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Mukwonago, WI

Miniwaukan Park

2.425(based on 26 reviews)
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Miniwaukan Park reviews

14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Big Oak Blandness

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2022 Played the course:once


(1.874 Rating) A beginner friendly park style course with enough length to entertain MA3 level players.
- FORGIVING LANDSCAPE - Players at the MA3 and MA4 level are going to like Miniwaukan more than everyone else. There are just about no places to get into trouble. Most of the layout is completely mowed, on fairway and off. Only the park edge holes have any thicket that can be thrown into, and even these holes have their play orientated away from the wicked stuff. Only the worst of the worst misfires are going to find the bad areas.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - Due to the reasons noted above, this course is going to work extremely well for players starting out and wanting to improve. The holes offer the perfect amount of length and obstacles to encourage growth and to limit frustration.
- QUICK PLAY - One of the quickest 18 hole courses I've ever played. Some may say this course has a lot of "mini walk'n"... The holes are generally short or of moderate length. The transitions are quick. As alluded to above, the forgiving landscape will rarely lead to search efforts. As a first timer solo, I finished in under 40 minutes. First time players however, will need a map to make sure that there are no transitional mistakes.


No bite
- NO CEREBRAL GAMEPLAY - After the third hole, this MA2 level player was bored. Although the gameplay here will appease lower skilled players with its relaxing set-up, higher skilled players are going to feel like they are just going through the motions. A vast majority of the baskets can be attacked from every angle. There are no pockets to hit or defined fairways. I recall only one tree gap play and even that one seemed a little too wide to get the adrenaline juices flowing for me. Don't come here and expect to be wowed by the gameplay.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - I scored this aspect a hair below average. This is kind of a non-descript park in my opinion. No water elements, no rock elements and flat. Sure, there are a lot of big oaks, but there are no other features that separate this one from any other small city park.
- HOLE VARIETY - The play types are a mixture of open holes and lightly wooded ones. All par 3s, and distances range from the upper 100s to lower 400s. Elevation change maxes out at around 10-feet on any one hole. A couple of the Oak trees will dictate shot angles, but it's generally a look at the distance and throw it that far kind of course.
- AMENTIES AND EXTRAS - The baskets are Mach Vs and in decent shape as of my visit. The tees are terrible. Had it not been for frozen conditions during my play, they would have almost all been mud pits. A bunch of the tees had no markings visible to define the tee line. I observed a pair of flush stones at a bunch of tees, so I assume the rest are covered by dirt and/or grass. Supposably this course has multiple tee pads, but I never saw any tee signs or markings. Perhaps only the locals can find them. I saw two tees with benches near the pad and there is a shelter with picnic tables.
- SIGNAGE AND NAVIGATION - The signage needs a complete overhaul. It's old, faded and in disrepair. A few holes were missing their tee sign all together. The baskets have monster sized signs above them, which was nice in their conspicuous presence. But man, they could shred a disc if hit wrong. The navigational aspect was ok. Due to faded tee signage, first timers will likely make a few wrong turns, but it won't be impossible to figure out in my opinion.
- WALKING PATHS - There are walking paths that wind along and through-out this course. I didn't think it was all that bad considering the many worse offenders I've seen in my journeys. Expect to wait on occasion when the park is busy.

Other Thoughts:

Miniwaukan is going to work just fine as a local everyday course. It's perfect for handicap leagues with a wide range of skill levels. No need for the course cherry picker to seek this one out, but it's going to be a must play for every course bagger straying within 20 minutes of it. The course reminds me of one of my former home courses in Tampa Bay called Youth Park. It also reminds me of New Hope in Alabama and Lover's Lane in Bowling Green. I think this should be a middle of the pack 2.5 level course, but the degree of poor tees and signage dropped it to a 2.0 on my ledger. Please let me know if this ever gets corrected and I will happily update my score.
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8 0
Flavored Snacks
Experience: 7.3 years 37 played 9 reviews
2.00 star(s)

There's potential for something decent... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2021 Played the course:once


- Shot shaping is pretty decent for how open of a course it is
- The course is very accessible for beginners distance-wise, seeing as there's only one hole over 400 and most holes range from 200 to 250
- More experienced players will have a fun time going for ace runs
- Signage is there, but...


- ...it is extremely worn down. A lot of the signs at the tee are either totally faded away, bent, or just plain gone
- The dirt tees are dangerously worn down on some holes, which is surprising that they even exist seeing the course is in a public park and has existed for *16 years*
- There are long tees marked by blue cobblestones that I'm not even sure exist on certain holes
- There are holes that cross over walking paths and playgrounds that are... pretty decent safety hazards. Especially hole 13, who's whole fairway is a walking path.

Other Thoughts:

This course needs a lot of TLC. New tee signs and two sets of pads and additional signage for direction and warnings would bump this course up 0.5-1 stars, but for now, it's not really worth your time unless you live in Mukwonago or close to it, especially with all of the quality courses in the Milwaukee area.
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10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 56 played 25 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Too Many Safety Hazards 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Miniwaukan Park is an 18 hole course that plays through a compact old growth oak lined park.

1) Relative Ease of Play - this is a course that will not blow out beginners, which is necessary for growing the sport. Most holes play around the 200' to 300' range, and have some form of trees in play, so you'll need rudimentary distance and line-shaping ability, but nothing really difficult. Higher level players will have birdie opps on the majority of holes.

2) Old Growth Oak - I think it's a delightful setting to play disc golf in. You'll have a handful of legit golf lines you need to hit in the earlier part of the course.

3) Aceability -kinda sorta like I mentioned in 1: If you're, say, a rec/intermediate level player or above, you will have a higher than normal chance of recording an ace.

4) Odds & Ends of Basics: Rudimentary signage, the tee signs say what hole you're on, and signs on the baskets say what hole you're on too. Better than I can say at a surprising amount of area courses, so it helps with navigation. Baskets are Mach V's - seemed to be in decent condition and I had no qualms with how they caught. Reasonable trash can coverage, from what I can remember too (I usually pay better attention to this, but don't remember it being a huge problem)


Ultimately, this course really suffers due to what I think are a variety of major safety hazards, and generally lacks that real excitement edge.

1) Tees - natural tees. Unlike fellow Mukwonago course The Phantom, the natural tees at Mini have seen a lot more wear, are really uneven, and in several instances, are straight up unsafe to tee off from. (Short) Tees are marked by small (yellow) concrete blocks in the ground, apparently there are long tees on every hole too (marked with blue concrete blocks, though I only found a few of them) - the shorts won't be hard to see due to the rutting, but good luck finding the long tees.

2) Walking Path & Playground - There's a walking path (that was fairly busy when I played) that comes into play on a solid half of the course, which is dangerous enough as is, but hole 13 in particular's fairway basically *IS* the path, and that part of the path has a blind corner for walkers that an unsuspecting person could take a 50-60 MPH projectile to the head if they're not careful. I don't know if there's a way around the path given the size of the plot of land the course occupies, but Hole 13 was the most egregious offender, and its basket is way too close to hole 10, to boot...please be careful when shooting. Hole 18 also gets way closer than I'd ever recommend to a seating pavilion and a playground.

3) Overall Variety - there's basically zero elevation here, and though shooting around old oak trees is fun, the "feel" of the holes all starts blending together pretty quickly.

Other Thoughts:

Quick hole note: Don't wildly overshoot 16. I did once as a younger player, and...yeah, your disc will be good as gone if you get it any meaningful distance into that mire.

Overall, Miniwaukan is one of those courses that I'd love to have in my neighborhood park, would probably play it all the time if I did, and is a perfectly fine place to bring beginners and/or kids, but is not worth any significant travel for - I'd call it a bottom 20% course in the Milwaukee metro area when stacked up against the wealth of really great courses we have here.

If you're from the area, staying around the area for a business trip, visiting family, or want a decent place to bring the kids where they can shoot some holes, have fun, then play on the playground, cool, come play it, but for more experienced disc golfers, this is a course that will probably only appeal to out of towners who are big time course baggers.

Be careful teeing off, seriously.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.2 years 1038 played 214 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Very bland park course. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 1, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


18 hole course located in Miniwaukan Park in Mukwanago, WI. Park also features a baseball diamond and walking path.

DGA baskets, all in decent enough shape, and mounted well. One pin position per hole, as far as I could tell. They caught well enough.

A decent smattering of mature hardwood trees dot the landscape, and provide the only real obstacles.

Very beginner friendly, with mostly open lines and not a ton of distance. Ace runs abound.


The tees here are natural, and in reasonably bad shape. Rutted out and not great. There are several you'll want to tee off the side of, especially if there is any kind of moisture on the ground.

Navigation is somewhat wonky. The tee signs are large and apparent, but only show the hole number. Then, with it being a mostly open park, it's not always apparent which basket you're going at. Having a map available is helpful.

The course is mostly short, and almost totally flat. Outside of a couple holes, most players could play this with a putter and a mid.

Even with the few trees, the course is almost completely open. There are several holes that have some sort of line you can't take, but those are few and far between.

Keep your eyes open for joggers and dog walkers. The path pretty much winds right through the middle of the course.

Other Thoughts:

This is a pretty typical park course. Not a lot of challenge, crummy tees, shortish. If it were ever to get a redesign, this could probably be a very cool 9 or 12 hole course.

With that said, it's a decent spot for families and beginners. Others will play it once and probably be good after that. Not worth going out of your way for, but hey, it's frisbees in the park, and that's not all bad, no matter how you slice it.
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2 0
Experience: 11.5 years 8 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good practice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2014 Played the course:once


-Some trees for obstacles in this course
-Because this course is in a grass park there is no undergrowth or thorns to loose your disc in
-Very friendly course
-Good parking
-If these holes aren't long enough for your liking nothing stops you from backing up an extra 50 feet or more on most holes to throw longer drives


-Almost no elevation change
-Grassy fairways are open on either sides. If you have enough power you can bypass most obstacles with little challenge
-Tees are marked by limited signage. Some is missing/unreadable.
-Tees are dirt/mud and become unusable with rain

Other Thoughts:

This course is fun but it is not worth driving from great distances to play a round. I enjoyed my round here and will be back now that I have a better understanding of the layout of holes. The first time through can be difficult because of missing and damaged signing. Elevation change would be nice but this course makes the best use of the land that it could. Overall, a good practice course but nothing I would bring my buddies to for a round.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.00 star(s)

OK park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a large flat park with nice mature trees throughout. Nearly all the holes play among the trees, with a few holes at the edges of the park that have some brushy rough on one side to catch an errant drive. The rest of the holes are grassy with no rough, just some scattered trees to avoid. Other than a walking path, the area is used only by disc golfers, so there isn't too much interference.

There is an ok mix of ace run holes, and moderate distance holes, with one or two that are long enough to allow for a real drive. Most holes have multiple lines, but there is a mix of holes where the best line calls for a right to left or left to right shot. The baskets are in decent shape, and catch ok.


The course design is pretty boring. Most holes are reachable with a mid, and have multiple available lines, meaning that there just isn't all that much challenge. Because the holes are pretty open, and there isn't enough length variety, the course gets old pretty quick, and all the holes start to feel the same. The walking path is in play on several holes, and it seems to get some use, so you may have to wait on pedestrians throughout the round.

The course holds water, so there can be large deep puddles of standing water a while after rain over a lot of the course. Most of the tees are worn down into the ground, so they turn into puddles or mud pits, and the ones that are dry are rutted and uneven. There are supposedly long tees on all the holes, but the ones we were able to find were marked only at ground level, and many of the markers were overgrown or worn away, so unless you play with a local stick to the short set of tees. Even those aren't well marked, with most of the signage gone or vandalized. There are a few places where there is no numbering whatsoever so you have to do some guessing at the layout, and it doesn't match up with the course map posted here.

Other Thoughts:

This isn't a terrible course, there are some decent holes here, there just isn't enough variety or challenge to keep it interesting and draw me back for another round. Beginners won't find any places to lose discs, and the fairways are open enough that it shouldn't be frustrating. More experienced players will need to look elsewhere to test their game, and won't need to be creative with shot selection to be successful here.
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6 0
Flipping Cheese
Experience: 16.2 years 133 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Like Wayne Brady... Sometimes Gets Wet. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 10, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Multiple tee pads on every hole (Red- short tees, Blue- long tees).
- Multiple basket placements on some holes.
- Some cool large trees with a design that forces different shot shapes.


- Metal signs on top of baskets are disctroyers.
- No concrete tee pads, most of the red "tee pads" are mud pits.
- Tee pads are marked by small, flat, round stones that are buried in the ground and get covered easily.
- No elevation change.

Other Thoughts:

- Bike path runs directly down hole 13 fairway with an obstructed view from short and long tee pads that could be dangerous. Don't want to say atoadaso...
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