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Westfield, ME

Maple Ridge Disc Golf

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Maple Ridge Disc Golf reviews

13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A fine course at a great location in The County

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 19, 2023 Played the course:once


Interesting design for the tees, wooden platforms with roofing shingles nailed on them. First time I have seen this used, and they worked well.
All the baskets were in good shape, I don't recogniz the Kingpin name, but they caught well.
Rather small tee signs, shaped like a Maple Leaf (nice touch), gives you Par and Distance and a small path of the hole, just enough for first timers.
Carved out of the woods, most holes are heavily wooded, except for #1 and #18, even they have a few trees to avoid. There are a few openings in the woods, #2, #5,#9, and #11 come to mind, partially open holes, but with gaps to hit, early or late.
I seem to mention this on most courses, but there is a good mix of left and right turning holes, even a couple with trees down the middle and gaps to hit on either side.
A good mix of distances also, from 150' to 665'. Mostly Par 3s, but 4 Par 4s and 2 Par 5s, one on each nine.
Located right off US1, the gateway to "The County", 1 turn and you are in the parking lot, so very easy to get to. Yet after the first couple of holes the road noise pretty much dies out.
Small pro shop, pay box, practice baskets and Port a Potty right there, no question about where to go or where the First Tee is.


Its always nice to finish with a birdie, and if you are playing an event here, #18 is a must get. But, its a little soft for a finishing hole.
After the well designed Par 5 14th, #15 reqiures a straight drive then right or left through small gaps, not a lot of room either way you go.
A few other fairways probably could use a little more clearing, but that was probably my game getting in the way.

Other Thoughts:

For such an isolated part of the country, Maple Ridge is a great course for Aroostock County. There are a few courses up and down US1 from I-95 with the latest entry being Shady Ridge, a course designed by Eric McCabe. I imagine that one will play a little more difficult, but Maple Ridge is a course accessible to about everyone.
A couple of my favorite holes were:
#2 - 390' Par 4 - after a mostly open and flat opening, this one has a few trees to beat off the tee, to an opening in the woods, then uphill to a small knoll and right to the basket guarded by hardwoods.
#12 - 335' Par 4 - definitely tighter off the tee, then into thicker woods off the tee, you need to turn it a little to the left to hit the gap, then the upshot is in the thick woods with the basket on the right, on a small upslope.
#14 - the better of the two Par 5s, and longest hole on the course at 665'. The tee shot is mostly open, but starts to narrow down, then the fairway drops and turns pretty sharp to the left. At the bottom, you have another gap to clear then it goes back uphill and flattens out to the basket. I would love to see someone with real distance play this hole.
Overall, Maple Ridge is a very good course, challenging enough with the amount of foliage, but not overly brutal with distance. There is only one tee and one basket (which are concreted in, pretty typical for Maine DG) per hole, so not a lot of variety for repeat plays. All the Pars felt pretty accurate and not "Maine Pars" that I found on several other courses.
I'm glad I played this course right after bagging my first Canadian course in Woodstock, NB and even got to meet and throw a round with enragedmullet to end my trip to "The County".
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 278 played 254 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Disc Golf in "The County" 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


I was pleased to learn that there was a new(ish) DG course way up in North Maine that was rumored to be much better than the mediocre course at the college in Presque Isle. So my wife and I took a trip north and got in a couple of rounds.

This course plays through an old farmstead that has been in the owners family for a few generations. This provides an interesting mix of trees and turf that gives the course some of its more memorable holes. Overall the course is on the short side, coming in at exactly 5000 feet for the 18 holes. With just six holes over 300' and only two of those over 400' you'd think that the course might lack character, but that's not the case.

In addition to holes that play completely in the trees, there are several that tee off down beautiful grassy fairways, and then enter the woods a significant distance downrange. This makes for a relatively open drive, but the need to position the landing in an area that gives you access to the wooded portion of the fairway. Hole 4 at 390' is the first example. Probably 200' of the hole is wide grass fairway, but the remainder is heavily wooded and a good bit narrower.

Hole 9 is another example of an open drive with a large bunker of trees centered about 200' from the tee. You need to choose either the right side or the left, and both alleys are deceptively well guarded.

Gently rolling hills add some challenge with uphill and downhill drives, and a couple of tough sidehill holes tucked into the woods.

Infrastructure consists of some re-purposed Disc King baskets in unusual pastel green and orange colors. They are showing their age with some rusty chain but they catch great. Teepads are wooden platforms topped with heavy-duty roofing shingles. They worked fine but were a bit on the small side.

Plenty of trash cans and some benches here and there, and a small clubhouse/check-in station that was open one morning I played but closed the next. I saw more benches being built and painted near the parking area, so it looks like a work in progress.


Many of the shorter holes are kind of "duece or die" type holes. If you hit your line you should be in position for an easy two. I'd say that about half of the holes fall into this category. So while this is a fun course to play, it isn't particularly challenging. I imagine that league scores here are double-digits below par.

A couple of the greens had little stubs of 1" diameter trees protruding an inch or two above the ground. It looks like they may have been cut flush but traffic and compaction has exposed them. I had some "perfect" approaches sliding to within 10' of the basket only to catch one of these and bounce or roll away. This type of completely random obstacle is frustrating and detracts from the experience.

Wooden tee pads are starting to show some age, with most of them growing mushrooms/fungus along the edges, and one of them cracking under me as I stepped up. Also a few were off level, typically sloping front-to-back.

Tee signs were simple number plates, so you had to refer to the scorecard for distance. On the longer holes a walk up the fairway was necessary to spot the basket. No problem, but better signs would improve the experience for traveling players.

Other Thoughts:

It's great to see a well designed, well run course way up in this part of Maine. With apple trees spread throughout the course and a pleasant mixture of gently rolling woods and grassy areas this is a really pleasant course to play some rounds on.

A large sign on the highway makes locating the course easy, and a large gravel parking lot with a clean porta-pottie makes for a good introduction to the course.
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 12.9 years 117 played 81 reviews
4.00 star(s)

King of The County 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 1, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


+ Kingpin baskets are in great shape and catch super well.

+ Tee pads are wooden platforms with roofing shingles for no-slip help.

+ Signage - nice, large, bright orange maple leaves w/ #, distance, par & basic hand-sketched map

+ Course plays a loop; there's also a 9 hole variation that plays a loop

+ Navigation is a breeze. The course flows intuitively and usually the next tee is within sight of the basket you just played. Fairways are in great condition, even on the more wooded holes.

+ Over the last few years fairways have been expanded in some areas and the course is getting nice and worn-in. If you end up off-fairway the rough isn't generally terrible.

+ Trash cans/benches or tables at or near every tee

+ Great use of the available elevation - you'll be shooting level, uphill and downhill

+ Great variety in hole distances, skewing to the short side but you've got 3 100-200' holes, 10 between 201' & 300', 3 between 301' and 400', and 2 that are more than 400'.

+ No two holes are the same here. Each has its own challenges and it never feels repetitive.

+ Amenities: Stocked clubhouse with discs available for purchase or rent. Usually plenty of parking. The parking/clubhouse area also has several tables and chairs around, I also saw a couple grills and practice baskets. Port-O-John on-site.

+ There are some open shots but not what I would necessarily call bombers - 14 being an exception - most holes have either the basket guarded or an obstacle of some type. I can't say enough about the excellent conditions - it's obvious that a hell of a lot of work has gone into the place.

+ Locals I've met are super friendly. There's a very active league community here, taking full advantage of a fun course.


I'm just going to say that these cons are really nit-picky, I've always been impressed with this course.

- Tee pads, though well constructed, might seem a bit on the short/narrow side for some.

- 13 of 18 holes are 300' or less, so if you're one who prefers super long courses you might be underwhelmed.

Other Thoughts:

I have a hard time not gushing about this place. Over the last couple of years I've come to think of it as one of best I've played. Every hole offers something different. If you hit it on a day with low traffic it's hard not to throw multiple discs, just to play around. The grounds are simply beautiful, it's almost like taking a walk through a city park, it's just plain scenic if you ask me. On #6 anyone familiar with Star Wars might think of Endor. Keep your eyes open for wildlife.

The last couple of years have seen several new courses pop up in Aroostook County but Maple Ridge reigns supreme among them IMO. It's the only "whole package" around - amenities, maintenance, design, attractiveness, etc.

Favorite holes? Hard to pick just three so - 3, 5, 6 & 14

I can never say enough good things about Maple Ridge. I always leave with a smile on my face. Excellent course.
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3 3
Dave Wood
Experience: 36.3 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Awesome Course!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This is a well maintained course that can both be enjoyed by beginners while also challenging experienced players. Great variety of terrain:. From open fields to more technical wooded holes....and some in between! Small Pro shop on site with discs for sale or rent, and a small selection of beverages.


Bugs can be thick in very early spring, not an issue after that.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course that I feel is well worth the drive from central or even southern Maine just to play! First class course in all aspects.
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