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Fayetteville, NC

Mazarick Park - Glenville Lake

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2.885(based on 26 reviews)
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Mazarick Park - Glenville Lake reviews

19 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Ignore The Terrible Udisc Ratings, This Is Where Veteran Players Want To Throw 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2021 Played the course:once


(3.325 Rating) A heavily wooded challenging course that has had significant changes in the last couple of years.
- MODIFICATIONS IN 2019 - I'm going to start this review by going off script and start off with a descriptive narrative of the changes I noticed between my experience and what I researched by going through all the past reviews. Hole (1) is the same as before. Hole (2) starts at the old tee and ends at basket (3). Hole (2) is now a 700 foot par 5, up and down the valley, with a dogleg left at the end. IMO it's the signature hole in the city of Fayetteville having played all 4 courses in town as of this review. Hole (3) is a lengthened version of old (4). Hole (4) I think is similar to old (5). Hole (5) is completely new and is a big sweeping sky hyzer left to the basket. Hole (6) is the same. Hole (7) is completely new and is a tight technical downhill line with water beyond. Hole (8) is completely new and is a long par 4. Hole (9) has modified basket location requiring more length and more precision. Hole (10) thru (14) appear to be roughly the same. Hole (15) was lengthen into a par 4. Hole (16) I think has been modified a touch. Hole (17) and (18) appear to be the same.
- CORRECTED COMPLAINTS - All the significate complaints noted in the old reviews have been fixed. "Hole (9) is missing a bridge." Connection has been built, Check. "Hole (3) throws over a bridge." Old hole (3) got the axe, Check. "Hole (7) plays along a paved path the entire way." Old hole (7) got the axe, Check. "No tee signage." Brand new artistic colored signage, Check. "No directional cues." New directional next tee signs after every basket, Check. "Course needs better maintenance." I personally found the course to be in good shape and I played near the peak overgrowth period, Check. "No benches." Benches at every tee box, Check.
- CHALLENGING - As of this review posting, this is without question the most challenging of the four courses in Fayetteville. A plus 6,000 foot heavily wooded course requiring a ton of precision and even some length. I had 3 discs with me coming in and left with 2. I shot a plus seven 65 as an intermediate. New holes (2) and (8) are monster holes requiring shot shaping, shot planning and risk reward analysis. These two holes pummeled me. IMO, the course reads as Advanced level.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - From the tee box alone, the beauty of the lines would have been 85 percentile on my ledger. Several high-quality downhill lines including hole (18) to finish off the course. Unfortunately, there is a major detractor and I dropped my score on this category to 60 percentile overall. The lake and mini creeks dicing through the layout are heavily polluted. Trash was everywhere along the lake edge. The level of clean-up required to clean this place up would be monumental. In addition, even if the waters were cleaned, they'd probably be repolluted in a few months as the trash is coming in from off-site. The areas away from the water looked great.
- SIGNAGE AND NAVIGATION - As noted under my corrected complaints pro, this category has been greatly fixed. The new tee signs were however printed using low quality materials and might only last 2 or 3 years. But, for my round, I didn't even use a map, except to find tee (1). I did not see a course map, but I started at bonus local hole (Zero), so I may have missed it.
- HOLE VARIETY - Compared to the pre 2019 layout, I imagine this has greatly improved. Two plus 600-foot holes. Two par 4s and a dogleg par 5. Lots of elevation change in the 30 to 40-foot range. Water in play on a handful of holes. A majority of the par 3 holes do play straight, but new hole (5) is a huge sweeping exception.
- CHAINS - Adequate Chainstars. They caught all my putts on target, but none of my airballs.
- EXTRAS - Restrooms, shelters, picnic areas, playgrounds, etc.


A couple minor things and preferential cons.
- LOST DISC POTENTIAL - There are 3 or 4 holes on this layout where a bad ricochet could result in a lost disc. I lost one on (8) where a tree kindly redirected my tee shot into the polluted abyss.
- POISON IVY AND BUGS - Pretty sure I caught glimpses of this stuff, but I wasn't particularly looking for it. A local player told me to check for ticks. I don't take off points for this.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - Beginners will not like this course. Don't bring them here and don't come here if you are one.
- TEES - They looked like worn down melted asphalt. Several had some modest unlevelness to them. Several I wished were larger. I've played from much worse.
- MULTI-USE HAZARDS - This is nowhere near as bad as it once was. The worse offending holes have been removed. I personally only noticed walkers or a walking path in play on holes (9), (11) and (12).
- IFFY LINES - Several holes are super tight. Players that like open course will argue that several holes are poke and hope. If the classic reviewer Redneck Machismo played here, he would have rated this one between a 0.0 and 1.0.

Other Thoughts:

I was not expecting this course to be as good as I found it. I've played all four courses in town within a 6-month time frame and this was without question my favorite. Parts of the course reminded me of my backyard course V-Rock and this is also my preferred style of course. I enjoyed the cerebral intensity of this course, especially among the new holes on the layout. For veteran players traveling to Fayetteville, this should be the target course if they like challenging wooded courses. Players that don't like woods courses, probably shouldn't come to Fayetteville as three of the four are good examples of wooded courses and the other is a bland short treeless course with safety hazards abound. Overall, a 3.25 in my books due to all the upgrades and layout tweaks.
- MAINTENANCE - Kudos to the local club and/or individuals responsible for maintaining this course. I read a lot of old reviews stating how poor this aspect was. I found the mid May conditions to be great. Unfortunately, a woods course like this one will need constant upkeep. So hopefully they can keep this going.
- FUTURE EDITS - Holes (3), (4) and (5) are apparently on the chopping block according to a local I spoke too. A tennis facility is planned in that section of the park. The new replacement holes are already roughed-in, but I did not check them out.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Technical And Worth The Time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2020 Played the course:once


Mazarick Park - Glenville Lake is one of 2 courses just off of I-95 and at the end of Belvedere Rd . There is a Port O Let at the bottom of a good sized parking lot . This is an 18 hole course .
The Equipment - There is a putting basket to your right as you enter the parking lot . The tee pads are cement but smaller than the ones on the other course . The tee signs are okay and informative enough . The baskets are Chainstars . There are benches at most of the tees .
The Landscape - This course was cut and trimmed while I was here . No complaints . The course is mostly woods with a lot of trees for tunnel shots and tight fairways . There is some elevation present with some good uphill and downhill slopes , upshots , and gully throws . Wear work or hiking boots or worn shoes . It can be soggy in spots .
Appearance/Atmosphere - About average . The woods is okay looking , and quiet . You will see some of nature running around on this course .You will only see the lake on a couple of holes . I guess I was expecting too much .
Highlights - #1 starts you off with a 325' drive off of an elevated tee . The fairway remains wide enough and flattens out , but drops off behind the basket . #6 ( 255' ) is a narrow fairway upsloping shot to a basket perched on an elevated concrete circle with an umbrella ( ? ) .#8 is a long flat fairway which follows the lake on the right . The basket sits at the end on the right . #15 262' Downhill run with trees tightening at 100' . #18 is a good finishing hole . It ia a gully shot , 337' , on a tight fairway . The parking lot is about 50' behind it .
Signature Hole - The best hole on both courses is #2 , 700' . It is a steep gully run with a creek at the bottom . The basket sits at the top of a long hill . They apparently combined former holes 2 & 3 to pull this off .
The Time - It took me about 70 minutes to play this side . A group of 4 will still finish up in about 2 hours and 10 minutes .
Disc Risk -A shade higher than the Glenville Pines course , but still under medium . There is some overgrowth , but most of the holes are in the woods .


#1Safety - The back end of some of the earlier holes will have people from the neighborhood cutting through the woods . This happened to me at hole #7 . There is a walking path around those parts . Be aware .
#2 Soggy - After a rain , it will be soggy where it's flat , and slippery where it slopes . This might not be the place to play after a snow , either .
#3 Challenge - Intermediates on up will like holes 2 & 8 , and eat up the rest . A couple of doglegs and par 4's would help , but I understand it if more land can't be spared . I mean , There Are 2 Courses Here !
#4 Upkeep - Doesn't seem like this course is cleaned up ( trash on some of the earlier holes ) and trimmed like the Pines course .
Just some wish list things , like bigger tees or better baskets , or Next Tee signs and a shelter area to chill in after a round .

Other Thoughts:

For whatever shortcomings this course has , it is still pretty solid . You can't go many places where you can park your car , enter one course , play into a section of the other course at 16 and attach to the other course , and play a continuous 36 different holes . Enough variety here to keep things interesting . I graded this out at a 2.7 but moved it up to a 3 because of the design and tinkering with some holes . A worthwhile stop for a full morning/afternoon of disc golf . I would play here all the time if I lived locally . IMO , it's a fun little course that gives you all it has Bring your technical game with you , or you are in for a long day .
My Recommendation : Intro , dates , families and 1 discers may want to play elsewhere on on the Glenville Pines course . This would be a good 18 or 36 in all for the locals to spend a Saturday on . Intermediates and up might like a small sampling of the holes , and birdie most of the rest , but still be able to work on their technical game . Not far off of I-95 for travelers , who can stretch legs for 18 , 27 , or 36 holes . Course Collectors can grab 2 for 1 stop here . These are the highest rated courses in the Fayetteville area . If in the general area ,,,, PLAY IT !!!
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3 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Fun course. Has a nice mix of left and right finishing holes. The local club has done a ton of work cleaning and some minor redesign. Biggest difference is that the short # 2 has been removed. Now you tee off from #2's t-pad and throw across the creek and back up the hill to #3's basket to make a par 5. The hardest hole in the area by far but gorgeous and actually pretty fun. #15 had it's basket stolen by some knuckleheads, the basket has been replaced but had to be moved further up the hill to avoid it being stolen again. Now #15 is a challenging par 4.


There are still a few holes you have to play over the walking path, so be careful. People cut thru the park from surrounding neighborhoods so there is some trash scattered in areas. Several trash cans are available but the people passing thru don't always use them. Some of the holes have really heavy briars if you get off the fairway.(so don't miss the fairway by much). Has some pretty swampy areas on a few holes but they won't keep you from playing.

Other Thoughts:

The local club has put a lot of time and effort cleaning up and improving this course(and the one right next door, Glenville Pines) and it has become one of the more challenging, fun courses and certainly worth the trip.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Careful the walking path, you are in Fayetteville 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 9, 2018 Played the course:once


Concrete tees, but could be larger.
Baskets are in decent shape.
Great use of the terrain, many uphill and downhill shots. Some left and right shaped holes.
Most of the roughs are worn in, little chance of losing discs, except on the holes near the creek.
Restrooms available at the start, mid-way through and at the end.


Tee signs are pretty basic, concrete tees need to be larger.
A lot of the holes are straight shots, there seems to be enough land available to add more variety.
Could use more maintenance, not a lot of time is spent on this course.
The main CON here is the interaction with the paved walking path. On at least 7 holes you are throwing over or near this path. Probably the worst is #3 - the fairway starts over a bridge for the path, with a blind downhill corner on the far side, just about need a spotter on this tee shot.

Other Thoughts:

As I mentioned in the Cons, the interactions with the paved walking path seems to be a big issue with this course. I didn't have any issues on the February morning that I played here, but could see it being a big issue during warmer months.
#18 could be another big issue, a long downhill tee shot through a tight gap, the walking path is just before the basket. It could be clear when you throw, but someone could walk, run or cycle into danger by the time your disc gets there.
There are some fun holes here, #3 (with its safety issue) is the only Par 4 on the course, pretty steep uphill after crossing the bridge fairway (Bridgway ?). #8 - short downhill with the namesake lake lurking behind. #9 - crosses a creek/swampy area that puts a premium, on hitting your line.
It's easy to tell this is the older of the two courses here, a lot of the holes are mostly straight, the tees are older and it seems a little neglected. I played this one first, so it was nice to finish the day on the better course.
Both courses do come together on the back 9s, so be careful you stay on the correct course. The starts are about a third of a mile apart, so best to drive to each. Or you can hop from one course over to the other and play all 36 at once, for a Figure 8, just like at Cedarock.
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0 1
Experience: 13.3 years 41 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

If you love hitting trees... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 24, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


This is a great course that has amazing potential but everyone pays more attention to the newer course up the street from it. This course with the right attention could become a championship calibre course. A decent player will struggle to finish PAR on this course.


Is neglected due to the newer course up the road.
Older baskets.
Be careful some of the tees drop off at the end (hole 1)
Can be difficult to navigate if you've never played there before.

Other Thoughts:

I love playing this course and hitting the same trees over and over and over again...
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4 0
Experience: 15.3 years 17 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course through the woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 19, 2017 Played the course:once


- Nice course through the woods.
- The Tees are all newly placed concrete with 4x4s and hole map by each tee.
- Good signage marking next T and hole


- The course is kind of generic. Most holes are straight through a couple trees. They could have planned a lot more difficult course with the given terrain.
- Not cart friendly, but if you can handle carrying a few 2-ounce disks around you'll be alright.
- Tee 15 of Glenville Lakes and Tee 14 of Glenville Pines are within 10' of each other. Pay attention to what hole and course you're on or you'll start throwing the other course here.
- While the Tees are marked well now the baskets could use a little paint or brightly colored tape.

Other Thoughts:

I liked this course it wound its way through the woods and made for a relaxing course. Hole 9, I think, had a shot that followed an exposed water line. The most direct route to the basket is walking on top of this line over a small creek. Great use of the terrain here. It makes for an interesting hole.
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0 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Recently Remodeled 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 18, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


New cement tee pads, new tee signs and benches at every hole, directional arrows pointing toward the next hole. Great for beginners or players with a shorter drive. Most brush / thorns have been cleared since I was last here.


Many holes follow the same flight path, straight and then fade to the left - significant advantage to a RHBH player.
Pretty easy course, less challenging than most.

Other Thoughts:

A couple holes have a second basket on the sign, but the new baskets weren't installed yet. Overall I really enjoyed playing the course even though it's not super technical. Will play again!
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2 0
Experience: 13.3 years 15 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Land Navigation with Discs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2015 Played the course:once


-Good opportunity to work on your tunnel game
-A bad shot is not going to ruin the hole*
-Working with lots of elevation changes
-Easy putting**


-Course could use some landscaping, fallen trees, thorns fairly common
-Walking around lost hoping you find the next hole***
-Would need a machete to retrieve a lost disc on the forgiving holes; a time machine to get your disc back on the worst
-On at least 3 holes, a bad drive = lost disc that you ain't gettin back

Other Thoughts:

*Generally, unless you can ninja your drive in a tight S-curve, you will be playing a second shot from >80ft away. And the course more or less allows for quality shots from these positions.

**The only parts of this course that are short on trees and elevation changes are the last 30' to the pin. I am ok with this, but the putting was basically an afterthought.

***OMG...I have never had so little confidence in tee-finding. I had the map, but since I played in the early evening, oblique sunlight basically left me in the dark. This is not an evening course. Take the map, take a flashlight maybe and take caution...this park doesnt want you to be here.

****After a half dozen holes or so, you are basically throwing a flat drive while trying to avoid trees and stay as straight as you can. More fun can be had elsewhere.
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1 0
Experience: 16.3 years 68 played 53 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Pretty standard course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 19, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice pads and baskets. Pretty long and in the woods so its a good test of accuracy and distance.


A bit hard to follow, so definitely have a map with you.

Other Thoughts:

Pretty standard course through the woods. Nothing too spectacular but nothing obviously bad. Definitely a good time.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bring the map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2013 Played the course:once


I really liked the course at the beginning. The first hole is an elevated tee with a wide fairway below. Excellent way to tee off the course. From there it gets more tight and technical but the elevation changes are pretty constant. It's a nice balance of downhill and uphill holes that keep the player guessing. And for the amount of trees on most of the holes, there is quite a bit of length.

I don't want to be too short on what is good about this course because there is plenty. There just isn't much that is memorable. It's a collection of well-designed fairways of playable width, with real lines to take a shot at through a light forest with with moderate elevation changes. You could describe almost every hole here as good and solid but not as notable or signature. If you have a little patience with the flow and bring a map (Good lord, you will want to bring a map) you will enjoy the course.


While I like most of the holes here, there are a few that I really did not care for and most of them related to the bike path that goes through the whole park. Now maybe nobody ever rides there and it isn't a significant issue. But if so, many players aren't going to know that. And the path is maintained enough that I would assume it gets some use. 3 is the primary culprit. The first half of the fairway essentially is a wooden bridge. The ideal flight path is directly over the bridge and then the dog leg is uphill to the right. Potentially a very cool hole. If the bridge wasn't a bike path. That has a a sharp left curve so that if anyone is biking towards you, you cannot see them until after the disc has left your hand.

One of the things that this course helped me realize is that navigation issues become wearisome the longer they persist. Because my opinion on this course deteriorated as it went along and I don't think the course actually got worse. There were issues at the beginning but I took them in stride. At hole six my thoughts were along the line of, "Well, I'll just pull up the map. Oh there it is. Hm, this is a nice hole. I bet the basket is up there to the left. Fun." By sixteen I would have transcribed my inner monologue this way. "C'mon. Really? How many times do I have to pull out this damn map?.....Oh this is the hole. Where the hell is the basket?" It probably wasn't that much worse of a hole. It's just that while a few holes where you don't know where to throw or don't know where to go are fine. A lot can be seriously draining. And this course isn't entirely bereft of next tee signs either. The problem is typically that while the arrow points in the direction of the tee, the actual tee is so far that there are more decisions to make along the way.

A key hole for this is nine. This is another potentially cool hole, with a carry over a marshy section of the creek that the earlier bridge crosses. It would be great except for two things. Not knowing where the basket is really takes the fun out of it. And then there is a long walk from the tee, backtracking to the bridge (that is another hole's fairway) to get to the other side of the carry. Basically sums up what the cons are for this course that has some good hole design in places: lack of signage and long walks that don't feel warranted.

Other Thoughts:

I do recommend the course and don't mean to be too harsh. I think you should play it. You'll enjoy most of the throws. I just want you to be prepared for the stuff that's outside-the-fairway. Above all, I want you to bring the course map. Can't really stress that enough. Bring the map.
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4 1
Experience: 14.3 years 23 played 23 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 11, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Once you figure out the layout of the course it becomes easy to see that Mazarick is a decently challenging. I will agree that the first time I went it took awhile for me to figure out the front nine. Hole one starts at the top of the hill before the parking lot. Although there is no real signage you do get the yardage on most of the tee pads. And the baskets are easy to make out even with out the yellow rim that most wooded courses have. There are white directional arrows on pretty much every hole. To get to hole 2 turn around and walk back up the fairway and you'll find the path on the left that winds it's way back to the second tee pad. Once you see what the "new" tee pads look like you know what to look for. After hole two take a left and you'll get to the tee pad for hole 3. I had to do a double take on this one the first time I saw what you had to throw through. It's across the bride and up the hill. Dangerous for park goers, yes, possible to lose a disc on a bad drive, yes, but all that is worth it. The risk factor on some of these holes is what most courses in the surrounding area are seriously lacking. Take a right to get to hole 4. The tee pad for 5 is pretty much straight ahead once you get to the basket. To get to hole 6 follow the trail past the little shelter/covering and hang a right. Hole 7 will be to the left of basket 6 and the tee pad for 8 is just a little ways in front of the basket for 7. Hole 8 has some water behind it, the basket is on your right and the tee pad for 9 is to your left. Hole 9 you throw over some water and the basket is around the wood line to the right. For hole 10 you have to cross the walking trail and head towards hole 1. You'll see the tee pad that I would think gets mistaken for hole 2. After hole 10 walk towards the building to your left and the tee pad for 11 is on the other side of the parking lot almost directly across from #10 basket. To get to hole 12 follow the curve of the walking trail. Follow the trail to the right of basket 12 to get to the tee pad of 13 (you'll cross the road). Hole 14 is on the right side of the walking trail, you have to keep this drive straight or you'll be wet/muddy. Take a left at basket 14 to get to 15 which is a tight uphill shot and 16 will be on your left, throw back downhill and take a right to get to 17. Once you finish 17 take a left and follow the walking trail back towards the parking lot you'll keep walking into the woods and see the tee pad on the left. 18 takes you back to the parking lot.


Obviously signage is an issue. I'm sure this is a course that is in the process of being reconstructed, you can get old tee boxes as you walk the course. I heard bad things about this course when I first got to the area, so I was very hesitant to play it, but after talking to some locals I decided to give it a shot. Aside from the lack of signage and some of the upkeep (in comparison to other courses in the area) I was pleasantly surprised at the difficulty level of this course. The risk / reward factor on some of these holes is exactly what I've been looking for, but haven't really found around the area. That being said, I do think this course needs some fixing up in terms signage, course map, more defined fairways (mainly in the more heavily wooded areas) which can be fixed by getting rid of some of the undergrowth around the fairways. I believe this course has the potential to be 3.5+, if it was more well maintained. The biggest reason the up keep of this course stands out so much, is because most of the other courses in the surround area are getting a much needed face lift after the fall and winter months.

Other Thoughts:

Knowing the layout of the course is key, but it's not like it's impossible to figure out if you've never been there. There's a greater since of difficulty in terms of being accurate with your shots. I'd say it's a challenging course but has potential to be much better if they fixed some basic things. Don't let the cons deter you from playing this course. It's got some really fun, challenging and risky shots. You couldn't ask for a better start to a round than hole #1. There's a lot of elevation throughout the course which makes for a wide variety of shots. The fairways are challenging on several holes and I know I've said a number of times, but the risk factor is my favorite part.
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2 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Maz East 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Tight lines and a few holes you can bring it on but mostly a pick your shot type course versus a rare back for distance.
Good baskets.
The Tees are worn down around but they are in good shape.
For a beginner its got enough wear in the course to be open even though you bang on the trees.
Errant shots for most holes are playable.
great location and easily reached for everyone except those on the West side of town. (Guess we need to get a course on the west side)


Like others have said the signage and direction are clearly lacking.
I played with regulars to start otherwise i would have just happened onto some of the holes.
many holes have pedestrian walkways that you either cross or run beside making for delays as you wait (not a big deal) or someone just popping around the corner after you zing a Wraith right across their path.
(This is not something that can change just a warning to those going to play there the first time.)
Hole #3 has a pedestrian bridge you through down the length of. Two things here 1. Get across and stay center to left. 2. Don't take a long time to throw. Get it done before a jogger roles onto the bridge.
Go on an evening or weekend and someone will be gald to show you the way. You'll be glad you did.
Others have covered some of the holes but all in all its a good course.
It can be challenging for LHBH or RH flicks as the course in some areas seems to favor a RHBH setup more prominently.

Other Thoughts:

Does anyone know if someone made hole direction signs if the Parks department would take them down?
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0 2
Dale W
Experience: 23.8 years 106 played 10 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Pass this one up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 21, 2012 Played the course:once


That you are playing instead of working? One hole on the back 9 is somewhat senic with the large pipe running down the entire length.


Where to start. Upon parking, couldnt even find the front 9. Finally foung hole 10's pad and started playing there. No sinage directing you to the next hole except for 11 (spray paint on a board), no sinage telling you distance or layout, and trash everywhere. After figuring out the back 9, continued to search for the "new" baskets and pads that are the front 9. Eventually gave up and went elsewhere.

Other Thoughts:

I have never seen a course with such a lack of care...even courses under construction and coursed being redone are more playable. I decided throwing in a field was better than playing this course for the month I was in Fayetteville.
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0 2
Experience: 12.8 years 40 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

meh.... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2012 Played the course:once


The tee boxes are in good condition, and the lines are nice and tight. There's a few nice long holes where you can grip it & rip it, but be wary & stay in the fairway (I'm still pulling thorns out of my back side). It's a helluva challenge for a new player.


The course is in pretty bad shape. Sure there are multiple trashcans, but very few are used. There are no course maps or scorecards on sight. We were lucky to run into someone that plays the course regularly, otherwise we would've been completely lost.
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1 1
Experience: 14.7 years 30 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Not Bad! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Cool course, nestled in the woods. Fair ammount of long and short holes with lefty and right hand friendly shots. Come cool topographical changes along the pipeline and plenty of 450+ft holes to air a few out on. I especially liked the 468ft bomb along the path from the long tees. Great basket location and its pretty cool seeing all the 1980s era baskets chilling in their old locations like sentinels. The back nine are almost from another course it seems, they are down in lowlands around the lake. the temp drops off, the ground becomes soggy and all of a sudden if you grip one the wrong way, your in the woods and maybe the water. Challenging course for the first time I played it for sure.


Only cons here are the markers for the course ( a little hard without a map or a friend who has played it before) and the t-boxes fall off into nothin on many of the hole. Number 1 if you mis step on your follow through your gonna have a briar filled 15ft drop before you stop rolling. Nice course though! and awesome location to downtown and PIA. Watch the bridgeless parts. Balancing act required to cross a few holes. One of which on a pipeline, not bad for us younguns, but an old codger out there would meet his end.

Its worth a play! Get out there then head to Arnette... its awesome.

Other Thoughts:

Nice day trip course! check it out!
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10 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 14.6 years 797 played 59 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nav training in Fayettenam 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 1, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The course has some sweet shots and can be tough when it wants too be. I love the design if it wasn't for a few dangerous issues and weird OB I'd rate it higher.

nice chainstars

Hole 10 loops back to the parking lot.

If you know how to play the old layout or are with a guide it is still playable and is a Rec level design that would be good for beginners or a quick mid round .


This course Could easily get a higher rating with some improvements. Tee Signs are needed. most holes just have the Hole # and distance painted on the Pad with no idea where the hole is. Also better navigation signs would be nice

The Pads are raised and are not friendly to a follow through.

If you don't know where your going the old baskets and pads can confuse you. Just remember that all pads are asphalt and not natural on the new course(hole 11 now has a concrete pad) and you are shooting at the chainstars not the old innova baskets.
Navigation overall can be an issue. I completely missed a hole the first time I played the course.

Hole 9 REALLY needs a bridge you have to either hike through the woods and around the corner to the bridge on hole 3 or do a balancing act across a large Pipe.

Hole 3 you throw across a bridge with a walking path that goes around a corner which is ok when a biker is NOT coming around the corner and almost takes a teebird to the Dome. This is a dangerous throw for the walkers who use the path. The same issue can come up on hole 7 and with a shot that is overthrown on hole 9.

When it rains there are some NASTY places on this course that almost seem like you in a swamp. Hole 11 and hole 14 come to mind immediately.

Other Thoughts:

I gave this course a 3 because I do like the shots it has to offer and I enjoy playing it however there are small issues and design flaws that make it loss some points in my book. If tee signs were added and a bridge on 9 was installed I would look at giving this course a 3.5 but I doubt It would get more from me.
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2 3
Experience: 2.9 months 30 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Prefer the OLD course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The old course is a good confidence booster. Many birdie opportunities! We generally play this three times when we go.
For those that get hungry you can take a short walk off of 8 to a food mart for a snack during play. Lots of up and down shots make this even better.
There has recently been some cleanup work done (THANKS) on this old course.


The tee pads need a lot of work but are useable. Many dead and falling trees to watch out for and be aware of.

Other Thoughts:

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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 45.4 years 995 played 118 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Elevation and Woods 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 6, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


*Elevation changes- one of the best features of this course. There are elevation changes on every hole with 8 Up/ 10 Down. Most changes are moderate (3-12 ft.) but 7 holes are bigger (15-30 ft. change)
* Terrain- This is mostly a woods course with a few holes slightly more open. 15 Woods/ 3 Mixed.
*Fairways- Nicely shaped with pretty good shape variety. 10 St/ 3 Left/ 5 Right
*Length variety- decent. 1 of 195/ 9 of 200-299/ 6 of 300-399/ 2>400 (415, 445)

*Baskets- Chainstars are one of my favorites.

*Navigation- there are many "Next tee" signs that help.
*Restrooms- good


-Fairway 7 has a road down it's whole length. Not only does this detract from the beauty of nature, but everything to the right of the road is OB and I think that's dumb. I don't like this hole.
-Navigation- There are long walks to tees 6, 11, 18, so these are harder to find. Five baskets aren't visible from the tee (3, 4, 7, 9, 12)
-Walking over the large drainage pipe on hole 9 might be a difficult balancing act for some people.

-Tee signs need improvement. Very minimal, length only, most tacked to a tree.
-Tees are below average. Asphalt that might get too soft on hot summer days.

-The online map is outdated, so it's misleading and useless.
-No scorecard, warm up basket, or message board. No benches and few trash cans out on the course.

Other Thoughts:

Course Level: Blue (most suited for Advanced players rated 950) It's between White and Blue. It's either a more difficult White or an easier Blue level. The numbers came out closer to Blue so I landed on that, but I bet that Blue level players will score pretty low here.

~Water- there's only a little in play on a couple of holes and some in view but not in play on a few more. When you can see the swamp it's rather scenic; I just wish that the water came into play more.
~One big detraction is the decaying remains of the original course. There are old rusting yellow Discatcher baskets and unmarked cinder tees scattered near the first few holes. To make it even more confusing, the old 1st basket is inside the park just off the parking lot, so I saw several new players shooting for it then getting lost and bewildered. This is unsightly and confusing and I think they should remove it all.
~The course is in the heart of Fayetteville, so it's easy to get to. I hate to say it, but the ambience of the surrounding area doesn't thrill me, so I started out on an off note. This park does offer a good opportunity to get away from civilization, and after a few holes I did feel out in nature and away from that bad vibe I had driving there.

Bottom line-- if you like woods courses with nice elevation changes, and you're in Fayetteville, it's worth stopping by to play. My Enjoyment Rating is Above Average, but I still wouldn't recommend making much of a trip to go there.

<span class="underline">A note about my rating:</span> My rating is a subjective measure of my enjoyment of the course, on the day I played it, and it is NOT intended to be a measure of the quality of the course. My ratings are given "on the curve" in relation to all other courses I've played.

~My more detailed "Overall Rating" notes and "Hole-by-hole Ratings" are available in the Files section.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fast Times in Fayette-Nam 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 22, 2010 Played the course:once


Simply fun. The course is predominately wooded with some tall, old pines. It's very fairly wooded, only a couple of holes are borderline "unfair" or luck based. Great use of elevation, much more rolling than I thought it would be and there's a slew of fun, downhill ace-runs and birdie fests. A couple of holes had some nice creeks to throw over and a little lake even threatens on one hole. Fairways are well-defined and easy to spot and the course flows pretty well once you figure out where to go. Nice baskets as well. The tees aren't the worse and they're pretty level which is great but they're aren't real flush with the ground.


Navigation, it really can be tricky. I'm usually a whiz for finding the next hole but this place had me scratching my head a couple of times. Hole #4 is not obvious to find (hang a right up the hill), hole #11's tee pad is non-existent as far as I can tell, and hole #18's tee is past that construction/mulch pile area and to the left once you get back into the woods again. The layout for the old course really throws you off on the front 9 but easy to avoid as long as you remember not to throw towards yellow, rusty baskets.

Hole variety: It's a little repetitive. All the holes are generally some sort of variation of an S-curve or just generally straight, with the exception of #12 that bizarrely hooks left at the very end.

Mobility: This only comes into play a couple of holes but they were bad. Hole #1 has only a steep, eroded path leading to the fairway that's fairly dangerous. The big culprit is hole #9 which throws over the creek. The problem is there's no way to cross said creek unless you're nimble enough to balance across the large metal pipe that goes over it. My broken foot and I had to bushwhack our way back to the bridge to cross over.

Quite a bit of trash and litter unfortunately.

Other Thoughts:

This course is like OT Sloan's (Sanford) bigger, older sister. The holes are longer (probably average out to around 300'), it's more mature and fair with concrete tees and its wooded-ness, and it's just really fun to play. The old course and park layout also leads to some great safari golf potential if you get bored.

I will definitely play it again after my foot heals, for sure.
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12 2
Frank Delicious
Experience: 46 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

15 really good holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Every hole at this course except for 7, 12, and 16 are good holes. Hole 2 seems a little tacked on but is a solid technical hole. Hole one is a great starting hole and hole 18 is a very good finishing hole. The course is tight like every NC course but unlike many tightly wooded courses, this course doesn't just make you throw straight shots all day. If you want to shoot under par on this course you will have to use all the shots in your bag off the tee. I found myself throwing S curves both forehand and backhand, controlled hyzers, controlled anyhyzers and some longer forehand shots that really tested my line shaping skills.


The first big problem with this course is navigation. Do not go out there without a map or a guide. There are signs in places indicating where the next tee pad is but these signs are not always easy to see and some have been torn down. Couple that with the old course still being in and new players will get lost very easy.

The three holes I had the biggest problems with were holes 7, 12, and 16.

Hole 7 from the longs is a long hyzer down a walking path. The tee shot itself is fun and probably plays 400' The two problems with this hole are 1) you can't see all the way down the walking path. If you can throw 400' you need to check to make sure people aren't walking near the basket b/c you could hit them. 2) the walking path plays OB and also makes up the majority of the driving lane. Even with a good drive a player can land OB. A better way to play the hole would be to make everything right of the walking path OB b/c that punished overly aggressive throws that get knocked down.

Hole 12 is very odd. When you come up on the teepad you see a slightly S curved fairway with no pin. If you walk down 300' or so you will see the pin tucked up and to the left in some woods. The percentage of getting to the pin are very low and the pin seems out of place tucked away with no real good fairway to it. Most players will just throw a mid or fairway driver straight 300' and then pitch up to the basket for a tap in 3. Very low scoring separation on this hole.

Hole 16 is a downhill shot that is 260' but probably only plays 220'. The issue with this hole is that you have to hit a 8' gap about 70' away to get to the basket and there does not appear to be any other way to throw this hole. The gap is just too small for most players to hit consistently and seems like one of those shots you try when messing around with your friends. The gap needs to be widened to provide a fairer tee shot.

The other big con for me was the teepads. They were made of rough asphalt that was hard to pivot on and were already eroding due to water. They were also quite small and would drop off in the front so if you follow through off the teepad, you would hurt yourself.

I could also not find an asphalt teepad for hole 11 after looking around for a while. I ended up teeing off from a dirt pad next to a yellow pole (all the other tees I played were blue). I assume I just could not find the long pads for that hole and there was no signage to really help me.

Other Thoughts:

This could could be a great course with a few improvements. They should really remove the short old course and see if they could recycle the baskets to make a new course somewhere in the area. That and tee signs would really clear up the biggest overall problems with the course.

Watch out for people. I had to stop multiple times mid teeshot because people walking around the park would cut through a fairway or emerge from some side trail you can't see from the tee pad. There are a lot of walking trails, especially on the back 9, scattered throughout the course so be on the look out.
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