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Lynchburg, VA

Liberty University - East

Permanent course
3.385(based on 32 reviews)
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Liberty University - East reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
2.50 star(s)

I Thought I Would Love It 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2021 Played the course:once


-There are so many reasons why Liberty could be one of my favorite courses. There's a ton of elevation, involving two extreme downhill shots and multiple valley holes that dive down more than thirty feet. The two extreme downhills are both wonderfully designed. #13 being a 555' and reachable par four because it's down more than 60' in elevation and #16 is Virginia's Dropshot! About 305' from the short and maybe 360' from the long and immediately downhill the whole way. I mean, WAAAAYYY downhill down a tight fairway of cedars, offering a view of the football field. This is one of the holes I saw when I was driving on the highway about to reach the exit before I got here. It's a great ace opportunity and it's over 300'.

-#8 is a very neat valley shot in the woods. Drops about thirty feet and rises up maybe a little more. The designated fairway offers enough room to throw a driver for players with less distance. It's about 315' and to the left side. #11 from the short pad was really cool too, in the open. Offers an even bigger valley than #8 and plays down what appears to be a pipeline. #15 was a nice longer bomb that's also a valley but plays primarily uphill with the path in play on the left side. The first hole is a smaller valley shot but is definitely one of the most creative ace runs. Throw under a canopy from the field by the parking lot.

-The mix of open and wooded really enhances the variety that Liberty has to offer. You have opportunities to bomb a driver very far like on #13-15 since they are long and open. There are some very tight wooded lines that are rewarding if they are hit on the front nine. For instance, #6. It's a tight tunnel shot with the short pad maybe about 250' and the long being only about 30' longer but being to the right side behind the short pad. It's tight but very fair.

-There are tee signs that are accurate with nice diagrams. The turf pads worked fine for me. I think most of the holes had two tee signs with the ones with two pads.

-Two pin positions on most holes.


-The leaves. Like you would not believe. They are everywhere in the woods. The fallen leaves are ankle high the entire way on the front nine. They were stacked on top of one another and they covered up every fairway. The trees clearly have a ton of leaves, and more than other wooded courses because I've haven't seen this many leaves anywhere. It's almost a given that you will lose a disc here if you play in the fall. The open holes on the back nine do have rough wooded spots you could land in. I lost a shield on #13. Was a terrible shot, but I wouldn't have lost it if there weren't so many leaves. Reading the previous reviews, it's also pretty messy in the summer with vegetation. You'd probably be digging through some thorns to reach for your disc in some spots.

-#5 long. This hole is asking you to throw a wide hyzer down an extremely tight sharply left fairway down a big hill. The short pad offers a straight view, and it still is very tight from the short even. The long is bogus. The fairway is very tight regardless and takes you out of a small opening into the open instantly back uphill. If you were to hit the line, you would have to immediately turn right the second that your disc flies out of the woods because the opening is basically like a peninsula. And then turn sharply back left because the basket is far to the left side. If you throw straight out and land in the clear before the woods that are then straight ahead, you'll be out throwing steeply uphill directly facing the woods straight ahead of the clearing in which you landed. It's really hard to explain. You have to anhyzer really quick once you reach the clearing or else you are in the woods again because you threw it straight and hit the gap accurately. Could be a great hole with a more valid line to hit.

#11's long pad is ridiculous too. It's like 450+ to the basket and it has you throwing down an extremely low corridor. It's more of an "orifice" than a corridor, and was a real pain up my orifice. If you don't know what that is, look it up and you might know exactly what I mean by that. Granted, the hill declines not too far from the tee box, but it rises back up toward the end. It's impossible to reach unless leprechauns are real and regularly appear at Liberty riding down a rainbow. My drive on this hole suggested that that they are not real.

-#9, #18 and #19 from the longs are all are messy wooded holes that are either over 400' or they effectively play longer than 400'. #9 is about 390' and uphill probably 30-40' in elevation with tight lanes and a severely guarded basket by what maybe more than 50 trees to pass through. #18's long pad is really unapproachable. The line to reach this hole does not make any sort of sense. #19 is 472' and down a tight and crooked trail close to the edge of the ridge you are on. Big arms can try to throw a hyzer over the trees on the ridge and risk not making it back across because, well, there are so many retention trees that can stop a hyzer from crossing back over. This hole does give quite a view, and yes it could be an awesome hole, but being that long of a par three with as much lost disc potential, the extreme unlikelihood of even coming close to having a half sort of birdie look, and the growing of the trees you hyzer over makes it a real bust. I would've loved to see a hole that gives a great view of the campus on an elevated ridge without having to throw up instantly above hundreds of trees. It'd be too generous to even call these holes tweeners. They are too hard to be a 3.5 par or whatever you may call a tweener. I like long and challenging par threes, but not when they have weird lines along with being more than 400'.

-Some of the walks can get extremely slick when wet. I tripped a few times. While we are at it, the course could use more benches. There are a few but not many.

Other Thoughts:

-I was honestly very disappointed. I love courses with extreme elevation and a fair mix of open and wooded. Usually if a course is hilly and about 50-70% wooded, it'll be a 4 at the least but Liberty was a let down. It could be a whole lot better than what it is. Several fairways don't make sense, there were a few bland open holes which weren't fun either but were a breath of fresh air from all the small cracks I failed to throw through and the constant searching under leaves. #20 isn't a great hole, but it's a nice birdie opportunity because it's straight, open, and not as long as some of the holes here.

-If you decide to play here, I pretty much know for sure that you'll have more fun playing the short pads with the exception of #8, 12, 13, and maybe #6 and #20. #16 I think has a long pad further up the hill that you throw off in the woods. There was a flat service that appeared to have a faded print from what would possibly be a missing turf tee pad. That was a very fun shot too. I really enjoyed this hole and threw many putters on it. For the rest of it, play the whites. They will likely spare you from feeling like Eeyore.

-I know for sure that you'll love a least a couple of holes here if you decide to play it, and the ones you'll love you will remember. It does have some special hole quality that'll make you remember those holes but aside from that, this course isn't too great.....

-I thought it would be a WHOLE lot better than this. It's an okay course with some great holes I will safely say but it really falls FAR behind on some ground expectations for a course with 20 holes. It could be a real destination course. I signed up for a tournament at Mayflower Hills (a destination course for sure) and thought Liberty would be well worth the hour drive from my hotel but I wish I played somewhere else for the most part. Luckily, I got to play Greenfield a couple days later and that is an awesome course!
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty Fun Despite Almost Killing Me 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2021 Played the course:once


20 decent to goodly fun holes all up and down some hilly woods and adjacent to Liberty's attractive campus and athletic fields. The course is mostly wooded but there is a sprinkle of fairly open holes and a big arm isn't needed too much since most of the longer holes are downhill.

The wooded holes are fairly typical of an older style par 3 course where distance drivers aren't really necessary. The course has a good variety of technical lines greatly enhanced by challenging elevation change. Lots of really downhill holes and valley shots. Baskets are still in good shape.


The turf tees were playable but really worn out. The tee signs were a little puzzling at times because apparently the course used to have alternate pin placements. Navigation can be tricky at times but not too bad if you have a map or UDisc app.

Some of the holes could use a little upkeep and some of them were just baffling like hole 19 which apparently wants you to hit a tiny gap in the tree line and then hang a long hyzer over the parking lot to a blind pin.

Other Thoughts:

I made the mistake of playing this course after playing New London Tech and not stopping to eat first, plus I carried my cart. Do not bring your cart, it's very hilly and some of the holes have such steep declines that you're likely to tumble down the hill.

Despite all this, I found Liberty U. to be an enjoyable course with birdie-able holes but not too easy. Basically a classic Carolina style woods golf with some open-ish mountain holes here and there.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 339 played 322 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Like Trying to be Professional, but Too Many Mannerisms 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 3, 2020 Played the course:once


A hilly track with good variety and fair beauty.

-Amenities: 20 DISCatchers, solid tees, nice bridges where needed, and many benches (though the fiancee was a little aggravated by their excessive tallness--at 6'0" I couldn't touch the ground while sitting on them).

-Elevation: One of the strong suits for sure. Hills, from gentle to steep, are a factor on every one of these holes. I think this is singlehandedly the difference between a 3.0 and a 3.5 for this course.

-Terrain Variety and Beauty: The first 10 are heavily wooded and pleasant to meander through, as there isn't much else in this part of campus. The last 10 are generally more open (with a couple more wooded exceptions), but at times offer views of the Virginia mountains or look out over campus below. It was a very nice place to spend a morning in early December.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: Some very good designs, some more unique holes, and just plain fun. The wooded front 10 is highly challenging with tight and windy lines that require everything from a frozen rope over a valley to a gentle left turn down over a creek to a two-shot play requiring you to go down and out of the woods then up and back into them shortly after. The open back 10 have some unusual elevation plays, especially on the up then steep down (11), bomb (13), and fascinating (16) playing what seemed to be 100' down on a 230' hole. Contrary to outdated DGCR info, there are four par-4s on the front 10 but none on the back 10 (though wooded (18) played like a short par-4 to me). Several short holes are birdie opportunities, but also some of the par-3s will need a good rip to get to the pin with a putt.


Outdated info and unreasonably tight lines.

-Signage: The signs are totally useless. I guess they were for a previous iteration of the course, but now they're about as helpful as a map of Mt. Everest posted on the Matterhorn.

-Line/Design: Some holes are just shaped wrong, or have very tiny gaps. The turns sometimes don't follow natural disc angles, and on a couple of holes the sequencing of turns is impossible for any non-drone flying object to traverse. This is mainly on the front 10, but also on (18).

-Disc Loss and Hazards: Some issues scattered throughout. First, in fall/winter you could easily bury something in the leaves, while I assume in green months an errant shot could be hard to track in these thick woods. On (5) a road is highly at risk, on (11) a dirt road goes straight through the fairway, on (14) what appears from the tee to be a marked-off island green is actually a roped-off hole filled with murky water, on (16) the lacrosse field is easily reachable by a slight overthrow, and on (19) anything not dead straight could potentially fall right and down a steep dropoff.

-Maintenance: Tons of leaves down when I played. Also, some inexplicable piles of branches in the woods, including in the circle on (6).

-Long Transition: (15) to (16) is a very long uphill walk that won't be super obvious without a map. (18) to (19) was a bit confusing as well, since what looks like a tee is in fact nothing in particular.

Other Thoughts:

There's a lot to like about this Liberty course with its elevation, challenge, and variety, but quite a few issues between the upkeep and occasional design blunders. Definitely the most personality of any college course I've played yet--it's trying to be a championship course, but all of its weird quirks stick out and seem to ruin your shots. Overall, it's still a Very Good course with some unusual holes worth trying out for visitors and dedicated practice from locals.

Also, this is obvious, but it's 20 holes. Not sure that I like or dislike that, but it's different.
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1 2
Experience: 9.5 years 58 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Favorite Practice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


White tees provide a great challenge and one of the best mixes of open and wooded holes in the area. The front ten are great for practice and throwing multiple shots on to dial in release points and build confidence in the woods. Turf tees on every hole provide confidence in any weather situation.


Blue tees are rather awful. Some of them are fun and worth playing while others are a complete waste of time. With recent construction some of the holes have been permanently changed in a bad way. This only is true about the back ten though.

Other Thoughts:

Recent removal of trees has greatly improved this course and taken away several of the "lucky" shots that were required. More improvement is needed, but this is my favorite course to go and practice on.
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4 0
Experience: 8.5 years 31 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Quite a challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2017 Played the course:once


-multiple tee and pin positions
-variety of short and long holes
-I really liked throwing off the turf teepads
-arrows are placed on fairways and paths to tees that help guide you (only on front 10)
-nice discatcher baskets
-the back 10 opens up and provides beautiful views of Lynchburg
-3 top of the world holes


-very very hilly
-hard to find tees on the back 10 (typically walk uphill and you'll find it)
-lots of hills
-front 10 is mostly tight fairways and if you miss the line, you will pay dearly
-could use more signs to guide players on the back 10
-after the leaves have fallen, finding your disc is a challenge
-did I mention it's very hilly?

Other Thoughts:

This is definitely a favorite. The front 10 requires specific lines but it open up on the back 10 allowing for more creativity in shot selection. 11, 13, and 16 are beautiful on top of the world shots. 13 is one of my all time favorite holes! 400+ feet straight downhill. I tried a small left handed hyzer and a roller that made it far down the hill. I want to go back and take a simon lizotte style hyzer over the left side trees and see what it gets me.
Basket placement gets creative here. Often lots of guardian trees on the front 10. Hole 12 features a hanging basket on a 250 foot uphill shot. Hole 10 places the basket in the middle of a tree with 4 different trunks growing in different directions. Hole 20 is placed on a small mound next to the parking lot.
Overall a challenge, but a fun challenge at that
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2 4
Experience: 13.4 years 27 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Beast 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 12, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


A Challenge
Well Balanced (long and short holes)
Course for the Intermediate to the Pros
Technical (mostly wooded or blind shots)
Great View
Multiple Tees (2) and 2 tee location possibility (changes based of LU Team Practice Needs)
Great for Practice and Learning Technical Shots


Occasionally hard to find a tee (not the tough if look around though)
Lots of Hills

Other Thoughts:

All in All a great course.
Long course so not recommended if you dont have good endurance.
Very Challenging, Designed to slightly resemble shots at United States Collegiate Disc Golf Championship.
Also not for Beginners. Lots of long tight shots that require you have your shots refine.
Some changes coming to the course in early 2017
(edited 12/31/16)
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 158 played 83 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Rolling Hills and Great Views 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 19, 2015 Played the course:once


-Rolling hills and more top-of-the-world shots than I have ever seen on a course. The top of the world shots do not have a repetitive feel as there are different types (11, 13, & 16).
-The scenery here is beautiful. Great views of the surrounding mountains. For most of the course you have that secluded feel and the course was not crowded at all. I was there on a weekday evening and literally had the course to myself.
-The course loops back around to the parking lot. It would be nice if it were a figure-8 with the front 10 ending at the parking lot, but that's not really possible with the current layout.
-The lines here are challenging, but fair.
-None of the holes are throw-away holes. Every hole is unique and has it's own set of challenges whether it is uphill, down hills, dangerous pin position or a hanging basket.
-The raised basket on hole 20 was a nice touch.
-All of the signs were there and every hole had two tees providing you with multiple options. The shots from both tees are so varied that it does not seem to favor either right-handed or left-handed.


-This is not your typical "Course at a university." This course is strenuous. Lots of uphill walking.
-The turf-style tee pads weren't terrible, but not the best either. I'd really prefer concrete tees.
-Just a few more directional signs are needed (The transition after hole 15 comes to mind).
-Some of the rough here is exactly that, rough. It several holes seem to invite the potential to lose a disc (hole 13, hole 16).

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I really could not find a lot to complain about with this course. The flow is pretty good, the hole lengths and difficulty vary, there are multiple tee pads giving the disc golfer two looks on each hole. This course is well worth a stop if you are in the area or passing through.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 331 played 198 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Dependence U 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 11, 2015 Played the course:once


20 DisCatcher baskets and dual turf tees. The short grass turf tees are fantastic when wet. Nice tee signs. Some benches. Almost zero underbrush in the woods.

Good use of elevation and variety of straight and left/right turning shots. Course is more wooded than open. Good workout hiking the course.


Safety on holes 16 and 17, they put up some nets, but I still nearly went on the field on both holes and were actually drives that put me in the circle. Hole 19 is huge downhill that plays over the new parking lot. Some of the holes in the front 11 play a little close together. The turf tees with the longer grass were a little slick.

Directional aids were hard to find in a few spots. Course Tip - when in doubt of where the next tee is, walk uphill and keep walking uphill. Only one loop of hole back to parking lot.

In the summer the coupe holes in the field don't get mowed although it's not that hard to find discs. Hole 13 is a monster downhill and might be the signature hole although I didn't play it because the fairway was lined with waist high weeds. I probably could have played with little issue in retrospect because the landing area was not as bad. If you don't throw over 350' you might not hit the landing area and have to search through the rough in the fairway.

Finding the course. The address listed here takes you to the opposite of the campus. You need to be on the other side of the highway on the east campus and you will see signs for the course.

Other Thoughts:

When I arrived at the course, the siren started sounding off with a repeated weather warning to take immediate cover inside. I checked the radar and looked like the worst had already past, so I waited out the rest of the storm in the vehicle about 20 minutes. After that the weather was calm yet steamy hot. I marveled at the huge spinning radar on top the mountain and that you climb nearly up to it on the course. This course is serious mountain climb and was grueling in the heat in the middle/end of the course.

The course is generally on the short side although there are a couple longer holes. The course is fairly technical, it's fair for the most part from the short tees, while some of the long tees seemed a little too much luck. You will hit some trees playing here at any rate.

Apparently there is another 20 hole course on the other side of campus with Prodigy baskets and is supposed to be more fair and mostly wooded.

Overall Liberty ironically felt restricted. If the course had some more room to itself I feel like it could be a great course. I never played the course before the recent redesign, although from the old map I think I would have much preferred to play the older design. There's not much that is going to wow you here, but if you are in the Lynchburg area and looking to play a course, this would be an ok pick.
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3 4
Experience: 9.1 years 14 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Better in the offseason 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2015 Played the course:once


Great physical workout with a lot of holes that will challenge your ability to throw an accurate tunnel shot. Also a couple neat hole designs that take advantage of the mountainous terrain.


This course is nearly unplayable in the summer months to anyone that isn't very good at disc golf. Fairly tight holes mean that your disc drifting out to the left or right will find you searching through tick and mosquito infested overgrowth often. Some of the holes at the beginning and end are either partially open or in woods with only trees and no weeds or bushes. These holes were enjoyable, albeit pretty forgettable (most are in general). A long stretch of holes in the middle will eat you alive (the bugs will, anyway, as you search for your disc) if you're not dead on with your throws. Also the signage on the course can be confusing, as it shows two basket locations but only one basket is present and sometimes not visible from the tee. You'll find yourself walking up a bit to scope out some of the holes and figure out which basket is there.

Other Thoughts:

I recommend playing this course in fall through early spring when the growth thins out if you want an optimal experience.
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5 0
Experience: 7 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2014 Played the course:once


- Signage directs you to each teepad, with one glaring exception on hole 15-16.
- Good hole maps at each tee, complete with small bag hangers.
- A good workout over hilly terrain.
- Good mix of shots and elevation change. The front nine is mostly line shaping in the woods on the side of a hill. The back nine is more open with many downhill shots through mountain meadows, finishing with a very nice open 20th and final hole that could host a big gallery during a tournament.
- pads are long artifical turf in decent shape. They are small and some of them are bumpy.


- a little difficult to find. The address on this site is incorrect. The course is on Liberty Mountain Road.
- the course map in the link on this site is out of date, with the big difference being holes 15-20.
- plenty of parking, but it is signed as permit until 4pm. There were tons of vacant spots so I doubt they care. I parked before 4pm and I wasn't ticketed.
- bring your own water. You'll need it! Couldn't find a restroom either
- the course is very hilly, which may be a con for some due to difficulty.
- as another person stated, remember to walk UP the ridge from 15 basket to 16 tee. It is a long unmarked walk.
- The woods on the front 9 have no underbrush and you probably won't lose a disc. However, on the back nine there are a few fairways lined with dense new-growth trees. Picking your way through them is practically bushwhacking. Thorny in spots. I lost a disc in a thicket despite 20 minutes looking.
- Holes are plenty long overall but no real bombers.

Other Thoughts:

- Park on the west side of the big lot and walk past the pond to the practice basket, which is next to a grassy berm. The first tee is visible to the southwest of the practice basket. They also put in a practice tee across the pond from the practice basket.
- My list of cons is quite long, but really this is a very good course. I would be happy to call this my home course. Definitely worth a stop when passing through.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 182 played 59 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Play it before it's redesigned! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2014 Played the course:once


Take my review with a grain of salt because this course will be redesigned, and i would suspect so much so that this page will be extinct and a new course will be added.

Shot variety was excellent. There seemed to be an even amount left/right and straight shots. There was also ample amount of elevation changes to lengthen/shorten holes.

The most challenging course in the area as well. You'd have to drive quite a ways to test your game as much as you will here.

Each hole has 2 tee's as well as 2 pin placements, lending itself to a great variety of shots. Tees were made from astro-turf, which is what I grew up playing on. They're usually fine unless it has just rained, then they become a hazard. Overall, not the worst tee material.

Tee signs were professionally made and informative. Some of them, however, seemed to have incorrect distances. Don't take them too seriously.

There are a few eclectic shots that add a little something unique to the course. Hole 12 is very short and has a hanging basket suspended between 2 poles. Hole 16 is straight down a steep hill. If you try to float a putter down, you'll likely overshoot it.

Thinking back, although the expression is often overused, I used nearly every disc in my bag on the tee pads. Shot variety is definitely there, and you could encounter water on a few holes, namely hole 14. It doesn't immediately appear to have water, but the patch of vegetation to the left and before the hole has a small pond in it. Careful.


Vegetation is pretty nasty off of the fairways, and probably my main issue with the course. It would be extremely easy to lose a disc in several spots and I would be hesitant to play alone. In fact, I played in a party of 3 and lost a disc on hole 4 due to the leaves, not even vegetation. Just be careful with your shots and keep a good line on the shanks.

If I hadn't been playing with a local, It would have been difficult to find the next hole in a couple of spots. Hole 16 comes to mind immediately. You'll want to walk down the hill from 15's basket, but that's the wrong direction. Walk up the hill for a while from there to find 16.

There were only a couple of benches on the course. With a course that requires as much up/down hill walks as this, it would have been nice to have a some more.

It's not the easiest course to find. You'll have to drive all the way to the end of the road (past the lacrosse fields on your left) and into a really large parking lot. Drive all the way to the end of that and you'll start seeing baskets.

Other Thoughts:

I've been meaning to play this course for a while now and I made the effort mostly on word that the course is undergoing a redesign sometime in the VERY near future.

This is easily the best course in Lynchburg, and for many miles around as well. I anticipate a new course within a few months, so go play this one now.
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2 9
Experience: 13.4 years 27 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Challenging, but needs work. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 17, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


I am working on updating my review and doing a hole by hole evaluation of the course. It will be up in a couple of days.


- Can become overgrown realllllll quick!
- The signs are inaccurate and terrible.
- Some of the fairways are pretty unforgiving.
- They need to install bathrooms and a water fountain.
- The course honestly needs to be played more. This really isn't a con i guess but the paths just need to be stomped down, but this will come with time.
- There are trees throughout the fairways that just need to go. You can get punished for a perfectly good shot.
- A lot of the holes just do not have a good line. They honestly seem forced on some holes.
- Most of the wooded holes only have one look at them. There is one line. This really isn't a complaint I guess but I am just a fan a courses that give you multiple options.
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2 0
Experience: 23.1 years 15 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bring your "A" game! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-Challenging but fun.
-Many different types of shots and variety of turns and distances.
-Easy to navigate course.
-Good workout due to the hilly terrain.
-Nice disc catcher baskets and each hole has two tees with nice tee boxes (astro turf).
-Peaceful setting.
-Much better since they cleared out many of the disc trapping weeds and briars.


Only thing I can say is, this is not a beginner course. It is a lot of wooded holes with tight narrow alley ways. Also it can be a hike because it is basically on the side of a little mountain.
Also bring plenty of "Off" spray because the ticks and chiggers are bad if you throw your disc into some spots off the fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Great course and a must play when in Lynchburg, Va.
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3 1
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lynchburg's must-play course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2013 Played the course:once


-The signage is probably among the best I've seen anywhere in terms of getting you from one hole to the next.
-I love the elevation change and the use of it on several holes where you throw over a valley or straight down a steep incline.
-Very nice scenery set on the hills above Liberty University. There's a bench on 12 or 13 that lets you overlook Lynchburg.
-Very challenging fairways that really make you work for a good placement as many of the holes do not allow you to drive right for the pin.
-Nice balance of open and tight fairways.


-While the fairways are challenging, they are also incredibly frustrating and some take blind luck to work through
-Lots of opportunities to lose discs in tall grass and thick parts off of the fairway
-While getting from one hole to the next is clear, the signage for the tee pad and pin locations can be misleading. Combine that with the tees not being visible for most holes is also frustrating.

Other Thoughts:

I was in town for business and wanted to check out the local courses. I was very impressed with Liberty's course in terms of the challenges it posed and good balance of shots. A lot of the issues I had, I think, are isolated to first time users of the course and don't really take away from the course itself being very good.
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2 6
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

course needs work 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


this course is set in a beautiful place and is a great place to take pics. and some great shots that you wont find anywhere else.


this course needs alot of work. lots of trees and thorns. there are more than a few shots that have no fairway at all. you are looking at a tree line and just kinda have to guess on a good way to go. the tee signs are nice but very misleading. and no bathrooms.

Other Thoughts:

beautiful but lots of trees and thorns
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4 0
Experience: 13.1 years 49 played 29 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Forgettable 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2012 Played the course:once


1. Signage with alt tees, map, distance, and pars
2. Front 9 is well maintained
3. Unique large turf tees
4. Unique floating basket on hole 12
5. Great use of elevation changes


1. Back 9 was poorly designed and maintained
2. Thick undergrowth on the open holes
3. Basket placement on signs are slightly misleading (pretty typical though)

Other Thoughts:

This was an enjoyable course. It really had some unique holes. Hole 12 for example was a floating basket which I have never seen done before. There are also a couple nice short ace runs on this course. Signs leading you to the next tee was a nice thing to see as well as the benches at most holes. However I just can't get past the back 9 and how rough it was. Also be aware that the school is currently undergoing construction and holes 1, 17, and 18 are not currently present. Overall this was a great challenging course, but the back 9 needs work and the construction needs to end before I will be revisiting this course. Definitely worth checking out though.
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1 3
Experience: 12.6 years 6 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Tough but decent 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2012 Played the course:once


I got into disc golf while at college at Liberty. My first course that I learned on was Peaks view park, and then Liberty's course was my second course to try.

Basically, it is a huge workout and very tiring. When it is hot outside there is lots of bugs and hiking and you have to be very persistent to not quit before you finish.

I liked throwing a disc off the cliff at tee 17.


Sometimes it is difficult to find the next tee, at least for the first time through.

Not extremely beginner friendly but has a lot of fun holes.

Only a few holes with minor water hazards.

Some fairways need maintenance.

Other Thoughts:

I was exhausted and my friend didn't like the course simply for the hiking aspect of it, but if I can get someone to join me, I will be visiting the course more frequently this year since I'm on that side of campus any way.
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4 1
Experience: 20.3 years 45 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Play the front 9 twice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2012 Played the course:once


Beautiful terrain in the woods
College course open to the public
Good directional signage
Front 9 plays quickly (this would make a great 9 hole course which I would have chosen to play twice rather than the whole 18)
5 - Creative hole design for all skill levels and throwing styles
10 - Birdie opportunity with an accurate and long drive
17 epic view (throw your whole bag-putters too) what do you do when school is in session and students are all over the rec fields? It would be a shame to have to skip the hole but you would have to for safety (many students will throw anyway); the wind makes many throws unpredictable, even over stable discs. That would be a letdown to skip this hole and then finish the round on a filler hole (18).


While the turf pads are ok (though funny looking), I would definitely opt for concrete for the blue tees; I know the course design doesn't lend itself to bringing in a concrete truck, so it would be difficult.
Played right after a rain and gnats where absolutely everywhere (the welcome sign warns about the bugs) (this was very distracting and frustrating putting with gnats flying up my nose) but no sign of ticks or mosquitos
Back 9 plays disjointedly and requires much more thinning of rough and maintenance of fairways to be enjoyable.
Tee box sign layout is different for each hole making it seem disorganized; bring benches and tee signs closer to the tee boxes and lay them out similarly for each hole.
Not many birdie or ace opportunities from blue tees; this will tempt some players to play for par and lay up rather than go for too much risk with too little reward.
1 - blind tee shot (ace run)
4 - no good drive options for lefties from blue tee (forehand, backhand, overhand, roller, chicken wing ...).
6 - blind tee shot; please remove middle of fairway tree near bridge marked for removal, it is right in the middle of the birdie attempt lane making it an unfairway.
11 - blind tee shot; thorny green (ouch)
13 - blind tee shot; thin the rough and trim the fairway (almost impossible to make recovery shot just to get back on the fairway if you go for the green and get in the rough (bring a spotter for this hole).
14 - filler hole; fairway needs cut; it was so overgrown I couldn't see OB roped areas.
15 -thick rough (ace run)
16 - blind but nicely designed otherwise
18 - filler hole but OB rope and raised basket adds to hole enjoyability (ace run with risk).
11-15 could use some redesigning

Other Thoughts:

This is much better than most college courses which generally have safety concerns and lack of professional design standards. I thoroughly enjoyed holes (2-10, 16-17). Course is pretty far from main campus; good for safety, bad for marketing it to potential student players. Lynchburg is not really near anything and is not easy to drive to, so the course will likely receive primarily local and student play. Now is the time (summer) to do another trimming/cutting pass on the whole course since all the leaves are on the trees and bushes. Good luck Liberty University disc golf club, you have a course with a lot of potential.
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2 1
Experience: 15.2 years 58 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 2, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Great use of elevation. Course requires you to have a good whip on the back nine and accuracy on the front in the woods. Big fan of some of the huge, downhill shots on the back nine, too.

Wind comes into play at the end of the back nine/beginning of front nine making it particularly challenging at times. Hole 19 and 20 have precarious basket positions which make them even more challenging in the wind.

I am definitely a fan of the hanging basket hole as well as the updated, 20 hole layout. There was a couple new shots on the back which made great use of elevation and the potential wind factor.


From a year ago:
Some holes on the front nine. There are a few exceptions, but there are at least 3 different holes which will penalize a player even for a shot down the fairway. It was laughable at how a couple fairways had trees blocking the supposed route to the baskets. Very frustrating to throw and simply hope to get lucky.

// I was surprised to play this course again a year later and find this to still be true. The remodel of hole 6 into two holes was a great adjustment (even though the rough on current 6 is jail), but holes 3 and 9 still have fairways which end about 200 feet from the teepad and from then on it is random trees. This would be a 3.5+ star course for me if about 4 trees were cut down on each of those two holes.

Other Thoughts:

With the elimination of some trees on the front nine to create more distinct lines to the basket, this course would be great. It has good variety, requires stamina to traverse the mountain, concentration to hit the narrow gaps, and a strong arm to conquer the longer holes.
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2 2
Experience: 16.1 years 92 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2012 Played the course:once


New disc catcher baskets
Good blend of open and wooded holes
Excellent signs and flow
Great use of elevation
Beautiful mountains in the distance especially at sunset


Sports turf tees are not level
need to thin out a few wooded holes
Thick unforgiving rough(thick small trees and briers)
lots of mud

Other Thoughts:

Some of the holes offer an opportunity for some spectacular shots but if you miss your line you will be deep in the rough. Do not throw an understable driver on 17 you will possibly kill a student playing on the intramural field. hole 18 is a filler hole so you have a complete course otherwise useless. Eventually this course will be Excellent but give it time unless its on your way.
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