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Weaverville, NC

North Buncombe High School NT DGC

Permanent course
1.55(based on 3 reviews)
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North Buncombe High School NT DGC reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Didn't Work 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 20, 2021 Played the course:once


-There's some solid elevation use. First hole was relatively playable. #7 was playable too and is a solid uphill hole perched on the hill and guarded by a couple trees.

-The land is large with nice topography and room for some fun open holes. On a day that isn't busy, it probably wouldn't hurt to try and throw a singles event if enough people show up and bring baskets. Unlikely to occur, but definitely possible.


-It didn't work. This school course was and is a lost cause. No one ever speaks about this course. It's not terribly designed, but there's no variety in hole distance and it's painfully overgrown even when it isn't summer. It isn't interesting and its fame was nothing but the quick flash of one out of millions of sparklers sparked at a backyard barbecue on Independence Day. It goes out in two minutes without a second use. This course is even less relevant than Dane Cook's failed music career and failed comedy performances back in 2010. And no, he wasn't ever funny.

-Many limbs and thorns growing out of the ground. This isn't what we want to happen. For a course to decay, yet stick around. Not a good example of the game when it is the lost cause that it is. It's discouraging for new players because they'll want to be able to reach short holes around 150' but they likely won't because of vanished fairways.

-The open area near the ball fields looks much more interesting and it's much more clear. There aren't any holes out there. Land restrictions are always a pain. Whoever was involved in placing those restrictions here: Screw you. I hope you get hit with a max weight driver!

-The tee diagram for #8 is missing. It's pretty close to the parking lot, so I thought it was #1. #1 is straight toward the ball field and to the right. If you don't want to lose discs, just forget what I said in the previous sentence. Better yet if you like it when disc golf is enjoyable, just forget what I said in the sentence before what is now the previous one.

Other Thoughts:

-The topography and land are ideal for a temp course. Don't know about 18 holes, but then again maybe. I think if the approval to use the land was given for a day of disc golf, there would be a fun made up course.

-Weaverville could use a disc golf course. This didn't work out. Mars Hill is a very fun 18 holer that I tend to enjoy even more every time I play it. Luckily that course isn't far away, but I do think we need to see a new 18 holer somewhere around in Weaverville. Probably won't be here at North Buncombe, but it could be somewhere. Lets make it happen!
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