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Gatlinburg, TN

Mills Park DGC

2.745(based on 65 reviews)
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Mills Park DGC reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Decent Bagger Or local Rec Course

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2024 Played the course:once


The course weaves its way through a large multiuse park up and down some decent-sized hills with enough trees in the fairways to make it interesting. The concrete tees are small, but with the short distances, stand-and-deliver type drives don't require a running start. There are plenty of picnic tables to take a break on if the hills start grinding you down. The course is clean and well-maintained and there is almost no chance of losing a disc. Navigation was easy-peasy and we had a fun round here.


As others have stated finding hole one can be problematic. The GPS took us to the wrong side of the park. If you come in this way go to the end of the park and turn right past the cemetery. This will take you to the other side of the park and follow the sign to the community center. Tee one is there!

We played the course on a Friday afternoon and the only other people in the park were a large group playing gang-style and some friendly park employees. The course might be less fun when all of the other activities at the park are active.

Other Thoughts:

So we have a decent rec course that will provide a decent challenge to those up to an intermediate skill level. Adv/Pro players will undoubtedly gravitate to the better/longer courses in the area.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Milling About

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 6, 2023 Played the course:once


I wrote a great review for Mills Park. Saved it in my drafts folder on my e-mail. A couple days later, my e-mail account switched servers and my draft was gone. So, this reason isn't going to be nearly as good as it should be. Fitting for this course.
- This park has so much untapped potential, and land for a great disc golf course. It just barely taps into it. Three really good holes, several so-so, and the rest is filler and/or safety concerns.
- I will say this: re-writing this review 5 weeks after playing the course, I have much fonder memories of the course than was my perception while playing. A rich, smooth aftertaste just like some of the moonshine that's offered at the distilleries in town.
- #1 & 2 give you a true mountain feel. The tee shot on #1 is one of the toughest opening hole tee shots I've played anywhere (out of 500+ played courses). Steep, downhill, with the layout doglegging back to the up and right. The fairway, and every RHBH shot, are sloped down to the left. Honestly, any shot in the fairway here is good. Not knowing the walking conditions on that first hill, you want the relief of not having to be scouting the woods on any of the sloped areas.
- So, #1 is a high-quality opening hole. 3 is a solid score. On #2, you 're essentially throwing over a valley, starting above, over a flat area, back up a hill to the basket on the other side. The short tee is a sharp dogleg right down in the valleyed area.
- #5 is a fine hole. Blind tee shot slightly uphill, before the second half of the fairway slopes sharply downhill to the basket. It's only 200 feet but it's far different from most holes you'll see anywhere. Throw too hard to clear the hill, and you could sail way past the basket (or fade sharp left). Keep in mind there's a park road, paths between basketball courts and football field, bathrooms, and the sixth tee that could all come into play. If the road is OB, this becomes an extremely intriguing layout.
- #6 is the true test here. First off, this hole is far longer than 215 feet (according to the lengths listed on UDisc). Its own interactive map shows the basket much further than that. A basically online measurement gives me a length in the 350-375-foot range. And it is steep uphill, sharp dogleg right for the first half of the hole, so you're looking at the 450-foot range realistically. Big arms may be looking at 3s. The rest of us are going to be happy with a 4. Outstanding challenge. Outstanding hole.
- Course map and tee signs are great. As for the rest of the course....


I don't think safety was given much thought here. Just like the overabundance of free samples of moonshine, wine, and hard cider in downtown Gatlinburg, safety doesn't seem like it's a top priority of local officials.
- Besides holes #1 & 9, every other hole has some safety concern involved, whether that's playing over/alongside park road, walking trails, blind tee shots, or simply a disc sailing slightly off line and interfering with other park activities.
- However, if you're playing this course when the high school next door is dismissing, hole #1 and 2 and 3 became a walking trail for students heading to the rec center. After waiting a couple minutes for the students to clear on #1, I finally teed off. Thinking things were clear, I then teed off on #2, only for round two of students to be crossing the fairway. I don't know who was more surprised: me coming across a student using the fairway as a path or the student expecting anyone else to be there.
- #3 - 5 play way too close (or over a park road). #1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 all offer blind tee shots where you may not see other people when first throwing. #7 & 8 play over/alongside a park trail.
- What's even more frustrating is seeing all this other ample space in the park that (from my perception on a Monday afternoon in February) didn't seem to be used. So. Much. Potential.
- I'm not sure if #9 is a bad layout or a dumb one. I couldn't see the basket from the tee. I didn't see a true fairway based on the tee sign. I saw a gap off to the side. Figured I'd throw through there to at least start my way up the hill. I throw and walk to my disc. And what do you know? I'm 5 feet from the basket. So, I shot a random gap and that was easier than the non-existent fairway. I have no clue how you're supposed to approach the short basket.
- Finishing #9, there is no safe way to get back to the first tee. First off, the hill is way too step. Even with my quality hiking boots, it was steep. I never saw a true path back, so I just walked #1 backwards to get back to the first tee and parking lot. I doubt that's the appropriate way to navigate.

Other Thoughts:

I think the secret to Mills Park is when you play. On a Monday afternoon in February, and the park is mostly empty, this could be a great course. On a weekend, or in the Summer, this course might be unplayable. Even in February, I threw cautiously because I never knew what to expect.
- If this exact course existed without a park road and other safety issues in play, my perception would be the exact opposite. This would go from a frustrating course to a high rated, high fun-factor layout.
- #2 & 3, in theory, are fun holes to throw multiple discs on. Ace runs here. #4 offers the opportunity to throw skip shots off the road to the basket. Actually, let's say #2 - 5 are all holes to throw multiple tee shots assuming you have a spotter.
- There's got to be a better way to end this course than what is #9. It's such a bad hole. Even with the safety concerns on the other holes, and the fact I had a tap-in birdie putt, this is easily the worst hole on the course.
- Make a temporary 18-hole layout here for a tourney. Incorporate some of the land at the high school. Use land past at the other end of the park beyond the dog park. Find a way to use the cemetery's land, even if it's just for teeing off from the top of the hill. That could be a fun layout one weekend a year.
- I'm giving this a higher rating than I originally did. Thank the sweet aftertaste of this park giving me fond memories. That same positivity doesn't apply to Walters State. I still despise that course.
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11 0
Experience: 6.2 years 13 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Redesign as of July 2021 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


- Good for beginners/short throwers
- Good signage and course maps/scorecards currently available
- Wooded holes give a nice walk through Sevier County hills
- Good place to throw some discs on your vacation


- Short course for more experienced players
- Navigating Mills Park can be confusing with the fields and other different use areas
- Hole 1 needs many trees cut down to give any sort of line available on the drive
- Hill for holes 1,2 and 9 is steep and rugged

Other Thoughts:

Mills Park, where the course is located, is a nice park to get away to from the Gatlinburg/Sevier County madness of tourism. Course is redesigned as of July 2021 with better signage throughout. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: course now begins and ends at the Gatlinburg Community Center. So don't park at any of the Mills Park parking lots.

I'm fairly inexperienced in disc golf but I had fun with this short course. Holes 1 and 2 are very hilly and wooded. Hopefully they will take out more trees for hole 1 to give better lines to the basket. Hole 9 was another interesting one with the basket sitting on a steep slope 30 feet or so into the woods. Be prepared for your putts to roll back down the hill unless you are able to land the disc right on the hill. Nothing overly memorable about the course but it was worth a drive over to play. Most of the holes are lightly wooded but fairly straight shots.

Other things to note:
- Don't go to Mills Park to start! The map and hole 1 are now behind the Gatlinburg Community Center!
- When I played on July 14th, the signage showed that there are plans to have an A and B basket for each hole but as of then, there was only one basket per hole which was sometimes the A and sometimes the B basket.
- There are a few baskets that are hard to find (9 is one), but there is currently temporary signage to show where they are and small flags on those baskets. Also there is some temporary signage to show where to go in between holes with a confusing walk between sports fields.
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11 0
Experience: 10.7 years 15 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Could be a Great 9 hole course but put the cart b4 the horse 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2021 Played the course:once


a short fun course to play around a ball field, track with alot of wooded areas and elevation. #9 - very steep -very funny! Fun to play.


The signage on the holes is very well done, BUT the signage where to go is very poor. If you are from out-of-town you have no idea where to go next.
#1 basket is way off to the right- you cannot see it (Really!). I gave up and played to #2 basket. I could not find the #2 tee.

Other Thoughts:

I walked all over this park looking for the 1st tee. I first saw the #7 tee that is on the far side of the baseball field and the track. Then I walked backwards and still could not find #6. Then I found a sign that said the 1st tee has been moved to the Community Center. I had no idea where the Community Center was from where I was standing. Do NOT drive to Mills Park! So, here is the easy way to get to tee #1 - On 321 heading out of town, go to the Rocky Top entrance. Turn left into Rocky Top. Go all the way to the back. You will see the Community Center. The 1st tee is to the left of the parking lot. I started with a rating of 1.5 but I see this course having lots of potential if a little common sense was put into it. There is a tee pad to the right of the parking lot when you go into the park beyond the track area, but no basket in sight to throw towards.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 281 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Gatlinburg Could Produce Better 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


- practice basket
- concrete tees (decent except for hole 9)
- relatively basic baskets but all in good repair
- decent full color tee signs
- excellent elevation change on most holes, especially 1,2, 6, 7, 8, 9
- course map and scorecards are a nice touch, although the scorecards show the basket locations and not the fairways, making them less useful than they could be
- some good technical challenge on fairly wooded holes
- wooded holes still generally have good lines
- could be viewed as a pro or con, but a good place to get in a quick round
- virtually no rough and well maintained course


- hole 2 permanent tee sign missing
- multi use park with track, playground, horseshoes, etc. in the vicinity, though generally not major safety issues
- hole 9 doesn't end very close to hole 1
- hole 9 tee pad is very tiny
- really long walk around track from hole 2 to hole 3, and navigation is not made clear at all
- hole 9 is very steep to hike down, could benefit from stairs
- remarkably short with only one hole over 300'
- no benches or garbage cans on course

Other Thoughts:

I will start out by saying I did enjoy this course. Mills Park is a fun, albeit very short course. Ultimately, I feel like it's currently a bit overrated. The best thing I can say about it is the elevation change is very indicative of being in the mountains. However, with the incredible mountain terrain and views of the Gatlinburg area, I have to feel like there could be a much better course in this area. Unfortunately, I have a feeling Gatlinburg's main focus is not disc golf - probably focused on the tourism!

I think this course was pretty well designed for the space available in the park, and despite being multi-use avoids major safety issues. With that said, the navigation and flow could be a lot better. I recommend parking by the track and starting with hole 3, then playing holes 1 and 2 at the end. This kind of splits the really long walk between 2 and 3, which wasn't well designed. At a minimum, some navigation aids should be put in place.

Most of the course tees, signs, and baskets are in good repair, but there's no wow factor here like I get from most of the Gatlinburg area scenery. The elevation change definitely adds some intrigue, and being from the Chicago area I did enjoy that.

Hole 9 really has a very small tee, but as the hole is about 170' downhill, it doesn't exactly need a run up either. While this course was fun, I feel like it was too short for anything but a fun, really casual round, with 3 holes under 200' and only 1 over 300'.

Previous reviews mentioned gnats, which I saw no sign of. Perhaps since it was early April they weren't an issue yet. Several reviewers also mentioned hole 2 having absolutely no line, which I didn't find to be the case. I'm an intermediate player and in 2 rounds I easily cut through to near the basket. It's possible the trees have been thinned out in the last few years making this one a bit more realistic.

There aren't a ton of courses in this area, and it's worth playing if you're there, but I definitely wouldn't go out of my way for it. The good news is since it's away from the parkway, you can avoid most of the Gatlinburg traffic by using the bypass. If you can drive a bit, courses out towards Knoxville will be a better use of your time.
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6 0
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Novelty course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


Hole #1 is the best of the course. Decent length, right to left shot up a hill. #3 is a good hole. You have to play a little left to right to get close to the basket. There is a near-vertical drop off just a little right of the hole. Paper maps provided. Only 9 holes is actually a positive thing.


#2 is a mess. Heavy woods with no clear path to get through. #8 is another hole where you are sure to hit trees with your drive. The tee and basket are both very high but there is a deep valley in between and the uphill to the basket is heavily wooded.
#9 is super short and almost straight downhill. The throw is easy but the descent is something else. Getting down the hill is a free-for-all of roots and mud. Maps don't show the tees, only the baskets. 3 and 7 are tricky to find the first time.

Other Thoughts:

This has 3 good holes (1, 3, 7), 3 mediocre holes (4, 5, 6) and 3 rotten holes (2, 8, 9). Add in mud, lots of walking and you get a course that is more novelty than fun or challenging. If most courses were like this one, I'd give up the sport.
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1 4
Experience: 13.4 years 2 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2020 Played the course:once


Fun holes with some nice views and a good amount of challenge


Can be tough to find some holes. Hole 2 missing sign.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 3 is on the other side of the track.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 198 played 192 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Best Option Near Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2019 Played the course:once


I went to Pigeon Forge with the family for a long weekend. My oldest son and I -- avid course baggers -- snuck off to play the only two public courses within 45 minutes of the area, both 9-hole tracks: Walters State and Mills Park. While each course has limitations, if you have to choose one, Mills Park is the one. (You can read my review of Walters State for a run-down of that course.)

+ Great scenery and aesthetic beauty, including the course itself, the park and high school campus the course plays through, and the surrounding mountains.

+ For a 9-hole course, you won't find many with the elevation and shot variety this one has to offer. Number 9 might be the most epic sub-200 foot hole I've ever played, on a 9-hole track or otherwise. It's only 165 feet, but it's basically straight down. (I'm terrible at judging elevation drops like this, but I've seen it described in previous reviews as a 40-foot drop and a 60-foot drop. I'd expect it's somewhere in that range.) There are trees lining both sides, so the shot is basically litter more than throwing a straight circle 2-ish putt. I nearly aced it and I imagine it's one of the most aced holes you'll find...for the simple reason that you'll want to empty your bag on this finishing hole.

+ Hole 1 is a good starting hole. It's about 250 feet, but plays much longer as it is a steep uphill.

+ Holes 3-7 are decent, with a mix of very short uphill and downhill holes, all between 175 and 265 feet. There are many ace runs and birdies to be had.

+ Course maps at the kiosk at the beginning of the course are helpful. Good tee signs, decent tees.


I tend to be a tough grader, especially on 9-hole tracks. Don't let my 1.5 rating scare you off (unless you have a serious aversion to gnats...but more on that in a second). As of this review (142 courses played and 137 reviews), this is my track record for "full" and "half" tracks:

90 full courses played (basically 18+)
3.36 average DGCR rating
3.10 my average rating

52 half tracks played (mostly 9's, but some 6's and 12's too)
1.98 average DGCR rating
1.40 my average rating

Of those 52 half tracks, I have Mills Park ranked 29. So, by rating and by rating, it's an average 9-hole course.

I would say Mills Park is above average in terms of aesthetics and its signature hole (see above), but it falls short in some areas...

- GNATS. First and foremost, if you don't like gnats -- if they really annoy you, you can't stand them getting in your eyes, etc. -- you might want to consider skipping Mills Park. I mean, they are really bad. I don't know if this is a year-round thing or just in the summer, but check the course conditions before you play. If "gnats" are mentioned, consider yourself warned.

- While hole 9 is awesome, and holes 1 and 3-7 are serviceable, holes 2 and 8 are big misses, in my opinion. Any time you have a 300-foot par 4, even if it's in the woods, you probably have a problem. There is no discernible line on hole 2, much less a fairway. You basically throw an air or roller shot as far as you can up the hill, then again down the hill to the basket. You're lucky if you don't hit a tree, regardless of how well you threw your shot. I just don't get what the design concept was or is for this hole.

- Hole 8 is not a good hole either. It plays uphill with an OB paved golf cart path winding through it. Obviously, you'll want to check traffic on the cart path before you throw. It's not so much of safety issue, but I just don't think it's a good spot for a disc golf hole.

- As much as I loved playing hole 9, getting from the tee to the basket by foot is a serious safety problem. When I played, the whole course was a little wet and slick from a recent rain. Not terrible, but not ideal. Well, hole 9 is so steep -- and all dirt -- with no stairs or even decent trees to hold on to -- that you're basically lucky if you don't slip and bust your butt. You're either going to get mud all over you or actually hurt yourself. I would suggest an alternate path be put in so that you don't walk down the steep slope and risk life and limb getting down.

- Very long walks in between holes 3 and 4 and hole 9 and the parking lot.

- While there is great elevation here and good variety in shot selection, it is very short and doesn't throw the challenge at you that you'd want out of an average 18-hole track.

Other Thoughts:

Again, if you're on vacation in the area, this is your best bet (unless you're willing and able to drive a little further to the Knoxville area OR the self-proclaimed "Disc Golf Capital of Tennessee," Morristown, OR hit one of the most sought after destination courses in the Southeast, Harmon Hills). It's worth the stop...but don't forget your bug spray and wear sunglasses to keep the gnats away!
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 670 reviews
2.00 star(s)

It Ends Way Down Hill. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2018 Played the course:once


(2.183 Rating) A spread-out small city park course.
- SIGNATURE HOLE - Hole (9) is killer. A chip shot ace run with a 6 foot wide needle line that's downhill 60 feet and across a creek. Normally I would unload my bag on a hole like this, but considering I smashed the chains on my first throw, I saw no need to continue. Obviously, my disc slammed into the base of the basket after hitting the chains squarely, and so it decided to politely wave to me while jumping out of the basket.
- TEES - Average 4 foot by 10 foot concrete tees on seven holes. Hole (9) is a 4 foot by foot pavered standing room only tee on the hill side. I'd say these measurements were adequate for the length of the course.
- SIGNAGE - Adequate HB tee signage. They have all the necessary info for this short course. The signage on (2) was missing on my play.
- COURSE MAP - Great course map at the beginning of the layout as well as a box with scorecards with map picture. Man I wish every course did this.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - Not ideal, but still user friendly enough to have a vacation counterpart tag along in most circumstances. Completing a 12 mile hike up a mountain earlier in the day is apparently a disqualifier. The course difficulty is a tweener between Novice and Recreational level.
- QUICK PLAY - My wife was happy I bagged this one solo in only 30 minutes. Figure 45 minutes for a two-some and an hour for a four-some.


A couple of design complaints and 9 holer inadequacies.
- DESIGN - Hole (2) is ridicules. Sure it's a 304 foot par 4, but my gosh, absolutely no line. I ran up the fairway on (2) a good 100 feet as I could not define a line from tee. Then I shook my head all the way back to the tee and then blindly rolled the dice down a small lane in hopes to run it at least 150 feet. My resultant approach had views of the basket peaking threw the trees but with no line to realistically get it within 30 feet without some luck. Hole (8) is another quasi-poke and hope line for the last 75 feet. This one is just a right-hand hzyer chucked 200 feet and then praying is makes one of the many 2 foot gaps for the remaining distance. Other than hole (9), the rest of the holes aren't anything to write home about, design speaking.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - Advanced players will be extremely underwhelmed by this course. 6 holes are under 250 feet in length and three of these are under 200 feet. Hole (2) and (8) offer a little challenge to par as there is no logical line to the basket, but even with these two holes, the course only offers lower recreational challenges at best.
- MULTI USE HAZARDS - I've seen much worse, but other park amenities are in fringe play on several holes. Hole (7) was probably the worst offender which tees off a park sidewalk and then runs along another path. Holes (3) and (4) also have a walking paths in play.
- DISCONTINUITY - I've never jumped around so much on a short course. Really not much the designer could have done here. The usable spaces to put in holes are pretty spread out in this small park.
- CHARACTER - A touch below average. As noted in the pros, average tees and nice signage. There is also a shelter and practice basket nearby tee (1). The baskets are average MachVs. As for things gravely needed, seating. I think there was perhaps one or two picnic tables commandeered and placed near a tee box. Other missing items include alternate pin placements and multiple tee pads.
- TERRAIN - Hole (9) is borderline terrifying to traverse. I started down with to much pace and was forced into a run to keep my balance and nearly wiped it at the base of the hill. This course is not cart friendly just because of this hole.

Other Thoughts:

A reasonable 9 holer in a small town. This course is far from being a destination location, but the town of Gatlinburg definitely is. Every dedicated bagger with a family needs to plan a trip here as it will keep the family happy and the addiction filled.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - There are some amazingly beautiful throws on this course that are mixed in with some duds. Holes (2), (8) and (9) are all aesthetically well above average. However holes (3), (4) and (7) bring my score well back with all the manmade structures in view. Hole (7) has a burned out building on the left side. This I would assume is from the raging fires that sweep threw in November of 2016.
- UNIQUENESS - Not to bad for a niner, but overall average. There are no doubt some good elevation changes on a couple shots, but I was expecting this considering the area. Basically all par 3s except for the poke and hope 305 foot par 4 on (2). Water makes a fringe appearance on (9) and shots break both ways. What's missing here most is an opportunity to rip it. I was throwing mids or less on almost every tee and I'm not a big arm.
- NAVIGATION - Don't be an idiot like me and forget to grab a scorecard. I only took a picture of the posted course map and I was constantly looking at it. Even with the this, I still lost my bearings once. Navigation on this course is not easy without them. The tee signage on (2) is missing. There's a huge course flow gap between (2) and (3) and also (6) and (7). There is no dedicated tee pad on (7) and I personally had a tough time discerning where to throw to, even with the tee signage. The course also doesn't loop back to the parking area, so once finished, it's a 1,000 foot walk back.
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4 0
Experience: 8 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent Little Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2018 Played the course:once


Mixture of wooded shots and some open ones.
Fun/challenging short shots


Not safe on number 9 if you have kids. Extremely downhill. Just skip it

Other Thoughts:

Had a stroller with my 2 year old and my 5 year old with me and we about killed ourselves on 9. They really need some kind of steps or something to somehow manage that drop. Other than that it's a fun little course.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Mills Park DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2017 Played the course:once


Mills Park features a beginner friendly, 2100' foot, nine hole course in the beautiful Smoky Mountains. A kiosk with info, scorecards, and a course map are all available. Speaking of the course map, it won't hurt to grab one on your first visit. A practice basket for a quick brush up on putting is also a nice touch. A pavilion with picnic tables and clean bathrooms are right at hole one as well. Mach 5 baskets, concrete tees, and tee signs round out the amenities. Overall this is a sufficiently stocked course for a small city park facility.

There is thoughtful use of the topography as you'll find both uphill and downhill shots along with hole eight's valley shot. You'll also find some sweeping left and right shots with a couple pronounced doglegs as well. Overall, for the intention of the course, the design certainly serves it purpose well.

Hole nine I guess is what you'd consider the "signature" hole as it's a fun downhill shot that will lure you into emptying you bag. It was a great way to finish the round.


You'll find yourself playing throughout a multi-use park so sharing some of the real estate is to be expected during busy times.

I thought number two was a bad hole. And par 4? Just because there is no legitimate line to the basket doesn't legitimize a par 4 on a 305' hole. Can you get through to the basket? Sure, but I seriously believe if I took 10 shots with my eyes open, and 10 with my eyes closed, we'd find similar results. Of course, to be fair, locals can probably find a sweet spot and send a repeatable shot with better percentages.

On some of the other holes, low hanging branches gave me the feeling I was taking a recovery shot out of the rough rather than a clean tee shot. Some careful pruning could help open up the course to what was probably the designer's original intention for the holes. The consolation is that it will add some challenge to the shorter holes.

There are couple long walks adding to some confusion as far as layout goes. It's finished off by the long walk from hole nine to the parking lot that was more frustrating than arduous.

Other Thoughts:

Like some other reviewers, I couldn't help being somewhat disappointed. There were some fun shots here but overall, I had hoped for more. It wasn't terrible but hoped that with the terrain in the area that I'd find nine really fun holes. Instead, I found some basic disc golf in a crowded park. With that said, and despite what it may sound like, I am not dogging the course. It's actually a decent little course. Again, I had just expected more.

I would certainly recommend the course for those on track to add as many courses to the played list as possible. It will also satisfy your disc golf itch if you are in the area vacationing and need a break from reality!
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Wow! Nice niner. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2017 Played the course:once


-I like Mills Park. It's probably going to shock you in a positive way. It's relatively easy to find because of there being arrows on how to locate it once you are within maybe half a mile.

-Has tee-pads and tee-signs. Which you won't always see on a nine hole course. Well maybe tee-signs. Shows that the county has a good interest in disc golf as the course is well kept too. And the mach pins are nice.

-Course starts well with a fun steep uphill shot. Hole is only 240' but I threw a mid, so it plays longer. It's up about 25' in elevation so that showed me promise. The next hole was a really unique dogleg right in the woods. But the ending is what takes the cake........

-#9 has to be the greatest hole in Tennessee that is under 200'. It really has to be. It's a beautiful drop shot with a small creek in play. I threw all my putters on this hole and had the audacity to do it again once I picked them up. The hole is literally STRAIGHT downhill. So yep. I walked back up it and threw those putters again. The great thing about this hole is that your shot will be unpredictable. You could somehow sail past the OB road, or hit one of the trees short of the basket. A true gem of an ace run.


-It gets extremely crowded. If you've played Waynesville before, well expect it to be like Waynesville. There was a high school soccer game going on and the bystanders were watching on hole 3. They were polite enough to allow me to throw beside the tee-pad where I'm not in their way.

-The tee-sign for hole 2 is missing. The tee-pad is still there but this hole is a dogleg so it took me a minute to find the basket.

-Hole 7. Not a good hole here. It's a big uphill anhy shot but directly over the road. Making it kinda silly. However, I did like the tall plant beside the basket. That was neat! I also didn't see a real lane to hole 8. You have to clear one of the two gaps separated by a tree in the woods and somehow get a lucky skip shot uphill around a number of trees. Picturesque hole for sure though.

Other Thoughts:

-I really liked this nine hole course. I'd love to see more courses be designed in Cherokee. I saw some disccatchers on a private property but didn't go there, I don't think it's marked on this site either. But it's just a few miles down the road.

-You see a lot of variety here for a nine holer. More than usual I'd say because there are not two holes similar to each other. You'll see a gem of a dogleg right, and a huge dropshot where about 80% of the distance of the hole is lost because of the drop. I played three course in Morristown and got out of my way a little to come up here and didn't regret it.
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2 3
Experience: 8.4 years 23 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

average course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 25, 2017 Played the course:once


hole 9 is a sweet shot straight down. Baskets are in good shape.


holes 1 and 2 I could not figure out how to throw. I think there were some signs missing and I never figured it out. Some steep hikes on a couple holes and would around the ball fields and track.

Other Thoughts:

Short course, okay for a quick round.
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2 2
Experience: 26 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Some fun reachable holes for a rec player. Most tee pads are concrete, in good condition.


Some rough, steep slopes on a few holes. Layout is a little disjointed around the track and ball fields.

Other Thoughts:

Glad to have a course to play in the area while on vacation.
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5 0
Experience: 8.4 years 16 played 12 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Little High School DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2016 Played the course:once


It was just a short, average 9 hole course. The baskets were in good shape and there was some signage.

I really enjoyed the last hole which is definitely the steepest elevation change I've ever seen. It's a straight down throw that I out drove the basket with my putter, but it is definitely a unique hole that I have only played similarly at one other locale (White Oak Park).

Offers a little bit of scenery if you climb the stairs at tee 7. Literally a picture perfect shot of the mountains there if the school wasn't in ther way.

Concrete tee pads on all but one hole. Nice course map at first tee.


Not quite what it sounds like. There were 2 other nearby courses for tourists to tryout for a quick round, but I specifically chose this one because it was called "Park DGC" and the others had school and church in the titles. This one is literally fashioned around Gatlinburg High Schools athletic facilities. There's not a problem with school DGC's, but it usually means the course design isn't the best as it has to be designed around existing facilities. That's mostly how this is. It starts at the park but only 2 holes are off the school campus. Most are generic holes, straight or an occasional dog leg.

The course isn't terrible. Just bland in a locale that would thinkably have excellent geographic potential. Other than hole 9, it was very bland.

Also missing signage on hole 2 so just look for the tee pad.

It's opposite for hole 7 as there is a sign but no tee pad so you just throw from the sidewalk.

Other Thoughts:

If you are just craving a quick round on your vacation, then you can get a quick 30-45 round in. But, this course isn't anything spectacular and a little out of the way for simply average especially if you're staying in Pigeon Forge (About 20-30 minutes depending on traffic). Will be trying other area courses soon.
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2 0
Experience: 14 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent course. Beautiful scenery 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 10, 2016 Played the course:once


Fairly easy to play
Not too crowded
Beautiful view of the mountains
Practice baskets


A bit confusing to navigate
Very long walk from hole 2-3
Tee sign missing on 2
Holes interfere with park goers

Other Thoughts:

This isn't a bad little course by any means but I thought it looked better in the pictures. Holes 2-3 are probably the most difficult and the only holes where a forehand or anhyzer shot would be beneficial. You can easily play this course in 45 minutes. I'd avoid playing between 2-3 because it's located near a school and lots of kids walk and can get in the way. Most likely I will play next time we are in the area. I'd love to see more courses in the area.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16 years 947 played 36 reviews
2.50 star(s)

What the What? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2015 Played the course:once


-Some real gem holes mixed in with some very doable holes.
-Great course for a quick round or for people that live here and need to satisfy the itch of playing.
-Nice use of elevation
-Good concrete teepads
-Decent signage
-map/kiosk at the parking lot


The flow of the course is pretty bad. Long walks with basically walking 9 out and then having to walk all the way back to the parking lot.
-it's a multiuse park where I could definitely see not being able to play holes due to other people using the park on some holes.
- hole 9 could be pretty gnarly after rain. Already a tricky slope when dry.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 2, 8, and 9 were quite nice holes and while 9 is quite short it's definitely unique in how much it drops down quick.

This course is fun. It's great for people visiting the Smokey mountains/Gatlinburg and great for the people that live close by. I wouldn't go out of my way to play it, but definitely worth the stop if near by.
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2 0
Experience: 9.3 years 11 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2015 Played the course:once


Nice short course with a few interesting shots. I found myself throwing a lot of anhyzers. Hole nine is neat but the trek down the hill is a little touch and go. Hole eight was my favorite one. An elevated tee pad across a valley to an basket that was tucked behind some trees.


Missing sign on number two. Long walk between two and three and then again after nine
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2 0
Experience: 48 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Short Smokey Mountains Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2015 Played the course:once


This is one of the nicest 9 hole courses that I've played. Great place to go if you're traveling to Pidgeon Forge and/or Gatlinburg. It is located in a well maintained community park. I felt it had a happy medium as it wasn't too difficult for a beginning player yet added a little bit of spice for a more advanced player.

Hole #2, which is to the left of the first hole (we had a bit of trouble finding it) is by far the most difficult. It did not have a well defined path to shoot for but is the only par 4 on the course and definitely attainable.

Don't go right on three as it is a steep hill and could be difficult to get to your disc. The remaining holes are a nice mix of open and wooded with a very unique finishing hole that basically plays straight down hill. A flick of the wrist is all that is needed. An absolutely fun hole to play!


Navigation is the biggest con. There are maps near the first tee and I suggest you take one as the tees for 2, especially 4, and 7 were a little tricky and took us a bit to find.

Also, there is no tee sign for hole #2.

Other Thoughts:

We had a lot of fun. We had 2 first timers with us and this course did not disappoint.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
2.00 star(s)

SO. SPREAD. OUT. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2015 Played the course:once


- Excellent use of land available within a nice and tidy multiuse park.
- Each hole on its own is well thought out design.
- Very clean and mowed fairways.
- Senic. Cannot stress this enough just how pretty the views are all around the course.
- Well constructed tee pads. #9 is teeny tiny but good grief if you need a run up on that hole you fail at disc golf.
- Baskets are all in great shape and properly installed.
- Some well thought out risk/reward here. #3 is a good example of this especially if you play the OB. To the left is a tight OB line and to the right some nightmare shule.
- I think #8 is the signature hole on this course. Finding the right line to get up to the basket was really tough and I liked the challenge. #9 could arguably be the signature hole as well with its stupid short length and HUGE elevation change from tee to basket.
- The tee signs are beautiful. Some of the best I've ever seen. Unfortunately, the #2 sign is gone. I really like the clear indication of OB.


- No benches. Seriously needed here.
- Not all the distances looked correct to me. #4 says it's ~220 and I think it's closer to 280.
- #9 is a fantastic hole but that walk down the fairway is dicey at best. Either some steps need to be installed or something of that nature. If someone takes a header here that could be a nasty fall.
- #2 is a serious 'poke-n-hope' fairway with no real defined line. Also didn't care for how close this hole played to the cemetary.
- I haven't seen walks this long between holes since I played Andrews U in Berrien Springs, MI. #2 to #3 isn't terrible but goes around a football field. The real kicker is going from #9 to #1. This is the second longest walk I've ever seen between holes behind #13 to #14 at Andrews. Is there anything the course designer could have done differently? Nope. Is it still going to affect my score? Yep.
- I probably wouldn't mind the long walks so much had it been for better navigational aids. The tee signs did always indicate which way to walk to the next tee but that's not enough IMHO in a place like this. With that said, bring a map or bring a smart phone with this map loaded up or you will get lost. I don't care how well that map at tee one is memorized it just isn't going to help until you're out on the course.
- Not a real big fan of playing so close to walkways. Just isn't safe and #3 is a little too close to the football field for my comfort.

Other Thoughts:

Don't let my review discourage you from playing this course. It's pretty good in it's own right. In a vacuum, I'd say that every hole here is good in it's own right but when put together in this lay out it just isn't great.

I do see the course designer here working the land as best as possible and frankly I'm not sure what could be done differently to make it better. If you're in the area and are jones'in to play some DG hit this place up it will not be a waste of your time.
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