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Horn Lake, MS

Latimer Lakes - South

3.275(based on 24 reviews)
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Latimer Lakes - South reviews

5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.50 star(s)

20 Holes Of Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2019 Played the course:once


Latimer Lakes South will never wow you with it's length , nor will it astound you with it's tight technical capabilities , but what it WILL do is give you is a 20 hole start in a park with 2 courses and 38 holes total . South is by far the most well taken care of between the 2 . You can park in the first parking lot on your right at the end and go after it . There are grippy cement tees , smaller than I like , but still . The baskets are the yellow rimmed Discatchers that I like , easy to spot up in the woods holes , and the signage is very good showing flight path , hole number , and distance for both pins . Did I forget to tell you that there are 2 pin positions per hole ? They have a very nice kiosk next to hole #1 The park is well mowed and manicured , and they even cut a path for the fairway and to show you where to walk to the next hole , I believe that the parks dept. seriously believes their disc golf course . There is even some nice rock work and mulch around some of these tees .Bathrooms and water are near the #10 tee The first tee is a warmup right to left 200+ footer that wraps around the brush line on the left , and has the road on the right . I don't know how busy this park gets , but they DO have ball fields , a lake and a kids play area . The park was not busy at all while I was there . I did throw a few holes with a dad ( TJ ) , his little daughter who wanted to impress me with her throwing prowess ( Gracie ) and his even smaller son ( Eli ). Anyway , the #2 hole is to your left and is a short 244' woods hole with a line of trees that you will have to contend with a little farther down the fairway . The internet map is okay , but could be better since the hole #2 are so light . #3 is one of my favorite holes . you pop out of the woods on your left . then you will face a real nice water carry across a pond , but pretty far out for the casual player at 345' . You can do what I did and thrown a pro Destroyer around and to the left of the pond , then approach the pin from the left since the basket is almost right up against the water and is protected by some brush and trees . #4 takes you across the road that you came in on ( the only hole on that side of the road , and is a left to right 300' + that is set close to a fence line . #5 takes you back across the road and runs parallel to the street you came through , about 346' and has a giant shrub in the fairway . #6 is a very good hole , a 375' or so longer hole to a pin where the basket sits high on a stump . You go into some light but tree filled woods for the next 3 holes , so trust your map . #10 is a downhill midrange toss 285' to a basket set in some brush and trees on the left . I had trouble finding the tee for #11 and was told later that the tee box was next to the outfield fence line 570' away and finishing up a small hill . You start to pop in to the woods again for some short technical putter holes that hopefully can catch you up on your score . Pay attention to the hole numbers and the map or you may skip a couple of holes . Finally popping out of the woods for the last time , you have a couple of holes with water to your left , but manageable . #19 hole is NOT 137' , so don't pay attention to the distances on the scorecards . It ends in a grove next to some trees and water to your left . #20 is a great finishing hole , a 377' hole with trees and brush guarding the front , trying to force you to throw to the right some , to a basket that is elevated and sits in the middle of a large green ( still a hard putt ) . This is a real good finishing hole . The mowers mow a path to send you past the #3 tee pad and back to the parking lot . . This is a fun stop not far off the highway and you can walk down the street and pick up the north course at #5 like I did .The course plays pretty fast because of some of the shorter holes , but some of the holes are still very challenging . A pro that throws 375' + with some accuracy will eat this course alive , but some of the pin placements will still catch their interest . Newbies with some control , casuals and intermediates will like this course . Signature hole : The water carry #3 .


The and for this course runs a little tight . Not much room for expansion , but hey , still 20 holes . Plenty , and maybe too many , birdie opportunities , which will still attract the casuals . Disc Risk could be high just for the 2 or 3 water holes , especially #3 , but otherwise minimal . If this park gets crowded in the front , you may have to wait for kids ( especially #1 and #9 or 10 ) and cars ( #1 and maybe 10 if the parking lot next to the ball fields is full . The pond makes this area full of bugs , bring spray . A couple of pinball holes where you will likely hit a tree or 2 . The biggest con is that the baskets are numbered , but some are out of sequence after #8 . Why ? I don't know .

Other Thoughts:

I can't imagine that the locals would pass on this course . The fun factor is there . Woods holes , water carries/hazards , shorter tighter woods
holes . Multiple pin placements will mix it up for you from time to time ( I'm assuming they change them ) .I don't try to write these reviews to just accommodate the experienced tournament player , but also the out of towners and the local enthusiasts . I had to write a review on this course since one hasn't been written since 2015 , and a lot of change scan happen in 4 years . AND there is a additional 18 holes on the north side , which bumps my rating .5 . My Recommendation " PLAY THIS COURSE !!! It is a short drive from Memphis , and right off of I-55 . Well worth the play .
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2 1
Experience: 10.1 years 11 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent, shorter 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 3, 2015 Played the course:once


I liked the basket raised 3 feet off ground, friendly people st park, clean, and almost all tees had signs


Some of the holes git really confusing, alot of people walking in the park in your way. There's a bunch of kids on playground at one end of hole, hope you don't shank it left.
The holes seemed to favor lhfh throwers

Other Thoughts:

I would like it more if you take away the walkway for everyone to go through your drives, also if greens and tees where longer
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6 1
Experience: 46 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Disappointed Overall 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2014 Played the course:once


Despite the low-ish rating, there were some positives to Latimer Lakes.

LL is a great course for a beginner to learn on. With the exception of 1-3 holes, there isn't a real chance of losing your discs. If you prefer to hold onto discs and skip over those holes, you can still get a full 18 in.

Additionally, the holes are all on the short end, which is less intimidating and more encouraging for a beginner - beginner/intermediate player trying to learn the game.

Directions TO the course were simple and easy to find, which is no simple feat for a disc golf course. Once inside, walking through the woods was at least pleasant.

Hole 3 over the pond forces a RHBH player to throw a hyzer over the water, which is fun.


Unfortunately, this course has received far too many high reviews. To me, a 3.36 course is a solid, challenging disc golf course with some variation involved. LL is not that course

First, the course is far too crowded. From the moment you turn into the parking lot, there are people EVERYWHERE. Granted, this is a park that gets a lot of action with baseball, soccer, etc; but the course design does not do a good job of avoiding the constant traffic in and out of the park. Hole 1 is a short, ~220 foot shot with a fairway that is approximately 20 feet wide. Unfortunately, on the left is woods and on the right is the road leading in and out of the park. As a RHBH throw is called for, you are forced to wait up to 5 minutes to start your round. This is not the only hole where the road comes into play: Holes 3 and 4 also play very near the road, which is frustrating to say the least.

Secondly, the course is not all that well thought out, both in terms of navigation and overall design. I think played all 20 holes, but I cannot be sure since I walked by 2 baskets that I did not throw to during the round. Since the baskets were only sometimes labeled with their respective hole, I'm not sure if they were practice baskets or not.

The navigation of the course is poor, and with as much foot traffic as there is it wouldn't seem that difficult to put some markers indicating which hole you're playing and the direction to the next hole. I got lost several times throughout the round.

The design is less-than-desirable. The open holes that dominate the early part of the course either have traffic in the way or are boring, straight ahead shots with no obstacles between tee and basket. With the exception of 3-4 holes in the woods, the majority were 180-230 feet with no real line to take in order to get to the basket. This leaves the disc golfer with at least 6-7 holes where you have to throw at trees and hope to make it through. While I "hit the line" more often than I probably should have, I doubt I would be able to hit them with any frequency if I was to ever play here again.

Other Thoughts:

My friend and I made the relatively short drive from the Memphis area to play Latimer Lakes. It is easy to find from the Memphis area and doesn't take more than 35 minutes to get there from the Midtown/Downtown area.

Both of us have been playing for ~7 years and are comparable players. I shot -4 and he shot +4 throwing almost the same shot on every hole.

With the combination of woods and standing water, bring bug spray! Mosquitoes will be present, as always.

Overall, I think it deserves the "reasonable" rating because it is a good course for a beginner to learn on and work out some of the kinks that come along with figuring out the game.

However, if you are an intermediate player or above, don't waste your time at Latimer Lakes.

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2 2
Memphis Newbie
Experience: 12.9 years 33 played 23 reviews
3.50 star(s)

fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Above all, my favorite thing about this course is that the design is fun. Meaning that they had fun with the course design and made some unique and memorable holes. For example, the last basket is elevated on a nice looking platform built up with concrete landscaping blocks. Hole 9 has two mirror image fairways curving to the basket allowing you to take your pick. I'm not a fan of mandos but on hole 17 there is a field goal mando midway down the fairway that is, once again, super fun. One of the greatest hole varieties I have seen.


Very crowded park with lots of car traffic and the main road of the park is in play on 3 of the holes. I found myself waiting for cars to pass before teeing off, and I had to wait quite a while.

Not only is the park busy, but the disc golf course is very busy (evidence that it is a fun course).

Some of the underbrush is incredibly thick and can really swallow your discs.

Other Thoughts:

Would like to play again. Hopefully I can find a time that is less crowded.
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1 2
Experience: 33.4 years 5 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Course offers mostly shorter shots. More than half are wooded technical shots. Couse flows really well making it a quick play. Well manacured at a city park so it stays that way.


There is a small pond that can come into play on 3 holes and it is not a pond you want to go retrieve from. All 3 times we have played there (all on weekdays in the middle of the day) it has been pretty crowded with groups of 5 or more playing together so we had to wait for them to let us play through.

Other Thoughts:

If you are a long bomber there are only a few open shots for you to air it out. Pros probably won't find this course too fun but for us average guys its semi challenging and fun.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.2 years 353 played 321 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2012 Played the course:once


Latimer is a well-broken-in 20 hole course best suited for beginner to intermediate level players, casual players, and those looking for a quick and leisurely round . The course features mostly shorter technical woods holes, but does incorporate a few open holes with lush grassy fairways, and a pond that comes in play on a couple of holes. The course is mostly flat, but has a little elevation in play on a few holes.

There are concrete tees and 20 good baskets. The large color map by hole 1 was nice and informative. Huge parking area and decent restrooms are a bonus. Everyone playing was friendly or just kept to themselves. This park is in a pretty nice part of town and there are lots of places to eat and shop at nearby. The course is not too far off the Interstate and near Memphis and close to two other good 18-hole courses.


Crowded- small space, lots of people. Due to its popularity this course seems to often be full as it was for me even mid-day during the week. The holes in the woods at times feel cramped being so close together.

Navigation is not horrible as the paths are well-worn and there is a map by hole 1, but the holes are so close together that there are other paths that have been worn (by people skipping around?) that led me in the wrong direction a couple of times, though it was only a short walk back in the other direction to find the right tee. And there were a couple of times when I would finish a hole and look up to see multiple tees in all directions and not be sure of which way to go, again a byproduct of the close proximity of all these holes. (tip- after hole 6, walk down the path, and 7 is kind of hidden in the woods playing along the fence.) Hole 20 finishes in the middle of the course in an area used by other holes so be careful on the trek back to the car.

I appreciate trying to get a mix of short/long and open/wooded, but honestly many of the open holes here are pretty boring- good for people trying to learn to throw their new driver I guess.

I think I remember the tees being rather short, and some of them were almost square shaped. The road is also in play on hole 3 as the fear of the pond will push discs towards the road.

Other Thoughts:

This course is very popular with the locals and does get a lot of play. I was amazed at the number of people that came by on a weekday to squeeze in a round or even just to get a few holes in during their lunch breaks.

I can see the reasons for the public appeal of Latimer as it is shorter and easier and a fun and challenging course for the bulk of non-professional disc golfers. This area as a whole exceeded my expectations with 3 solid courses in a small radius, and though Latimer was my least favorite of the 3 NW MS courses, a lot of people like it the best.
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3 1
Experience: 24.5 years 128 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Thanks to the "A" team 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice little course, with a good mix of short, long, wooded, open holes. Visiting here on business in January so any course is nice to play, considering the weather I left at home.


Had it not been for three locals allowing me to throw along with them, this course would be a bit difficult to navigate. Tee markers are missing on most holes, no distances posted etc. This is only a minor con, as the course does seem to get alot of play, so generally a group or individual to assist.

Other Thoughts:

Special thanks to the "A" team for guiding me around. Adam, A.J., and Ashley. I appreciate you all.
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1 4
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Enjoyable 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2011 Played the course:once


Beautiful views from many holes. Good mix of open and woods.


Hard to find the next tee box on many occasions, Luckily someone pointed out the way for us.

Other Thoughts:

We'd play this course again if in the area. Plus, gotta love that they have a current Green Bay Packer (Brandon Jackson) dedication sign at this park!!!
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2 0
Experience: 28.4 years 30 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

indianawolf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2011 Played the course:once


A lot of different ranges for throwing. It is very easy course to navigate around not a lot of weird angles.their is a lot of good shade trees on hot days and some holes that are not their is a few water hazards on hole 3,18 & 19 that add some challenge
to the course that was fun


the only cons that i have is that some of the signs for the holes were not correct and some were not their so it was hard to find the pin but not that big of a deal and their was a lot of different tee sizes but for the most part it was nice to have them

Other Thoughts:

they could add another 7 holes and make it a champion style course they have plenty of room to do it but all and all it is was well played course and also for the straight thrower hole 12 is a ace in waiting i almost did
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2 3
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.6 years 1861 played 636 reviews
3.00 star(s)

good beginner course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 27, 2011 Played the course:once


Good Beginner course.

Good use of land given.

Tee pads for every hole.

Good baskets.

Several holes are though the woods.

Several memorable great holes.


Short for pro, but challenging for a rec player.

I got lost twice due to no "next tee" signs on either the tee signs or marked on the baskets.

Other Thoughts:

As far as the type of courses I enjoy playing, this is it. I am over 40 and long courses wear me out. This is a short technical course.

There were several holes that were really pretty good. Even though all were par 3 holes, they had well defined fairways that rewarded good shots and punished bad shots.
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12 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A little rough 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 22, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a small wooded piece of a park with a few open holes and a couple that bring a pond into play. One of the water holes is a really nice risk/reward shot with a safe anny line or a more direct hyzer line out over the water. There are some nice technical holes in the wooded sections of the park, and some chances to rip some longer drives in the open.

A couple small elevation changes on the property are used well to add some challenge and variety. The wooded holes offer some different lines that mix up the shots you need to throw in order to score well. There are nice baskets in good shape, and small but level tees.


The course is pretty rough, the wooded holes had lots of downed branches and stumps left in the ground. A few of the wooded holes didn't really have viable lines to the hole, and were really just poke and pray shots. There was lots of trash around the lake and in the woods, and signs of vandalism throughout the park.

Overall, there isn't too much challenge here, the wooded holes are short enough that they're just putter shots, and the longer holes are wide open without any real obstacles in the way. There are some safety concerns here, with a walking path in play on several holes, and a couple other holes that bring roads and parking lots into play.

The navigation is pretty bad here, there are often multiple tees in view after you finish the previous hole, and it's not always the most obvious one. The signage is vandalized and sometimes missing altogether so you don't know where to throw or how long the hole is, nor is there any clue on the couple longer walks between holes.

Other Thoughts:

This course has some potential with some cleaning and clearing in the woods. It doesn't have the challenge to be a top level tournament course, but there are some fun holes and some good challenges for intermediate players. Beginners might be a little frustrated by the tight shots in the woods, but otherwise it's not too out of line for newer players. More experienced throwers won't find many different parts of their game challenged.
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1 2
Experience: 15.3 years 41 played 41 reviews
4.00 star(s)

What a great find 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Very technical with a great mix of holes. Great use of land and creative with the water.
Mach 5 baskets were in great condition.
it's a 20 hole course


Not well marked out.
they could have easliy put an arrow on the signs pointing to the next tee.
not enough throwers holes
Had a lot of "tweener" distances. (should i throw a heavy putter or a light mid)
Some holes had no line to hit-it was just a toss and pray for the best.

Other Thoughts:

I will be playing it again. it's worth the drive and had nice locals.
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1 0
Experience: 15.4 years 20 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Where next? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 19, 2010 Played the course:once


They did well to lay out this many holes in the space available. Good variety of shots - distance, technical, wooded, etc...There are signs for each hole and the marked lengths seem to be pretty accurate.
Well maintained park. Very little traffic when I went, but it was about 10 am on a Friday.


The signs show the hole layout, but do not indicate the location of the next hole. This is really important here because it can be difficult to find your way from one hole to the next, especially from hole 7 on. I actually never found one hole that is marked on this site! The tee pads are too short, 6 feet or less.

Other Thoughts:

There is another course about 5 miles away in Southaven - consider a morning/afternoon double at the two. Normally I would only subtract half a rating point for difficulty of navigation, but this one was so difficult i deducted a whole point. That means it could just as easily rate a 4, making it quite a nice course. I will definately return.
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1 4
Experience: 14.2 years 10 played 10 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best course I've ever played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Some hard shots that challenge the thrower. I'm not a good player and I do fairly well here. Multiple hole placement keeps the course from getting stale. Long, open shots and short technical shots. This course has it all. The course has some evil disc eating shrubbery too. Pond is in play on #3 and indirectly in play on #19.


None really. Pond is very mucky and you will sink half way up your knees when you have to get a disc. I've been in the pond twice. #11 is too long (or my throw to short).

Other Thoughts:

I moved to Horn Lake three months ago and this course is a mile from my house. I love the course and I will miss it when I move back to FL. Don't change a thing on this course.
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2 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 104 played 61 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2010 Played the course:once


This is the best course I have played in North Mississippi. That has already been covered here but the main thing is the variety of shots and balance of power vs control. There is enough length to challenge you where you can let it rip here and there and some holes that if you don't throw it perfect you are going to end up in a bad way. That makes for great disc golf.

Really nice use of OB on the front 9 that really makes you be careful. There are a couple of birdie gimmies and ace runs and then there are a couple that are nearly impossible to birdie.

This is a well used course with lots of friendly locals.


It is not easy to come up with many cons. These aren't really cons as they are more like a course wish list. I wish water had come into play a little more. Bag holders would have been nice. There is a walking track that comes into play that sometimes you have to wait on people but that only happened once. You do have to throw around the street and that could cause problems on two holes.

Other Thoughts:

Great course. I will play this if I return to the area. Plenty of variety, great people, fun shots, and great risk-reward benefits. Come play this course if you are in the area and you won't regret it.
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1 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Great varity of holes through the whole course. They have 20 holes. Even though course is so good already they are always making improvments. Well manicured grass, Nice tee boxes, With a great varity of people walking the paved path. Lots of people play here. So Wake up early and hit the course with your A game. Love this course play it at least 4 to 5 times a week.


None really but lets be picky. They just put up new hole maps on each hole. They look really nice however they are getting broken and theh trim is coming off... I think the big rocks with chalk lines were better. long term its to bad other people cant respect and value all the work that has made this course great. Could use bag holders on each hole. There I though of something bad.

Other Thoughts:

Challenging yet fun enough to learn on. I love the mondo hole get close to aceing it every time.
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2 1
Experience: 7 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My new favorite course!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2010 Played the course:once


I've played several of the courses in N Mississippi and I must say that this course is by far the best one yet. It's like all the other courses wrapped into one. You like the city park courses?? It's here. Wooded areas with technical shots like at Wall Doxey?? They're here. Few baskets close to the water?? Yep, they've got 'em!! I absolutely love the variety of the holes on this course!!


Don't really have too many negatives about this course. If I wanted to nit-pick, I'd have to say that there is not enough benches and there needs to be a better job of marking where the next tee pads are located.

Other Thoughts:

If you are in the Memphis or N Mississippi area, you MUST play this course. It does get a little crowded with people walking the walking track so you must watch out for those guys. Other than that, check it out!!
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2 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 84 played 34 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a great course that offers just about everything, as some of the other reviewers have suggested. But, there are a few changes that I guess are new since the last review here.

Hole 1 is the one that has the electrical box cover as a teepad, and there is no water - the water hole is now 3 and you can either annie or flick around a little tree, or go over the water to reach the pin, but it's not a real long water shot.

The distances are mostly written on nearby rocks and such, but i think there were a few signs out there as well. The important part is that each hole is marked. The teepads are in, but some of them are smallish.

Overall, a very fun course with lots of challenges, and even a few holes to really rip a drive out there. Mulit-use park, but the DG is away from everything, but...(see below)


When we got to 18, there were some people playing soccer in #4's fairway, which is very close to #18's basket. They did not move, even when the group in front of us was up there looking for their discs and asking them to move. I'm not entirely sure that the soccer dudes spoke very good english though. Either way, we had to throw into the crowd. They picked up one of our group's discs and threw it around a bit. this will only be a problem for people that can throw over 400' though, and only when those guys are playing soccer.

Other than that, I had no complaints about this course.

Other Thoughts:

Well maintained. I'd recommend it if you're in the Memphis/N Miss. area.
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7 1
Experience: 17.3 years 63 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not real sure 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 28, 2009 Played the course:once


A lot of different shot variety.

Long open holes, short tight technical shots. Elevation on a few holes. Course has almost every type of hole. I think the longest is some where around 500' and there are only a couple long open holes.

Tee pads on a few holes, some are natrual. I think the local DG club are in the process concreting them.

Water hazard on hole #1 is pretty tough. It's about a 280'+ shot to clear it.

There is only one or two benches on this course.


Some of the tee pads are super short. Maybe 4' or 6'. Especially on the 500' hole the tee pad is only 4' or so. They are also only maybe 3' wide. The thing I remember that really sticks out is on one hole they used an underground electrical cover for a tee pad.

I do not think there were any signs on this course because I remember teeing off on the water hazzard hole and wanting to know the distance.

Other Thoughts:

The course is still kinda new and is undergoing changes by the local club. This has the potential to become a good course and hope it eventually does.
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3 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.1 years 40 played 34 reviews
3.50 star(s)

southaven showdown 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 28, 2009 Played the course:once


Decent tee pads. Good baskets. Nice challenge and decent variety. Nice restrooms.


Flow is quite confusing at times. I don't remember any benches or trash cans. Water in play on two or more holes.

Other Thoughts:

This course has all the qualities of a good course. Some of the tee pads could have been bigger, but they were good. The course is set in a city park with lots of woods in play. There are enough open holes to offer a good variety. The flow of the course is hard to follow on the back nine.
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