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Huntley, IL

Lion's Grove DGC

2.35(based on 15 reviews)
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Lion's Grove DGC reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 296 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Eaten Alive... But Not by Lions

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2024 Played the course:once


- well maintained park with area mostly devoted to disc golf
- dedicated parking area
- nice mature oak trees add to feel and challenge of course
- some rolling hills incorporated where possible
- brick paver tees are serviceable
- baskets are older but in decent shape
- signature shot is a throw through a wooded gap from a hilltop
- navigation mostly straightforward
- cool bio-swale sort of obstacle to left on hole 10 that can't be seen from tee
- higher degree of challenge on last few holes
- picnic pavilion and port-o-potty near parking


- a few throws near roads and over walking paths/road
- tee signs are just posts with hole numbers, par, and distance
- prairie style rough can be brutal
- not particularly challenging besides lost disc potential
- some next tee indicators would provide best navigation
- mosquitoes can be terrible
- no real added amenities (practice basket, benches, garbage cans)

Other Thoughts:

Lion's Grove is an interesting course created by the Huntley Park District. The first few holes are uninspiring and didn't give me high hopes, but the course becomes much better starting with hole 4 and finishing with the last several holes being much stronger.

The first half of the course is more open and mostly flat, with not much of note besides some mature oak trees and a few safety hazards. Hole 2 throws over the road and is not a very good design. With that said, navigation is fairly intuitive and while not perfect without next tee indicators, is manageable. The equipment here is basic but serviceable. There are not really any amenities or equipment notes that hit above average.

Hole 4 is perhaps the signature hole, throwing from a small sledding hill over a dip through a tight line between trees to the basket. It's pretty cool for a basic park district course like this. Holes 10-13 are probably the highlight here, with more tree hazards, some water hazards, and punishing prairie/marsh grass rough. Finding discs in this part of the course can be brutal if you're off your game. If you choose to play on an early summer morning like I did, be prepared - it can be extremely wet with the Illinois humidity and that means every blade of those 6 foot prairie plants as well. The mosquitoes were insanely thick here to the point that I had to keep moving or get eaten alive even with bug spray. It's hard to hold this against the course entirely, but it is a factor in how much you'll be able to enjoy it.

The one place navigation got a bit confusing was the portion from holes 10-12. After hole 10, you do not want to go right which will take you to the tee for 12, but rather proceed straight past the basket to the hole 11 tee. This takes you through tall prairie plants with a narrow opening that isn't immediately obvious. This later part of the course is still quite flat but at least has some obstacles. Finishing up on hole 13 there are some lower hanging oak branches that force some low shot shaping to be successful.

Overall, this isn't a terribly difficult or exciting course although the last 4 holes are a bit cooler. I can't imagine this course will ever be crowded. My 2.5 may be slightly generous; I'd put this around a 2.25 but it's better than most 2 disc courses I've played so a 2.5 it is. If you don't like prairie/Illinois wetland style courses or can't stand bugs this probably isn't the place for you. Definitely not one to go out of your way for, but if you want to bag, it's decent. There are other courses not too far away but nothing right by this either.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 150 played 83 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Odd Course, Questionable Design 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 19, 2020 Played the course:once


- Located in a nice park with lots of amenities

- Some interesting shots that use the limited elevation and trees well


- A number off problems in design and layout

- Very short average fairway length, but also not catered to beginners

Other Thoughts:

The Huntley Park District Disc Disc Golf Course is an odd course that doesn't quite seem to know what it wants to be. After my round I felt that the designer could have used some input with someone more experienced in course layout. The average hole length is under 250 feet, but there is a high chance for lost discs throughout the course, making the course much less beginner friendly than its length would imply. There are also a number of potential points of conflict with other park users/amenities, and the course in general feels cramped. I think this is a case of less is more: 9 holes on the same land would likely result in a better overall course.

The first hole tees off next to a pavilion, and during my mid-December round a family was sitting around a (permanent?) fire pit located about 100 feet just ahead and to the right of the tee pad, and right behind the basket for Hole 6. I have to imagine this type of conflict between park users to be frequent most of the year if I experienced it on a 40 degree day during a pandemic. You are also required to throw over a road on Hole 2, and then cross back to Hole 3's pad. While there hadn't yet been any accumulation of snow this year, the hill on which Hole 3's basket and Hole 4's teepad reside was encircled by mesh fencing to guide sledders down the hill, providing additional obstacles for both fairways. Many fairways also play somewhat close to each other, and multiple baskets are frequently visible from the tee. The transition from Hole 10's basket to 11's pad makes no sense, as it requires you to either wade through a marsh or walk somewhere between 750 to 1000 feet around the marsh and down 11's fairway. All of these issues make for a weird feeling round.

The actual golf here isn't bad. As a more experienced player, I enjoyed hunting for birdies on the short, but many times still technical holes. You will throw shots up and down hill, and both left and right turning. However, even in the winter, I could tell there are a lot of opportunities for lost discs in the marshy areas of the course. The length and general challenge of the course is better suited for less experienced players but there are too many chances for errant or even reasonably good shots to be lost, potentially adding a lot of frustration to a round.

The Discatchers are in good shape and have taped tines on the basket to indicate the direction to the next tee. The paved tee pads are sufficiently large and flat, and the tee signs are rudimentary but good enough for this short of a course. There is an odd tee pad with a blank sign pointing towards the parking lot that must be a remnant of the old course design. The park overall is very nice with many sports fields, a large park district building, and a pool.

Huntly Park DGC isn't a bad course, and you can definitely have a good time playing there, but there are a number of issues with the layout and design that are just asking for conflict or frustration during a round. This is a course that is nice to have in your neighborhood, but not worth traveling much distance to play.
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2 0
Experience: 15.4 years 9 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

3 More Holes: Yay or Nay? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2020 Played the course:once


• Short game practice
• Wind practice
• Quick round
• Quiet, low traffic
• Some fun lines


• Some odd layout, flow & design choices
• Almost all holes 250' & under
• Quite a few annoyances (see Other Thoughts)

Other Thoughts:

I frequented this course when it was 10 holes and I lived in the area 6 years ago. This was my first time playing the new layout. This course always seems to have some decent wind so I enjoy the added challenging element for what is otherwise a simple course. Hole 1 is the only hole over 300' at 348 and slightly uphill. The pad is to the left and behind a pavilion. The pavilion isn't really in any danger unless someone really grip locks/shanks. Hole 2 is where it got odd: it plays over the 1 road that runs through the park. This road isn't busy, or never has been when I've played, but is still not ideal and an odd feature. You walk across the road to putt and then back across the road to the pad on 3. Hmm. Hole 3 and 4 are fun holes that offer elevation and really fast greens. Hole 7 is where it got odd again: after walking backwards from the basket on 6 you walk through the fairway of hole 1 to then throw towards the basket which is not too far from the pad of hole 1 and the pavilion that was mentioned. It was not a problem for me but I can foresee some errant shots that could prove harmful on a busier day. The walk from 10-11 goes through cat tails, if you're brave and squishy, or you can do a full circle and go backwards down 11s fairway to avoid surefire soaked shoes. 12 is where my biggest annoyance occurred. I hardly ever complain about rough. If you miss your line then sometimes you get punished and there are spots like this on the course. 12 frustrated me: my drive off the tee was an ace run that went through the chains and landed what looked like 8 feet behind the basket. The putting green is so overgrown that I was looking for my disc for 10 minutes that had just been an ace run. You can throw within 10 feet of the basket on this hole and be in some of the thickest bushes on the course. Putting greens should have a minimum of a 30' diameter or 15' feet on all sides unless placed near water or OB.

Fun course if you don't live too far, are a beginner, a more advanced player looking to work in putter drives or just enjoy a quieter round. The layout and flow only become issues if the park is busy. Hole 12's putting green is annoying lol. I can understand reconfiguring to try and get more holes but I enjoyed the course more when it was only 10 holes. In my opinion it offered more variety and challenge.
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1 3
Experience: 9.4 years 10 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

From moderate to difficult 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2018 Played the course:once


Course has been re-done from 10 to 13 holes.


(Hole numbers may not be accurate due to the fact that I only played the re-configure once.) Hole #1 requires you to tee off a long drive from a pad just left of the picnic pavilion.(Don't grip lock!) Hole number 2 requires you th throw across a road that runs through the park. Hole #3 requires a throw to a basket on the side of a steep hill. Roll on your approach shot and you will end up in deep, high weeds. You will not be able to see where it rolls because the basket is around the side of the hill. Hole #4 requires you tho climb the same hill up to the tee off. #4 also requires you to drive over a swamp to the basket. #7 goes over a walkway to afore mentioned pavilion.#9 goes over high weeds. The path between 10 and 11 is still a risky walk through a swamp. #12 is again over high weeds. There is no course map yet.

Other Thoughts:

In my opinion, the park district course went form beginner to intermediate/advanced player. There are so may ways to lose a disc that I think that it was planned that way. Maybe at the end of the season they comb the marshes and weeds for lost discs then sell tem to benefit the park district.
If you do not throw straight and long, I would avoid this course.
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2 0
Experience: 39.9 years 27 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun Little Course But... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 20, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Landscape used to the course's advantage.
Mixture of shots.
Fun lines and fun obstacles.
Never Crowded.
Nice Baskets.
Maintained for the most part. Can get let go at times.
Nice pavilion to relax at.
Nice area.
You can use the landscape to make up new holes on the course by throwing from different areas.
Large field nearby to test discs.
Tucked away so not many cars driving by course.


Susceptible to flooding in areas (it is built around wetlands). Chance you'll get wet.
VERY easy to lose discs in the middle of the growing season.
Hole 10 is the last hole. Not near parking lot. It isn't a very long walk but it is about as far from the lot as you can get.
Sometimes grass can get long.
Houses nearby
Pathways where people can be walking near/on a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is my hometown course and so I have played it a lot. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

Hole 1: Nice open shot with the hole sitting up on a little hill in between 2 large trees. There is a path cutting across the middle of this hole and you have to watch out for people. But, it really isn't very busy and so it isn't much of an issue. Great hole to test out discs. Be careful not to throw too far right or you will get stuck in a line of large pine trees. Overall, one of my favorite holes.

Hole 2: Great long distance shot downhill with an s-curved fairway. Very Fun! HOWEVER, do not throw too far right or you will be in backyards or tall wetlands. This hole faces north. When the wind is out of the north, your disc will be very affected at this hole because of elevation and lack of natural wind stops. As a RHBH, I tend to turn my discs over and end in the yards to the right. BUT, what is worse, if you under compensate, you will end in very tall grass and wetlands too the left. It can get wet in this area and be very difficult to find discs. Also, at the bottom of the hill, at the beginning of the fairway, water sits right in the fairway. So, after a lot of rain, it is advised to work your way to the right of that area.

Hole 3: Fun little par 3. New trees were recently planted and wild trees are now growing 10 or so yards in front of the teepads. This is a good thing. The hole is now more difficult. As a RHBH, I must throw something with anhyzer to the left of the wild trees, curve back right around the pine trees, and then fade left on the hole. Do not throw too far left or you will hit a rocky bike path and chunk up your disc.

Hole 4: Very long range hole. The park district dumps it's dead branches and trees here, and turns them in to mulch, so it is kind of muddy and ugly. If you really shank one to the left, you can end in that tall grass again. But you must REALLY shank it. Shank to the right, and you will hit a road (Don't worry, no one will drive by and run it over. Not a busy road). Also, a pathway borders two sides of this shot. Again, it isn't very crowded, so you don't have to wait for people walking too often. Fun hole to try and test your distance.

Hole 5: Short par 3. But, there is a hill to your right that you must avoid. I use a turnover shot with a mid or putter and fade right on the hole (RHBH).

Hole 6. This hole is great. You have 3 options. lay up, go around the left side of the pond and tree line, or go straight through wetland/pond area. To do that you must throw it straight enough to avoid new little trees on fairway, a big willow tree on your right, a tree line on your left, and low enough to not hit the oak branches, which hang out over the line to the hole. When the water is low/gone, I tend to try and make that shot. When the pond is full, I lay it up or go around to the left. Basket sits in a little 3 or 4 oak tree grove. Pretty. But, there are houses to your left. Be warned, you might lose a disc.

Hole 7: This hole forces you to throw back over the pond into a little oak grove. Don't worry, even the noodle armers can clear it. However, don't throw too low, or a cattail might knock your disc down in to the water. Also, you must thread a semi-large gap that has a Willow to your right and a tree line to your left. If you miss, you may be looking for a disc in the tall grass or thorns.

Hole 8: Another short 3. Nothing special but aceable. Tree line to your left, road to your right. But you'd have to shank hard to hit the road.

Hole 8: This is the hole of holes. Big Willow to your right. Big Willow farther and too your left. Throw a Tern, or Katana, type disc, and s-curve your way through. Very difficult shot to pull off. Very fun though. HOWEVER, miss to the left and you are in tall grass that may never give your disc back. Miss right and you are in tall grass/wetlands. Those wetlands have eaten many discs.

Hole 9: Disc eater. S-curved fairway with wetlands/tall grass on both sides. Clear it and you are fine. Too far right, your disc is gone. Too far left, your disc is gone.

Overall: Fun little course. But, I refuse to play holes 9-10 from mid-June to Early October. When I do play that time of year, hole 2 always has me looking for discs.
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1 0
Harry Manback
Experience: 18.3 years 51 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very fun course. Best non 18 holer in the area. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Tons of fun shots
Almost never crowded
Some of the best tees around
Fun for beginners, and advanced players alike
Mix of long and short holes


Not 18 holes
Not the most difficult course in the world

Other Thoughts:

Very solid course, and it's tons of fun to play. At most there will be 1 or 2 others on the course while youre there so you never have to wait for people to clear holes. Only 10 holes, but for the land provided it seems they did the best they could. Definitely recommend checking this course out.
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1 1
Experience: 18.4 years 121 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

a way to know ur skills 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


new tees as of July are great for footing. great course for defining your style of play and skill set. all hole's are a makeable 3.

HOLE 1/ 311ft/ par 3. long straight shot to basket under large tree. stay right side for easy putts

HOLE 2/ 402ft/ par 4. good hole to work on your long bomber with placement.

HOLE 3/ 215ft/ par 3. the ACE PLACE.

HOLE 4/ 400ft/ par 4. the other long bomber with no chance of getting in deep rough. maintenance piles on left, road on right and far right to a parking lot.

HOLE 5/ 220ft/ par 3. nice small hole with up then down hill and large tree left of basket. stay right side for easier putts.

HOLE 6/ 355ft/ par 4. start of risk / reward shots. many small low hanging trees left front of tee for the long trip around center pond. or bomb a straight shot thru tight window over pond.

HOLE 7/ 265ft/ par 3. great hole for added pressure. short and you land in deep rough, hang it to right and your in the willow tree, to much left puts hard line for basket. the straighter the better for this line.

HOLE 8/ 196ft/ par 3. ACE PLACE #2

HOLE 9/ 325ft/ par3. this hole will keep you and your nerves on edge. long S turn between two large willows with basket behind second. tall grass on left and right of fairway.

HOLE 10/ 253ft/ par 3. beware the wind. only thing in your way is a lot of tall thick grass on left and right.


1) a bit of a walk back to parking lot after 10.
2) people thinking this is a long out of there way walk back.
3) not having anymore cons

Other Thoughts:

08/31/13 was a 2 round, 19 hole, 114 par tournament that was a great day spent at the park. I finished with 122 tied for 3rd. best course in the area.
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8 1
Three Putt
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Experience: 29.8 years 158 played 131 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Now pitching for the Cubs...Carlos Mármol 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 6, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


I was having a nice recreational round in Huntly, imagining the nice review I was going to write. Then I got to hole #7. Suddenly I realized how sportswriters felt when the Cubs were cruzing along with the lead and then brought in Carlos Mármol; you have to tear up the story you wrote and start over.

Warrington Park is one of those really nicely developed parks that were paid for with developer's money in the '00's housing boom. The course is an afterthought retrofit into open space/picnic areas that butts up to a row of McMansions; you are right there looking into their backyards for most of the course. Getting to #1 is not great (#6 is the first tee you see from the parking lot) and you can see two baskets from the first tee. The sign isn't great so you have to guess (I guessed wrong) but once you are off the course flows well for the first six holes. Hole #2 has a tall grass shortcut route that can cut down the distance to the pin if you can clear it. Hole #4 throws over (maybe it was supposed to be around) the maintenance dump of landscaping materials for the park AND it is the overflow parking area for the water park, so it is ugly and unplayable on hot summer weekend days. Not a huge deal. Hole # 5 is a short shot with some tricky elevation. Hole #6 can get you close to some backyards, but it's an OK park-style shot. The course has the Midwest Disc Golf functional tee signage and paver stone tees. The baskets are nice Chainstars. Right up through hole # 6 I thought I was playing a nice recreational course and was going to rate the course around a 2.5.


Hole #7 is dumb. It shoots over a swamp with tall grass and weeds, probably a 200'+ish carry over the weeds. New players/young players/recreational players could easily throw into the swamp/tall grass, and there is no safe route around. There is no way to skip the risk, and that is bad course design. There is also (and here is the dumb part I'm shocked no one else has mentioned) NO WAY TO GET TO THE # 7 BASKET WITHOUT WALKING BACK UP THE FAIRWAY FOR EITHER #6 OR #8. The flow here is terrible, and the design is unsafe. Hole #8 is a classic Jericho Lake "throw down the side of the entry road" hole. Hole # 9 is a tall grass nightmare. The hole is an optical illusion with the tall grass pulling in to the left up the hillside. There is tall grass in front of you, so it's hard to see the boundary to know if you are safe or not. Once you throw, you have to walk around a big section of tall grass to get to your disc so if you do throw in the tall grass you lose your frame of reference and just have to tromp around looking for it. It's not a hard hole, but frustrating. Hole #10 is an unremarkable tall grass shot that leaves you far away from where you parked.

The fix for this is obvious. It's a 10 hole course. Pull out #7, make hole # 9 hole #7, make hole #10 hole #8 and then rework hole #8 so it shoots the other direction and make it #9. That would eliminate the stupid #7 shot AND get you back to your car to end the course, making it a perfectly decent 2.5 9-hole course. Why they are trying to cram in an extra hole, using a stupid shot to do it and ending at the far end of the park is a complete mystery.

Other Thoughts:

If the last four holes were not terrible, this would be a very nice recreational course. However, the last four holes are terrible. That part of the course badly needs to be redesigned. Until it is, I have to ding the rating of this course significantly.
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1 1
Experience: 11.4 years 47 played 9 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Updated 13 Hole Layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 22, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Updated for new 13 basket layout
Beginner/Intermediate. Course was redone in 2018 because of changes in park land usage. Reversed flow, with only 1 of the original 10 holes are the same. Less throws into tall weeds. Mosquito's are not often a problem on this course.


Short Course, 13 baskets, no Par 4's, might be considered cramped. Fun but not extremely challenging to more experienced players.

Other Thoughts:

This redesign course was designed for a beginner player and casual round in mind. New players might skip holes #10 and #11, those still throw over tall weeds and lost discs are possible, experience players won't have any problems with these holes.
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2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2012 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a decent sized city park, that has the various activities pretty well separated. Aside from a pavilion, which isn't really in play, there should not be any interference.
- A decent mix of rough, trees, and some tall grass provide hazards to avoid on most of the holes. There is a big depression full of nasty rough that is in play on #6 and #7. Going way left on #6 is a good option instead of trying to clear a pretty small gap, but #7 pretty much forces a shot over the schule. #8 is also bordered by this rough on the left side. #9 and #10 have mowed fairways in tall grass to force some shot placement.
- Holes with trees include #1, with the basket under low branches, #5's pin is also underneath a big tree, and #6 has trees to avoid off the tee as well as before the gap. Even more if going around the rough on the left side. Also some very large willows to shot around/between on #9.
- Some little elevation changes here and there, like the aforementioned depression, a slight uphill slope on #1, a valley shot on #2, a small hump to go over or around on #5, and a downslope on #8. Nothing major, but noticeable.
- Pretty good mix of hole length for a smaller course, there are three shorties under 220', but also four holes over 300'; two of those over 400'. Many chances for some full power shots for most players.
- Nice signs and baskets, natural tees are still new and in good shape. Navigation can be a little tricky; the course starts by the pavilion and isn't marked very well. Not terrible, map isn't necessary.


- A lot of pretty open shots here, with only a tree or two to worry about. #1, #4, and #10 especially, and #2, #3, and #8 to a lesser degree. Staying out of the rough/grass off the very generous fairways is the only challenge.
- Hole #10 ends at the end of the park, so you have to hoof it back to the parking area. Not a long haul, just annoying.
- Layout is a little cramped in a few spots, like #7's basket, which is close to #6's fairway.

Other Thoughts:

- Not a shabby course, pretty good variety in terms of open and lightly wooded holes, with #6 being the tightest and toughest. #2 is a cool valley hyzer shot over some rough as well. A few tricky approach shots, and some longer drives as well. Should be perfect for beginners, and even intermediate players. Advanced players will be able to cruise through.
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1 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.5 years 281 played 35 reviews
2.00 star(s)

9 Holes of Disc Golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2012 Played the course:once


New, nice Chainstar baskets.

Good tee signs with hole distances.

#2 is a fun hole, with some good rough/long grass to punish bad/short drives.

#9 is also a fun hole that takes away the hyzer route for most RHBH players.


Natural, undefined and sometimes uneven teepads.

This course does not seem to flow well because you walk by the parking lot twice during your round, but then you have a long walk back to the lot after you finish on #10.

While this course seems like it was designed for beginners and recreational level players, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7, #9 and #10 have the potential to be very frustrating to players at that level.

Nagivation is not extremely difficult, but "Next Tee" signs would be very helpful here.

Other Thoughts:

When you enter the park, use the very first parking lot on the right. Hole #1 is not very easy to find. It's just south of the pavillion.

Beginners and recreational level players will find a good (and frustrating) test here. Advanced and open players may want to create some safari holes along the way in order to create some challenge.

It seems like this course is still rough around the edges. These is enough room to make this at least a 3.0 level course if the Park District is looking to make some improvements.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Meh 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays through a corner of a small mostly flat park. A couple holes have some nice length, others are fun shorter ace runs. Several of the holes have some mature trees in play, offering a couple line shaping challenges and a couple low ceiling shots. There is enough rough in a few spots to really punish you for missing your line. With the sports fields right across the street, this is a nice exposure for the sport in an area where there aren't a ton of courses.


There are some strange holes, and the course doesn't really have a strong identity. There are some wide open ace runs that cater only to beginners or people who want to up their ace count, and a couple holes that are long enough to frustrate new players. The long grass is my least favorite disc golf obstacle, it adds frustration and time without changing the way you have to throw your next shot when you go in the rough.

The natural tees are not well defined, and are already showing some wear. They will likely turn into mud pits without improvement or maintenance. The walk after the last hole is pretty long. There isn't a lot of variety in lines you have to shape, you can get away with hyzer or straight shots pretty much everywhere here.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find this course reasonably approachable, even with the couple longer holes, though the prairie areas could get frustrating. More experienced players won't find a ton of challenge or variety here, it's not worth going out of your way to play here.
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1 2
Experience: 14 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Rookie review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 21, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


I'm new to the sport and this is the first course that I have ever played. This is a nice open course and is certainly friendly for rookies. It is pretty open and difficult to lose discs; however, there are some technical shots to keep it interesting.
New brick tee pads have been installed! I like that many of the holes have a couple of different lines.

Being a lefty, I find that this course is a good balance of lefty and righty holes.


It is difficult to find the first hole and the hole markers are 90° to the baskets. The course is easy enough to follow once you figure out that the basket is to the right when facing the hole markers.
The addition of tee pads make this course really easy to follow.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a lot of fun for a newer player. The course is well taken care of and everyone that we have run into while playing this course has been very friendly.
Added: I have been playing this course for over a year now. It is one of my favorites now that I have developed my skills to the point where I can appreciate the nuances of the course.
From a lefty point of view:
Hole 1 is 311' that is slightly up hill and the basket is protected by a big tree.
hole 2 is 411'. This is a tough throw for me because my hyser line is protected by a bunch of trees.
hole 3 is short and again my hyser line is protected by a bunch of pine trees. A straight shot is my best option, but it is easy to over throw the basket on a go for shot and land OB.
hole 4 is 402' and your first shot and really make or break this hole.
hole 5 is another shorter hole. I can throw a hyser around a hill, but then the basket is protected by another big tree.
hole 6 has two lines to it. One can throw through a small gap in the trees about 200' feet away and land in the sometimes swamp area or go to the left and contend with a bunch on smaller trees.
hole 7 is over the same sometimes swamp area and through another gap in the trees. The basket is protected by a couple of large trees in front and in back of it.
hole 8 is another ace run hole. It is a short and straight forward hole.
hole 9 is a big middle finger to the lefties of the world! There is a mando that is between two large willow trees that really favors righties. If not for the mando, this would be an easy lefty hole.
hole 10 is 266' and is my only ace at Warrington to date. it is a wide open hole with a smallish landing area in front of and to the left side of the basket. The back and right side are pretty open.
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3 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 286 played 55 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not worth your time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2012 Played the course:once


The signs are decent although they face 90 degrees left of the direction of the hole. There are a couple nice longer par 3s here. The baskets are decent.


Hole 6 is really weird. It is 380 and you can see the basket straight ahead but the only good line to it is a roller and there is barely any room to set one down because of the small trees that are all over the fairway. Holes 1,3,5,7,8, and 10 are all boring and rather open and short. The tees are hard to see as they are just marked with paint in the grass.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.4 years 351 played 178 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Hunting for Birdies in SpazLand 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2012 Played the course:once


This is the home of Mike "Spaz" Kutella. It's located in a very well kept public park and plays on a long strip of land on the West side. There is a huge sign at the entrance that says Stingray Bay. The land is mostly open with a little sloping terrain in a couple of places. There are a few holes that play in a prairie area. You want to park in the first very small parking lot on the right. Hole #1 not very easy to find. It's just south of the pavillion past the port o potty. Once we found #1 we had no problem with navigation.

Brand new Discraft Chainstars with DGA # plates.

Solid tee signs.

Variety of distances from 196 to 402 feet. I threw putter, mid, fairway, and distance driver. I was able to unleash a few full power drives.

Hole #2 is a crusher hole that plays slightly downhill and has a sloped green.

Hole #5 is an interesting shorter par 4? I just don't see anyone 2ing this hole unless there is a throw in or some awesome roller. I don't think the best players in the world could get a lazer beam shot down the middle to the basket.


Natural grass tee pads.

The tee signs are not facing the hole so you are looking at a description of the hole from the side.

Hole #7 has no option for players who cannot clear the tall rough area to play around. They have to throw in the tall grass.

I thought on hole #5 & #9 if the tees were moved back they would have forced a different line. On #5 you can throw a slight hyzer to straight shot. Moving it back would have forced a turnover shot which this course lacks. On #9 I like the idea of an S curve between the trees. Any player with an arm is going to throw around the big willow to the right which myself and another play did. Had the tee been moved back there is a smaller tree that would have blocked that route off. I threw a RHBH hyzer on 8 of the 10 holes.

After you finish hole #10 you have to walk down the road 150 yards or so past #8 to the parking lot. It's a frustrating finish to the course.

Other Thoughts:

This has been an extremely dry summer. I'm not sure how much water sits in the tall grass run off areas. Hole 6, 7, 9, 10, & 11 play near them. I have a feeling those areas are going to hold water.

Concrete tees and a couple of tweaks and I'd give this course a 2.5.

The pool on the property is very impressive. Bring your swim suit!
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