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San Diego, CA

Morley Field

3.765(based on 109 reviews)
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Morley Field reviews

15 5
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 82 played 50 reviews
4.00 star(s)

(Only) Jewel of San Diego 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 12, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


While my wife was on a business trip in San Diego, I had the opportunity to spend some time at one of the greatest places in the region: Morley Field. The vibe and feel of the place is great, the park is beautiful, the players welcoming and helpful and fun, and the course is enough of a challenge to make you think about your game and try to get the magic routes the locals use to work for you.

I played this course in two different configurations. The number of possible basket placements on each hole (according to the well-marked maps) was astonishing, usually offering at least half a dozen possibilities. Some of these basket placements were only slightly different from others, but there was enough variety that the course could be completely changed to a totally different experience after a every weekend's re-arrangement. I understand this to be a desire of the locals to change up the course because this is, literally, the only pure disc golf course within almost 100 miles (La Mirada in LA might be the next closest, the rest in the region are all baskets strewn around ball golf courses and not well-regarded by purists). As such, if they want to play a different course, they have to change what they have.

Nevertheless, while Morley Field is the only pure disc golf experience in the region, the property set aside for it is indeed dedicated for that usage. There is no conflict with other park users, even the joggers and dogwalkers from the local neighborhood tend to stick to the roads and external paths. So if somebody gets hit by a disc, you can at least be assured that it is another player who will be more understanding than an old lady whose poodle you just tomahawked.

OK, the course. There are 19 holes arranged on a surprisingly small piece of land. But there are enough combinations of open fairways (well kempt, mind you, by regular mowing) and cool craggy trees, bigger leafy guys, smaller well-trimmed varieties that can snag discs, and even some tall scruffy palm trees. There are plenty of small groves in which to place a basket to increase the challenge. The landscape is rolling, has some decent hillsides and long slopes, and even some small ravines and such where a stray disc will not easily be found in a spot that can recover par. You will need a variety of shots to score well, with right turning, left turning, sky shots, roller opps, and all sorts of fun possibilities at every tee. Some holes are short and technical, and some are longer and less technical.

There is a nice clubhouse/pro shop selling Innova and Discraft discs (there might have been others, but I didn't notice them immediately), bottled water, gatorade, and such, and is also where you need to go in order to pay the course fee. The people working there are helpful, polite, and welcoming. They rent discs out for relatively cheap, and have a good selection for newer players.

There is a great lost and found policy I heard about while playing. If somebody finds a disc and turns it in, they get $1. When the owner recovers it, they pay $1 to get it back (or something like that).

This course has a phenomenal web page, http://morleyfield.com / Definitely visit the site if only just to see how cool a disc golf club's home page can be made.


Everybody has already said the course is crowded, and indeed it is. But still worth it. Just be prepared to wait patiently.

After playing my first round I noticed that the wait at the next tees were always staying the same or increasing. My wait on #1 was 10 minutes. 10 minutes on #2. Then 10 minutes on #3. Then 10 minutes on #4, and up to an astonishing 20 minutes on #5. This is not natural. Every other course I played really has only a single long wait at #1 and then cruises after that since groups simply play in sequence like cars on a train. I later found out that the reason for this is that players jump in and start playing at holes other than #1. I.e., the train is gaining more cars as it moves along. This then causes continual back ups at holes as you proceed. This is considered very rude where I come from, but seems to be accepted at Morley Field, so try not to lose your temper when a group jumps in out of the blue and you have to wait extra for them. One of the causes for this seems to be that the overflow parking is near tee #7, which is probably where a lot of the jumping in occurs. After #9 the flow seems to pick up pace again.

The crowds are only a "con" until such a point in time that the interest in disc golf in San Diego grows to the overflowing point where all these new players join forces with the older players to force the government to cough up some more land some place for another disc golf course project. And there is plenty of land in San Diego city proper, in vast networks of canyons and hills threaded throughout the entire region, many of which would make for an excellent disc golf experience if converted.

Come on San Diego! Get up off your butts and make them put in more courses! You'll always love and cherish Morley Field, but think about the possibilities that lie ahead if everyone who played at Morley were to call their council member. Pass out phone numbers to council members and the mayor at the course, and tell people to call and ask that it be made a priority for the city.

Other Thoughts:

Some locals said that High Times magazine rated tee #11 (the bowl hole) as the #3 in their top places to toke. It was indeed pretty cool, but I'm surprised to see the bowl hole so far into the course (most courses don't waste much time, with a bowl hole in the first 5).

I'm not certain, but I think that if you want to stock up on some suds for your round you should hit a market before driving over to Morley Field, I didn't see any opportunities nearby.

If you drive in and find a nice parking spot immediately ahead when everything else is full, be sure to check that it isn't vacant simply because a basket is placed right next to that parking spot. I did this and when I got to hole #2 I noticed my car sitting right behind the basket, looking like a bright white target itself (of course, I moved it after playing #2).

The course rates some basket placements as par 4, but I don't think I would call any of these true par 4. On several of these I shanked my drives and was still able to get there in 3 throws using decent upshots. I think a par 4 should not be reachable in 3 throws if the drive is shanked except with a brilliant and highly difficult upshot.

I rate this course a 4 because it is truly awesome, but there are some issues such as multiple crossing and shared fairways that mean (in my judgment) that the course can only ever be a 4 at its highest possible rating. And this place has definitely been distilled into a fine jewel and a wonderful use of a great piece of property in sunny San Diego.
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6 1
The Drake
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 126 played 61 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hope you're a people person 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a very pretty course that is well maintained. Concrete pads on every hole with alternate pin placements allows for good variety. Every hole is a little different so you won't get bored. This is definitely not one of those courses where you will just throw the same shot with the same disc off the tee.
Aside from the course itself there is a little golf store on the course that has different items for sale as well as cold drinks. There are also bathrooms, which as many of you know are a rarity at disc golf courses.


If you don't like playing a course with a lot of other players and waiting on average 15 minutes on each tee pad this is not the course for you. I played on a Saturday and it was extremely busy. In conjunction with that many of the holes are VERY close to each other with on pin being as close as 30 feet from the next tee.

Other Thoughts:

While the course is crowded and the design putting many holes very near each other its still a very fun course. There isn't a whole lot of distance so amateurs will have a great time playing the course.
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6 13
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.8 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Crowded but cool 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 1, 2009 Played the course:once


Great short course layout with trees and bush's adding challenge to almost every hole. Fun, technical course that forces you to hit lines and gaps. But there is still only a small chance of losing a disc. Can be punishing if you can't hit your gaps. Some elevation to add to the challenge, but nothing dramatic.

Good pro shop with helpful freindly staff and locals. Shop has discs, snacks and drinks.


TOO MANY PEOPLE! Crowded and locals told me this was a quiet day. Maybe San Diego needs a few more course's. Everyone was friendly and helpful, but discs are flying everywhere and FORE is yelled all the time. If I went again I would try to play at first light.

No open, long holes for people that want to air put some drivers.

Other Thoughts:

Good course in San Diego, so any cons are well worth the price of playing in paradise. Sunshine, 70's and no humidity is hard to beat. I would play again if I was in town.
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5 3
Experience: 16.3 years 39 played 30 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good times! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 7, 2009 Played the course:once


1. Amenities- Pro shop is excellent, with tons of discs and lots of drinks and snacks! Restroom at start. Benches, trash cans throughout.
2. Pin locations- Multiple locations A, B & C make this course play different almost every time.
3. Shot variety- A multitude of shots and throwing styles are required to score low here.
4. Scenery- The grounds are VERY well kept and offer an area for picnicing/lounging if you so choose.
5. Signage- Pretty good, with everything you need to play the hole, but I've seen better.


1. Parking- Rarely enough parking and even when you get a spot, you can get blocked in or even worse, crashed into.
2. Crowds- As with any really good course there will be a lot of players. Combine quality of course with the fact that SD is a large city with relatively little DG course choices of quality. This causes big back ups and long wait times. Play EARLY or come prepared to wait.
3. This is a pay to play course, which is new to me but, not too much and worth it. There are monthly/yearly specials.
4. Crossing fairways- This can be dangerous at times with people calling "FOUR" about every 5 minutes...might want to leave the kids at home.
5. Blind tee shots- Personal dislike. I don't need to see the cage every time, but sometimes I at least need an IDEA of where it is and this course has 3-4 holes that require a "good-guess" based off a mediocre sign.
6. Course play- Again, a personal like/dislike. I like when there is water that comes into play on a course. Morley offers plenty of other challenges, but if you're like me and like water, you won't find it here.

Other Thoughts:

This is THE premiere course in SD and definitely a must play when in the area as its an ICON! Ensure you have plenty of time to play it as the above cons make for a "long" round usually. I play here by myself and I take the family (wife and daughters 8-10 out to Olive Glen in El Cajon.(Also reviewed) The locals here are VERY helpful/friendly and may offer you some things that are slightly unlawful unless you have glaucoma! Otherwise, have fun and let if fly!
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5 0
Experience: 15.3 years 41 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The first pro that has to be mentioned is the various pin placements for every hole, which is changed every Monday. One week a hole can be fairly simple and then the next week, it can turn into a nightmare. Hole 10 for example, some of the basket's placement is an easy high curve to the left then one placement is about 400+ through the woods. Some of the holes are very technical and require a skillful throw.

The course is also stocked with a pro shop filled with snacks, drinks, and DISCS. If you've been wanting to pick a new disc up but don't want to wait weeks for it to come in the mail, just head down to Morley Field and pick it right up. I always make a pit stop at the shop walking over to #15 Hole to refresh myself.

The environment is a truly laidback one, classic San Diego style. The people there are fairly friendly to everybody that is out to enjoy the sport. The course is really well-kept and the low fee to play (2.50 weekdays and 3.00 weekends) goes to course upkeep.


The crowds are easily the biggest con, but as long you're with a good group you'll still enjoy yourself. Although you might find yourself stuck behind a group of newbies but if you explain that your group is more experienced, they will let you pass on through.

Holes 15, 16, 18, and 19 flies right over each other so you'll have to keep your eyes/ears open for these flying discs and FORES. That also goes for Hole 3 & 4 and 5, 6, and 9. Basically, keep your eyes open for flying discs and you'll enjoy yourself.

Parking can be a hassle but don't fret, I usually park up on 28th Street when the lot is packed. It's just up the street on Pershing, stay on the right near the Balboa Golf Course and you'll find 28th Street, it's a short walk down to the course.

Other Thoughts:

This is my preferred course in San Diego because of the technical holes and the close drive from my home. I can be found on the course 2 or 3 times a week and am always playing with a group of deaf people. If you see us, just wave and say hello! Most importantly, just let it fly and enjoy yourself.
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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.6 years 291 played 57 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wonderful DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 16, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful Course
Friendly and Helpful Locals
Great Variety
Multiple Pin Positions
Pro Shop with Snacks And Beverage
Good Use of the Elevation
Restrooms On-Site
Very Well-Maintained
Benches On Most Holes
Trash Cans Througout
Distances Vary
Concrete Tee Pads
Good Tee Signs W/Pin Position & Next Tee Marked


Can Get Crowded
Limited Parking
Layout (Have to Cross Fairways For Some Tee Pads)

Other Thoughts:

While I haven't played this course in about six months I felt that it is memorable enough to go ahead with this review. I had wonderful notes and pictures of the course.

Let me start off by addressing the crowds. When we played, both rounds, we had to wait at almost every hole to tee off. While this isn't an ideal round, its really not that bad either. Everyone that we encountered was super cool and very friendly and helpful. We would just stand around and BS, talk some of the other nearby courses, and smoke, so it could definitely be worse. Another thing that I noticed is that even though it was crazy busy, we never once got thrown on, or witnessed anyone else having that issue. Everyone that we saw playing had nothing but respect for the course and the other players on it.

As for the course, it plays well. First tee is between the pro shop and the parking lot. There are a couple tricky spots, where you might not be sure where to go next. If you find yourself in this spot, just ask someone on the course and they will be more than willing to help out. The first time we encountered this was going from the basket of the 3 to the tee pad for 4. You have to back track a little, the tee pad for 4 is back up near the road. Another spot was hole 10, when we played it was in the long postion. When 10 is in the long position 11 can be a little tricky, the tee pad will be back behind you and up the hill and the fairways for 10 and 11 will cross each other.

Once you get finished with 14 and come back out by the pro shop, things start to get real interesting. Out of the last five holes, only on one of them will not cross a fairway for a different hole. So in other words, don't just toss and go, you need to really watch. You don't want to get hit with a disc, or ruin anyones round by walking out in front of them. I thought when I first started researching this course that I would not like this one bit. If a course here in Columbus, Ohio was designed like this, there would be problems everyday, but as I stated before, everyone here seemed to have the utmost respect for the game and courtesy for all the players on the course. Just watch where you are walking, and also watch when you are throwing, people do have to cut across, so just be patient and let them get to their hole as well so that everyone can enjoy their round.

This course has many challenges and obstacles that add to not only the play of your game, but to the overall beauty of the course. The large mature trees keep much of the course shady and provided great natural obstacles. The elevation changes are also a great touch. There are a few with nice rolling hills, where the land gradually works it way down to the basket, and others that have nice drop offs. The variety is good here. There are short to medium holes, along with s few real bombers. There are also plenty of the left to right and visa versa.I would say that there is just about something for everyone on this course.

If you are in the area this is a must play, and I would recommend this course to anyone. If you aren't in the area, get there and play it. It's a beautiful course with plenty of challenge for everyone, and the people who play here are great. Every course should have locals as helpful, friendly, and respectful as this. This course is also one of the cleanest that I have played so far, so please remember to keep it that way and use the trash cans or pack out what you pack in.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 29 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Never the sme course!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 21, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is awesome, the thing that sticks in my mind the most is that no matter how many times I may play here there will always be something new! Multiple hole locations switched every Monday (by multiple I mean 3-7 different placements on every hole). Awesome snack shack and pro shop with friendly service and advice, you can rent disc for $1 each and if you find a disc they give you a dollar or some sunflower seeds, if you loose your disc and it is turned in and your number is on it, they will call you and you can get it back for $1 Very Fair if you ask me. The pro shop is decently priced too. When you first get there and pay for your daily pass, they will give you a bracelet (like some night clubs use) and a raffle ticket which I'm told if you fill it out and they draw your ticket at the end of the month you could win a free months pass. Hole signs are very nice showing all the different pin placements and distance as well as the current location (but for your first time play with a local). Very clean park. Trash cans and benches on each tee box. Tees are all either cement, or rubber on top of cement and are all level. I heard there was two different bathrooms, and it's possible I just missed one, but there is on right behind the pro shop. Elevation changes on every hole. This course is very challenging, and still very playable for a beginner like me. There are two practice baskets right by the parking lot as well. Everyone that I met was incredible helpful and friendly.


Danger!!! I know everyone has commented on the crowds, and yes this is the most crowded course that I've played, but it wasn't too bad. But the major con is that this course is DANGEROUS!!! You really want to keep you head on a swivel looking for any discs from any direction at any time... if you don't almost get hit, or almost hit someone while you are here, then maybe you should also play the lottery because luck is in your favor. But this is not a reason that I would say don't visit... you really should come out. Last con... parking... but again, I'll still be back

Other Thoughts:

No water so you don't have to worry about that, some of the trees are likely to keep you disc, and will surely challenge you shot selection and your accuracy. I played on a Thursday at 1pm until 4pm and so the crowds were probably not as bad as other people say other post.
Parking is almost a CON, but almost every well used DGC that I've been to has a parking problem, just one of the acceptable conditions that you may have to deal with to play this AWESOME course... any cons are out weighed by PROS by at least 3 to 1.
Don't let the danger or the crowds keep you from this course, just be careful and have fun!!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT.
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3 5
Patrick Paramore
Experience: 17.2 years 26 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Morley Field Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Course with a lot of variations from one hole to the next, short holes, medium holes, lots of trees to challenge your skills. Course setup changes every Monday from 3-6 different positions. Weekly doubles, Monthly tourneys, San Diego Aces bag tag challenges, good local crowd


Too busy, sometimes 10-15 minute waits on some holes. I remember playing 2 rounds a night, now I struggle to get one round in.

Other Thoughts:

The monthlies get you shop credit, doubles pays out!
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3 7
Experience: 16.3 years 19 played 17 reviews
4.50 star(s)

one of the best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 9, 2009 Played the course:once


challenging, variety of types of holes and overall layout



Other Thoughts:

i cant wait to go back. dont worry if you cant throw the disc to far because this course has shorter holes..but good obstacles. accuracy is key not distance
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17 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful park! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 27, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Morley is beautiful and well-maintained course on land that is used only for disc golf, so there is no worrying about picnickers or joggers. The grounds are constantly being worked on, from mowing grass areas to laying mulch in high traffic areas to adding more pin placements.

Nice tee signs, with markers for which of several positions each pin is in (from three up to more than five possible settings). Holes offer very different challenges from a couple open longer holes, to short and technical tree filled holes, you will use just about every shot you have here. Many holes have some elevation, from rolling hills to a couple fairly steep hills. Concrete tee pads on every hole, with rubber mats over the concrete in spots that can get wet. The pins get changed every week, so the course is never the same, and always offers new challenges. The various placements offer very different looks, and are not simply minor changes in distance. There are longer pro pads on a few holes that add to the distance and challenge, especially the one on the very tight 17th hole.

For the most part, the players I've encountered on this course are courteous and fun to play with. There is a practice basket near the first tee with plenty of space around it to warm up or practice. Fully stocked pro shop with food, discs, and all sorts of dg related stuff is nice (though the discs are marked up a little in price). Weather is perfect just about all year!


This is one of the most crowded courses I have ever played, so if you're looking to get in a quick round stay away on weekends or evenings. Expect to wait on most holes if you play during peak hours, though there are benches and seats at all the tees. Parking can also be an issue on crowded days, though there are other places to park if you are willing to walk a little. Early morning is one of the best times to play, especially in the summer, but often that's when the sprinklers are on so be ready to dodge them or get wet.

Other Thoughts:

Though this course is pay to play, it's a lot of fun, and offers many unique challenges. Definitely a must-play if you're in the San Diego area. It has a historical feel to it, there's lots of disc golf history here.

Beginning players won't find too much length or punishing rough where discs will disappear here. More advanced players will find lots of fun birdie opportunities. and lots of variety especially with the constantly changing pin positions, but there's not a lot of real challenge for top players here.
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10 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 98 played 32 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The most crowded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Very well maintained course with 19 holes of good variety. Concrete tee pads and accurate signs on every hole. Well designed and easy to navigate. Map and scorecards available at well stocked pro shop. 2 practice baskets. Restrooms are centrally located and adjacent to
shop. Benches on every hole. A very nice setting with all kinds of plant life and wildlife (flowers, giant palm trees, huge hummingbirds, lizards, and the tamest squirrels ever). Lots of birdie opportunities. All holes have several pin positions that are moved every week. Fun course for both beginners and experienced players.


Crowds, crowds, and more crowds. I would suggest only playing on a weekday, otherwise a round could take more than 3 hours (10-20 minute waits on every hole are common).

Other Thoughts:

More courses are needed in this area.
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3 11
Experience: 19.2 years 26 played 23 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Cali.. do i need to say more? Steady Ed approves 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 19, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


*Rotated pin spots
*Cheap entry
*Nice pro shop
*Tricky and different course every week!
*Nice downhill stretches aswell as step up baskets that sit about 4 feet off the ground.
*Homeless dsic golfers = dedication


*Hot? nah its supposed to be..
*Your arms tired after playin after playin 112 holes in two days in the sun haha

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course and its 70's origins are just as classy and curvy as the shots.. Not much else to say but to get out and play. and if you get tired then #11 is a nice place to relax, twist n then huck out opening thru the palms
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6 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.4 years 86 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

An old favorite 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 29, 2003 Played the course:5+ times


Excellent mix of holes requiring lots of different shots. #11 when it's in long (between the palms) is an epic shot. The different tees and pin positions really give the holes a different look each time you play them. Fully stocked pro shop. The 3 shots for an ace on #15 is a neat innovation I haven't seen elsewhere. #17 is classic short tight hole, take a close look, ther IS a fairway there. #15, #16, #18 & #19 play across a big bowl, #16 is the highlight of these in my opinion. It's a nice open bomb off the tee but you have to leave it a spot allows a look through one of the paths through the trees as the pin is tucked back in a grove. Downtown location next to Balboa Park. San Diego weather.


Crowd, erosion. Crossing fairways near the end. Watch the fence on #16, you clear it and your disc is gone (at least it was when I was there).

Other Thoughts:

I had what I'd submit as the strangest round of golf ever played the last time I was there. I was on a plane heading to UCSD Thornton for some specialized pulmonary surgery they do there when the wildfires started. The flight was diverted to Phoenix as Lindbergh was closed. They re-opened long enough for us to get to SD. Get to Thornton and they say the surgery is off since the doctor was fight to save his ranch in Julien, so I have a free day. Naturally I head to Morley with my brother. We were two of less than 20 people on the whole course, the only time I've seen it that empty. It was a novel experience playing in surgical masks due to the falling ashes. Had the operation two days later and survived, now as good as new.
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12 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 112 played 104 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Best And Worst Of Times 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 20, 2009 Played the course:once


Well maintained course with good challenges from start to finish. Each hole has several possible pin locations and there is good signs that mark out where exactly the basket is. Baskets are changed on a weekly basis. There is a great community at this course. There are several hidden baskets forcing you to make some very interesting shots. There is a decent pro shop and an even better snack shack right in the middle of the course.


The crowds here are really bad and you will get disc golfers or all ability levels and all degrees of seriousness. Many holes are built right on top of each other, especially by the time you get to hole 15 or so. The signs are not perfectly clear as far as what vegitation you are looking at. If you have not played this course you could spend a long time just trying to figure out what kind of shot your are supposed to throw on a few particular holes. This course is more challenging than a beginner should handle. With beginners on the course it makes for a very slow round. Expect a round to take twice as long as you would expect. You do have to pay to play here.

Other Thoughts:

This is a wonderful course and would get a much higher rating if not for the crowds and the way holes are built on top of each other. By talking to some of the locals I found out that it is best to play really early in the morning. I was very glad that I had a couple of guys to play with or I would have been lost on several holes. I really cannot stress how frustrating the pace of play was for me, and I played on a weekday afternoon. Something that I did appreciate very much was the variety on the course as some holes felt like typical tight mountain holes and other holes felt wide open like more park type courses. I will probably not play this course again unless I have a friend that specifically invites me to play with them there as it is just not worth the cost to play so slowly, even on a great course. They have come up with a great way to have lsot discs returned to the pro shop where if you return a lost disc you get $1 and if it is your disc you have to pay $1 to get it back.
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12 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 38.6 years 30 played 27 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A True Gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 21, 2009 Played the course:once


Absolutely incredible course!!!!

Lotsa elevation changes. Only hole 8 would be considered flat, although it slightly elevates. (Took me 2 rounds to realize why my drive kept coming up a lil short) There are so many different shots (most holes have at least 5 different placements), it was amazing the excellent use of the park. I absolutely used every shot in the bag!!! It is fun for the begginer and pro alike.

The ammenities there are well above par. 2 bathrooms at each end of the course. Excellent pro shop with friendly, knowledgable staff. Clear and accurate tee signage. The tee pads were some of the best I have ever played on (all concrete, and some were concrete with rubber padding). Well maintained, disc golf exclusive park. Trash cans and benches at each tee. Chains are in good condition

Last, and definetely not least, THE PEOPLE!!! Everyone I met were awesome. From young to old, new to the sport or grizzeled vets; everybody was super freindly. I played there all day by myself (after 1 round with my good friend, Ray,errrr....supergimp), but never alone. (thanks Vincent, Alan, Brooks, Chris, Serena, Greg, Justin, Kane, Brian, etc......You get the point) Everyone was lookin out for each others disc, even other groups. I can't say enough about the quality of people I met there


I really had to dig deep to find anything wrong with the course. The only draw back would be that it gets REALLY crowded on the weekends. It can really mess with your flow. The locals said that weekdays were much better

Holes 15, 16, and 19 can get really dangerous. 15 and 16 criss-cross each other and 19's tee pad is in the fairway of the other 2. Hole 19 needs to get axed for it to be safer.

Other Thoughts:

San Diego needs more disc golf courses!!! With only Morley and La Mesa, there are only 28 holes in the area. More courses means that we get spread out and there are less crowded courses. One new course is opening 5/2010 in N. County!!!

Parking is very limited at the course. There is plenty of additional parking back by the baseball fields. You can park there and start at hole 10, pay for your round after hole 14. The parking isn't really a con if you know about the extra lot in the back portion of the course. Pay to play, but it was worth the couple beans they asked....

I would put this in the "Cons" section, but, new players are never a con to me:


Some were loud and boisterous while people were shooting tee shots. They were walking out in front of people teeing off and risking there health and/or life. One person said, "This is a very dangerous sport!!", after her playing partner walked in front of a tee pad while his buddy tee'd off (just missing the BACK OF HIS HEAD by 2 ft.) This game is VERY SAFE if people follow etiquette and the rules. Some signage stating rules and etiquette may help, but, that is only if they read it. Or, when paying, have people sign something that they read/ understand rules/ etiquette. Maybe tenured players can explain this to them in a calm, assertive way. I am not sure because people can take it the wrong way if you ask them to quiet down for a shooter or explain to them the obvious health risk with takin a 180 gram TeeRex to the dome. Some part of me thinks let em learn by getting drilled, but that is how courses are closed and nobody needs to get hurt enjoying this great game. I just think something should be done before somebody get seriously injured or worse.....

Favorite Holes:
#6, Nice open up hill shot, hole covered in a stand of trees. Takes a good arm, then some accuracy

#7, Set at its longest placement. It was a long down hill drive with a lot of trees in the fairway, hard to reach without a perfectly placed (and a lil luck) roller. The hole is literally engulfed in a grove of trees. Only 2 windows to get to it. Very Challenging!!

#11, Tee off through a decent widow 60 ft above the meadow below. Righty hyzer can't get it back there to the hole and a lefty can get caught up in the palm tree (which need to be harvested of all the "Disc Fruit" hanging from the fronds). Tests your arm strength and accuracy at the same time

#17, The most technical shot on the course. Very short, but maximun accuracy. Only 2 windows, left and right, to get through. Many locals used a side arm, skip technique to avoid the low branches
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3 3
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

San Diego Favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 18, 2009 Played the course:once


Very good course... lots of fun, well maintained. Lots of trees requiring high level of accuracy. The holes all have at least four pin placements, and the staff changes the pin spots weekly, so the course is always a little different even if you play there a lot. Also, they have a nice little pro shop/snack shack where you can get discs, drinks, snacks, etc. Finally, the course is run by the legend himself... Snapper Pierson!


The number one con is that Morley gets really crowded, especially on weekends. Expect to spend a lot of time waiting... this course takes a little over an hour to play on a weekday morning, but around 3 hours on a weekend afternoon. If possible, I try to go on weekday mornings, which is the best time as far as crowds. Also, there are not really any long holes that require a long power drive... most are under 300 ft. Also, they try to call some of the longer holes (which still aren't long when compared to other courses) as par 4's, which is ridiculous when you consider most courses have much longer holes that they still consider par 3's. There is no need for par 4's on an easy course like morley.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, a lot of fun... just be patient!
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6 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.5 years 102 played 33 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


only two blocks from my old house in San Diego Morley is a great time. love the pin placements surrounded by trees requiring a great approach or very accurate shot off the tee. most of the holes i saw had 7 pin placements and all had good tee pads. grassy and mulch fairways giving a very pleasing look to the course. there was a fair amount of distance on a few holes but almost all played longer than there distance read. on site pro shop, disc rental, dog friendly, and the people were pretty cool too.


the course itself is great, could use some alt tee pads for more length but really its the people. this place gets crowded fast and then it moves slow. it can take a very long time to get a round in.

Other Thoughts:

if you don't mind the wait this course is wort it. it is very fun and always a good time. the famous shoe tree has fallen down and now there is a plaque where it once stood. there is a new shoe tree taking shape next to the old one. this course has a personality all its own, everybody should check this place out sometime.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 18 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Ole Morley 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


I play Morley about once a week. I find a new challenge every tme I play.
1. Pins are moved every Tuesday I think now? This make for lot's of shots to learn.
2. This course is full of strategically placed trees, great challenging layout.
3. Tees Pads are concrete (some holes have rubber pads)
4. Signage is very clear and course attendants mark the pin locations on the Sign maps daily.
5. Full of Friendly Veteran locals that can give direction, strategic tips, and love general dg talk.
6. Course is well maintained grass or mulch everywhere (not much dirt).
7. Pro Tees are available on hole 8, 9, and 17. They are quite tough.
8. Great pro shop with food, drinks, and lots of Discs. Scorecards are available.


1. Probably the busiest course in the US. 2 Saturdays ago it took me 2.5 hours and I only got in 12 Holes. Avoid weekends when noobs and one time players are in full force (groups of 8-10 are not rare).
2. Not a great course to work on distance, but the short game will be challenged.
3. It is a pay to play, but the course shows the investment.
4. Parking obviously can be an issue.
5. Watchout for discs. lots of crossing holes and lots of noobs make for a bad combo.
6. Trash cans on every hole, but I still find trash everywhere.

Other Thoughts:

I always have fun here no matter how long the round takes, how many noobs hit me with a drive, or how poorly I score. Morley Field is definately a destination course. If you could play one course in SD this would be it.
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9 0
Experience: 19.3 years 200 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Morley Field San Diego 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 24, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Morley Field has a good balance of well placed holes that can give players of all levels some kind of challenge. Since baskets are moved every Monday, and some holes have 10 different settings, the play is not redundant or boring. Trash cans at every hole, at least two holes with raised man made elevated baskets, nice teepads that can handle rain, well shaded, being a lefty who has been playing for eight years I was impressed by the balanced design. Ive played so many courses where all of the holes go to the left or straight, not here, Snapper did a good job of balancing the course for turnovers and hyzers, good time here with good people


Waiting....Waiting....Waiting....at almost every hole, In my experience there the sixsomes dont let twosomes play through, the course is a little easy for my taste, Many shared fairways and baskets near teepads, can be a little dangerous at times due to crowds

Other Thoughts:

it was fun, -7 first round, followed by two rounds of -4, I could see top players easily shooting double digits no matter the settings of the baskets. Im about to play again now and see what baskets were moved, cheers
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3 5
Experience: 16.3 years 9 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun but crowded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 26, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Great course. Pay to play but very cheap. Basket locations change every week which makes for a variety of different shots. Morley has a good mix of long and short throws that will challenge you everytime. Well maintained with trash cans at almost every hole and a pro shop with discs, snacks, ect.


CROWDS!!! Very crowded on the weekends with some large groups. Discs flying all over the place so keep your ears and eyes open
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