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Peru, IN

Mississinewa State Park

Permanent course
3.885(based on 24 reviews)
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Mississinewa State Park reviews

8 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.50 star(s)

If You Can Spell The Park's Name , You should Play For Free 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2020 Played the course:once


After entering the park and asking and receiving specific instructions on how to get back to the course , which are a series of rights from the entrance booth , you park your car in a small parking lot . The first tee is up by the bathroom . A practice tee is close to where you park . There is a kiosk here , but no map . No map online , either ( more griping in cons ) . Every hole has a 4' by 8' cement pad . 24 in all . The signage is adequate , but old school , with par , distance to at least 1 pin and par + limited flight path . It does NOT tell the pin position . There are 2 pin positions on most holes . There are also benches at most of them , which is good , because there was a good crowd on the course by the time I started playing . There are also garbage cans throughout the course . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers . The course grounds lack any real elevation , but what grades were available , they were all used . The fairways were mowed and the course was in good condition when I played on a Saturday . There are excellent uses of trees and basket placements here .As far as aesthetics go , this is a beautiful walk through a park . Nice mature trees provide shade , canopies to swat down throws made too high , and magnets for drives like mine to bounce off of .
I felt the shot variety was good and there was a fair amount of left and right holes . This is NOT the place to play a quick round and get out . Course play is slow , there are 24 holes and there is some fun factor here . I won't go hole by hole , but will tell you that the 6 hole add on , A-E is through the bushes on about hole 9 . You have to look for it or you will blow right by . I think it was on the right of the 9 fairway . Flat for the most part , this course is easy on the legs .
Signature Hole : #11 , a nice long left bender ( 380' )through long branched fairway trees With the crowd , it took me at least 1 1/2 hours to complete . A group of 4 might take close to 3 for all 24 holes .


#1 Navigation . If you are going to take our money at the front gate , then have specific instructions or a map of how to get back to the course . Speaking of maps , how can a course that is this old ( ca 1985 ) not have an online map or a kiosk map ?! Once on the course , if not looking , you will skip random holes or miss the 6 additional holes altogether . It would have been nice to have some Next Tee signs . At least put black tape on the bottom rung of the baskets to signify the next tee .
#2 Safety . Some blind shots and the overeager newbies or casuals might throw at your back , especially when looking for an errant thrown disc . Add that some campers might walk through your round , and you could have a close call or 2 .
#3 Disc Risk : The course was kept clean while I was there , but it didn't mean that there was high overgrowth if you stray off the fairway . I saw several groups looking for discs in it . If you are playing in a group , take turns spotting .
#4 equipment . Some of the A-F holes need some new baskets . Come on , Mississinewa , put a little of that money back into the course . Good signage with basket positions would do a great deal , too .
Bring bug spray in the summer .

Other Thoughts:

Most courses that are 35 years old are short and can be boring . Mississinewa is not that stereotype . There are several holes well over 300' ( 13 being 483' ) . Entertaining and relaxing, as long as you keep your drives in the fairway , this is the kind of course you could hack around with your buddies on . Multiple pin positions should give the locals a different look each time , as long as they change them . 24 holes should give you extended playing time to enjoy the course , which was nice looking as course go . Not a destination course by far , this is a great course to pair up with
Maconaquah and Honey Bear Hollow .

My Recommendation : IMO , okay for newbies or families that don't overthrow their drives , Very good for locals , travelers , campers , and Course Collectors , good enough for intermediates and pros to work on their precision and midrange games . Couple this with a couple of other courses and PLAY IT !!!
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7 0
Experience: 25.4 years 57 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mississinewa during Covid-19 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


-This course is in the middle of a State Recreation Area and the surrounding nature is beautiful.
-This course has never been crowded and with Covid-19 this is especially true. I had the entire course to myself.
-Signage includes hole diagram for both basket positions, but you'll want to confirm the position before teeing off which may require some extra walking.
-Tee pads are concrete and more than sufficient.
-Baskets have yellow bands with hole numbers and catch fine.
-Navigation is fairly simple, be aware that holes A-F are sandwiched between holes 9 and 10.
-Hole variety is good with some shorter technical holes and some longish holes through open fields with mature trees.
-As a RHBH dominant player, there are not many forced forehand tee shots; most dogleg-right holes can be attacked with a standard anhyzer shot.
-Most holes are "gettable" for a player who can drive in the 350ft range; those who are shorter off the tee will still have birdie opportunities.
-There are trash cans at most tees.


-The bulletin board near the first tee does not have a course map and the park entrance booth was closed due to Covid-19.
-A large fallen tree is infringing on about half of the tee pad on either #2 or #3 so you'll want to be careful on that tee.
-A couple baskets are rusted out, specifically on A-F. Those holes have a random variety of different basket types.
-Not a lot of information about this course online. Indiana DNR website has a page for Mississinewa Lake/Miami SRA but nothing disc golf-specific. Even DGCR didn't have a link to a course map or other information.

Other Thoughts:

-First trip back to Mississinewa in a few years and first time playing holes A-F.
-The campground next to the course is closed due to Covid-19, so the road to the disc golf parking lot was blocked off. I had to park all the way in the back by the beach house and walk 10-15 mins around the small lake and through the campground to the first tee.
-I love this course- it's in the middle of nowhere, the land is beautiful, and it's fun to play. I'm not a tournament player but have been playing for 20 years and visited hundreds of courses. Always love returning to Mississinewa, absolutely worth the 1.5 hour drive.

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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.2 years 37 played 26 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A must if in the area! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Nice new disc catcher baskets
-Nice concrete teepads
-Good use of elevation changes
-Shapes lines well using the trees
-Navigation is fairly easy and logical even without any "next tee" signs
-It takes a very very bad shot to throw into the water
-The fairways are nice and well cut/maintained


-The pars seem just a bit too generous, I think they need to be lowered to create scores that more accurately reflect how I feel I played. The pars need to be different for the two different pin placements on many holes.
-Some of the baskets on the middle 6 are in desperate need of replacement. They barely catch, and any putt with any speed on it won't stay in the basket.

Other Thoughts:

I've played this course a few times now, and every time has been very fun. This is the only course I've played that I feel deserves a four. The only other thing that it could improve on besides whats listed in the cons is that I wish it had more tunnel shots instead of open field shots, but to me that's just a matter of personal taste. The tee signs do list multiple pin positions, but every time I've played this course the baskets have always been in the same position. I'd like to see them maybe change it up once in awhile. I would recommend this course to anyone passing by the area.
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4 0
Experience: 26.4 years 67 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Real nice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2016 Played the course:once


Layout: very intuitive. Informative signs. The designer knew what they were doing.

Infrastructure: big tee pads with texture, no slipping, tripping. Garbage cans plentiful.

Gameplay: this is rare, but I even like the "pace" of this course. E.g., a bunch of narrow "finesse" holes on A-F and then you get out and have a couple chances to throw hyzer bombs on 10-13. Not only is the mix of open and tight good, but the sequencing is, too.


Can get a little crowded with campers, kids riding bikes in summer on weekends.

Nothing that really wow-ed me but just a solid course where all 24 holes are interesting and satisfying.

Also par on the printed scorecard is way high, I think.

Other Thoughts:

The rough is pretty brutal, so it you're not dialed in, take pains to keep in in the fairway.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 103 played 49 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A true destination course in the middle of the nowhere 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2014 Played the course:once


You know, it's been so long since I have done a review that I was gun shy to get this one out there. I mean, when someone wants to rate something as a great course, they really need to go into detail. The good news is, there are lots of details to highlight about this amazing course -

Tee Pads - Long and wide and present on every hole. These are all concrete pads. Every pad is nice and level and grippy. None of this gravel business. Concrete pads of get out, please.

Tee Signs - Are there. Not super detailed, but they are present and provide a good map of the current hole. though I would like to see better signs, the ones they currently have will do. Not a great pro, but it's not a con either. It has signs. Which, you know, is better than a swift kick in the face.

Course Design - Some of the most fun I have had experiencing a golf course. Great use of the elevation changes, water, woods, open spaces and other things. Shots range from long, sweeping hyzers, giant turn over shots, super technical dinkers and long tunnel shots. Indeed, there is something for everyone here.
Except for cotton candy. I wanted some and could find it nowhere on the course.

Foliage Maintenance - Perfect. There are so many trees and what not on this course and none of them feel out of place or in the way "just because". There are times, especially on the lettered holes, where getting off of the fairway is death via thorns. But you know what the answer to that is? Don't get off of the fairway.

Trash Cans - on pretty much most of the course. I don't recall there being one ounce of trash on the course, which is great. Hate me a litter bug.

Epic Holes - Indeed, there are several. The shot over the pond is going to scare some people off and probably cause some people to skip that hole. I think it's around 290 to carry the water. And that's ok. It really is an epic, signature hole. There are a couple of other great holes as well. I REALLY like the first 6 holes a lot. The entire course is great, but those first 6 might be the best starting holes in the entire state of indiana.

As far as other things go, you can camp on site. As in, there is camping within walking distance of the course itself. And because it's a state park, everything in the camping area is well maintained and taken care of.
Couple that with all of the other amenities in the park, and you're looking at having a great time. But be careful out there.

Finally, for pros anyway, this is probably the prettiest, most scenic course that I have ever played. The trees are perfectly manicured, the shot over the pond is beautiful and intimidating, the fairways are carefully manicured and looked after perfectly. I love walking out on a course where you can tell that someone loves it. This is one of those courses.


A couple of cons. Nothing much to worry about, but every course has down sides -

Baskets - The old baskets on this course need a lot of help. They are currently in the process of replacing these baskets, so this con might not be relevant for long. I hope so. Because honestly, some of those baskets catch like a blind man with no hands.

Casual players/backup - because it does sit on a campground, there are a LOT of casual folks out there playing in groups of six or more. And this not an easy course, so people are getting backed up. Minor inconvenience, but just be mindful of this when you go out there. Plan for a round with this in mind. Or plan on joining a group of people and playing disc golf like the jets and sharks.

pay to play - for residents, I think it's like 5 bucks a car load for the day. Which really is not that bad, but it is something to again be aware of. The good news is that you can stay there all day and play as much as you like for that 5 clams.

Like I said, not a lot in the way of cons.

Other Thoughts:

Peru, also known as Circus City USA, sits smack in the middle of nowhere. if you plan on making a trip to play this course, make a day or weekend of it and play the other courses in the area. Or plan on playing this course several times and camping out or something. Personally, I don't camp. Man invented hotels and beds for a reason. Sleeping outdoors sounds like a nightmare to me. Plus, I need a boxfan when I sleep. And where do you put one of those in a tent?

Anyway, go play this course, please. It's a super challenging course for good players and a beginner friendly course as well. I wish I lived closer so I could play it more often. I literally can't wait to go play this brilliant course again.
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2 0
Experience: 42.7 years 26 played 12 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice clean course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2012 Played the course:once


- Good concrete pads
- Clear signage and trashcans around the course.
- Course was clean, which is unusual for the courses I have played.
- Well laid out, we didn't have any issues with finding the next tees.

Like how the course starts tight and 'technical' and then opens up to longer holes then mixes them up afterwards.


Not sure I like how holes A-F are tucked into a different section off hole 9. It's like a mini 6 hole round in the middle of a 18 hole round.

Other Thoughts:

We have a state park pass for Indiana, so this is essentially free to play and even if we didn't, would pay to play this course.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2011 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a large portion of this campground, with plenty of space for a big course. Well separated from the rest of the activities onsite.
- Awesome mix of holes in the woods, and others out in the open with mature trees and bordering forest. The course starts off with some shorter, trickier holes in the woods that have pretty significant hyzers and anhyzers to hit, with some FH coming in handy too. A fun way to kick it off, with lots of blind, but reachable pins. The letter holes add some more woodsy looks, with tigher fairways carved out of dense forest. Two different kinds of forested holes, which split up the course nicely. Hole D is a highlight; a 365' shot (total) over a body of water onto a defined fairway.
- Fantastic mix of holes out in the "open" areas. There are some straightforward, more or less open ones, but these usually have some sort of up or downslope, and considerable length. Drivers are a plus on a lot of these holes, with distance trumping accuracy. Other holes are of more average length, but have some tricky obstacles to avoid. A RHFH-friendly shot on #16 goes way around or over a patch of forest, #14 is a blind downhill hyzer, these and others are pretty tricky.
- As mentioned above, the slight elevation changes are pretty noticable on some of the holes, especially on the longer ones. This adds a lot of fun with some downhill bombers, and some additional challenge on a few uphill ones.
- Great variety in hole length, and a good mix of difficulty as well. There are easy and hard short holes, and easy and hard long holes. Makes each hole stand out in its own way, all 24 holes are pretty different.
- Good signage, baskets, and teepads. Navigation is fairly easy, with signs pointing to the letter holes and the tee signs in plain sight usually. Water pump in one spot to help on those hot days, too.


- A fair amount of the holes here are out in the open, with only a few obstacles to avoid. It is fun to rip the drives out there, for all but the biggest arms, but the challenge is just in throwing it far. On the other hand, some of the hole lengths are very short, around the 200' mark. The lines are fun, but accuracy trumps distance big time.
- Slight elevation changes are cool, but there's nothing too extreme here. Apart from a few holes, it plays mostly flat.

Other Thoughts:

- Really not many cons here in my book! Extremely fun discing to be had here, both in and out of the forest. Not super challenging, but execution is still important to score well. Again, nothing too too crazy to contend with (except maybe D), perfect for a relaxing round that covers nearly all the bases. Great for beginners and experienced players, but more advanced players might be a little bored some short lengths and open spaces.
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2 1
Experience: 18.4 years 25 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Very enjoyable, clean and secluded course, that uses the terrain very well, taking advantage of the natural beauty of the park. There are benches and trash cans on most holes. I really like the additional A-F holes. I believe it is hole "D" that is about a 200' throw over a very marshy green pond. This could very well be the signature hole of the course. It is definitely the most memorable hole for me. Tee Pads are in excellent condition, with a very easy to follow course lay out. Course is kept clean of debris, limbs and such. Well maintained.


Not much opportunity to air-out any bombs (more of a preference than a con). After the first few holes, there is not a lot of shaping, mainly just about hitting openings between trees. Many of the holes are very similar type holes (straight tight shots). As mentioned by others the cages are old, but still very usable. Some of the benches need repaired or replaced.

Other Thoughts:

A very fun course. Worth the $5 to get into the park to play. It is hard to believe that you are right next to a camp ground. Most of the time it feels like you are very isolated. Signs were basic but adequate. Well worth the drive, wish it was closer to me.
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1 2
Experience: 16.6 years 11 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2011 Played the course:once


-Trash cans and benches at most holes
-Trees are used well
-Good tee pads
-Fun to play
-Some holes were very scenic


-Not much variety to the holes, Straight shots with some shaped shots
-Baskets were in bad shape

Other Thoughts:

Course could have been laid out differently to put more different skill shots into the course. Signature hole for this course I believe is the hole where you shoot over the pond.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 776 played 417 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Classic Course Needs a Facelift 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2011 Played the course:once


"Classic" course, with good tightness-to-length ratios.


Tired, tired signs and baskets, although the tees were in good shape.

Other Thoughts:

Other than the few wooded holes at the beginning, the bulk of the course plays in very gently rolling, grassy glades, defined by thick bands of forest, and containing a smattering of trees of various sizes - you very quickly forget you're in a very large public park, and are surprised when you finish number-18 how close to the parking lot you actually are!.

After the initial wooded holes, which are on the short side but require very specific lines to be hit, or find shule, the course begins to open and lengthen. While the remaining holes are definitely on the open side, the strategically-located scattered trees so consistently remove the obvious grip-and-rip/single-turn lines that it appeared as if the landscape was specifically designed for disc golf. When a straight initial flight was available, subtle rises in elevation combined with well-placed tree limbs stretching towards the fairway would add challenge to a seemingly straightforward shot. Finally, often the basket location would take advantage of a nearby hillock or the odd tree to complicate the approach.

With holes ranging in distance from just over 200' to just under 500', with an average of ~310', and a fair blend of (mostly) subtle left/right/S/no-turning shots, you'll likely have the opportunity to use many of the discs in your bag.

Who'd have ever thought that Peru, Indiana, would have four ( Honey Bear, Maconaquah, Mississinewa, Pieradise) good, differing courses within 7.5 of the town centre? Find an excuse to be in central Indiana, and spend a day playing these four courses!
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12 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Don't Miss Mississinew! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 4, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


- Mississinewa is a vast state park with a multitude of activities. The DG course is located in the Miami SRA part of the park, and is well separated from other park activities. The course has a fairly secluded peaceful vibe while playing through the woods. The course starts with a few wooded holes before moving into a area of the woods where wide grassy fairways (with mature trees interespersed throughout) are lined by thick patches of schule. Staying on the fairway should make par reachable for most players, with many opportunities for birdies; however, if a wayward shot lands in the thick rough, expect to be punished accordingly.
- Decent variety between the shorter technical wooded holes and the more open, slightly longer holes playing through the "lawn" area of the course. Good balance between left, right, straight, etc.
- Some good risk/ reward. Water comes into play in a couple of places. Several pin placements optimize the risk on approach shots due to their close placement to the dense thickets lining the fairways. Instead of having the general 30' radius around the basket, many are nestled a few feet away from thicket on blind doglegs, encouraging a cautious approach.
- Six lettered holes (A-F) appear after hole 9...keep your eyes peeled as it's easy to just walk to 10 and miss the additional holes. These are shorter technical holes with one requiring a water carry over a pond.
- Huge, level, well-brushed concrete pads. These things are double wide launch pads, and amongst the best I've seen. Decent signs show basic hole shape and distance, but some holes still need to be walked in order to find the exact basket location. Benches and trashcans at most tees.
- Beautiful scenery with some stunning views and incredible wild-life (a tiny fawn was sleeping at the base of a tree on one hole...#14, I think).
- Next tee arrows spray-painted in orange on the ground by baskets.


- Mostly flat, although the designers did a good job of incorporating every scrap of minimal elevation.
- Not really any "wow" holes to make this a destination course, but solid enough fo' sho' if you're in the area visiting or a local.
- Some baskets are pretty rusty, but seem to catch better than it appears they would.
- Some holes seem to hold water, and a few places were a bit muddy despite recently dry weather.

Other Thoughts:

- Overall, Mississinewa provides a great disc golf option for those on vacation in the state park, and another above-average option to Peru area discing. Camping is right across the street, making this a good option for glow rounds.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun mix 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 26, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a large area in a state park that is disc golf exclusive. We didn't see any non disc golf people anywhere around the course. Some holes play through tight wooded areas with dense rough waiting to punish an errant drive. The rest of the holes play in rolling grassy areas with scattered mature trees and areas of brush to avoid. This makes for a nice mix of holes where you have to hit a specific line and holes where you can get a little creative. A couple of holes bring water into play for some nice risk/reward decisions.

I enjoyed the mix of left and right turning holes, and felt like I had to shape a lot of different lines. Many of the wooded holes were shorter and called for a putter, but the more open holes had several longer shots where you get to pull out a driver. Many baskets were creatively placed, tucked into trees or brush in a way that makes you really think on your upshot. There are good concrete tees on all the holes, and basic signage with distance and hole layout. The layout is easy to follow, and there is clear signage on where to play the added 6 holes.


The baskets are old and in pretty rough shape. Many are bent and most are quite rusty. They don't catch as well any more. The tee signs are really basic, and don't always have enough info to keep you from having to walk ahead and check out the hole anyway. Many are vandalized and a few are broken or missing.

I like brushy rough that makes you pay for missing the fairway, but the thorns hiding in the rough here are pretty brutal, I guess that's even more motivation to hit your lines. The hole across the swampy pond doesn't really have a bailout option for newer players, I like to see a way for everyone to play the hole rather than having to skip it. Some areas of the course get a little repetitive with several of the same kind of shot in a row.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course and definitely worth a stop if you're in the area. I enjoyed the mix of park style and wooded holes, and would stop here again if I were passing through. Beginners might find the rough a little punishing, but the wooded holes aren't too long and the open holes won't get you in trouble for most errant drives. More experienced players won't really be tested here, but there are some fun shots and you have to be pretty accurate to score well.
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1 5
Experience: 14.4 years 39 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Raccoon Ambush 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Easy to follow. Scenic. Great campground.


You can definitely lose disks here.

Other Thoughts:

Great course and campground. Visit my facebook page for more pics: Ronald C. Horton, [email protected]. Very friendly raccoons will approach you on course. It happened both times I played here.
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1 5
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2010 Played the course:once


Every hole is unique, and fairly forgiving for beginners. There is not too much distance between holes and they are easy to find. Every hole has a paved T pad. When you play this course you will use a variety of drive styles.


Played the course after some rain and it was incredibly muddy. Seemed to hold a lot of water throughout the course. The basket's are in pretty bad shape and some of the maps on the signs were misleading.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a great course. Cost five bucks a car to get into the park but was well worth it. I will definitely travel the 20 minutes to play this course again.
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5 3
Experience: 16.3 years 11 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Thorn Star 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Tight fairways; Beautiful scenery; Awesome layout


The baskets are in pretty bad shape, the distances on some of the signs are suspect; thorns everywhere!

Other Thoughts:

This course makes you think before you throw. And I usually think wrong. And then I spend a ton of time crawling through thorn bushes trying to retrieve errant shots. The baskets are all bent to hell and you're probably going to get eaten alive by bugs. But it doesn't matter because this course rocks so hard that I can't stop coming back for more. It's a gorgeous and peaceful setting and when you play a hole well you feel like a disc god. At least I do. There's also plenty of chances to see wildlife (my cousin spotted a fawn nestled down under the thorns 2ft of the path between 12 & 13). So, grab $5 and do your best to find this course. You won't regret it.
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5 1
Experience: 14.4 years 60 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very nice! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Lots of variety, tight wooded shots and long open bombers. T-pads were in good shape, concrete. 24 holes total.


Layout could have been better, Once you start you don't get back to your car till 18. A couple of the holes were kind of confusing to find. And some parts were VERY muddy. Some of the baskets were in bad shape.
6$ a car (Was free because its out of camping season though)

Other Thoughts:

This course has alot of potential, a TON of space and some really cool shots. (heres lookin at you 250'ft shot across the pond!) I feel like the course had ALOT of left to right holes, especially in the beginning. But they did have an alternate layout too.
The scenery was amazing, I can't wait to get out to this park when everything is bright green! Truely a beautiful park!
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4 0
Experience: 15.1 years 38 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

First course I played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 22, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


- A very nice course with 24 holes A-F are by hole 9
- Easy to find each tee pad flows nice
- Some long holes up to 483ft. Short holes 205ft.
- Two down hill shots on hole 7 & 14
- Hole 3 curves hard to the left, holes 2 and 8 curve hard to the right.
- Signs with concrete tee pads at every hole
- Hole 10 basket is on other side of shrubs 10 to 15 ft high throw over it
- Trees are perfect nice wooded course but with a good look at basket
- on back hole there is one hole with pond you have to throw over it
- A bench and trash can at amost ever hole


- Baskets are bent & crooked on holes 8 & 12
- Course can get muddy when wet. Hole 4 is very BAD when wet.
- Vandalism to some signs
- By camping grounds so people walking around on course who aren't playing.

Other Thoughts:

It costs $6.00 a car to enter the park.I have seen deer on back holes more than once.Some times store before you go in park is open and has discs for sale and snacks. I saw my first ACE there on hole 5.
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4 0
Experience: 41.5 years 11 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My old home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 19, 2009 Played the course:once


Great variety of shots, maybe the guys that can whip it 500+ might be frustrated, but for the rest of us it really is a chance to empty out the bag and all your shots. Wooded holes are precisely laid out for good sight lines requiring technically accurate shots to score yet still reasonable player friendly for the am's. The hole you tee off and throw over a little marshy area to a protected green area is my favorite. In a beautiful park with lots of features. Being able to shower after the round and before work was a real plus.


park folks randomly walking the course, mosquitos after times of heavy rain, signage could be a little better.

Other Thoughts:

I lived in Indiana from 1999-2006 and this was my home course and still my top 3 fav's. I miss it dearly.
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5 0
Experience: 16.6 years 45 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2009 Played the course:once


tons of variety, great course to use most of your bag on, tech holes that test your midrange game, long holes to air out on, lots of trees, rolling hills, water, ect


couple of baskets were messed up, but thats really about it.

Other Thoughts:

If you are in the Peru area and have some time go play this course, you won't be disappointed. I will be playing this course as often as I can, just really had a great time playing this. I would consider myself to be an average player (been throwing about a year and a half) and I went +1 with a couple of birdies that jump out of the chains for pars.

Didn't have time to play the extra 6 holes, but I have a bunch of friends that say these holes are great as well.

Go play.
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.5 years 78 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Tree Tight Goodness 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


I'm a lover of trees and tight courses. Most of the course is tree lined and offers what I call open holes with strategic placement of large trees. The 'Letter Holes' of A-F are very tight and I enjoyed these deuce or bogey holes very much.

The grass here was manicured and looked freshly planted. The dark soil is very bad for flooding issues but is highly advantageous when growing ball golf grade grass. This opened up the possibility of both backhand and forehand rollers.

The course offered a wide range of shots from short to long, open to tightly wooded, righty, lefty and neutral. A great variety.

You always have to love a shot over water. I high recommend this park to anyone that loves trees.


Two of the baskets were totally useless with damage. In the tournament I played, they brought two temp baskets to replace them with. If you aren't in a tournament...this is a very bad thing since such a pristine course should have workable baskets.

I would rate this course higher if they would simply fix the two broken baskets. However, the older spiderweb baskets all need to be replaced with modern baskets...whether they are updated spiderwebs or of another manufacture.

It does cost money to enter the park...so in essence you can think of it as pay to play.

I would say that 80% of all the tee signs have the wrong distances...some off by as much as 100 feet.

The shule can be very 'thorny' once you get off the fairway...fortunately...most holes..the fairway is quite wide.

Other Thoughts:

This is an incredible park that offers more than just disc golf. If you plan on camping..this is a perfect place. The park is well maintained and it offers just about anything you would expect from a large park such as fishing, camping and what not.

I will visit again next year during the 26th annual Circus City Pro Open.
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