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Lake In The Hills, IL

Linda K. Fischer Park DGC

2.035(based on 17 reviews)
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Linda K. Fischer Park DGC reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 296 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Unique Course Shoved Into Space Available

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2023 Played the course:once


- large concrete tees
- nice red-banded DISCatcher baskets
- full color tee signs (all have maps except hole 1)
- some good technical challenge on wooded shots
- excellent elevation change for the area
- good length for a nine hole course with some variety
- practice basket
- fairly well maintained park, though maintenance seems to vary
- variety of shot types; forces good shot placement
- good layout, navigation and flow


- feels a little cramped
- street parking only
- may be too difficult for beginners despite being in residential area
- some areas could get very overgrown
- some safety issues with fairways playing close to each other

Other Thoughts:

This was a hard course to rate. On the one hand, it has some good wooded holes, some decent length, and excellent elevation change for this area. When I visited, the tall grasses weren't as much of a factor and some had been cut back. It's unclear if this is a "new normal" or if I just hit it on a good day/at the start of winter. Retrieving discs has clearly been a challenge for some people.

In some ways, this is one of the more unique niners I've played. However, the feel of it is just a little off. The fairways are very narrow and packed tightly together; if there had been other disc golfers during my round it could have made for some concerning shots. Instead, all I got was one completely oblivious course walker.

The equipment here is excellent. It's good to see such nice tees in a park this small. As others have said, finding the course from the road isn't the easiest, and nothing at the course refers to this park as "Linda K. Fischer Park", which doesn't help the confusion. The course is easy to navigate and flows back to the parking lot well. There are both uphill and downhill shots here after holes 1 and 2 which are relatively flat. In particular, hole 7 is a long dogleg left that finishes uphill which is pretty challenging. Note that I was here on a very windy day as temperatures were changing, and the wind will be a major factor on holes 8 and 9 in particular, which are up higher and way out in the open.

This course may be too difficult for most beginners, though some of the grasses being cut back has made it less frustrating. There are a few wooded tunnel shots that will force you to hit your line, though most of the shots are pretty open and mainly incorporate elevation change. You may want a distance driver on a couple of these holes, but for most a fairway driver or midrange does the trick.

Overall, I decided to rate this course a 2 but it is close to a 2.5 for me. I think it was a bit better cleaned up when I played than when others have. I really couldn't come up with that many true cons. For reasons I can't quite decipher, the feel of this course just didn't speak to me. It seems like it should be a pretty cool nine hole course but I think it just felt like too much crammed too tightly together in this little park. When I was here it was deserted, and I do think it's worth trying if you are in the area.
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7 0
Experience: 21.5 years 71 played 12 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Could be fun if trimmed up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2020 Played the course:once


Nice course map at the beginning of the course with a port o potty. Teepads and baskets are solid, grass was mowed. All the holes had signs and the flow was good. Had a few interesting shots I'd love to be able to really take a shot at.


Overgrown. Not many lines to throw for and if you do hit em there is risk evwrywhere. Like many reviews stated, this is a course thats too frustrating for decent players or families but not hard enough to be interesting for good players. Dry when i was there but could see how drainage is a problem.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 1- tunnel shot but there is no line to the basket. Trees have overgrown and blocked all the lines unless you throw a 300 foot shot no higher than 6' off the ground. Tallgrass on the left. Basket visible from tee.

Hole 2- 2 trees right in front of the pad. Had to putter past them. Tallgrass everywhere on all sides. Basket visible but only when you look around the 2 giant trees in front if the box (worst hole design ever nominee)

Hole 3- uphill shot with tallgrass on both sides. Visible basket.

Hole 4- downhill shot. Could be a fun shot but 10 feet behind it is a swamp. Both sides, tall grass. I chose to play 2 putter layups down the hill. Basket is visible and inviting you to deposit into the swamp

Hole 5- uphill shot into a tunnel. Was my favorite hole. Not a lot of growth, fun shot. Visible basket from tee.

Hole 6- back down the hill tunnel shot to a blind basket tucked right. Overgrown, no real line. Pray and spray or lay it up

Hole 7- uphill hyzer shot. Fun hole but heavily surrounded by tallgrass. Had a 5 minutes search here, off fairway by 4 feet. Cant see basket off the tee.

Hole 8- downhill to a basket tucked 75 feet behind a big tree. If you try to go around the tree off the tee and miss, good luck finding it. Can't see the basket off the tee

Hole 9- good finishing hole. There is some danger on the left but it wasn't as overgrown as the rest of the course. Cant see the basket off the tee.

I played with my son (13). He got frustrated early and used a putter to layup every shot. Glad he came as his help finding discs was huge. I shouldn't need a spotter for a 220 foot hole but without it on 6 I never find my drive. Could be fun with a bigger group to help find errant shots and/or some maintenance work. The sign board for aces on hole 2 seemed like a sick joke.

Decent local not worth any significant drive.

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1 0
Experience: 8.7 years 7 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Small but fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2018 Played the course:once


The course is fun to play and has some tight holes that make you keep your disc in the fairway. If you have a big hyzer you can throw that on several holes though.


It is a small course and not super easy to find. I didnt know where to park so I parked on the street.

I am sure it may not be like this all year round but the mosquito's are horrible and make the course borderline unplayable.
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3 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Narrow Chicago 9'er! drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 30, 2016 Played the course:once


There is a disc golf sign out on Haligus Street. This small course is in a fairly small park with trees, hilly terrain and lots of brushy rough.
There is a nice course map at the beginning with map as well as a nice bench and garbage can. The tee signs show the hole #, par and distance. There are nice sized concrete pads. The baskets have pretty orange rims which say' "Lake In The Hills" and then Rotary Club on them.

There's not a comfortable throw on the course. Every hole is tight and technical or overgrown or bordered by prairie grass or a blind shot with hazards abounding. For a very accurate thrower, the course might be acceptable, as long as you have a spotter or two. Playing by myself, I played extra cautiously and just hustled through my round. And I still had to spend time hunting for discs that were just off the fairway.

# 1 is a 280' low, tight tunnel shot to a visible basket. # 2 is a 345', par, with no visible line to the basket.
# 4 was a 340' downhill annie shot with deep grass on the right.

# 5 is a 210; tight uphill that is overgrown.
# 8 throws 305' down a narrow fairway. The basket sits behind a large, clumpy bush surrounded by tall grass.
# 9 throws back to the beginning down a narrow fairway with tall grass on the left and the Haligus Street on your right.


Tight fairways with tall grass rough.
Overgrown in some places.
Blind shots requiring spotters.
Not a course you want to play alone.
Not beginner friendly.

Other Thoughts:

It's too bad because with some selective pruning and cutting, this could turn into a fun little course. Take away the tall grass and some of these tight holes would be much more enjoyable. I agree with Three Putt that this course is designed for recreational play but recreational players will not enjoy their round here. Without a fairly substantial amount of cutting and mowing, this course will remain languished in mediocrity for the ages.
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4 0
Experience: 18.4 years 49 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bring the Lawn Mower! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 6, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Great tee pads
-Fun elevation changes
-A couple wooded holes
-Many open holes
-No waiting time
-Relatively secluded on the course, but as soon as you leave the course you are surrounded by suburbia.


-Fairways are way too narrow. Even for experienced disc golfers. I play a couple times a week and am pretty accurate with my throws. I land in the tall grass quite a bit on this course. The grass is also THICK. I've thrown a disc on this course, saw it land, walk to the spot and spend 5 minutes looking for the disc. Only to find the disc buried under grass.

Other Thoughts:

This course has grown on me. I first played the course about 2 years ago when it first opened. I went on a July day and the grass was crazy thick. I lost my Surge on hole 4. I didn't return until this past August. I like to play this course if I have an extra set of eyes with me. It makes the round much more enjoyable when someone else can help find a disc in thick grass. I have been playing the past couple weeks and the course is in better shape since much of the grass is thinner. I even found an old disc that I lost!

I'll play this course when I don't want to wait at Lippold. It has elevation that Lippold does not have and there are no crowds.

Bring a friend, it will be much more enjoyable for you.
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1 2
Experience: 11.4 years 47 played 9 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Winter Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 12, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


- Short course is defined by the elevation shots as it goes up and down a hill, and is unlike other courses in very local area.
- Enjoyable in Fall/Winter/early spring (Rated 2.5)
- Concrete Tee Pads / Signs
- Hole #1 Very Beautiful Tunnel Shot is starting hole.
- Hole #6 technical downhill meat hook is fun.
- Hole #5 is frustrating, in a challenging way. High slope uphill tight wooded tunnel gap.


- Summer Play (Rated Below 2.0)
- Grass and the over growth makes it almost unplayable in Spring/Summer. (Disc search)
- Hole #2's line is just silly, as tree in middle of fairway is in your face, with no real lines to get around it. Most players will just hit the trees and fall into tall grass.

Other Thoughts:

It can be hard to find discs as they say in the summer. But when the tall grass is brown and gets beaten down it can be an enjoyable play, thus fall to early spring. The shots are tough and technical and the #1 tunnel shot is best in area. I would recommend to play it in the winter, and you would enjoy the round.
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2 0
Experience: 12.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun and Frustrating? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


*Some fun use of elevation which is uncommon in this area.
*High risk/reward hole placement if that is your thing.
*easy to follow
*you find random discs while searching for your own
*a lot of course packed into a small area


*you will be spending time searching for your disc
*narrow fairway and rough roughs

Other Thoughts:

This course tempts you to "go for it" but then beats you down if your line is just a little off. You need to be mindful of each and every shot with this course. If you just go out there and wing it you will be frustrated. I think a lot of people downrate this course because of the frustration of searching for discs. If you play the course thoughtfully and within your limits there is a lot of fun to be had.
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2 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
1.50 star(s)

search party 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2013 Played the course:once


-concrete tees
-short course for a quick game
- varied elevation throughout course
-hole 1 is a nice straight tunnel shot
-bathroom near 1st/9th holes


-fairways are way too narrow
-cannot see most baskets from tees
-tall thick grass on either side of fairways gobble up discs.
-no long holes
-very buggy. bring cutter. You'll need it while searching for your disc.

Other Thoughts:

I live in the area and have only played this course once. It's a good thing I went with a couple friends though because even intermediate players like myself will lose a disc or two. Be prepared to comb the course on almost every hole, at least on your drives because the baskets are not visible from the tees.
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1 0
Harry Manback
Experience: 18.3 years 51 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not a bad little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2013 Played the course:once


-Fairly easy
-Good practice course
-Nice warm up round


-Not very challenging
-Tall grass can make for a frustrating round
-No long holes

Other Thoughts:

I found myself not needing a driver for this course, anything longer than a Mid/Fairway would be too long. The longest hole is 360' but plays shorter because it is downhill. The course layout seems like they designed it for beginners but they let the grass grow too thick so I would not recommend this for a beginner because it would be very frustrating. Nice course if you are in the area but not worth the drive if you live too far away.
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2 0
Experience: 19.6 years 16 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

It's a nice warm up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Fun little course if u wanna work on your straight line throw or hyzer. Not alot distance pretty open expect the thick grass on both sides of the fairways. If you wanna add some random discs to your collection walk around in the grass on hole 2 and you'll probably find something. Theres a nice basket there to practice putting.


This looks like it wasn't designed by someone who plays disc golf. This course eats discs like that's it job makes you not wanna try to make it to the basket on your drive. Most of the baskets can't be seen from the tee.

Other Thoughts:

Not a bad little course if you live In the area wouldn't take someone there for their first time playing. You'll be looking for discs more then playing.
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1 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 286 played 55 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Pitch and Putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice concrete tees and signage. The innova discatchers are swell. The first hole may be the best, a low tight tunnel shot although I do think someone with a decent overhand could make this hole play different. Elevation comes into play on several holes. 7 is a right to left uphill shot that is ok.


This course is rather short and open. It lacks challenge. On a couple holes the over the top hyzer is there for the taking.

Other Thoughts:

Not much you can do with the land here but I think this could have been designed a little better.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Disc eater 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays through a small hilly park with no other park uses to interfere with disc golf. Several holes have some minor to moderate elevation changes, with a couple fun downhill shots and a couple tricky uphills. Two holes play through enough trees that you have to hit a technical line. The tee signs are adequate, with hole number and distance. The concrete tees and new dispatchers are in nice shape.


The course is very open, 7 of the holes don't have enough trees in play to dictate a specific line so you can get by without much in the way of line shaping skills. The fairways are narrow and surrounded by tall grass, a recipe for frustration especially on a course aimed mostly at newer players. The tall grass is thick enough to make discs disappear, and it's often in play right inside the circle.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find the distances reasonable, but the rough is a recipe for turning new players off from the sport. More experienced players won't find a whole lot of interesting challenges other than the two wooded shots, and even better players who place their shots in the circle off the tee will likely end up searching for discs. This would be a fun quick round in the winter when the grass isn't grown in, in the summer it's definitely not worth going out of your way.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2012 Played the course:once


- Course is set on a small piece of land within a neighborhood. It doesn't seem like there are any other activities going on here, other than a stray pedestrian or someone on a sidewalk. Should be free and clear for DG.
- Patches of woods are present in a few spots to force some lines here, starting with a low ceiling tunnel shot on hole #1 that opens up into prairie. Ending up in the rough before clearing the forest can be a major hazard. #2 has numerous bushes in the fairway, #4 has a gap to hit (or a forest to hyzer over), #6 shoots downhill into the woods with the basket tucked to the right. #5 also has trees on both sides to knock down errant shots.
- The area is situated on and around a decent sized hill, so there are plenty of elevation changes. #3, #5, #7, and #9 all are uphill shots of varying difficulty. #5 is the most dramatic, it is a long 210'. #4, #6, and #8 are all downhill shots, with two over 300'. #6 slopes down quickly in the woods.
- Decent mix of lines and distances here, a lot of RHBH hyzers, but not all. Elevation changes make some hole play a lot longer, like #7 at 335' and #9 at 340'. Should be plenty of distance for all but the biggest arms.
- Great amenities, baskets, signs, and teepads are all top-notch.


- A lot of holes are pretty wide open here, with any line open to the basket. The biggest challenge is usually just staying out of the tall grass. If you have the arm to reach the hole, there will be little to no challenge.
- Tall grass can be a pain, be sure to keep an eye on your shot!

Other Thoughts:

- All in all, a pretty good course that has a good variety. The elevation changes definitely make it; the downhill shots are fun but still tricky, and the uphill shots test distance, with accuracy as well. There are many places to get into serious trouble here, with tall grass, but also with some nasty patches of dense trees/woods. Beginners should take care here to not lose discs, intermediate players should find it fun and challenging.
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4 1
Three Putt
Staff member
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.8 years 158 played 131 reviews
1.00 star(s)

The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 4, 2012 Played the course:once


Fischer Park is a little neighborhood park that looks recently developed. It looked to be a single use park, as I didn't notice anything there but a disc golf course. It had nice elevation changes, especially for the area. The site was largely open so the elevation is key to making some fun golf out of the site. There are a couple of cool shots like #1 and #6 where the few trees that are on the site were used well. # 4 was a fun "throw at it" elevated tee shot. It wasn't great golf, but the shots could make for a fun round. There is a cool little barn between #3 and #4 that gives the park a nice feel. The pads were concrete and the baskets are DISCatchers, and it had OK tee signs. The course flowed well and there were no long walks between holes, so it wasn't hard at all to find your way around. There is a big course map at the entrance that will help first-time visitors figure out the flow. It could be an fun local course.


It's a tall grass course, but the fairways were not mowed wide enough and the mowed area around the baskets didn't even cover the 10M circle. The area to shoot for needs to be much larger. Actually calling it "grass" is deceiving as it was thick, knee-high (in some places shoulder-high} scrubby weeds. #7 is a blind hyzer shot up a hill, and we spent 10 minutes with five people looking for a disc that disappeared into the tall weeds. Once we found it, the disc was in the circle. All those weeds do nothing to make the course play any harder, it just backs up play and makes the whole experience of playing a round frustrating. The day I was there, the course would have been unplayable for a novice player due to how narrow the mowed area was and how high and thick the weeds were.

Given all the tall weeds, it a buggy course. There were a lot of bees in the weeds in #4's fairway, enough that I had to seriously think about whether I was going in there for my disc or not.

While the shots were pretty fun, the course is too open to really force you to use a lot of shots or really be very challenging. It's a rec-level course.

Other Thoughts:

There is no parking lot for the park, just street parking. There is a port-a-potty on the site.

Just from a design perspective, Fischer Park is a nice local course with some fun shots. Properly maintained, it could be a nice addition to the area. The issue is the lack of maintenance of the park and the small size of the mowed areas for golf. Those issues would make the course extremely frustrating to play for recreational-level players, yet the course is designed for that type of player. As it stands the course is not challenging enough for Open/Advanced players and Intermediate/Recreational players will avoid it due to the frustrating factor of searching for basically good shots in the tall weeds. I'm afraid that unless the mowing issue is addressed, it will not be a very popular spot for disc golf.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.5 years 281 played 35 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A Pleasant Surprise on a Hill 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2012 Played the course:once


While the surrounding area is flat, you will be throwing up or downhill on several holes here.

As a brand new course, the baskets and teepads are in great condition. There is also a port-a-potty close to #1.

#1 is one of the few flat holes here, but the low ceiling adds a bit of a challenge unless you have a good tomahawk or other overhand shot.

While some may view this as a con, I enjoyed the fact that the basket is not visible from the teepad on #2, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8 and #9. I'm not sure any other course I have played to date included nearly 80% of the holes with this type of feature.


The rough is very rough. I'd like to find out if this is intentional by the course designers to add some challenge. Either way, newer players will probably spend a lot of time looking for discs.

While there is a nice view of the lake/pond from #4's teepad, the water really does not come into play on any hole.

It seemed like the holes were too close to each other. Errant shots may be a problem here, especially on windy days.

Other Thoughts:

Navigation is a little tricky between some holes. Next Tee signs would be very helpful on this course.

I would play this course again if I make it back to the area. It was good to see multiple groups of beginners here because there are no "quality" courses in this neighborhood.

In the area between the teepad for #6 and the basket on #7, there are red-winged blackbirds who have a nest in one of the trees. If you are not familiar with theses birds, they are very territorial and they will not hesitate to dive-bomb your head if you get too close.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.4 years 351 played 178 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Surprising Hills 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 7, 2012 Played the course:once


The course is located in the middle of a subdivision. The land is very surprising for it's location. The course has minor elevation, tall rough, and one hole with water sort of in play. It's really rough and rugged land. This isn't your typical Chicago suburb park.

The flow of the course is pretty good. As long as you get a picture of the map you'll know where you are going. There are no long walks.

It has a really neat small red barn that sits behind basket #3.

Hole 1 is a nice tunnel shot with an option to throw an overhand over the top.

Hole 6 is a short fun downhill shot.

Brand new Innova Discatchers.

Nice tee signs and course map.

Tee pads are cement, level, and plenty large.


The course is very open and I found myself throwing 7 righty hyzers. They could have blocked off the hyzer on #3 by moving the tee pad a little to the right.

I wish they would have put the water into play a little more and added a par 4 hole.

I didn't have problems but beginners are going to hate the rough. They need to mow the fairways a little wider and open up the greens. Some greens have less than 10 feet from the rough.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a good addition to the area. Like smyith said I wouldn't drive too far out of the way to play it though.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 218 played 68 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Needs alot of Mowing!!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 29, 2012 Played the course:once


Great Layout
Innova Baskets
Nice Level Cement Teepads
Good Flow and easy to navigate
Tee signs but no hole over-view
Water is kinda in play (would have to be a really poor choice on shot)
Trees in play a few holes
Deuces are there on every hole but most have to be earned.


Needs to be MOWED!!!!!
The fairways, greens, and landing zones are 10-15ft wide. The grass next to it is long and full of itchy and prickly stuff.
*UPDATE 7/12/12* - Fairways have been mowed larger!
BE CAREFUL in the rough on a few holes. Tractor wheel ruts are all over. Twisted/rolled Ankles are likely there.

Other Thoughts:

Play if your local. I wouldn't go out of my way to though.
I would easily move this to a 2.5 if they would at least mow the greens bigger. If you're not spot on you'll be searching more than playing....thats lame.
*UPDATE 7/12/12*
I have risen the rating to 2.5 as stated. The course is much more fun and the fairways are probably another 10-15ft wide where it matters.
Hole 6 is down the hill and just to the right. You have to walk down the hill about half way to see it.
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