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Nacogdoches, TX

Lake Nacogdoches DGC

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4.095(based on 16 reviews)
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Lake Nacogdoches DGC reviews

2 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.3 years 757 played 253 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great hard course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2020 Played the course:once


Elevation changes on every hole. If this is your thing you will love it. Very challenging course. Great forest and lake views. Great pads and baskets. When you have signs it is a great help since some shots are blind. You go up or down on almost every hole through woods


The back 9 is missing lots of signs. On such a hard course this would help to replace them

Other Thoughts:

Not a beginners course. If you just started you will hate this. If you have played a long time and have the legs for lots of hills you will really enjoy this course
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4 10
Experience: 16 years 101 played 9 reviews
1.00 star(s)

thomaso 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 7, 2017 Played the course:once


Great piece or topography, beautiful lake. The course is overgrown and the deep grass shows no paths that would indicate where to walk.The course has potential but would need a lot of TLC to bring it back. If everything was fixed, I would rate it a 3.50, it still would not be 4, it just doesn't stack up with true 4's I regularly play at Rollin Ridge (a 4.83) in Wisconsin and The Canyons (a 4.44) in Illinois, both are top rated course, for reference.


This course was a major dissapointment. Trash, vandalism and graffiti everywhere! Missing signs or torn off sign laying in the weeds. Trash bags over filled and spilling over. Loose trash, mostly drink bottles cans and paper cups are all over every hole and tee. The people that have trashed this course give all Disc Golfers a bad name. Neglect doesn't begin to describe it. If I were in charge of this park, I would pull the pins and close it because of the disrespect and out rite abuse. I am disgusted and have since rated it a solid 1 (poor)
What ever happened to "don't mess with Texas"? Oink oink! Do not even bother playing this course!

Other Thoughts:

Contrary to what other think of this review, I played holes 1 thru 10 without trouble navigating. Hole 11 had no sign and is a blind hole, blind tee shot, with long grass. Even a perfect throw would land in long grass and probably never be found. I elected not to throw and walked it until I could see the basket. I played hole 12 and then got lost , then found the 17th tee, played it and 18, then found and played 14, 15 and 16. Never found 13 so played sixteen of the 18 holes. The course is well designed, that is not the problem, the problem is that it is overgrown and even perfect shots could result in a lost disc. I love difficult courses but this one is simply unfair, unkept and thus, unplayable.
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2 6
Experience: 14.7 years 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Lake Course at Nacogdoches Rocks! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


-Concrete Teepads
-Good course signage
-Interesting and challenging layout
-Great Disc Golf community
-Requires multiple shots and has multiple shot lines
-Good mix of wooded and open shots
-Plenty of elevation shots

Other Thoughts:

A great course that will challenge you in every way! A beautiful setting for a relaxing day of disc golf.
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2 3
Experience: 10.5 years 44 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Very impressed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 1, 2016 Played the course:once


- Concrete Pads

- Maps on most pads

- Beautiful Landscape

- Elevation is in play in almost every hole

- Good mix of RHBH and RHFH shots (almost 50/50)

- a few true par 4's


- trash hasn't been emptied in a while

- needs a little course maintenance on a few fairways, but to be expected in the area. Definitely playable

Other Thoughts:

I would gladly drive 3 hours again to come play this course. This course is real technical and makes you work on all aspects of your game. I was able to throw technical straight shots, couple big hyzers, forehands, and even a forehand roller!! I can't wait to come down for an a-teir in the coming months.

**If something is off on my reviews, please let me know**
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3 4
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Lake Nacogdoches 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Amazing location, very challenging, great course. Long, straight holes as well as short, challenging holes and the scenery is beautiful.


A little bit of a drive, bad cell service, some tee boxes are muddy.

Other Thoughts:

Newer tee boxes would make this primo!!!
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10 0
4th Rock
Experience: 12.7 years 29 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Challenging Course in the Middle of Nowhere 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 26, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Bring your A-Game for this one, you're going to need it. Elevation comes into play almost on every hole, with changes of up to 40-60 feet present on multiple holes, and the holes can be loooooong. 9 and 18 are both easily 400 feet with multiple obstacles to boot.

-The course has moderately open fairways with a few bits of vegetation left for a good challenge. Make an excursion off of the fairways, and it's another story entirely. The place is set in a large mixed hardwood-loblolly pine forest, and some areas are so thick with underbrush, woody debris, and briars it is impossible to navigate. Watch carefully where each disc goes, as the forest has a tendency to eat discs.

- No hole is alike. Every one is unique with excellent use of vegetation as well as topography.

-Extremely gorgeous background of the Lake. Very beautiful course to visit, especially in the spring and fall.

- To truly excel on this course and have a chance at going negative, you need both a good BH and FH. Both shot styles will come in handy on differing holes.

-This is the only course in Nacogdoches (aside from the 500 foot bomb at Pecan) that has holes that are virtually un-aceable. Past hole #3 it will be a challenge to birdie anything else.

-Course is very well thought out, with generous spacing between holes.

-Fairways and baskets seem to be very well kept up.

-New for 2014 are very nice and much more useful concrete tee-pads,which are a massive improvement over the original earthen tee-pads. First course in Nac to have them.


-Lack of Navigation: Course signage is, for all intents and purposes, absent, save for a few spray painted words scrawled onto a few tree trunks here and there. If its your first time playing the course, or even the second or third, print off the map wither from DGCR or the Crushers webpage. Without that you will get lost, guaranteed.

Trash- The only thing I didn't like is that the trash cans that are there are overflowing in some areas, as if they have never been cleaned. Ever. There is also trash scattered around the course as very few people seem be be able to responsibly pick up their waste. Not necessarily a course problem, more of a college-kids-being-ignorant problem.

Other Thoughts:

-Wear some shoes with some decent traction, either hiking shoes or cleats. Due to the topology and soil, there are many areas where loose rock and gravel make up the surface layer, and even when dry you can still faceplant if you're not careful. Add in the steep elevation on the course along with a thick o-horizon of dry leaves and plant material, you are guaranteed to loose footing if you aren't very careful. Out there it would be a long hike back to the parking lot with a broken ankle/leg/body.

-Bring some water, as navigating the place is a workout. Between hiking through the woods, finding discs, and actually playing the round, you'll be out there a minimum of 1.5 hours.

- In the spring and summer, bring some bug repellent. If you don't, the mosquitoes will carry you away. They carried away poor Bob last time, true story,

-Be prepared to loose a disc. The briars are a black hole for them, and discs also have a propensity to get themselves stuck in the highest tree possible without any indication of where they went. Hole 11 is notorious for this. This hole is situated on the top of a cliff, and all the way down the cliff is very dense briar patches. No telling how many discs are lost in that mess.

-All in all this a truly excellent course, with the only things keeping this course from gaining a 5 is the lack of navigation and the trash issue. I'd recommend everyone play this course at least once.

PS: Don't expect to get anywhere near par on your first few outings. Getting a score of anywhere near par (0- +5) and you're doing very well for yourself out there.
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6 1
Experience: 15.3 years 26 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Scenic and Challenging with One Black-Eye 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 24, 2013 Played the course:once


- shot variety, you have to bring your A game to birdie almost any hole; anhyzer, hyzer bombs, tunnel shots, down hill, up hill, pure distance and on and on

- scenery, it is amazingly beautiful

- mostly new Discatcher baskets, marked with numbers

- bathroom and practice basket on site, benches and trash cans on most holes

- elevation changes so much that playing it feels much more like an athletic endeavor than a walk in the park

- not a whole lot of other people traffic on the course at all (I'm that is different in the summer though)


- Navigation is AWFUL!, its a shame that such an amazing course is so poorly marked. They could at least mark the tee pads with a wood post with tee number and distance painted on it. If the local club (Nac Crushers I believe) ever want to make this an elite course they need to do something about this. Someone has spray painted directions on various trees, but its not consistent.

- gravel/redsand tee pads instead of concrete

- decent amount of litter, which is probably more attributable to the lake park goers than the disc golfers

Other Thoughts:

Nacogdoches could host a legitimate A-tier tournament if they would put concrete tee pads in and some kind, ANY kind of navigation on their three 18 hole courses (Pecan, Pioneer, and Lake Nac).

This course could be Delaveaga level if they would address these issues. I really enjoyed it otherwise. Some amazing holes are out there! Every birdie feels like a monumental achievement.

It would easily be 4.5 - 5 range with the tee pad and navigation issues fixed.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Elevation, bomber holes, and tight shots. What else could you want?
This course is on a fantastic piece of property that plays close and borders Lake Nacogdoches.

I never felt like any hole was the same. Each has their own unique twist to throwing off the cliffs on a few holes to 260' tunnel shots that borders the lake. This is not your average pitch and putt course as the difficulty rating is very high. There are lines that need to be taken off the tee that you will not find in a typical course. Hole #4 is defintely a good example of this for a righty as a tight anhyzer is the only way for a chance at a three if you take the suggested route.

However, being hard there are a few holes that are relatively easy for both lefty and righty holes.

Nacogdoches is still a small city and with this course being 10 miles away from the city the course should be empty. A bathroom and practice basket are present on on the course.


This course follows the theme of the other two Nac courses in that there are little to no tee signs or directional paths and with a few close tee boxes this can lead to confusion. Bring a map.

Also following theme of the other courses the tee boxes are red dirt and gravel. With a lot of use these tee boxes can become rutted. This truly would be a fantastic course with concrete pads.

Other Thoughts:

The fun factor is high here. In fact this is, in my opinion, the most fun course I have played in Texas. This is not your typical city park with rugged terrain, plenty of hills and close quarters this course will test your game to the max level as well as your physical ability to walk the entire course.
Bring water!
This is a course I would not mind making the three hour drive to play. Simply fantastic.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 556 played 429 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Got the Nac! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2011 Played the course:once


Lake Nacogdoches is a wild, fun course slicing through trees and bombing up and down hill sides. Level of difficulty is high on this one, but so is the fun factor. This unique terrain is the perfect place for a disc golf course, and the design is well thought out. The course doesn't get near the water at any point, and is mostly out of the way of other park goers. All tees are marked with a numbered post, and are dirt mounds that are consistently clean and well leveled. Many of them have benches, and also a few trash cans. Baskets are nice new Disccatchers placed in tricky spots on most holes. There is a practice basket near the first tee, as well as picnic tables and a clubhouse.


The only things that gave me trouble here was lack of familiarity. Many holes that are blind from the tee box, and I was guessing wrong on direction often. Also, finding the next tee required searching on a couple of occasions, despite some signs to guide throughout the course.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorites, in Texas, or anywhere. I can tell a lot of hard work went into installing this course, and it will only improve as it becomes more established. The rating would be even higher if concrete tee pads, and some additional signs were added. I had trouble making pars through much of the day, but it can be done if you are making good shots and maybe get a little lucky. Playing this course is highly advisable to any serious disc golfers in the vicinity.
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7 0
Experience: 13.9 years 34 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Worth the trip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The tightly wooded fairways and changing elevation make this a challenging course, but one you will want to play again and again.
You could play it with only a midrange if you wanted to, but it's got a shot for every disc you've got in your bag.
The new bridge on hole nine is a welcome improvement over the previous log bridge.
During the spring, a lot of work was one clearing out the fairways and paths.
Plenty of picnic/restroom facilities at the park if you want to bring the family or host an all day event. Easy access to fishing and swimming areas as well.


No signage, and there's a couple of holes without a bench at the tee box. Dirt teepads don't bother me, but this could be a con to some.

Other Thoughts:

Bring water. If you're a big guy, bring 3 bottles and keep one in a cooler in the car for when you're done. Early mornings or after 6 p.m. are the smart tee times until the fall rolls back around.
If you can't throw lazers on command, laying up is super smart, unless your on the #11 teepad.
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15 0
Experience: 16.7 years 49 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Potential, Potential, Potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 26, 2011 Played the course:once


If you like a good challenge this is your course. This ranks up there with Dogwood (Lindsey Gold) in Tyler. I don't feel it is as difficult as Dogwood but it is damn well near it. The course is still kinda new so it needs to be broke in a litttle more.

Elevation change out here is awesome. Huge throws off cliffs, down alley-ways, and even a nice Ace run on the first hole. (Me and a couple of friends played for the first time and the first throw of the day dinked right off the basket)

Set on a great piece of property, and has tons of replayable value. It's one of those courses you won't be able to get enough of. That is until your worn out from the hiking.

It is a woodsy serene place, so throw a few and then sit back and relax and enjoy nature!

I will definitely be back, this place will be awesome in the near future.


I don't mind the walking but some people won't like the up and down hiking through the hills.

I carry my bag but I have a few friends that use carts to save their backs, but be warned, this is not, I repeat IS NOT a cart friendly course.

Don't like the red clay tee pads, dirty and slippery. Also some of the tee pads don't seen to be long enough for the average run up.

A couple of the holes are a little unfair, but again, this course is still being shaped out and I am sure this will be addressed.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this was a great experience. I can't wait until this place is in full swing with tee pads and all.

Don't be discouraged by any of my Cons, you have to go give this place a throw. I drove out from Tyler and it was worth every minute!!!!!

I will definitely be back!!!
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2 8
Experience: 14 years 35 played 22 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2010 Played the course:once


Great course. I like it better than Lindsey Gold in Tyler. It is a good place to show off your arm but still need to be accurate.


No real cons. When I played it was still kind of new so there was a little bit of brush still lying around on the first few holes. But i am sure by now everything looks good.

Other Thoughts:

I can't wait to go back and try this course out again.
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8 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 35 played 35 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Going to be great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Definitely a pro level course in my opinion, very difficult. Another reviewer said if you can hang with 18 over you're doing well your first time out, I was 25 over and my brother in law was 17, so it was a good day.  Excellent use of the terrain, pretty much every hole has an elevation change, many of them drastic. Hole 11 is one of my favorite holes of all the courses I've played.


The elevation changes make for a great course, but at least half the holes can't be seen from their tee boxes. No concrete tee pads, the last third of the holes had a post by the pad, but no number on the post like the first 10 or so. No signs to help with navigation, got lost after hole 3, three of us walked just past the pad and didn't see it.  Like the other Nac courses it gets really muddy, and the tee pads seem to be redish clay/mud.  Many of the cons are due to it being a new course, but the other two courses in town do not have concrete, and the signs are missing in several cases. I'm afraid that the tee pads will erode if not built up with cross ties, I hope they just get concrete here.

Other Thoughts:

This is not a beginner friendly course, nor is it easy to play without having a guide. We got lost after hole 3, hardly ever knew where the basket was when we were teeing off, and played in this order by accident 1-13, 16-18, 15 then 14.  This flow seemed to work better and we were 2 shots into hole 16 before we knew we weren't on 14.  Good course, my rating will be higher when it's done.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Intermediate/Expert 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 31, 2010 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a large park, with a large forest, lots of mature trees, and lots of hills. There can be other activities going on, like fishing, canoeing, and off-roading, but it's not terrible.
- Fantastic hole variety in the deeper forest, with tons of different lines, difficulty, and elevation present. There are some easier ones, like a hyzer on #1, an anhyzer on #5, and a straight shot on #17. Some are a little tougher, like a sharp hyzer on #8, anhyzer on #3, and an uphill straight shot on #7. Others are downright ridiculous, like #13, which is a tricky shot uphill, then a RHBH anny line around a dense path of forest, located next to a ravine.
- Holes that are in the more open areas have great character and toughness as well. #9 is a big downhill shot, with a right finish over a creek and onto a hill. #10 is an uphill shot, in between two trees, followed by a 90 degree turn into a short tunnel. #6 is a great bomber hole, and #11 is a monster downhill shot with plenty of rough to punish any short or left shots.
- A constant feature through most of the course is lots of elevation changes. Good uphill shots on #7, #10, #13, and #18, good downhill shots on #6, #9, and #11. Also a tough valley on #3, and tricky terrain on #6, #12, and #18 that act like bunkers.
- Water is not a huge factor, but it is there. The creek on #9 is definitely in play; and a super long shot on #11 could definitely reach the lake.
- Large amount of protected baskets, due to small trees, larger trees, sloped greens, and a combination of both. Approach shots from the hazardous fairways can be a little tricky as well.
- Great variety in hole length, with two over 500', three more over 400', and and five more over 300'.
- Excellent elevated dirt teepads, good baskets, signage is a work in progress. Only the first 9 or so have numbered posts, and the others are unmarked posts. Navigation is still surprisingly easy, the only trick is a left after #5. Available paths are lined with logs, and other spots have tree blockades to help prevent wrong turns and even block errant shots from other teepads.


- Course does an excellent job of having some tough, long holes, but there are still a few shots that are pretty simple. Five holes are under 275' or need a semi-straight shot, and the more open holes are very straightforward.
- Definitely can be played as all par 3's; #9 and #13 would probably be the only candidates for a true par 4. Many others are very dependent on length to add difficulty, or extremely tight lines or windows.

Other Thoughts:

- This course has a fantastic variety of holes, in a ton of different ways. The bombers are very high quality, there are some extremely tough lines that beg for laying up, punishing shorter holes, and longer holes that use the elevation well. Elevation is a constant in general, especially by some baskets and water. Definitely not an easy course, and is physically punishing on top of that.
- As of now, the course is still very rugged. Lots of nasty thorns are present even the in the fairway, and there are some tricky climbs up and down the hills. Still enjoyable.
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14 1
Experience: 14.6 years 66 played 11 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Lake Nac, one of the best in ETX 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 18, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Super challenging, plenty of big-time elevation shots, best scenery around with lake in the background, secluded hidden gem, trails and features are improving all the time now.

Nice practice basket at the start of the course to play warmups.


Take food and plenty of water, nowhere close to eat!

At least 3 of the holes are Par 4's (in this golfer's opinion) but not labelled that way. People that throw 450'+ may not agree but most people would. I play Holes 9, 13, and 18 as Par 4's.

No really good ace opportunities after Hole #1, just an observation not a complaint. The 1st two holes are the easiest by the way. It's almost like it's intentional to not have any easy Ace runs.

Most baskets are blind to the teepad. You need to have played the course before to know where several of the baskets are located.

Needs some directional signage at certain spots.

Other Thoughts:

This course is physically punishing, and it is pretty tough to play 2 full rounds here unless you have some way to replenish your energy between rounds.

If you play in the Summer then you better take 2 waters per round! It's very long with some brutal climbs and can sometimes take 2.5 - 3 hours to play if you're with a group.

First time out I would HIGHLY recommend you play teams/doubles, it is a FANTASTIC doubles course and you'll be glad to have a 2nd shot with a lot of the difficult holes here. If you break even then you guys are on fire!

Not recommended for playing alone unless you like searching for throws, as it is heavily wooded. Leave your tye dye discs at home and bring bright orange, yellow, and pink.

I'm excited to see if they open a second course out here!
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14 1
Experience: 16.1 years 46 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The West Side 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 12, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The technicallity, the variation, the elevation...Whats not to love?!?! This course is by far one of the best in east Texas. from the thread the needle holes, to the wide open scenic overlook hole, no matter how short or long, theres always a fight to save par. No extra love for righties or lefties, its pretty much even throughout.

The diffulculty level of this course is hard to come by in this area. DEF a pro in my book. some say it is comparable to the dogwood course in Tyler, i have yet to play there, but i say it compares to DFW'S Gateway Park or Z-Boaz

-The ElEvAtiOn changes!!! nearly every hole has at least a little bit. whether its a slight up or downhill slope like holes 4 or 8 or throwing off a hillside, just check out the pics for hole 11.

-Brand new Discatcher Baskets!! with a big thanks going out to Mr. Grayson Middlebrook for donating a big chunk of change to help out with the funds


-not for beginners.
-temporarily no signs(in the works)
-still needs some breaking in, but that will come over time(i.e. rough fairways, tee boxes, trimming, trash cans etc..)
-hard to navigate for first-timers

Other Thoughts:

Secluded in the woods right on Lake Nacogdoches, the scenery is just as nice as the course. Holes range from 216'- 555'. most holes are heavily wooded, with a few wide open holes to really let loose. watchout for the wildlife!!! deer everywhere and BEWARE several snakes were spotted this last summer.
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