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Lucedale, MS

Lucedale City Park DGC

Permanent course
1.835(based on 6 reviews)
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Lucedale City Park DGC reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 670 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Damaged Goods 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2019 Played the course:once


Fun to write a review.


(0.456 Rating) Name any category related to disc golf and I guarantee this course would rate below average.
- CHAINS - Every basket is damaged. Some have weeds and vines growing in the baskets. I can only think of 1 course with a worse grouping of baskets out of 384 courses played as of this review.
- LAYOUT - Either a poorly laid out design or new trees have been planted without concern of the course's fairways.
- SAFETY HAZARDS - Walking paths in play on 6 of the 9 holes. Hole (2) plays down the heart of sidewalk. Several tees are poorly separated from the preceding basket.
- MAINTENANCE - I don't think the park staff and community gives a hoot about this course. Everything course related is in disrepair. Numerous large branches in fairways. Hole (3) likely hadn't been mowed in a half year and it has been dry for some time before my arrival here.
- NAVIGATION - Awful. I couldn't even find all the tees with an online map. Only a few numbered tee markers remain. Baskets are not numbered. No directional cues.
- DISCONTINUITY - A 400 foot walk north between basket (8) and tee (9).
- CHARACTER - No extras or amenities other than a restroom building where one can wipe away the tears after attempting to play this course.
- TEES - 4 feet by 3 feet concrete pads overgrown with weeds.
- UNIQUENESS - The hole variety, although below average, is actually one of the better course aspects. Decent use of elevation which plays up, down and along the side of a slope. Mostly park style shots with light to moderate tree coverage. No heavily wooded shots and all par 3s. The creek in the park was mostly avoided.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - If I brought a beginner here they would think this game is a joke and would never play again.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - I scored the course a 1.625 out of 5. As stated above, the park maintenance is poor. In addition, the park appears to have funding issues. Lots of dead grass and drying trees. Park building look in sad shape.
- TIME PLAY - I was hoping for a quick 20 minutes bag, yet somehow I spent over 45 minutes here.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - I personally did not break par, but I attribute that to horrible basket conditions, course conditions and maintenance issues. If it were magically put back into good working order, this would be a Recreational level course at best.

Other Thoughts:

In its heyday, Lucedale was likely a nice little 9 hole course. Fast forward 12 years later and it has deteriorated into nothing more than an eyesore for the community. It's likely I was the first player here in months and its one of worst courses I've played to date. Unless you like a good train wreck course, there is absolutely no reason to venture here.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 45 years 401 played 41 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Pheasantly Surprised 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 16, 2012 Played the course:once


For a course plotted by 2 high-school students, I'm duly impressed. Excellent use of plateaus, elevation gain and loss, and side-hilling are evident. New trees and other recently-planted vegetation will increase the difficulty on #s 2, 3, and 9---the only holes that could be considered "open".
Its a short, inventive course, not quite a pitch-and-putt unless you're very good, and it does favor RHBH somewhat. Its also mostly clear of undergrowth and you're unlikely to lose a disc[rarely, in deep leaves], so its great for novices.
The course circles clockwise, mostly outside the area of other types of human intervention. Maturely wooded except for #s 2-3, although you're not much hidden from other users of the park. A rocky-bottomed storm creek crosses diagonally through #3 fairway, but unless you're there while it's torrentially raining, you shouldn't see any water in it.
A really cool large central firepit near tee #8 that is usually stocked with some wood. Kids playground and bathroom in the west half of the park, with trash cans near all these spots.
Review title comes from the pheasant that shot out of the brush left of hole #3. Woodsy river bottomlands just to the east, so seeing waterfowl, raptors, raccoons and deer are not unusual in the morning/evening hours.
If the local constabulatory will stand it, this could be a great night course.


The 3'x3' tees are a disappointment, though you hardly need any run-up with the short course. I'm sure with the cost of baskets that the budget was tight for the youngsters who put this course in. Its easy to play behind them for a little extra distance.
No alcohol.
Watch your footing in the plethora of leaves and acorns.
Not enough room from other people for mutts who like to roam, so keep 'em leashed.

Other Thoughts:

The course is in the section of park EAST of Mill Road. Park on Park St. just east of Mill Rd. 1st tee is just east of the parking lot. I wouldn't drive 80 miles to play it, but I've been in town several times helping a friend with horse duties and its worth the time for a round or three. Lots of stores/eateries within a mile.
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1 1
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great 9 Hole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Very peaceful, very clean, calls for different types of shots, layed out and designed well.


Teeboxes are basically worthless because they are about 3 feet long. The chains on the baskets are single layered and can spit a disc out easily. The course is sort of out of the way and is only 9 holes.

Other Thoughts:

I live in Mobile and this course is about a 35-40 minute drive, but it is definitely worth playing. When we go, we play it around 3 times or so. If you are around the area, I would recommend giving this course a shot.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.3 years 333 played 131 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Quick 9-holer 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 19, 2010 Played the course:once


A decent amount of shade which is valuable in the deep South. A little bit of elevation and nice greens. The park is pleasant and close to downtown Lucedale.


Tee pads are the worst tee pads anywhere, only about 2-3 feet square, and players have to step up on to the pads, since they are not flush to the ground at all. The M-14's aren't the worst catching baskets, but they don't have number plates or any identifying numbers at all on the baskets. All the holes are relatively straight---not much variety in player disc selection is required.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 1 is closest to Park St, not Mill St, like the directions to the course indicate, so take Depot Street or Beaver Dam Road to Park Street to get to the parking lot by Hole 1.

If you like to know what kind of trees you're throwing around, this park is for you. There's signs identifying several of the tree varieties on the course.
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3 1
Experience: 16.7 years 83 played 26 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Needs better tee-pads 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 16, 2010 Played the course:once


1) Very nice layout, great use of the given land, enspecially evevation

2) moderately challenging, but not an "extreme" course.


1) Standstill Teepads (3ft X 3ft concrete slabs). For most holes I had to use the grass around the tee to tee off

2) Only 9 holes. for an out of the way course, 9 holes is a long drive

3) No benches, trashcans, ect

4) tee pads are only marked by a number, and can occasionally be confusing

Other Thoughts:

for the most part the layout made sense (played in winter, easy to find the next tee), and was actually a decent course. But having to drive from the grass beside the SHORT teepads really turned me against this course. Not a bad play, but need bigger teepads
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2 2
Experience: 14.3 years 39 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2010 Played the course:once


It's free... I liked the layout. Great variety between holes. Makes great use of the terrain.


Hardly any markings at all... If you've never seen a pole hole before you wouldn't know that it was a disc golf course. Each hole has a white post with the hole number on it but that's it. No distances, pars or hole layouts. On several holes you have to hunt for the target before teeing off. And when you hole out, you have to hunt for the next tee. Tee pads are small and don't allow for a good run up.

Other Thoughts:

With some superficial improvements the rating could go way up.
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