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Bridgman, MI

Lake Township Park DGC - Old Layout

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Lake Township Park DGC - Old Layout reviews

6 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Course Has An Identity Crisis! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 22, 2017 Played the course:once


Lake Township Park is a very large park that looks new. Everything here looks clean and polished like it just opened yesterday. There are lots of ballfields of all sizes, soccer field, upscale picnic shelters, a pond, some wooded areas and kid's playground.

The disc golf course starts near the front area. The first six holes play in this small nicely wooded area with gentle sloping terrain. Holes 7 & 8 play through another area. I was mostly impressed with the course so far. Then beginning with hole # 9, my opinion went south quickly.

Up until now, this was (except for # 3) a great little family/recreational course. Then the designers went rogue and maybe lost their focus. Now, it appears they had a different clientele in mind. The course started meandering all over the place, without a good flow. Hole 12 is a bad hole for a rec course. It plays 268' down a narrow fairway with a fence along the entire left side. The right side is forested. So many rec players will hyser over this fence. It's the same problem with hole 3 except the fence is on the right side there.

The design and flow really fell apart on the final few holes. Hole 14 is a nice little 175' Ace run. Then you have about a 500' walkout to get to 15. # 16 is a blind throw over a small hill and the park road. But then, # 17 is another poorly designed hole. It's a 593' throw to a basket that's placed in a cool little area behind a two trees. But there are multiple problems here. The straightest route to the basket crosses over the parking lot. Today there was a car parked in the last spot, right in my way. The basket is only about 50' from the deep pond and 50' in front of the fence. Do you need a 600' hole on a rec course? Is this a rec course?

The course has kind of a miniature little course map. It's colored and actually, pretty cool. The tee signs look like the old school, fiberglass ones but these are constructed of a thick tag board. I don't think they will hold up to the weather or any two bit vandal. The baskets are Discatchers with the yellow band and numbers on the side. The tee pads are natural but some are rutted. They were just fine here in mid-August but I wonder what they would be like in November?


Recreational or Intermediate course?

Very long walkout after 14.

Two holes playing along fence lines are just asking for lost discs problems.

There is, what appears to be a old tee sign pole right in front of the 18th tee. Gees, saw it off and get rid of it.

When I finished putting on 18, I looked far in the distance and saw the sunlight glistening off my windshield. It looked to be about two miles away. Reminded me of the old John Wayne/John Ford westerns where the Indians could see the sunlight reflecting off of the soldiers binoculars from three miles away. My car was probably only about 600-700 yards away, still it looked a miles away to me and by then I was more than a little tired of this course and was quite ready to get on the road.

Other Thoughts:

I wanted to like this course, I really did. Except for # 3, I was liking on this course through the first 8 holes. But starting there, I don't have a lot of positive thoughts. The park is so lovely and kept up so well. I played on a Tuesday afternoon and had the course to myself and the park was almost empty. Things might be different during times when the fields are busy.

I think it's a shame that the designers didn't just stick with the recreational design they had going.
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1 4
Experience: 62 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Greatf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2016 Played the course:once


Good mix of open holes and holes where you have to shape your line.


Sometimes difficult to find the next tee. The course needs some "next hole" markers.
Wooded holes need maintenance and are full of thorny brush.
The holes adjacent to soccer fields might get difficult to play on days when lots of soccer is happening.
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2 3
Experience: 9 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


18 nice DISCatcher baskets
Good variety of holes, a couple longs tee shots, several wooded holes, and curved shots to the left and right
Hole maps on tee signs


"Natural" tees, which are essentially no tees, just areas of dirt worn down next to the tee signs
No par is listed
No 500 ft drives needed; I think every course should have at least one
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9 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.4 years 353 played 299 reviews
1.00 star(s)

crap-tastic at best 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 18, 2012 Played the course:once


Teesigns- yep, old school DGA signage is so much better than nothing at all. at least I know how far I'm supposed to be throwing.


Aesthetic- Multiuse park with like 80 soccer fields. If Soccer is being played, don't bother playing like 50% of the course

Teepads- "natural" muddy rutty or grass uphill. terrible to say it nicely

Design- I'm just gonig to lump a lot of different things into one category. 1-6 are pretty straight forward, you play through a small wood and along a big fence, then things become muddy. After 6, head towards the exit (perhaps run towards the exit) to play 7 & 8 then head back towards the soccer fields to play 9-18. That said, the routing here is relatively awful. 9 plays towards the wood line, 10 plays along the woodline, 11 plays in the woods, 12 (where to start) 12 plays along and through a wood line where you are told to play a right dogleg, which would put you at risk of throwing over a fence or you can throw through the woods which has some SUPER GNARLY pickers. from there the routing is tough and somewhat dangerous. 13 to 14 isn't bad but then head towards the back by the softball field 15 and 16 cross fairways, 17 is super long and near water and then 18 finishes decent. It looks like the course was designed by someone who doesn't really play dg. it feels dropped in, completely unoriginal, uninspired and just straight disappointing.

Other Thoughts:

I was thoroughly disappointed with this course.
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9 0
Experience: 15.3 years 10 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Beautiful park, Sketchy course design 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:once


+ TRAFFIC: Low traffic course. Never rushed by or waiting for other groups at noon on a saturday.

+ TINKLE: Treat yourself to the restroom with soap and running water after hole 6.

+ LANDSCAPING: Lake Twp Park is immaculately landscaped. Scenery is quite calming after I another awful shot. :p


- DESIGN: Hole 3 is a 25' wide strip and almost 500' long. Immediately to the right is a tall chain-link fence backed by "no trespassing" signs and immediately to the left is a road backed by a working soccer course.

- FLOW: Finding hole 15 took about 20 mins. There is a box for maps near hole one, but were empty when I went.

- TEES: Natural tees, although I must note they are decent for being unpaved.

- LAYOUT: On high traffic days, watch for other groups discs. Holes 1-6 are packed tight into a small area.

Other Thoughts:

* GPS: After you sink hole 14, follow the line of the tee to the hole out of the woods. Take a left and hole 15 is on the other side of the building.

* Nice practice course to stay warm while visiting family in the area. Not too many other options around.

* Much opportunity for this course to be great. Saw several parts of the park that go unused.
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5 2
Experience: 14.3 years 27 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pleasant Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2011 Played the course:once


- An 18-hole course, situated around Lake Township Park
- Good variety of holes, terrain changes with length, hyzer and anhyzer shots, hills, slopes and challenges with the "No Trespassing" areas and woods.
- Most holes can be completed with a mid-range disc, some longer holes (I believe hole 17 being the longest at 500ft)
- New DiscCatcher baskets, very good conditions
- Signs are alright, but you should have some experience playing here to understand the course, they aren't the best at helping new players.
- Clean indoor bathroom facilities. Soap and everything. Also, soda machines near bathrooms.


- Holes 15 and 16 cross each other, watch out!
- Hole 3 is near a fence with "No Trespassing" on the rightside. Watch your disc throws here
- Hole 9 is alongside the soccer fields, which doesn't pose too much of a threat, but still, watch out for soccer players when games are on
- Tees are natural, and are starting to overgrow, so watch your footing
* Also, a big note when I was playing... Watch your throwing hand with the signs. Either get on the opposite side to avoid this, or make sure you are far enough away from it.

Other Thoughts:

- Overall, not a bad course, it's kept in great condition. It looked like they were cleaning it up, keeping it up and running.
- Busy some days, but the course has good challenges towards the end (probably hole 14 and up) and isn't too bad to just keep practicing on.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not terrible 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a multi-use park that is well kept. Many of the holes play through scattered trees in grassy fields, offering several ace runs and a couple longer holes where you can throw a longer drive. There are a few holes in the woods in the middle of the park, with more technical lines and some punishment for errant shots. These holes offer a mix of left and right turning lines to hit, adding a little more variety. The tee signs are basic but informative enough, especially when combined with the paper maps available at the first tee. The baskets are newer discatchers that are in pretty good shape.


The biggest issue here is the abundance of safety issues. Several holes play along or over park roads, and several others play through and near picnic areas. A couple holes bring the soccer fields into play, and 15 and 16 cross over each other. This means that on a busy day there's a ton of potential to hit another disc golfer or other park patron. There are fences on both sides of the park with no gate and posted "no trespassing" signs, and there are holes that bring them into play. It's probably best to play it safe on these if you don't want to lose your disc.

The flow of the course is odd, navigation would be tricky without the course map. There are several long walks with no next tee signs so if the map box isn't kept full new players will have a difficult time finding all the holes. The tees are natural and many of them are in pretty poor shape. They are pretty rutted out from use, and will only get worse. The course makes the best of a pretty open park, but many holes don't offer any interesting challenges.

Other Thoughts:

There's not a whole lot of disc golf around this area, so any course is certainly better than nothing. Beginners will find most of this course pretty approachable, with multiple options off of many tees, and shorter distances on the more technical holes. More experienced players won't find a whole lot of challenge or variety here to keep them coming back. My rating is based on playing the course on a day where the park was pretty empty, I could see it being more frustrating when soccer games and picnics are going on.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 47 played 30 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Where Am I? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is located in a park that is well maintained in a place that I never thought I would be in a million years. The front nine of this course is fairly straightforward with large trees intermittently occupying wide open, well mowed, and luscious green fairways. If you can throw a decent line, you can make it through these without much bruising. The back nine starts to get a bit more creative for a moment by sending the player toward a patch of woods. Nine toward the trees and ten on the edge before moving within the grove for eleven and twelve. Then it is back out to do damage in the great wide open through to the end. It seems as though there has been some renovation within the woodsy holes eleven and twelve, as my companion told me that he had never been able to see so clearly through the woods, where once an atrocious mess stood. It is evident as I look at the current photos here on dgcr, which clearly show a time prior to my visit, that someone had set out to make these holes more playable and less absurd by clearing much of the wild overgrowth away and creating some true lines to the basket. It seems they did a bravo job. A player can buzz through this course in a jiffy feeling pretty good about their work at the end.


There is not a huge amount of variety here. This is a course that will satisfy a beginner but may leave an advancing player longing for something a bit more challenging and inspiring. I do believe however, that the landscape was utilized as best it could have been utilized. It may be a bit muddy in the woodsy portion, but this is disc golf! Get over it! If I had a dime for every time I left a course with a black foot I would own a zillion of my own top o' the line courses! I gather that it would be best not to throw your disc over the fence on hole three. Heard it on good authority from my boy that there is a Rottweiler on the other side of that fence and that he likes supple, round disc golfer rump for a snack. Play it safe and take a par. This is the only game in town. There are not many courses in this part of the southwest of Michigan until you move more central.

Other Thoughts:

This course is well worth your visit if you live anywhere around the surrounding area. It was fun to be certain. I wouldn't want to be forced to play this as my only option for a huge radius though. This course reminds me much of my home course, which I love for what it is, and I wish there were more courses available to people who live in this vicinity. I was not at all unhappy with my round at Lake Township Park. It was a great way to enjoy the falling dusk. A nice place to visit, I just wouldn't want to live there. As far as disc golf courses are concerned that is. Love
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12 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Lake Township Park Disc Golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 23, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


-Located in a clean, well-mowed park crammed full of baseball and soccer fields, horse-shoe pits, volleyball nets, picnic pavilions, amazing playgrounds with slides that, quite frankly, looked more appealing than the course, and more.
-Great map. Essential for navigating this course. Do yourself a favor and be certain to obtain one from the orange plastic box next to the 1st tee.
-Shiny new Innova baskets; decent tee-signs; trashcans located throughout park.
-A few holes on the front nine have clever basket placements successfully incorporating the grassy park's many mature trees, which are interspersed throughout the course. A couple of longer +500 holes allow a few bomb opportunities.


-This course is poorly designed and potentially hazardous: picnic benches and grills in the middle of fairways; fairways that intersect each other over a roadway; roadways that actually play as the fairway; a convoluted and unintuitive flow with long walks to the next tee; a hole that plays over several large compost/burn piles and a tractor; and a hole that literally plays through a soccer field and over a goal. The park was empty while I was there, but it was glaringly obvious that with any sort of normal summer activity the course would be unplayable.
-Few risk/reward opporunities.
-Natural tees, a few of which consist of soft sand or mud.
-Two long, gateless, not easily-jumped fences line the fairways on #3 and #12. If your disc goes over either, kiss it goodbye unless you're a ninja or you brought your rappelling gear along.

Other Thoughts:

-Unless you are critically desperate for some disc golf, my advice would be to skip this course and go swimming/sun-bathing/object-coursing/anything at the Warren Dunes Park (located a few miles north on Lake Michigan) instead. Trust me, you'll have a better time.
-Park sign reads "No pets/dogs/animals/horses. No alcohol. Video survellience."
-This course would rate higher if not for the numerous and blatant safety hazards.
****Much clearing and improvement has happened on the wooded holes. Defined fairways now offer clear, reasonable lines.
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7 1
Experience: 34.3 years 7 played 7 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Pretty good course, probably better after soccer season 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 22, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


First time playing this course today. I'm glad there were printed paper maps provided for the course that you could take and carry with you! It helped a lot. The course is very, very well cared for for the most part, except for the swampy holes. There is a great variety of holes. Some short lay-ups, and some long power-thrower holes. It's nice to have the signs to map out the shot, even though some of them are facing the wrong direction. Nice, solid Innova baskets.
Holes 7.8. and 9 are progressively longer to warm your arm up for the longer back 9, but not difficult.
Holes 13, 17 and 18 are fantastic holes.


I assume the course was carved out of an existing township park? The front 9 especially are some flat-out dangerous holes if the park is busy and particularly if people are not aware of the flying discs. I had trouble with a few joggers passing thru having no idea there are people playing disc golf. No tee pads, but I can live with that.
Holes 1 and 2 are very close to the parking lot. A bad hit off a tree would easily send your disc into a parked car.
Hole 3 is risky. The fence on the right is about 7ft high with the twisted link spikes at the top so climbing over is dangerous. A gate really should be installed. Overstable discs or rollers a must if it's windy.
Hole 4 plays THROUGH a small soccer field. Not good. I was lucky and there were no kids in that field, but the rest of the large fields were FULL of soccer games.
Hole 6 plays right through two picnic tables and a couple of grills. If there are people at the tables, it's unplayable.
Hole 11 is ridiculous. This has been a very dry spring and the hole is entirely in wet, muddy woods with very soft footing. Any bit of rain and I bet this hole is also unplayable. MUD is a problem.
Hole 12 plays an active park road as the fairway. ??
Hole 14 is strange. Extremely thick woods with a 6 ft wide muddy stream to the immediate left of the hole with NO foot bridge across it. Lots of cut-off tree sapling stubs to trip on.
I agree with the other reviews that 15 and 16s intersecting fairways are dangerous. Hole 15 has a gas pipe valve directly in the middle of the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

The park was full of kids playing soccer. I would guess this course would be better after soccer season. Plus do NOT play after heavy rains. Looking forward to trying it again later in the summer.

UPDATE: Tried this course again May 4. It was PACKED with people. Every soccer field was in use. Every baseball diamond was in use. Cars filled the lots close to holes 1,2,4,5,6, and 8. Plus, the rains from this spring compiled the problems with mud. Holes 1,2,4,5,6,8,11, and 14 were unplayable due to crowds or mud. Had to drop my review score. Soccer seems to be over after 7:00pm as everyone was leaving, but I wasn't sticking around to restart my round. I'll give this course yet another try after 7:00pm another day.

FINAL UPDATE: Tried this course one more time at noon on Saturday, May 15. Kids' soccer just ended so the park was near empty. It was better to play, but lots of rain caused the worse-case-scenario flooding on holes 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14. 10 was playable, but the tee was underwater, so I had to move about 20ft right of the tee to throw. Hole 11 was laughably UNDERWATER and unplayable. The rest of the mentioned holes were wet, but good drives and approach shots (only just) avoided the muck and water. I also never really noticed how close the basket of 15 is to a private property fence. A long, bad drive and you're trespassing into someones front yard if you climb the fence to retrieve your disc. Still a fun course when the conditions are perfect, but there sure are a lot of cons to this one.
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7 0
Experience: 15.3 years 4 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


It is a great beginner course or a good course to dust off the cobwebs from a long off season. It has some good fairly short holes that requires a few well placed shots around trees. Holes 1,2,4,5, and 6 are fairly easy holes that are great for some relaxed play with friends. Hole 3 can be a bit tricky with the 3 trees right in your way to the hole and the fence to your right. A well placed low shot should put you in the right position for par. You shouldn't have to worry too much about losing your disc over the fence. Holes 15 and 16 are great leisure holes to play.


I lost my disc over the fence on hole 3 the other day due to a strong wind and the fact I hadn't played since September.

Holes 9,10,11,12, and 14 can get VERY frustrating during the spring time since it floods a bit in the woods and it can get very muddy with mud holes from 1-2 feet deep, I have yet to not get muddy. If you go during April I suggest shying away from hole 11. Holes 15 and 16 cross over and could cause problems during the summer when the park is busy. Hole 17, if you don't know exactly where you are going, can be annoying. During the summer when it gets crowded there could be a high risk of hitting a car since to get to the whole, you have to throw across a parking lot. Also, if it is windy and you don't know where you are going, be careful of the lake, it is right over the mound. Make sure to scope out where the hole is first. Almost lost my disc in the lake.

Other Thoughts:

I played there twice over the weekend. Both times I ended up with muddy pants and shoes. Lost my disc over the fence on hole 3, and came within a half a foot of the lake. Weren't too many people. A few families.

Just make sure to scope out what you playing through on holes 10,11,12, and 14 to make sure you don't get muddy if you dislike mud. Also, make sure to scope out 17.

Also, THERE IS a GREAT HORNED OWL'S NEST on Hole 14 in a tree that has a "v" split halfway up, about 3/4 of the way to the hole. The nest is sitting right in the "v". So far I have only seen 3 baby owls in it.
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2 1
Experience: 15.4 years 57 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2009 Played the course:once


Well manicured
Great beginners course. Several short holes and little chance of losing discs.
The course makes great use of the available land and seems to squeeze a hole out of every unused portion of the park (with the exception of the pond).
Holes 1 2 5 6 play on top of a mound and through a grove of trees. Fun holes with different shots required for each.
Hole 3 is a long flat hole with tall trees on the left a tall fence on the right and demands a low shot or a well placed roller to make par.
The holes that play in and around the forest area can be a lot of fun. A couple have blind drives with a little elevation change that makes it hard to see the pin.


7 8 9 are pretty much filler holes with not much character or many obstacles.
Crossing Fairways on 15 and sixteen could get dangerous if the park gets crowded.

Other Thoughts:

I played in early fall and the park was entirely abandoned. During the summer Im sure it can get its fair use with the soccer fields and baseball/softball diamonds, which several holes play right next to.
The wide open holes get a little monotonous but there are enough holes that play in and around trees to change it up a little.
If they go for a redesign on this one hopefully they address the crossing fariways and play around the water/over the pond instead.
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2 4
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Solid course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Nearby, Free, Not usually crowded, Mowed, Easy to find disc


Number 3 blows, Short holes

Other Thoughts:

- #3 needs to be moved or put up a 20 foot high fence with a gate
- #9 needs to also have a tall fence with a gate
- Lots more room in the park, could easily fit 9 more holes
- It would be sweet if they put in concrete teeboxes
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Beginner Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


1. I really think the 17th (570') is now the courses signature hole. It forces a bomb of a tee shot and then an awesome (and very long) approach to even sniff the hole all while avoiding the roadway (which I assume is OB) and getting into a little nest of trees before even thinking of getting your putter out. This is one of the few times I like how the road way comes into play. I've played a lot of courses all over the place and this is one of my favorite holes.

2. 10 is also great. It's a great confidence boost to those that throw RHBH with a sweeping right to left path to the basket.

3. Those are a nice choice in baskets on the back nine. The double layer of chains are more $$ but worth it.

4. Mowed and well kept up.


1. The layout and the flooding on hole 3. (I'm told the flooding is now fixed or reduced) There is also a high fence lining the edge of this hole so errant throws are impossible to retrieve. UPDATE: I see the park planners have seen fit to install a gravel walking path right in front of the #3. Brilliant.

2. During the spring there is a soccer league there and hole #4 cuts right across one of the fields.

3. Hole #7 is tough to find along with #9. Hole #6 (along with several others) is right next to some grills.

4. There are no tee pads at all. Just rutted out grass.

5. 15 and 16 are a major issue. You have 2 fairways crossing each other and presents obvious safety issues. That is a serious no-no in course design. The 15th tee is between the 16th basket and tee. 15 has you throwing REAL close to a active park roadway. 16th tee is a blind shot to the basket. People making the long trek from 14 to 15 are in danger of getting clocked by drives from 16th tee.

6. 11, 14 are not very playable currently. Heavy shule is the "fairway" here. Use a brightly colored disc otherwise you will NEVER find it. These will be better once the leaves are gone. Wear long pants because there are nasty prickers on these holes. UPDATE: The fairways on these holes has been cleared rather significantly and the holes are playable. Regardless, be very careful roaming around the shule in this area - I have seen poison ivy and there are ticks in the area. However, this will not change my rating...See item #9

7. 12 needs some under brush cleared as well. It is sort of playable as it is but it forces the dg'er to throw waaaay too close to a very busy asphalt path and fence.

8. #6 has you throwing really close to one of the many soccer fields here.

9. I found out recently that #17 has a rather absurd mando. If you follow the mando as designed and you will be out IN FRONT OF the tee box for #18. Seriously? This hole needs that mando? At 500+ feet long and a hidden basket, the freaking hole is hard enough as it is.

Other Thoughts:

If you are a local, this is a good place to practice but I wouldn't drive a significant distance to play here.

Someone has gone through a lot of trouble to expand this course. While I applaud their efforts I just can't rightly give it anything better than a 1.5 until some of the cons are addressed. It has the potential to be a 3 or 3.5 at best. Unfortunately, with all the activities on this course it will never be much better than that. Also, the land just doesn't offer the elements many dg'ers love to see like hills, woods, water hazards, etc. I think the designer has done ok with what they had to work with.

Note: My suggestion for play is to skip the following holes...#3, #12, #15 and #16 and ignore the mando on #17. If you do that, it's not a half bad disc golf experience but not something you want to drive a long ways to play.
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4 2
Experience: 17.6 years 172 played 35 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2008 Played the course:never


Hole 3 is a good hole, good length and a tunnel fairway. Always mowed, would be almost impossible to lose a disc. Good design for the available space.


Only 9 holes and not really any other courses very close, so going there just for this course is a bit of a stretch. Bit of a walk to some tees...didn't see any maps or scorecards.

Other Thoughts:

If they could somehow add 9 more holes, it would make it worth the trip.
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4 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 86 played 85 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Busy Crowded Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 3, 2007 Played the course:2-4 times


9 holes, interesting pin placements on limited available space. Trees, slight elevation. Good beginner course as most of the holes aren't very long.


This course is built in a smaller crowded park and has to share with numerous other park ameneties. During sporting events or busy days, I can imagine this park is frustrating to play. Also, the course design is such, that you finish the 9th hole and have a long walk back to the parking lot and the first tee.

Other Thoughts:

Nice to see a disc golf course in this neglected corner of lower western Michigan, wish there were a few more around there.
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3 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
1.00 star(s)

don't go out of your way 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2006 Played the course:never


9 baskets
beginner friendly


signature hole 3 had a fence along the entire right side and was almost flooded
in a grassy area.
hard to find hole 7 after hole 6
too near other park activities

Other Thoughts:

The park is nice with plenty of other recreation for kids and has room to expand the course in other areas.
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