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Bend, OR

Mt. Bachelor Alpine DGC

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3.735(based on 11 reviews)
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Mt. Bachelor Alpine DGC reviews

4 0
Experience: 16.7 years 179 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

For $22.00 !?! Inadequate. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2019 Played the course:once


Absolutely beautiful views, fun challenging layout down a ski slope, surrounded by mountains.


- absolutely no signage whatsoever, including tee signs.
- course map not easy to read, and not detailed enough at all, considering the lack of any signage otherwise.
- lack of distance signage very disappointing considering the significant elevation changes and terrain.
- there has been no significant attempt at leveling the ground underneath the runner tee pads, in quite some time.

Other Thoughts:

I was very excited to come play this course, I've been anticipating it all year, but I really had a hard time enjoying myself for $22 a person with what was offered as a course.

I understand that it's a mountain, but they could still do so much better. I know this is a hard review for a week loved course, but that's how I see it. I won't be back without news of significant improvements.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 557 played 429 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Bachelor Life 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2018 Played the course:once


Mt. Bachelor is breathtaking, whether enjoying the view or searching for that last throw. Only my second course at a ski resort, but this one is different from all the other courses I have played.

Elevation changes (primarily downhill) are obviously a key component to what is fun about this course. Some drives that will carry a long way, and are tough even if the wind is not blowing. Plenty of trees to contend with as well. The combination of the two can be punishing, but also exhilarating.

There are discs for sale at the bottom of the mountain, and a restaurant at the top. If you have a dog that can maintain its cool on a chairlift, they can come along.

There aren't any recent reviews to compare, but I think the layout has been changed, and for the better. The first 3 holes are good, but it really gets interesting after that. The vertical drops go very extreme, and throwing a 400' plus drive with a mid range isn't too hard to do. There are open throws, as well as some that will take a well executed shot around or between trees.


The terrain is harsh, especially near the first few holes. The chunks of igneous rock at the top are jagged and sometimes unstable. Can be tough on the feet and on discs. Not recommended for newbies or those who are unable to hike steep, gravelly ground.

There is room for improvement in the equipment, but it is a temporary course, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for major upgrades. The rubber tee pads are bumpy. No tee signs, or markers indicating the way to the next tee. Temporary baskets that are not easy to see on several holes. Layout will leave you guessing where to place the drive on blind holes, and where the next tee is in a few spots. I strongly suggest playing with someone that is familiar with the course if you aren't. The map linked to this site is outdated, and I didn't think to ask for one at the shop.

A lift ticket will cost you $20, so you may want to arrive early and play it twice to get the most bang for your buck. Mountain bikers will be rolling through from time to time, so be on the lookout.

Other Thoughts:

I loved this course, and would give the full 5 star rating if it were easier to navigate. If you have a guide who knows the place, it will be an enjoyable round. If not, do your homework. Had I realized the pictures and map were not up to date, I would have tried to get more current info and share it here.

I rate mostly based on the level of fun and challenging holes presented over the course of a round. Bachelor scores well in that regard. I would like more than the pink plastic ribbon hung near the pin to help me locate the basket location. I spent too much time looking for tee pads also, which is always frustrating.

I visited on a really nice day, and was comfortable in a tee shirt and shorts. There was still snow on the peak of the mountain above the lodge, but none was present on the course. If you chill easily, or the weather is less than perfect you should be prepared with some warmer layers.

The overall par of 54 is very demanding. At least a couple of the holes qualify as par fours in my book. I was 13 over par with zero birdies and 8 pars. 8 bogies, a double and a triple wrecked my card, but it was a hell of a journey.
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1 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

be prepared 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2014 Played the course:once


Amazing down hill throws, amazing views, some very special holes. Definitely worth playing every so often.


-The map is almost useless with the scale of the course. Finding the next tee was very difficult and we ended up skipping a few holes. Better marking/directions on ground and baskets would help especially beginning on hole 5 as you descend.
-$17 lift ticket no thank you.

Other Thoughts:

Be prepared. This is a mountain! The course is long and not for casual play. Hope you're very good or an expert at hunting down discs.
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6 0
Rusty Shackleford
Experience: 12.3 years 27 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Epic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2013 Played the course:once


This is an epic course. Amazing views and big downhill throws.

Uses the extreme geography well.


$17 for the lift ticket.

Rubber tee pads. These are normally ok on dirt/grass, but some of these were on some really uneven rock making for a wavy pad.

Course is not well marked. No numbers on the pads or baskets. No indication where the next tee is. I don't know why so many courses are so lazy about this. I'm sure the layout makes perfect sense to the designers and regulars but for the rest of us even a spray painted arrow would be helpful.

The first four baskets feel a little crowded at the top, especially with the hikers and sightseers wandering around. There is so much mountain it seems like they could move these down and/or over.

Other Thoughts:

If you have an opportunity to play it this is a course not to miss.

Lava rock is brutal on discs and shoes. Consider not throwing your favorite discs, at least at the top where there is a lot of sharp rock.

I had some sticker shock when I saw the price, but this is not your average disc golf course. I planned to play it twice, but I was beat and ready to hit the breweries by the time I got to the bottom.
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4 0
Experience: 16.1 years 63 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

mt. bachelor 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2011 Played the course:once


- 18 holes
- The best scenary ive seen on any course.
- Mostly downhill
- Very nice staff on the mountain
- Tee pads on every hole
- Course map is free in mts main office
- Discs for sale in office


- Not well mapped out
- Rubber tee pads
- If its windy watch your discs
-Jagged rocks
- Lift passes $

Other Thoughts:

I had a great day with my brother in law on this mountain. Great weather with just a little snow. We got our lift passes for free and rode the lift to 7,764 ft elevation. The first hole is right off the lift. The first 5 holes are easy but they get tougher. You play all the way back down to the base. Theres no markers or tee signs so you will get lost looking for the tee boxes and pins. There are lots of jagged rocks that do serious disc damage so beware. Wind was a little harsh at the top i threw a disc at a downhill pin about 545ft away wind picked it up and the disc went over 2000ft to the base. It flew perfectly down a ski run and i lost it in thick forest. Pins are all metal temp baskets due to its only open in hot season. fun shots great staff great course id go again no questions asked. Not a beginners course. I shot an -7 with one bogey playing it as all par 3s.
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13 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 32 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bachelor Bombs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2009 Played the course:once


*Huge throws
*Mostly downhill
*Fun/scary pin placements
*Its just neat to play where you normally ride.


*Windy, windy, windy. The first 9 and last 3 are really exposed to the wind, an errant throw here means searching FOR EV ER.
*Adding to the disc eating nature is the weird games throwing on a mountain will play on your depth perception, its difficult to explain, but once you experience it, you'll get it. All I can say, if your throw gets away from you, try to track your disc and use landmarks to start your search area.
*The trees off the fairways are THICK and GNARLY.
*Lots of loose scree and uneven terrain, hiking boots are recommended.
*Very unpredictable weather, even if its HOT down in Bend, bring a windbreaker just in case.
*No tee signs and maps don't really represent holes, mainly just the overall track of the course.

Other Thoughts:

This is not a walk in the park, far far from it. But rarely do you get an opportunity to huck it as much as you do on this course. Its not the EASIEST course to navigate, and if you happen to know someone who has played bring them, or if you see some people playing, try to follow along, or ask if you could join up.....

This is a beastly disc eater, write your name and number on your plastic, and be prepared to walk away with a lighter bag.

Don't be scared, be prepared....
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 226 played 128 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Launching Off Lava 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 23, 2009 Played the course:once


My friend best described this course as a "Rollercoaster Ride" - a novelty course that really does not resemble anything that you would play in your everyday discing. I would agree - you start your day by riding the chairlift up to the Pine Marten Lodge and doing the right thing - getting a good meal, sipping suds, and soaking in the views of the high Oregon desert and the Cascade Mountains! Then, you pick up your disc bag, saunter off and let the ride begin....You spent the first few holes hanging on top of the mountain, with minor elevation gain/loss as you start to scuff up your discs on volcanic pumis stone. It's fairly open and not too exciting. By hole #5 you're getting what you truly paid for, launching your discs from some decent elevation - downhill, crosshill, even uphill on a couple occasions. There are a couple of really breathtaking holes with views off the tee. The most interesting hole is one were you shoot blindy to a hole perched a hundred vertical feet below (but hidden from the protruding buttress in front of the tee pad) but all you can see off the tee is this spectacular view of the Cascade Mtns. in front of you! The other neat hole goes to a hill in which the pin is nestled up top, surrounded by a hood of various alpine firs. The rest is good as it works its way to the base lodge, but becomes a bit predictable in its feel (see cons).


The course feels a bit gimmicky as many of the holes fall into a routine of "Launch another shot down a cascading ski run to that pin waaay down there, get some distance, hope it doesn't fade or flip into those big trees on the edge."

Three of the first four holes seem a bit of waste, as they are not that interesting (too open), and not very challenging. I wish they would get rid of some of these while taking some length off some of the later holes in order to utilize more cross-slope shots to add more variety and interest to the overall layout.

No Teepads! No Tee Signs! Just a red flag to mark where you are supposed to drive from - a flattened area of crushed pumice stone. Navigation became an issue on several occasions.

Other Thoughts:

A few corrections, as mentioned above and I think this would be a truly destination sight for me. If people have to pay the $14 lift ride up (especially locals) you truly need to make it worth their while and make it world class (it has the makings of it!). I will certainly go if I'm in the area visiting, though.
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8 0
Experience: 28.3 years 69 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

White out! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 13, 2009 Played the course:once


well designed
big air downhill throws
awesome scenery
very unique course


$15 lift ticket
$65 fleece shirt
weather, almost didn't play due to complete white out at the top of lift (beginning of course)

Other Thoughts:

When we left sun river, it was very pleasant out and I (stupidly) didn't wear or bring anything more than shorts and a t-shirt. When we got to bachelor, it was obvious I was going to need something warmer, so I ended up buying an overpriced fleece. Bring warm clothes no matter what weather looks like! Once we got to the top, it was a total whiteout and the wind was blowing +20 mph, it looked like we weren't going to get to play. Throwing a disc into the white out/clouds on this course would be exactly like throwing it away. I went on suicide watch drinking beer, waiting and hoping for the weather to clear.

It finally did! The 1st three holes were very difficult (because of the wind) and a bit lame, (compared to the final 15) and I was not impresssed. However, the remaining 15 holes were awesome! It seems like the 1st three were pushed into the course to make 18. Throwing downhill with wind is definitely challenging, and also exciting to watch your disc sail on and on.

On hole 13, I threw a bit to the right (anticipating the righty break) and the disc sailed past the basket, down the ski run (towards 14) and then disappeared for good. This is by far the furthest I have ever thrown a disc even though I have no idea how far it eventually went. If someone finds an orange avenger SS there, please give me a call.

Also, my GF, picked up a walking stick at the top and she said it was very helpful for her negotiating the steep terain. This course is very steep in places (which is what makes it so cool), definitely not your standard walk in the park.
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11 0
Doktor John
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 35.7 years 423 played 64 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth the effort and money to play 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2008 Played the course:never


Very well thought out and designed for an alpine course
Very intuitive layout and flow
Well marked tees
Rubber tee pads
17 of 18 of the baskets are visible from tees
Well thought out throws are rewarded with nice open fairways
Beautiful scenery
Small crowds
Excellent exercise
Opportunity to really launch some discs :)


A couple of holes could have a "pointer" to next tee to save a couple of minutes of looking on the few tees that are not super intuitive
If you aren't strategic in throw strength, velocity or line (or if the wind gusts mid flight) you could lose a disc if you don't have a spotter

Other Thoughts:

I loved playing this course...I have never played a course like this...I played with a friend so we spotted each other on the one blind hole and a few other holes that seemed like potential "lost disc" holes
The maps aren't super accurate but way worth grabbing because they give you a general idea on the flow and that comes handy a couple of times
We didn't lose any discs and found two (fortunantely one had a name and number and we could get it to it's thankful owner)
We played at 10:30 (they opened the lift early--it usually opens at 11) and by the time we hit hole 16 the wind was really whipping...so play early...
I would highly recommend taking the time and spending the money to play...plus the lift ticket is good all day, so you can head back up and have a meal at the lodge...
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9 1
Queenie Bee
Experience: 20.3 years 10 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sailing down the Mountain 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2008 Played the course:never


Mt. Bachelor's course is open again this summer, but there is still lots of snow. The $15 lift fee is a bit steep, but the outstanding views from the top are worth it! The course has some very challenging holes, but they are not impossible. Some basket placements have changed from last year, given the large quantities of snow still on the mountain. Nice wildflowers all over the mountain making it loads of fun to play. There were no bugs when we played -- mid-day, and it was not too crowded (and we played it on a Saturday!).


Some of the tee mats have been placed on ground that is very uneven. A few of the holes are experiencing heavy snow melt, making for quite a mucky experience. Hiking boots are better than tennis shoes on this course. The lava rocks do eat up discs, so don't play with your favorites!

Other Thoughts:

Hiking poles really helped my husband and me be able to play this course without twisting an ankle or otherwise injuring ourselves!

They do have food for purchase at the top of the lift, but you can also bring a picnic lunch to the top and eat at the picnic tables on the top level of the lodge -- amazing view (tip: bring the picnic lunch in a plastic bag, so you don't have anything to carry off the mountain!). And definitely DON'T FORGET TO BRING WATER AND A SNACK -- this is a good amount of exercise for those not used to playing on the mountain.
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 169 played 41 reviews
4.00 star(s)

- 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 5, 2008 Played the course:never


Big downhill throws.
Big uphill throws.
Big traverse throws.
Well thought out holes.
The feeling of duecing a 700' hole!


No permanent tee-pads.
Very tiring.
Lava rock ruins plastic quickly.
Exposure from elements a concern.

Other Thoughts:

If the idea of throwing a midrange 800' gets you excited, you need to play this course.

Bachelor Apline is a beautiful course. The views from the top are stunning. You get a fantastic view of the glaciers on the South Sister, and all the lakes surrounding the forrest floor, as well as many other major mountains in the Cascade Range.

Be careful when walking around this course, it's very easy to injure an ankle or knee when walking down the lava rock slopes.

If you like mountain golf this is a definite "must play" course! Might want to bring some binoculars so you can watch you disc sail down the mountain!
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