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Wildwood, FL

Lake Okahumpka

3.255(based on 18 reviews)
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Lake Okahumpka reviews

9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.8 years 238 played 235 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2023 Played the course:once


I mainly played this one as it's close to where I'm working, but I had to see a 9 hole course with a rating above a 3! That's a very rare occurrence on this site, and I have to say it was very close to worthy of that lofty designation in my estimation.

The course starts at the back of a pretty park that has a lot of walking trails and pavilions, what those in the biz would call a "passive recreation area" and you see a few of the later pins as you are driving in.

There is a gravel parking area in between hole 1 and 9, and the course sign/map to direct you where to head first.

I have to say for a 9 hole course it's not overly short, the first two are both over 400 and only one hole was under 250 and it was the most tightly wooded on hole 8. For only 9 holes you get a decent amount of shot variety, a few mid to longer holes, a couple of tunnel shots, many with low ceilings and the finisher is an open hole with just one tree to beat.

It's especially pretty in spots with large white oaks draped in Spanish moss, various palmetto looking trees(not a horticultural expert but they were pretty). The breeze from the lake can also add to the challenge as well.

Signs are basic, but large and accurate. Tee pads were very nice, the type that while there is nothing notable about them that is a positive. Big enough, enough texture and in good shape. Baskets were yellow banded Innova baskets and only one hole(6) had any damage. Looks like a tree might have fallen and bent the band a bit, but it wasn't terrible. They also had reflective next tee stickers on every band and it was super helpful in navigating.


Honestly for a 9 hole course with a small footprint it's got surprisingly few. Those are the main cons, it's a somewhat compact 9 hole course.

You do come into contact with the walking path a couple of times, mainly on 6. The parking area isn't great and I do wish there was a warm up area that was more defined. I had the course to myself when starting but a group of about 8 guys was warming up on the 9th hole and I felt like a punk making them all move to throw my shot.(birdied that sucker though)

I would also like to see the tee area for 3 get some love. The bushes are encroaching on the tee and since it's back off the main path it seems like a large reptile could get there unseen.

The rough is exceptionally thick and full of huge spiders, you could easily lose a disc even on a shot that isn't that bad.

Other Thoughts:

It's a fun funky little course in a pretty park. I don't know how many of the resident dinosaurs play disc golf over traditional but I hope they try it, and this would be a good place to learn.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice 9 Holer In A Beautiful Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 14, 2019 Played the course:once


Lake Okahumpka Park apparently sits within the area of one of the largest retirement communities in Florida . A scenic park enjoyed by many ( there were a lot of walkers and bench sitters while I was there on a Monday morning ) , the Sumter County parks and recs here installed a nice 9 hole disc golf course in 2012 and have been ever improving on it since . With the course being toward the back of the park , , it has an okay amount of parking , fairly new and sizable concrete tee pads , accurate signage with hole # , par , distance and flight path , with a dot for next tee on it . It also has next tee arrows at the yellow top of the basket . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers . There is a kiosk near the first hole with the course map on it , bathroom close by . There is a shelter with picnic tables Even though the course is surprisingly long for a typical park style course , the large trees throughout form a canopy over a lot of it . The park seems well taken care of and was mowed when I was there . The course is kind of shaped like a fish , with you starting at the tail . #1 is a nice dogleg left ( 432' ) , followed by #2 , a straightaway drive just as long . The course is easy on the legs , being fairly flat . Hole length varies from the technical but short 189' #8 to the twin 430+ footers . I was tipped off from a previous reviewer that there is a nasty swamp on your left at #7 ( I didn't see it , but it might have been at 6 ) , so you might want to keep your stable drivers or approach discs low and shaded to the right . #6 is a nice tunnel shot as is #8 . The course ends with a fairly open 328' drive with a tree in front of you and a couple of trees close to the basket which ends your round right back at the lot you parked in . It is a fast play ( I did it in 30 minutes , 4 might finish in 75 minutes of less ) , and I bet you will enjoy the walk the whole time . Signature Hole : I thought that the #1 hole was not only a great starter hole , but my personal favorite .


#1 The Rough . The combination of the hidden swamp on holes 5-7 and some punishing growth just off some of the fairways can cost you a disc or some time trying to find it . I don't know if it this is by design or not , but I am not a fan .Disc Risk : Medium , mostly from the middle holes . #2 Challenge/Variety. Some will complain about the lack of challenge and differing shots that make you did deeper into your bag . While it is true that alternate pins and 2 sets of tees would make this course better , I don't think it was intended for championship style disc golf . Still , lack of water , elevation and woods don't help the course any . They just installed cement tee pads in 2017 . Be careful of large spiders when reaching for your disc , especially in the brush or moss .Would really be nice if a couple of picnic tables were a buffer between the #1 tee and the #9 basket , so players could congregate before/after a round .

Other Thoughts:

The course was getting some play on a Monday morning while I was there . This is the kind of course where you would play a couple of rounds , then eat lunch here . This is a large step up from the 9 hole courses just south of here . I walked the grounds and saw some tee signs on some paths near hole #8 . No baskets yet , but some local told me that he thought that they were going to install another 9 more technical type, holes soon . This would be a huge plus for this park . A fast play and just off of I-75 , my Recommendation : barring the local or touring pro , this course is well suited for everyone from the newbies , casuals seniors and travelers to the better intermediates working on facets of their game , If there are 9 hole courses worth playing in Florida , this is certainly one of them . PLAY IT !!
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3 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun with a chance of swamp 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


Really well marked and maintained course.
Nice tees and baskets.

Mixture of left curves, right curves, and straights. Good course to learn or practice at. Especially with the bonus 9th hole which is just a big open field.

Minus a few trees and the 8th hole, it's pretty open driving.


Only 9 holes.

Be careful on hole 7. With the swamp to the left, people seem to throw more towards the right, but there is a fenced off retaining pond/swamp with should high grass. Seen more than one person lose a disc in there.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 5 - 7 are located next to a swamp. So only bad thing is if your disc breaks hard left, you might never see it again. First time players should approach those holes with caution until they can get eyes on and see what I mean. My first time playing I took a risk with a big power shot on 5, whiffed it, and disc broke hard left over the trees. No big deal I thought, I've hunted through plenty of brush for a disc, but once I got there I realized there was a swamp just behind those trees.
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11 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Lake Okahumpka Disc Golf Course Is Just Four Miles from The Largest Retirement Community In The World! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 3, 2018 Played the course:once


With it's close proximity to the world's largest retirement community, The Villages with it's 125,000 retirees, one would think that Okahumpka Disc Golf Course would be overran with grandmasters, senior grandmasters and great grandmasters, but when I took my friend, George, here for his first ever round, we had the course to ourselves.

Lake Okahumpka is a pretty excellent course for the newbie or recreational player. It has some length (# 1 is a 432' dogleg left). You can't see the basket until you clear the corner while navigating through quite a few scattered trees at about 225'. Hopefully, you'll be looking at the basket for your second shot however, my buddy, George, playing his first ever disc golf hole, probably got a glimpse of the basket after about five 35' throws.

It's wide open at times. # 9 is a wide open 328' with just one tree to avoid. It's a nice hole to practice your drives on or maybe to experiment with that roller. It has a nice little Ace Run (# 8 is a sweet little 189' throw down a tight little tree lined fairway. There is a swampy lake bordering 2-3 fairways but it's fairly easy to steer clear of. Holes 4-8 play along or through wooded areas and some beside swampy areas.

The amenities are solid. The concrete tee pads are very adequate. The tee signs are simple and very readable. The Discatchers with the yellow bands are very visible and have next tee arrows hanging below which helps with the navigation which is already intuitive. There is ample parking.

I think better players will find challenge here. There is just enough length, tightness, and challenge here to justify it's lofty rating.


There's a reason Lake Okahumpka sports such a lofty rating. It doesn't have many flaws thus the appeal to so many players.

Some will complain that # 9 and probably # 2 are too wide open.

Some will say that the overall challenge is lacking.

Being here in central Florida, it's elevational challenged. These aren't your mother's Rockies.

Only one basket placement and only one tee pads. I actually like this simplicity although many will argue that it doesn't provide enough variety to keep the locals interested.

Other Thoughts:

I wonder just how many of the thousands of retired folks at The Villages ever make it over here. They tend to stay in their own sheltered community. If I were fortunate enough to retire there, I would lead the charge to introduce them all to disc golf and ole Lake Okahumpka would make for an ideal course for them.

I really enjoyed my round here and would be happy to play here on a regular basis. This area is not blessed with a lot of courses so I would think this gem would be quite the attraction.
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9 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Amazing 9 hole course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 25, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


(2.637 Stars) (REVISED - replayed August 2017) I've played 36 nine holers as of this revision and Lake Okahumpka is still the best true nine I've played. It definitely leaves me wanting more.
- UNIQUENESS FOR A 9 HOLE - When I compare all the true nine hole formats I've played, Okahumpka has among the most diverse set of holes. Hole (1) starts with a true dogleg left par 4. Although listed at only 432 feet, it's really not possible to get much closer than a hundred feet. In addition to the dogleg, there's a reachable par 4 for the bombers, there's a tight tunnel pocket shot, an open shot, and a few blind shots. It's a good mix, but I will add that it favors RHBH plays, 4 to 1. Only hole (5) veers slightly right.
- TEE UPGRADE - New concrete pads poured in 2017. I had commented on my initial review stating that the tee areas were in sad shape. The new pads look great, I bumped the rating by 0.156 points.
- SPACING - It seems to me that lots of Florida nine holes are often crammed into a very tight space. Lake Okhumpka breaks that trend a bit. Other than a slight chance at holes (1 thru 3) there's really no shot of ending up in another fairway. Tees are also separated well from the prior baskets but not annoyingly far.
- NAVIGATION - There's a course map and adequate hole signage for this type of course. I did not find navigation to be an issue on my first time thru. I only checked my map once between (7 and 8). All the other hole transition paths seemed intuitive to me. I will also add that it's nice to have basket (9) and tee (1) adjacent to each other, and they're both adjacent to the parking as well.
- SHOT SHAPING - As a player with around a 900 rating, I appreciated the amount of thought I had to put into my shots. I definitely had a few releases where I was punished for not playing the line right.
- QUICK PLAY - Although longer than your average Florida 9 hole course. A single should easily be able to complete a round in under 30 minutes. I'm 2 for 2 on this here. Groups of four skilled player would probably play this one in under an hour.
- BEAUTY - The Spanish moss on this course is amazing and brings out a bit of euphoric tranquility.


Other than less than average amenities, there are no weak spots with this course.
- CHARACTER - Lake Okahumpka lacks several of the characteristics like that of older established courses. There is no seating or trash cans along the layout. Alternate tees and alternate pin placements are not present. The tees signs are bland showing diagrammatic line and distance only. The tees however are generally shaded well. There's also a course map and a restroom building.
- OVERGROWTH - The overgrowth off fairway is pretty bad in some areas. I've spent a good chunk of time, on both my rounds out here, searching for an errant shot. The Spanish moss might be nice to look at but it will grab your disc in an unforgiving fashion, and it will conceal your disc. Holes (1 and 6) left side and holes (5 and 8) everywhere are quite overgrown. However if you're an accurate shot, you'll have no issues.
- SPIDERS - The Banana spiders out here are massive. On both my visits I saw ones that were five inches around. Thankfully they are not poisonous, but when you're searching for your disc and you run into their web, you will likely freak out.
- ELEVATION - Unless you're from South Florida, the elevation changes on this course are not noticeable. Maybe Hole (1) dives ten feet down before heading back up to the same level.
- OVERALL UNIQUENESS - Although I stated above that Okahumpka is among the most diverse 9 hole courses I've played, it still lacks the diversity of your average 18 hole course. In addition to no elevation, there are also no water elements in plays. Which I find odd considering the name of the course. You also can't bring out any thumbers or tomahawks. No par 5's or any hole in excess of 450 feet. No pocket right or dogleg right lines.

Other Thoughts:

I would recommend checking this course out to just about everyone but pro players. It's a great stop on the way to another course if you do disc golf road tripping. Only a 10 minutes drive from the junction of I75 and the Florida turnpike.
- DIFFICULTY - Average. The one set of tees will be very challenging to rec players. If advanced players play the course all 3s, they will shoot a few down on a typical day.
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4 2
Experience: 16 played 16 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 20, 2015 Played the course:once


What can I say but wow! Sometimes we play disc golf and are concentrating so much on shot shaping and our personal game that perhaps we neglect the surroundings and take them for granted. I was marveling all day on this courses's beauty and flawless design!
Doglegs each way and strategic basket placements followed by incredibly groomed fairways make this course a must play.


Some of the tee boxes are a bit slippery and lumpy; if you're adding more cons here I completely disagree with anyone.
Hey look 2 clowns have posted this review isn't helpful cause they don't have anything else to do. Get a life

Other Thoughts:

Well laid out and easy navigation; double your pleasure with doublemint gum. 5 is the signature hole to me, dog leg right under a tunnel of Spanish moss and picturesque Florida. Hey look 2 losers with no life posted this review not helpful
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8 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 158 played 83 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Surreal 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 31, 2014 Played the course:once


-This course has the most Spanish moss I have ever seen. It gives the course a hazy, surreal feeling.
-The hole design here is exceptional. Trees almost seem hand-placed to create line shaping and the large, high branches prevent you from throwing sky-high drives.


-The crushed shells and dirt tees will be a deterrent for some.
-Only 9-holes and although the holes are quality, I still wish it was a full 18.
-The rough is ROUGH. It's very easy to lose a disc on either side of hole 5's fairway and on the left of hole 6's fairway.
-It's a small con but, no water hazards on a course that has "Lake" in the title.

Other Thoughts:

This course is beautiful between the Spanish moss draping the trees and lining the fairways and the swamp located behind 2's basket and 3's tee pad. I really wish Lake Okahumpka was a full 18 as it could be a premier course.
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7 0
Experience: 16.6 years 30 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful and Extremely Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 15, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


This course is great for all skills of players - beginner to expert. I often have doubts on how a 9 hole course can be legitimate but this course restores my faith in the development of 9 hole courses.

Design - You can throw just about every shot in the book at this course but you are challenged to make several different throws if you intend to do well. The first two holes are over 400' and you have to traverse through a light forest of Split Oaks and Spanish moss. After that the holes get shorter but a little more technical. I've learned A LOT from this course because it is challenging enough to make me think about my shots and try new ones but not too risky where I only stick to what I am good at. Great design for all skill levels to develop their disc golf skills.

Beauty - Hole 5 might be the prettiest hole I have ever played. If you go right at sunset as the golden florida sun is peeking through Spanish Moss hanging from the trees it looks like something straight from a movie. Nothing better than watching a disc fly through with the sun glimmering off the top. Hole 2 through 5 and then 8 are solely in the woods and are beautiful. The others are just out in the park but are still very pretty.

RePlayability - It's long enough as a nine hole course for one play through to be enough if you're just in for a quick round, but if you want more, you can go right back and play it again for a full 18. The design leaves hole 9 just 100 feet or so from the hole 1 tee pad.


Most holes only have one shot, I believe the best courses have the majority of holes that challenge you to choose between 2 or 3 shots.

In the middle of the fairway on hole 1 (blindspot from the teepad) is a pit of thorn-like bushes that swallow discs. They are miserable. Not a huge con.

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1 0
Experience: 12 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A nice Challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


This course allowed me to use all 16 discs that I carry in the 4 rounds that I played. For someone like me that lacks drives over 300 feet this is a challenging course. Most of the fairways are fairly tight and you will need control.


Quite a few dog walkers on the course but since I only saw 1 other golfer on a Saturday morning they were just using the space. Everyone was pleasant and didn't disrupt play.

Other Thoughts:

While I am not generally a fan of 9 hole courses this is an exception. I will make the short trip from Ocala once a year to play this course for a day and would recommend it to others in Central Florida or passing thru.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Scenic And Fun 9-Holer 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 4, 2014 Played the course:once


Set in a scenic park with old trees and defined fairways.

Nice signage with hole #, distance, and basic hole layout. Next tee arrows on baskets and trees make navigation very easy for 1st timers.

Innova baskets aren't my favorite type, but these are in good condition with easy to see hole #'s on them.

The course is moderately long for a 9-holer and features a good mix of hole types and lengths.

The course is close to the Florida Turnpike and I-75, so jumping off the expressway for a quick leg stretching round or two is highly recommended.


The course has only one set of tee pads that are shell based. Two sets of concrete pads would really elevate this course to a higher level, and hopefully, are coming in the future.

Several dog walkers were wandering around on the fairways seemingly oblivious to the fact that the park has a DG course on it.

Other Thoughts:

A fun quick playing 9 hole course, with natural scenic beauty that may be a little tough for noobs and a little easy for pros. Again, two sets of tees would definitely elevate this course, and make it more fun/interesting for differing skill levels.

Not quite a destination course, but if traveling by, or in the area, it is certainly worth playing.
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8 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Delightful Nine 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 2, 2014 Played the course:once


I'm not certain that this is my favorite nine-hole course, but its is on the short list. It's one of those great designs that make me glad that they didn't cram eighteen baskets where there wasn't space for them. There are a few shorter holes, but it's got very decent length, with the majority of the baskets standing over 300 feet from the tee, and the first pair of them at 430 each. It's not the most challenging course in the world but it boats nice lines that should be playable by many skill levels. For the most part, it requires the same throws that a top-level course would, just with more room for error.

The main benefit of the wide nature of the fairways is the quality scenery on tap here. The namesake lake isn't in play on the course but there's one tee that offers an incredible viewpoint onto it as the tee is approached. The rest of the course is covered in massive live oaks draped with Spanish moss. Very cool atmosphere. Very cool vibe.

As much fun as it is to crush drives down these long, wide fairways between incredible trees and essentially surrounded by jungle, the most interesting hole may be the shortest. 8 is only 180 feet but it is tight. Very tight. A gently turning hyzer can put you near the basket, if you are precise. Miss the line and the shule gets thick, fast.

Good flow that's easy to flow and signs that are descriptive enough for holes that mostly feature visible baskets. And personally, I love the teepads. They are crushed shell, and while I thought they played perfectly, I know others will not like them.


While the fun factor is high here, no one would mistake it for a championship-caliber course. There is just nothing here that challenging. There's also not a signature hole. There isn't a hole that jumps out at you and screams, "Who's hungry?" There's also only nine of them. Half the variety. Half the fun.

Other Thoughts:

I don't know if this is a course to seek out and play. If there were nine more holes like the nine that are here, it probably would be. As it is, it's just off Florida's Turnpike and makes a great roadside stop or a warmup on the route to play other courses.
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6 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great 9 Holer 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 26, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-Easily the best 9 hole course that I have ever played.

- A good mix of lengths, from 450 to 150.

- A lot of big mature trees lining each hole to frame up the fairways.

- Lots of low cieling so erant shots get knocked down pretty quick.

- Flow from hole to hole was very easy to follow.

- Hole 8, man is tough 180' hole. It is a well done. For only being 180' you need to be dead on to get close.

- Lots of shaded areas to keep you out of the reach of the sun

- For it just being a little nine hole course it was very well kept.

- The holes are set up in a way that hole 9 finished right in line with hole 1 so you can just keep playing it over and over again.

- Not your everyday pitch and putt 9 hole course


-TEEPADS - They used crushed up seashells for the teepads and its loose seashells. Worse then loose sand. I ended up playing off to the side of the teepads and the sand was better to throw off of then those teepads. Literally the teepads are the only real bad thing about this course.

- Lots of low cielings. Its good and bad depending on who you are.

- Seems to favor the righty over the lefty. Hole 1,2,3,4,6,8 are more righty friendly while 5 is the only real hole that its better tobe a lefty. 7 and 9 are a wash.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very fun 9 hole. They did a very good job with the land that they were given for this course. It seems like they didnt have to knock down a single tree to put this course in. It also looks like the park has a lot of room where the could expand if they wanted to.
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2 1
Experience: 11.8 years 37 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


A variety of shots.
Grass is always cut.
Park is very Florida-esque.
Lots of canopy, great for the hottest of days, breeze from the lake helps.


Only 9 holes.... play it twice.
The out of bounds, especially in summer, will cause some to loose a disc.
All of the holes are shorter and not too technical, perfect for beginners, but advanced players may get a little bored especially if playing numerous rounds.

Other Thoughts:

A solid 9 hole course... lots of other things to do at the park especially if you have children. Playground and facilities are very nice.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.1 years 25 played 24 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well Done 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2013 Played the course:once


* Well packed shell pads, with good clear signage.
* Excellent flow with easy to follow directions.
* Very good hole variety with anhyzer, hyzer, extremely tight to wide open.
* two over 400 ft holes plus one sub 200 footer and all points in between.
* Hole 8 is a well done, laser thin, bit of strategy.
* Most of the course is well shaded, and has bathrooms and water fountains.
* Course was very well maintained and the locals were very friendly and helpful.
* Although only nine holes, replay factor is good, and the course was a good, moderate challenge with distance and obstacles.
* Fun factor was high. I compare this to Limona in Brandon. It is an excellent, diverse well thought out, nine holer.


* Would be nice to have more holes. Seems like at least three more would be easy to fit in
* It's Florida and near a lake so take your spray.

Other Thoughts:

Lake Okahumpka Park has a bit for everyone. There is a walking track, trails, volleyball, horseshoes, boat launch, canoe rentals, and lovely nature. It also contains a very pleasurable, diverse, 9 hole course. I really enjoyed throwing here, but did wish that there was more holes. I traveled 90 minutes here and would be happy to come back with my kids to make it part of a day's activities. Floral Park is not too far away, and the two of them together could make an excellent day of DG. So don't let the 9 holes get you down, Play it twice. All your discs will be used, and I assure you, you wont be disappointed!
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4 0
Experience: 16.4 years 33 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


+9 holes. Yes, only 9 nine holes is a plus for me as I just wanted to stop for exercise while I was driving the close by interstate!

+shot variety. Right/left/straight you know what I mean and get it all here. Plus a short wooded and long open to use more of your bag.

+landscaping. The mower guys were out while I was there and they waited while I played through. The fairways are well defined.

+signage. Tee signs with distance and direction so there was never a problem. Next tee signs kept me flowing the right direction too.

+activity. It's a fully loaded park so you can drop off the rest of the family while you golf if needed.


-I lost a disc trying to cut a corner and didn't know who to contact for lost and found.

Other Thoughts:

I understand trash cans are preferred, but it's only 9 holes so I dropped my water bottle in my truck and got a new one on the way by each round. It's not that complicated.

The dirt/shell tees were fine by me as they are hard packed. A couple had dips in the front that could be filled in, but I just moved over a foot.

There was a hawk hanging out at the first wooded hole who stopped eating on the ground and watched me closely walk past.

I very much enjoyed my stop here and in fact canceled my next two golf stops so that I could stay longer! See you again on the trip home.
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4 0
Experience: 24 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great 9 hole course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 1, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Variation. (RHBH)
1: Hard almost 90 degree dogleg left
2: Straight up with a line of veg on the L
3: Short and straight but protected by trees
4: Nice easy hyzer
5: Longer slow anhyzer with lots of vegetation on each side
6: Straight slight hyzer with low ceiling
7: Choice of low ceiling anhyzer or chancy spike hyzer
8: Super tight short hyzer tunnel
9: Wide open (one tree but you shouldn't hit it) then the hole is tucked behind a tree.

This is at a park so you have bathrooms.

Maintained very well.

Plays pretty quick - 30-45 minutes solo -


Not concrete pads but small rocks instead. I'm not sure I hate it but concrete would be better.

Bugs, although there's no chance of going in it, there is a body of water near here, coupled with some thick vegetation you have a good breeding ground for mosquitoes. Summer time you'll need spray.

Lack of trash cans. Unfortunately I was with some people who littered because there was nowhere to throw it. This is FL, people drink on the course to stay hydrated.

One hole is close to a retention pond with a 6' chain link fence. Grip lock forced a disc in there, pretty nasty water during wet season, plus the fence.

Other Thoughts:

Great course, some trash cans and better tee pads would help tremendously.

For the space provided, excellent use.

Although hole 8's tunnel is a pain, I LOVE it!

This course is about 45 minutes away and I can say I haven't driven just to play it but when I'm in the area I put it on my agenda.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 104 played 61 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2012 Played the course:once


The biggest plus is that this course is pretty close to I-275 and right off of Hwy 44. You don't have to go down all sorts of little roads to find it. Even the park itself is straight forward and easy to find the course...just drive as far back as you can and that is hole 1's tee. Park by the pavilion and throw hole #1 right off the road over by the mobile home. The holes have enough trees to keep it fun but no density to make you lose anything. The exception to that is hole 8 (tunnel shot) and hole 5(300+ dogleg right that has fairly dense foliage on both sides of the fairway).

Decent signs, baskets are numbered (big plus to avoid confusion) and nice arrows pointing to the next tee. There is a good variety of hole length and direction. I like the tunnel shot on hole #8, will really help you practice your accuracy without losing a disc.


Lack of teepads. The arrow on hole 4's basket was pointing to 6's tee. That was confusing. I did see a really big snake right in front of the tee on hole 6 so be on the lookout.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I would love to have this course in my backyard because it will let you practice every aspect of your game in just 9 holes. I would definitely play this again if I was in the area. A big plus since there aren't that many courses nearby until you get to Ocala.
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4 1
Experience: 17.7 years 9 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very Nice New Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2012 Played the course:once


This is a brand new 9 hole course that was built by the parks and rec division. It is a VERY nice 9 hole course with a great design and excellent use of the land that was available in the park!

There is a nice mix of hyzer and anhyzer shots with a couple long holes (but are very birdieable due to being par 4s) and an excellent short, tunnel hole (#8). You need to air it out for the final hole as it is wide open and a nice finishing Par 3.

This is a great beginner to intermediate course with some accuracy required or you can get into some deep and thick underbrush.

Excellent course sign at the beginning to explain the course rules and a map to show the way. This course is very, very easy to navigate without taking a map as there is an arrow indicating the direction of the next tee box on each basket. The number 8 tee box is a slight walk but cross the road and then turn right and you will see a sign indicating where it is. Enjoy the drive on this hole!

The tee boxes are made of crushed sand and seashells from the nearby lake and provided excellent footing.

Overall I was impressed by this course - from the design to construction.

If in the Wildwood, FL area and are looking for a quick 9 or even play it twice for 18, a stop at Lake Okahumpka DGC is a great idea. I think you will enjoy your round just like we did.

P.S. This was my dad's first time playing and he really enjoyed himself and said he will be back to play many times!


There are no real cons to the course that I had. Hole #1 is a great starting hole and with it being a Par 4, most people will have a good chance at Par or Birdie with a good drive and Hole #2 would be a long Par 3 or plays short as a Par 4 currently.

The underbrush and woods are very, very thick once you get off the fairway and we did lose a disc on hole #2. Keep your flight lower and you will not have issues if you get a little offline.

Other Thoughts:

Thanks for putting in this great course! We live in IL near St. Louis and there are a lot of very good courses in our area that we play. This would fit right in with any of them. We will look forward to playing here when we visit my parents in the future!

My only suggestion would be to build 9 other Tees Boxes so if someone wants to play 18, the course would play slighly different. The other suggestion would be to have a 2nd pin location for each hole. This also allows the course to play slightly different from time to time as you can change some or all of the holes every month or so. These are fine tuning ideas but would help make this even better.
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