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Cedar Hill, TX

Lester Lorch Park - Beaver DGC

4.145(based on 56 reviews)
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Lester Lorch Park - Beaver DGC reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lurching Through Lester Lorch (Beaver)

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2023 Played the course:once


+ Tees are flat, wide and long concrete.
+ The tee signs are basic but accurate. Their containers are rusting, though!
+ The guiding signage is helpful, mostly.
+ There is a varied landscape with dense woods, tree-speckled fields, a pond and some modest elevation challenges.
+ Baskets are bright blue for visibility from afar, but...


- ...There is no system in place to tell players which basket position is in play.
- No lost disc box or practice basket? I could be wrong about that.
-/+ Stray just a little into the rough, and you've got a tough fight out-- especially on the forested links.

Other Thoughts:

About this review's weird title... When I arrived here it was already 6 P.M., and the Sun was dangerously low in the sky. By jogging and speed-walking a bit, I managed to play all 18 links in just over an hour, but it was decidedly dusk by the time I returned to my car. So, let me clearly say right now that this whole review is based on a rushed round. I very likely missed a thing or two.

But even if I did miss something, it wouldn't change the fact that Lorch Beaver is a really good course! For starters, it occupies a nice piece of property. Playing here feels like a nature walk. Link10 is a good example of the good views. That one resembles a spooky tunnel. Links9 - 13 are set deep in peaceful woods. Most of the rest of the course deals in mostly open fairways with gentle yet noticeable elevation and park-style tree cover. But I think the best view can be found at links8 and 17. Both of those tee off along the same path, and there is a pond right there that forms the first chunk of fairway for those two links. I liked the appearance of link8 better, yet I enjoyed the challenge of link17 most of all. Not only does the player have to contend with that pond but then also approach and putt somewhat uphill while being mindful of rollaways and trees.

I didn't like link2. That one was right alongside the entrance road and didn't really have many features. Since I'm in criticism mode, I should mention the roughage. I acknowledge that if I were a better shot, then this probably wouldn't be an issue. However, I suspect that most of us don't have perfect aim, which means that most of us might have some trouble re-entering the fairway and/or tracking down a disc-- particularly between links9 through 13. For myself, link9 was the biggest offender because of all of that dense growth in the swampy second half of the fairway. It took me ten whole minutes to find a bright orange disc at the end of October. I can only imagine how this course would look in spring or summer! Just keep both eyes open is my point. Also keep both eyes open for the guiding signage. It is present, but they need to be a bit sharper and more eye-catching. Some black paint or maybe a permanent marker retouch would do the trick. As a final note, I should say that most of the fairways before and after the wooded part didn't grab me. Credit where it's due: In addition to links8 and 17, I liked the sudden sucker punch of a sharp drop to the basket at link4.

Other than all of that, I regret the fact that I had to rush through Lester Lorch. I wish I could have relaxed and played both Beaver and Coyote layouts, but it wasn't in the cards. I'm glad to have experienced at least one of the courses here. Unfortunately, it might be years before I'm down this way again, if ever. Regardless, Beaver gets a recommendation from me for its pleasant scenery and varied fairways. I don't know that it will change anyone's life, but if you have more than an hour to spare, then this course is definitely worth your time.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2 courses in one spot that are both great? Yes please!

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2024 Played the course:once


- Only single tee pads but concrete
- Baskets look good and catch well they even color coded them to the course you're playing which is a nice touch
- Multiple basket locations that get moved back and forth
- Tee signs are nothing special but at least you can figure out par and shape of the hole
- Lots of benches for those of us who just need a rest sometimes and aren't too proud to do so
- Lots of distance variation throughout the course tests you on many par 3 holes
- Rolling hills with green grass mostly on the front and the last few at the back and then tight woods/dirt changes the way the disc acts as it hits the ground
- Rollers are sometimes warranted on the grass section in order to go for birdie
- The lake must be carried on two holes, number 8 and number 17 I believe but safe options are available
- The treed section is sufficiently tight and nasty tree kicks really punish bad shots in some hilarious ways at times
- Aesthetically pleasing as you're on a nature preserve, it's pretty quiet and peaceful aside from the random disc golf cheer or moron with a speaker too loud
- The rolling elevation is used very well as an obstacle
- I love the turtle on hole 8, the first water carry


- No true par 4 sans hole 1 which seems like it's par is generous anyway
- Only one set of tee pads out here limits what it can do. A longer, pro level distance of pads would make this course even better
- I'm not sure what's up with the vandalism and litter here, seems like a beautiful place that you want to keep pristine, quite sad
- The parking lot is full and even on a cold, windy day the course got really busy
- Navigation is difficult without Udisc

Other Thoughts:

Another great option in the area and with the prospect of getting two very good courses in one spot it's no wonder why this place is so popular. If I were doing a tier list of best DFW courses this would be in the A tier at least out of the ones I've played. You can't go wrong spending time on this property playing some disc golf.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40.1 years 341 played 269 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Dam, Beaver sure is fun!

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


-- Beautiful park. This is a nature preserve, and poisonous snakes are among the inhabitants. Beaver 1-7 are near a road or driveway or parking lot, so you don't get the best ambiance until No. 8.
-- Great land for disc golf. You've got trees, water and good elevation for North Texas.
-- Port-o-potty at parking lot.
-- Best holes are 4, 9, 17. Four is downhill with a road/driveway right and trees/bushes left. There is a mando pole right to keep you out of the road. The short basket is not far beyond the mando and just short of bushes. The long position is left of that and through a narrow gap and down a steep hill with the basket on the side of the hill. Nine has you throwing over murky water (a creek or overflow from the pond) to one of three basket positions. The short is straight ahead about 200 feet; the middle is 60-70 feet right of the short basket in a moderate width tunnel with bushes/trees right (and water right of that). The long position is a 90-degree left turn from the middle position and about 100 feet up a moderate width tunnel. Seventeen tees over the edge of a pond. The carry is about 200 feet. The short basket is about 50-60 feet from the water. The long position is another 200-250 feet, most of it steep uphill with trees on the hill forcing lines. The elevation change is at least 40 feet.
-- Large concrete tees pads, although some are chipped/broken at the corners.
-- Decent custom signs (old but mostly in decent shape).
-- New Veteran baskets are color coded for the two courses: Coyote is red, and Beaver is blue.


-- Parking lot is small for this destination with two courses.
-- No water.
-- No practice basket. Many people use the Beaver 18 basket (right by the parking lot). Be aware, because the basket is blind from the tee.
-- Decent course flow overall with some directional aides, but there are some issues. Finding 9 tee is pretty easy, but you've got to backtrack and make a long walk around to reach the basket. Finding your way is not easy the first time. Finding the 10 tee is also a challenge. With two courses on site, there are some safety concerns. Beaver 16 throws toward Coyote and basically parallels Coyote 1. People walking to tee off on Coyote 1 will likely walk across the Beaver 16 fairway.
-- Rough can be unforgiving. Disc loss potential is medium, but you might get pretty scratched up retrieving your disc, and poison ivy is lurking.

Other Thoughts:

-- Two of the better courses in DFW in one location makes this a popular destination. It can get crowded.
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3 0
Experience: 35.7 years 33 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Easier of the Pair but Still Very Good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Good tee pads
Lots of elevation changes
Well placed baskets
Lots of trees
Some memorable holes
Well maintained


Single tee pad locations
A few tricky areas to navigate but not as much as the other course
Baskets mostly static in same location

Other Thoughts:

The beaver course is the easier half of a good 36 hole outing. Most of this course is semi-open with large trees dictating your shot selection. There are some woods holes too that change things up. This is the more accessible course in terms of difficulty but also it is right by the parking lot and a lot easier to find than coyote. Like coyote there are lots of uphills and downhills which is not always the case in the DFW area. I find most of the groups I play with prefer this over coyote when playing only 18 holes for the day.
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3 8
Experience: 27.4 years 50 played 31 reviews
5.00 star(s)

A true gem 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Nice place for long technical shots
Great shorter technical shots
Great terrain
Beautiful location


Some short teepads
A bit difficult if you bring along other disc golfers who are not to experienced.

Other Thoughts:

I play this course along with Coyote and make a day of it. It's so great to play 2 awesome courses side by side. The back 9 are similar to Coyote and very technical.
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12 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 1179 played 232 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Leave it to the Beaver 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2018 Played the course:once


This course offers a good variety of shots and all types of shots are present here. Long-short, uphill-downhill, dog leg left and right etc.
Very nice elevation which adds to the challenge of this course. Both uphill shots and downhill shots as well as holes that slope both to the left and to the right.
Tee pads are ample allowing for a proper run up and the signage is adequate as well. Alt pin placement on many holes.
Holes 9 and 17 have a pond that comes into play so the water threat is present on this course to add to the challenge.
Hole 1 start you off with a straight uphill shot that has distance so you know from the start that this course means business. Hole 17 is a throw across the pond shot that will need to land in the fairway so that you can throw to the basket that is up on the slope of a hill. Very challenging hole for sure.
Many of the holes have good challenging lines that force you to shape shots. Low ceiling shots and tunnel shots once you get back onto the back half of the course keep things from getting bland.


There is a bit of backtracking that takes place on some holes so the walks from basket to the next tee is a bit long in spots.
The hard pack is sloppy after a good soaking rain so the tees might be a bit slick at times.
If the pond is swollen getting to the fairway of hole 9 might be impeded so you might have to take the long way around. This slows the flow of the round down a bit.
Cart user this course has elevation and a cart can be used but take into account that you will be pulling uphill in many spots.

Other Thoughts:

When hole 9 is set in the long position it is a very challenging hole. Off the tee you must throw a straight shot and place it as close to the short pin placement as you can. From that point the hole narrows down to a tunnel shot that dog legs hard to the left and plays up hill. Holes like this are where you will see scoring separation for sure. There are a few birdie opportunities on the back part of the course if you can place your shots accordingly.
Overall this is a good and challenging course that offers all kinds of shots and the lines are solid and challenging. It will make you use all shots in your bag from hyzer to anhyzer to forehand to placement shots etc. Whats not to like about a course that keeps you on your toes and makes you use all of your skills? Couple this course with its sister course which is right beside it, Lester Lorch Coyote, and you will have 2 quality courses that will keep you entertained for hours.
Its a must play if you are in the area and is a quality disc golf course for sure. If you like a course with a good mix of shot variety then hit this one up.
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.5 years 276 played 60 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Basically a perfect natural beauty 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2017 Played the course:once


-beautiful park! (I'll upload some pictures at a later date. timg's are great but this course was much greener--with tighter lines to hit--than those pictures show)
-impeccable course "hygiene" w/ fairways and golf lines in good shape
-concrete tees, decent custom signs, good course flow overall with some arrows and such
-hole 17 is as much of a signature hole as I've ever played
-port-a-potty near parking area

Favorite holes: 1, 5, 8-15, 17!


-at least two of the first 4 holes feel like "filler," maybe because you know the best is still ahead
-I'm 80% certain I got some chiggers and poison ivy here (it was a long day of disc golf, so it could have been somewhere else)
-navigation isn't perfect, especially finding tees for 10 and 11
-one set of tees (fine by me)

Other Thoughts:

This is the kind of no-frills "au naturale" disc golf that I've come to love and even prefer. At the same time, the lines aren't exceedingly raw or undeveloped. Lester Lorch is a beautiful nature preserve with a nice mix of terrain: denser woods plus more open fields with large trees, as well as some decent ups and downs. It lacks some features that seem ubiquitous at most great courses, such as multiple tees or fancy signs, but it makes up for that with multiple (and challenging) pin placements. More importantly, it manages not to sacrifice the park's natural beauty while offering a great disc golf experience. Instead of hacking away to carve a course out of this property, it feels like the designers simply followed the park's features in creating two courses full of unique and interesting holes while leaving the inherent beauty intact.

When we played here, all the holes on Coyote and Beaver were in long positions. I tend to view that kind of challenge as a positive. The holes also struck me as very fair and consistently fun. On Beaver, hole 1 starts off a pretty nice long 480' with mature trees in the fairway. Holes 2-4 were somewhat underwhelming, but the course started to pick up quickly from there. 5 was memorable for its green. 8 was a nice shot over/around the pond. 9-13 were a very nice collection of tighter woods shots (some of which were still quite long) with challenging but manageable lines to hit. I'm surprised most of the reviews have not mentioned hole 17, and that makes me think it's been recently improved upon. As it was when we played, this was one of the most interesting and memorable holes I've played recently (and we played Selah/Trey/Harry Myers earlier in the same trip). The basket was placed in an elevated position across the park's beautiful pond, and the tree canopy had a nice opening to tempt some risky but fun lines over the water. As I had already lost plenty of plastic on the trip, I played a cautious shot to a lay up zone and had a relatively simple uphill approach for par. But shots to that kind of basket placement are the stuff disc golf dreams are made of.

I made it to Lester Lorch while in the DFW area after visiting Selah and Trey Ranch. It was hot and humid and we had already played two difficult rounds in Rockwall/Fate, so exhaustion was definitely an issue. My only regret is that I played Coyote and Beaver but once, and neither course got my A-game like they deserved.

Rating discussion: I was between 4.0 and 4.5 on this one, and would give it a 4.25 if that were an option. Nevertheless, both courses at Lester Lorch were in perfect condition when we played, and we had a great time, so I'll go with the more generous 4.5. The whole course (minus holes 2-4) was quite memorable, and 17 was a blast. It's definitely worth going out of the way for this one.

***As always, please let me know if you have feedback or suggestions on how to improve my reviews!***
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4 3
Experience: 75 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 12, 2017 Played the course:once


Good mix of shots. Some wooded holes, some open holes, some low ceilings, good mix of left and right turns. Different pin positions for some variety.


Tee boxes are a bit short. Some of the fairways make no sense and you just have to throw at a bunch of trees and hope you miss them all (#6 and a few of the wooded holes, I think maybe #12 was particularly bad?). Was kind of hard to find #16 after #15. No par 4/long holes. A couple of the longer holes are in that weird distance range where no one can reach them in 1 shot but they're super easy to reach in 2 shots (#1, #7 unless you go straight at it and get insanely lucky, maybe #16 but somehow I managed to put my drive inside the circle for the 2). #1 would be a great par 4 if the basket was back another 150'. None of the holes really stood out as amazing.

Other Thoughts:

Way better than the coyote course at the same park
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3 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Overall A Good Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2016 Played the course:once


The Back 9 and the holes over the pond are fantastic.

Challenging, bring all your discs because they all serve a purpose here.

The park being almost exclusively used for Disc Golf is great, you don't have to worry about other pedestrians using the park for anything else.


The Front 9 is very lackluster in my opinion with the exclusion of holes 8 & 9. 1-7 Are all just positioned right next to each other next to the parking lot, and when compared to the Back 9 or the other course on site, it's just not as appealing.

Holes 1-7 are super muddy right now.

Other Thoughts:

Overall it's a good course, just not as good as it's sister course in my opinion.
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2 2
Experience: 12.3 years 59 played 14 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Open Twin Course-Homer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Great variety of trees, elevation and a little water. Concrete tee pads. Two other courses next to it. Well maintained. Challenging. Not very much of a chance to lose a disc.


Heard of snakes but never seen one. Thorny vines in rough areas. Some vandalism.

Other Thoughts:

Yes this is one of my home courses. This course has just about everything. You will use every shot on this course. There is uphill, downhill, short, long, over water, old growth open areas. Tighter tunnels turning in different directions.
Bring a bag with variety because you will use everything you got to play this course as well as you can. Best in DFW with its sister course.
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3 3
Experience: 10.7 years 18 played 15 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Lived up to expectations! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 28, 2014 Played the course:once


-Great use of terrain and water.

-Not much non-DG traffic out there.

-Nice signage.

-There is a portapotty!

-Beautiful mature trees and secluded location make this a wildlife haven.


-Poison ivy and thorns.

-Hole 9 is unrealistic as par 3 if in the long position- you literally have to have 2 perfect throws to hit it in 3.

-Apparently "MELK" was here.

-Grass could use some cutting.

Other Thoughts:

-Lots of people commented on the tee pads being too short. I found that the holes that have short pads were short holes (do you really need a giant run up to throw 200ft?)

-This pair of courses is the best I've been to in DFW.
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2 12
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Good for beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Best park I been to... Havent been to many courses but best one so far


one hole has tall grass.. Easy to lose disc... Lost a yellow sidewinder first time I threw on this hole

Other Thoughts:

Could have more beautiful women playing.. ;) lol
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3 5
Experience: 17.1 years 9 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Newbie Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2013 Played the course:once


Tee Pads, signs, baskets with #s on every hole. Good mix, at a par 54 it isnt a gimme. Some birdie holes, some tough 3's. Ive been playing for 5 years and I feel I could par this place after 10 or less tries. Pros would find it too easy. I brought a new player, he had fun without too much play from the rough. You will need most of you discs here. A forehand shot will prove beneficial too.


Poisonous Snake territory. One hole over grown.

Other Thoughts:

Fix the few tees that are too short. Otherwise the place played well and was fun and challenging for a 880 rated player.
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5 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 171 played 69 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2013 Played the course:once


Clean and maintained course. Concrete tee pads. Every basket has the coordinating hole number on top of the basket so you don't have to guess which basket to throw to. More open holes and dog legs left and right.


More area to park. A better way to determine which holes go with coyote and which holes go with beaver. The signs on holes are faded and need to be redone. If you miss and land in the rough you will be looking for about 10-15 minutes and hope you find your disc.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed the course, I liked Beaver better than Coyote. I enjoyed the more open and variety of shots on the course.
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4 4
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 106 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid, not amazing 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 23, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- Nice variety of open and wooded holes, right and left dog legs
- Clean, not overly crowded park
- Equally challenging both in accuracy and power


- Some teepads are too short
- A little frustratingly tight. Many holes just feel like "chuck and pray" - requiring as much luck as skill
- Thorns!

Other Thoughts:

I probably had too high of expectations based on the ratings of this course. It was fun, but not that much better than many other courses in north Dallas.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice challenges 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 13, 2012 Played the course:once


This is one of two courses in the park, the Beaver course is a bit longer and a bit less technical. There are some longer shots that offer a chance to air it out with large grassy fairways and lurking brush. The rest of the course plays through the woods with a mix of shorter ace run chances and some longer shots that test your shot making ability without being too tight.

The rough is thick enough to cost strokes if you miss your line, but not so thick that it eats too many discs. The three holes by the pond are a nice way to mix things up with more open holes that still offer some tricky risks if you go for the birdies.

The concrete tees are in fine shape, as are the baskets. Tee signs are color coded to show which course they belong to, a nice touch in the area where the two play near one another. The alternate pin placements change things up nicely, if they're moved regularly it could offer some extra variety.


The signage is faded and damaged, many are difficult or impossible to read. That gets a little frustrating, with some longer holes and some blind shots in the woods. The ones that are readable don't have the current pin position marked, so it doesn't always save you the walk to figure out where to throw.

The tees are a bit small, and some were covered in mud washed over them in a previous storm. The fairways were all dry when I played, but a few showed evidence of being pretty muddy when wet. There are a few of the wooded holes that feel a bit repetitive, there was room for a little more creativity in lines with this much wooded property.

Other Thoughts:

I had a great time at this complex, with two very fun courses that complement each other well. I played the Coyote course after the first 16 of this course to save the extra walk to and from the parking lot.

Beginners might find this course a bit long and tough, and the rough could get frustrating for a player without good line shaping skills. More experienced players will find this course a good test, with some length and a few tricky lines, and the two courses combined offer a great balance of different challenges.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 331 played 198 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Being a little hard on the Beaver. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2012 Played the course:once


18 concrete tees with nice tee signs and baskets. A couple holes have multiple pins. Good hole design and variety of shots with the available terrain and elevation. Fairways are well defined and bad shots typically punished. Lots of turtles and wildlife. Portapotty in parking lot. Disc golf only park.


Mud!!! I've seriously never had so many problems with mud on a course before. I guess some people maybe used to Texas soil, but this was ridiculous! Holes 5,6,7 had a lot of mud. This mud sticks to your shoes and just keeps building on them. My shoes must have weighed 10lbs each before scrapping some of it off. I had issues on the tees because my the bottoms of my shoes weren't level and also people use the tees to scrape the mud off their shoes.

Hole 9's fairway was ponded over, so you have to go around the long way to get to the other side . I got lost and then lost my disc and visual reference from the tee once I got back to the fairway. Navigation was a little tricky on the course on the back 9.

Trash on the course. I found someone's underwear on hole 8 near the turtle. Poison Ivy in the rough. Parking lot is small for one course let alone two courses.

Other Thoughts:

I like Beaver....it was my favorite of the two Lester Lorch courses, even though the mud was worse. The holes are more diverse and just better IMO. Hole 1 was my favorite in the park.

For people out of town like myself, I'd make sure the course is dry before playing here. I'd probably rate a little higher if it weren't for the mud.
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5 0
Experience: 15 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cedar Hill has a big brown beaver and shows it to all her........ 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete tees
Easy enough to find way from hole to hole
good upkeep
Awesome wildlife


Can eat discs
Some of the concrete tees are way too small, like they only poured half of it.
Needs real bathroom
parking lot can fill up

Other Thoughts:

This is by far one of the best courses I have played and on top of it you have another 18 hole right on the other side. This course allows you to work on every type of shot you have, roller, thumber, hyzer, anhyzer....you will need your entire bag. I would not recommend this for new players because it would just destroy them, this is definitely a intermediate/pro course. And it is your first time print out the map you may or may not need it.
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6 0
Experience: 22.5 years 104 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

two course=long day and sore arm 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 17, 2012 Played the course:once


*most teeboxes are concrete (various sizes)
*park seemed mostly for disc golfers so not alot of extra people walking around
*good use of water on 2 of 3 water holes
*diverse it seemed pretty equal on open holes and heavily wooded holes, with a few that had both aspects on one hole (either started in woods and throw into open or vise versa)
*there is some good shade cover throughout, good for texas heat, but first 8 or so are pretty much in wide open
*number and signage to next hole
*pretty easy to navigate course/flowed well (but print the map from link section above)
*scenic, nice walking trail (hard to believe you are 15 mins from dallas or so)
*good overall layout and playability
*well maintianed fairways
*subtle elevation changes
*course has a good wind block with trees, in texas that sometimes is hard to do, that being said there still are breezes


*some teeboxes were a little rough (alot of gravel) and were all different sizes
*hole 9 was a bit itimidating, as you are throwing over a marsh to a basket you really cant see, and cant really see what is past the tree line (that being said it probably is one of the trademark holes)
*no stores seemed close, so make sure you bring water with you.
*a few hard to visualize baskets from teebox, you think it cant be that far left/right...it was (This is a pro for some, a con for the other, i kind of like knowing where im going to throw without having to walk to far just to see basket, yet i enjoyed the challenge)
-even though i did list some cons, i would go back and play in a heartbeat, as none of them would stop me

Other Thoughts:

We decided to play both. I think we chose right as we played beaver and then coyote course, beaver seemed to be alot longer course then coyote did. By the end of the day my arm was all but gone. There are alot of hard dog-leg holes. you do come up to course entrance rather quickly so be watching
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2 6
Experience: 14.4 years 23 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

not for newbs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 19, 2012 Played the course:once


challenging, technical, very scenic


fairways are tricky, no clear lines on many baskets.

Other Thoughts:

tough course. you can throw some perfect shots that find trees in the middle. no real clear lines to some baskets. just grip and rip really. but it is fun. do not expect to score well and just have fun and you will enjoy. it is very cool for a dallas course. kinda like mclain in san antonio. not super fair, but super fun.
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