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Denton, TX

North Lake Park - Old Layout

3.055(based on 37 reviews)
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North Lake Park - Old Layout reviews

5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.7 years 69 played 69 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Sticky Round 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 28, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


-Goals in good shape
-Tee boxes in good shape
-Several longer holes that let you stretch out and drive.
-All water I encountered was shallow which made discs retrievable.


-Grass needs to be mowed badly.
-Stickers from grass in fairways and rough get into shoes and socks and make life miserable.
-While long in places, there is not much technical challenge.
-Appears the signage for hole length is wrong according to updates on this site. Some holes are WAY off.
-Confusing flow after you finish hole 11. I knew where to go because I figured it out last time with help, but hole 11 and 12 are way too far apart.
-Hole 18 tee needs to be pruned a bit. Don't try to break limbs with your hands. That tree is quite spiny.

Other Thoughts:

I first played this course over a year ago, but did not rate it because I was brand spanking new to the sport. I made a trip back with a friend to play Monday.

Hole 1: Simple RHBH hyzer to a blind hole location.
Hole 2: Straight drive into the the prairie grassland witha couple of small trees that really do not come into play.
Hole 3: Long drive into tree line. If you can drive the trees, the hole is easy. If not, then navigating the tree row to get to basket can be tough.
Hole 4: Gap drive through willows and cattails. My drive clipped the willows on the right of the gap, and I thought I would never find my disc. The deep fairway grass and knee high rough made finding discs difficult all day long.
Hole 5: Nice drive from top of mound to basket on the bottom. Mound is a good backstop to a RHBH hyzer drive. So this is very forgiving. Just don't end up on the left side of the dam.
Hole 6: Narrow open drive along the woodside with a goal tucked into the woods to the right.
Hole 7: Long drive with easy uphill approach. Wide open to cover mistakes.
Hole 8: Another lengthy open drive that covers mistakes. Nothing too difficult here.
Hole 9: This may be the signature hole for the course in my opinion. Elevated drive to a goal tucked near the water. Short shots are punished, and it is difficult to know how a disc will travel over that much elevation change if you are not use to it.
Hole 10: Straight shot to a goal buried in the trees. I personally did not like the goal being so close to the trees here. I hit basket with a long putt that skipped under the tree. Made the comeback putt very difficult.
Hole 11: Long open drive with almost no risk. Goal is literally tucked into a tree. You cannot go long and still have a putt at this.
Hole 12: Short drive to a goal tucked directly behind a tree. No risk here, so go for it.
Hole 13: Short drive to an unobstructed goal. Little risk, so go for it.
Hole 14: My second favorite hole on the course. If you can get your drive to the trees, you will be fine. Whatever you do, do not stop short and left of trees.
Hole 15: A well placed drive through a line of trees will leave you parked for a bird or easy 3.
Hole 16: Another low risk drive to a short hole. There is water to left, but it is shallow and should not come into play.
Hole 17: Short blind hyzer similar to hole 1. This would be much tougher if there was water in the ditches surrounding the goals.
Hole 18: Straight drive with water to the left and poison ivy to the right.

Overall, I liked being able to use my favorite driver so much. But the the stickers and the height of the grass made life miserable. To be fair, I am not sure the designers had much to work with as far as terrain goes. I also personally feel the goals on 10 and 11 are too close to trees. But, I can understand grasping at anything you can to add some difficulty to the course.

3/29/21 Update:

Out of the 68 courses I have reviewed, this is where this course ranks along with similarly rated courses:
Rank-Course, Location
42-Mulerider DGC, Magnolia, AR
43-Lakeside DGC, Elmore City, OK
44-Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Enid, OK
45-Broadlawn Park, Ardmore, OK
46-Alex Clark Memorial DGC, McKinney, TX
47-Lake Bistineau State Park, Doyline, LA
48-North Lake Park, Denton, TX
49-Sertoma Field DGC, Walhalla, SC
50-Dillon Park (New layout), Sumter, SC
51-Dacusville DGC, Dacusville, SC
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Overall Pretty Meh 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 20, 2017 Played the course:once


For the first half of the course, the holes play around a lake. For the most part,there is not a whole lot of risk to lose your discs to the lake unless you really mess a shot up. Hole 9 is the one exception to this. There are plenty of chances to throw far. The course definitely favors the longer thrower more. There is a little bit of elevation that make this part of the course tolerable and a little bit of excitement.

The back half of the course plays a little shorter and has a little bit more obstacles scattered throughout. It is nice break to the previous nine holes. You can actually get your 2s!

The park was clean, the grass was short, which is always nice when you aren't particularly enjoying the course you are playing. The concrete tee pads were solid as were the baskets and tee signs. Navigation was not an issue either.

I especially enjoyed holes 17 and 18. Hole 17 is a short hole that plays to a small peninsula. You can risk throwing it in the water and get it close or play it safer and have a long putt for the 2. I felt hole 18 was the one true technical holes on the course where you need a straight, true shot to even have a look at a 2.


The fun factor, for me, was just not here. The holes around the lake were fun to throw far, but got a little boring after a while with no obstacles to speak of.

The walk from 11 to 12 was absurd. It had to have been a quarter mile walk; I know we are all out here to walk, but still.

I played on a weekend where the wind in the DFW area was particularly bad, but without obstacles and the lake, I could see the wind being an issue frequently.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fine course. There are no glaring cons that I would advise you not to play this course. It is long, there is not a whole of special things happening here, but it is the only course in the Denton area, which gets points in my book.

I know some of the locals I talked to on the course recommended playing in Lewisville or Trophy Club for a better golfing experience. All in all, it is a fine course. Give it a play just do not expect it to blow you away.
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4 1
Experience: 8.3 years 10 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A fun course, but kinda rough during the warmer months 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 18, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Many open, straight tee shots for beginners to work on their proper throwing form.

Some holes with differing elevation.

There is a good variety of shots present on this course.

Most holes are clearly marked and hole markers are pretty accurate.


The rough can get VERY rough during the summer months. Like, knee-high and very dense. Watch out for bugs and especially, snakes.

The most difficult course to navigate (that I've played) in DFW.

Mosquitoes, snakes, poison oak/ivy, some water (for beginners), and holes 4-9 have little/no tree coverage. Play earlier, rather than later to avoid burning up during the summer.

Other Thoughts:

A great course for players of all skill levels. Pros won't find much difficulty in this course, but everyone else will have a great time (given the conditions are reasonable).

Really chill locals.

Side note: be careful in the parking lot. I got a screw through my tire the first time I played here.
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2 2
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good Course Needs a Little TLC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


I played this course a lot while I was a student at UNT, about 5 years ago and loved it. Most of the holes are wide open and you can really let loose and rip it! I played it again in January 2015 and like that they have added more tee boxes. The wind also adds a nice challenge.


The signage at the course is in desperate need of repair or replacement. This is especially true around the back of the course where you have to try and navigate your way through the half mile hike around the tennis courts and driving range. We only found about 4 signs that were still standing and readable.
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2 2
Experience: 28.4 years 35 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One and only 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


I love this course. Tons of long holes let your grip and rip and some nice wooded holes in the back 9 keep your arm from falling off. Since adding the new tee boxes this course has been awesome. Gives you 2 different ways to play each hole now which is refreshing. Best and only course in Denton. Nice and long gives you a great walk around all 18. Watch out for that lake.. eats most of my discs.


Wind can eat you up on this open course.

Other Thoughts:

Friends and I play each long box as par 3. Best round -3 with average round being around +7. Played like god one morning after a long night of lucy to achieve that -3. Ill never forget that round.
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7 0
Experience: 14.5 years 53 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun for big arms 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


This is my local course now that I have moved to denton.

I like this course cause the front 9 and back 9 are very different. Front 9 plays towards people big arms and not many hazards and back 9 is a little more accuracy based with a few hazards. Most people play the classic tees, which is the pads with the signs buy it. which gives you the best combination of long and short holes.

Every hole has a long and short tee

A few holes are aceable #8 seems to be the one most people run at.

The people are always friendly and will help you out as much as possible.

They have weekly tournaments, every sunday for 5 bucks

There are couple very good locals that have given me many good tips to improve my game.


The Course is one of the longest in the DFW area for sure. The holes are very spread out they could very easily stick another 9 holes in and around the original holes.

in the summer be ready to sweat very little shade on front 11 and almost no benches to sit down.

weather makes a big difference, usually there is a decent wind from the south. every once in awhile there will be a north wind or no wind at all ( this is usually when you can get a really good score)

signs are beat up or non existent

some of the difference between the long n short pad isn't much (example #16)

Water on #9 I see a lot of people throw their disc in the water from the long tee pad. It is however very shollow water and you can usually find your disc pretty easy.

Watch out for snakes!!!

Grass on hills can get really long between mows, very easy to lose disc.

Other Thoughts:

Most people play as a 54 for par. I would say most people I play with shoot a +7 or higher.
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2 3
Experience: 10.8 years 17 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Norh Lake Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 15, 2014 Played the course:once


Very beginner friendly. The course is open with very few obstacles, especially on the front nine.
Multiple concrete tees for each hole
Locals are friendly


Getting from the back none to the front nine s a bit of walk.
No signs at several of the tees
No course map

Other Thoughts:

If it wasn't for the local disc golfer that I played with I would have had no idea where to go. It was a very fun course though, many birdie even for a new guy like me.
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5 0
Experience: 21.3 years 26 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The great wide open in Denton 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 22, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


- Concrete tee pads, with multiple tees per hole
- Course makes use of elevation changes presented by levies around the "lake" (#7 in particular makes use of this, throwing from the top of one across a large field to another)
- Plenty of opportunities to air out some throws


- Course is is fairly open with very few obstacles, particularly over most of the front eleven holes. Being fairly open, there is little cover from wind, or the Texas sun in summer time
- While navigation/flow is generally not too bad (a better map would be helpful), the walk from #11 to #12 is substantial, about a quarter mile. From #11, walk past the basket, veering laft past the tennis courts to the sidewalk at the street. Follow this past the driving range and batting cages to get to #12.
- Signage ranges from faded to nonexistent as of my writing this
- Difficult to recover discs from murky(nasty) water, both the lake near 6 and especially 9(highest risk for RHBH), and the creek near the last few holes. The lake is marked off-limits by the way
- A few places tend to get pretty muddy at times
- The grasses off the fairways can be very high in the spring and summer between mows

Other Thoughts:

Ready for a hike? This is a pretty lengthy course...flat, mostly, except for the handful of trips up and down the levies on holes #4 through #9, plus the long walk from #11 to #12. There are many holes here that are little more than straight shots across a field where the greatest obstacle is the wind. It is not the most exciting course as far as layout or technical variety, but the chance to really air out your drivers, I think, nudges my rating up on this course, and I believe making it worth checking out if in the area.
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3 0
Experience: 12.9 years 43 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 1, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


this is a decent course. there are 2 sets of tee pads and when played from the longs you can really bomb it out there. there are several elevation changes which make use of the levees and these are the best holes. the park is for the most part clean. the locals are very nice and dont mind showing you around. the rough is essentially non existent so you shouldnt lose any discs unless they havent mowded. water comes into play on a few holes, but isnt really that big of an issue unless youre dumb and throw your meathooks on number 9. the creek is usually shallow and discs should be easy enough to find. the course flows pretty well and uses the available land well.


really wide open. the front 12 holes are all out in open fields with little to no obsticals in the way. i prefer a mix of open and wooded holes and thats not the case here. there is a looooong walk from hole 12 to 13. the first few times i played i had no clue where to go, signage would help greatly. playing during the summer is brutal since there isnt much shade, bring lots of water. denton can get quite windy and with the lack of trees its can be tricky. the back 6 holes are decent but seem like filler.

Other Thoughts:

decent at best but denton is a great place to visit. its a college town and most bars around have a great selection of craft beer. oak street draft house and lucky lous are both great place to wind down after your round.
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4 1
Experience: 15.7 years 7 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sentimental for a good reason 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Variety of long arm holes and finesse holes.
- Utilizes the levee and pond on a number of holes in a clever and challenging manner.
- The crowd favorite Hole 7, where you bomb one from the top of a 25 ft levee over the "valley" onto a 10 ft levee.


- After front 9, it gets a little confusing where to go. Just go around the front of the driving range and batting cages along the road to pickup where you left off.
- Bring at least 1-2 spare throwaway discs. The pond in the middle would be the obvious culprit but actually the creek on the back 9 is a disc-thief.

Other Thoughts:

This is where I started playing Disc golf in college while at North Texas, so of course it has a sentimental/nostalgia element for me. It almost seems like they designed the front 9 and back 9 with two different schools of thought, and I appreciate both (Front 9 grip and rip in the open terrain wind, back 9 technical prowess in and amongst the trees).
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6 0
Experience: 16.5 years 7 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Much improved 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-New concrete tee pads make for more consistent play across varying conditions of wetness.
-Addition of long tees on a number of the previously easier holes makes it more challenging than it used to be.
-The final 6 holes are great. They are wooded, shaded, and more finess than the first 12.
-The front 9 is great for beginners.
-The pin on hole 4 is on top of a hill, adding a little extra challenge.
-The tee for hole 5 plays from the top of a hill and is a great opportunity to bomb one for beginners.
-Hole 6 is pretty straight forward but is a nice long tunnel shot.
-Much better maintained than in past years.


-The front 12 are very open. While this can be fun for beginners, they are a little too easy for more advanced players. More importantly, they get bloody hot during the summer.
-Still gets muddy at spots during rainy season.
-Can get very windy.
-During the summer, the creek that comes into play on the last 4 holes gets very stagnant and flat out gross. Personally, I would rather pay a few bucks to buy my disc back from Second Hand Sports than take my shoes in there.
-Did I mention it gets hot in the summer?

Other Thoughts:

This is my home course, so I have played it for years out of necessity. It's now a pleasure to play. While not as challenging as Lake Lewisville, I find it equally enjoyable. It's one of the best courses within 30 miles of Denton. If you're looking for something advanced with tons of technical shots, this isn't the course, though.
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4 1
Experience: 13.3 years 30 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth the trip to Denton 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


The newish multiple concrete tees on each hole make this course a delight to play. This bad boy had elevated tees, dog legs, ace runs and even an island basket. Good for newbs like me and experienced players


The big flaw I found with the course was the distance between 11 & 12. Have a cab ready, because you'll need it.

Other Thoughts:

Directions to 12 - After finishing 11, turn left towards the driving range. I'd recommend walking around the range, but the choice is yours. Once you're past the range, you'll see the batting cages. The tee is opposite side of the cages.
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5 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.3 years 34 played 33 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Northlake Park Rundown!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2011 Played the course:once


-Teepads (long and short)
-Great flow
-Shot variety (long, short, great elevation chages, trees, water)
-Well kept course and groomed decently. Not much unwanted brush and brambles.
-Long course for you big-armed-drive lovers.


-On the front side of the course there isn't much shade, so it can get extremely hot out. Bring sunscreen.
-I hear it can get pretty muddy when it's been raining.
-Wind is the major factor out here when it's blowing.

....bout it

Other Thoughts:

Great course that I'm pretty sure just got a recent upgrade. I do believe you can thank Mr. Stev-o Storrie for getting all that set up.

Great course worth the travel if you aren't too far away. If you're the northern sector of the metroplex, this course would be worth a stop. Make a trip out of it and play lewisville and the surrounding northern courses.

Great job on this one. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Tale of 2 Nines 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2011 Played the course:once


1) Metal signs with distance, Hole # and a general layout of the hole. They do the job but aren't all that attractive.

2) Since I was there I guess concrete was put in which is great for this course . . . it was tough teeing off on some of the worse out tees but concrete is always appreciated!!! Not only are they concrete but apparently dual concrete which is even better!

3) Garbage cans available in multiple spots to keep this course clean!

4) Turf is in pretty good condition in most areas on this course. There are a few compacted areas or damaged turf areas but all in all this seems to be a well maintained grounds.

5) The back 9 gets its own positive . . . it is much more fun, slightly more technical, shorter, and simply more fun than the front 9 which is mostly open, minimal obstacles, still fun but not as mcuh as the back 9.

6) Beginner friendly (aside from being long there are only a couple places where losing a disc might happen). It might be frustrating to start out on the really long holes on the front 9 but at least they will quickly learn how the disc flys before they get to the water hole or the elevated holes, or the technical shots.

7) My wife threw her third shot on #3 into the garbage can which was one of the highlights of my round! I laughed and fortunately . . . so did she!

8) Park has batting cages, a driving range, and a rec center also . . . I am sure there were bathrooms on that building somewhere, but I am not 100% sure.

9) Elevation is used to improve a mostly open boring front 9. One hole has you throwing to a basket on the side of the ridge. Then the next you shoot down te ridge of what looks to be a flood prevention dike. Then you play a hole in a narrow area with the berm on your left side and trees on your right creating a sort of tunnel that you need to try and navigate without hitting the hill early or going to the righ tinto the woods. Then you throw back across a dropoff to another basket slightly on a sloped area. Back across again and then you throw down from the top of the berm to a basket tucked just slightly around a pond . . . great hole . . . incoroporating water and elevation on one hole otherwise it would be a really boring hole if the basket was elsewhere.

10) Front 9 challenges you a couple different ways and the back 9 gets a little more diverse in trouble and shot shaping.

11) The length of the holes varies well and the overall length of the course presents a moderate challenge on its own.


1) Directionals would be helpful in a couple locations as the course is pretty spread out and you might go the wrong way.

2) Mix of baskets is a negative in my opinion . . . perhaps it is all they have and they dont have money for that upgrade . . . having concrete tees isntalled is more important than baskets anyways so perhaps it will change down the road.

3) The front 9 is pretty boring . . . they did use the elevation and the water as best they could but it just does not compare to the front 9.

4) The front 9 is pretty simple and you have multiple shots possible on most holes.

5) This is not a picturesque course in fact it really isn't pretty at all . . . but at least they have some good disc golf holes. It just seems to be placed in an area where no other activities would be.

6) Long walk in a couple places between holes . . . breaks up the flow ofthe course but there was no way to put holes in between because of other activities or natural transitions in the layout of the course.

Other Thoughts:

When I was there there were no concrete tees, the construction along the road was pretty fresh and that affected a couple of the holes and especially your footing as it had not been final graded or seeded yet . . . so I am giving this place the benefit of the doubt that these things have been solved since I was there as I read in someone else's review. The tees along bring this course up half a disc in my opinion because that was one of the biggest detractors when I was there.

Before the concrete I would have given this course a 2.5 or maybe even a 2.0 . . .so I bumped it up to a 3 after the dual concrete went in . . . rumors of signs and new baskets would also help so I rated it slightly higher for the current updates taking place.
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1 5
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 106 played 48 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Long & Open 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


- Some creative hole layouts
- Good use of elevation
- Forgiving


- Long grass
- High winds
- No tee pads (as of now)
- Not many finesse shots required
- Hole 14 is in a giant puddle (we skipped it)
- Long walk to 12

Other Thoughts:

The rumored upgrade would help this course a lot. It's challenging, but not in an annoying way.
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6 0
Experience: 20.1 years 23 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Diverse & Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 27, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


--Super friendly locals (college town)
--There is a great variety of shots & terrain though the length of the course, some super-long, some short, some open, some technical, some elevated. A little bit of everything.
--Easily converts to a 9-hole course if you play from 1 & work your way around the back of the course.
--The course can also start w hole 12 if you park off Windsor Dr. by the tennis courts, which mixes up the feel a bit(close technical holes first, that way you're well and warmed up for the long bombs of the front 9)


dirt tees, signage is meh, long walk between 11 & 12, front 9 is kinda intimidating for folks who throw under 350 feet. mixed baskets, some are in better shape than others. hot as hades in the summer, bring lots of water.

Other Thoughts:

All in all, this is a very underrated park that is getting a much needed facelift this summer, with new teepads, signs & several new pro tees. (i'm pretty sure there was talk of new baskets, as well) If you don't know the way around, then you may find yourself befuddled around the 10th-11th hole...walk past the tennis courts & past the batting cages along the street to get to 12. Looking forward to fall here, going to be sooooo nice once the upgrades are done.
***This is NOT my home course, by the way, but i still make the drive to play here at least once a week. If you learn the course & have the shots, it's worth it. Great run.***
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3 2
Experience: 14.3 years 173 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Decent Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


1. Fairly open layout.

2. Some good elevation holes and use of the pond and trees around.

3. holes along the hills and pond are windy and elevated, makes you think twice about bombing it.

4. Plenty of parking (even though its dirt parking).


1. Last time I played there was some construction so made it difficult to figure out where some of the wholes are.

2. This is one long course. You have to walk quite a bit to get between holes. Not a lot of "ZIG-ZAGGING." Sometimes there is too much of a gap on some holes.

Other Thoughts:

Bring water, its a good walk. There is a water fountain at the tennis/golf range that is adjacent to the course. Do not abuse that fountain (its ice cold), if I go there and cannot use it, i will be very angry!!. I give this a better rating than the carrolton courses just because its a very different way to play a course. You will know when you go out there.
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4 2
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

good challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Well, lots of challenge here. Trees and water and hills make it happen. Some of the baskets are over hills and around corners. This is a nice long course to play, in the summer take some water. Lots of diversity here with some of the drives. Keep your eyes open, I have found at least one disc here every time we play!


Take at least one "throw away " disc with you for good measure. Can be a little muddy just after a hard rain, like most disc golf courses here in central Texas.

Other Thoughts:

nice to have such a great course so close to home.
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3 2
Experience: 20.5 years 14 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun. Bring sunscreen 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 2, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-A good variety
-Lots of Grip and Rip holes
-Creek near the end makes a few holes technical
-Locals are nice
-If you play the signs, under par is no problem.
-Only one hole where you can lose a disc
-Makes you feel good about yourself


-Not a lot of shade on the front nine, and a little boring until you get to the trees.
-Long walk without shade....

Other Thoughts:

Fun course. Hot. Last couple holes are fun. Play it as all par 3's. Bring some stable discs because the wind blows hard, and those headwinds will really turn over discs. Number 9 is a disc eater, but if you are close to the shore you can get your disc easy. The mud feels good... I am a local here at this course, and I am told they are going to redesign this course in the near future. The city wants to move the holes by the dam. We will see what happens. First hole is by the small parking lot off of bonnie bre.
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1 12
Experience: 17.4 years 44 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Top 10 in Texas 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 24, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


- Multiple Concrete Tee-pads
- Some variation in terrain
- Lots of room to bomb some drives
- Shot placement is needed to score well

This course is tons of fun, its mostly wide open yet has good variety of shots.

The constant wind really challenges your game on the open holes, as easy as they may look they are not always straight forward.

Several open holes are complimented by the hills around the lake which you must shape your shots to stay in the fairway while managing to throw with distance. Good use of the elevation for the most part.

The last part of the course finishes with some nice tee and basket placements with trees in play that work your mid range game.


- Hole 1

I am not fond of hole 1, I think its the weakest on the course requiring little skill and more of just a spike out to nowhere and hope it lands on the right side of the shrub so you can putt. I think this hole could easily be redesigned with all the empty space by the parking lot and still link up to hole 2.

Other Thoughts:

North Lake is a good contrast to Lake Lewisville with open bombs thats fun to play when conditions are ideal.
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