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Elkton, FL

Moccasin Creek DGC

3.215(based on 26 reviews)
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Moccasin Creek DGC reviews

16 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 6.4 years 300 played 284 reviews
3.00 star(s)

I'm a lighthouse hole snob! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 10, 2022 Played the course:once


Moccasin Creek DGC is located in northeast Florida, about a 20 minute drive inland from St. Augustine or 45 minutes south of Jacksonville. It's only about five minutes off I-95. The course sits on the St. John's County Fairgrounds.

This course has 26 holes. The first 12 holes are located in what appears to be a DG-only area, on the south side of a drive that bisects the fairgrounds. The remaining 14 holes play on the north side of the drive around the outskirts of the main fairgrounds.

The first 12 holes each feature two tee pads and two baskets. The baskets are all DISCatchers, with a yellow band for the "A" position and white band for the "B" position. A couple of the holes also had a "C" position, and where this was the case the two positions currently available were marked with yellow and white zip ties on the tee signs. On the back 14 holes, I believe there was only one basket (yellow banded) per hole. All of the baskets were in good shape when I visited.

The tees are nice as well. There are two per hole for all 26 holes. The long pads for each hole are concrete - smallish, but flat and in good shape. The short pads are turf and in good shape. The long pads have blue tee signs that have a map of the hole including any OB areas, hole number, and distance/par to all pin positions. The short pads have the same information on red signs. The only small gripe I have about these signs is that it would be nice if they pointed out baskets on adjacent holes that are in view. The course is fairly open, and even with the great signage I still threw towards an incorrect basket on a couple of occasions.

The other amenities here are very good. Directional signage is present where needed - I didn't have any problems with navigation. When present, Mandos are clearly marked. There is a large kiosk at the parking lot that has a course map and lots of other useful information. A practice basket and porta potty are also nearby. Trash cans and benches are placed at periodic intervals throughout the course, and I think there were brooms at every long tee pad. There were even bag hangers on the tee sign posts, and a couple of tall poles lying around to retrieve discs that may have become caught in trees.

What about the disc golf itself? It's decent. The designer(s) did a good job of maximizing use of the very flat, fairly open space they had available. The distances range from about 200' up to 880' depending on your chosen layout, with five holes >400' from the blue tees. Although many throws are relatively free of obstacles, baskets are often located in front of, behind, or next to the few trees and shrubs available - especially on the front 12. You'll find yourself reaching for a wider variety of discs than you might expect when you first drive up to the course and park. The back 14 is generally more open but a few baskets are tucked into the woods. There is also one basket (#18) that is elevated several feet and shaped like a lighthouse. The bottom of this basket is cut out so that your disc falls into the lighthouse "tower", where it can be retrieved by reaching into a small window. After playing another lighthouse hole at Silver Creek DGC in Manitowoc, WI last fall (right on Lake Michigan) I walked away only slightly impressed by this one. But to be clear, it's still a very cool touch and worth snapping a photo or two of. I must be a lighthouse hole snob now!


A few potential safety issues here. I didn't like hole 24, which plays about 250' straight at a busy highway. Yes, the highway is probably another 50' beyond a fairly tall fence behind the basket. But I feel like big arms could easily clear it with an errant throw. Some other holes have fairways that run pretty close together, and I also had to skip the longest hole 25 because of some people camping in RVs on the fairway.

The course is very flat and pretty open as mentioned above. There are no water hazards - the course's namesake creek is nearby but will never be seen during your round, much less come into play. The distances are nothing to sneeze at, but this is no championship-level course either. From a disc golfer's perspective they would ideally plant a few more trees/shrubs on several of the holes to make things more difficult, but I understand this could be problematic when the fairgrounds are being used for events.

Other than maybe the lighthouse basket, there are no holes here that were particularly memorable or that stood out for me.

Road noise is fairly prevalent throughout the course.

Other Thoughts:

On a personal note, this was my first new course bagged in 2022 as well as my first in the state of Florida! I visited a few hours after a heavy Florida rain, and was impressed by the lack of mud or standing water. The ground here appears to dry out quickly.

This course is suitable for beginners and families, as long as they are aware of any other disc golfers playing nearby holes. The risk of disc loss here is almost zero.

I played the blue tees to "B" pin positions.

The last 14 holes here are unplayable if the fairgrounds is in use (per sign on kiosk, which I agree with). Don't let that scare you away though. I enjoyed the first 12 holes more anyway, and with multiple tees/baskets on that part of the course you could play through twice to get 24.

I enjoyed my round here and was between a 3.0 and 3.5 rating. I guess that means I feel that the current average of about 3.2 is spot on. If some Cons listed above were addressed, this could certainly be a 3.5 or possibly a 4.0 course. Beyond that it's limited by the land available. Not a destination in itself, but if you are visiting the area or passing through on I-95 Moccasin Creek DGC is worth a stop!
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Maybe The Next St. Augustine Trolley Stop ? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2021 Played the course:once


Moccasin Creek DGC at St. Johns Fairgrounds sits conveniently just off of I-95 and a short distance from St. Augustine . It only took me 23 minutes to drive from my vacation condo to there .
This is a 26 hole course .
There is plenty of parking near hole #1 , and additional parking in the back of the course at the fairgrounds . There is a Port O Let that is accessible near hole #1 , and near the hole 12 basket .
THE EQUIPMENT -- At the disc golf lot there is a kiosk with both information and a map of the course . the kiosk also has a lost disc box attached to the back of it , and a basket in the front of it with loaner discs in case you didn't bring or have one . That was a classy touch . There is also a practice basket near hole 1 .
There are 2 tee pads on pretty much all of the holes . The long tees are cement and 8' X 3 1/2 ' , and the short tees are shorter turf pads , maybe 6' X 3' . Great signage here . Blue signs on posts for the long pads and red signs for the shorts . Both describe hole #, par , flight path and distance from both pads to both baskets .There are hooks behind the sign posts where you can hang your bag while throwing from the tee . With the 2 tees , there are also 2 , sometimes 3 baskets for the holes . The extra baskets only appear on the front 12 of the course . The baskets are yellow Discatchers for the long positions and white Discatchers for the shorts . Also included on the course are at least 2 long poles to use if your disc is caught in a tree . I remember 1 resting on a tree limb on hole #8 .
THE LANDSCAPE -- Okay , the course is dry and flat . Other than throwing off a hill on hole 26 , a ridge to throw over on hole 13 , and a man made hill with the basket perched on it on holes 1 and maybe 4 , the elevation never breaks about 2' on a hole . Moccasin Creek is divided into 2 parts . The first 12 holes are set in a chunk of the park that looks exclusively made for disc golf . The 2nd part is made up of 14 holes that tour around the fairgrounds . I can see where playing this back part can be a problem if something like a fair, festival or other extracurricular activity is going on ( more in cons ) The course is mostly park style , with some basket placements that utilize the different types of trees on the course and more wide open for bombs on the back part . There are some brush lines on parts of this course , but most of it is outside of the rectangular 12 hole section of the first 12 , and on the right of you for holes 13 , 14 and 15 . There is a high fence on the right of the fairway of maybe hole 16 that could come into play on a windy day . Throwing over it would cause a long walk .
The course was mowed , trimmed up and very clean when I played it . There were trash cans here , throughout . I have to mention the Spanish moss that covers a lot of the trees here . It just adds something nice to the course for me .
THE HIGHLIGHTS -- Moccasin Creek will not blow you away with crazy and difficult holes , but it will entertain you, and has some length to some of the holes . Right off the bat , #1s fairway is a tunnel shot ( 354' from the longs ? not sure about that ) , One of the baskets sits on a mound at the end .
#4 is a tight mando shot bending left to a hanging basket .
#8 is one of the longer holes on the course . 560' , it is an open blaster hole , but hides the baskets behind trees and bushes at the end .
#16 ( over 500' ) is a long bending drive that works its way to the basket placed in a small grove .
#25 is the longest hole on the course ( 880' ) working its way eventually right and over a small service road , to the basket flanked by a couple of trees .
#26 is an open bomber hole that starts from an elevated tee on a hill , along a completely open fairway , to a basket protected by trees on all sides , and a fence with brush right behind it .
Signature Hole -- Not long or complicated , this wide open 274' shot ends with the elevated basket that sits on a replica of the St. Augustine Lighthouse . The basket is at least 8 or 9' high , but your disc drops down into the lighthouse where you can retrieve it in the front window of it . Its worth taking a picture of it .
DISC RISK -- Low . With no water on the course and it being so clean , plus the poles helping you knock your disc out of a tree , I would think it would be hard to lose your disc . I may be wrong , though . The course has a locked lost disc box ( even though it was empty when I was there ) .
THE TIME -- The course can be deceptively long in spots , and I had to reroute my holes because of a police dog exhibition , so it took me almost an hour and forty five minutes to complete . Maybe a solo , depending on playing the longs or shorts , could get through in an hour and 30 . A group of 4 could take 2 1/2 to play all 26 .
I was told that the course can be crowded during the weekends . Plan accordingly .
Hey , Moccasin Creek is 26 holes !


#1 SAFETY -- There might be some safety issue , mostly in the first 12 holes , because some fairways run next to each other , and the course might be populated at times . You don't have to keep your head on a swivel , but you need to be aware , if crowded .
#2 AVAILABILITY -- The back 14 holes might not be playable if a fair or festival is going on . I had to avoid some type of police dog training that was taking a few of the holes away for a while . Be considerate and skip holes if you have to .
#3 REPETITION -- Some of the holes here seem alike . Straight ahead to the basket . I guess you might have to do that in spots in order to fit 26 holes .
The course is flat and has no water holes . Still 26 holes .
Bring bug spray . It can be bad in spots .

Other Thoughts:

Lots of things that I personally liked about this course . The designer , Harvey Barnes , and others didn't put some 200' extra hole in order to make it 27 . They have added a hole ( 26 ) because they wanted to . The course is a great place to pass the time , and it's split at hole 12 where you can cross the road if you want to play the other 14 . If you are pressed for time , you can be done in 45 minutes just playing the first part .
Please be aware that since the course is popular with the locals , that they have Friday evening doubles , and Sunday 1:00 bagtag challenges , so you may want to plan around those times .
Thanks to the St Johns Fairgrounds people , City of Elkton Parks and Rec , and local disc golf club for allowing me to enjoy your course for the day .
MY RECOMMENDATION -- A great course for intros and newbies . The first 12 holes can be a fun after dinner round for families . There were a lot of locals here on the Tuesday night that I was here , so it is popular with them . There is some length and good design on some short holes that would cause some intermediated to pros coming for round here and there . This course is perfect for the St. Augustine or local beach vacationer to grab a round or 3 . Travelers on I-95 will ike the proximity for a leg stretch that is easy on the knees . The course sits away from a lot of other courses , but the course collector will like it here , anyway . I guess this sum it up . Moccasin Creek is a MUST PLAY for anyone on the Northeast side of Florida . PLAY IT !!!!
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6 0
Experience: 7.5 years 18 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good course, fun to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2018 Played the course:once


Easy to find baskets
Wide open course, not much OB
Not a lot of rough but enough to provide a little challenge


A few of the holes felt repetitive, just long straight shots on a flat open field

Other Thoughts:

Due to time constraints we only played the front 12 holes. It's Florida so everything is wide open and flat. First tee is an elevated basket and the designer did a good job using the vegetation to add some challenge and variety. The course is in the middle of nowhere but worth a drive to check it out if you're vacationing in St Augustine.
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6 0
Experience: 11.4 years 28 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2017 Played the course:once


1. Nice concrete tee pads
2. Easy to find the next hole
3. Some cool twists such as a light house basket on hole 18
4. Some short and long holes
5. Trash cans throughout the course
6. Some nice scenery throughout the course


1. Not many left or right curves
2. The back 13 holes are closed during state fair activities
3. Not many trees or obstacles to avoid
4. Chains are close to holes and can be confusing which chain goes to which hole

Other Thoughts:

Pretty decent course not to far from the beaches on st Augustine. Definitely a course to try if your on vacation there
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2 0
Experience: 26 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

My home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Nice concrete tee pads.
Good signage for each hole.
First 12 holes make good use of the trees on the property.
Usually not too many others on the course. It is not a place with joggers or picnic areas to compete for the space.


No short tees.
Back 13 holes may be unavailable if there is an event at the fairgrounds.
The distance of some of the holes are difficult for a rec player.

Other Thoughts:

I find the course good, but boring. Most holes are pretty straight with a minimal amount of obstacles.
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2 0
Experience: 12.1 years 46 played 34 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Quick break from St Augustine 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2014 Played the course:once


Convenient location and signage for holes. The course is also well marked, e.g. yellow poles and approach signs. The scenery and design make the course good for those who like or sometimes want to jog and throw through a course.


Holes are too close to one another, and there is not a parking lot or pavilion next to information board. Bugs and players with allergies will be concerns.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, the course is decent and worth a drive if you are visiting the area or need a break from shopping at the St Augustine Outlets. The first 12 holes start at the end of the road, and be prepared for bugs. For example, the course has a lot of ant hills, so think twice about carrying a bag. I would also recommend bug spray even in the hottest conditions. If you have allergies, specifically grass, then bring a pair of knee-high or soccer socks. About half of the holes are too close to one another, so the course is good for exercise and a decent round. For example, the first 12 holes could be cut back to 9 with hole #10 being the end of the first leg. The course definitely has the opportunity to improve.
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8 1
The Miniac
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 48.4 years 383 played 35 reviews
2.50 star(s)

More is Less 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 21, 2013 Played the course:once


Concrete tees, although a bit small. Solid DISCatcher baskets, but covered in mildew. Well manicured. Most holes have clear flight lines. Decent balance of left & rights and informative tee signs. Fairly easy to navigate.


Nearly EVERY tee, pin or fairway shares a proximity issue with another tee, pin or fairway. Which makes one wonder why the designer felt it necessary to cram that many holes into the area. At least 2 tee pads are WITHIN the putting circle of the previous pin... which makes navigation fairly easy. Several other tees are only a few feet outside of the circle.

A fantastic opportunity for a multi-choice fairway was overlooked on #24, because fairway #23 was jammed up against it. The 800+ foot fairway #25 has to curve around a cluster of portable buildings.

This course just eeks by as passable for casual play, but for tournament play, I would fully expect casual-ties.

Other Thoughts:

This is a 25-hole course with the front 12 holes in a grassy grove of trees, mostly oaks, west of the fairgrounds, and 13 more holes on the south and east areas of the fairgrounds. Roughly 2/3 of the actual fairways fall within the realm of reason...Although many more exciting possibilities become evident with a simple turn of the neck or by sidestepping a few feet.
Clearly, More is LESS when it comes to cramming too many holes into limited spaces.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Stop 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


I've played this course twice, both times while driving from Savannah to Orlando. For that purpose, it's absolutely perfect. Open spaces with no brush mean you don't spend any time looking for a disc. Easy navigation and relatively short holes mean the first 18 play quickly, and you can get back on the road. If you have more time on your hands, there are an extra seven holes, including the the final, 870-foot hole. Personally, I like playing twenty-one. That's eighteen, plus the three that head back towards the parking area. So depending on your time, you have options.

I've also seen two different looks on this course. In winter, it's very easy. The fairways are mostly open looks at the basket. There are trees on the course(at least in the first 12 holes), but a well placed shot can put you in birdie range most of the time. In the heat of summer, those trees sprout foliage that narrow a lot of those fairways considerably. On the shorter holes in particular, the gaps that you will need to fit your disc through can be quite challenging then.

In either case, its a great learning course. The trees will teach new players a ton about where they want their throw to turn, in either direction. It's a clean course on mowed grass where the obstacles to your score aren't just thick brush that couldn't be removed. The trees are not only nice-looking, but impact the course in an extremely positive way.


After twelve though, you cross the parking area and enter the fairgrounds proper. The holes are a lot less challenging, and a less interesting after that point.

Even in the first twelve, its a little cramped, with holes traversing the same meadow in different ways. It uses the available space well, but there are definitely multiple points in which tees and fairways are in the path of other throwers.

Other Thoughts:

The next tee is often just a few steps from the previous basket, which is nice if you want to lay quickly,(except for five, which is near the fourth tee, and twelve? which I might not have found if I didn't remember walking by it on the ninth fairway.

There aren't any signature holes, and its completely flat, but there are few bad holes and I'll probably stop here the majority of the times that I'm making a similar drive.
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1 4
Experience: 11.5 years 3 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Day Out 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2013 Played the course:once


Course is well laid out with the first half of the holes on one side of the road and the last ones on the fairgrounds side. Nice wide open spaces with sporadic trees really lets you develop your distance game.


Long, long, long course. Bring your walking shoes.

Other Thoughts:

We made a day of it and brought lunch. Took a break after finishing the first set of holes. My wife gave up after 18 holes but my friend and I finished the course. Couldn't really get big D on the last hole because of a stiff headwind but it made for a challenging finish and I only bogeyed the hole.
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2 7
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Open Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 26, 2013 Played the course:once


Course was awesome, I went with my little brother who had never played Disc Golf before and this was the perfect course because I found it very forgiving. I am also a fairly new player so I cant comment to much on the technical side of shots but I found there to be many fun holes. Right off the bat hole #1 is surrounded by a bunker and elevated which was a great way to start things off. Overall this is a fun course


Not much to look at as the course is on a big open lot with sporadic trees so there inst that usual sense of adventure that most courses have but other than that I liked this course.

Other Thoughts:

I will defiantly be coming back as there were hardly any other players on a beautiful Saturday, if I was local I would play here weekly just for the pure fun factor.
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1 5
Experience: 16.4 years 128 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Better place for beginner 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


- Great for long distance practicing
- 25 baskets
- plenty parking on either sides


- bugs & fireants
- out of bound over a fence where thick palm bushes and plenty orb spiders there
- distance from stores
- some tee box closer to other baskets.
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1 5
Experience: 12.6 years 7 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

FunTime 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2012 Played the course:once


Open for new players.
Long holes to practice drives.
Harvey did a great job for what the county would let him do.
There is an around the world putting at 25 basket. Lots of fun and good practice.


Lots of bugs.

Other Thoughts:

Why do people have to complain about no bathrooms when there are some on fairgrounds side. As well as water. The tee pads were not designed by Harvey it's what the county calculated for one load of concrete. As far as more basket placements, if you want them then put up some money like Harvey did out of his own pocket for all the baskets.
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8 0
Experience: 20.7 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


I was fortunate to show up to play while the course designer Harvey was playing and he invited me to join. It was nice to hear about the history of the course while I played.
This is a 25 hole flatland course with concrete pads that are a bit small. All Discatcher baskets. Every hole has bag holders, benches and markers and there are garbage cans throughout.
The layout of the park has the front 12 on the north side of the road. These are longer and more challenging holes. Good use of what natural obstacles that are available in a lightly wooded park.
The back side is more forgiving with many wide open fairways. Great for beginners to tune their drives. Most holes are good for rollers as that is Harvey's preferred style. Hole 23 is 6' from a perimeter fence. It's fun because you want to be aggressive with your approach but a slight mistake can see you out by the highway.
Hole 25 is nicknamed "Air It Out". A blind tee shot at 870' with a late dog leg right. It is the builder's response to early complaints about no monster drive holes. Wish granted: this hole is fun for the sheer grip it and rip it factor. Third shot will require slightly more finesse but still needs power to get the bird.


The pads are well built but too small for a big run-up. There is no source of water on site so bring bottles with you. There is not much shade so you'll need the extra water on hot days.

Other Thoughts:

This course is due to a major effort on the part of its founder Harvey Barnes. He wanted a local course in St. Johns county and started making it happen a few years ago. He has fronted nearly all of the money for construction including 25 discatcher baskets. If you want to sponser a hole and help keep this course nice, find Harvey and help him out.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.8 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

I drew blood at Moccasin Creek 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 11, 2012 Played the course:once


1) Nice concrete tees with the Hole # stenciled on the paver inlay in the corner of the concrete tees. This is both attractive and functional.

2) Nice signs have all the information needed . . .Hole #, Distance, Par, a map of the hole, and sponsors. The holes were also named which is something I have seen a lot lately and I think that is a really good idea and something that can set this sport apart from golf. Instead of remembering #17 at Sawgrass they will remember something like "The Bear Den" or "Rattlesnake Rock" or something to that effect. Sure not all courses need to have their holes named, but I think it could become something that is important in the course design.

3) Benches, bag holders, and garbage cans are at every tee.

4) #1 green is a sandbag bunker (but elevated above the ground rather than below ground. This is something I have never seen before and is a unique thing you will remember on this course.

5) Nice directionals to get you around the course . . . always helpful for a travelling disc golfer such as myself.

6) Nice newer discatchers in great shape.

7) The turf seems to be decent condition throughout the park. Sure it is still the sandy soil that you see in much of Florida but the grounds seem to be well kept.

8) Excellent use of distance variation on this course with holes ranging from 100's up to 400's and one 800' to end the round. Lots of different discs needed out here.

9) There are plenty of birdie opportunities and there are plenty of holes that will challenge you to make par. There seemed to be just the appropriate amount of fun to challenge ratio.

10) Distance was used more so on the bask 13 holes, but there also seemed to be more birdie opportunities here so it never got repetitive or boring.

11) Another cool feature is the use of one of the USDGC (or other major tournament) baskets on their 25th hole.


1) I would assume this course is not playable during activities on the fairgrounds despite the course being removed from all the other activities. I do not know this for sure but something to definitely consider checking .

2) Front 12 holes are on a really tight property . . .there might be a few places where fairways get near each other and tees that could be hit by errant shots.

3) Flat Flat Flat . . . the only elevation change was the septic hill on #13 and the sandbag elevated bunker. Typical of Florida.

4) I birdied 4 holes in a row on the back 13 holes and it seemed like a little bit more of a mixup could have been better. Those were all the shorter more open holes on the back 13, but I suppose they had to layout the course the way they did to take advantage of the land and the few key trees back there.

5) A few of the tees do not seem to be aligned perfectly at the baskets . . . not sure if maybe there are alternate basket locatons, which would make sense but they did not seem to line up to where I was playing on a few holes.

6) Teepads are on the small end of the spectrum for a longer course which you might want to use a full runup.

Other Thoughts:

I had a really good time playing this course. It is not the most challenging, it isn't the prettiest, but it has a pretty nice variety of shot required. You can throw a lot of different shots including rollers, anhyzers, hyzers, spike shots. You need to keep some shots low under the ceiling and others you can take as high as you want. The only thing lacking on this course was a true tight hole . . . a couple of the shorter holes on the front 12 had tighter windows and then again on #24 but overall I would always like to see some slightly tighter holes too. I suppose this property did not allow for it . . . but I do like balance.
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1 4
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

St. John's Fairground 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Great open 25 hole course. The course is split into two sections. 1-12 then walk across the road to 13-25. Hole #25 also has different spots to practice putting. The course has many benchs and bag rests throughout the course.


No bathrooms or water fountains.
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5 0
Experience: 106 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

New course, old views 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 10, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


After reading some reviews about this course and playing it recently It has gone through some upgrades. The designer has put a lot of effort in to this course and it shows. Every tee is concrete, although a small teebox all of them are level and can be easily run up to from being with the level ground surrounding them. Tee signs and bag holders are present at every hole now and benches are at just about all of them as well.


The course is jammed in to the space that was available. To many holes to close together. First time through I threw my disc at the wrong basket 2 or 3 times, then I decided to identify the correct basket from then on out. Multiple overlapping fairways can cause confusion and be dangerous if there are other people on the course. With the land that was available I think a really good 18 holes could be created vice 25.

Other Thoughts:

I shot +2 and -4 on two rounds. Knowing the course helps a lot. It is a well kept course with lots of low hanging branches around. Maybe a few more trees need cutting here or there. Don't think I would make the trip back down there (45 miles) just for the course but would play again if I was in the area for more reasons than to just play.
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4 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 561 played 429 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Place in the Sun 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2011 Played the course:once


The Moccasin Creek DGC offers 25 holes in a quite area surrounding the county fairgrounds. All holes are equipped with concrete tee boxes and nice new Discatcher targets. Tee signs are present and decent quality. There are bag holders at many holes, and many benches and trash cans spread around. The first twelve holes are on recently filled and leveled land, and the grass has come in nicely. The layout is not too hard to follow. There is some wind to deal with and add challenge to a few holes. There are also holes adjacent to fences with OB on the other side. No water to be found on the course.


Some holes are in close proximity to others, creating some confusion about which basket to aim at, and could cause waiting if the other nearby holes are being played. The flat and open layout means there will be some holes with mostly open lines all the way to the basket. Over the course of 25 holes, they can become somewhat redundant. The tee boxes are good quality, but too small in my opinion. There were a lot of gnats bugging out the course.

Other Thoughts:

Moccasin Creek DGC is a course that offers a relaxed round on a nice course that is easy to traverse. It is not a high degree of difficulty, but I am sure it is a welcome addition for all of the area disc golfers. Very few memorable holes, but not a bad course if you happen to be in the St. Augustine area.
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2 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.5 years 64 played 21 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2011 Played the course:once


*Beginner Friendly
*Many open shots
*Signs telling you exactly where to go (Holes 1-12
*Not at all crowded
*Nice people (when there)
*Some nice shaded holes
*Decent amount of benches


*Spiders (in woods)
*Signs got worse on holes 13-25
*Many bugs out (you will get bitten)

Other Thoughts:

It is a perfect course for beginners and avid players alike. The course is huge and took me and my grandfather an hour and 45 minutes to complete so bring lots of water, bug spray, and sun tan lotion.
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4 2
Experience: 24.4 years 40 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

What a relief to have a course in St Augustine 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 13, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course has brand new Discatchers, benches, clearly marked signs, and utilizes the lack of obstructions and lack of elevation changes nicely. The front 12 has a bit of a different feel than the more groomed back 13. There is a nice mix of a handful of long holes and a handful of ace-run holes. Hole 25 can be used as a practice basket and is marked 0 (zero). It has a red/white/blue band and is from the 2005 USDGC. Hole 8 is the only Par 4 on the course at over 500 feet, and there are two ways to approach the pin. Located in the St Johns County Fairgrounds, this course is conveniently located about five miles west from Interstate 95 about halfway between Daytona and Jacksonville. Right now the course is new so there are not many people and not ever a wait.


From May to October, there are dog-pecker gnats abound, so bring bugspray if youre into that type of thing. There are not yet multiple pin-placements and pad positions but the first set of pads were only poured a couple months ago and more options will become available over time. Holes 13 and 25 cannot be played when there are special events due to RV parking. There are a few tee pads that are close to the preceding baskets but this is generally ok for two reasons: 1) There are not many people out on the course because it is still pretty new and
2) In the case of tournaments (we just had the first one about a month ago), as long as the foursomes are scattered every other hole--which allows for 50-75 people to comfortably play--everything works out fine.

Other Thoughts:

As is the case with many courses on county land, it is hard to get everything perfect. It is still a work in progress, but everything is really starting to shape up. The money for the baskets came out of pocket so hole sponsorship is a great way to promote your business and give back a little to the local community.
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7 1
denny ritner
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.5 years 170 played 115 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Fun, if you like wide-open ace runs 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2011 Played the course:once


The course has brand-new Innova Discatchers and cement tee pads. Many tees have bagholders and benches. There are plenty of trashcans on the course.

There is almost no schule and virtually no chance of losing a disc.

The layout provides a good opportunity for intermediate-level players to work on their distance and roller shots.


It is true that, as other reviewers have mentioned, the piece of land is not great for a disc golf course. It is huge, flat, and doesn't have a lot of trees to design around. Having said that, the design has many significant flaws.

Many of the tees are too close to the preceding basket. There are many opportunities to throw a decent shot and end up on the next tee or another hole's tee. There are many opportunities for shots to end up in the adjacent hole's fairway. There is PLENTY of room on this property for an 18 hole disc golf course with adequate safety buffer between holes.

The cement tee pads are small (4X8). If there were only 18 holes instead of 25, the pads could have been 5X10 for just about the same amount of money.

This is a huge piece of property, but there's only one true multi-shot hole, #25 and that's 870 ft. wide-open across the field to a basket that can't be seen from the tee.

Many of the holes are non-descript with a tee pointing into an open field with multiple baskets visible. Many of the holes don't have tee signs yet and it's quite possible to throw at the wrong basket.

If there's ever a full course here for a tournament or otherwise, it will be extremely dangerous and annoying with all the overlapping holes.

Other Thoughts:

For travelers: skip this course and play Fore Palms in Jacksonville and/or Tuscawilla in Daytona Beach instead.

Bring your bugspray.

Don't be a dirty discer, leave the course cleaner than the way you found it.
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