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Huntsville, AL

Mastin Lake

3.565(based on 24 reviews)
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Mastin Lake reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 5.2 years 184 played 131 reviews
3.50 star(s)

I was told there would be a lake?

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


WHAT TO EXPECT: Public Park in the suburbs of the city on your way into Huntsville from the North side. Multi-use park with a couple of baseball and soccer fields with a mostly wooded, slight elevation disc golf course.

AMENITIES: Modern restrooms near parking lot, lots of benches and trash cans throughout the course, well beaten and mulched out fairways that make navigation much easier.

TEES/SIGNAGE/BASKETS: Moderately sized concrete tee pads in good shape. All signage in decent shape, with hole map showing multiple pin positions and tee locations for several holes. Yellow Discatchers in various conditions. Some very old and faded ones, some brand new ones sprinkled throughout. Several greens had bricked in "bullseye" circles that were newly mulched out. Appears that the park is currently in the process of replacing baskets and improving the greens.

DESIGN: Relatively straight forward navigation for a course that utilizes elevation well. Course often offers two main lines on any given hole, a true well traveled line and a risk reward sneaky line. Course pops out of the woods a few times for some basket locations that make for some interesting shot shapes and power level decisions. Slightly favors RHBH throughout, but rewards the ability to throw the disc straight through tunnels on most holes. Probably an MA2 level course on its face but playable certainly by lower level AMs and still enough of a challenge for higher level players.

EXTRAS: A few roll away potential pin locations but they feel extremely fair. Landing zones exist to prevent yourself from having those death putts. Fairways, paths, greens, etc are all well maintained. Fairways are wide and fair with daunting rough along the sides. Keep it clean or you'll be taking a 4. Challenging but not punishing.


UNEVEN TEES: Most Teepads were well built but occasionally there were some that had a bit of decent dropoff on the front or one of the sides, and a few were not completely level.

LOST DISC POTENTIAL: While the main fairways, greens, and paths are very well maintained, there is very thick rough on either side of you throughout the majority of the course. With several blind tee shots, the ever present wild tree kick danger, and the thick brush, losing a disc is a moderate possibility here. One of our group managed to lose a disc as it drifted off into Narnia.

TRASH: Despite a pleathera of trash cans throughout, I noticed quite a few empty liquor bottles and beer cans throughout. Most notably those little single shot bottles of fireball on practically every tee area, often yards away from a trash can.

POISON IVY: This wonderful no-no plant is all over the place on this course, especially in the deeper rough. I wore long pants and long sleeves despite it being close to 90 degrees.

Other Thoughts:

This course heavily rewards accuracy and line hitting over distance. The definition of tight and technical in a lot of spots, but forgiving enough that par is very attainable on every hole. This course does not offer any bomber holes and mitigates distance advantage. (Outside of being able to throw slower discs on the longer holes were others are throwing drivers). Probably my favorite course I played in Huntsville. There were better "looking" course, and longer air it courses, but Mastin Lake is my style of golf and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. Would definitely recommend.
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 91 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

From The Rec Player Perspective 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 25, 2022 Played the course:2-4 times


Park in the heart of the city with a couple of baseball fields and a mostly wooded disc golf course. Restroom near parking, but I never did find a lake though. I was pleasantly surprised by this course. The design used elevation well, and it took advantage of popping in and out of the woods to make for some interesting holes and shot shapes.

-Baskets are Innova DiscCatchers, a fine choice for a public park. All were in good shape, solidly mounted, with fair greens, even if a few approach angles yield 'death putts' with roll-aways likely if you overfly the basket.

-Tees were generally well build cement teepads. Occasionally they had a bit of a dropoff on one side or the other, but nothing that affected runups, just as long as you don't have an "out-of-control" follow-through. Seems like most courses in the Huntsville area have only one basket and one teebox per hole, but Mastin has a few holes with two or more tee boxes.

-Course maintenance seemed pretty good. A friendly volunteer was cleaning up fairways and provided some good local knowledge on the course.

-As a rec player, I found the course to be a good challenge but not too punishing. All par threes, 4,600' from the shortest tees, most holes are in the 200'-260' range. This course rewards accuracy more than distance. It's tight and technical in spots but if I hit my lines I could make par on every hole, and generated enough birdie opportunities to keep me feeling good about my game. I'd guess advanced players would treat it as a pitch and putt, at least for a few of the holes. No place for a "bomber" to throw full out distance drives.


-A bit of a tweener... too easy for advanced players, maybe too tight and difficult for beginners. For my rec level, it seemed pretty good. I played just before "leaf out", I'm guessing the high lines would get much tougher when the trees were in full foliage.

-I saw a few more empty bottles and cans than Brahan Springs or Chapman Pines, but not too bad.

Other Thoughts:

-This rated somewhere between a 3 and a 3 1/2 for me. At my skill level it was fun, I rounded up, but I can see where there isn't the challenge for someone that can throw 400'.

-Well located in the city, just a 1/2 mile from COSTCO. "Sure honey, I'll pick up the giant bag of paper towels and two year's supply of popcorn, but it might take me an extra hour or so"..
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19 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Second Best Elevation in Huntsville

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 1, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


(3.267 Rating) (REVISED - replayed October 2023) A somewhat short technical course that's a blast to play.
- ELEVATION - One of only two courses in Huntsville with a bunch of 25 foot plus downhill shots. Holes (9), (12), (14) and (17) are all downward in the 25 to 35-foot grade change range. The only other course in the Huntsville area that does this is V-Rock. In addition, there are also a few fun up shots as well on (7), (10) and (11), which are all in the 20 to 30-foot range. Players that have bad knees or ankles should stay clear of this course. Bringing a disc golf cart out here is probably doable, but not ideal.
- ACE RUNS - Not the easiest course to ace in town due to the technical nature of the course, but many of these baskets are exhilarating to run at in my opinion. The layout is fairly short and several lines are less than 10 feet wide. I've had several close calls already here where I've admired my drive from the tee hoping for the sound of chains, only to watch it skip harmlessly by the basket or to get picked off late by a guardian tree.
- CHALLENGE - Judging Mastin Lake's difficulty solely on its length would be a mistake. Although an MA1 player could easily go 8 down or more here, they will also post up rounds over par on a day where every branch seems to move into the line after the throw. The course is going to produce some great scoring battles. A lead of 6 shots after 12 holes could easily vanish as holes (13), (14) and (17) are all five-able with a poor drive and bad ricochet. There's even a local term in the area call getting mastin'd, which is a round with a couple of horrible ricochets that ruin a round.
- SHOT SHAPING - Some of the lines at Mastin look borderline impossible to make a clean run at the basket, (4) alternate tee, (13) and (14). Basket guarding is excellent on many holes and those that have mastered shaping flights will obliterate players that can only throw bombs.
- SKILL LEVEL FRIENDLY - During the winter, Mastin Lake opens up quite a bit. I've brought a first timer during that time period and they loved it. The course is easily two throws easier to skilled players over the winter and perhaps five throws easier to unskilled players. However, bringing a beginning player here during the summer peak overgrowth is not a wise idea.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - Considering all the elevation changes and also the older trees, one of the better looking courses in Huntsville. A local named Adam O, has put in a ton of work here the last couple years and lines have never looked better IMO. A couple of the lines are worthy of pulling out the phone and snapping a photo. On the other hand, there are also some surrounding elements that have some less than desirable views. There are baseball and tennis court fences in view on 3 holes. These views all occur along the open west boundary of the layout.
- NAVIGATION - Not too bad... I think. I've probably played it too many times now to know if it's hard to follow. There is an updated map on DGCR, but none posted on site. There are a bunch of well-placed directional cues to keep players on track between holes. IMO, the only tricky transition is between (3) and (4) where there's a bit of a back track down (3s) fairway.
- QUICK PLAY - Players that are in good shape should have no problem playing this one in under an hour solo. Groups of four should be able to play in less than two hours, but there will likely be one player in the group needing to take a break at a few holes due to all the elevation changes.


A solid technical course that really only has preferential issues.
- NO BOMB-IT HOLES - Players that only enjoy grip'n and rip'n probably won't like this course. Only one hole approaches 400 feet, hole (13), and it's probably the only time that an MA1 will bring out a full power driver as it's a bit uphill. There are a few other shots over 300 feet, (8), (9), (14) and (17) but they are all downhill and my weak arm can get to all of them.
- FORGIVENESS - Although short enough for MA3 level players, for those that can't hit 10 to 15 foot lanes consistently, this course can become very self-defeating. In addition, regardless of skill level, players will hit trees several times out here. When there's a ricochet in the wrong direction, scrambling for par may take a miracle. I had one of my best par saves ever out here on hole (17), where a bad kick on an early tree left me over 50 feet deep into the thicket. I pitched out and then threw in a 150-foot par save.
- LEAVES - Playing this course in the couple months after all the leaves have dropped can be a nightmare. It is literally inches thick in dead leaves. Before I knew better, I used to throw here in November and December and I'd often spend more than 10 minutes scouring leaf piles trying to find one disc.
- POISON IVY - I've spotted this awful plant at several spots along the layout.

Other Thoughts:

Mastin Lake has seen so much volunteer love in the last two years, that it has ticked up a half star on my ledger. Mastin was the first course I ever played in Alabama back in 2014. Personally, one of my favorites in the area as Mastin Lake is one of only two courses that offers respectable elevation changes in the Huntsville metro area. Players looking to make a disc golf tour of the Huntsville area should definitely consider this one if they plan to play 3 or more courses during their visit. Players that live within an hour need to play this course at least once. Having played 139 Alabama courses as of this revision, I think its worthy of a top 20 state billing, but not a top ten state course. Courses that it reminds me of include; Monte Sano in town, Greg Carter in Birmingham, Bowers in Tuscaloosa, East Roswell in Atlanta, Seven Oaks in Nashville and Meeman Shelby in Memphis.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 54 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 21, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Woodsy (there are woods in the middle of a park in a residential chunk of town - go figure), with a variety of lines, and its real selling point - the elevation changes. No poke and pray holes. Usually nowhere near as busy as Brahan.


A few navigation kinks - tee 3 is in an other than obvious location, and at one point you walk straight past tee 17 on the way to another hole.

The mandos feel a bit less than tasteful, frankly, and the single chain baskets are a bit less desirable than the newer Discatchers or other recent baskets.

Lacking the distance to really push it into the upper tier with Indian Creek/UAH/Redstone (or even really Monte Sano) especially since some of the longest holes are downhill.

Other Thoughts:

Apparently some HVX players try to avoid playing here to protect their ratings. Not sure if this is superstition/misunderstanding of the system or what.

The ditch can be a pretty unpleasant place, though it is in bounds.

Seems to be covered in leaves even outside the leaf-dropping season, but it gets worse in fall.

As far as degree of technical challenge, Mastin has more elevation than Monte Sano (seems backwards, I know), but isn't near as tight. Additionally, Monte Sano is noticeably longer. Mastin is kinda middle of the road for beginner friendliness, losing out to Brahan or Southside, but beating Monte Sano or the long courses in town.
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6 0
Experience: 12 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best course in Huntsville? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 25, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


In my opinion, it is the best easily accessible course in Huntsville (since it is hard to get to Redstone) but I great prefer the tight woods over the mostly wide open length of UAH or Indian Creek.
It uses the hills in park very well to create a number of very fun and interesting holes. The downhill shot on 17 for example.
This course rewards accuracy and you can so easily have a bad day if your drives are off.
Good tee pads and pretty good baskets.
Multiple tee and pin positions on a number of holes.
Multiple different shots required.


Crossing the ditches at 14 and 17 can be a bit of pain if it has rained.
Discs can easily be lost in the leaves pretty much year round so watch the flight as best as possible (although this isn't always an option as there are some blind tee shots).
I wish there was a practice basket.

Other Thoughts:

Mastin Lake is a course that is an absolute blast to play with a good variety of holes but can easily have you swearing as you hit what might be the 100th tree if you are having an off day.
If you like wooded courses over more open courses, then this would be the first one in Huntsville I would check out.

There is a bathroom near the entrance to the parking lot.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Huntsville Gem 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


- Course set in a nice multi use park well away from any other activities.
- Baskets are old Discatchers but seem to do the job quite nicely.
- Concrete pads are sized appropriately and are textured nicely.
- Course is fairly clean and clear of trash.
- My 45 year old knees and ankles sure appreciated the occasional bench.
- Course makes excellent use of the existing topography. Not only that but holes are fairly well divided between left and right. In so doing, this creates a situation where no two holes are alike. The variety is refreshing.
- Navigation wasn't great to be picky but realistically it was pretty straight forward.


Holes 2 and 3 are layed out fine but seem a tad out of place.
- It would be really nice if there was a better way to cross that drainage ditch on 15, 17 and 18. The slopes of those have to be quite slick if it ever gets wet.
- Some of the slopes could really make use of some steps.
- The number 6 sign indicates there is a mando but there is no sign on any of tress. Just sorta guessed when i thought the mando ought to be.
- The biggest issue for me though that seems to hold this course back is a lack of challenge. Very few holes were over 300' and even though it was in a wooded area the fairways were rather wide and it was easy to throw to different lines.

Other Thoughts:

This course is obviously being loved and maintained by a local group. Whoever is responsible needs a great big pat on the back since some out of towner like me can come and enjoy the fruits of their labors. While I did say in the cons that it just isn't very challenging I will say that Mastin is just a plain fun course. I think any skill level could come here and have a good time playing it.
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4 0
Experience: 19.3 years 295 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Underrated compared to nearby courses and near Dreamland BBQ! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2013 Played the course:once


Here goes but I hope I do not get the holes mixed up particularly on the back. I played this course on a day that I also played Brahan Springs and I enjoyed this much more due to the scenery (foliage in the fall was spectacular) and elevation on a few holes. I initially went to Indian Creek and there was probably the largest monthly I have ever seen going on by a club (appeared to be at least 100 players) so I had the other courses to myself. There were a few hardcore dgers at Brahan that were not very courteous or helpful so I played it fast and headed to Mastin (I guess they were stressed about paying $250 for their brand new dg bags and another $150 on their brand new dg logo wear. The only other time I have encountered locals that did not seem accommodating while traveling was at Winter Park in WI). This course was definitely worth the drive across town and below are the highlights.
#1 - #2 - Short tight holes for shotmakers which were great to start off with a Roc
#5 - up and over hill with slight anhyzer at the end
#6 - fun hole up hill to basket on flat ground. Good shot at birdie if played smart
#7 - # 9 - Tight tunnel shots were accuracy is a must. Very good holes which can change a round.
Somewhere between #10 - #12 there is a very fun hyzer hole where you start off low and the basket is elevated about 20 feet higher than the teepad where accurate teeshot is a must for birdie.
#13 - one of the longer holes on the course where the teeshot must be accurate for shot at par.
#15 - great hole (hope I am not confusing with #13). Shot across creek to place in fairway then up hill to a pin on the left when played.
#17 - Great downhill tunnel shot. No room for error and it is all of 350' but plays about 280'.


No biggie but I think #3 and #4 are not consistent with the course because they play out of the woods over a creek into a field and then into the woods over the creek from the woods.

Other Thoughts:

This was a very fast play and fun. I could see this being a great course for midrange practice and placement shots. I could also see less egos playing here due to the short holes and accuracy being a premium. Not only is the course great but it is only about a 5 minute ride to Dreamland BBQ which was another fantastic stop on my trip. I would think most in the area would note Redstone or Indian Creek as the best or must plays and I would agree but if you like old school courses, I would play this if Brahan is crowded.
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1 1
Experience: 13.3 years 110 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lora 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2012 Played the course:once


We loved this course. We are still relatively new to the sport and it gave us a confidence boost! The course was very well marked and tee pads and baskets were nice.


Couldn't find anything we didn't like!

Other Thoughts:

We enjoy courses like this when you don't have to go through thick underbrush to find errant discs.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 87 played 86 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Southern Hospitality 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2011 Played the course:once


Teepads, signage, hole-by-hole variety.

Other Thoughts:

Mastin Lake is a largely wooded and well cared for par 54 course that serves as an excellent complement to the nearby UAH course. Like the UAH course, Mastin Lake is well laid out and takes full advantage of its landscape. Also like the UAH course, Mastin Lake has those extras that set it apart - nice concrete tees (one set on every hole, and two on many), excellent signage that makes it first time friendly, and plenty of benches. But while UAH plays open, somewhat long, and flat, Mastin Lake plays strictly par 3, mostly in the woods, and mostly on a hill, either up, down, or along. Master both courses and you will certainly have a fully rounded game.

Beyond amenities, shot variety is the standout feature of Mastin Lake. Yes, it's the sort of course where a mid-range off the tee is often the call, but all of the fairways are plenty fair and call for shots going straight, right, left, out into the open, back into the woods, uphill, downhill, along flat ground, and/or along a sloping hill. There's plenty of hole by hole variety out here, which to me is key to enjoying a course. Like many wooded courses, mistakes can be punished in the most frustrating manner, but stay on course and there's a chance at a birdie on a bunch of holes.

Overall, I rate this course Good, or well worth checking out if you're in the area. Taken hole by hole, it's on the high side of typical, with the positive of hole by hole shot variety offset by the average par 54 length and the predominance of one type of landscape vs. a good variety. Add in the teepads and signage, plus ease of navigation and the couple of somewhat distinctive holes and it gets firmly into Good territory, in my view.

Favorite hole - #17 - Steep downhill fairway in the woods crosses creek and then hooks left to a basket in the open.
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1 2
Experience: 18.4 years 4 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

All around great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2011 Played the course:once


Really enjoyed this course. Had 4 other people with me that was there first time and they had a blast. There's not many areas that your disc can be lost or buried to where you cant find it like other places ive been. Ive played a good bit and thought it was challenging enough for me.


There was a football game going on in the park next to a pin and we had to skip that hole due to it. Not a huge deal though.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mastin Lake 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2010 Played the course:once


I thought this was a very enjoyable course. It's situated along a nice forested hill in a nice little park. It begins at the base of the hill and slowly works its way up and back down. Although there are plenty of elevation changes none of the holes particularly capitalize on drastic up or downhill shots save for hole 17. It's a big and tight downhill shot that punches out into the open before 18 brings you back into the woods. A couple other holes punch out as well. One of them is through a wooded fairway to a small field with an OB culvert and another punch out towards a residential area. There is a punch in as well. It shoots back over a creek/ditch and the tee pad is just a few feet from the pit bull's back yard and he will let you know he is there for sure. Other tight shots abound with trees scattered along the fairways and they offer plenty of obstacles. There are two very pronounced doglegs, one left turning and one right turning with some elevation mixed in. They help with the already diverse shot types considering most of the holes are in heavily wooded areas. The holes vary in length but they do tend to lean towards the short side. The longest hole is only 366' but still makes for a somewhat challenging three.

This course has good baskets, good signage, and nice concrete tee pads. There are a few holes with alternate pads and there are a few alternate pin placements as well. You'll also find a variety of benches scattered around the course.

The course seems thoughtfully designed. Holes one and eighteen are near the parking lot, and the flow is good except for one pronounced spot. The hole nine/ten transition is close enough to the parking lot as well.


Nothing stands out as a huge con on this course to me. If you dislike short wooded courses this might not be one for you. A handful of longer and open holes could really diversify the course and probably become a favorite. Beyond that and besides each individual's pet peeves you should not have a whole lot to complain about. It's a pretty solid course.

The transition between ten's basket and eleven's tee pad is worth mentioning. It has you walking right behind 17's tee pad. If there are times when the course is crowded it will be distracting for the folks playing 17.

Other Thoughts:

If this course had just a little more variety I would give it a four. As it stands I will give it a strong 3-1/2. Keep in mind that I love wooded courses though.

This is another really nice Huntsville course. What a pleasure it must be for the Huntsville locals to have so many choices in courses that are so close together. If you are planning a trip to Huntsville, make sure you give yourself enough time to hit several courses, including this one. Enjoy.
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2 2
Experience: 10 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Coarse 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2010 Played the course:once


Great mixture of tight shots and open fairways! elevation changes. there is a creek that runs through part of the course.


no cons particularly agrivating. wish there was a bridge in some spots to cross the creek

Other Thoughts:

in all a great course, btw watch out for the pitbull on one of the holes. i nicknamed him hercules
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5 1
The Drake
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 126 played 61 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wait...wheres the lake? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 16, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Mastin Lake is a very diverse wooded course. Nearly every hole requires a unique approach requiring you to really know every disc in your bag. There's a great variety of elevation changes. The fairways are open and legitimate without the random middle-of-the fairway-trees you find at some wooded courses to "add difficulty". With the other courses in the area Mastin Lake is a great supplemental course to Huntsville's disc golf scene.


There aren't a whole lot of cons to this course. It doesn't have a lot of distance so you can leave your drivers in the car if you're a long arm.

Other Thoughts:

I have played this course several times and to me is one of the underecognized courses in Huntsville. With UAH and Redstone within a few minutes drive its understandable this course isn't the hot topic, but its definitely worth playing if you've got sometime, can't get on Redstone, and don't feel like throwing your arm out a UAH.
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5 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 226 played 128 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2009 Played the course:once


A nice short woodsy track that runs through modest elevation and reasonable fairways. Nice to see multiple pin placements and some extra tees on some holes. I really enjoyed having a few ace runs mixed with some longer holes to keep it from being a pitch & putt course. There is one hole (12?) where a 3 is hard-earned with a good drive. The course is technical but will all skill levels in my group were having fun. The locals are great- three of us united to play and had never met each other before! Signs on all the tees appear new and the baskets are all numbered and bright.


A few "next tee" signs would be helpful in a couple places. Navigation is not too tough otherwise. A practice basket would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

I think that courses with multiple pins should follow PA course Tyler St. Park's example- put a little rotating dial which indicates which position the pin is in. It can save some walking and guessing, especially when it comes to doglegs.
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4 0
Experience: 15.9 years 17 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Can score low, but still challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Concrete tee pads and signage are on every hole. The course winds along the side of a hill and the holes play through thick trees and shule. It's not a long course, but pretty challenging for it's length due to some of the small fairways. It's a great course for a beginner who feels like they are starting to outgrow Brahan, and allows an up and coming player to open up their game a little more.


Better signage for navigation would help someone playing the first time. Also, I've had a few problems with non-players walking around the course and a couple of times, even leaning on the basket I'm throwing toward.

Other Thoughts:

Basically, it's a step up from Brahan, challenge wise, but still allows for a fun enjoyable round. I've seen some pros go really low here, and then turn around and shoot marginal. There's a lot of trees, and a lot of areas to make mistakes. I thoroughly enjoy playing Mastin; I should get out here to play this course more than I do. If you're in the area and can play only one course, maybe look at UAH/Redstone/Monte Sano, but if you've got time for a few courses, you'll definitely want to add this one to your itinerary.
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7 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Enjoyable Throw In The Woods! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2009 Played the course:once


The course is set up mostly on the side of a hillside. It does seem as though you play along the hill more than up and down. It's tight and technical but I felt the design was very well thought out. We didn't feel there were any "throwaway holes" where they just stuck a hole in there to get you to the next place. We had no problem navigating the course for the first time. There were tee signs on almost every hole, they must be new. They're nice and informative. We did have to walk ahead a few times and figure out where the basket was. There are multiple basket placements and a couple holes have multiple pads. The pads were more than adequate. My favorite hole was one where you threw across the lawn to a basket just across the large, deep ditch (empty in July). That would be kinda of scary hole when that ditch was filled w/water. It's nice and shady in the Bama sun. Many holes have benches/logs to rest on.


There's no place for the big air throw. It's tight. I guess the rough is thick compared to many Alabama courses.

Other Thoughts:

Enough challenge for everyone, I think, but not so long or foreboding that a newbie can't enjoy it. We brought someone playing only his second time time after Brahan Springs and even though he shot 20 over, he loved the course. So it's newbie friendly.
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3 1
Experience: 16.3 years 6 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Excellent! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 5, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course is an accuracy test no doubt. BIG variety of shots, nice uphills, downhills, lefts, rights, straights. This course is #2 on my bring your learning players here. Brahan Springs being the first and the easiest. Once they start getting close to par every game there, bring them here. It forces you to work on your accuracy. Another great grooming and practice course in Huntsville. If you play nothing but Brahan Springs and Mastin Lake for a year, when you step out on to another course you aren't going to get your heart broken.


Thick layer of dead leaves makes finding discs a chore sometimes. Needs signs, or something to make finding your way around here easier. Shady neighborhood, have had several people wandering around looking into cars parked here. but it's not a problem when the park is busier.

Other Thoughts:

Everyone but the strongest of players will enjoy tuning up on this one. Get ready to get your legs in shape.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2007 Played the course:once


Challenging wooded course, but it does have fairways and it does open up a couple of times. Most holes seemed to play laterally along the hillside, which aren't as tiring as constantly going up and down. Big ditch/gulch in play on one hole was fun to navigate.

Shady in the Alabama summer!


Was a little to confusing to navigate, but not impossible as the holes aren't too long or spaced out. I had someone who had played it before showing me the way though!

Other Thoughts:

Of the three public courses in town, this is my least favorite, but is a decent course to help make Huntsville a nice DG destination if you play UAH and Brahan.

There is no lake here- at least not near the course! So you don't have to worry about losing a disc that way.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 136 played 58 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


This is a fun little course that sits mostly in the woods on the side of a large hill. There are good concrete tee pads on every hole. The design is very good, using the many trees and elevation well, and forcing a large variety of shots off the tee. There is a good mix of easy shots and tough shots, with a lot more in between.

This course offers a good challenge for a lot of different skill levels. A few of the tougher holes do have alternate tee pads.


These have been covered, but I will reiterate. There are no tee signs and the layout can be a bit confusing if it is your first time playing the course. As mentioned, you have to walk past 17's tee pad in order to get to hole 11. I initially played this course in a tournament and my 2nd time playing the course several months later, I remember having to try and find my way around the course. A little work fixing these problems would go a long way with this particular course.

Several of the fairways have rocks in the fairway that can be rough on discs and some thick shule lining the fairways that can make it tough to find an errant shot. Also, the course it self is in the middle of a neighborhood, so be sure to look closely for the correct street that leads to the entrance.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is just a fun course to play and it is a good compliment to the other courses that are nearby. Amateurs and newer players will enjoy the many interesting shots that are not too difficult or too long. Pros will enjoy the course because most holes will challenge you to get the birdie, with plenty of dangers for not so accurate shots that go off the beaten path. As a blue level pro, I tend to leave this course thinking I should have shot 10 down, when the reality is that 5-8 is a good solid score. Scratch Scoring Average for the last tournament I played here is actually around a 47-48. If you like wooded courses with lots of elevation change, I would recommend playing here.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 116 played 57 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great elevation shots, no signs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 13, 2008 Played the course:once


This course is in the woods on the side of a hill. The layout uses the change of elevation extremely well, with many uphill and downhill shots.

The front 9 plays a little shorter than the back 9. There are quite a few technical shots that require accurate 250 feet drives. I had 3 birdies on the front, but took a 4 on a 400 foot downhill shot and a very narrow fairway.

The layout on the back 9 is confusing (read about that in the cons), but there were some really cool golf shots on the back 9. Many of the shots being in the 250-350 range, with a couple shorter birdie opportunities. The 17th hole was my favorite by far. The teepad is on the side of the hill, and you are throwing dead straight and downhill out into an open field. The shot is about 360 feet with the first 270 feet going through the woods.

There were definitely some challenging holes at this course, but I would not call it hard. Some accurate drives and good midrange game will let you shoot under par easily.


No signs at all. Also, the layout is confusing... The basktes don't have markings either. It would be best to find a local to show you the way, as it will save you a lot of time wandering around in the woods.

You are going to miss hole 11 playing the first time, because there are no tee signs. Hole 17 follows Hole 10 for some reason - you have to walk past the 17th tee to find the 11th tee.

Other Thoughts:

In the fall the leaves are thick and errant throws can be hard to find. In the summer when the trees have leaves, the fairways would be much tighter.

There are no par 4 type of shots here, but there are some challenging disc golf shots at this course. I shot a -3 the first time playing it, and it took about 1.5 hours to play.

I really enjoyed the round I played here, and would recommend it to anyone who likes courses with good elevation change. If every hole had signs and there were more alternate pin possibilities this course could easily be a 4.0
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