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Peru, IN

Maconaquah Park

Permanent course
3.245(based on 19 reviews)
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Maconaquah Park reviews

5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Old School Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2020 Played the course:once


Maconaquah Park 18 hole DGC ( ca.1983 ) sits in a corridor with 2 other old school courses ( Mississinewa 1985 )9 Honey Bear Hollow 1978 ) , right between these 2 making them 3 of the oldest 4 courses in the state . So if you are into nostalgia , Peru is for YOU .The parking lot for the course is kind of small , but there are other places to park nearby . I didn't remember any bathrooms before hole 12 , but I may have missed it . There is a kiosk next to the parking lot . You may want to take a picture of it . There was no online map There is a nice shelter house up on the hill ( hole #1 tee is directly behind it ) , and another one to use for a rest after hole #12 . The course and grounds were mowed and well taken care of when I was there . There were cement tees throughout , and good signs at every hole . Drawback is that they didn't tell the pin position . There are dual pin positions on most holes here. There were orange Spider Web baskets that were adequate . There was a fair amount of elevation for the course . The bottom dropped out of a few of the holes . The course is split up into 3 separate sections , 1-6 , 7-12 and 13-18 . with only the transition from 6-7 meeting at the parking lot .
I was lucky that a couple of the friendly locals started me in the right direction here . I won't go hole by hole , but there were some fun ones out there . The course travels out away from the lot for 3 holes , then comes back kind of alongside on the right . #6 hole tees you off with a putter or whippet shot steep downhill right to left a little over a creek bed to the basket tucked in next to the hill . Crossing the street , you will pick up #7 and slowly travel uphill into 7-12 holes . A small creek will come into play on several of these holes , first running down the left , then right . After ascending the hill and playing a couple of holes on the level ( 9 & 10 or 11 ? ) , you will have another more technical throw , straight downhill , where an large log across a gully might come into play , with the basket sitting on the left with a creek guarding it's rear and flank . You have to cross the road and climb the hill directly in front of you . There are steps to guide you . The next 6 holes are more park style . with some narrow fairways and some okay basket placements . The course shares the woods holes and has plenty of park holes to appeal to both preferences . Other than a lack of length , there are still a good variety of shots out there .You won't empty your bag on this course , but your midranges and putter will get a workout .

Disc Risk : moderate to minimal . The course does have elevation and blind shots , so the chance for a rollaway might be bigger than most courses , but the creek is small and the course is pretty cut back . You may have to look for your disc once in a great while ( #2 ,#12 , #13 ) .

Here are some holes worth mentioning . #2 travels through a tight treed fairway right to left and slightly uphill , snaking left to right to the pin guarded by small trees . #6 is a nice downhill utter run with a creek in play directly in front of you . #7 is a flat hole with a creek in play in front and on the right . #12 is a more intense steep downhill drive to a basket with the creek behind it . #16 is a sideways gully shot to a basket with trees in front with a big canopy to keep you from lofting a midrange/driver over the top .
Signature Hole : The finishing hole #18 . Even though it plays flat ,with the pin in the 430' spot , you have to navigate over a creek in front of you , make a right turn , with the basket siting on the left side of the creek .This takes you right in front of your car .
If I hadn't stopped for a cheeseburger and a beer at the shelter on #12 ( I found a friend ) the course would have taken me about an hour . Figure a 4some , where one knows the layout , about 2 hours . The course is short enough that you can bring your seldom playing friends with you , technical enough to keep your interest and fun enough to have a good time playing it . I recommend wearing some sturdy shoes . Coming off some of these hillsides can cause some nasty falls .


#1 Navigation . A 1983 course with no informative map with approximate pin locations on each hole ? Are you kidding me ? I would have looked for a long time just for hole #1 ( behind the shelter on the hill ). The course needs some Next Tee signs badly . No seriously long walks between holes , but ,,,,,
#2 Safety . The course kind of sits by itself , especially the first 12 holes or more . A couple of the fairways are close to each other , combined with a couple of blind shots and some looking for a missing disc ,which can mean that someone might get a close call ( or worse ) out on the course .
#3 The Elements . Some places on this course could use some steps or railings . Since this course is made up of a lot of woods and little grass in spots , after a good rain , it might be near impossible to play this course
#4 The course may not pose a challenge for the more gifted players , but hey , it's a 1983 course .
The course has been played for so long that it looks to be eroding in spots . I'm surprised that some of the tee pads aren't sliding away with a basket or 2 . This course is NOT cart friendly . Good luck getting one down to the #12 basket .

Other Thoughts:

After finding the first tee and figuring the flow , this course has a lot to offer . Water , lots of elevation . No big walks between holes . Friendly locals . This might be the type of course to chill on after having a bad day at work . This is not a course that can just " mail it in " . Short , but with deceiving tight lines or basket placements , Challenging enough , Maconaquah will make you work in spots . I really like the alternating pin locations ( although I don't know how often they change them ) Lots of fun factor here . Great shelters allow you to relax on the course , even drink a beverage . Thank You , Parks and Rec , for the upkeep on this course . And thanks , Mother Nature , for not raining before I came . They still might have been looking for my body at the bottom of #12 .

My Recommendation : Families ? Pretty steep for mom and dad , unless experienced players in decent shape . Not good for dates , unless she plays on the PDGA tour . Fun for newbies , great for locals , travelers ( get to holes 1,7 & 13 and you are fine ) , Course Collectors , . Depending on the pin position , it could be too easy for pros and good intermediates , But hey , you can't play monster courses all the time . Enjoy the park and the woods and PLAY IT !!!
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3 1
Experience: 26.3 years 67 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pleasant Surprise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2016 Played the course:once


Infrastructure. Tee pads are large and have good grip. Garbage cans plentiful.
Scenery: I like the climbs and the several holes that invoke the creek. Not very full when I played but I imagine the creek could be quite the hazard. Several very good holes like 9-10, 12, 14.


I'll echo some of the same sentiments about signage, but I always have to find my way around the first time at a course. I was dubious about the yardage measures, too, though.

The course is compact. Lots of fairways, e.g., 2&3, that are right on top of one another. If the course is crowded, I envision some interference among groups as you criss cross paths.

Other Thoughts:

I was pleasantly surprised, based on the rating prior to my playing the course.
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2 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.5 years 793 played 112 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Leave your cart in the car! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2015 Played the course:once


Newer spider baskets.
So many unique holes you will not see elsewhere.
Great mix of holes.
Signature Hole 18 beautiful double water shot that'll keep you coming back!


Finding hole 1 and 13!!!!!
Out of control erosion and dangerous trails.
There's a couple of walking paths that could use steps built in. Hole 12 I think it was? May be better to sit on your butt and slide down that one.

Other Thoughts:

I was lucky to meet two locals in the parking lot that have played here before. Otherwise I would have given up on finding hole 1 and left. Some kind of signage directing you to the first tee would be great.

This course could really benefit from having several holes shut down for a couple of years to let the grass/vegetation grow back. The erosion is out of control. It's going to have a few teepads sliding away, baskets fall out of the ground, or lose a hole all together.

Next tee signage would be a huge help in a few places. Especially the walk from 12 to 13. We actually encountered some players searching for hole 1 over on 13!

Hole 18 was amazing in the long pin position. Lots of water flowing thru the creek after a storm. Tons of fun!
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1 1
Experience: 16.4 years 24 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Huge improvement w/ new baskets 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Great new baskets, very easy to find with the orange painted on the baskets. Great use of elevation, some blind down hills and some interesting uphills. Will challenge your accuracy off the tee and better be prepared to throw some wicked second shots.


signage kind of week, first time players may have hard time finding 7th tee after finishing the sixth hole.

Other Thoughts:

great little gem along 31 to stop off at if traveling through. enjoyed the course much better this time bc of the baskets and weather being really nice for a saturday morning.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Intermediate/Expert 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2011 Played the course:once


- Course is set all around this city park, which does play near some shelters, parks, and roads, but it doesn't seem like interference would be a huge problem. Seclusion is right out the window, at the very least.
- Most of the course is set in a hilly, forested area with dirt fairways. There are some very interesting lines to be found out here, starting with #1. The long pin position is a 90 degree RHBH hyzer thanks to a long mando, over a creekbed. #2 is a tricky uphill shot that is either a tight, sharp RHBH hyzer or a sneaky shot diagonally through a wall of trees, over some schule. A very odd hole design... the rest of the holes in the front involve shooting up hills, over hills, down hills, across the creekbed, all while avoiding trees. Some tricky rollaway greens to be found as well; accuracy is important as well as controlled distance.
- Other holes play is less wooded areas, which have more defined fairways, especially holes #13-#15 and #17. Each one plays slightly uphill or downhill to add some challenge, on top of the hyzer or anyhzer/FH route to the basket. #18 is a long shot over the creekbed, which offers a safe hyzer route or a long anhyzer over a bunch of trees.
- #16 stands out as the only real open hole, which is a long valley shot with a pine tree to avoid. A great complement to the wooded holes, although the short pin position can be tucked into the trees as well. The long pin is a good huck that needs decent accuracy to avoid the pine.
- Good mix of hole lengths, there were some shorter ones in the forested areas, and some longer ones in the more open areas. I would estimate that half are over 300', mostly right around there. Bigger arms might not find much use for drivers out here, overall.
- Hand painted signs were spot on, teepads and baskets were good. Some tricky navigation here and there, with no map there might be some guessing going on the first time through. After #12, cross the street to the base of the hill.


- Definitely some erosion issues taking effect, with some cracked teepads and exposed basket concrete. It is going to be a serious problem sooner rather than later, it seemed.
- A lot of the forest holes didn't have many defined lines, it is just a matter of avoiding the trees. Holes out in the open were extremely defined, so there was only one way to go. Not much of a con, but not much thought is needed for some of the holes.

Other Thoughts:

- Overall, I enjoyed this course for some very interesting shots in the forest. With the rugged, sloping terrain, and many hazards like the creekbed and some dense rough, poorly executed shots can see some big-time punishment. Some very good elevation changes to be found here as well, both uphill and down. I felt each hole was interesting, starting off strong with #1 and #2.
- Did seem like the different pin positions will strongly influence how the course plays. Some of the long pins add a lot of difficulty and length. Either way, I would not recommend this course to beginners. Much better suited for intermediate or advanced players.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Balance and Variety 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 31, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- Located in a large multi-purpose public park, Maconaquah does a great job of incorporating the best of the park's terrain without interferring with other park activities. Above average variety in terms of elevation, water holes (a shallow creek wends its way throughout the course, coming into play nicely in several spots), distances and shot selection. A trio of unique holes (#'s 2, 12 and 18) stand out in my mind days after playing the course for the first time. Much of the course is moderately wooded, but a few longer holes are open, allowing for the bigger arms to let it rip.
- Great risk/reward. Between the OB water hazards (including an "island green" on 18) and drastic elevation changes (many holes slope downwards towards water), Maconaquah will keep even experienced discers on their toes throughout.
- Above average line-shaping potential exists on some of the more technical holes.
- Dual pin positions, although many don't seem to really change the look much, just add a bit of distance.
- The course loops back to the parking lot after hole #6.


- Unfortunately, a fair amount of trash was strewn throughout the course. Nothing a day of cleaning wouldn't fix, but it's sad to see such a fine course abused by litterbugs.
- Older baskets of dubious shape. Not terrible, but definitely below average.
- Confusing flow in a few places. No next tee signs where they are needed. Not much of an issue except for first-timers.
- One or two spots could cause safety issues for the mobility impaired (crossing the stream via treacherously wobbly rocks on the way from #12 to #13 in particualar stands out as dangerous).

Other Thoughts:

- Overall, Maconaquah provides a great public course. The elevation and water help make it the best balanced and perhaps most rewarding course to play in the greater Peru area, with perhaps the exception of France Park in Logansport (a personal favorite).
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6 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Crime and Punishment 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2011 Played the course:once


The variety of the challenges you'll encounter.


Course looks worn and minimally maintained - tees, signs, baskets all appear to be steadily deteriorating.

Other Thoughts:

Course is very unforgiving - errant or unlucky shots can be severely punished, as five holes bring water into play, and several baskets are located near very steep, tree-filled slopes - roll down one of them, and it'll be very difficult to work your way back towards the basket.

Course plays up, down, and across three hills, each with its own personality. Hill-A, providing holes 1-6, is thickly-populated with mid-sized trees, has the tightest lines, is a bit rolling, and twice brings the water into play. Hole-2 takes you up the hill, a long left-then-right turner, and hole-6 brings you steeply down the hill, needing a hard left at the end to avoid the creek straight ahead.

Hill-B hosts holes 7-12, with larger-but-more-scattered trees than hill-A. The elevation is gained by straight-up-the-slope number-8, and the next few holes are atop the plateau, fairly straight-n-short, but with the slope always looming nearby. Hole-12 takes you straight down the hill where the basket sits at the end of a gully - with the creek just scant feet behind!

Hill-C contains the largest trees, and is the most open/long. The first few holes take you gently up the slope, with thick woods on the left. Upon reaching the top, hole-15 is a nice challenge - straight for nearly 200', then needing a short-but-sharp right-then-left to reach the basket. The crew with me took turns unloading their bags on #16, which plays across the valley formed by the horseshoe-shaped ridge we were atop. Basket-18 is surrounded by water on three sides, with the rightside being the safest location. The distance from the tee to the water just in front of the basket is probably typical for most int-adv players, so can be quite intimidating.

Challenging course! Don't do the crime (poor/unlucky shot) if you can't do the time (scramble up steep tree-filled slopes, and/or go fishing for your discs). Spotter and/or creek-guarders recommended.
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5 1
Experience: 28.4 years 90 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Way fun,lots of water! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 20, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is a blast and very scenic. Has a beautiful creek running through alot of elevation. There are alot of technical lines that push your talents. If your not on your game you can have a long day here. There is alot of O.B. but very fair because of the short lenghth of most holes. Very hilly with lots of ups and downs and tricky basket placements near water or sloped greens. There are signs but they are a little vandalized. I like the old baskets, they make u throw a good putt. All in all i was amazed at how beautiful this place was in the middle of nowhere. Its definitely worth a play along with pieradise. Has large concrete pads.


Trash and vandalizm. Its a free park and kids have not tooken care of it. It still doesnt take away from how pretty the landscape is.
Navigation is tricky, after 12 you have to go across the playground and up the hill for the last 7 holes. Also, finding the next hole takes a little time.
Hole #2 confuses me, im not sure how its played and its a horrible setup.
People will complain about the baskets mainly cause they cant throw a putter straight. I dont mind old baskets on a short course, it helps even out the challenge.

Other Thoughts:

You have to play this course if your in the area. I played missisinnawa and pieradise and this is by far the most scenic. All the water and o.b. make this course super fun. I shot a 53 the first time through but there were many birdies i missed. Its one of the funnest courses i played. I just hope the locals start taking care of it. A great piece of land. Loved it
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10 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Needs some work 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 26, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a hilly and wooded section of a large multi-use park. You pass by other park uses, but they don't interfere with any of the holes. There is elevation change on most holes, and several holes have pretty drastic ups or downs making for some fun and challenging shots. Many greens have roll away possibility or water nearby, making for some nice risk/reward decisions around the basket. The woods are thick enough to make you hit your lines and punish you for errant shots, but not thick enough that they eat discs. There are lots of water hazards along the fairways, but most are creeks that are easy to get a disc back from.

The course has a good mix of hole shapes so it never feels repetitive. The alternate pin locations would mix it up even more, though I'm skeptical of how often the baskets are moved. There are some ace runs if you hit your line through the trees, and some longer shots where you get to open up a little more, and the course plays pretty balanced for righties or lefties.


The design of the course is pretty good, and would normally get a higher rating from me, but the upkeep here really hurts the experience. The baskets are old and in pretty poor shape, many don't stand straight and they don't catch well at all. The tee signage is basic, and most are vandalized, and they don't have any way of marking current pin position (many holes are blind here, so that's a lot of extra walking to know where to throw).

There are some rough spots navigating the course, several next tee signs would be really helpful. There's one spot in particular, I don't remember the hole number but right after you play steeply downhill to the creek, you have to walk across the creek, past the playground, and up the hill on the other side to find the next hole. There is a lot of trash and vandalism here, making it feel a bit abandoned.

Other Thoughts:

With new baskets and signage, this course has a ton of potential. It's got a lot of the design elements to be challenging and fun, with plenty of variety. Beginners will find it a little tough and punishing, especially with all the creek hazards. More experienced players will love the challenges here, and there's enough fun factor and variety to almost overlook the feeling that the course has been neglected for a while. It's worth a stop as is, and has the potential to be one of the best in the area with some work.
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9 3
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 103 played 49 reviews
2.50 star(s)

More rusty chains than a mildewed dominatrix dungeon 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2010 Played the course:once


- There are long, grooved, cement tee pads on every hole. And though you can fall to your death from the top of a couple of them, it's nice that these are there and most are in acceptable shape.
- Elevation changes are lovely. And while a ski lift or a rocket booster will be required if you throw off of the side of one of the hills, they do make for interesting shots and provide a lot of challenge.
- there are a ton of different shots to be had on this course. Most of them involved figuring out which chasm my disc had rolled into, but all of them were fun and mostly different from one another.
- most of the signs on the tee pads were present and showed you both pin locations. Some of the locals were even nice enough to add some extra drawings of phallic symbols to the signs, which meant I had to have the "talk" with my son right there on the spot. Don't sweat it, I lied to him and told them that it was a picture of a mushroom leaking spores.


- The baskets on this course are terrible on levels that don't even begin to make sense. The chains sound like they are made out of recycled paper mache and catch like a blind circus midget who lost his hands in a tragic cotton candy machine accident. on top of that, a couple of the baskets will actually spin or lean over if you hit them in the middle. While "interesting", I prefer that the baskets just catch my disc instead of leaning like an old homeless drunk when I hit them.
- The navigation on this course is just awful . Magellen would have had trouble finding a couple of these holes. And while I am no Magellen, I am smarter than the average 4th grade chimp. It took quite a while to find a couple of the holes on the back and I was tired of climbing hills by the time we got to our destination. And much like the little fella on the Price is Right, I was yodeling on the way to the top of the hills, and fell off of the side.
- Lots of trash and garbage and refuse on the course. Yes, it's all the same thing. What of it? Take better care of your local course and I wouldn't have to write these things out? savages.
- The shelter house on the way to one, which is WAY too far away from parking by the way, looks to have been abandoned some time ago and has now been taken over by mosquitoes the size of raccoons. the bathroom in that place smelled of elderberries. (TM)

Other Thoughts:

If I was giving this course a grade, it would be an C- . Meaning, I wouldn't play this course again if given the choice. There are three FAR superior courses in a 10 miles radius of this course, and all of them are funner (my word), better kept and more challenging.
Sure, it's a course. But I could theoretically eat blackboard chalk and survive for some time, but I don't think I would want to.
Does that even make sense? Probably not. Either way, go play one of the other courses in the area instead of this one.
and now, I have to clean the AIDS water from my discs.

and for the record, voting this review as unhelpful just because you disagree with my assessment of the course is bush league. I cover every part of the course in this review. You want to see unhelpful? Check out some of the microsentences that people are attempting to pass off as reviews.
Thanks and big smooches.
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6 2
Experience: 19.3 years 13 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

first time in awhile 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-Tee pads for every hole.
-Lots of elevation change for the area
-Good mix of woods (more woods) and open
-Plenty of benches to rest
-A few blind holes (lots of fun if you spot em out first)


-Baskets are getting old. A couple were kinda beat up
-Missing several signs.
-Needs signs to the next tee on several holes

Other Thoughts:

First time I have played here in about 2 or 3 years. It was sad to see how little care this place has had. I know Peru has a lot of courses, but its sad to see how little this one is taken care of. I forgot where a couple of the holes were and it took me a minute to find them.
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7 0
Experience: 14.3 years 60 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very fun course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Alot of exciting shots that really take advantage of the areas steep elevation changes. Plenty of those "signature" shots that really define a course. The course is FREE, which is always good! Good concrete t-pads, alternate pin placements, and bathrooms on the back nine. Right inside peru, so its easy to get to.


Some of the holes were hard to navigate to, in particular on the back nine when you cross the play ground. The signage was ok, some of the holes required scouting to see where to throw.

Other Thoughts:

Was a VERY fun course! I had a great time at this one. There were so many shots that required a variety of techniques and discs. Hole 6, I think it was, was one of these, a short left to right down a steep hill with ob not far away was one that comes to mind. The front 9 was pretty wooded with the back opening up and allowing for some drives. The course was alot of fun and I look forward to playin this one next time im in the area!
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3 3
Pro Destroyer
Experience: 16.3 years 25 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Its just OK 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 27, 2010 Played the course:once


-Elevation changes are a nice challenge.
-Water isnt deep at all
-Most of the courses have a nice display showing two different tees and location.
-Mostly a technical course and is very different from other courses.


-Some baskets are directly behind a tree.
-A lot of inclines, meaning that if you make a mistake on a throw your disc will likely go rolling about 50 feet away from the basket.
-As previously mentioned, maintenence is a big issue, most of the course seems relatively untouched, which is kind of surprising considering there was a sign saying it was home to a local disc golf club.
-Although the water is low, it is nasty, and there doesnt seem to be a lot good ways to cross it.
-Only one hole that truly lets you test your arm.
-Baskets are ancient, bent and rusty.

Other Thoughts:

Its not a bad course, it just needs some updating, a lot of love could go a long way, i would say to play it at least once.
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1 3
Experience: 41.4 years 11 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Old faithful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 3, 2006 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of elevation change, tight fairways and is very very pretty in the summertime. Easy to find all the holes, a pavilion for events. Water holes are very cool.


Only a couple spots to turn it loose and rip it. A couple holes are just kinda weird.

Other Thoughts:

I lived about 2 miles south of the park on SR 19. It is a good solid course, not overly long but yet a little challenge. I wish I could get down to play it again soon.
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5 1
Experience: 15.2 years 24 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2009 Played the course:once


Very tight technical course for the most part, their are however a couple of holes that you can really let loose on. The baskets are moved periodically between two different locations. Very good use of elevation change in the park. Plenty of benches to rest at also if you need to.


The creek that comes into play on several of the holes is not a con, but the lack of any way over it on most of the holes other than going through it is.

Other Thoughts:

This is by far the best of the four courses that I have played in the area. If you have problems with lots of elevation changes, you might want to consider playing a different course. I love the fact that most of the holes play though the woods, forcing you to think about your shot and play smart.
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10 0
Anger Monsoon
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best Course in Peru 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2008 Played the course:once


This has the best landscape, variety of shots, and challenge in the Peru area by a ways in my opinion. It has elevation changes, good basket placements (long pins are apparently extremely difficult, though I've only played the shorts, which are entertaining and nasty), use of water (great river on three holes, another one on hole 1 that comes into play), and requires a variety of shotmaking and intelligence in order to play this course well.

Awesome risk/reward on this course. There's plenty of technical holes, trees everywhere, and big drop-offs if you miss the fairway or blow by baskets. There's lots of ace possibilities, too. Many holes are reachable in the short position for birdie by recreational players if you throw the shot you're trying to execute. However, some (18 comes to mind, on an island green, effectively, which plays (in the short) a solid 300 to the green with water surrounding it, though you can lay up and play for par; I hear the long is even nastier!) have lots of challenge for more serious players. A couple good open holes on the back 9 for a change. Really the elevation and bitchy fairways here make for risk/reward and precision play, which the other courses in Peru, while very solid, cannot give you; it's one of my favorite disc golf courses in Indiana, if not in the midwest. If I lived here, I'd play the hell out of this course.

Note that the water on most of the course is navigable to get discs back, but I dunno if I'd go into the water on 18 if I couldn't see my disc.


The baskets are old and rough-looking. This course in general could use better maintenance and could be a really great course if taken care of better and trimmed back a bit. Don't leave valuable stuff in your truck bed or unlocked car (somebody stole a cooler of tasty Michigan beer from me while playing, which really pissed me off, since then not only was I beerless, I was angry; though that one's probably my fault for leaving it out there; still, you think disc golfers would have a little more respect). As others have noted, the signage could use a little bit of work.

Other Thoughts:

The course is a little wild, and as such it's not for recreational players that don't want to be forced to improve. There's some crazy people around (and be careful of hitting them while playing). It's Peru, after all. If you're used to playing open courses or flat courses or courses that don't have a little weird edge to them, this is a must play. You can definitely injure yourself on this course if you're not careful. But then where else do you get to try to figure out how to throw 150' down a blind crevice to a basket at the base of it without blowing by into the river behind. There are lots of shots like this that you won't find at other midwest (if any) courses.

Probably it's a must play anyhow on your trip to this strange disc golf mecca of central Indiana. I'd give it a 4.5 if it was cleaned up and better groomed. The 3/5 review that it currently has makes me sad. I can see why people gave it that rating, because the course and equipment need some TLC, definitely, but I'd rather play a little beat up weirdo course like this that offers such awesome variety and elevation and water than play some perfectly-groomed flat, open, short-ass course any day.
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3 4
Experience: 20.4 years 153 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Purely Peru 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 13, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course is in the heart of Peru and is free to anyone who enjoys a day in the woods. Features tee signs and trash can at every hole. Concrete tees and a practice basket near the parking lot. There is also a nice shelter that the league uses. Well wooded with alternate hole placements for different looks though I know not who or how they are decided. Good use of elevation. Creek runs through almost entire course. Mostly tight wooded shots with a couple chances to air it out. Recomend to any level player.


Look out for the natural spring walking to your drive on 18; stepping into that is purely disgusting.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 203 played 47 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great for being a public park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 9, 2009 Played the course:once


Variety of holes-long/short, wooded/open, flat/elevation changes. Pavilion with picnic tables, creeks make some holes challenging, good signage giving distance and visual maps. Alternate pin locations. benches at every tee, nice tee pads.


Lack of bridges/crossways over creeks or ravines. Older baskets. A few holes were difficult to find. Long walk from parking lot to first tee.

Other Thoughts:

This course was actually a lot of fun to play for my first time. I enjoyed the difficulty of the elevation changes. The creek(s) that run through the course are well integrated into the course design and come into play on many holes. As larry mentioned, there were several holes throwing from an elevated tee or throwing to an elevated basket.

I'd say that 2/3 of the holes were in the woods and the other 1/3 in the more open areas allowing you to let off a bomb on a few holes. Fairways were open allowing you to find a clear path to the basket.

There were a few holes that crossed the creek or a steep ravine that did not have a bridge where I thought one should have been. There were several very steep and tall ridges. I had my disc bounce off of a tree and land on a ~70 degree slope and threw from there; it made for a most interesting shot.

Overall, I'd sum this course up as a must play when in Peru. It is just on the south side of town seperating Honeybear Hollow from Mississiniwa and Peiradise. If you have time, I'd suggest playing this course, but bring your hiking boots and repelling gear.
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2 0
Experience: 32.4 years 51 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

My Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 11, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Very nice elevation changes and some really cool shots. e.g. tee box down to basket 50ft drop. Tee box to basket 50ft incline. Lots of trees on the front 9. Back 9 opens up a bit with some picturesque shots.


Baskets are very old and were not very well maintained. Fairways were not well keeped, lots of brush and poison oak and ivy as well as thorn bushes. Overall it seems to be lacking in care from both the club and park mgt.

Other Thoughts:

I have played this course years ago and at that time it appeared to be slipping in they way of TLC, it has great potential some wonderful shots with lots of variety. Would love to see it upgraded. We drove 2 hours to play and was an ok experience. Used to be one of the great courses in my eyes back in the early 90's.
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