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North Bonneville, WA

North Bonneville DGC

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3.585(based on 25 reviews)
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North Bonneville DGC reviews

2 0
Experience: 11 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice park worth driving to! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2022 Played the course:2-4 times


Clean friendly 18 hole course with markers and concrete tee pads in a scenic Columbia River Gorge setting. Free to play course sets the standards for other much needed 18 hole courses in the area.


The wind can pick up here and mess with your game a bit at times, but I've had good luck as I only play here in summer weather.

Other Thoughts:

The video I made in the media section along with the many photos, will help you to decide whether or not to play here also.
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5 0
Experience: 6.7 years 15 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bonneville 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


Well designed layout for space given. Low ceiling technical play and a few tight doglegs. Course is well maintained by park. Friendly fellow disc golfers.


Not much use for a driver as holes are pretty short. Easy to lose a disc on a few of the holes with tight dense brush/blackberry surrounding greens.
*beware of roving band of sketchy 10-15 years old boys who will take your disks. Be prepared for confrontation if you wish to recover your plastic. Holes not particularly memorable after experiencing Milo Riverbend or even Pier Park.

Other Thoughts:

Very dry conditions for us playing two days in mid August. Grass was brown and skip shots in play. Not a bad place to play if in the area or on route to somewhere else. I would not go out of my way to disc golf here. Gas station nearby for snacks.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 193 played 191 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2019 Played the course:once


Course is very well manicured and taken care of. Good tee pads and signs.
Baskets our in good condition, and catch well my putting wasn't on during the rainstorm their however.
Mandos that keep you off the other fairways
Good mix of hole distances and shots
Has plenty of holes to throw driver, and gives you good mix of forehand/backhand lines.
Sasquatch carving statues everywhere which our super cool throughout the course. Most holes our super fun and feel non repetitive


After playing hole 5 you have to walk across 3s fairway on a busy day or tournament wouldn't be ideal. Couple fairways play a little close together.
For being a first timer couldn't find couple baskets until I walked the entire hole wouldn't be bad if played before however but some our hidden. Pretty flat but couple hills give it a semi elevation change?

Other Thoughts:

It's a very good course...just dosen't have the wow factor for me more like a 3.75 rating but would love to throw here again and then add more to the review hopefully when it's not pouring rain. Solid course though and if in the area check it out. The sasquatches our awesome!!!
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 93 played 81 reviews
4.00 star(s)

If there was a book on how to design a space effective course, this place would have written it! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2019 Played the course:once


-Tee pads are in excellent condition, I played after a significant rainstorm, and they were still very nice
-Tee signs provide distance and par, which is great, they do have maps, which are helpful on the more open holes, but not on the wooded ones
-Baskets are decent, they have the big number circles on the top, so it is easy to tell which one you throw to.
-The catching ability of the baskets is pretty good, I think they were Mach II's but with a homemade chain row down the middle (at least that's what it looked like) and so the baskets caught real nice.
-Fairways are well manicured grass, which in dry weather is undoubtably super nice
-This is a flat course, there is no way around that fact. However, there are some subtle hills and divots that are used, which shows that a lot of thought went into the design of those holes 8 and 12 play into the same little bowl (although separated by blackberries) and hole 11 plays down a hill.
-On a course that I would describe as "mostly open" tree use becomes especially important, when there is a tree on this course, it is probably in your way some how, and even when you get into the more wooded section, all the trees are a part of the hole, trees that are off the fairway can create (or force) a second hole almost, if you kick into the rough.
-Navigation is easy on this course, the layout is super intuitive, starts right by the parking lot and ends right there to.
-Very nice location, I'm a huge fan of the grass fairway with big trees in the middle, always thought that was cool because the terrain is casual, but the play is still difficult.
-As mentioned in the title, space is used extremely efficiently out here, many holes get really close to each other, but by the tees, so the holes start closer to each other but end far away.


-When I played this course (after much rain) there were some massive puddles on the open holes, I'm talking two or three puddles about an inch deep and 10 feet wide on multiple holes.
-after th front nine, the course dips into the woods a little bit more, there is some blackberry bushes that provide the rough. These have obviously been pushed back a great deal, which is great, but I still would definitely not want to go in there.
-The open holes get a little boring, yes, the distance is a challenge, but it is the only one. Also, they play super close to the walking paths.

Other Thoughts:

This is a super solid course. The kind of course that I would play all the time if I lived in the area.
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1 0
Experience: 16.3 years 25 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Neat little course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2017 Played the course:once


Beautiful scenery and drive to get there. I met some friendly regulars there who showed me around and gave me some line tips. I liked the surrounding gorge and mountains. Very pretty and fresh out there.

There are carved Sasquatches hidden in the course that add a good touch of uniqueness. Lots of love and care to put those up.


Not marked well. I got lost after 2 holes. Some holes are across the street. The Blackberry bushes are insanely sharp. I managed to stay out of them but at the expense of my score.

Other Thoughts:

There is a gas station nearby so you can stock up on refreshments. Nothing else in the area.
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1 3
Experience: 41 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lots of variation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2017 Played the course:once


Holes were easy to find, most of the course was well manicured in the park. Pleasant location. Trees made for good obstacles calling for some creativity.


Blackberry bushes. They have been mostly chopped back but on a couple of holes, they can be a serious issue. I don't mind getting stuck in bushes or weeds if I make a bad shot but I don't want to get all cut up retrieving my disc.

Other Thoughts:

Course map on the corner of the city hall/library building near the first teepad helped in finding the holes.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 90 played 87 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun But Windy 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 28, 2015 Played the course:once


-This 18-hole course is in the small town of North Bonneville, WA. It has beautiful views of the Columbia Gorge. It can get windy but this has to be expected. When I played it was not so windy as I had supposed.
-I like courses like this that have trees to force line shaping but not so many that you'll play pinball. Some trees were very odd shapes. On 15 the basket is blocked from one side by a gigantic sideways oak branch. Makes for interesting putts! Oak trees were featured in prominence around the course.
-The course demanded both forehand and backhand shots.
-Tee signs were very helpful, there also was a sign with the course map at the start of the course.
-Being in such a sparsely populated area, don't expect crowds.
-Hole 6 had an interesting pin location over the creek. It was a bit of a hike to the 7th tee, though.
-Navigation was fairly easy with tee signs and baskets both having numbers. Once or twice I got turned around, the map's not that great, but the course is well-designed so you never have to cross other fairways when playing.
-Very large concrete tee pads are always a plus.


-The biggest problem here is the wind. Gorge=wind. The first nine is much more exposed and windy than the back nine. One hole my 80 ft layup shot caught a gust of wind and carried straight up and into the basket! Crazy.
-The baskets were really old Mach 5s. Some of them looked as if they were falling apart. I saw loose chains on multiple baskets. I don't know if it was my putting, the wind, the baskets, or some combination, but I may well have set a new record for chain-outs that day.
-The blackberries were very abundant on some holes. But the fairways are wide enough there shouldn't be an issue unless you have a serious griplock problem.

Other Thoughts:

-Don't take putting seriously here. With the wind and the basket condition, you will be frustrated in your putting if you take it seriously.
-Definitely a great place to stop by if you're taking a trip through the Gorge. Watch for the Chevron gas station on Highway 14 to know where to turn.
-I'll be back!
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4 1
Experience: 9.4 years 3 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

my new favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2015 Played the course:once


Very well laid out. Big park. Not too many hazards and a good challenge. The course is well maintained, and they utilize the lay of the land well to offer up good challenging holes that are a lot of fun to play. Unlike previous reviews stated, there ARE hole markers on the tees with an overhead layout of the hole showing you about where the basket is. Also, unlike previous reviews, there IS a map right next to the tee for hole one on the wall of the library.


Other than the poison oak and the blackberry bushes, I have nothing bad to say about this course.

Other Thoughts:

There are lots of trees to throw around, if you like the challenge, you'll love the course. If you're like me, be prepared to sound like a lumber jack trying to chop down trees from a distance. Some of the holes are a little difficult to see from the tee pad, others you simply can't because of trees and bushes, but that really adds to the challenge and is a plus in my book.
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7 2
Experience: 10.5 years 36 played 19 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Diamond in the ruff 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 7, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


*Absolutely beautiful scenery
*Dedicated disc golf course, not many pedestrians.
*Nice baskets
*Very well maintained
*Not much underbrush


*No maps on site
*Could use some arrows pointing to the next holes, got confused a few times
*A sign next to the tee box with the hole number would be nice (currently the # is only painted on the concrete tee box)

Other Thoughts:

I just loved this course. After the first hole there is a long transition across the street to the 2nd hole. The 3rd hole you are throwing into the wind in a wide open area. The good news is you get to use that same wind in you favor on the next tee shot. We had some difficulty finding the basket on the 5th hole. The map makes it look like a gentle hyzer but in reality it is a sharp almost 90 degree bend to the basket. So make sure you know where the basket is before driving here. After the 6th hole there is the longest transition back to the 7th. On hole 8 the map is misleading once again as it is a very sharp turn with a big hyzer needed again. Got lost trying to find the 11th hole, we found the map misleading here. The rest of the holes had a good flow after that.

This course doesn't have really long basket placements. Most of the holes are very birdieable for the intermediate player. For the intermediate player I think this is an ideal course. It is challenging but not overly frustrating. Good variety needed off the tee (distance drivers, mids, hyzer & anny's).

Currently I would say this is the best course in the Columbia River Gorge.

For those in the Portland area, if you are looking for a new course to hit, this would be worth the drive up. For what it's worth, I drove 45 min to get to the course and felt it was well worth my time.

[Review written by an int player. 300-350 ft drives]
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5 0
Experience: 24.3 years 18 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2012 Played the course:once


-Different looks/shot types
-Concrete Pads
-Good Baskets
-Pretty good flow and use of space, first time a little confusing but nothing major, check map if unsure
-Good use of natural obstacles
-Clean and well kept


-No Tee Signs, but yardage is on pad which is good enough to get by
-No restrooms that I know of, which means if they do have them, they are not well marked
-Separation of some holes from the rest (2-6)
-Very close to road on several holes
-Many pedestrian paths crossing throughout the course
-If busy, there are multiple holes that could have players going opposite ways on the fairways, potentially backing it up

Other Thoughts:

I had heard from several people that they loved this course, but I didn't see anything that special considering its location and relative isolation. If there was another really nice course nearby it would help to make it more worth the trip. It is definitely worth checking out and I do plan on going back. Had fun even though I played poorly and it was cold and rainy, but not windy.
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5 1
Experience: 12.3 years 189 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Almost great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2012 Played the course:once


Map at the entrance to the course (but spot for flyers was empty). Great use of the space with minimal interference or overlap. Busy course but not too busy when I was there. Open but well ranged and fairly technical. Well balanced course and great for practicing most shots. Excellent course to practice in heavy and steady wind (while I was there at least). Tees were marked with hole numbers and ranges.


Don't like the split across the street for two shots then four shots then back, especially without much direction to tee 7 without looking at the map again. Some confusion over next tee location from baskets, there were several shots where I threw at the wrong basket since I didn't have a copy of the map and wasn't familiar with the course. Some shots were mostly or completely hidden. Other than hole number and distance, no other tee maps were provided, making it hard to figure out where some of the baskets were without checking the map or scouting. Some serious hazards present, river (was dry at the time) and brier patches. Even if you can find your disc, you may not be able to get to it without serious personal danger/damage (I got lucky a few times).

Other Thoughts:

It's a pretty good course but could be really excellent with tee maps/markers, bigger/clearer basket/pin markers. Transition from hole 6-7 is awkward and confusing since they are nowhere near each other and no good signage available at basket 6. Similar situation between basket 8-9, easy to get confused and throw straight to 9 since it's what's visible from the tee when 8 is a long left dog leg. No way of knowing without constantly checking the map or having played the course. Also applies to 12-13 and 14-15.
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1 0
Experience: 14 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Big Oaks and Big Wind 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Pin placements make the course challenging and with the wind...big-small-gusting-breezy-you guess what's next!...it makes for a fun course. Some good obstacles very large oak trees and some punishment places for errant throws...a river and lots of blackberries. Enjoy playing this course. The last time out the wind was none existent and my score showed it :)


Signs directing the way to each tee box were needed. Have to be careful of others using the park.

Other Thoughts:

Nice way to spend a couple of hours out in nature. Some great views and occasionally some critters...have seen coyotes, squirrels, deer, geese, beaver.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 45 years 401 played 41 reviews
4.00 star(s)

"Estate" Course with Gorge-ous Views. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 12, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


At one time this seemed the most "country clubbish" course I'd played, because the houses lining some of the fairways reminded me of a ball golf course. Yet the Columbia Gorge wilderness borders the course on all sides, with vast and distant panoramas of scenic grandeur. The grass is immaculate, the trees and shrubbery mature and well-manicured, the baskets excellent, textured cement tees, and the upkeep impressive. Most baskets can be seen from the tees with the exception of #s 5, 9, 12. Some slight and some shortly abrupt elevation changes, the mostly mature trees and varying fairway lengths all contribute to help shape a wide variety of throwing options, that may have you exploring your bag. New signature hole #6 is a real challenge with consequences: the basket sits on a boxing ring-sized pedestal built of 24" logs, right on the edge of Hamilton Creek. Hole #s 2-6, 9-11 have more sun than shade, the rest of holes vice-versa. Along with the "open" holes come stupendous mountain and Columbia Gorge views north, west & south, and we've seen deer, beaver, coyote, raccoon, large salmon, and various raptors while playing. Doesn't attract duffers due to isolation from urban areas, so it rarely seems crowded.


The wind is prevalent enough to possibly affect open-hole shots any time of year. Hamilton Creek just left of #s 4-6 is deep and fast enough Nov-July[rainy season] to make discs unrecoverable. Hole #s 8-9, 12-14 have some blackberry thickets, but maintenance has slowly been eradicating them. Aquifer seeps in fairway #s 2 and 3 create a very soggy walk--its best to throw near the hole, then walk along the sidewalk (#2) or road(#3) on the left and cut directly towards the basket. This is US Government property due to the dam-don't get caught with alcohol/recreationals.

Other Thoughts:

Mixed doubles on Sundays with an atypically friendly bunch of discophiles. Garbage cans on several tees. Store 300 yds from 1st tee. Playground, library and city hall in same parking lot. Great hike on Hamilton Creek just off Hwy 14 nearby.
Rumors of another future 9 holes on the property to the west of #4.
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1 2
Corey D
Experience: 13 years 19 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

N. Bonneville 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 6, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice tee pads,nice baskets,Great scenery with mountains,a river and Beacon rock, well groomed,The park is clean and well maintained,not crowded.Excallant pin placements.Hole# and distance painted on tee pads,Benches everywhere.we played 36 holes and only saw 2 other golfers *(it was cold ,but blue skies) Just a great place to be,i love it there.


Lots of wind,wind,wind, parts of the course can get a little muddy in the winter months,can't really think of many cons,oh and it can get windy.

Other Thoughts:

If you have not been there I suggest you go ASAP , the drive up is beautiful in itself.
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3 1
Experience: 17.2 years 22 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tee pads are in; Layout still difficult 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2011 Played the course:once


New tee pads have been installed and are painted with the hole number. Each basket has a small sign on top with hole number. The course is laid out amongst great oak trees with maintained grass fields between. Good variety on types of holes and length. A fun course to play.


The map at city hall and all three maps here are NOT ACCURATE. The "new" layout still doesn't make much sense. Hole #1 starts west of parking lot. Then cross road for 2-6. Return to hole #7 tee pad near basket #1. From there, the holes follow, but do not adhere to, the old numbering. This was frustrating on a hot day. Also: WIND.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great stop for those traveling through the Gorge. Don't forget about Walking Man brew pub in Stevenson when you're done!
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1 5
Experience: 14.2 years 13 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

long drive for a so--so course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 3, 2010 Played the course:once


Friendly locals, who were installing tees when I was there. We had the place almost to ourselves. The arrows on each tee pad were helpful.


Windy, very windy, there is only 2 or 3 baskets were your not driving into the wind. The layout is FUNKY! I got lost trying to find basket 3 even with a map it was a real pain.

Other Thoughts:

if they change the basket order it wouldn't be that bad. Basket 10 was a blind dogleg left that was wrought with prickly bushes more than just black berry bushes, EVERYTHING seemed to have thorns. FIX THE LAYOUT!!
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5 0
Sean Johnson
Experience: 16.2 years 22 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well worth the stop 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 6, 2010 Played the course:once


This is a great example of how a good course is made better by the environment around it. The course plays through a small but well maintained park, and the grass was so nice I even found myself throwing a roller or two. The front nine of the course is more open, and easier, but it is the back nine that really makes this course. It is more technical and there are more interesting holes. The course seems easy, but the wind coming off of the Columbia Gorge seriously changes the difficulty. The course enjoys majestic views and the area surrounding this course is worth the trip in and of itself


The signage was pretty bad and the course maps didn't really seem to accurately represent scale, layout or which direction the hole itself plays. Add on some really confusing and downright baffling course layout, and it really became a mess to navigate. If the wind wasn't kicking (and it almost always is), I probably would have found it a little too easy

Other Thoughts:

If you are passing through the Gorge, take the time and stop here. The course was fun to play and was groomed well enough that you could play barefoot in the well-defined fairways. The course is dotted with beautiful trees, and they are worked into course layout in some imaginative ways that make short holes a lot more fun and dynamic. Don't underestimate what the wind will do to your score! Also, there are literally hundreds of waterfalls throughout the gorge, and they are worth taking an entire extra day to explore.
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9 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Prettiest Course You've Never Seen! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 26, 2010 Played the course:once


Shady Oaks has a classical, traditional golf course beauty to it. It's doesn't have the breath taking vista views like Whistler's Bend or Tree Top DGC at Sorosis Park in The Dalles. It's set in nice sized city park. I like the way the city has layed out this park right next to and thus connected to the post office, the town hall, some retail stores and the surrounding homes. The views of the mountains, both north and south are lovely to look up at. The park's gently rolling terrain, mature Oak trees and pockets of nasty rough provide a wonderful setting for a course. The maintenance and care for both the course and the park are evident everywhere. The baskets are Mach 5's. The natural teepads are currently in great shape except for one on the other side of the tunnel. There are tee signs on wooden posts but three in particular are very close to each other and therefore, a little confusing. These signs are on 4" x 4" poles and have the hole number on the side and a metal plate on top with an arrow pointing to the hole. I think this course would appeal to everyone from newbies on up to top tournament players.


The flow of the course is a little out of sync. I followed someone's advice on the course home page and played it in his recommended order:
Playing it in this order seemed to make sense. I would like to see the locals reconfigure the signs to follow this order. The wind is ever present here and adds to the challenge. Holes 3-6 in the other part of the park don't measure up to the ones in the main part of the park.

Other Thoughts:

After playing the first 12 holes, I was thinking to myself how much I was enjoying this course and if it wasn't for the gorge winds, I probably have to put this course into my favorites. Then I came to # 13. An absolutely classic disc golf hole. Just a simple little (maybe 250 ft.) downhill shot through a natural fairway with a dogleg left at the end to a basket tucked away behind some trees. Thick rough lies just 20 feet left of the basket. Not a spectacular hole but more like disc golf's version of one of Augusta National's elegantly, beautiful holes.

Then I played # 14. Another classic hole. A little longer than # 13 with a slightly raised teepad throwing over a small valley to a peekaboo basket tucked nice in behind a small knoll. This lovely course has knolls. There is one majestic Oak tree dead center in your flight path.

Then came # 15. Another classic. You're throwing to another peek-a-boo basket tucked in behind two large Oaks. Some low hanging branches on the left eliminate being able to hyser in your floater. There is some serious rough directly behind the basket here.

And finally you finish with # 18. This is a very pretty finishing hole. Just a straight 250' shot to a basket guarded by some Oaks and a rock outcropping in front. Another classic.

After playing these lovely holes on the back nine, I've decided that this is my favorite course in Washington. Before some of you get all excited, Note that I said that this is MY favorite course, not the best course in the state. I realize that it's lack of length and overall challenge will keep many players from rating it higher. But for me, an aged recreational player with a weak arm, this course is as good as it gets! How I wish I lived closer.
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9 0
JR Stengele
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 255 played 191 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Shady Oaks 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 2, 2010 Played the course:once


Shady Oaks in North Bonneville is a beautiful 18 hole disc golf course located directly off Highway 14 near mile marker 37. The course is located in City Park between the post office and city hall. Tee one can be located near the volleyball court and gazebo along the walking path. The course terrain has gentle rolling hills throughout, and is completely grass with blackberry bushes scattered along the sides of fairways periodically. Massive Oaks and other native foliage tower along the fairways, making the course nice and shady during those hotter summer months. The scenery at this course is breathtaking! Due to its remote location near the Columbia River Gorge, everything is plush green. The mountains which surround the course trap the clouds within the valley early in the morning, and slowly creep out as the sun burns them off, giving the course a mystical feeling.

The design of the course is very well thought out, especially with the land they had provided for them. Holes vary in length, ranging from 198-424 feet, with the majority of holes having tight fairways. There are however several holes that are wide open, but still have some sort of obstacle in the way near the pin. Pin placement was well thought out, and the Mach 5 baskets they have in place are in great shape and are well taken care of. For being installed in 2006, Shady Oaks seems much newer than that due to how well maintained this course is. It offers a lot of challenge to all amateur levels, but would still be a lot of fun to play on for a pro.


Navigation around the course is somewhat confusing, so bringing a map is essential for first timers. There are wooden posts indicating what tee your on, but with so many sticking out of the ground about two feet up, it isn't always completely obvious which one you go to next. Holes # 3-6 are located on the other side of the park which takes away from the course flow. Although I did enjoy these holes, they were completely soaked with standing water, making those four holes a bit of a chore. NOTE: Make sure you look on the wall of city hall after putting out on pin #2 to see where to go regarding hole #3, as it is located under the bridge to the left.

Tee pads are natural and work for now, but eventually they will continue to erode, leaving large muddy divots. It would be great to see some rubber mats put down, as they are not permanent, and could be relocated at any time. It would make for much better footing during those rainy months, which happen more often than not in the northwest!

Last, holes #10-12 were quite close to one another, which made crossing fairways quite easy, especially if the course was crowded. I enjoyed these holes, but felt that on a busy day they would be quite dangerous considering they are the longest holes on the course and yet they have some of the tightest fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Shady Oaks Course in North Bonneville is only about 40 minutes from Portland, and well worth the drive. When the courses are busy during those beautiful sunny days in Portland, this course is the perfect place to get away from the heat and the crowds. This course is quite technical at times and focuses on accuracy rather that power for the most part, rewarding players with multiple birdie opportunities if you show control in your game by hitting the lines given. Well worth a stop!
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 2, 2010 Played the course:once


Shady Oaks is a nice little park in the small town of North Bonneville near the Columbia River and main freeway. The park plays through many oak trees which will provide challenge and shade on a sunny summer day; I guess that's how they thought up the name. A variety of open and technical holes are provided as well as hole distances. The designers did an excellent job of using all available land at their disposal. This course is best suited towards Novice and Intermediate players looking for a good challenge.


The land was used very well but it ended up making flow not live up to the very definition of the word and added to the confusion that was already created by the lack of signage and walks between holes. Also because of limited space and using lots of land there are some fairways that play dangerously close to other fairways and tee pads.

Other Thoughts:

This was an enjoyable course but please bring a map with you to avoid frustration. Also if you are using map quest please bring the local directions that is listed on the course info. If you do end up getting lost ask someone and ask for directions to the post office as it's right next to where the course is located and shares the same parking lot.
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