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Fruita, CO

Little Salt Wash Park

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2.965(based on 12 reviews)
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Little Salt Wash Park reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short but sweet

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2023 Played the course:once


- Elevated tee pads and baskets on hills
- Fast and slow greens (dirt/grass)
- Plenty of obstacles make sure short holes aren't gimme birdies
- Easy navigation if you're not brain dead
- Decent variety of shot shaping for a short course
- Concrete tee pads
- Baskets in decent shape


- Too short for serious players who want to air it out
- Terrible erosion on the sides of hills, should put in stairs to help disc golfers and environmental impact
- It's a breeding ground and home for snakes so stay aware of your surroundings
- If not using Udisc finding the first tee pad isn't apparent
- Lots of other park users for the last couple of holes

Other Thoughts:

They did a pretty good job here making a fun course that is somewhat challenging for putters and midranges. I found the two baskets on the top of hills pretty fun and interesting sans the erosion issue I mentioned earlier. This is course where you can take newer players to to show them the game isn't easy without putting them off entirely. Overall it's a fine course and one I would recommend if you're in the area.
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4 0
Premium Member
Experience: 22.8 years 261 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Technical Fun Practice 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Great course for practicing those tight technical shots. Heavy trees on most of the holes with a few really nice dog legs. A few elevated holes to practice those uphill throws and some down hill throws. A couple holes a small creek comes into play.
Requires nice finesse and accuracy. Great for a quick lunch round.


Some times the grass gets high and it's tough to play. Forget playing a couple holes when soccer is going on. Also the bmx bikes on Hole 9 and hole 6 can be heavy at times.

Other Thoughts:

Great course for a quick technical round. Only 1 or 2 holes require a driver type Disc.
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3 0
Experience: 12.3 years 9 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Great for what it is (short technical 9 holer)
Some well designed holes
Good use of elevation and basket placement


BMX bikers all over hole 9 during prime time
If your not a local I would recommend any of the 18 hole courses (no views, no benches, many kids playing)

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5 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Little Salt Wash Park = A Fun Nine Course With Challenges! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2015 Played the course:once


The Little Salt Wash Park sits behind a couple of ball fields in the high desert country of Eastern Colorado. The interesting deep terrain that has been cut by the Little Salt Wash provides some extreme and creative possibilities for a disc golf experience. The course is shaded by large Cottonwood trees for those summer days and there are lots of smaller Russian Olive trees and other to avoid.

There is a course sign at the beginning and the course now has concrete tees. There are no signs and so navigation can be a little confusing. I threw at the wrong basket once before hooking up with a local.

The gully, with it's deep ravine, provides opportunities for some really interesting technically challenging throws. The holes are short but the lines are tight .

Lots of holes were standouts. # 2 played up the hill but the basket placement made it extra interesting. The basket sat on a little plateau with drop-offs all around.
I also really enjoyed # 7 just because of the interesting terrain involved, deep eroded out ravine like areas along the short fairway.
Then #'s 8 & 9 play out in by the soccer field.


This park seems like a most popular hangout for the 10 year old BMX biking group and I can see why. The terrain is also about perfect for them. But you have to be aware of them, as they're seemingly popping out of brush and trails everywhere, pretty much oblivious to any flying discs around them.

Tee signs would be a welcome addition.

The ravine is area is overgrown and frankly, a little grubby feeling. I would like to see a little clean up work done in this area.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun little 9 hole course. The rugged ravine provides some challenging and technical throws. The risk/reward aspect is there on some of the later holes. I liked this course a lot and understand that there is a outstanding 18 hole course nearby.
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5 0
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Little Salt Wash = fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2014 Played the course:once


Fun ace race shots. Easy birdie opp's. if u hit your line through or around trees n bushes. No crowds. Putters & middies. cool lines. Elevation change shots challenge your disc selections. Nice selection of shots.


Only 9 holes. Could use some more deeper/different tee boxes for a back 9 using the same baskets. Not much signage. Short tee boxes. Could use some love. My buddy almost nailed a walker-by on the walking path. Skip shots could be trouble

Other Thoughts:

Wish I lived closer to this course cuz I would play it a lot. You could go -9 on a hot day.
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5 0
Experience: 11.3 years 7 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good for learning~ 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2013 Played the course:once


~Technical shots. I am a beginner and it was great for learning.
~Relatively kid friendly (my 5yr old girl did it)
~Not too long for how it is set up
~Pet friendly.
~Minimal water hazards for beginners. (I am sure more advanced players would like more play with the rivers and creeks around there.)
~Left with as many discs as I went with. (I do recommend having a spotter when throwing down the hills.)


Bugs, slithers, and critters. My wife doesn't like snakes and I saw a (and almost stepped on) a 2 1/2 thick bull snake. (That is a big bull snake) Snakes do not bother me too much (non killing ones), but my wifey hates them. If you are not in favor of potentially running into snakes, do not play. (My wife made me put that)
~This was played up and down a ravine . It got boring throwing up a hill, down the hill, back and forth, back and forth.
The hills are steep, so it can be exhausting.
~It's the damn dessert.
~Lots'-O-park users. For beginners, you should always wait until no one is on the path when you are on the developed parts. Some of my 'mis-fires' can go the wrong way real quick. I would hate to hit someone with one.
~Poor markings, mapping. PRINT OUT a map from here. It was up to date as of yesterday.

Other Thoughts:

This sits behind very well kept baseball fields and a couple of playgrounds. It is nice that this plays behind that those hazards.

Brings LOTS of bug spray. We went to play 2 days ago and threw the first hole and got hailed/rained on. So we went back yesterday and played. There are mud pits and swamp like fairways. Wear your shoes you dont mind trashing. I do not know if that is a normal thing, but it sucked.

I am new so I am limited on what I can rate this against, besides the few I have played and what I have seen on watching Youtube.

I live in west Colorado in the high dessert. I have been all over. (not playing DG) I am SICK of the 'dessert look'. This is the dessert. Don't be fooled. (Snakes, spiders, scorpions, dead birds, and west nile infected mosquitoes)

I would reckon it would be relatively for those used to moving through the Colorado snow could play this in the winter. If the local kids do not turn it into a sledding hill.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 75 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Just a little guy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2013 Played the course:once


This was a fun little course that plays through some heavily wooded areas on the side of a hill.

The trees and use of elevation make this course a good challenge. You will certainly need your tunnel running skills here. The low canopy mixed with elevation changes make it fun and adds a good variety to the course.

They have concrete tee pads now and an updated map which I posted. this made navigating the course fairly easy with the exception of one or two holes. The cages are marked correctly for each hole so on a couple of occasions we discovered we were playing to the wrong hole and had to re-tee.

The course plays good for both backhand and forehand shots for the most part.

Several holes have good risk/reward opportunities where going for it on a hill with a drop off on the back side can cost you a throw if you miss.

The big trees offer plenty of shade on the hot days. I can only imagine how gnarly this course can get in the fall though.


There are no signs on the tee pads so you aren't quite sure where the basket is, particularly on the blind shots. As I mentioned we ended up throwing to the wrong hole a couple of times. After that we walked ahead and made sure of it and didn't have any problems.

The course is overgrown down in the gully which made looking for discs a regular occurrence. Luckily you have no need to throw very far so most of them were found pretty quickly.

It's short. They moved hole 7 to the end of the field which gave it some good length and finally offered a wide open shot. It also allowed for a decent length for hole 8, but the rest are really short.

Other Thoughts:

If you're looking for a course that will help increase your technical ability then this is a good one. It won't challenge the big arm throwers at all, but will teach you to keep your throws low.

There is a big sign right next to hole 1 which is located right between two of the baseball fields on the outfield side. The locals were extremely friendly and helped us find our way. The GPS coordinates lead you to a cul-de-sac which you can park at, walk across the bridge, hang a right and you'll see the sign and hole 1's tee pad on the right.
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.4 years 344 played 195 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2013 Played the course:once


Concrete tee pads
Good variety of shots
Small technical shots
Course map near tee 1


Look out for bikers! Theres usually kids on bikes riding the course. Hole 8 is a very tight shot between a river and a bunch of trees, so make sure you bring a disc you don't mind losing.

Other Thoughts:

Fun little technical 9 hole. Good course for a change of pace from the other courses in the area.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 47 played 34 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good 9 hole reminds me of my home course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2011 Played the course:once


This was a decent course playing behind baseball fields through scattered woods and a creek nearby. Holes were short, but required some technical throws to get through trees and elevation gains. The course had some interesting downhill and uphill shots that made it fun. Once you figure out the layout, it should be a quick round and you may get several rounds of 9 in an hour. With it's simplicity, it isn't a bad place for beginners.


No facilities nearby and the course was tricky to find the first time. The course layout has changed since the map was made making it difficult to find all of the pads. There are no tee signs and for hole 8 we had to improvise a tee pad. Not a great course for professionals as the holes are very short.

Other Thoughts:

For all that this course had to offer, it was a good experience and I would play it again. I heard that Fruita is getting an 18 hole course that will be the place for the Colorado State Championships this year. The local disc golf club is doing a great job promoting the sport by trying to establish new courses in the area.

Favorite holes: #5, #9
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2 2
Brad T
Experience: 20.3 years 8 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Another short and sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of trees and natural weeded areas. Close to town and can play a couple of rounds in a short time.


Hard to find for vistor or first timers. Sometimes kids are playing down in the wooded areas and have been known to snag a disc. Early spring the wash is running fast so you can loose plastic with an errant throw.

Other Thoughts:

Hole #1 is Norht-west of the new ball fields. then go south west but course stays on the east side of the wash.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 188 played 106 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Small Oasis 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2007 Played the course:never


Little Salt Wash is proof that not all nine hole short courses are cut from the same cloth. As a huge fan of the natural setting on disc courses, this nine hole exceeds expatiations. All of the accolades this course receives is due to the setting and imagination of the course. No two holes are the same. For being smack dab in the high Colorado desert, someone has found a small jungle oasis that tests a large variety of shots. The Little Salt Wash has cut deep picturesque terrain for us to climb over, all in the cover of giant cottonwoods. Some alleys with tall grass, some around tall trees with a creek and Russian olive to avoid, others up and down hills. Driving out to the course you would never expect to be in so much tree cover. The setting and length make for a technical round, letting players take out their big arms on number two only. The course is compact, letting you get in a round quickly.


There are no restrooms. No running water. It is hard to find, and it is hard to find the tees, which are only six inch markers spray painted with the hole number on them. There is no cement on the tee boxes. If this course had even half of those amenities it could be a four easy.

Other Thoughts:

When I played this course it was extremely hot, approaching 100, which is normal for Frutia in August, bring lots of water. Also be patient looking for the next tee area. When looking for the place keep in mind that the course is tucked into the back of a big weeded empty lot that the directions take you to, you will not be able to park that close, but walking never hurt anyone.
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4 0
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Little salt wash park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2007 Played the course:never


Fun shots around trees and bushes.
Can be played injust under an hour (if you dont misplace any plastic)


Hard to find first tee (No maps or signs)
Easy to mispalce a disc in tall grasses on hole 7.
Holes 10 - 12 are hard to find as they are very well marked.

Other Thoughts:

Its a fun little course tucked away off one of the main intersections in our little town of fruita. It took about 15 mins to find first tee box, simply by basket number deduction. Tees are marked by red and blue painted tree stumps (blue=pro/red=rec). About half the holes have multiple teeboxes. Good alley way shots for learning disc control and also a good place to learn the forhand for those ppl who are backhanders.
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