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Ludington, MI

Leviathan - Old Layout

4.365(based on 35 reviews)
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Leviathan - Old Layout reviews

1 7
Experience: 8.4 years 13 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Leviathan 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2018 Played the course:once


This course was awesome. Baskets were great. Used the landscape around very well.


The signage was awful. I spent half my time walking up fairways and searching after I finished a hole for the next black tee. If there is a course map it was not obvious anywhere in the parking lot.

Other Thoughts:

Would be 5 stars, but I just can't with how bad the signage was.
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2 4
Experience: 21.4 years 90 played 24 reviews
5.00 star(s)

10,000 ft of evil 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 28, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


you have to play this thing from the longs to really understand how messed up nasty it is. I for one just can't get enough of this torture when Im in the area. plus the longs give you all the hills . Hole one is mellow ,two is a really cool down hill . its when you get to hole 4 that it starts to get mean . Its narrow and 800 ft long with a drop off into woods after the basket . Hole 10 is off a cliff full of trees n bushes that look thick .it all opens up to a field but it does not look that way from up top by the teepad. after a couple hundred feet of field there is a gap going slightly up hill to a basket gaurded by three trees . till the end the course rarely lets up.


no complaints on this one

Other Thoughts:

probably the most challenging wooded course in Michigan
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11 0
Experience: 17.6 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Wow... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2014 Played the course:once


Baskets and Tee pads are excellent. Cement at the blacks tees and nice rubber mats at the blue and reds.

Talk about a variety of shots! great elevation changes, good mix between short and long holes, forehand, backhand throws.

You are able to get the drivers out and really hammer them on some holes. Pretty much get to throw every kind of shot at this course.

The setting is amazing and the park is beautiful.


Signage was a little lacking in my opinion. Had a very hard time finding the #10 tee because the sign for it was extremely faded.

Also it would be helpful if the tee yardage markers had a picture or layout of the basket location on the hole. Being a new player to the course I had to walk down a lot of the fairways to see the basket location before I could comfortably drive.

Other Thoughts:

Played the from 9 from the Black tees. Needless to say my arm is feeling it today! The black tees are NOT for beginners. This is the type of course that can make a decent thrower look mediocre in a hurry. Very tight tunnel shots on most holes and strategically placed obstacles make this course one of the hardest I have played.

Worth making the trip up to Ludington to play.
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4 2
Experience: 18.4 years 16 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Dynamic Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 16, 2013 Played the course:once


Excellent hole variety featuring plenty of doglegs, tunnel shots, and a nice mix of short and long holes. Very well manicured fairways and great basket positions. Good signage made finding the next hole simple.


The back is much more difficult than the front, and a lot more "wild", so it can almost feel like you're playing two different courses.

Other Thoughts:

The rough is a little beastly on a few holes, and can make finding discs challenging if you leave the fairway, particularly on the back 9. Spotters can be necessary, especially if it's your first time through.

We played from the cement "pro" tees, although we typically use the middle tees at other courses. I'd recommend starting from those, as they provide a substantially greater challenge and are obviously the tees that the course was built around. You may change your mind once you see some of the lines on the back, though!
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23 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.5 years 93 played 78 reviews
4.50 star(s)

BEHEMOTH 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2012 Played the course:once

Other Thoughts:

This one feels the most like a northern Lake Michigan course, more so than the BBG combo at the Mason County Campgrounds. Everything here had an aged feel to it, which gave it a ton of character. Mismatched baskets are littered throughout, and sand is underfoot almost the entire time. The amenities are decent, and the signage is superb. Everything about this rustic, rugged course lived up to the mystique and has a charm that is unmatched in the area, right down the tilted, rusted practice basket.

Leviathan offers three sets of tees for the am, pros, and legally insane. I'm kidding, although the longest tees are truly some epic blasts. Concrete is only offered on these (black) tees, while the blues and reds are left to porous, rubber mats. And that's OK. Leviathan laughs at your puny arm. If you aren't man enough to play the blacks, then you don't deserve a concrete tee! The whole course really plays this way, and I felt like I didn't get the full experience by playing from the blues. The reds are for children/newbies, honestly, but it is nice that they have a tee the designers put them in so everyone can play. The best part about the multi-tee set up is that each one offers a drastically different look at the pin (for the most part). I dislike courses that have two sets of tees, where one sits 100 feet closer but in the same line of sight. I would say this three-tee layout is present on 90% of the holes, something that is very rare indeed.

The course layout is fine, offering 27 holes (18+6 bonus) that have exit lanes if you can't play the whole thing in one outing. (The course begins and ends at the parking lot; always a plus.) But the real treat here is the design of the holes themselves. I have never played a course that demands such precise and constant control. While there are some lengthy holes here, I found out about midway through that quality of placement far outweighs raw power here. You need to be on your "A-game" all the way through. There is just great risk-reward potential, but one false move will surely damn your round. While you might be able to come back from one hole playing like this, if you string a few together you might as well pack it in, because Leviathan offers no sympathies whatsoever. It is hole after hole of tough going and not for the casual player.

The course starts innocently enough, with some wide open fairways lined sparsely by wooded lines. My favorite series is Hole #5 through tight woods, #6 tunnel shot out into a big clearing that contains the pin, and then #7 back into the woods with a blind approach to the basket. Around #10 it begins to get hairy in a hurry. Tight fairways flanked by towering trees and brush make you feel that everything is closing in on you. It becomes tougher and tougher to hold the lines as you throw, as this optical illusion truly messes with how you gauge the shot. This really doesn't let up until the last two or three holes, and overall Leviathan left me with a feeling of unworthiness. It certainly didn't help that this was the last course I played on a three-day binge of Mason County, but I have a feeling my score would've been just as bad if we had played it first.

Leviathan may not be the "best" course in the Ludington area, but it is definitely the most professional. Serious golfers only, please.
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7 8
Experience: 18 played 18 reviews
4.50 star(s)

leviathan 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 15, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Wow! Stop and look around! Michigan is cool! Really, really long holes! Tight tunnels shots. If you have a big arm or are looking for a headache this is the place! It's a cool place because it pushes you no matter your skill level.
+3 sets of tees so you can play the longs or shorts for a quick day
+I think it's hole 10? Awesome! Great elevation change over a sort-of cliff
+Great wooded tees that make you really
have to plan it out
+Risk vs. Reward here is awesome!
+Pretty good concrete tees on the longs
+Always have had scorecards available
+It really is one of the best coruse I have played for a mix of elevation changes, wooded shots and tunnel shots.
+Great course to play a lot of different discs
+One of those course where its really fun to watch other people throw because of the terrain and simply the possibilities!
+Easy to get to from the highway
+Lots of local places to eat / refuel
+I highly recommend playing here more than once!


Some of the holes are hard to figure out where to go if its your first time. I recommend playing with someone who has played here.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course that the more I play it, the more I like it!
^Shoes with good grip,
^ bug spray,
^ don't forget to pay!
^ watch out for snakes!
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13 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.5 years 357 played 98 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mostly the same punishing terrain and topography - great challenge though 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2012 Played the course:once


Lots of great wooded holes with excellent balance of right, left, straight, s-curve, long, short, etc. A few holes had some fairly wide open areas to really let it rip before punching back into the woods. Memorable holes do exist , and an example is #10 with a beautiful ridge to ridge throw across a picturesque valley. The elevation was gentle rolling wooded ridges, nothing too extreme or well placed risky greens with pins perched on sharp ridges. Overall I'd call it a long moderately wooded course, but the design and layout was very well done and stressed accuracy and control at both long and short ranges. Large trees generally limited flight routes, and despite being sporadic, the need to stay out of the rough meant you needed to keep careful control of your landing zone. The holes all had 3 tees for varying skill levels (some were shared at times). I think the recreational tees were appropriate for newcomers and those with much less skill and power, and the middle tees presented a slightly above average course for a blue level player. I believe the long tees would have been a great challenge for a blue player, stressing the need for accurate distance on almost every hole - a demanding round of golf (I regret not playing them).


Poor tees. So highly touted as a monster of a course and it has some crappy rubber mats 6' long for tees?! And they have bent rebar tripping hazards used for staking them in place?? So, in other words, the tees here suck. I'm not even the kind of person that complains about pads, and I don't even prefer concrete. Give me a big level patch of dirt and I'll be fine, and I won't complain that the dirt is slippery when it rains because rounds in the rain have all sorts of other drawbacks anyway. But these pads were an awful eyesore to such an overhyped course. They were not even level, and with a 6' pad, how could you expect anyone to stay on it, thus the runup and follow through areas were horribly eroded and that meant stepping up onto the pad and worrying about rolling an ankle off the front. Sure the course is tough. It's long, it's mostly wooded, it has some well protected greens, but maybe it's the horrible footing from the tees that make it seem so tough. The course is right in the middle of the city near a busy road and doesn't initially offer you a feeling of seclusion, but once you get into the park it's fairly secluded. The terrain felt monotonous with gently rolling holes scattered with large trees and fairway/rough defined by thick brush making up just about every hole on the course. The area of #2 was tricky to navigate - making your way from #1 pin and trying to figure out where to throw from and to for hole 2 was tough. Holes 2, A, and B are all holes that parallel one another across an open flat field area with a high potential for crossing fairways. Holes A and B are throwaway holes that offer nothing to the course. The small tee signs present little to no info, and the map poorly depicts intended flight paths on the holes so neither help much for navigation or throwing blind without any scouting. There was no water hazard, no huge downhill bomber, and no use of OB or mandos to force particular throws. Trash was visible all over the course despite garbage cans, I suspect this is because it is a well-used popular course. The baskets all seemed well beaten and abused, but still performed fine. I don't remember seeing alternate pin locations.

Other Thoughts:

I played the "middle" tees here and heard afterward that they are actually the most haphazardly throw together, and that the long tees would have presented a much better hole design off the tee. I wish I had known that, and using standard color coding for the tees would have made it easier to decide. I probably screwed up by playing these, but oh well, it is what it is, and longer tees may have presented more challenge but not much more in terms of complete natural terrain variety and balance. I have heard tons of hype about Leviathan, but it fell short by a long shot. The terrain was mostly repetitive and the course was essentially all moderately wooded with a few heaviliy wooded holes scattered around. The property itself had some neat rolling ridges, but everything looked and felt the same. There was no balance or variety. You basically threw from the corner of a wooded or brushy area, out across a little less wooded area with just a few large trees, and up to an elevated or lowered green area with some dense rough surrounding it. I was less than impressed overall, but the design and appearance of the holes was indeed impressive. It is a very challenging course and requires some very accurate and precise play, both in terms of avoiding trees and rough, but also placing controlled distance drives in good locations for your upshots. But, I'm beginning to realize more what variety and balance mean to me and what makes a course stand out. I like to step up to a hole and be presented one particular route, not the ability to throw just about anything from my bag. Leviathan's design was mainly such that a large tree split the fairway (sometimes multiple trees split the fairway multiple times), but overall I was faced with being able to throw any disc from my bag in a number of ways, no holes required an absolute sharp short hyzer, or long drawn out annhyzer. With a fairly wide fairway, it really doesn't matter if you throw a rhbh hyzer or anhyzer as long as it stays generally toward the middle. I like holes that force you to maintain a flight line and if you don't, there is no reward (easy upshot), or you're in horrible rough on either side. I like courses that force multiple types of these throws (long hyzer, short hyzer, long anny, short anny). I just didn't feel forced to execute any specific shot, then I didn't feel rewarded for a good shot, and that's why it all seemed monotonous to me. You know, I want to step up to a short hyzer hole and pray I put my Gator in my bag. I threw the same gentle straight long range driver on most holes, because that's all I really had to do. Don't get me wrong, there were some narrow forced shots here, but not enough considering the number of holes. The area presents a variety of high level courses and for this alone Leviathan is worth a trip. Would I recommend someone go out of their way to play it, yes. Would I go back to play it again, only if I had extra time or was playing with a group of my closest discin friends on a trip. It scored a 3.7 in my sheet, but I'm going to round up. It's inline with the other 4-disc courses I've reviewed.
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9 0
Experience: 42.7 years 26 played 12 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Called Leviathan for a reason 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2012 Played the course:once


This course is big and there are plenty of technical holes here. Plenty of the holes are long and not only long, but tight fairways. Believe the other reviews - this course is huge.

The Black/Blue/Red tee pads are well marked as well as signs to the next tee pads, with one caveat - listed below as a Con. Hole 2 was probably the only hole that I had an issue with - from the Pro tee, there could have been two pin positions and the map didn't help much. I ended up walking the hole to find which of the two openings had the pin placement.

Read a review after I had played that said not to start with the Pro tees. Wish I would have read that before I played. The black tees are monsters - 805, 792, 673 foot holes and plenty of 400-600 foot holes to fill in.

Threw from some of the Short tees in addition to the Pro tees. The Pro, Mid and Short tees all have completely different lines on some of the holes making this a much larger feeling course. I probably couldn't play this course twice in a day, but when I go back I would try a different combination of tees just to change things up. (And make it easier)

Lots of trees around, most of the holes have well protected baskets but good lines though the trees was able to nail some nice birdies from a long ways out. A few of the holes in the back of the front nine and most of the back 9 have tight fairways - only the long bomb holes are really open.


Being a big course there are some holes that are 'hikes' to get to the next hole.

In the 'mailbox' there were Pro and Mid scorecards. I wish those were combined. I grabbed a Pro one and completely missed ABC and DEF holes. Those are not on the Pro scorecard. The standard 'Next Tee' signs don't seem to take into account the 'extra' holes at all. I believe we followed the all the 'Next Tee' signs and never once ended up at any of the lettered holes.

Bag hooks and benches - no hooks present, but there were some benches around.

Have grown to like hole layout signs at the tees. This probably wouldn't work out too well they way they have this course laid out with the black/blue/red tees - but missed them here. The hand drawn maps are lacking in any detail besides general direction.

The Pro pads are concrete, but the blues and reds are mats. Played after the rain today and while the mats were not slick, having the benefit of concrete would have alleviated some concern of slipping.The mats are much shorter than the concrete pads too.

Other Thoughts:

This was the first time playing - the Pro tee's were way too much for me.

When you first enter the parking lot - the lot looks kind of junky, almost was afraid to leave the car there. Being used for, it seems like only Cross Country and Disc Golf - it's probably pretty safe.

Fairly clean - a couple beer cans around that we picked up. Condom wrappers laying around the course, so something other than disc golf must be popular here.

Played 24 holes at Flip before this and wish I would have played the other way around. Loved this course though - wasn't expecting much after pulling into the parking lot, it was really deceiving. If the ratings weren't as high as they were, we probably wouldn't have even stopped. Well worth it.

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8 5
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.5 years 354 played 299 reviews
3.50 star(s)

put on your big girl panties... 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 18, 2012 Played the course:once


Aesthetic--this is a beautiful course set in northern michigan old growth woods. That said, there is tons of scrub here that punish you for errant shots dearly. for gods sakes take the safety back onto the fairway!

Challenge--the challenge factor here is pretty high. not only is the course physically and mentally demanding, it makes you plan your next move before you make your first throw. Distinct landing zones on several holes add to the challenge factor. Think; severe dogleg 200ft down the fairway challenging.

Signage and routing--phenomenal. with three color signs leading to the three teepads (black, blue, red) routing is a breeze on this course. I will say however, the transition from hole #2 to ABC and #12 to DEF is a bit confusing. signs point you to the next blue and red tee (letters only have mids and shorts) and the black tee, but that is the black tee on the next numbered hole.

Distinct looks--not only does the course offer two to three tees on every hole, every tee has a distinct look at the basket. When I played, I played the mids (I was told I was crazy to do that the first time) but I found the mids to be fair par 3's or 4's most of the time. Distinct fairways (for different tees) on certain holes are a plus!

teepads--cement on the longs, rubber mats on the mids and shorts. all in decent condition with minimal tripping hazard. These could get slick when wet though.

Practice Basket--homemade but with a ton of ludington area history!!


Listed in the pros as caveats to the positives. Possibly the stink of the foundry on the back 9?

Other Thoughts:

thanks to aikoadam and jim for guiding me, I will be back!!
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27 2
Martin Dewgarita
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15 years 1600 played 95 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Godzilla Hates Ice in his Cola 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2011 Played the course:once


I'm often asked what the favorite course that I have played is. I usually answer with a vague "It's so hard to say, with so many great courses that I've played, but some courses that stick out are..." and Leviathan is usually near the beginning of that list.

This course has an awe factor that left my jaw down as I walked through nearly every fairway. Multiple lines to multiple landing areas. Fairways and lines that will challenge even the most advanced player while being fair enough to be enjoyable to most intermediate players.

Variety. Access to a variety of different types of shots with many different discs will help navigate each hole, none that feels like a repeat of another. Tight tunnels, doglegs, double doglegs, bomber holes, placement shots, ace runs. This course will challenge your all around game, physically and mentally.

Beautiful. Not only are the hole designs a thing of beauty, the area this course is set is a very enjoyable place to spend the day.

Mason County. Several worthwhile courses in the area can keep a traveler very happy for a long weekend, or give locals something to brag about.

Local Scene. Locals I came across were all friendly and helpful.

Tees. Pro/Am tees were all in relatively good shape for a "rugged" course like this, there is room for improvement on especially the lettered holes, but they all worked well for me. I only played the long tees, but the short tees looked great, when I return I will schedule more time to play both sets of tees.

Re-playability. As a traveler, this course goes right back on my list of courses I want to hit, I will go back again soon. I can only imagine how often I could play this course if I was a local.

Baskets. All in good usable condition, if in a little disrepair.

Navigation. Mostly intuitive, if slightly confusing in a few areas I was never frustrated and was able to find my way with a little detective work.

Only Disc Golf. Tucked away in a secluded forest, other users should rarely come into play.

Only $1. Really?! I'd pay more, especially if I could see the funds go towards some aesthetic/functional improvements.

If I could list 100 more "pros" I would, the biggest thing you have to know if you're reading my review wondering whether or not this course is worth playing, I personally cannot recommend it enough.


Rough. Though relatively well maintained, this isn't like going to the country club - expect a hike, bring a snack, bring some water, enjoy the experience.

Not for beginners. A beginner on this course could easily get discouraged. Or, if this was the course I learned on, I'd probably be disappointed by every other course I'd play.

Signage. Suffice this course well enough, but is an area for improvement. More next tee signs could help navigation.

Thick Rough. Use spotters if you can, especially on blind shots.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite courses out of 500-some, this one is worth going out of your way for. Put it on your wishlist. Plan a road trip. Go play it. You will not regret it.
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23 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 512 played 183 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Western Michigan’s Supreme Disc Golf Challenge 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 12, 2011 Played the course:once


Built on land that's particularly well suited to disc golf, Leviathan is set in a densely wooded forest on terrain that varies from flat to rolling, with significant elevation changes, and a few areas that play relatively open.

Great disc play and shot variety abounds here; wonderful balance of elevation changes and flat fairways, tight holes and some relatively open, as well as, left, right, and straight, holes with interesting lines and lots of aesthetic appeal. Clever hole design makes splendid use of this wonderfully wooded piece of property to force specific lines on some holes, while making you think twice about what line to take on others. Nice mix of distances as well.

Never have I seen Pro and Am tee pads which provide such COMPLETELY different disc golfing challenges. They genuinely serve to distinguish between those who those who have pro caliber games and those whose game is merely "pretty good." The longs genuinely provide a true challenge for top notch players, and are guaranteed to shred those whose game is merely "fair to middling."

The longs offer major risk/reward opportunities, requiring ample amounts of both distance and control. Leviathan rewards those who have controlled distance and can hit the landing zone. Uncontrolled distance will be will punished, as in "kiss your driver good-bye." Your first shot can really set your 2nd shot up nicely, or make the next shot tough indeed.

If you don't have a big arm (like me) or can't hit a landing area from 300-400 feet, stick to the short tees. They do a great job of providing significant challenge while keeping things fun, and even have a few ace runs to help you score well and get your heart pounding.

Can't overlook the fact that Leviathan is located near other exceptional courses; for DG Road Trippers, western MI is a must. But for sheer challenge Leviathan is definitely the crown jewel in the area...if you have the game for it.

24 holes provide lots of great disc golf with nice flow (for the most part), and a layout that's solid and balanced: supplemental holes A,B,C were plugged in with the front 9, with the flow bringing you back through the parking lot, before heading out to the back 9, where D,E,F are also located. Except for a few spots, (particularly around 1, 2, A, B, C) navigation was pretty intuitive... just follow the well-worn path.

Easy to spot from the main road with decent parking and a porta-potty equipped with hand sanitizer right in the lot.


Not many cons to mention, and those listed are almost certainly the result of budgetary constraints. Nonetheless, they are tangible, and can impact the overall experience of an outing here.

- Tee pads were inconsistent, and quite short for some of the longer drives.

- Tee signs are rudimentary and barely more than functional.

- Could have used "Next Tee" markers on the first several holes. Had to walk around quite a bit to hit them all and probably played them out of sequence.

- Risk of disc loss is high on some holes, but if you haven't figured it out yet; this isn't a course for beginners or the faint of heart.

Other Thoughts:

To be honest, Leviathan's pro tees are simply more than I can handle. I found the shots required from a few of them to be simply jaw-dropping. However, I found the short pads to be a ton of fun while still providing ample challenge. In my opinion, this course really is not suitable for beginners, even from the shorts. It's likely to prove too frustrating for beginners to have fun.

Maybe it was just an exceptional day when I visited but I was surprised by the amount of the wind that came into play for such a wooded and secluded course. Had to disc up or down to compensate for wind on several holes during my round.

Thick brush on many holes virtually ensures you will need your "get out of trouble shot," so bring it with you. I refuse to call this a con, because it's part of the game and this course is obviously intended to reward good placement and punish poor placement accordingly.

This entire region, from Flip, north to the Mason County triplets, and up to Leviathan is the literal embodiment of "If you build it, they will come." Hats off to those who made this course happen and keep it maintained. I love the fact that the local DG community worked with local agencies to put this course in and maintain it. If ever there were courses where pay to play is worth it, it has to be this area. If not for donations, these places could never exist, so please; care for this place as if YOU were the one who had to keep it clean and maintain it. Any round here is worth far more than the $1 they ask, and all the upkeep, gas for mowers and trimmer cord costs real $$ (not to mention real work). I have no problem paying double... that's what a round at my local Metro Park courses costs, and I feel it's money well spent.

CAMPERS: check out Ludington State Park - 8 mi (15 min) NW of the course. Nice grounds with clean, private showers and good ammenities.
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9 1
Experience: 14.4 years 27 played 27 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Phenomenal Creation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2011 Played the course:once


- This course offers a large selection of different aspects, including:
> Different elevation, some steep drops and drives off observation decks down into a valley or field
> Challenging narrow holes that a straight shot is a must, otherwise its chopping trees to get out
- Great amount of holes, with the first 9 to the left of the parking lot, along with A,B, and C , which the back 9 and D, E, F off to the right, which makes a game of 9, 12, 18, or 24 simple for anyone and what their time/weather/etc. provides
- Getting an ACE here is VERY rare, so the pars are different than most courses, some going up to 5; this makes for a rough and challenging course! Perfect!
- Cement pads for pros, kinda rubber ones for woman's, juniors, etc.
- Pretty close to Mason County's Beauty, Beast, and Goliath course, and not too far from FlipCity.
- Porta-jon in parking lot, with soap dispenser so you have a place to go
- Easy to find course, with a bright orange sign outside so you can't miss it!

*There is a driving range which is rare to see around here, and provides a great spot to practice drives.


- Signs are basically a piece of paper with two pieces of clear plastic covering them. Distance is different on card then sign (Follow card)
- Chains are different through-out course, not consistent, but that's probably due to funding
- Pads can be a bit short, and drop off quick

Other Thoughts:

- For the price of 1$, this is not bad for an amazing course, which provides some of the best Disc Golfing in Michigan, along with FlipCity and Mason County courses; some of the best courses in probably the Mid-East!

*There is no smoking or drinking since this is on school property, so just don't even try.*
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15 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.2 years 353 played 321 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Challenging, yet Fair and Fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Leviathan is definitely a Pro caliber course offering 24 holes. The area is dedicated 100% to disc golf. It is not a park or a private course, just a disc golf course in a protected forest area owned by a school. It is easy to get to, right off a main highway just outside of town, but you will feel like you are way out in the wilderness once you begin your round.

The 24 holes are made up of two sets of 9's with 3 additional lettered holes inserted in both the front (ABC) in the back (DEF). Both 9's begin at the parking lot, which is nice because you will want to take some time to rest and re-energize before the 2nd half! You can choose to play just 9 (which is a still solid round here), 12, 18, or 24 holes, depending on your skill level and time available. (This review is from the perspective of only playing the main 18, and not the newer 6 that are lettered).

There are also two sets of tees. The shorter Am tees are still challenging, and the Pro tees add much length and different angles to test the best of players. Many of the holes are long, legit par 4's. The length itself does not make them a par 4 (or 5!), but it is the design of the holes- you cannot get to the basket from the tee- you have to skillfully work your way there. It requires carefully planned and executed shots, as shot placement is key to scoring well and giving yourself a shot at par.

The course has holes that are open and wooded, use lots of elevation (including several fun elevated tee shots) left and right and straight- often times there is even a mix on the same hole. The rough can be punishing, but the fairways are clear and fair. You will need every shot in your arsenal and maybe every disc in your bag.

And of course a big plus is that is it is close to other great Mason County courses in the area.


When you first pull in, the parking lot looks uninviting. (reminds me of the practically hidden gravel parking areas on the side of the road in the Mountains of East TN for hiking/backpacking trail-heads!) But, don't let the appearance fool you, and besides, this could be a plus, as only serious disc golfers are going to be playing here- families and beginners are not going to stumble their way into this place like they would in a city park.

The tees were a mix of materials and shorter than normal, with no room in front of the tee on a couple of the elevated tees. The baskets were not uniform, and looked old (odd for a newer course). Navigation was a little tricky due the course being well-spread, multiple tees, and the additional lettered holes. We did not find the first three (A,B,C), but it seems recent improvements have been made to help point people in the right direction. A detailed map would be extremely beneficial.

Mostly the maintenance was decent , but there were a few areas where it seemed that nature was trying to overtake the course and some other spots that just did not look pristine. Upkeep is obviously a challenge for a place like this, but hopefully some local work along with time will allow this course to mature into one of the best around.

Other Thoughts:

This is a different kind of course. It uses more of a ball golf type of strategy, rather than your standard par 3 disc golf course where you are going to get mostly 2's and 3's. Aces and deuces will be rare here. You must go into this course with a different mindset. Leviathan is a course that is not easily mastered- It will beat you down at times and you enjoy every moment! I would not get bored playing here over and over again, as there are many challenges presented here.

The design, demand, and enjoyment factor are pretty close to a 5.0, but there are just enough cons of the basics (baskets, tees, navigation, maintenance) that prevent it from being near perfect. The potential is there for these things to be improved upon in the future.

It is pay to play, (just drop money in the box) but at $1 day it is totally worth it. This course, along with Flip City and the Mason County courses (Beauty, Beast, Goliath) also in the area make this one of the top DG destinations in the country.
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15 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 38 played 25 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Sweetest Beating 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 14, 2010 Played the course:once


The pros, oh jeez, this is gonna take a while.

-For starters, this course offers quite possibly the greatest variety of shots needed I have ever played. That's due to the also very diverse holes at this course, every possible pattern you can imagine. Left to right, right to left, uphill, downhill, sometimes all in on hole. Its phenomenal.

-This course offers the pinnacle of risk/reward. Almost every hole offers well placed landing zones, and different routes for you to make it there. Every hole also offers punishing schule when you whack off a tree out of the fairway, as I saw many, many times.

-True pro level golf. I've played LL Gold, and after Leviathan, I've seen what true punishment looks like. This course isn't just about distance (though you'll need it) but about shot placement. I have a tough time believing that anyone can play through these long tees and not have their game humiliated at least a couple times. Its a humbling, yet so enjoyable experience.

-The am tees make this not only a playable, but a still incredibly enjoyable course. (I know this because it was usually my first shot, or two from the longs, just to get me to the am tees). They still offer plenty of risk/reward but are much more playable for newer players.

-The park has all the amenities it could need. Port-a-john on site, plenty of benches and trashcans throughout. Its apparent this course is excellently cared for.

-The area this course is set in is so beautiful. Its like a disc golf wonderland, especially with the mason county and Flip courses being so near by.


-My most outstanding gripe with this course is the teepads. I'm assuming this was due to funding issues, but several of the tees were very short concrete, or even shorter rubber slotted tees. Tees this short are rough, forcing you to throw from a standstill on some 600'+ holes.

-Along with that, and probably due to funding issues, is the mix of baskets. Several different brands and types, which isn't a big deal, except some are very old single chained baskets, which suck. These 2 things are the sole obstacles keeping this course from a 5 in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

This area is the disc golf mecca. With Flip and Mason Co. so close, its every players dream. This course just caps it off. Everyone needs to play this area of rural MI at least once. This is the course to test your skill, and, most likely, be humbled. But that's not to say you won't learn a thing or 2. You'll come out of here knowing the weak parts of your game, and knowing what to work on for the next time you challenge the Leviathan.
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11 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.4 years 99 played 35 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Legit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 16, 2010 Played the course:once


Leviathan is an awesome course. There is no way around this fact. Bring your big boys pants out here to play because it will force you to throw every shot you possess and much more.
Tees- Good in places. There was signage listing distance and hole numbers.
Playability- Really high challenge factor. If you play from the pros, you better be ready to be humbled. There are a number of extremely difficult, but fair tee spots and pin locations. A few of the holes are amongst the toughest I have ever played. The park is ideally suited for a disc golf course. There is a ton of variety from big open throws to tightly-wooded, high-technical shots...and you may have both kinds on 1 hole. This is a course you could play 100 times and never come close to mastering it.
Beauty- The course was beautiful. If I picked this course up and put it it another area (where you didn't have the two most beautiful courses I have ever played ), the course would probably score even higher, but it is located in close proximity to pretty ridiculous competition. I have tried to filter that fact out when considering this. The trees are epic as well as interesting elevation changes.


Baskets- Inconsistent. There were some pretty solid ones, but they seemed cobbled together. A few of them are in bad need of replacing.
Tees- For every good tee, there seemed to be another one that was too short...which you NEED good tees for some of these tee shots..
Flow- Probably my biggest con. There were multiple times where we got turned around looking for the next tee. A few of the baskets were difficult to locate as well due to the lack of a map on the tee sign. Blind 650 foot shots aren't very fun and neither is running way ahead to find where you are going.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing out here. It is not a perfect course, but it certainly is great. Please watch out for kids when throwing. We were out there around 3:30 on a weekday and there were a few kids that came out of nowhere when we were throwing as the course appears to be owned by the school district. This course is a no-brainer if you are playing in the area.
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19 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Leviathan Crushes All Discers 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 18, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Mighty Leviathan crushes all who dare challenge her. After a few cute warm-up holes, the watchword is "long" as the pro tee layout utterly abases those not in the utmost control of their game. Wayward shots are punished mercilessly (yet fairly) with thick, constant undergrowth that forces big and small arms alike to shoot for designated areas of safety, often two or three times a hole, if lucky.
- Amateur tees significantly ease the oppression Leviathan will inflict upon your mortal brow.
- Wooded elevation throughout. Used to its utmost potential.
- Many unique holes of clever design.
- Conspicuous signage prevents navigation issues from arising.
- After ABC and the front 9, the course loops back to the parking lot. This alleviates traffic (if the front nine looks busy one can start on the back instead) and allows for a restocking of beer, which isn't allowed on the school and course grounds... ;) :D
- Trashcans and benches scattered throughout. Port-a-john on site.
- Dense patches of short elm (?) saplings complimented with swathes of mature ferns make for some wonderfully beautiful holes.
- Just down the road from the Mason County DGC's (Beauty, Beast, & Goliath) and Pere Marquette Expeditions store (sells food, discs, minis, glow paraphernalia, bait, boats, fine beers, etc.) A half-hour's drive to Flip City, USA.
- Driving range with distances listed on conspicuous signage.
- Super friendly and cool locals...discers around here know what's up.


- Mixed tee-pads. Mostly, the pads are outstanding concrete pads of above average quality; however, the "lettered" holes (A-F) have shorter rubber pads. Less than ideal tee conditions coupled with the extreme technicality of the holes and punishing length make driving a tricky business at best.
-The baskets are a mish-mash of brands and types. Most are not an issue, but the single chained baskets are less than stellar.
- Random metal and other junk scattered about in a few place. Shingles with rusted nails in the rough, random bits of barbed wire, etc. Not terrible, but present.

Other Thoughts:

- On this course, pro tees are for pros. No shame in playing the am tees here, especially for less-experienced players. When it says "Par 4" it ain't kidding.
- Bring your security blanket.
- Update: 6/3/11: After gaining experience and seeing around 80 courses in 8 states, as well as playing Leviathan many more times, I felt it appropriate to list it as a true "5." Leviathan (with the nearby Flip City and Mason County courses) is one of the premier destination courses in the world (seriously folks, no joke).
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18 1
Mark R
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 118 played 90 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Calling Kensington Toboggan Course Fans 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 12, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


World-class, Idlewild-like challenge in a massive, moderately-wooded Western Michigan forest.

Several cunning, extremely long holes that will leave you worn out, in a good way (2, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14). Like another reviewer mentioned, the more courses you play, the more you realize just how good this course is. No Lake Michigan views like the Beast, but the best holes on this course are simply the longest, craziest, most thrilling you will find anywhere.

Great elevated tees and tee views on Holes 10 and 12, which are perhaps the signature holes of the course. These are good enough to make the next course you play seem boring.

Quite secluded, though walking trails do pop up here and there. Though walks between holes are often long, there are many signs pointing the way. New color-coded 'next tee' signs installed in 2011 greatly help navigation.

Alternate holes D, E and F are flat, grassy tunnel holes in deep woods. A welcome break from the long, tough holes.

Very unique, idiosyncratic course that is hard to describe-you just have to play it. Including the alternates.

Cement pro tees, and rubber short tees that give beginnners/weaker players a chance, as well as a shorter course alternative (the long tees can take as long as three and a half hours to complete).

Short tee course offers a viable alternative to the Pro course, even for advanced players. Those with less time in windy or marginal weather are better off playing Leviathan shorts than the other courses nearby.


Gradual improvement over the years has made a course almost without vice. I still don't care for the black tee alternates; this course satisfies the most playing the main 18, or playing the blue/red alternates.

Has a few older, rusty baskets, but these are still acceptable.

Other Thoughts:

From the long tees, this is a course of unexpected proportions. Compared with the other Ludington courses as well as most others, it's a five-fourths scale, epic adventure. This is the course you daydream about during work meetings.

A modified course layout (according to scorecards) results in the black/long tees being a 20-hole course (including two new alternate holes, LA and LB), and the red/blue tees being a 24 hole course with the existing alternates (A-F). This actually improves the black tee experience (about a half-hour shorter), as well as creating a distinct blue/red tee course.

September 2018 Update:

This course has lost some of its former luster, with some of the best black tees (such as Holes 4, 10 and 12) having grown in a bit. Also, the alternate tee navigation is still a pain. However, this is still a great course.
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15 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.6 years 179 played 110 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Almost There 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Leviathan stands out above most courses due to its amazing design. The design is long, difficult, and creative. The design is comparable to Rennaisance Park and Idlewild. I use these two courses because many on this site have played these courses. Design-wise, Leviathan is defintely on their level. The variety off the tee is exceptional. Hole #1 is slightly uphill. Hole #2 is an open down-hill shot. A few holes later you are in a dense forest with a narrow tunnel tee shot. Hole #10 requires a forced-carry over some dense brush. (short carry)

Leviathan has a number of legitimate Par 4s.(maybe even 5s, but I can't remember) While there is some length, there are a number of opportunities at a birdie. This causes the player to really focus on the easier holes in order to get a few strokes back. If you are playing the course competitively, you definitely cannot afford a lapse in concentration. This adds to the challenge of the layout.


There are only 2 slight negative aspects of the course. The course had not been recently mowed when we played it. The second minor flaw is the number of spots on the course where lost discs are probable. My stance on "rough" is that it should be punishing, but not so thick that the disc cannot be found a majority of the time.

Other Thoughts:

Leviathan is almost a 5 disc course in my opinion. The only thing it lacks is a little bit of maturation and course maintenance. This is not a course that I would want to play alone as there are many places where losing a disc is possible. There are many blind shots as well, which I don't mind at all, but it is best to have at least 2 pairs of eyes on the disc. The strengths of this course are in the variety of the design and the gorgeous locale.

Don't let the parking lot fool you. I was a little skeptical when we got out of the car, but after playing hole 1, which is a great opening hole, (long-anhyzer) you can forget about the outside world and enjoy the game until you return to the parking area after Hole 9.

In short, if you are in Ludington and you play disc golf...then you are probably there to play disc golf. Just kidding. Leviathan is an amazing challenge and should not be missed when you visit the area. In my opinion, it is by far the most challenging course in the area. The round was definitely a grind.

I am very optomistic about the future of this course. With a little maturation and constant maintenance, Leviathan will become one of the premier disc golf facilities not only in Michigan, but in in the entire country.
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33 5
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.4 years 394 played 276 reviews
5.00 star(s)

A+ = Lovin me some Leviathan! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2010 Played the course:once


I am reviewing and rating this course from the Pro tees. While I played the 6 extra Amateur holes (and really liked them for what they are!) I am not counting those in what I write and rate. Here is what I personally like and how this course stacks up in my list of 18 (and more) hole courses:

1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == A

(When I got to hole 7 and saw the stump at the fork in the fairway with "Highway of Pain/Highway of Gain" (or something like that - forgot to write it down), I knew for sure that the course designer/s were designing with risk/reward decisions in mind. I had already seen it......and I saw much more of it throughout the perfectly defined and designed fairways. I could not quite get to an A+ here as the sphincter-factor was not quite at the level that could be dished out by some nice natural OB (a stream or pond for instance) or extreme punishment (ravines maybe).)

2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I'm a Blue level player (950ish skill) who throws 300' accurately, 360' max. == A+

(While this course is called a Pro level course, I feel it fits me (a lesser armed player than most Pros) to an absolute tee. The hole lengths seem to vary right around my skill/D with some being routine, some perfectly challenging, and some others just out of my range to ever expect a birdie 3 (or birdie 2 on the par-3's). The length-to-width ratios are perfect. In general I love courses that have a few holes with narrow (6-8') pinch points in the first 150', so while this course did not have that, it was so wooded that that might have pushed things over the edge.)

3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == A

(The ratio of narrow/tunnel shots to more open throws is perfect for my tastes. Great variety of shots and great use of limited terrain. Most of the shot shaping happens down the fairway a bunch. Had there been a few holes (I only remember 1) that forced some crazy creative turns early, I could have given an A+ here.)

4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == A

(Seclusion on this course is amazing. Only downside is that you can hear traffic nearby....but I could never see any cars (other than the holes right by the parking lot). Being a pretty flat course, there are no real views (no biggy really). There is a decent variety of almost coastal feeling (sandy/grassy) areas and beautiful hardwood forests. On most courses, I am not too fond of long boring walks between holes......but on this course some of those walks are knock-your-socks-off gorgeous!)

5) Bonus points for multi-throw holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == A

(As said before, lots of really, really good holes in this area.....and correctly marked as such on the scorecard. This is about 4 bonus points (equals ½ disc) added to my grade.)

Other Thoughts:

It's all about feeding the addiction, so I ranked this course subjectively based on my own "personal addiction factor". The grades above tell how well this course will draw me back to itself again and again and again. See my profile for specifics on my rating philosophy.

I fancy myself as a connoisseur of good course design and I am a competitive Blue level (950-ish rated) with mid-level power (accurate to 300' with max D of 360'). Since I have played a decent number of courses (150+ 18-hole, 90+ 9-hole as of late 2009), my hope is that players/explorers who have similar addiction tastes will find my ratings list helpful as they choose courses to play and explore.

I fully expect others with different tastes/philosophies to disagree with me.....and that's the fun of things here.
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15 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.4 years 47 played 30 reviews
4.50 star(s)

What Have I Been Waiting For? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is heavily wooded and quite a pleasure to walk. There are a variety of different holes. I would have to say that this course is the most complete out of any course I have ever played as far as hole design and course layout. There is just a fabulous assortment of layouts. There are a couple wide open holes, number 2 and 10 come to mind, that allow a player to open up and put on a display. Then of course there are the tight, tree lined benders, like the number 4 hole that is 800 feet uphill, and hallways like 6 that force you to keep it clean and straight or suffer incarceration in the woods. There are an equal amount of left and right bends to the pin which allow both forehand and backhand usage to accomplish a decent score. There are plenty of places to get stuck in the woods and get some tomahawk practice in too. I also enjoyed that there were a few shorter holes mixed in with the utter whoppers and average length holes. Flat fairways, rolling hills on 11, ups and downs and all arounds! It truly has a great layout and is very challenging in some spots. It seemed as though I was cruising along until holes 13 through 15 where I ended up searching for my disc for a substantial amount of time. There were also some holes that could be called signature holes like 10 and 12 which were just awesome, 10 especially. Just an awesome place to play.


Cons are tough to levy against such an awesome place, but if anything I would say that signage leaves much to be desired. No idea of pin placements are given and distance discrepancies between the score card and the tee signs occurred from time to time. Hole 4 is shown to be 605 I think and the card has it as 805 which seems more like the actual distance. I am just mad at this hole because I took a 7! There was no water here, but that is small peanuts when considered with the great variety it does have. This place was fairly easy to navigate, but I did wonder if I was going the right way a few times. Turns out I found everything without getting lost or having to backtrack. It took me longest to find the pro tee on hole one! I stood there scratching my head for a second before heading left and to the road where the tee was.

Other Thoughts:

I loved Leviathan. I had been up to Ludington to play the other courses, but for some reason my chums and I have ignored this place which turned out to be my favorite of the Mason County goldmine. What an awesome area for disc golf! I had a family of deer following me all throughout Leviathan as if they were my own personal gallery. Having a doe blow at you while you are teeing off is quite something! This is some truly beautiful country. I usually move along at a pretty good clip, but I just had to stop a couple times and let the wonder and amazement soak in. I remember coming up to Hole 11 where there is an opening in the canopy that let the sun shine down on me as I stood surrounded by the lush green, and I honestly felt like just laying down there and reveling in the glory. I was thanking God for his great work the whole way through this place. At least when I wasn't in the woods searching for my disc! Go here! Play. Be well...
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