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Lubbock, TX

Mackenzie Park - Mack

3.95(based on 21 reviews)
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Mackenzie Park - Mack reviews

5 1
Experience: 8.3 years 10 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mackenzie Park: A surprisingly good disc golf course in little 'ol Lubbock, TX. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 3, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


-18 holes plus 3.

-Multiple pin placements for each hole. However, they haven't been changed in at least two months (since I've come back for school).

-The course is pretty well-balanced overall. The front holes play longer, while the back 5 are ace run holes. If it's above 80 degrees or so, you'll be really happy to encounter the shorter holes near the end of your round. Overall, players with a medium-strength arm will be able to ace about 7-9 holes on this course. This keeps friendly, competitive rounds with friends fun and interesting, since no particular playstyle gets a distinct advantage at Mackenzie. Putting gurus will have just as much of a chance as long-bombers and everything in-between.

-Most holes have a decent amount of trees, which cuts down on how much the wind affects your disc's flight path.

-The course is well maintained, since it's a public park.

-Not many pedestrians walking around the course.

-Mackenzie Park DGC isn't overly busy. I've gone all times of the week and have run into a total of about 12 other players in 4 trips. All were really chill.


-No signage. I was very lucky to run into a local during my first round, so navigation wasn't an issue. Tee pads and baskets are numbered, but you can't see them from far away, so you're still forced to walk around to find the correct tee pads and their corresponding baskets. The back 5 holes (17-21) are especially difficult for first-timers, since they're all shorter ace run holes and multiple baskets are within sight of each tee pad.

-No maps available, except for a really bare bones online map. It was of minimal help during my first few rounds. The city really needs to install a proper sign with a map, because you need to either luck out and find a local or spend a couple hours (in addition to the time you spend actually playing) figuring out where to go. I still haven't found the tee pad for hole 14 in four trips.

-The course flows logically for the front 9 or so holes. However, the course's natural flow goes off the rails toward the back half. Holes 13-21 are super confusing to navigate for the first time. You won't be looping back to the parking lot until near the very end of your 21-hole round, so bring plenty of water.

-This is mainly a con for newer players: there are about 6 holes with water in play. It's usually on one side, but if you can't throw straight consistently (or you're bringing a disc golf noob), expect to lose a disc or two.

-There are only a few holes with significant changes in elevation. Still, probably the only hill in Lubbock resides on this disc golf course. Just watch out for snakes as you climb the caprock between holes 8 and 9.

Holes 1-2 and about 4-5 others had a lot of ants. This makes putting really difficult on those holes, since you don't want to set your feet for too long. That probably lowered my score by about 3 strokes today, since I wasn't too keen on having fire ants crawl down my shoes.

-Don't bother trying to play here after it rains a significant amount. Wait two days or the front 9 or so baskets will be surrounded by large pools of water.

It can be difficult to find the first hole. Look for a playground past the overpass which leads you out of Joyland (coming from Cesar Chavez Dr.). The playground should be on the left. The first tee pad is on the left as well and the basket is past a power line and tree.

Other Thoughts:

Fun fact: it rained the first two times I tried to play here (both times on the 10th hole). Therefore, I'm much more familiar with the front 9 than the back 12.

I skipped hole 8 today, the signature hole where you throw off the caprock, because I saw a huge snake turd lying in the path leading up to the top. It was sunny and cool outside, so pretty perfect for a snake to be hanging out on the trail. Just be careful when it's sunny and cool outside. Stomp loudly as you walk, since the vibrations will most likely scare the snakes off. Whatever you do, don't panic and sprint away. That's how you spook the snake and get bitten. Be calm and collected so they see you as a non-threatening threat and leave you be.
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5 1
air show
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.8 years 223 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

MacKenzie Frenzy 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 21, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


+ Concrete tee pads & Mach lll baskets.
+ Multiple tees & pin locations for each hole.
+ Nicely manicured turf.
+ Many trash cans.
+ Clean park with mature trees.
+ Long concrete tees measure 20'.
+ Some nice elevation changes on multiple tees.
+ A number of fairways border peaceful body's of water.
+ 6 or 7 bomber holes.
+ Enough technical shots to keep all throwers honest.
+ A number of water holes make for many pucker shots. I would pack 2 or 3 water discs per round.


- Signage is almost non existence.
- For first timers navigation can become very confusing.
- After hole 7 flow of course goes haywire. Found myself walking to and fro from pins to tee pads on many of the remaining holes.
- Course does not loop back to parking lot during round so pack accordingly.
- To many trash cans become aesthetically unpleasing.
- Stinky man holes on hole 12. (Burns the nose)
- A few pins sit on rocky foilage. (Use beater discs)

Other Thoughts:

I have played MacKenzie Park twice in the last 2 years and enjoyed both rounds. Park was clean and we'll maintained each time. Though the course has some navigation faults a few more rounds under my belt will help eliminate some of the frustration I believe.

Holes 2,3,&4 are my favorite. The holes form a loop and if you want to work on distance you can empty the bag on each hole and do it all over again. The posse and I also found these holes to be a great place to grip and rip glow.

Though Lubbock Texas is a winter DG road trip destination for me I will always play MacKenzie Park when in the area.The course has many beautiful holes and offers many challenging shots to all disc golfers. I would recommend this course to all fellow disc golfers no matter what your playing experience is. Go have fun.

Happy Putting
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2 2
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Long tees play well with varied shots and good distance. Plenty of trees and some technical shots. Clean restrooms and portable restrooms on hole 16. Great course from the longs


Short tees are way too short... With current basket placement and from short tees most of the holes you are driving with a putter. Not much fun from the short tees. Long tees don't look to get much use... There are a couple of holes where tree grooming is needed just to tee off from the long tees. No signage, I was lucky enough to play with a couple of locals my first round. No distances, this is a common complaint of mine because I am horrible at guessing distances

Other Thoughts:

Play from the longs even if you have mediocre distance, it us much more challenging. This course would be great if there were signs and distances posted for each of the pin placements. It is still better than most.
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3 0
Experience: 14.7 years 24 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Brind your "A"Game 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Makes you feel like your not in Lubbock. Great Trek throughout the only hills in the Hub. 21 Holes and signature over the brazos river onto a small bank where the basket lies. After playing the course over a year now my overall distance has increased by 50+ ft. There is a sign by the parking lot entrance off of Broadway with the details of the park and the course layout. Course takes me and 2 other friends around 2hrs to finish, and we haul ass...HUGE COURSE. Alternate basket placements that change seasonally. Trash bins and portapotty's near #16.


Be prepared to lose one, or two. Course can be confusing because there is alternate pin placements. Dont go on a Holiday course is littered with families. Speaking of litter, people need to throw your trash away, TOSS NO MAS.

Other Thoughts:

Love the course, would recommend it to any player. All it needs is a Texas Tech beer lady!
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.6 years 196 played 96 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mackenzie Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 31, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


The first thing you notice is the length and multiple tee pads(except hole 8, there is no tee pad). I also like how holes 3 and 19(currently in the long) are for lefties. Even though I am a righty, I appreciate the challenge they present. My favorite part of the course is holes 9-12 because of the water hazards. Like any other golfer I hate loosing disc but the risk/reward is always exciting. The course ends with a bunch of ace run holes which are nice after playing the longer holes at the beginning. Everyone loves the chance of getting an ace.


I do not like how the course has little to no signage. The arrows under the basket are not very helpful. The course doesn't really have a flow because it is sort of choppy. There are many times you have to walk quite a distance to get to the next tee pad.Most notably going to hole 5. It rained a few days before and the bridge was flooded. Then after you five you have to find hole 6. The short is not facing the basket. Then to get to hole 8 is a long walk, and also getting to hole 13 you walk across a street. After 15 you have another long walk.

Other Thoughts:

This course is excellent the only thing I did not really like was the choppiness because it takes away from the flow of your game.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 156 played 142 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid Lubbock, Solid. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2012 Played the course:once


I loved this substantial course at 21 holes over 6000' from the shorts. There is simple start to #1, but then opens up to some major long open holes satisfying even the biggest arms. The hole layouts are mostly fantastic, and it's understandable why there are so many weird transitions - you just look at the area around #5 and think, I have to have a hole here - so they just make it work. Arguably the best portion of the course is #8 - #12 area still with the park feel, but also tough pin locations. water hazards, big trees, and massive elevation on a signature #11.

The park is ample with practice areas, bathrooms and areas for the masses. The tee boxes are huge, and I always enjoy having the option to throw from multiple tees. Plus, even though it's only for a few holes - I loved the transitions into the high grassland practice of #13 and #14, which fell completely different from the rest of the course.

Finally, I really enjoyed the strong finish at #21 - with the uphill blind over the crest. First-timers will want to scout out the pin location to make sure they have an accurate line. Overall, this course is diverse enough to be enjoyed by newbies and pros alike.

BEST HOLE/S: #9; #11; #14; #21


Even with all of the pros, Mackenzie has it's fair share of cons. The biggest being the weird transitions and long walks between many of the holes. This is always the drawback to "making it work," but first-timers bring a map and play with someone who knows the course. I also wish the signage were better, and portions of the course felt rundown. The baskets are in fair shape and signage is pretty crappy.

The course is also very popular, and that can also be a major drawback. I played through three separate groups of seven plus in each group - wow. People were very nice about it, but that's what happens when you only have one true quality course to play in a college city.

It also could have just been the evening I was there, but the pavilion area by #16 over literally overrun by homies and their low-riders. I can only imagine the multiple ways my life would have ended if I had hit the gold Impala with 12" rims, hydraulics, and the la enamorada sitting by it trying to look sexy for her hombre.

WORST HOLE/S: #1; #4

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed my experience at Mackenzie Park, and the course was really nothing like I expected. I honestly expected more of a traditional park course with inflated ratings because people in the area didn't have a real course to compare it too. This is not the case. Even in a park - there was more water, varied terrain, and elevation changes than I could have ever hoped for, and really made for an interesting round.

Bottom line is - this isn't just some out of the way course in the middle of panhandle that tries to be better than it is - it truly is a good and challenging course. I also think the rating is pretty spot on, since it's still missing a lot of those defining and refining features that could truly set it apart from other good courses in its category. Rather it's a quality course that gets great traffic and a great following,, and if you're ever within a 100 miles of Lubbock - I highly recommend making the stop.
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2 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 106 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2013 Played the course:once


- A nice variety of open holes with a few distinct hazards
- Nice long, concrete teepads. Some holes with multiple.
- Clean park with other recreational options.


- Water is a sneaky factor on many holes. It doesn't look bad at first, but if you aren't careful, it will get you.
- Navigation is not easy, even with a map. Teepads need labels.

Other Thoughts:

- This is a solid course. I got frustrated after losing three discs in the water, but that was my fault for being too aggressive on a windy day.
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1 2
Experience: 6 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Being fairly new to disc golf, this course has been a great one to learn on. A practice area with a putting basket and plenty of space for practice drives provides a great opportunity to limber up your arm. Concrete tees on most holes is a major plus, especially when it rains (which is incredibly rare in Lubbock). Great diversity of holes and a fine balance between risk and reward. The locals are great, and I haven't once played this course without meeting other players who had something to offer in the way of helping me develop my game.


Though most holes are permanent with concrete tees, there are a few that seem to have been thrown together last-minute. The small creeks (not the Brazos itself) tend to smell and harbor mosquitos, but I can't say it's been too bothersome.

Other Thoughts:

I'm a Lubbock local and I must say this course is a great diversion from the Lubbock norm. In the heart of town everyone complains of how flat Lubbock is, but elevation change seems to be an almost constant element on this course. It's not drastic, but just enough.

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4 1
denny ritner
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 170 played 115 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good course, be sure to bring a map 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 21, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays around the Brazos river, which provides a picturesque backdrop and hazard.

The cement tee pads are immense trapezoids.

The schule is light on most holes and few discs will be lost, other than in the water.

While the course favors the big arms from the back tees, the second set provides an appropriate challenge for most players. Overall, the course is well suited for players of all skill levels.

There is plenty of opportunity to air out the disc, but the course is not without some more interesting, technical challenges. Holes 6-15 are particularly good.

Hole 9 is my favorite hole on the course; a medium-long par 3 at 360ish with water down the right side. It affords the option to hyzer over the water or come in left-to-right around a huge old tree.

Hole 11 is the signature hole, which throws from a cliff tee over the Brazos river. It is a fine example of good risk/reward design.

Hole 15 in the long position is a nice fairly short par 4 with OB water down the left side.

Hole 21 provides a unique challenge on the finishing hole. The basket is located blind over the crest of a hill and must be thrown with power and accuracy to have a chance at deuce. The disc must be thrown up hill and flip sufficiently to stay straight as it rides over the crest and descends.


There are no informational tee signs and the navigation is squirrely in several places.

Holes 2-4 are long, open bombers that could be done without. Hole 5 is a nice little par 3, but requires players to backtrack its entire length to get to hole 6.

There are no directional signs up to the signature hole 11's tee. Once climbing up the hill to get to the deck/tee area, there isn't a descriptive tee sign. It didn't even occur to me that the hole was across the river. To add insult to injury, players must walk through hole 12 to get to the basket on hole 11.

Holes 16-20 are fairly pedestrian.

Overall this is a good course with some nice variety that could significantly benefit from descriptive tee signs and "next tee" signs. With adequate signage it could easily be a 4.0 course.

Other Thoughts:

Don't be a dirty discer; leave the course cleaner than the way you found it.

To read about my review philosophy check out the other info section on my profile.
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2 1
Disc Happens
Experience: 15.2 years 11 played 11 reviews
4.50 star(s)

My Favorite Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Course has many elevation changes, and scenery changes. Instead of having just one hole that is memorable, this course has three holes that you will never forget, like the 900 ft hole #2, the Cliff Shot at hole #11 throwing across the Brazos River and "Stonehenge" or hole #14 throwing over a ravine type area. This course is always changing and has 2-4 basket placements per hole. Course is easy to follow and is well maintained. Pro and Amature tee boxes give a great variety to some holes.


If you are afraid of losing discs or throwing near water, then this is not the course for you. Many of the holes are along water and you will most certainly lose a disc. Also if you cannot throw very far then the "Cliff Shot" is not going to be as cool because you are not going to be able to make the shot all the way across the Brazos and will again lose a disc.

Other Thoughts:

This course will require alot of walking so bring some water. After it rains the fairways can get flooded and become very hard to navigate.
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2 2
Experience: 29.5 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best in Lubbock 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Great variety! Landscape changes through course from desert/flat to wooded/cliffs and a little in between. Holes move often to really keep things changing. Plus a nice practice/putting hole right by the main parking lot.


Can be a bit confusing to find your way around to the next tees the first time you play. There's been efforts to post signs of each hole, but a lot have fallen down and there's several tees that aren't in plain site.

Other Thoughts:

I HATE lubbock, but have really come to love this course. Bring lots of water, sunscreen, and bug spray though.
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2 1
Experience: 14.8 years 8 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Quite Enjoyed it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 21, 2010 Played the course:once


Lots of different shots, not repetitive at all. Course layout is fantastic and the two cliff shots are great.


Lost a disc for the first time playing on hole 8 I think it is, the first cliff shot, can't find the thing anywhere. I wish things were a bit farther from the water on a few holes but other than that it was a blast

Other Thoughts:

As I mentioned above I lost my Wraith disc on the first cliff shot, highly recommend you have one person stay down low to help watch where they go. Other than that the varying shots, nice trees, well maintained park, it was fantastic.
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4 2
Experience: 15.3 years 9 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Awesome Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2009 Played the course:once


I came to lubbock from houston for the weekend and this course is much better than any couse that I have played in houston. The park looked amazing and there was lots of elevation and terrain changes.


I was not able to stay long because of who I came with.

Other Thoughts:

The cliff shot was not what I imagined but was still very challenging.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.3 years 138 played 28 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Played a few times now... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 17, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Well maintained park. Very good variety of holes to play. Nice concrete tees. Pleasing to look at. Holes changed frequently to add variety. Improved from my first impression. It never gets boring.


The river is pretty nasty...

Other Thoughts:

I really like this course and will play it every time I go to Lubbock. A "big arm" course that challenges your accuracy on the approach and the wind challenges your putts.
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4 0
Experience: 15.7 years 3 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Exercise and Beautiful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2009 Played the course:once


Good variety of hole. Lots of space, keep mostly away from park visitors. Beautiful park with lots of holes. Really long pads of concrete with benches. Trees shade most of the course but not too many in the way.


Never did find 7 or 8 pad or basket. 11 was missing a basket. It has rained a lot so 16 and 17 were flooded and I had to walk around the park to get to 5 because of the low water crossing.

Other Thoughts:

11, 14 and 21 made the course. If you are in Lubbock you really need make this part of you visit. Watch out for the attack geese on 5.
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2 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

walk the walk 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2009 Played the course:once


Really well done, spread out course. Enough changes of elevation and scenery to keep things interesting. Beginner and pro launching pads are good for starting point options as well.


Prepare to walk. Not that walking is entirely bad, it does give your arm a rest from throwing in between holes. There is a rather pesky water hazard that runs horizontal to one of the drive lengths and if your not careful you will put your disk down in the water, where it will be lost forever. unless you have waders and a stick, then you can just storm the water hazard freeing said disk and going on to play the rest of the course.

Other Thoughts:

bring water to drink, its very hot in the summer
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2 5
Experience: 28.8 years 12 played 8 reviews
5.00 star(s)

the best course I've played By FAR 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


hole 11 and 2(969 ft)! Wide open long shots to short technical. lots o water, lost Many-o-disc. lots of different types of holes. lots of elevation changes. Mrs. Baird's ( a large bakery nearby that emits wonderful smells)


the water is nasty (stinky and slimy). stupid amphitheater.

Other Thoughts:

this is the first course I ever played and have played there 200-300 times, and of all the courses I have played since then (probably 20) I still have not seen one to rival it, some come a little close but not there. they just don't have the diversity. and when you are down in the Yellow house canyon there you just can almost dream that you're not in Lubbock anymore
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3 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Big parking lot, plenty of room on weekends. Hole locations can vary, which adds to the excitement of the course. Hole #2 is a long 800ft.+ shot that you can really let it fly. Perfect location for the hole because the wind is coming from your back a majority of the year. Many of the holes around the back of the course "twist" through the surrounding hills, which adds to the variety as well. Many strategically placed holes around water. Several holes have elevation changes, up and down. Nice T's as well as baskets.


Course is somewhat littered, even though it is well maintained. May not be a con for some...but there are water hazards on 9+ holes. Large groups on weekends. Baskets may be hard to find for the first timer at the course.

Other Thoughts:

I play this course a number of times a week, and it never gets old.
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6 1
Marty McFly
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 59 played 11 reviews
4.50 star(s)

#1 in the area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 2, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Just a great park and landscape. Not what you would think of when going out to West Texas. Every hole seems to be fluid and fun. It is a older course but is well kept and maintained.

This is a must play! Every hole seems to be very hard and challenging. Recommended for advanced players!

The best cliff shot in Texas. Once you fly a disc from a great cliff, you then must carry your disc over water to an island green. This hole alone is worth it.


Bring water in the summer! This is a long walk.

Other Thoughts:

This was the course I learned how to play on. Best in the area and you need to play it!
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5 0
Experience: 31.4 years 961 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 30, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Well designed, challenging course in a beautiful park which is used infrequently by non-disc golfers. The course has extra-long concrete T-pads, a great course sign and map, a practice basket and a cliff shot.


Discs are easily lost in the water on several holes and are difficult to retrieve.

Other Thoughts:

West Texas is fairly flat, dry and has few trees. This course is in a park with hills, water, and large trees!
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