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Blairsville, GA

Meeks Park

3.555(based on 32 reviews)
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Meeks Park reviews

6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.1 years 315 played 67 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Technical Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 7, 2011 Played the course:once


Sexy Park

Fair fairways

A few long holes mixed in to keep the big arms happy

Sweet elevation

Smooth flow


Gravel pads

A bit unbalanced on the short side

Other Thoughts:

No doubt this is a fun course.

If you can superbly control a midrange, you will do very well here. Not to say there is no lenght at all. There is a 700+ft. par 6 to contend with. Also, three more holes in the 400-500ft range. These will force you to keep your drivers in the bag and not in the car. But make no mistake, this course is layed out for tight, finese shots. Courses like this are cool, 'cause you dont need an arm cannon to compete. You need accuracy. This is a course you can bring some friends and no one gets left too far behind.

As with pretty much all the courses in this area, the elevation was top shelf. You toss up and down tight shoots as well as over hill crests to blind pins. There are some winding fairways, but no hard dog legs come to mind, except perhaps hole 8...and this is more of a tight left curve.

I played longs and still used my putter off of multiple tee's. Not just due to lack of distance, but the need for accuracy. You are constantly playing in tree lined fairways. Stay the path, even if you fall short. The recovery was actually not too punishing, but the paths to the pin were always clear.

This is definitly a worthy stop. I had a good time here. This course will expose weakness in your short game while still giving you some chances to break loose.
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4 0
Experience: 21.3 years 26 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course in the Mtns. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 6, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Beatiful Mtn views around course. Two sets of tee pads for different skill levels. Long and short holes. Technical and non-technical holes. Woods do not have much undergrowth. Bogies and birdies possible on most holes. Very fun course. A few benches around course. Restrooms next to hole 1. Many holes have elevation changes. You will have to throw most types of shots on this course. Course doesn't receive much play except for a few die hard locals.


Tee pads need to be taken better care of as they are soft and grassy. Concrete tees would make my rating of this course go higher. Dog area just created off left side of hole 15 fairway,changes how I appraoch this hole. People walk dogs through out course and most have no clue what disc golf is so be careful as their walking trail crosses several fairways. Tees could be longer on a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

Pay no attention to par on tee signs. All holes except 3 and 9(long tees on both of these holes are par 4) are par 3.
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2 2
Experience: 15.3 years 23 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bring an Archangel 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Pretty course. Mostly open, wide fairways through the woods for the most part.


One long hole was just down a road. Kind of boring. I was able to play most of it with just my Archangel. Par was set too high. I had a number of eagles, and many birdies.

Other Thoughts:

Course is next to an old folks home so par may be set higher for them. If so its justified. Pretty course, eat your wheaties and do some cardio before you go, it is very hilly. Very fun, I'll definitely go back.
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5 0
Experience: 15.3 years 5 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Had a good time on this one. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2009 Played the course:once


The course is in the mountainous region of north Georgia and the views and the park itself are beautiful. It really was very enjoyable to play on this course.

The holes have a lot of variety throughout the course. You start the round off with a few short and long wide open holes. As you keep playing through the holes they become more and more technical. Soon enough you feel like you're in the forest instead of Meeks Park.

After playing on my home course which has tees that are rubber pads the crushed stone teepads were awesome to throw from! The course looked as if it was taken care of regularly.


There aren't many of these but on a few of the holes (especially hole 9) the grass was almost high enough to make me feel like Indiana Jones cutting through brush.

A few of the holes were not easy to find. Where you would expect a hole to start at the end of the last hole, there were some holes where you would have to walk back almost to the previous teepad for the next hole. There is plenty land where they could have made this course's layout easier to navigate.

At my regular course, holes anywhere from 275' to 500' are considered par 3's. Something that bothered me about Meeks Park was that even from the far tees, a hole that I would have normally considered an easy par 3 would be a par 4. So, my score at the end of the day was something like -10 whereas on my regular course I normally shoot somewhere around even par.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing the course and would definitely go back and would recommend anyone to go play at this beautiful course.
I would recommend a guide or a map for this course.
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5 0
Experience: 29.3 years 55 played 21 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 13, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is very scenic with beautiful views of mountains and streams. There is good elevation change for most of the course and in general all signs, baskets and teepads were in good upkeep. The front nine (with the exception of #2) is one of the best opening sequence of holes for a course that I have played.


The back nine is the biggest drawback for this course.

Some of the shorter holes that were in the 200-250 ft.range, were border line fair.

Lots of low lying branches in the fairways, teeing areas and on smaller trees caused many 'no-see-um' wayward shots.

Several fairways come really close to one another and create traffic issues during tournament play.

Other Thoughts:

The course is realtively well thought out. I would have asked for one more hole that was uphill, and not 'border line fair'.

The course is well-loved and taken care of, a definete plus considering that it is an "out-of-the-way" kind of course.

The land that was avaialble appears to be put in good use. Sometimes its tough to get 18 high quality holes on land that really supports about 14.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 64 played 60 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mountain lovin' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 19, 2009 Played the course:once


A good variety with the challenge of tight woods and massive elevation changes.
A decent amount of left and right doglegs and definitely a lot of up and down.
Decent tees, not horrible, not fantastic
Adequate signage and benches at regular intervals.
Small next tee stickers tell you the general direction to go.
A couple mandos from the longs adding to the challenge a bit.


If this course was ever busy it would probably look like a cluster, several tees and baskets are very close, several fairways cross as well.
Crosses walking paths several times that seem to be frequented by senior citizens...while they certainly do not appear out of nowhere, they do take a bit to get out of range.
Some rough traversing up and down the side of the large hill which is a signature part of the back 9 when it is wet.

Other Thoughts:

What a beautiful course. We played the longs and certainly got humbled. There were several holes which were just wow...like the bomb off the hill for 11 at 269' that you can practically putt off because the drop is so big...in fact I did and overshot the basket by about 100'. There are other holes that wind along the steep slope of the hill (12,13,14) that if your disc catches wind or you get a roll, you can end up all the way down the hill...it happened to me on 12 and to my wife on 13, she rolled all the way down the hill to the path and "saved" a 7.
Our drive took us up and over a mountain into an area that was more like upstate NY than GA...this took us back and made us very happy. It was a nice, relaxing break from the nerve fraying traffic of Gwinnett County.
It was well worth a 99mi trip and we will come back! On the way home we met a local at a BBQ joint that plays there all the time, it was nice to be able to chat about disc golf with a random stranger.

**3/11/10 Update**

We played the shorts last weekend in preperation for Meeks Madness 2010. Much more agreeable for mediocre/decent players. Just as fun and just as enjoyable though.
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8 2
Experience: 16.2 years 29 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Really nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 6, 2009 Played the course:once


Well designed course that makes use of elevation and mixes open and wooded holes, with emphasis more on shorter, technical holes. Each hole had a long and short tee that were gravel, but were in great shape. Also there was a gravel ring around the baskets, I assume to help with erosion, but also kept the disc from rolling away. The walk between holes was quick easy to follow, and the baskets had arrows pointing toward the next tee. The park was well kept, and wasn't crowded when I was there. The pines also provided nice shade, and kept a layer of needles on the ground to kill off any undergrowth. Restrooms were located at the beginning of the course.


The back 9 had some really short holes (~200 or less). I wish they were longer because it was a let down after a solid front 9.* It took a few minutes to find the first hole(its on the left coming from the parking lot). Some of the baskets(15, 18) had two numbers on them and was a little confusing. I confused the 9 and 11 baskets(9 is to the left in the trees, 11 is in the open). The walk from 14-15 crossed 6's fairway, unless you walk behind the basket. There were a few holes we had to wait on walkers because the paths were in the fairway. Could have used some trashcans around the park. The big one for most people is probably the gravel tees, but these were in pretty good shape I thought, better than most I've seen, so it wasn't really a con for me.

Other Thoughts:

I would love to have this course closer to me.

*I wrote this review having played from the short tees only.
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7 1
Thundering Elephants
Experience: 23.3 years 28 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2009 Played the course:once


I liked the variety of this course! There was enough open holes to keep my sanity, but plenty of wooded holes to keep me challenged and cursing at the trees. There is also a good amount of elevation play both up and down. There are some really short holes, and there are a couple really long holes. I found I did not get bored as there seemed to always be a new challenge. The course was not crowded at all. I think I saw one other group as I was finishing up. It was very well maintained and the grass was cut. I really appreciated the clean restroom facilites and for those packing a lunch there is a nice picnic pavilion near the parking lot and hole 3. There are adequate signs and I was able to find all but one basket with no trouble. There are also gravel tees which are not great, but adequate and there are two tees per hole for pros & recs like myself. Adequate benches are spread throughout the course. I loved the fact that in the woods, there was not really any undergrowth to speak of. No poison ivy on steroids, which always makes things more enjoyable, and finding discs much easier.


This course is kind of in the middle of nowhere (no offense if you live in Blairsville), at least it's a beautiful drive there. I don't really have any personal problems with this course, other than the 2 holes I remember that were barely over 100 ft. My other complaint is that the tee boxes are short. I remember tripping on the landscape timber on one hole b/c of this, but if I were bright, I would have started further back.

Other Thoughts:

I probably should rate this a 3 1/2 judging by reviews prior to mine by people more educated than me, but for me personally, this is one of my favorite courses I have played. Granted, I've only played about 20 courses, but this one just had me wanting to keep playing. I can't remember playing a course with such a good fun/challenge ratio. Most really challenging courses leave me in a frustrated cursing state, but I didn't find that here. I also appreciated the mailbox on hole 1 which had scorecards. The first tee: when you are walking towards the pavilion from the parking lot, take the gravel path to the left about 200' and 1st tee is on your left throwing back towards the pavilion.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 23, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Meeks Park DGC is a very scenic course indeed. You will catch some nice mountain views, along with a lake and creek as you work your way through the course (Some locals told me the lake goes dry in drought conditions) It's primarily wooded with a few open holes for varieties sake. The wooded holes are comparatively short but you can't take low scores for granted. In the woods you'll find the need for some fairy accurate shots due to the trees being scattered along the fairways. A little luck might help also. The short pads are pretty fun and perfect for a rec player. Only two holes even breaks 300' and a few of them are under 200'. The longer are where the variety of distance comes into play for the overall course, namely three (437') and nine (733'). The long pads add about 1700' more than the short pads. Number three plays along the OB road to the right and across a shallow valley. Number nine plays along a small OB creek and tapers to the left for the last 100' or so. Additionally there are a few that are a mix of open and wooded. You will find the longer holes generally out in the open. Overall it is a good mix considering the land that where the course is located. One more giant plus is that the forest floor is relatively free from thick overgrowth. Not only is it nice looking but it is great to play through as well. Elevation changes also come into play. Several are uphill and downhill along with a several flat ones too.

There are two 8'x8' tee pads on each hole consisting of landscape timber borders and filled with crushed stone. You'll also find tee signs with distances at these pads. The Innova baskets are in great shape and easily spotted in the woods. There are some nice trails leading from hole to hole in a lot of areas

The pavilion near number three is a good place to rest. It has very clean restrooms and a water fountain. It also has picnic tables for a quick lunch. It works great for tournament headquarters as well. Parking is also convenient and abundant.

The locals I met out here are extremely friendly and seem to be happy that new people are coming out to play their course.


The tee pads have some wear and unevenness to them. A few even have some grass growing up through them. They are quite playable though. They could be a little longer too. The short holes are manageable but the longer holes could use a few more feet for a big run up.

Benches would have been nice on a few of the holes at least. Trash cans would be a plus too.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course. The drive to reach the park is nice, the park itself is nice, and the most importantly the course is nice. I was especially impressed by how clean it was. Even with no trash cans I don't remember seeing even one piece of litter.

I think the "do I want to come back to play this course again" factor is important. This course is one that I'll defiantly come back and play more. Even with my almost 2 hour drive it was worth it. I hope you'll have a good experience out there too. Enjoy!
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4 0
Experience: 16.3 years 136 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Amtrack service to Blairsville wanted 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


- Well Designed. Great use of the land available.

- This course would not be intimidating to beginners, but has a degree of challenge for experienced players.

- There is a good mix of open and wooded holes. Many holes are short, but they are wooded enough that they will punish a bad shot and reward a good one.

- Hole 3 and 9 are long bombs (700+ feet) that reward good placement as well as distance. 3 is probably the signature hole for me as it has a couple of options from the long tee and a road on the right to keep you honest.

- 2 teepads at each hole
- Good signage with distance to pin from each pad
- Clean bathrooms right by the tee for hole 3.
- Good parking close to hole 1.
- Water fountain available by restrooms.
- The park itself is beautiful to walk through and there are a lot of trees, but little brush.


- The tee pads are a bit short and many are hard to run up on since they are slightly above the ground behind them. Concrete tees would probably add a disc to the ratings here. The gravel tees were fairly flat, but some were sort of wavy.

- The long tee for 16 was muddy and is probably too close to the lake. I hear that it was actually under water a couple of months ago. It's a fun shot, but should be raised before putting concrete IMO.

Other Thoughts:

- Hole 14 to 15 requires a walk past hole 7. This isn't intuitive, but there are next tee signs. Perhaps they should say "To tee 15" though as one of the signs is on the fairway for hole 7.

- This park is fun to play. I wish it was closer to me so I could play it more.. The area is quiet and the views are great. It was worth the drive to play it and I will be back.
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6 1
Sea Bass
Experience: 24.2 years 84 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Have you seen the Blue Ridge mts. boy... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


- Great use of available land. Uphill,downhill, long and short you get a little bit of everything.
- No schule undergrowth.Holes that are lined with trees have none of the usual briars that other courses in ga. have.
- Clean bathrooms. They are closed during winter, but there was a clean portapot there also.
- Good Tee signs. Distances seem pretty accurate, fairly easy to follow.
- Location. Set it the Blue ridge mts. you will enjoy just looking around.Wonderful views everywhere.


- Could use a few trash cans near tees.

- Teepads are too small on a few of the longer holes (3 long) and a few could use some TLC. Most pads are fairly flat though.
- Walking trail comes into play on quite a few holes, and a few fairways/tees run pretty close together.
- Some steep hillsides can be slippery at times.If it rained recently, watch where you step and you will be fine.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a 5 star in my heart. I make the hour trip up here from canton whenever I can. No traffic, beautiful scenery, and a fun course. great day trip for north metro ATL players.

I would also like to add that I disagree with the previous reviewer about the design of the long and short pads. I think the longs definitely not an afterthought. Both sets of pads offer something diffrent depending on your skill.

Pros far outweigh the cons here. Issues with paths and fairways will only be a problem during a tourney. Out of the 10 or so times I have played here I have only seen other golfers twice.

I was suprised to see "no dogs" on the info page. The only other people who I see use this area are locals walking their dogs on the paths. There is even a poo bag dispenser near 15's basket.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 103 played 58 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Definitely worth playing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 4, 2008 Played the course:never


*Beautiful setting with mountain & lake views on most if not all holes...very scenic
*Elevation comes into play on most holes, especially the through the middle of the course where the holes traverse a steep wooded hillside.
*Multiple tees on every hole with good signage
*Great use of trees to create fun, challenging short holes (~200')
*Fun course to play


*Crushed stone teepads already wearing unevenly
*Par on holes is aimed at beginners (I would call it a par 55/56 wheras signage suggests mid-high 60's)
*There are a few spots where tee shots could play into teepads, and where the next hole is tough to find - specifically after hole 14 or 15 you must walk across several other holes to get to the next hole

Other Thoughts:

Definitely worth playing if you're in North GA.

I didn't have time to play both sets of tees, but it seemed like the course was designed primarily from the short tees -- the short tees all seemed to have excellent looks and lines, whereas more than a few of the back tees felt forced or put in as an afterthought....

All in all, this is a great new course that I will definitely return to and heartily enjoyed playing.
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