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West Monroe, LA

Lazarre DGC - Original

Permanent course
3.735(based on 15 reviews)
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Lazarre DGC - Original reviews

3 0
Experience: 15.7 years 19 played 12 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lazarre 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 19, 2014 Played the course:once


Brand new signs that show both pin locations and distances. (See the hole 2 tee sign I added. All 21 signs are of this design).
Concrete tees on all the holes except maybe 2 or 3 that are in the really thick terrain wooded area by the river.
Navigation is easy enough. Only 1 tee took a short walk to find.
Tee signs included OB and landmarks to show which direction to throw.
2 pin locations for each hole. Locals said they change them every 3 months or so.
Mowed regularly.
Wide range of holes. Open, open with trees in the way, open to wooded, open to heavily wooded, and then a few with trees everywhere.
Benches on basically every hole! Also some bag holders. Great if you're playing with a group.


The baskets were rusted but that is due to the river flooding. I'm not sure how often it happens, but they still caught fine. Some of the chains were broken because of the rust.
After a rain I'm sure several holes would be covered in water, but you can't really get around that in this city.

Other Thoughts:

This course seems to be kept better than the High Water course. I have played both and enjoy both of them, however. The new tee signs are a great addition.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 51 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Guide recommended... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2013 Played the course:once


-Tee signs on most holes
-Plenty of trash cans and benches
-Well played course with regular local tourneys
-Course loops back nicely with Hole #21 right behind the Hole #1 tee pad.
-2 courses 1 park (Lazarre High Water)
-Super-friendly locals!!


-Older baskets with rusty chains due to flooding
-Course can and does flood
-No restrooms
-The tee signs on holes #17-20 are incorrectly numbered
-Navigation can be a little tricky and because of signage #14 & #15 can be missed completely

Other Thoughts:

Lazarre DGC is a solid, frequently played and well kept course. I was fortunate to have met a local player who knew the course well and offered to show me around. The flow of the course is fine, IF you know your way around... if not, it could get confusing. Holes #14, #15 & #21 were added to the`original 18 holes and do not have tee signs (#5 & #12 tee signs are missing as well) and #17 - #20 have the original hole numbers on the tee signs(#15 - #18). This makes #15 & #16 easy to miss.
Holing out #12 is a nightmare. The basket is on a mound and a missed putt will likely roll out of putting range.
All in all this is a great course that could easily be a 4 if all the signage was correct and intact.
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4 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.3 years 123 played 72 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bring your GPS 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 14, 2012 Played the course:once


After playing this course several times now, I have come back to rewrite my review. This is a high quality course that is a lot of fun to play.

This couse starts in a wooded, bowl-shaped area, moves into a more open area with fewer trees, goes into dense forest then back out in the open before ending at a basket that is 30 feet or so from the first tee. It has water hazards and a number of OB roads that border fairways. Many of the holes in the denser wooded are very difficult, but have reasonable, if sometimes, tight paths to the basket.

There are only a few truly open holes including holes 5, 7, 18 and 19, nearly all of which have significant OB and/or water hazards.

On the more lightly wooded holes, the multiple pin placements are well thought out and, in most cases offer both backhand and forehand routes to the basket.

Holes 13-17 feature tunnel shots and minor elevation changes. With alternate tee positions that significantly change the holes character. It's basically a different course when the baskets move. Right turning shots turn into left turning shots different distances, etc.

Many of the holes have concrete tee pads. The ones that do not are short holes. I did not find any problems with teeing areas although some of the bare pads might get a little muddy when it rains.


Even with new signs, navigation is problematic. The tee sign for number 4 is missing. The signs really don't do a very good job of letting you know where the pin is. To be fair, the holes in the more lightly wooded areas would be complicated to put on a sign, but this is still a bit of a problem. It is easy to throw at the wrong basket in some places.

The biggest challenge is finding the next tee. This is not a problem for all holes, but holes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 11 can be difficult to locate. 11 is across the road from 12 and if you hadn't already played could take you a while to find.

For the tournament that I played, portable toilets were out on the course, but otherwise there were few amenities beyond benches as most holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very fun course to play. It can yield a lot of birdies, but there are plenty of bogey opportunities as well. If you are traveling on I-20 through north Louisiana, this course is easy to get to, close to the Interstate and a lot of fun despite the navigation issues.
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2 1
Experience: 12.4 years 61 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice course to visit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice open course; good mix of short and long distances; a few wooded holes and some where you can let it fly.


Incomplete signage; not super easy to figure out what basket you are throwing to, or even where the basket is; several spots where out of bounds areas play havoc on your fade.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course after completing some work in Monroe. It was easy to find, but after stumbling around on the second hole, I hooked up with a local guy who could show me where all the baskets are. He explained everything well, and played pretty well too. There are a couple of spots where you could easily lose a disc, but that is part of the challenge. I will definitely play it again.
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4 0
Experience: 9 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 30, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


I am a little biased as this is my home course but will keep it "real". 2 courses in one park awesome day of disc golf. If you are visiting then you must stop to play. No where else can you have a full day of fun.

Tee signs and cement pads on most holes with exception of 4 wooded holes.

I want to disagree with poster who said area is in a bad area and not to leave bag. Since we put course in area has pretty much cleaned up in day hours so no worries.

Lot of long holes as well as technical wooded shots.

We have alternate pin placements for all but two baskets so different look monthly.

A great course to start playing and most local players are willing to help you out.


Due to the fact course can flood chains are rusted but baskets are in good condition. Hard to find tee boxes in the woods 14 - 16 (no tee signs but tee pads marked) but once you get a round in you have no problem navigating course.. If you are traveling might be good to get weather conditions as holes 7 - 10 can hold water but playable. Bring bug spray for the wooded holes in the summer months. We do have a few hoses for water replinishment but a good idea to bring more.

Other Thoughts:

I really believe we have a hidden gem here in North East Louisiana and should not be over looked. Park is well maintained so usually no issue with high grass.

A special note: When I say flood I mean epic "Noah" floods where course is under water. So this limits us to adding more ammenities to boost rating. 90% of the time if original flooded out our Highwater course is playable and will challenge most players. Normally Highwater course does not flood but did in 2009 twice so park was closed with exception of those folks in boats. I still believe both courses are truly worth a visit and you will not be disappointed unless you have a poor throw on 5 and land in the Ouachita river.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent place to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 22, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a large flat park. Most of the holes play in mostly open areas with stands of trees. The design uses these tree clumps as much as possible to add some challenge on otherwise open holes. There is a good mix of distance on these open holes, with some ace runs, and some longer holes including a 700'+ hole with water in play along the left side. A few holes play through a small area of woods and add some tighter lines to hit and a different challenge.

The course has decent concrete tees, basic signage on most holes, and decent baskets. It's always great to have multiple courses in the same park, definitely a plus. This course does a better job of avoiding roads and walking paths than the high water course (though there are still some issues).


The course is pretty flat and open, which makes for a lot of holes that feel rather repetitive. More holes in the woods would be a welcome change, though the wooded area is a bit limited. The signage is lacking here, many of the early holes have decent signs, but the end of the course is mis-numbered and several signs are missing altogether.

There are some navigation issues, especially with the missing signs. A few places are really not obvious where the next tee is, especially in the areas where the two courses play near one another. There are a couple holes that play near or over park roads, a bit of a safety issue.

Other Thoughts:

I liked the High Water course a little better than this one, but both are worth playing while you're in the park. This one just gets a little repetitive on it's own, though a breezy day brings a little more challenge on the open holes. I would have liked to see a little more use of the water to add some risk/reward opportunities. This course is a little long for beginners, but doesn't have too harsh of punishment for errant shots on most holes. It won't test the best players, and it's a little lacking in variety to bring better players back for multiple rounds.
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4 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 58 played 47 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Down by the river 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Shot variety is one of its strong points. Throwing next to the water and when 5 is in the long position(716) over a little water, but you can lose a disc as I found out the 1st time that I played it. Long and medium holes along with a couple of ace runs.(maybe more for pros) The holes that have concrete pads allow for a good run up if that's your style. Hole 11 is a picturesque hole IMO that has you launching next to a pond. My favorite holes are the wooded ones tucked in the back right corner(13-17). Where these holes start is a covered area and a place to sit, relax and listen to and watch the river. Hole 7 if it has been raining hard for a few days or so becomes a cool water shot of about 270 to clear. It isn't deep so you would just have to get your feet wet. Wind off the river every now and then can add an extra challenge. This is overall a lightly wooded course but the 5 wooded holes really make this course a solid well rounded course that offers a scenic disc golf only round. Enjoy.


Old and sometimes inaccurate T signs. Some of the hole numbers are wrong in the wooded part of the course but it flows well and you can see the pins pretty easily. At least 1 hole with no T sign, hole 21. Just look for the pad and throw back to the practice basket. If it was busy there might be overlapping or dangerously close fairways on a couple of holes, but not on most.

Other Thoughts:

This along with the 18 holer offers a wide shot variety and should be played at least once if you are in the area. They make for a fun day down by the river.LOL
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3 0
Experience: 19.9 years 28 played 20 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


The course (just like Highwater) will test your hyzer and anhyzer skills right out the gate! With multiple pin placements for most all of the holes they will always have you guessing on what to throw! I love that in a course! Just one simple pin moved and you have a whole new hole. The course has plenty of shade on half of it and burning up on the other half! Which I always find great for loosing weight (if you know what I mean). The baskets were all in "good" condiditon so you will not have a problem there! 18+ holes which is amazing! I think it was hole 5 that had a 700+ foot pin placement with water all the way to the pin on the left side, trees in the middle with another water trap about 3/4 down, oh yeah and road OB far to the right! This was an awesome hole that really messed up some scores on my card! There were a decent number of benches out there. At least there were enough to rest your legs when you get tired. The courses fairways looked to be kept in great shape.


Only major problem with the course is navigation. The back 15-18 or so are all tucked up in the woods that if you didn't know they were back there you would walk right on by them. (they are all really fun tight wooded holes) the box for number 18 (i think) had the number plate for number 16 on it which is why i feel you could walk right on by the holes and never know they were there. I guess it could also use a few more trash cans!

Other Thoughts:

With Highwater so close to the area you have no reason not to come and play the course. It's really fun and I would hate to see someone miss out on playing such an awesome course! STOP BY AND SLING A FEW! Plus all the locals are very friendly and will show you around the course if you ask!
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3 0
Experience: 17.2 years 7 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course, just lacking the details... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 2, 2009 Played the course:once


This is one of the best courses I have had the privilege to play. The holes offer a great variety of shot possibilities along with good mixes of wooded/clear, water/dry, and length.

Very polite local club, was invited to participate in their minis even though they had no idea who I was. Was also helped around the course when I got lost a few times.

There were ample concrete pads although a few holes didn't have them. Lots of seating available as well.


Very difficult to navigate. If other golfers had not been there I would have played the wrong holes many times. Obviously after you've played it once you'll be able to find your way around but the signs really need to be addressed.

There's also not alot of risk/reward type holes. I want to feel like I'm given a few options and choices when I play and this course was pretty lacking in that area. There was generally one option for almost every hole. No bathrooms available on the course, but there were a few near the park entrance around the high-water course.

Prepare to be very confused once you get around hole 15. Suddenly there are no more signs for two holes then the signs are back, but the pins and signs have different numbers. I was totally lost. Follow the numbers on the pins!! Not the signs!! The 21st hole is unmarked, and very easy to miss. The pin is next to where hole #1 starts, and the pad is near hole 20, you shoot across the street. Just look for it.

Other Thoughts:

This really was a great course with some gorgeous holes and is definitely worth testing it out if you are in the area. Minis are hosted on Saturday at 8 and 10 am if you are looking for a good time with some friendly competition.
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2 2
Razorback Ramsey
Experience: 16.2 years 16 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2 for 1 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


21 holes plus the 18 hole of the High Water Course!
Thise course offers plenty of diversity: long stretching open holes to tight wooded plays.
Well manicured park with nice walks by the Ouachita River.


If it has rained, some holes are unplayable, thus the "High Water Course" option in the same park.
Some holes do not have hole description signs any longer, leaving you to guess at the distance and par.

Other Thoughts:

Fun course.
Playing this course and the High Water is a worthy day at Lazzare park.
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2 5
Experience: 19.4 years 241 played 26 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 18, 2008 Played the course:once


What a sweet course this is. I had a chance to play this course while in LA and it's a good one. I would highly recommend this course to anyone.


Did not take full advantage of the lake that runs along the course. There should have been more water shots. Other than that, that's all.
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6 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.4 years 166 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pretty good place to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


I played the Lazarre disc golf courses while I was working in the area and they're pretty good courses. There is a combination of open and wooded holes with some water that can come in to play on bad shots. There are a few very long holes here so you can definitely work on developing your distance. There are also some nice tight holes in the woods.

The course has a slight bit of elevation change but not too much. There are nice poured concrete tee pads, decent tee signs and good baskets. It is also pretty easy to navigate this course without a map. There was just a couple places that will possibly have you looking for a minute or so.

The course is in a multi use park but we never had any trouble with people in our way at any point.


There's really not too many bad things to say about the course here. It's a good place to play and I'll definitely come back when I'm working in the area.

I don't consider it too much of a con but this isn't the most beginner friendly course if they play from the concrete tee pads. The course plays long and there is a chance of lost discs in the water on a few holes. If I was with a beginner I would play a shorter "safari" version of the course. With that in mind, it would be nice to have multiple tee pads on this course. There's enough room for multiple pin positions here as well. I don't remember if the baskets are sleeved though.

For people traveling to this course. We never felt like it was unsafe but we were told by some locals that this park is not in a good area. With that in mind we never left our bags to go scout a hole. I don't know if it's really not a safe place. Hopefully some local disc golfers will come on here and clear that up.

My only other beef is a general one with courses that are a goofy number of holes. Golf courses are not 6 holes or 13 holes or 21 holes. They're 9 or 18 holes. Putting in extra holes for the heck of it always seems silly to me.

Other Thoughts:

A comment regarding my evaluation of courses. I am not trying to insult or hurt any ones feelings when I review a course. These are just my opinions and they should be taken with a grain of salt. Play the course, make your own decisions, and then post them here for everyone to see.

My reviews are based on what I feel are important characteristics of a good course. Disc golf has become a large enough sport that I feel we should strive for better than we have now. Just putting 18 holes in a park isn't enough. 18 pole holes does not make a good disc golf course. It requires tee's, signs, maps, solid course design and constant maintenance. Any less than that and we will never advance the sport to a reputable level.
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2 5
Experience: 18.7 years 17 played 12 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2008 Played the course:never


Well kept 21 hole course that offers a variety of shots. Offers a mix of very long to short holes. Signs and concrete tee-pads on every hole make it very easy to navigate for new players. Plenty of room to bomb drives! (I love hole #5)


Longer holes may be challenging to new players.

Other Thoughts:

The longer holes force you to improve your form and control in the driving aspect of the game. Playing this course regularly has greatly improved my driving distance.
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2 1
Glen Smith
Experience: 17.3 years 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 18, 2008 Played the course:never


Very challenging,and it also has a highwater course(It is on the Ouachita River)Which is even more challenging.There is lots of room for the two courses so the holes are pretty much in a row,making them easier to locate for a new commer.The local players are very friendly as well as helpful to any one unfamiliar to the course.


It has one hole which I think is a little excesive in distance. A couple of places you should be sure to have a floater unless you are a lot more skilled than myself.

Other Thoughts:

The overall atmosphere and course conditions are great. We always enjoy seeing new players as well as players from other areas playing the course.
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3 2
Experience: 18.3 years 4 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lazarre Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2008 Played the course:never


Lots of challenges to both test your abilities, as well as improve them. Concrete sitting areas for rest in between drives, and scenic view of the Ouachita River.


For me, not yet having the distance I need, Hole 5 is nearly impossible to make par on due to its immense distance. There are a couple of tees that are missing signs.

Other Thoughts:

On some of the holes, 17 for instance, the less experienced player may want to throw a floater as there is a great possibility of landing in the river.
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