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Portersville, PA

Moraine State Park

4.665(based on 84 reviews)
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Moraine State Park reviews

14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.3 years 239 played 198 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Long Reign Moraine

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2023 Played the course:once


+ The whole course plays within its own quiet and hilly section of dense woods. It's disc golfers only.
+ The fairways are clear with OB areas unmistakably marked.
+ Three tee pads per link made of sturdy, flat, long and wide concrete.
+ All tees have metal signs depicting the fairway ahead, distance & elevation changes expressed in feet and meters, the three possible pin positions and a reliable system in place to tell players which basket position is in play.
+ The baskets are bright orange MachX models with color-coded 'next' clips in the cage where necessary, but...


- ...They felt a bit too rare. Most of the time it was obvious where to go, but sometimes it wasn't. More on this later.
- Maybe a few of the fairways were a little samey.

Other Thoughts:

Lakeview DGC at Moraine State Park. What a treat. I finally understand now why there is a friendly rivalry between Moraine and Deer Lakes for the title of best course in the Pittsburgh area (if not all of western PA). The course has a fair few fun challenges and is pretty pleasant to look at.

For looks, it's hard to go wrong, but my favorite instances were links6 and 17. 6 is a pleasantly framed park-style fairway with such lush greenery. (Keep your eyes open for those distance markers implanted in the ground!) Link17 resembled a shadowy haunted cluster of trees. But no matter where you are here, the attention paid to this whole place has had a spectacular result. It almost felt like I was walking in a painting.

For playing, it's also hard to go wrong. It's disc golfers only at the course. No bicycle trails. No hiking paths. No oblivious dog-walkers. Trees are almost always presenting obstacles and puzzles for the player. My favorite link to play was 15 even though it's wide open because of that grand downhill fairway. Not to mention that view of the lake right in front of the player is pretty special. For honorable mentions, link12 has a fun slanted fairway with a gradually increasing tree cover, and link18 is a fun farewell finale fairway for its woods and waterways intertwining. If you are a power player, this course tries to accommodate you with longer wooded fairways, but trees will still smack down your throws.

I do have to vent some anger here about that walk between links10 and 11. There was absolutely no way that I could have found it without external help. Perhaps I wasn't looking in the right spot. That's certainly a possibility, but I saw no wayfinding signage during that walk. They were also absent sporadically throughout the course. It wasn't a deal breaker by any means. However, that might be something that Moraine could work on.

And, as always, a wooded course such as this one runs the risk of feeling samey among some of the fairways. Link6 is just a longer version of 5. Links9 and 8 strongly resemble each other, even though 8 is longer. But that's kind of it.

It'll be a long while before I'm out this way again, so I made sure to play from the blue tees just to leave no stone unturned. Moraine's stones were worth every turn. The fairways are great not just for their cleanliness but also because they vary with all kinds of distances, elevations and tree densities. The infrastructure is pretty good with great tees and informative signs at every single hole. It was also a smart move to use bright orange baskets in woods like these. A lot of time and effort have gone into this place. It all comes together to make of the very best courses Pennsylvania can offer.

I emphatically recommend you play here if you are ever planning a trip to the Pittsburgh area. So! After all of that, am I going to weigh in on the whole Moraine vs. Deer Lakes debate? Sure! But not in this review.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A Great Taste of Pennsylvania

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2023 Played the course:once


- picturesque and well maintained park along Lake Arthur
- good amenities including picnic tables, ample parking, bathrooms
- three practice baskets across entry road from parking
- great technical challenge with many wooded holes
- holes range from heavily wooded to semi-wooded; not many are wide open
- fantastic elevation change
- three tees per hole and three pin positions per hole
- high quality Mach X baskets
- current pin position marked on tee signs (thank you!)
- excellent full color tee signs with maps at every tee
- large concrete pads for virtually all tees
- hole numbers on baskets and next tee indicators on baskets; navigation is very well indicated
- hole variety and varied distances will challenge you to use every shot in your bag
- fairways are challenging but still realistic
- away from major roads out in the middle of nature
- hole 18 loops right back to the start/parking lot


- perhaps not a true con, but this is a very large park and you can end up very far from the course if you don't pay attention
- beginners may get discouraged by high difficulty level and lack of short holes
- some areas that are very muddy
- no trash cans on course; carry in/carry out

Other Thoughts:

Where to begin... I've had my eye on this course and Deer Lakes as Pennsylvania "must plays" for awhile now. The timing worked out well for Moraine State Park to be my 150th course played, and it did not disappoint. I rarely, rarely give out perfect 5s, but this course is pretty close. The 4.6-4.7 average rating is earned, and I think the best way to explain that is: no detail is overlooked here. You get multiple tees, multiple baskets, different lines from those multiple tees, huge distance, some (though not many) shorter holes, high levels of technical challenge, a mix of hole types, highest level elevation change, and more.

There are not many courses gutsy enough to put 600-700' holes in the middle of the woods. Moraine does it. Navigation aids are a huge plus here - this is one of the things that often knocks a near perfect course to a 4.5 for me, and Moraine did this exceptionally well. I was warned by locals of ticks; this is the nature of wooded disc golfing in my opinion.

There are some thorns to look out for on this course, but overall the rough wasn't too terrible. Hole 15 for me was probably the signature hole, a long bomb shot on level ground followed by a downhill blind path towards the basket and the lake with great views. Holes 13 and 14 also stood out as absolutely brutal fairways to try to play through with tons of tree hazards. Sometimes I think this is a bit much, but Moraine is made to be a world-class challenge, and I don't fault it for doing just that. Birdie opportunities will be few and far between on this course.

Come expecting a hike. There are muddy areas that I suspect in the shaded parts of the wood often stay wet, and the elevation change will wear you out. This course is as fun as it is challenging, however, and I love that you're away from the highways enough to really hear the nature here. I didn't see any really standout animal encounters, but you can hear them around you in the woods; it's a very peaceful setting. Don't make the mistake I made and solely rely on your GPS - follow the instructions on DGCR. This is a HUGE park and I ended up on the wrong side of the lake, requiring about 15 minutes of driving to backtrack, cross the lake, and get to the correct side of the park. Woops!

This park is generally in very nice shape. Some grass is a tad long, but given the amount of land to maintain, it was pretty minor. My cons are mostly nits - it's hard to complain about this course unless you've just got a case of sour grapes. It is hard, yes, and muddy in a few places, but I can't say much more than that. This is truly a world class course you'd be crazy not to play if you're in the Pittsburgh area. In my case, I drove from Chicago with this being one of my 2 major areas to play. Between this and Deer Lakes, plus Knob Hill and others which I did not get to, you could spend days just in the Pittsburgh metro playing fantastic disc golf.

I only got to 3 courses in Pennsylvania but I think this was my favorite. You can see the care that went in to the course, and the elevation change is one of the things that really sets it apart. I highly recommend checking it out.
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1 6
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


-Excellent variety of open, wooded, left, and right handed fairways
-Gorgeous lakeside view
-Many ways to enter the course to choose your own loop
-Top 25 course in the world and Free-To-Play


-lacking elevated baskets
-limited winter parking

Other Thoughts:

-Absolute favorite regional course
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23 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2020 Played the course:once


Where to begin. I've had my eye on this course for a long time and finally got the chance to play it. It does not disappoint. I timed it up so it'd be my 500th course played, and first in Pennsylvania as well. I couldn't be happier with this decision. Beautiful park and the course is set in a disc golf exclusive section of the park. It wasn't too busy on a beautiful fall afternoon. Not sure if this the norm, I'd doubt it. But a very peaceful, enjoyable round.

The baskets are nice, new orange Mach X's. These stand out great under the mature tree canopy. Catch great too. These are some of the best baskets I've played on. I'm pretty sure every hole had 3 different pin placements. If not all, then nearly all of them. Offers good variety, especially for local players.

Tee pads are solid. At least the golds and blues. Both of these are nice and grippy concrete. All are level too. Can't really ask for much more from these. The white tees are rubber mats. I didn't play from these, and generally they're not my favorite, but it's better than natural/dirt pads. Three tee pads on every hole.

The course features undulating terrain pretty much all in the woods. A few start in the open before winding through a corridor of trees back into the trees. Besides the iconic hole 15. Overlooking the lake and playing downhill the whole way, 800 plus feet. It's so well known for a reason. Lots of elevation throughout. A few holes are pretty flat, or at least flattish. But not many. It seems like you always throwing up or downhill. Across a side slope, etc. Great variety in the hole design

All shots will be needed to suceed here. I have a garbage forehand and it cost me strokes numerous times, not being able to stretch out from behind a terrible lie and flick it into the fairway. Staying in the fairway is paramount here. A kick in either direction is almost certainly costing most players at least a stroke. There are 2 par 5's, 8 par 4's and 8 par 3's so there's a good mix of everything here.

The tee signs are very well done. Not the best I've ever seen but they have all the essential info on them. Hole #, par, all 3 pin positions, distances to all three pin locations in feet and meters. The locations of the other 2 tee pads on each hole and any applicable OB that may be present. The background is color coordinated for the tee it's for too.

The design of this course is top notch. One of the best I've played. At no point does it let up. You get to a par 3 after a couple tough par 4's and think it'll let up for a second. Nope. All the holes are challenging for the most part and the pars are set accordingly to reflect that.


A couple of the holes play near each other in a couple spots. If you use a map you should be alright. But it could be easy to walk the wrong way in a few spots if you're not careful or don't spot the next tee sign. Worth noting.

My main con is not having a way to show what pin is in play on a lot/most of the tee signs. With 3 pin positions per hole, and so many uphill, blind shots off the tee. It's mildly annoying not knowing where you're trying to throw. A few signs had them. A little metal piece with 3 holes in it, designated A, B or C. Then a bolt through the corresponding slot. But it wasn't on most. At least not the gold signs.

A couple of the holes felt a little poke and hope. Not many, but a few of them. A couple feet off the intended landing areas and you got a wall of trees in your way. I mean, if I had even a serviceable flick, maybe it wouldn't have been as noticable. But I'll throw one from time to time, and in a few places there was nothing but a pitch out.

Other Thoughts:

This is probably one of my top 5 favorite courses played. Not probably, definitely. I'd recommend this course to anyone. It has tees that can suit pretty much every level of player, besides brand new players or children. But this is a championship caliber course, not a pitch and putt. So that should go without saying. I considered giving this one my first 5 disc rating. Really, really, really thought about it. I settled on a 4.5. It really is a phenomenal course. Closer to a 4.75 plus imo. Destination course. Go out of your way to play this one. You won't be disappointed. Like I said earlier, this is the first course I've played in this area, but there's supposed to be some other good to great ones nearby. I'll find out the next couple days. But if they're even half as good as this one it's still destination worthy.
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16 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 103 played 18 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Thank you sir, may I have another? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


This review is based on a white-level player playing from the blue tees:

Concrete tee pads are spacious and grip well, baskets are all in good condition. Tee signs with pin location indicators on most holes (see cons). 3 pin placements on each hole.

Navigation is intuitive and there are plenty of signs to help out. I would still recommend having a map, but I say that about almost any course.

Moraine is well-kept but not manicured, and I think this adds to its character. Fairways are well-defined and rough is definitely rough. Thorns abound in the rough and there is poison ivy here and there throughout. The prairie grass can really hide some discs; we encountered it on hole #4 in particular. In short, this is not your mama's course and I like it that way!

There are some really cool hole designs here. I'm not a guy who falls in love that easily but I have to admit there are eight holes here that definitely make my list of favorites. (2,4,8,9,10,12,16,18) I didn't even mention the view from the top of the hill on 15. It is quite grand.

Natural beauty on this course is off the charts. Mature trees, rolling hills, grassy fairways, prairie grass rough, and Lake Arthur are all beautiful and the course is secluded enough that I felt like I was in my own little world.

Finally, hole variety is amazing. If you have a shot, this course will force you to throw it. Backhands, forehands, rollers, etc. It may even demand a shot you don't have. Great variety of hole distances as well as fairway shapes. I could go into detail but check out the hole info and pictures for the course instead.


Many of the tee signs either had no basket indicators or they were missing. With three tee pads and three basket locations per hole, I can see how this would be difficult to keep up with, but I think more than half were missing. This could lead to either some blind tee shots or a lot of extra walking. Some maps on the signs were misleading. For instance, #4 looked like it went to the right when it actually curved quite a bit to the left (to the B placement).

No garbage cans or restrooms on the course. There is a restroom and a garbage can near holes 1 and 18 but nothing in between. This is consistent with the character of the course mentioned in the pros section. You are out in nature and it is up to you to plan accordingly.

I'm not a big fan of hole 11. There isn't much of a line to the basket and it seems like the kind of hole that is an easy 3 but near impossible 2 for the intermediate player.

Risk of disc loss is moderate, and pretty high considering no water is in play. The aforementioned rough and prairie grass can swallow them up. My group of 6 lost 1 disc in 36 holes, so not too bad.

Other Thoughts:

I am an intermediate level player at best. But when I go out it is to play disc golf, not to sit on benches or return to my car every few holes. Amenities are nice but completely unnecessary to me. I rate courses primarily on 3 factors; design, fun factor, and replay-ability.

Moraine is now in my top 3 courses, behind only Harmony Bends and Rollin' Ridge, and I'm considering moving it up to #2. I put it ahead of the Selah courses, Idlewild, Flip City, Bucksnort, etc. The golf is fantastic!! You are presented with risk/reward decisions at every turn and hole design is tremendously well done. I actually put off reviewing the course for a few weeks because I knew my 4.5 would drop its rating. I enjoyed this course that much.

Fun fact: Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited in Pennsylvania state parks. We had a tense few holes after one of the workers weed-eating brought that to our attention, especially when it seemed like the two folks with weed-eaters were following us for a few holes. Do yourself a favor and leave it in the car unless you are willing to risk a citation.

This course beat me up a little, but I couldn't wait to come back for more the next day rather than playing a different course. I regret that I won't be able to play it again for some time, as it is a long drive from home. If you are on the fence come to your senses and go play this course!
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19 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A course that lives up to the reputation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 4, 2019 Played the course:once


I travel a lot and wrap my travels with a lot of disc golf , and had my eye on playing Moraine State Park for a long time . I had the course to myself ( started at 6:40 on a Saturday morning so I could take it all in ) the whole time . I pulled up to the parking area ( plenty of parking ) , noticing a nice kiosk , 2 practice baskets , place to drink or fill water bottles .The course sits off to itself , meaning that you should almost never see a non disc golfer on the course There are 3 tee pads per hole . The gold and blue tee pads have larger than normal cement tee pads that are grippy .Some crushed gravel is behind many of the tee pads .along with brooms , which are a nice touch . longer holes . The shorter ( white ) tee pad is a basic rubber . They can be slick when wet . Be careful .There are some benches behind the longer holes . The signage is great , showing the pads and the 3 possible pin positions per hole . The baskets are the newer Mach X that catch fantastic and are easy to see , which is a big plus since you are in the woods most of the time . 3 pin positions that supposedly change constantly , giving you a slightly different look each time The golds rate out at 1000 and blues 950 and it shows .This was the site of the 2015 Worlds . There are 2 par 5s 8 4s and 8 3s , I mixed some golds in with mostly blues , so I will evaluate from this . The course itself boasts elevation( 2,4,7,10 and especially 15 ) , tight but fair fairways , and a chance for some creativity . My advice would be to NOT gamble on throwing your air-it-out driver on these holes in order to make up for the distance . Accuracy is rewarded , and you will be punished a time ( or 5) for taking chances . There are a couple of streams the come into play that you might not see when throwing from the tee . There are also several out of bound areas that are roped off for added aggravation, but in a good way . There are only a couple of par 3's under 300 ft , most in the low to mid 300s . You will face a new challenge with every hole you play , but you will have a fun time doing it . My signature hole should come as no surprise : hole # 15 . a top of the world 847 ' downhill shot with a couple of trees in the fairway to keep your drive honest , to the basket with is on a long level area . A great picturesque view of the lake behind it .


You shouldn't need a map for this course , but print one anyway . I made a mistake going from 10 basket to 11 tee . This should be the only time you have to cross a tee pad to go to a tee pad . I teed off on 4 , thinking it was 11 .11 is visible as you walk down the path on your right , so remember to walk straight past the 4 tee pad another 120' or so .Only time I was confused . No trash bins on the course , so remember to carry out what you carry in .

Other Thoughts:

The course design was superb , The flow was good , even though some walks were long ( a good thing . no one will hit you with an errant shot ) . Lots of care goes into this course , and it shows . I doubt that there is a better course in Pennsylvania than this . A destination course for sure and is going into my favorite course list as soon as I submit my review . My suggestion : The multiple tee pads and changing pin positions are going to be attractive to everyone . Drive Here And PLAY IT !
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4 10
Experience: 20.1 years 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Moraine better than deer lakes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2019 Played the course:once


Great location
Good mix of wooded to open holes.
Mach x baskets


A little hilly in some places
Several up hill shots

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course at a great location! The view of the lake and surrounding area is amazing from the course. Everyone should put this course on their list to play!
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20 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.4 years 276 played 60 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Iconic Moraine - Epitome of Big Woods Golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


- woods distance golf doesn't get better than this; there are lines galore that reward controlled distance with little place for bombs away golf
- love the MachX baskets (new in past couple years) catching ability and visual appeal
- no mandos necessary; trees provide the shot restriction
- beautiful!


- can find some ticks, spiders, and plenty of brambles ("bumble") off the fairway
- the only thing missing are water shots (not really a problem)

Other Thoughts:

After watching 2015 Worlds videos, this course was on my radar and became one of the first courses on my wish list. This year I finally got to play it after moving to the region, including from Gold Tees during the PFDO. I love courses where the natural features are used to shape lines, and where mandos are entirely unnecessary. Moraine is the epitome of this kind of course. Here, there are enough elevation changes and beautiful, tall trees that the natural features provide all the shot-shaping challenge one could want. It's a long course that remains technical without being overly tight, hence my title of "Big Woods" golf. Fairways are wide enough that you can pick a line and hit it, with almost no poke and pray element but also with almost no open golf. Holes look and feel somewhat homogeneous, but without players feeling that anything was missing from the round.

I like good "deuce or die" par 3s, but I don't think this terrain is conducive to that kind of golf, and there are only a couple of those holes. The trees are too tall, the expanse too vast, and the fairways too wide for enough of these holes. Designers seemed to realize this, and the par 4s/5s are what make it so special. On the par 4s, especially, I like how variable the second shot can be. On other courses, there's often some kind of initial gap that leaves a similar shot for everyone that makes it. Here, 4 cardmates can all have decent tee shots but still have very different lines to the basket. Holes like 6, 8, 12, 14, and even 18 are good examples. Pick your desired landing zone and your line from the tee, but you'll still need a lot of possible shots to get to the pin. You name the type of shot, and you'll be able to use it out here. Particularly after my tournament here, I came to view Moraine as a worthy foe. It's rare for par 5s to be so hard to birdie, and par felt great for both the par 5s (#6 & #16).

I found I almost never needed my highest speed drivers. Discs like my Teebird and Undertaker get a lot of air time, and I rarely find myself throwing discs over speed 10. When I do, I often regret the decision and should have gone with control.

Even if you can't make it out here, be thankful you can drool over many recorded rounds, e.g. 2017 Pittsburgh Flying Disc Open, 2015 Worlds. They're all enjoyable to watch and do a decent job showcasing Moraine. That said, there's no substitute for being here in person, and the course has always been in impeccable shape when I've been here over the past few months. I routinely notice improvements in the rough or other course features (lines along OB, etc.) even during casual rounds. Pittsburgh Flying Disc (along with others) takes proud ownership of this course and the TLC shows. I got to play one round with J Gary Dropcho (a local legend and TD of 2015 Worlds), and I regret not asking him more about Moraine's history.

As far as the park, getting to Moraine is easy despite a bit of a trek. It's easiest to look up "Lakeview Disc Golf Course" on Google maps, as it's on the north shore, away from the main park entrance. There's no park entry fee, though there may be a fee for camping. The course is right by a park beach, so a dip is a very good idea after a long round (or two). It's been beautiful every time I've played, even with some light rain on a couple rounds. You're likely to encounter some deer, wild turkeys, or other local fauna, and every time out here is restorative for the body and mind.

Rating: I struggled a bit to pick a number for Moraine, and would have liked to give a 4.75 (in between Phenomenal and Best of the Best). It's undoubtedly one of the best courses I've played, a can't miss course for any disc golfer, and one of disc golf's most iconic. I aired on the side of generosity, and Moraine certainly represents the Best of the Best for what it is.
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8 0
Experience: 24.8 years 47 played 16 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fantastic! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2018 Played the course:once


What a fantastic course! Well worth the drive down from Canada! I've been waiting to play this course for quite a while, and it lived up to expectations. So many great qualities to find all at one course. Elevation changes, both throwing uphill (2 & 4) and downhill (18th). Very tight fairways. Bomber hole that narrows to the basket( 15th).Dog-leg left (11th) and dog-leg right (10th). Incredibly tree obstructed fairways( 6th). And many having combinations of two or more of these features.
Three different teepads for each hole, as well as three different basket positions!
Good signage at each of the tee positions, and the course seemed to flow nicely from one hole to the next, So even though in a few spots there were signs indicating the direction of the next tee, I would have been fine without them. A good shot was rewarded, and a bad shot was pretty well eaten up by the rough. Happy I got out of Dodge with all the discs I showed up with! A good mix of holes in the woods and open-air shots. Bring your roller disc too. There are a couple of holes that it was a necessity.


No issues with the course itself at all ! The only thing that would be helpful would be some sort of indication at the teepads of which of the three basket positions is in use. There were a couple of occasions that I had to walk out to see the basket because the difference in location would definitely matter to the shot. Maybe a clothespin on the teepad sign could be used.

Other Thoughts:

Amazing place for a round. If you can get around without a cart, give it a try. The ground was very "rooty" and there were spots I wished I had just carried my bag (I"ll know for next time). Plenty of parking, a couple of practice baskets to warm up, and lots of other facilities if you're spending the day. My favorite place to play is Cliff Stephens in the Tampa area, but with this totally different style of course, I think I now have co-favorites!
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6 3
Experience: 13 years 16 played 7 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Great course for any level 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Great, grassy fairways throughout most of the wooded course. Three tee-pads on each hole with three basket positions per hole as well. Gold pads provide very high level difficulty while the front pads provide a challenging yet fair level of play. Same as the basket positions, many of the holes can almost play half or a full stroke different dependent on the spot. Overall, very well maintained. It is also very easy to access 3-5 places on the coiurse from parking lots, which is great if you wish to start at 1 or somewhere else in the course.


Sometimes if the grass gets too high, it can take out rollers, which are often the best options on several holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is the best course I have ever played. I love the atmosphere here and feel it really anchors the courses in western Pennsylvania.
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13 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.2 years 24 played 13 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The Kitchen Sink 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2018 Played the course:once


I'm referring to Moraine as "the Kitchen Sink" because this course throws it all at you... in a great way. It has:
+Crazy distance holes there's an 840 ft (blue tee) par 5 (hole 6) and
+Their marquee vista "lakeview" hole #15 which is a downhill 756 ft par 4.
+Challenging uphill holes
+Lots of trees

But that's just the holes themselves.
What makes this course truly stand out are the other amenities:
+Really nice long concrete tee pads (I played in the pouring down rain, and I thought I was going to play the white tees, but those aren't concrete, but some rubberized pad... slipped and fell while driving hole 1, so I switched to the blue tees and they are fantastic)
+Tees often have brooms to sweep away debris
+Tees have indicators to identify the pin positions. These are on the blue tee. They are a bright orange bolt that fits into slot A, B, or C. Since some of the holes are way far off around a corner, this was especially helpful
+Tee signs are very clear and well maintained
+Mach X baskets are great baskets and they are painted bright hunter orange for high visibility
+Signs for OB or for next hole are ample and visibly posted
+Fairways are kept nice, but the rough is rough as it should be
+Bathrooms are not far away
+Ample parking
+Practice baskets on the other side of parking lot


I don't know what to put here because this course exceeded every expectation I ever had for a disc golf course. Perhaps the lack of a concrete pad on the white tees... but really, I don't have any cons. I played in the pouring down rain and loved every second of it.
I guess if I had to be really nitpicky, I would say that it doesn't have a water hazard (beyond a couple OB streams), but there's no big pond or anything to throw over, despite being right alongside Lake Arthur. This isn't a big enough reason to lower it from 5 stars though.

Other Thoughts:

I have wanted to play the full Moraine Lakeview course ever since I came up here for the 2016 Ace Race, and it didn't disappoint. It taught me a lot about my own game and the shots I need to practice.
Playing in the rain, I learned the necessity of having a towel, especially if you're throwing Discraft elite-Z or Innova champion plastic.
This course requires really good disc and/or throw selection. I'm used to throwing a lot of the same shots over and over, but at Moraine, I needed to do a lot of thinking and I used more than my typical 2-3 discs per round. I ended up using the following:

I mention this because I ordinarily use my Buzzz very frequently (and not at all today!) whereas I rarely get an opportunity to throw my crank or spectra and I seldom have a need for my hornet or the archer, but today I found myself in so many tight situations that I felt like I needed the fade on the hornet or the understability of the archer to make my shot.
I ended up +9 on the round... DGCR gives that a rating of 853 and I mention that only to give you some reference of my perspective for this course.
I was blown away by this course. I really can't wait to come back and play it again.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Must Play 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2018 Played the course:once


I only played from the Gold tees so my review is based on that.

- Some of the best if not the best Tees I have ever played off of in my life. They were long and had great brushed concrete. Since Im very tall I enjoy seeing a long teepad and these were just perfect.

- At the back of most tee pads they had crushed gravel so even if it was wet and muddy there was no sign of it at the back of the teepad.

- Mach X baskets. I dont think I need to explain these but they catch better then 99% of basket out there. They are also painted orange so they are easy to spot from a good distance away.

- Teesigns were on every tee and were clearly marked for all pin locations. I wish there would have been a pin indicator on each tee but it wasnt that hard to figure out which position they were in.

- I played in the morning after a rain storm and the course showed little signs of rain. There was hardly any mud which was a surprise to me. So I assume this course drains very well.

- The course had clearly marked OB with signs and string line to clearly mark OB. There was never a question if you were OB or not.

- There were next tee markers that were close to each basket so that made navigating the course very easy.

- This is a perfect style of course. It was in the dense woods but had more than fair fairways. I think hole 8 was the only hole I thought could have had a more fair fairway but other then that, it was all perfect.

- The course had a very good mix of par 3's, 4's and 5's. I very so thought that par on every hole was the perfect par for that hole.

- I had to use almost every disc in my bag to complete this course and to me that a good sign that the course designers did a very good job. You had to throw a good mix of full power shots, finesse shots, forehands, backhands, pretty much everything. Every tool I had, I used.


- The road leading to the parking lot was closed so Im not sure if the course was even open yet for the season but I couldnt find anything on the internet telling me it was closed. I had to start on hole 6 because of this but that wasnt too much of a problem.

Other Thoughts:

I absolutely loved this course and would recommend this course to anybody who is going to be in the area. This is in my top courses now and I dont think that is going to change for a long time.
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2 9
Experience: 9.9 years 58 played 32 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Fantastic course, great variety in all areas, easy to navigate, well thought out course, I have been there several times and it's always clean.


The rough is way to rough, and the tee signs leave a little to be desired, you have to walk over the fair way of 4 between 10 and 11
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 205 played 195 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Shattered My Expectations 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2017 Played the course:once


Where do I even begin... I guess I'll intro the course.

So Moraine State Park (AKA Lakeview DGC) is a beautiful public course that is set right in the middle of this beautiful treasure of a park. Rolling hills, dense woodlands, a large lake, and of course, an abundance of wildlife. This is the most beautiful course I've played so far.

After taking the exit on to North Shore Dr. you know you're in for a real treat. Winding roads guide you towards the heaven of Pennsylvania disc golf.

Very nice kiosk with an information board, trash can, etc. There is plenty of parking here for large tournaments.

Each hole has three concrete tee pads for the Blues and Golds. The white tees have very nice rubber material.

After my first drive hit a tree and shot deep into the wilderness, I expected a 20 minute search through thorns, underbrush, etc. That was not the case! The clearing of the rough here is the best I've seen. It's really tough to lose a disc to an errant shot.

There is a terrific custom tee sign for each individual tee pad. They're customized just for that specific tee, so you don't have the distances of all tees on one sign. They're also very descriptive.

Forces use to use about every shot you have. Each hole stands a part from the other, and offers a hole different set of challenges.

#9 has a sign and path directing you to the parking lot if you only wanted to play 9 holes.

One big thing I took away from Moraine was that it wasn't overly difficult. I was expecting to get absolutely slaughtered here, but it was really a calm, enjoyable round.

Course is maintained very well. I don't think I saw a single piece of trash the entire round.

The extra signage here really sets this course apart from the rest I've played. Long holes have metal distance marking signs every 100 feet. There's OB signs everywhere with rope marking each hazard. These are quality metal signs, not the cheap stuff.

Most holes have a broom at the tee box, I thought that was a nice touch.

Elevation is used really well here. Not too many exhausting Hills to walk up and down, but there are a few that come into play.

Lots of variation in terms of distances. Very well designed.

#15 was a great view, and one of the best holes I've ever played. You could see the Lake and rolling hills in the distance. Long, downhill shot that gives you a break from the woods.


I'll pick on a few minor things;

I'd like to see something on each tee sign that indicates what the current pin position is. Idlewild has something like that.

I was kind of expecting the Lake to come into play at some point, but it never did.

It's tucked right in the middle of the massive park, so it takes a while to get to the course itself.

All of the creeks were dried up when I played, so I didn't get that part of the experience. Out of anyone's control, obviously.

Other Thoughts:

I haven't typed up a review this long, and I probably won't do it again. Moraine State Park made me want to set up camp right by the first tee and live here forever, it's just that damn good.

It's hard to say a course rated 4.6 is underrated, but I'm going to say it. Moraine is underrated.

This place is easily deserving of a top 5 spot. The beauty, challenge, and fun here is overwhelming, and really made me smile. I'll take the two hour drive any day, it was well worth it.
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8 1
Experience: 14.3 years 239 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best of the Best! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 4, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Truly is the best of the best! A championship level course inside Moraine State Park. This course is not a beginner friendly but has a set of short tees for easier play. It also has a set of long concrete tee pads which allows all skill levels to be challenged. It requires a variety of technical shots to score well. Hole 15 is the signature hole of this course which has been used to film the PDGA's commercial. There are some holes that have roped areas which are OB but getting off the fairways will produce a natural OB. Great course design with multiple pin locations makes this challenging course even longer and harder.


Absolutely nothing.

Other Thoughts:

This course is in my top ten must play courses! Very beautiful and scenic property. I live in another state and have traveled there to play a tournament. I was not disappointed.
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15 0
Mark R
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 118 played 90 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 22, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Top shelf Western Pennsylvania disc golf. Has a seemingly endless procession of forested tunnel holes that are tons of fun, with a few trees here and there to provide a multitude of throw routes. Many of these holes have compound fairways requiring well-placed drives for carefully calculated upshots. The best of these include Hole 4, with a fairly steep uphill drive leading to an angling, flat, straight but narrow fairway; Hole 6, a 928' flat, fairly wide and straight grassy fairway with plenty (but not too many) tree hazards; Hole 7, featuring a downhill dogleg left drive to a beautiful green; and Hole 12, a long and challenging left-bending drive through a grassy tunnel leading to a basket protected by rows of tall trees. Holes 5 and 14 feature subtly undulated, straight drives with multiple shot paths around narrow lines of trees. Hole 15 differs from the other holes with a wide-open hilltop drive leading to a right-bending fairway which leads to downhill to another large and beautiful green near a large reservoir lake.

Plenty of challenge at this course, with three layouts ranging from 6105' to 8550' feet. Despite the length and challenge, it is not insurmountable by intermediate level players, even from the Gold tees.


Holes 1 and 18 are nice, forested creek bed holes, but aren't quite up to the standards set by the rest of the course. Watch for roped-off out-of-bounds low lying areas on these holes. Hole 13 is a shorty through tall trees which could also be described as a filler hole. Hole 15, though visually epic, would likely be a painful effort in high winds. Some holes would likely have disc-swallowing rough during some parts of the year.

Unlike the other premier courses in this region, this course is located in a remote state park forest which requires a long meandering drive from the nearest highway exits, which can dissipate some positive energy before reaching the first hole. No nearby stores for snacks, drinks or discs.

Other Thoughts:

This course along with Deer Lakes Park and Knob Hill stakes a claim for Western Pennsylvania being one of the world's best disc golf destinations. Unlike those two courses, which are some miles to the South in steeper major river valley hills, Moraine State Park is topographically more similar to upper Midwest courses with more meadow-like holes.

Remarkably consistent throughout, this course has a minimum of lesser holes and keeps you engaged all of the way through. Mentioned as a favorite by none other than pro Steve Rico and others, this great course belongs on your disc golf bucket list.
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2 11
Experience: 17.2 years 25 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best I have played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 19, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging. Easy to navigate. Well maintained. Offers different pin positions and multiple tees. A good mix of easy and very difficult holes. Beautiful course in a nice park. Has lines for different shots on many holes.


Trees are brutal for beginners. Heavy brush off of fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Play this all the time and its my favorite of all the local courses.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.3 years 86 played 31 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Worthy of the 2015 Worlds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


- Well manicured and litter free
- Very nice, descriptive tee signs
- Excellent concrete pads for multiple tees
- Mix of hyzer/anhyzer lines
- Variety of hole length, shorter holes give relief from more challenging holes
- Mix of wooded, semi-wooded and wide open bomber holes
- Comes back somewhat close to parking lot after 9 holes
- Course is isolated from other activities in the Park
- Wonderful use of elevation
- Several great holes (2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18).


- Some noise from local highway is noticeable throughout the course
- A few holes that felt like filler (3, 5, 11)
- Not as many memorable basket placements as other courses, missed opportunity here

Other Thoughts:

- Played on Friday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday early morning...never had more than about 5 or 6 other groups on the course...I was pleasantly surprised....
- Tremendous course and worth traveling to (I did a Pittsburgh disc golf weekend from Buffalo, NY)...played this course 4 times in 3 days and never lost interest)...
- 15 and 16 are just tremendous back-to-back holes...despite the length of #15, I made 5 each time, but never got better than 6 on the somewhat shorter but grueling uphill through trees #16...
- I would like to give this course 4.75 stars; better than a 4.5 course but slightly preferred Deer Lakes over the weekend, so I can't give this one a 5...
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.2 years 246 played 97 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Pittsburgh Pride 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 18, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Moraine State Park is the perfect place for a disc golf course. Mature trees, Rolling hills, scenic views. When matched with a world class design and spectacular amenities, Moraine State Park takes disc golf up a notch.

To start, there is a complete variety of challenges. Holes that require shot shaping to the right, shot shaping to the left, throwing uphill, throwing downhill. There is so many different shots to throw, you will never throw the same shot twice when you play this course.

Each hole has three tees, two concrete and a shorter rubber tee. The Golds are insanely difficult, and challenge the best pros across the World. However, for mortals who want the best experience, the Blue Tees encompass what this course is, and takes a score of only par to play 900 rated golf.

As of recent, the course replaced the Discraft Chainstars that were put in place for 2015 Worlds, and put in bright Orange Mach X baskets, which are, in my opinion, one of the top baskets. The course has three pin positions per hole, and the baskets are changed frequently, so locals never get the same course twice.

Hole 15 is the signature hole of Moraine State Park, the signature hole of Pittsburgh, and quite possibly the most signature hole in disc golf, well recognized from the PDGA commercial, with Paul throwing over the trees with the gorgeous lake in the background. A beautiful downhill drive, forcing either a layup giving a difficult approach, or a long drive to play for an easier upshot.


This course is easily a course that should make your must play list. There is such variation, beauty, and uniqueness to make this a destination.

The short tees could be concrete, as they get slippery, and are harder to play on for wet tournaments.

This is a wooded course, so you will not have a super wide open hole other than hole 15, and most holes require controlled distance, not grip it and rip it distance.

There are a few par 3's that don't meet the standards of the rest of the course, but are still great holes. Just not absolutely fantastic.

Other Thoughts:

Moraine State Park is one of the best courses in my repertoire, and I am lucky to have it as the course I play the second most. I have ran a tournament here, helped install the new baskets, and put in countless hours of work. However, when put up against the other great courses I have played, not much can compare.

Play this course!
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8 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.1 years 120 played 14 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best so far... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 25, 2016 Played the course:once


So many pros, and they're already available to be seen in the reviews below. The biggest single pro... everything on this course was tough but fair. I never felt cheated by the design of the hole. I could always find a possible pathway to success that was not just a game of Plinko. I had to THINK on most every hole about the throw and the landing and what would happen if I strayed from my intended path. Most holes had risk/reward challenge, I felt like I truly accomplished something by playing a round of par disc golf from the blue tees.


My only con...I don't live close enough to this gem.

Other Thoughts:

Bag used/needed: I carried 17 discs, and I used them all.

On a scale of 0 (horrible) to 5 (heavenly):
Ease of navigation:5
Tee pads:5
Baskets (catchability):5
Baskets (location):5
Bomb factor:5 (loved the 700+ ft downhill bomb best)
Risk/reward opportunities:5
Use of terrain:5
Beginner friendliness:3
Non-disc golfer opportunities for fun:5

About the reviewer: I've been playing for over 20 years, and playing seriously since 2007. I throw RHBH predominantly, with a wide arsenal of other shots that I use when I need them; my drives average about 320 feet on flat ground. My PDGA rating hovers around 900, which means on good days I shoot a few below par, on bad days a few above.

About my preferences: In my opinion the perfect disc golf course is an interesting walk in a natural space, with a wide variety of challenging but fair opportunities that test ALL of your shot making skills regardless of which hand you favor for throwing discs. I am happiest when I have to think my way from tee to basket hole after hole after hole and have to weigh risks versus rewards. In my opinion the worst disc golf courses have nothing to offer but holes that a) only test of how far you can throw b) only favor one particular type of throw on the majority of holes c) feature "plinko" lines choked with obstacles where luck is more important than skill d) are so short that a putter is all you need e) are so wide open that the only challenge is one of judging distance f) feature lines that discs were never meant to travel (such as a hole with two 90 degree doglegs in opposite directions) g) force you to lose a few discs if you dare to play. I am saddest when I feel bored or cheated by a hole.

P.S. Kudos to the designers of Morraine for giving me everything I love, and nothing that I hate:)
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