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Lancaster, PA

Manor Township Community Park DGC

Permanent course
1.85(based on 5 reviews)
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Manor Township Community Park DGC reviews

13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 24.3 years 565 played 90 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Gimme back my putter! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2022 Played the course:once


Manor Township is a nice multi-use park that provides a diverse range of challenges for a 9-hole course. Distances ranged from 175' to 414', with four holes 220' or shorter and two holes 380' or longer. Hole designs also varied nicely, with tunnels, open bombers, low ceilings, and the creek frequently in play (but see cons). Most of the course is flat but a couple of holes feature moderate elevation changes.

Yellow-banded baskets, each with a number plate, were easy to spot, mounted level, and caught pretty well. An arrow on each basket points the way to the next tee. Post-mounted tee signs include a colorful map, distance, and (generous) par. One tee and one basket per hole.

Tunnel holes beside and across the creek challenge accuracy (but see cons), and baskets set close to the creek require control on drives and approaches. I enjoyed hole #7, an uphill right-turning shot with a tree to miss on the left and trouble on the right. Hole 9 was unconventional but also fun, featuring a righty sidearm chip across the creek followed by a long approach through scattered trees.


Even for a mixed-use park Manor Township has an unusually high number of safety hazards, with two particular examples standing out. Hole #3 is a 380' open bomber with a picnic table and walking path in the middle of the fairway and a baseball field in range of a poorly thrown drive. Hole #8 is a short, right-turning downhill through scattered trees with a busy picnic area just left of the fairway. Playing on a hot summer weekend I had to time my drive to avoid hitting children who were playing in the line of fire.

Risk of disc loss is fairly high. Hole #1 is a 173' toss across the creek, but overhanging branches on the far bank are eager to knock errant drives into the water. After missing the gap I spotted my putter in the creek a foot from the edge, but found no way to retrieve the disc without wading through an ocean of poison ivy. Bye-bye putter. Trimming the overhanging branches and controlling the poison ivy would make this a lovely starting hole.

Unimproved natural tees were frequently sloping and/or impeded by tree branches or encroaching rough. If you are going to pick a random patch of grass to tee from, why not choose a spot that is level and unobstructed? For example, on hole #4 the teeing area slopes sideways and is partly blocked by pine branches that hang below head height. During my round I considered the teeing areas to be general suggestions rather than specific locations.

Disc-eating rough is a factor on many holes. I mentioned poison ivy already, but gosh there sure was a lot so I shall mention it again. This course might be more enjoyable during the winter months after the rough has died back.

Walks between holes are generally short, but there is a fairly long hike past a parking lot between holes 7 and 8. It took me a little while to find the hole #9 tee, which is hidden behind shrubbery near the creek.

Other Thoughts:

Despite some nice course elements my round here was much less enjoyable than it should have been. Manor Township has the potential to be a very nice community course, but achieving that potential will require re-thinking a few holes for safety and playability, improving the tees, and committing to regular course maintenance.

Not really a con, but there was a weird disconnect between the tee sign and reality on hole #4. The sign shows a sharp and unrealistic dogleg left around a line of trees, but there is no mando requiring one to throw that line. When you step to the tee you will see a straight path through the trees to the basket.

Hole #6 is another odd one. A pretty 291' hole with the creek along the right side finishes with an overgrown tunnel to the basket that risks kicking OB in the creek or getting stuck in thick rough. Perhaps with some trimming this would be a reasonable line. I laid up short, chipped up to the basket, and then realized there is a back door if you just drive straight and land precisely at the opening. Meh.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 442 played 410 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Mostly Forgettable...except for the water 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 4, 2020 Played the course:once


Somebody put a 9 in a small park 15 years ago, and….well, that's the end of the story

+ Hole #1 is a short throw across the river through narrow openings on both banks. It's a decent hole, and a bit intimidating as your first throw of the round. Unfortunately, #1 is far and away the most interesting hole of the 9

+ Holes #5 and #6 are nicely narrow, short wooded holes with a walking path along the left to provide some OB. #6 throws along an alley and into a protected basket

+ The layout uses the natural elevation of the park (the geography of the area is gradually sloping down to the river that runs through the park).


- This is a small park with picnic pavilions, ballfields, and some open spaces for running around. The disc golf layout is grafted onto the existing park, so a busy summer day will mean throwing through other park activities

- Hole #9 is just a dumb mess of a hole. A 350' par 5? Sure, because your first shot is a short chip across the same river from #1, and then the hole takes a hard right turn to play 300' along the water. The hole could have been a genuine long par 3 or short 4 without forcing it to include the water crossing off the tee.

~ The park itself is nothing special, and I doubt it gets any maintenance beyond mowing. It's great that somebody saw to it that a disc golf course was installed in the early 2000's - but there's no evidence that it gets much play or care

Other Thoughts:

COURSE AMENITIES: Good baskets, excellent signage (which even indicate which way is North), no tees, bathrooms on site when park is open

~ Pro Tip: Park near the ballfield and start on Hole #8. That gives you a little while to warm up before you face the tight water crossing on Hole #1, and you finish on a decent uphill #7, instead of #9

~ Manor Township is only worth a quick visit if you're on a bagging run exploring the many courses in the greater Lancaster area. Otherwise, you're better to spend your time at the nearby superior courses like Herr and Buchmiller

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4 0
Experience: 10.5 years 44 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 17, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


It's short, it's local, it's easy to get in nine holes while on lunch break. I've never seen it particularly crowded. Great course to practice finesse and gentleness. Hole 7 is a doll for left-handed players: Throw a big looping hyzer that fades RIGHT.


A lot of the holes are birdie/bogey...either you hit your line or you don't. Hole 5 is a fussy little tunnel shot...Hole 6 is a tunnel that dead ends and then you have to bash your way through forty feet of garbage to get to a ruthlessly protected basket.

Other Thoughts:

The short shot across the creek on hole #1 is cute and, for me, the most memorable hole. It's only 100' away! What could possibly go wrong? Bring a disc that does NOT float...the creek is clear and shallow, but moves at a decent clip.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.3 years 48 played 23 reviews
1.00 star(s)

A Surprisingly Interesting Layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 30, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


For what I think was a Boy Scout project from ten years ago, it's actually an interesting and fun layout with nine unique holes. Good variety and use of elevation and trees, and it's cool how most of the course is on the inside of the horseshoe-shaped path of the Little Conestoga Creek.

Having played the course in the early 2000's and not having been back until now, I was surprised by how much fun some of the holes
were. #4 is a cool little ace run 150' down the side of the hill through tight woods. #5 plays down a long alley along the creek under a canopy of trees.


There are a couple playability and safety issues. Hole #1 was designed as a short throw over the creek, but riparian vegetation and trees planted since the course has basically eliminated all options except a thumber. Hole #9 is also a throw over the creek that turns right blind and puts pedestrians in danger.

You can't really play the course using the tee post as a tee. You sort of have to look at the 30' radius around the post and determine what would make sense.

Other Thoughts:

Navigation is not very tough. Look for #3 post up toward the volleyball courts slightly hidden in pine trees. Look for #6 down the path and hook to the right. #9 is across the creek and in the back right corner of the picnic area near the creek.

This course has a lot of potential to be turned into a good 9-hole course because of its layout and land. Baskets could be installed and tees re-placed and the layout tweaked (modify #1 and #9), and I'd love to have this park nearby.
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3 0
Experience: 15.3 years 50 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 14, 2010 Played the course:once


Course makes good use of the land available. Holes range from 101 to 380 ft. 2 holes require a short throw over the creek, but can still be tough with the brush and trees on the bank. For the most part holes are designed to stay away from other park users. Rest rooms available. Plenty of parking.


Tees are marked with posts in the ground. Course is an object course with 4x4 posts about 4 ft high. Most holes are straight with not much to have to avoid. One holes requires a throw across a walking path.

Other Thoughts:

Only 2 holes actually require a throw over water but there are 4 more holes that go near the creek and with an errant throw, you could end up in the creek. Creek is clear and not too deep. Disc retrieval should not be a problem. Some holes have small trees planted in the fairways which will make the course better in 5+ years. Would get another 1 star if course would have baskets instead of being an object course.
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