other Thoughts:

I always play this course early in the morning or at a time when I know it won't be as crowded, because it can get bad. There are a lot of tournaments here, and they can get obnoxious practicing on baskets that other players are actually throwing on. A bad shank could easily hit a car on several holes, and there are a lot of "lake people" hanging around.
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7 0
Experience: 12.6 years 50 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Sundays Had Here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 14, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a well maintained course, I enjoy the layout very much. The lake air is always cool on hot days. You'll need a wide variety of shots, which always makes for an excellent day of disc golf. A couple of the holes have an enormous risk/reward factor, and I absolutely love that about the course. If you don't know where to go, the locals will always be helpful on showing you the way around, from my experience.

Some tight wooded shots, some open fairways, and beautiful scenery on most holes.

A con for most, but I do love the sand that is at this course, it gives it that beach feel.
Also, has the greatest teepads ever. 5-6ft by 30ft. SO MUCH SPACE.


Very few, may seem pointless to mention.
Some people sit on the bank of the lake fishing or playing with their animals, but they are pretty aware of where they are and watch the teebox that throws past em. The course isn't completely fluent, but it's not too drastic like some courses I've played. Also, some people park too close to the course and one errant shot could ruin 2 peoples days. (I've seen discers park there, so they should know that spot is bad news if they've played there before.)

Other Thoughts:

There is a dynamic disc store right down the road. On sundays a great guy works there and will help you out with disc selection at the store. I played a round with him last time, he helped my brother and I with our form.

Favorite hole at this course is #8, it's the first one you see when you park. It's a slight uphill shot, but the basket and putting circle is elevated from how the hill actually runs. It's a sweet hole.
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6 0
Experience: 15.7 years 75 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beautiful Lakeside Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2012 Played the course:once


This course featured Beautiful lakeside golf with a wide variety of shot types. Technical course with only moderate distance. Fun nail-biter shots over the lakes edge and awesome pin placement. Super long tees with nice man-made additions such as railroad tie walls to prevent erosion and make the greens more interesting. The course played quickly for 18 holes and left me wanting more. "Next Tee" signs made navigation easy. A cool breeze coming off the lake made this course a few degrees cooler then other courses in the summer. Also, the course locals were all very friendly and helpful. One of the best courses in Texas!


Very few cons. A few non-disc golfers would be walking through the trails and occasionally cross fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Beautiful lakeside golf, next door there is a indoor fishing barge that will sell cheap stale bread to feed the ducks!
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3 0
Experience: 13 years 10 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lewisville 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2012 Played the course:once


The variety in the shots is all over the spectrum. One minute you are shooting at a narrow gate and the next you have a wide open launch.

Though it was extremely hot the day we played, being next to the lake brings in a nice breeze in the summer!

I played midday on a Saturday and we didn't have to wait most of the day.

The course is challenging but extremely fun all around.

Huge tee boxes! Get the running start that you desire.


I HATE shooting close to cars and this happens multiple times. It wasn't enough to ruin the course for me, but it was pretty inconvenient.

There are plenty of places to lose a disc, but that is all the more motivation to have an excellent round.

Though there are signs everywhere pointing you in the right direction, if my cousin had not been with me then I'm not exactly sure if I would have found the tees so easily.

Other Thoughts:

If you get the chance, this is a definite yes!
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2 3
Experience: 20.4 years 31 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Local Lake Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great mixture of technical, and open shots. Very well shaded. Massive tee boxes. Opens up with an awesome downhill ace run. Plays fair with lefties and righties. Well groomed. Only two lake hazard holes, unless you over throw or shank on 1 and 2. Sand. benches on every hole, and some chill spots tucked in the woods.


Gets pretty busy. Alot of non disc golfers walkin around, not know whats really going on there. People park in places that the vehicle can get hit. some of the signs have came out the ground, and some need to be replaced

Other Thoughts:

Support Tom, buy some plastic!
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice mix 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays through a busy multi-use park, with a mix of wooded holes and more open park style shots. Much of the front nine plays through a wooded area along the lake with enough brush on many of the holes to punish an errant shot but not so much that it would eat discs. A couple of these holes offer great risk/reward decisions with risky routes over the water and safer but tighter routes that don't bring it into play. The back 9 is a little longer and a lot less punishing. Most of the shots play through mature trees with multiple lines and no underbrush.

The distance variety is decent, with a few longer holes and some rewarding ace runs. The holes that do force a specific line offer a good balance of right and left turning shots. The concrete tees are huge and in great shape. There is basic signage with hole distance and layout, and the baskets catch fine. Despite a ton of people playing, there didn't seem to be a big problem with trash here.


Several holes have some conflicts with park roads and parking lots, and with a lot of newer players those issues will be compounded somewhat. The area along the lake seems to be a popular swimming spot, taking the lines over the water means bringing swimmers into play on a warm day.

The course seems to get a ton of traffic, we had to wait quite a bit during our round and locals told us that was pretty typical. A few holes play right alongside one another, a potential safety issue with that many people on the course.

Other Thoughts:

I had a good time playing here, and the two water holes were some of my favorite shots of the courses I played in the DFW area. There are a few filler holes though, and some safety issues that bring my rating down a little. Beginners can have a great time here, it's challenging for newer players but not so punitive that it will get frustrating. More experienced players won't be truly tested but there are enough fun shots that it's still worth a stop.
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1 5
Experience: 15 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 26, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Great layout and use of lakefront
Challenging for left and right hand players
Holes are perfect length


Poison Ivy - be careful
Very easy to lose a disc
Extremely crowded late in the day and weekends

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the best courses I have played, very challenging and allows you to work on all kinds of different throws.
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