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Marion, NC

Marion Disc Golf Park

0.835(based on 9 reviews)
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Marion Disc Golf Park reviews

5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Can’t believe I gave this little course this long of a review. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2010 Played the course:once


- Decent Little Shots. Surprisingly enough, (after having looked at the courses disc score and read the other reviews), Marion had a few decent little shots. It wasn't even close to being epic, but it wasn't terribly lame either (although bordering on terribly lame). All the holes were very short and practically reachable with a putter. The only thing that made the shots decent was the...
- Use of Terrain. For such a small crappy course, the use of terrain here might be about as good as it gets. Every hole had some sort of elevation change, with a few being fairly drastic... and others having the potential for drastic rolls. Aside from the hills, trees and brambles were used effectively... as well an eroded ravine.


- The Forgotten Course. Someone went through the trouble of getting permission, getting the baskets, installing the tees and pins... and then... it seems like that's about when they forgot about the course. The tee-pads were unfinished (in that they were un-mulched), the 2x4 frames were weathered and buckling, and there were weeds growing out of center of them. It didn't appear that anyone had played the course in months.
- The DOG. Behind the Pin of Hole 6 and the tee-pad of Hole 7 is the meanest dog in the world. It was some sort of terrier/pit bull mix and he was Pissed Off that we were there. He was chained tightly to his dog house... but that was of little reassurance since there was no fence. If your disc was to travel into his range, forget about it; you might as well have thrown it in a lake, cuz your not getting it back.

Other Thoughts:

- DCB18's Big Putt. On Hole 6, DiscChainBasket18's drive bounced off the top of the basket and flew to within feet of the DOG's reach. Simply put, the dog was foaming at the mouth and practically on DCB18's calf as he knocked down one of the best 25 foot putts I have ever seen.
- Pulling into the Park... you can see all the baskets on the side of a hill. In one view you can see 5 baskets, seemingly right next to each other... and you think to yourself (or to your travel partner), "Damn, this is going to suck." However, once on the course, the layout begins to open up and it makes sense. They did about as good as they could with what they had.
- No Tee-Signs. (Usually a Con)... although, once you find Hole 1, you don't really need them to play the course.
- Directions to Hole 1. From the parking lot, walk down the sidewalk past the picnic shelter and down to the basketball court. You'll see the tee-pad there, along with a welcoming sign. From then on, navigation is a breeze.
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