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Normal, IL

Maxwell Park DGC

Permanent course
2.985(based on 21 reviews)
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Maxwell Park DGC reviews

2 2
Experience: 13.2 years 65 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Maxwell Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2016 Played the course:once


First thing i want to say is congrats to the people that work on this course, it's the best marked course I've played on, the signs are easy to read, there's next hole indicators in the ground, etc. I don't think at any point i had to stop and figure out where the next fairway was.
Its a fun course that plays quick and flows great.


Ok, gotta nit-pic, the pars are not with what PDGA recommends, personally i don't care as most figure everything is a 3, but some get hung up on sign par...

Other Thoughts:

Its not real tuff, but that's not a bad thing, if you want tuff play somebody better than you.
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1 3
Experience: 14.3 years 8 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 30, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice layout easy to navigate.
Has a rough you have to stay out of.
Baskets are in good shape
Lots out variety in shots.
Quick easy play.
Lots ot fun


Flat land so real windy.
Easy play it can be a pro and con.
The tall grass rough is super ichy on legs. So wear pants.
The pars are to high I play all the holes as part 3s except for the real long ones I play them as 4.

Other Thoughts:

I like the play of the course it is a fun time.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.5 years 160 played 74 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun but Easy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


The main pro this course has going for it is that its extremely easy to play the course. If you want to play in 45 minutes and have a nice, easy disc golf round then this is the course for you.

The baskets are in great shape and catch well. There is also a nice practice basket near hole 1.

A majority of the holes have alternate pins, which does add value and gives more options.

The course allows you to air the disc out and "grip it and rip it". The course uses the prairie grass well and has a few holes with elevation. While there is no signature hole, there are some fun shots to throw (hole 6, hole 11, hole 17, hole 18).

The course has great teepads and nice signs. The navigation is also fairly easy on the course, except for a few areas where some backtracking happens.

All in all, this is a very easy, fun and simple course that is great for beginners. Its really close to the interstate and is usually very busy with college students enjoying themselves!


I gave this course a 2.5 rating as that is rated as decent/typical. There is nothing spectacular about this course, and there is nothing wrong with that. This is a beginner friendly course with almost no challenge. This is a great course for beginners and as such I have given it a "typical" rating.

This course used to be a few strokes more difficult but a disease destroyed many trees in the park. Many of the fairways have no obstacles and of the obstacles that remain, there is typically a line around the trees to get to the basket that is not too challenging.

The course is VERY easy. A gold level player should consistently shoot in the mid to low 40's. Its tough to really get a lot "better" playing this course.

As stated above, this course can be VERY busy when school is in session. This is not really a "con" but given more for informational purposes.

Other Thoughts:

If you are coming through town and want to play a quick round, Maxwell Park is a very easy and nice course to enjoy yourself. If you want to play a difficult course and challenge yourself then this is not the course for you. The course has lost a lot of its difficulty and glory with the loss of many trees in the park but its still a nice stroll through the park and can be played very quickly.
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3 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 103 played 73 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Open, windy course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 8, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- Two pin placements available. Most are just longer, but a couple offer different obstacles and lines.
- Mostly exclusive to disc golf. There are usually a few dog-walkers and others on a trail that kind of runs through the middle of the course, but not usually very populated.
- Very well maintained, and frequently mowed.
- Navigation is very simple and easy.
- Holes (and the entire course) are packed in very tightly, without much chance of crossover between holes.
- Very wide open course, with small chance of losing a disc. (sometimes the rough does get a bit long though)
- A few nice long holes.
- Nice foot bridges across some of the low drainage areas.
- #9 has you drive across a very small creek and into some trees. Both bin placements are fun and a bit of a challenge. Very scenic.
- #18 long shoots across the same little drainage creek twice - if you have the arm.
- Great signage with pictograms.


- Course kiosk sign has a page with push-pins for indicating the current pin placement, which is nice. Except that it wasn't at all up to date. Even so, you can see the basket from every tee, and match up on tee sign what placement is in.
- Not a particularly difficult course, nor are there any signature or memorable holes.
- Mostly wide open, with only a few trees here and there to create shot lines. You can mostly drive whatever shot you want off of most tees. (See EDIT below)
- No 'technical' shots.
- VERY windy here, located on the west edge of town with only an interstate and miles of flat fields to stop the wind. Of the 30+ times I've probably played this course, there are probably only a handful of rounds played in what I would call 'calm' conditions. This last time that I played while reviewing, winds were 25+ mph. This actually may be the worst part of playing this course.

Other Thoughts:

- Although the list of cons is short, it's just a ho-hum type of course. I do like playing here, and have played plenty of times, but it's just not that much of a challenge. The times that it is challenging are with the high winds, but that's just more frustrating than anything, and sometimes makes you never want to come back. Solid area course, great for growing the sport.

EDIT: After not playing this course for a year or so, a trip back has revealed that a great number of trees have been removed from this course, either from weather or for disease. I would estimate around 50 large trees, 20-30 of which were either in fairways or in play along the edges. Very unfortunate, and essentially removed most of the shot-shaping requirements on the front half of the course. A few new trees have been planted, but it will be some time before they grow big enough to require much of players. I have adjusted my rating accordingly.
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1 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Nicely maintained course with prairie grass lining almost all of the fairways. Great tee pads and signs. Good variety of shots even though very few of them are actually forcing a specific kind of shot. Also a good variety in length. Easy to navigate. Easy to find, good parking, and in a great neighborhood.


There isn't a lot of excitement in this course and you can basically throw however you want on every hole and turn out fine. Isn't terribly challenging but still is enjoyable. Dog park close by, so watch for owners walking their dogs, and also be on the lookout for owners not picking up their dogs crap. Can be crowded with the nearby junior high and high schools cross country teams around the course.

Other Thoughts:

Great course to play a casual round at, it's a lot of fun to go play when you don't feel like stomping through the woods. The course is significantly more challenging and interesting when all the pin positions are in the longs.
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3 1
Experience: 14.4 years 388 played 14 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good course for ams and rec players 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 11, 2012 Played the course:once


This course is easy to navigate, very well maintained and makes good use of the space. It is a great course for newer players and offers some variety in play. While most holes are under 250', the course is designed to make maximum use of the few trees in the park, so even the shorter holes have 5-6 trees to offer some sort of challenge. There are a couple of long holes over 450' that are both wide open for an easy 3. All the tees are perfect, fairways clear and baskets in great shape. The course was easy to find and well signed, and almost all baskets are visible from the tee. The course also has alternate pin locations to offer some modification to course layout.


I personally enjoy shorter courses, but I know most pros would not find this course very challenging. Most of the holes are so short that the course could be played with just a midrange and putter, with 11 & 17 being the only 2 holes that could demand a driver.

Other Thoughts:

Given the size of the park and the scarce number of trees, I think the designer(s) did a good job. The course may not be the most challenging, but it is certainly a great course to work on your short game and figure out how to craft the lines you want. It's worth checking out and would certainly be a good course to play if you don't have a ton of time. It plays pretty quick and finding your disc is easy. There is noise coming from the interstate, but I was easily able to tune it out and enjoy my round as the sun came up. Would definitely recommend this course to new players.
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3 0
Experience: 19.4 years 9 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good course for beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 10, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Well maintained, signs for holes, water play, different looks and shots


Short, open fairways on a lot of holes, doubles as a cross country course

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find this course nice to become acquainted with. The holes are not terribly long, so it is tough to get discouraged.
In the fall, during cross country season, the course is shared with runners. Expect to play a little longer when there's a meet.
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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 31 played 29 reviews
3.00 star(s)

3/5 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2012 Played the course:once


-Mowed fairways
-easily navigable
-2 holes over 400 ft
-Each hole has a couple trees to shoot around
-Somewhat scenic with green pastures and a windfarm to the north


-You are on the edge of Normal with a sea of flat farms to the west; expect the winds to easily roll through.

-Far too many holes are 200-275 with a couple of trees in your way. The course needs more 300-400 holes and possibly 1 short technical hole.

Other Thoughts:

More trees can only help, on the fairways and especially near the highway to relieve some of the background noise. To be honest, with the rather open fairways this course plays like a ball golf course in which you can reach the green from the tee on most holes. Definitely not a bad course though.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.3 years 175 played 88 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty Goodish 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Maxwell Park is Normal's disc golf course and is in a great location for ISU Students who don't have cars and a nice alternative to P.J. Irving and Forrest Park for area residents. It is a place you can bring disc golfers of any skill level. The more experienced players will be challenged by the longer holes (11, 17).

Also, since there are multiple pin placements, the course changes throughout the season.

Other pros:
*Easy to follow
*Well maintained
*Bloomington Normal Public Buses go by the course (Yellow G)
*18 holes
*High winds offer a bit of challenge that makes the course a little exciting despite lack of trees

Favorite Holes: 17, 7 (long placement), 12 (long placement)


Not much to say about these, so I will list these by bullet point

*Rather ugly park, right along the highway

*Sometimes, the wind can get annoying

*Not enough trees or obstacles to offer significant challenge... your second shot will likely be an open look at the hole

*Rather than offer diverse and challenging shots, the pin placements clearly offer one easy shot and one difficult one. This can make the course kind of boring if you go at the wrong time.

Other Thoughts:

Maxwell Park is probably the least exciting of the disc golf courses in the Bloomington Normal Area. It's wide open, and doesn't make for the most exciting disc golf. But, If you want to work on your distance game, there are some shots here for you!
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2 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23 years 218 played 68 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2011 Played the course:once


- Nice cement tee pads
- Easy to navigate
- Great Tee Signs
- Good use of the available land
- Multiple pin locations
- A very FUN course to play
- Good course for developing basic disc golf lines
- Wind does play a good factor which can add to the difficulty of the course
- Very quick to get to right off major Highway
- What little elevation there is gets decently used
- The trees that are there are nice and large, and offer a variety of line choices.


- The ditch/creek is never OB. A natural obstacle like that should be played. It would add so much to the quality of the course.
- Besides holes 11 and 17, the other 16 holes are all easily reachable for a 900+ rated player
- The park is very exposed to everything around it. I personally enjoy courses that are more 'removed' from the area around it. Feeling like a Hike is a good thing.

Other Thoughts:

Maxwell Park is a decent park that is just above a everyday pitch-n-putt. New players, REC, and INT players will enjoy this course for its "challenges." ADV and PRO players will have fun taking ace run after ace run. They will be offered little challenge.
Even if you play the ditch OB there is still little challenge to be had. Although some may not like the noise from the road, I personally find peace in it. Make sure you have a good set of discs for handling the wind, it is Central Illinois. That means flat and nothing to stop the wind.
If you're passing through and have the time to play a course then this would be my second choice for the area. PJ Irvin would be my first. It is definitely a great course to have this close to the University.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Wide open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 14, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through an open grassy park with some minor rolling hills and scattered trees. The limited trees are used well to force some different lines on some holes, it doesn't play quite as open as it looks. The elevation changes are minimal, but they are used as much as possible to add some variety to the holes. There is a nice mix of hole lengths, from ace runs to long bombs, with a good variety in between.

The course is in nice shape, well mowed and very clean with no trash or vandalism. The park has other nice features, but they don't really conflict with the course at all. There are nice bridges over the small creek. The tees are concrete and plenty big, even for the longer holes. The tee signs are descriptive, and the course flow is easy to follow.


The design does very well with the property available here, but it's basically a wide open field. Despite the creative use of the few trees, there aren't enough obstacles to force very interesting lines. Nearly all the holes have either a hyzer or a straight shot, so you aren't pushed to use different parts of your game. The street comes into play on a couple holes, a bit of a safety issue if there's much traffic.

Other Thoughts:

This course is nothing all that exciting, but it's not a bad place to work on your drives. Beginners will find the course approachable, though a little long in spots for new throwers, with no real risk of losing your disc (I played in winter, the grass might grow up other times of the year and change this). More experienced players won't find many different challenges or enough variety to keep them coming back.
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8 0
Experience: 16.3 years 44 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good course in a nice park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 17, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-Located in a very nice park in very good area of town.
-Well maintained, clean course with nicely mowed fairways.
-Good sized, concrete tees.
-Makes good use of the few mature trees and elevation changes the park offers.
-Hole length varies nicely from 200-500 feet.
-Pins are rotated on a semi-regular basis, allows you to get different looks of the course. Can make it very challenging for a beginner when they're all in the longs.
-Practice basket with plenty of room for long putts.
-Hole 11 with its 500 ft uphill straight shot is nasty mean, doubly so on windy days.


-Not very many technical shots.
-Holes do tend to be on the short side.
-Hole 9 can be a bit of a crap shoot but there are some clear lines that can be hit.
-The Emerald Ash Borer and another disease affecting some pine trees have hit this course pretty hard. Several important trees have been removed and more are likely to come. The parks departemnt is doing a good job replacing the trees, however, it will be quite a while until they're matured.

Other Thoughts:

I play this course on a regular basis and I love playing here. The park is very nice and during the summer the long rough gives the course a very nice look and feel. Its a great beginner's course and is usually my go to place for experimenting with new discs and technique.

This course can get very, very windy at times. This is a good and bad thing. The wind adds some needed challenge to the course but on particularly windy days I prefer to go to the more sheltered course at P.J. Irvin. With the combination of high winds and long rough it can be very easy to lose a disc. When you release on one of these days make sure to track it well and use the smaller trees and brush as landmarks.

Parking can be difficult on days when Softball tourneys are going on at Champion fields, which is a frequent occurrence. For reference though, if you see people parking in the grass across the drive from the course, its best to park in the street, the park(s) small lot just a bit south or at the Jr. High. Just be prepared to do some walking if you see a tournament taking place.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 351 played 178 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Maxwell 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This is a very nice park and very well kept. It can get very busy with many other activites near and around the park. Being close to ISU many college kids play here. Cross country can become an issue during the fall as they run on parts of the course during events. The park has nice mowed fairways lined by tall grass. It has mature trees scattered throughout and is very flat.

There is a nice variety with 2 pin placements.

There are several holes where you can grip and rip and air out some drives.

The equipment is very nice. The tee pads are nice and big. The tee signs are very nice with both pin positions and accurate distances. The baskets are new Innova Discatchers.

This course is pretty easy to navigate and is very beginner friendly.

There are several wooden bridges that help cross the creek/ditch that at times has water.


The land is fairly flat and lacks interesting features to rate it higher.

This course is on the short side and there is very little rough to penalize bad shots. It's very open and lacks challenge.

Other Thoughts:

This course is not very far off the interstate. It's very close to Illinois State. Eat at Avanti's if you get the chance. If I had to choose one of the Bloomington/Normal courses i'd pick PJ Irvin in Bloomington. There is another 9 hole right across the street. Both 18 hole courses are very nice walks in the park and do not take very long to play. If you are traveling thru Central Illinois they are both solid options to get out and stretch your legs.

Here are some nice photos of the course.

Check out my Illinois Top 10
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7 0
Experience: 34.7 years 36 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very nicely kept course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2009 Played the course:once


This course has very nice tees, baskets, bridges, and signs. There aren't many gimicks on the holes, so it is well suited to tournament style play. Every hole has a fairway that is mowed differently than the rough, and every sign clearly indicates which streams and ditches are O.B., and which are in play.

There are two shelters and several park benches throughout the course. I don't see these being used by non-frolfers, since they are rather far from the road. This portion of the park is really dedicated just to disc golf.


The lack of interesting features makes this rather dull to play. There isn't many elevation changes or interesting obstructions. I would not take a new player to this course, because it just isn't that much fun. Many of the rough areas were overgrown on the day that I came, and losing a disc could be a problem.

Other Thoughts:

To me, this seems like a course designed by enthusiasts of the sport. At the front board, they keep track of course records, and I assume that many tournaments are played there. It is well suited to competitive play, but probably not interesting enough for the average player.
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9 0
Experience: 15.3 years 41 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Flowing Course in Middle of IL 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2009 Played the course:once


A very nice maintained course, close to an exclusive disc golf course. I played here on a Sunday afternoon and was one of the dozen people there. The design at this course had a really nice flow to it, it is easy to find the baskets and the next tees. The fairways are clearly marked and mowed just like a ball golf course.

The tee pads are concrete and they do alternate pins so it'll be different every time you play. Discatchers baskets and a great course signage which really shows the ideal flight paths to the baskets.

There is a parking lot right next to the course although it can get packed since its near softball fields and dog parks.


Most of the holes here are pretty much a straight line and could put your accuracy to the test. There are tall grasses surrounding the fairways so be sure to use bright colored discs or you'll be stuck looking all over for it. It's not an extremely challenging course for advanced players but it's still a great course to take a beginner to.

There will be other park-goers in the area and they can get in the way.

Other Thoughts:

It can get pretty windy so it depends on how you look at it, I look at it as an added challenge. It's worth the trip if you're just passing by on the I-55 or near ISU.

I would play it again if I'm in the area.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 443 played 87 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well manicured shorty 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2009 Played the course:once


-Very well manicured course: fairways are mowed short with rough areas long on every hole.
-Rough areas not too high: if you throw into it, a disc can be found rather quickly
-Nice bridges cross draws at many points.
-Nice concrete pads
-Easy to navigate: just follow the flow of the mowing.
-Nature "preserve" area butts up against the west side of the park (hole 10)
-Slight elevation changes on some holes
-It's very windy on this course as other reviewers have said, I look at this as a positive because otherwise the course would be WAY too easy.
-Really nice, accurate tee signs


-Very few facilities: although there are bathrooms at the park, none are near the course. I also didn't find any water, and very few benches.
-I played on a day with temps in the 90's and there was very little shade
-Very short, only 2 holes that some who throws 300' accurately couldn't reach.
-Very few obstacles in the fairways, only 1 or 2 trees in most fairways and most didn't guard the holes well. It was almost like playing a tiny ball golf course.
-Fairly monotonous, if you throw a straight shot, you are well set up for a putt on most holes. Although there were some holes were the suggested route is a hyzer or anhyzer, you aren't punished by not throwing the shot.
-Being right by the interstate, the course is fairly loud and it kind of took away from it being a classic dg experience
-Only one tee pad per hole. I think if another pad were put in this could be a way more challenging course

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun, little course. It is pretty, even with it butting up against I55. Bring lots of water especially if it's hot. I'd imagine that this course gets pretty busy when school is in session since it is right down the street from ISU.

If this course wasn't well manicured and the wind didn't constantly howl on this course, I would have rated it a 2.5
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8 1
Experience: 17.5 years 90 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course for All Skill Levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


- Good mix of holes: long and short, straight, left and right. Difficulty is also widely varied - some shorter, fairly open holes that a rec player could deuce, and some longer, more diffuclt holes that are almost par 4's for advanced players.
- Makes excellent use of existing trees in a fairly open park to create challenging lines for all levels of players
- Even though this park is in Central IL (Flat City, USA), the course has several slight elevation changes which add variety and difficulty
- Well maintained by the park disctrict and the local disc golf club: mowed fairways, wood chips around baskets and tee pads and trash cans at every hole
- Detailed tee signs, showing distances, alternate pin placements and major landmarks


- Not as wooded as many of the "top tier" courses, which makes lines much wider and many baskets can be easily reached by most advanced players.
- Wide open layout and location can make this course EXTREMELY windy. On some days, the wind makes play nearly impossible.
- Long rough can make finding errant discs difficult, even if the disc is only 5-10 feet off the fairway (much like a ball golf course).
- Parking at the course can be difficult on days when there is a tournament at the neighboring softball fields

Other Thoughts:

Maxwell Park is an excellent course for beginners (many locals play this course with their entire families in tow) but it also has several holes that provide ample challenge for advanced players. This wide appeal is why the course is always full of players in good weather and frequented by players of all skill levels who want to work on wind play, test new discs, grips or throwing styles. If you're in the area and want a fun day in the park without trudging through the woods, Maxwell Park is definitely worth a visit.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 216 played 204 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Open course is fantastic 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 22, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


-Very open
-Beautiful park
-Very clean
-Two sets of baskets so everytime you go it's a different course
-A lot of parking
-Usually very empty
-Signs on every hole that indicate distance and a map of the hole
-Concrete tees
-Fairly easy pars
-I've seen 10+ snakes on this course. It definitely adds to the experience!


-It can get very windy
-Losing your frisbee in the prairie grass can be a bitch...
-The highway in the background isn't very breathtaking
-Since this course is directly across froms "Champion Fields", if you go here on a day when there's a softball tournament, getting a parking spot can be very, very difficult.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course. It's my home course and I play here several times a week. It's a great, great place to go if you don't want a hard challenge and I rarely hit trees here.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 17 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wind tunnel 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 24, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Not far from campus (a mile or so W of Tri Towers) so it's possible to get here without a car.

Well thought out and maintained course. Mowed regularly and brush is taken care of. Concrete pads are greatly appreciated; I hate teeing off dirt pads.

Wonderful mix of shot selection.

In town, so food, drinks, smokes, etc are very accessable.


Central Illinois is windy. This park is located near Interstate 55. There are nothing but fields on the other side of 55. All that wind blows onto this course, typically into your face, affecting your throw.

I have triple putted a hole here because of the wind.

Other Thoughts:

While you're out here, drive a bit more and play the courses in Pekin and Morton. They are well worth it.
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4 1
Experience: 30.4 years 24 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2007 Played the course:once


Very easy to find way around the course. Park was very well kept. Not a lot of trees but able to use different shots because of where baskets are placed. Fairways were nice. Able to play quickly since I was passing through.


Not a lot of challenge, clear throwing lanes make just about any shot possible. Elevation change was very minimal.
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