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Glen Ellyn, IL

Maryknoll Park

2.215(based on 19 reviews)
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Maryknoll Park reviews

4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 150 played 83 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Fine Chicago Nine 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


- Decent variety for a 9-hole park-style course, makes good use of available land

- Well-manicured park is always in good condition and has other activities on-site


- Limited difficulty, with long grass rough providing more annoyance than challenge on several holes

- Outdated tee-signs and other aging equipment.

Other Thoughts:

The disc golf course at Maryknoll Park is a good example of doing the best with what you are given. The potential for quality disc golf here is not very high, yet there are a surprising number of interesting holes in this very pleasant, multi-use park. Small hills and slightly sloping greens help give a little challenge to some otherwise completely open holes (e.g. 2, 8, 9), and the limited number of trees are put to good use forcing some slight shot shaping (e.g. holes 3, 4, 5). That said, there still isn't much challenge here, and birdies are certainly easier to come by than bogies, especially for even moderately experience players. The prairie grass shaping many fairways here isn't as thick or tall as I've seen elsewhere, but it still isn't fun to try and find your disc in.

The course was clearly re-designed some time ago, as the tee-signs are just about worthless for accurately describing distance. I would not have thought this to be a big deal to change, especially for a community like Glen Ellyn, but considering reviews have been mentioning this since 2014, it seems unlikely to be remedied. Similarly, the baskets are showing age, and many have really rusted chains. The state of the course equipment is a shame, since the rest of the park is well maintained, and takes away from the otherwise quality feel present. The concrete tee-pads are generally in good shape.

This is a pretty typical 9-hole course for the Chicago suburbs. Nothing to blow you away, but good enough for an enjoyable, casual round in a nice park. I wouldn't go out of my way to play here, but enjoy having it nearby for an occasional quick round after work.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good for some practice, not super exciting 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 24, 2011 Played the course:once


- grass cut/course well maintained
- good concrete tees
- nice baskets
- some obstacles
- tee signs
- some level of elevation change


- not the most exciting layout
- too open to really be challenging
- shot selection is largely unnecessary

Other Thoughts:

This course is ok. If it's nearby and you want some practice it's fine, but it doesn't really offer anything you can't get elsewhere. Some holes have some trees to avoid but for the most part it's too open. They have updated this course a bit to add wetland/prairie plants that add a bit of dynamic and challenge, but it's still quite open. I do find it pushes me to use forehand and backhand shots depending on the hole now, but you really could do the whole thing with one or the other if you had to.

Considering all of the other courses in the area, this one doesn't get a ton of traffic. If you have young children there is a nice playground and splash pad in the park, as well as mini golf, tennis, etc. If you are stopping by for other reasons it's a decent place to throw a quick 9, but I only go frequently because it's the closest course to my house.
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6 0
Experience: 38.4 years 27 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Puzzling changes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


I really want to like this course more than I do, especially because it is 10 minutes from where I work. However I can't give it more than 2 stars because it's just not that special a course. As others have said I guess the designers did the best they could with the limited space that they had to work with. Also the course is in an area that is used pretty much exclusively for disc golf so you don't have to contend with joggers etc. The tee pads are well designed and baskets are in great shape. FYI The 1st tee pad has been straightened out so that it actually faces the basket.


HOWEVER there were some other recent changes made to the course that are real head scratchers and in my opinion make what was an OK course worse and not better. When I first played the course in May of 2011 the 2nd basket was tucked in among some pine trees and required a long RHBH anhyzer. I would say that this used to be one of the slightly more interesting holes. However for some strange reason they have recently moved the second hole basket out into the middle of the fairway which makes the hole a rather boring 300 foot open field shot with no line shaping required. This is not an alternate pin placement but looks to be a permanent change. WHY? Also the 7th tee pad used to be slightly elevated on a small ridge that allowed for a slight downhill shot to the basket. For whatever reason the pad was moved 30 feet to the west and into the bottom of the floodplain which makes for a more boring tee point and introduces a much higher probability that the tee will be flooded out after a strong rain. Once again...WHY?

Other Thoughts:

My final criticism of this course is that all of the distances are very similar. All but two of the holes are within 15 feet of 300 which make for a very repetitive feel to each round. I would much rather see a few 200ish ace runs along with some longer grip and rip holes. If you are in the area it's OK for a quick round but I wouldn't go out of my way to play this course. As always please pick up your trash and leave the course nicer than you found it. May all your drives be true & all your putts (and the occasional drive) end with a satisfying clink of chain.
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3 3
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 72 played 45 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2011 Played the course:once


Maryknoll is a decent course that plays around an open green space in a suburban park.

This place has a few nice natural features that make it a solid addition to the west suburban 9-hole line up. The course plays through some minor elevation shifts, minor even for the suburbs, but enough to provide variety.

Mature pine trees on 2-6 add some challenge and obscure the pin from the tee on a couple holes. This section is definitely the strongest part of the course... #2's tee shot is a mando that requires RHBH to throw a 250ft anny for a chance at the duece and #4 is best approached with a roller off the tee.

The course flows well, the baskets are brand new discatchers, and the concrete tee pads are roomy enough for a big run up.


There is enough variety here to replay it a couple times, but this is a neighborhood course, not a destination course. The land just doesn't provide for many interesting shots. Tee signs aren't up, but I'd estimate most holes are in the 250ft range +/- 50 feet.

Holes 7-9 are completely open tee shots across an empty field, which makes for a boring end to the course.

This is a multi-use park surrounded by houses, so there is potential for conflict with non DGers.

Other Thoughts:

This course is brand new, so it's a little rough around the edges at this point. Without tee signs this place is more like a 1.5, but I'm guessing they'll be putting them in at some point.

This course is located in a pretty densely populated area, so it should serve as a good entry point to the game for new players. This also might lead to some crowding as word gets out, but for now you should be able to cruise through a round in 20 minutes.
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10 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2011 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a smallish section of this park, pretty much clear of everything but a few houses on one side. General park-goers could wander into the fairways, otherwise no conflicts.
- There are some holes with decent elevation change due to some hilly spots. A few downhill drives/elevated teepads, sloped fairways, and a blind shot around/over a hill. Some of the greens have a little rollaway potential, but nothing too extreme.
- Not that many trees at the course, but a few holes make good use of tall, bushy pines. #2's basket has lots of schule in front and a pine tree behind, forcing a wide RHBH anny or a tight RHBH hyzer. #3 also forces a right curve to get around a bunch of pines.
- A good amount of LHBH friendly shots help to keep the course interesting, to balance out some of the wide open shots to be found.
- Good baskets, good teepads (though #1's is pointed in the wrong direction). No signage as of now, and the baskets aren't numbered; but the worst that could happen is playing them out of order.


- Almost half of the holes have little to no obstacles, so it's a simple grip and rip with little thought.
- A few holes are pretty close to each other, if the course is busy keep an eye out.

Other Thoughts:

- Hole lengths here are all pretty similar, anyone throwing at or over 300' will probably get bored after a round or two. But, that also means there aren't too many ace runs or gimmees. Really depends on the person on whether that is a good or bad thing.
- Great course for beginners to learn on, with good length, different lines, and elevation changes. For more experienced players, a great place to practice.
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