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Crown Point, IN

Lemon Lake - White (Old Layout)

Permanent course
3.065(based on 27 reviews)
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Lemon Lake - White (Old Layout) reviews

11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice technical course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 31, 2009 Played the course:once


The course plays through a mix of grassy fields with long grasses and thick bushes along the fairways, and tight woods with small ravines. The open holes have enough trees to keep it pretty interesting, and other than the first couple holes and the last one, they have some schule to punish poor shots. The wooded holes are very tight and technical, and will really test your accuracy. They aren't very long, but they tend to have very tight lines, and some good punishment for shots that go astray into the woods. The holes that used the ravines here were my favorites, they made for some tough but rewarding tee shots, and some good punishment on drives or on putts that rolled away down the hill.

There is a great mix of straight shots with left or right turning shots, and if you want to score well here you'll need a variety of different shots. There are lots of ace runs and chances to go under par, but there are also lots of ways to get yourself in trouble in the woods or ravines and lose those strokes if you go for it. The bathtub hole was a fun unique thing I hadn't seen before.

The baskets were white discatchers, very easy to see and in good shape. There were nice concrete pads with decent tee signs showing distance and layout of the hole. It's clear a lot of work is still going into this course, and they've done a really nice job of making a beginner friendly but still fun course here at Lemon Lake.


Holes 1, 2, and 18 are basically filler holes so that the course starts and ends by the main park building, and it shows. These holes really don't fit in well with the rest of the course, and make it so that the beginning and end of the course are a bit boring compared to the rest. It also makes for some long walks at the beginning of the course.

Some of the distances on the tee signs seemed way off. I wonder if they were measured with a wheel, and going up and down the ravines exaggerated the distances on the holes with elevation changes, as these were the ones that seemed the most off. There are some places where the course needs some more stump and brush clearing to really feel finished, right now it's still clearly a work in progress, but it definitely seems like that work is being put in by the dedicated locals. As with all the courses here, there are lots of soggy spots after a rain, be prepared for some water and mud on some of the fairways if there's been wet weather recently.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a challenging beginner course that may frustrate some new players with tight fairways and punishing rough. More experienced players will card lots of deuces here, but there are definitely some fun and challenging holes. If you're here at Lemon Lake, it's definitely worth it to fit White into your schedule if possible, but it's the least exciting course here in my opinion so don't pass up one of the others to play it.
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7 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
2.00 star(s)

below average 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 19, 2009 Played the course:once


The white course is one of four at Lemon Lake, that in itself is something to say.

The white baskets were easy to spot, very unique. The bathtub hole is something I'd never seen before on a course.



Compared to the other courses at LL this one just doesn't cut it. The tee pads are varied in type, such as cement, rubber, blocks or dirt. Some of the tight fairways just are not very fair. #16 is a joke, simply a bad hole.

The long walk between 1 and 2 and then 2 to 3. Print a map or you'll be lost, the rest of the course did have next tee signs.

Hole 2 was rather wet even though it was in a grassy field.

Other Thoughts:

A few holes have severe elevation changes yet are too crammed close together...4 thru 8. Several baskets can't be seen from the tee, surprsing considering this is a beginner course.

I can't envision the pro's playing this course in the 2010 Worlds.With much better courses in the same park, go play red, blue or silver/gold if you are not a beginner golfer.

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6 0
Experience: 23.3 years 22 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Short, Tight, and a lot of Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 19, 2009 Played the course:once


This is listed as the "Beginners" but that is really only in the distance department. The first few holes are open, but as you get into the woods, the fairways really start to close in and will give n00bs and veterans alike quite a bit of trouble. On a lot of holes there are very few lines of access to the pin, but there are a lot of deuces out there if you can hit your spots. Just beware that if you miss it is not an easy thing to save to par. This course very few gimmies despite the ace runs. This course will make you work on accuracy. The other courses in the park are for working on the big D.

The tee pads were all nice and the signs gave a pretty good idea of where the holes were, but since there are 2 pin positions and this was our first time out there we always went to get an eye on where exactly the pin was.

I loved the bathtub on 15. One of the guys banged it off the side and he all got a laugh out out of it.


These are really the basic cons I had with the complex, as they were the same for all 4 courses.

The signs didn't seem very accurate with the distances.

Navigation was tough were they didn't place "Next Tee -->" type signs.

we sometimes found ourselves throwing at the wrong pin because the one we were supposed to be throwing at was blind and there was another in our line of sight that we supposed was the alternate pin position.

None of these issues were a huge deal and all could be solved with a course map and/or getting more familiar with the course.

The only reason this course didn't reach 5 disc status was the lack of wow holes. There was a certain lack of excitement on this course. That being said, that wasn't what this course was for. Those are the other courses.

Other Thoughts:

I really can't enough good things about the time we spent at Lemon Lake this weekend. The locals we met were the best. Everyone we talked to were so friendly and welcoming that we left knowing we would come back just because this is a place that fosters great discing and great discing attitudes. As soon as we got there we asked an elderly gentleman at one of the lodges where to find the first tee, and we ended up sitting there shooting the "fecal matter" with him for about 15 minutes about the course, the area, and the gun he had in his back pocket (he was teaching a hunting class). They love to met out of towners and finding out where they come from. By the end of the weekend we were getting some, "hey, are you the group from Aurora?" type stuff.

This complex has many things to do other than discing on site, but they never interfere with your game and are only seen once in a while. The area is very secluded and private. I loved this place. I almost wish I could rate Lemon Lake as a whole so I could give it 5 stars.

They have the 2010 Worlds here next year and they will do a fantastic job with it.
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9 0
Experience: 46.5 years 7 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

White Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Beginner friendly course that is tight and technical. Although all the holes are dueceable I have not heard of any 18 unders. Best score I've heard has been a 15 and that was in doubles.


It is not done yet.

Other Thoughts:

This course was opened in April of 2009. I had the pleasure to be one of the design team. This was the 4th course we installed at Lemon Lake and we were mandated by the parks department to A) make this a beginner friendly course and B) start the course and end the course by what will one day be the pro shop.

This course is the most popular course of the four found at Lemon Lake for our growing number of local beginners. As the course is only 6 months old it is still a work in progress. We've added signage and all concrete teepads and I've personally removed all the poison ivy I could find (I don't react to the stuff). We have longer tees/pin placements either in the ground or in the works for almost every hole. Hole 1 and 18 will be getting landscaping makeovers in the near future. The area these 2 holes share was a wooded scrubland that the parks department cleared for the install. We are discussing the landscape design that will finalize these 2 holes.

I use this course to polish my mid-range game. If my time is limited I can get a pretty quick 18 holes in and be on my way. Check out the videos link for a peek at some of the course.
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10 6
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 394 played 276 reviews
2.00 star(s)

C+ = Too much of too little 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2009 Played the course:once


What I personally like and how this course stacks up in my list of 18 hole courses:

1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == C+
(There are many wooded holes that will knock your birdie/ace run down and turn a deuce into a par, but the holes are not long enough to turn anything into a bogey 4 by making recovery hard/impossible.)

2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I throw 300' accurately, 360' max. == C-
(The course is too short to make birdies feel rewarding. Other than 2-3 holes I fully expect a deuce....not that I will get them all, but parking them holds no exhilaration.)

3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == B+
(Lots of shots required. Quite a technical course!)

4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == B-
(Overall it is quite nice. It loses points since a lot of holes play around ball fields. Also, holes 1 & 18 are in the wide open with roads and parking lots all around. This course would be MUCH better if those 2 holes were near the rest of the course and you had to park in one of the more remote parking lots so you would start and finish there.)

5) Bonus points for multi-throw holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == N/A

Other Thoughts:

It's all about feeding the addiction, so I ranked this course subjectively based on my own "personal addiction factor". The grades above tell how well the course will draw me back to itself again and again and again. Since I have played a decent number of courses (149 18-hole, 91 9-hole as of late 2009), my hope is that players/explorers who have similar addiction tastes will find my ratings list helpful as they choose courses to play and explore.

I fully expect others with different tastes/philosophies to disagree with me....that's the fun of things here. See my profile for my rating philosophy.
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1 9
Experience: 38.4 years 139 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

update 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2009 Played the course:once


cement tees almost done but playable


better directions needed to go from 16 basket to 17 tee

Other Thoughts:

hole 2 basket needs to be elevated and a wall or hedge of some sort around the 30 ft circle area

hole 1 basket should go across the road

other wise nice course

or at least rope off/paint some ob
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15 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.7 years 138 played 79 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Built for Newbs, Good for All 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2009 Played the course:once


The Newest of the four courses at Lemon Lake is designed specifically for beginners, and those with less D.

However, thats not the same as saying its easy or not fun. Quite the opposite.
The tee pads are a mix between rubber and concrete, with one or two grass ones still. However, they are planning on pouring concrete for all the pads, and have the molds ready to go at the tees they havent done yet.

The tee signs (up on most of the holes) are the usual for Lemon Lake, hole map and distance, printed on that plastic cardboard stuff. Good maps, ok distances, but easy to replace and update as holes change and evolve.

This course has a wonderful variety of short, but very wonderful technical holes. Many blind baskets off the tee, and many tight fairways with ceilings.

This course has several really cool holes on it, and makes especially good use of a ravine in the woods on three holes, two playing across it, one playing alongside it. The ravine has a tiny trickle running through it, not enough to worry about it eating discs though.

This course is full of holes less than 300 ft. Quite a few of them keep big arms honest with ceilings and tight curves, including a mean 200 ft sharp left curve that makes pros and ams alike sweat (my cohorts, all superior players, took 4's, my lefty sidearm magic parked it for 2). Many of the holes at least force accuracy off the tee, with fairly punishing shrub shule. Waht few holes have no trees in play (1, 2 & 4), bring terrain into play, with hill baskets that add the danger of rollaways.

Also realize, as one of the course designers (who joined us for a round) explained, jsut because this is a beginner course doesnt mean its full of beginner holes. Hole 17 is a 300 ft beast through the woods, a downhill tunnel, with abrupt curve right. Quite difficult, probably the signature hole, though many on this course are pretty cool, so that's a tough call after only one round.

A joy to play, even if you dont bust out the big drivers much, you WILL have to have a good mid game to do well on this course. Though I shot under par, I really enjoyed the experience, and would play this one again in a heartbeat, especially once its a little older.

PS, OFFICIAL COURSE RULE- If you land in the bathtub off the tee, everyone else in your group has to buy you a beer. Yes, I did say bathtub, and you'll know it when you see it.


This course is still pretty rough in places, as it is brand new, and many of hte cons stem from there. Some of the teepads were a bit soggy, as we played the day after several inches of rain. Also, the rubber mats are not the best at times, and we longed for concrete on all the holes, as well as teesigns.

Even the tee signs that were there, some didnt seem extremely accurate, mainly in the distance department, since they changed the pin location btween when the signs were made and when pins went in.

One or two of the open holes (holes 1 & 2 in particular) are quite vanilla, not too long, seem kinda like filler holes on an otherwise solid course. More ravine, less vanilla, I say!!

The drainage o nthis course is ok, but several fairways were soggy in points. Of the 4 courses, this one probably rates 3rd best in drainage, better than blue, but not quite as good as red or silver. So, if you plan on playing Lemon Lake after a rain, wear Goretex on the White course, or pick one of the other courses. A few rubber mats were under a bit of water.

Also, some of the shule shrubs here can hide discs quite well, so a spotter is not a bad idea.

Some of the ravine holes were downright treacherous with slick mud, so there are place where terraces are needed for safety as well as erosion, IMO.

However, these are things that will happen with time, as the parks dept here is committed to work hand in hand with the local DG club to make these courses amazing, and keep them that way. Do your part to maintain this special relationship when you visit here by keeping this course clean and leaving the trees in the ground.

Other Thoughts:

Though this is the shortest and easiest course at Lemon Lake, it has some very cool holes in it, and is interesting and fun for players of all skill levels. I played these courses with two very skilled 20+ year DG veterans, and one of them liked this course the best of the four, for its tightly wooded technical challenges. I liked it 3rd best of the four.

I realize this course is in a rough state now because this and silver course were both built in less than 2 yrs, and White is brand spankin new. When this course is ready to go for Worlds, it will be a 4.0, no doubt in my mind
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