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Seattle, WA

Mineral Springs Park

2.715(based on 45 reviews)
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Mineral Springs Park reviews

14 0
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Experience: 13.2 years 1038 played 214 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Unique...in a very bummy sort of way. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2017 Played the course:once


What they call an 18 hole course, crammed into the smallest plot of land ever, in Seattle. But let's be real...this is a 9 hole course with two sets of tees and a little variation.

Concrete tee pads, which were mostly good enough. There are a few sketchy pads that hinder runups, and several that may require standstill type drives.

Old school Mach 2 baskets, but they all caught well enough and were in surprisingly good shape, considering the course.

The course is kind of set against the side of a small hill, so you get a bit of elevation change on many of the holes, which is nice.

The course is mostly covered with mature trees, and many of the holes require specific lines to get to the basket. The design of each hole as a standalone entity is pretty good.

There were signs for most of the holes. They are the old school basic signs, but once you find them, do enough to let you know what's going on with the hole.


Oh, where to begin.

Mineral Springs sits easily in my top 3 "holy @#$! this course is packed in a small space" courses. This place is like a game of Tetris...every damn square inch of space is used for frolf. In many cases, the same square inches are used for several holes, which of course leads to major safety concerns. Being the only course in the immediate area, you get all types here...soooo many chuckers (which is great...they need to frolf, too), dirty bums (more on this in a second), "old school" frolfers, and a few more serious players. i would wager that somebody gets hit with a disc (or 22) on a daily basis, as it's nearly impossible to know if there's somebody in your path. Easily the most dangerous course I've ever played...and it's not really that close.

Navigation is kind of a nightmare. As stated before, there is not a lot of rhyme or reason to the layout. Sure, some of it flows naturally, but there are a ton of holes that you'd simply be guessing at if you don't have a printed map or local to guide you.

Do you like dirty bums?? Well if so, this is the place for you! As a Midwesterner, I'm not used to rampant homelessness, so maybe I'm a bit jaded on this one...but having a tent city just off one of the fairways is disconcerting. Not to mention the faux-WalMart greeter that hangs out by Hole 1 and begs for spare change after regaling you with stories of his disc golf prowess, of course.

Soooo close to the roads. When you have to put up 30' high nets so discs don't go into the busy roads adjacent to the course, you're probably too close to the road. The worst part is, they couldn't even get this right...hole 5 has a damn gap in the net right at the point where newb hyzers are going to newb hyzer into the road. Deep in the chasms of my imagination, I imagine a shoeless dirty bum chasing his 1994 DX Roc into the road, dreadlocks flapping in the breeze and Seattle rain, and becoming a dirty bum pancake. I can't decide if this is funny or sad...I'll leave that up to the reader.

Other Thoughts:

So what we end up with at Mineral Springs is a bunch of relatively fun shots in the worst configuration and location you could possibly imagine for an urban setting. This would be a fun spot to play if it was always empty...but from what I was told, it's almost always packed. No options is a terrible thing in the pursuit of love, and the pursuit of frolfs.

Am I glad I played it? Yes, but only because I'm a sadist and love craptastic courses. Would I go back if I'm in the area? ONLY if I were homeless and ended up living in the tent city off hole 7.

Enter at your own risk.
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8 1
Experience: 22.3 years 16 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Urban DG Madness 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 24, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The only course located in Seattle proper.
This is an uber-technical course, in a very small area, played mostly by hardcore disc golf players.


Overall, this course is not noobie friendly.
Your first time out, this course is pretty much impossible to properly navigate all 18-holes without a guide. Not all the holes have signs, and for the most part the signs that do exist are crap.
The back 9 overlap the front 9 with slight variations.
A lot of people play this course, especially when it is nice outside. It gets packed. Welcome to disc golf, city-style.
Walking from hole-to-hole without crossing one or two other fairways can be difficult to do. So not only do you have to figure out the line to the basket, you have to figure out the "proper path" to take to get to the next tee pad without crossing another fairway. So the locals get pissy when noobies are wandering aimlessly around the course. (Which I guess is understandable since this course is a bit of a cluster to begin with, but getting scowled at can be off-putting.)
Similarly, a bad toss on any given hole will put you on the fairway for a different basket. On hole 3 you could easily end up on fairway 2, 4, 9 (and 11, 13, 18 respectively), or the green for 17. This issue exists on every hole out there.
The regular players of this course are hardcore disc golfers, so you should try to make friendly with these folks and get some guidance. Otherwise, you could get some scowls if you are holding other people up, or wandering aimlessly and making this cluster-of-a-course even more difficult to play.
Watch out for stray discs! And don't be bashful about calling out "fore!"

Other Thoughts:

I am thankful that there is a course in the city, and once you figure out the layout it is definitely playable with lots of technically challenging holes that require a variety of different throws and skills. That being said, this is my home course due solely to the fact that it is the only course within a 30-minute drive of my house. And truth be told, all the other courses outside the city limits are better than this one, so if you want to play a good course and can afford to make the drive I would do it.
The dudes out there are friendly as long as you say hello, ask for navigation assistance, and make an effort not to hold anyone up or get in the way. So it's a spot for serious disc golfers.
I don't love this course, but it's close to my house and I have played it enough that it's tight lines and experienced patrons have helped my game.
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4 2
Experience: 17.5 years 6 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

It's an urban course, 'nuff said 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 5, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


It's a fun course, it really is. Lots of different shots, and challenges. I really enjoyed that aspect of it. Every hole required something a little different.


Discs everywhere. At times it seems like fairways cross fairways. The course is fairly cramped, and one bad shot can land on the tee pad of another hole. Also, the course is impossible to follow hole by hole without asking the locals (who at times are less than willing to help you, though don't let that discourage you, dicks are everywhere, there are a lot of good/nice golfers there too). Another serious problem is the trash, i make a habit of bringing a plastic with me just to clean up what i can. It is pretty pathetic.

Other Thoughts:

There are also bums, they are usually nice though, unless you disturb their sleep. They do have some nets to stop rogue discs from hitting some tee pads and the cars, but it is not enough. The course could also seriously use some maps, or signage. I'd do it myself but i don't even understand the layout yet and i've been there several times.
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3 3
Experience: 16.1 years 6 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Frustrating, but convenient 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2009 Played the course:once


Convenient location in North Seattle. Highly technical course (the challenge is enjoyable). Netting to prevent discs going into busy streets. Little walking (is that really a pro?)


Frustrating layout...small course. dual tee pads and shared baskets. Totally agree that is near impossible to navigate the first time. Feels WAY more busy than it really is because of the small size of course.

Other Thoughts:

I won't play it again, but I understand that it would be a convenient residential course.
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