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Chesapeake, VA

Northwest River Park DGC

2.795(based on 14 reviews)
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lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 58 -6
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
60°F Cloudy Calm 998
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 324 3 3 1 --
Thru gap N-wave, too low.
2 314 3 3 1 --
3 326 4 3 1 --
4 297 3 3 1 --
5 315 3 3 1 --
6 606 5 4 1 --
7 293 3 3 1 --
down middle N-wave.
8 255 3 3 1 --
Standstill Volt
9 279 3 3 1 --
clean Star Mamba, tree blockage.
10 314 3 3 1 --
Flicked F-Wave, approach Crave.
11 341 4 3 1 --
into trees left Star Mamba, nice out to C1 M1.
12 351 4 3 1 --
13 304 4 3 1 --
approach tree C1
14 304 3 3 1 --
tree Northman, nice approach Entropy.
15 279 3 3 1 --
16 485 4 4 1 --
Signal/Star Mamba combo, nice Pyro standstill 3rd.
17 406 4 4 1 --
Northman tree blockage, tree approach
18 525 5 4 1 --
MD1 standstill, Orbital approach, ran E-proxy eagle attempt.
Totals: 6318 64 58 18 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 51 -13
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
55°F Cloudy Calm 996
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 237 3 2 1 --
parked short
2 239 3 3 1 --
3 282 4 3 1 --
tree, tree C1
4 263 3 3 1 --
5 200 3 2 1 --
6 450 5 4 1 --
2nd tree outside C2.
7 236 3 3 1 --
tree blockage
8 217 3 3 1 --
Flicked a Star Mamba right line. Tree
9 208 3 2 1 --
10 222 3 3 1 --
11 294 4 3 1 --
12 296 4 3 1 --
13 283 4 3 1 --
14 225 3 3 1 --
tree blockage
15 236 3 2 1 --
16 310 4 3 1 --
Approach, Standstill F1 almost dropped.
17 334 4 3 1 --
tree blockage left side. Standstill signal.
18 387 5 3 0 --
40-feet P-Proxy
Totals: 4919 64 51 17 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 59 -5
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
50°F Sunny None 989
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Ended a very long birdie streak on #3.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 324 3 3 1 --
2 314 3 3 1 --
nice Star Mamba with turn
3 326 4 4 1 --
tree, tree
4 297 3 3 1 --
5 315 3 3 1 --
nice Northman branch
6 606 5 5 1 --
Star Mamba, tree 3rd
7 293 3 3 1 --
nice n-wave
8 255 3 3 1 --
tree kick volt
9 279 3 3 1 --
10 314 3 3 1 --
tree kick f-wave
11 341 4 3 1 --
12 351 4 3 1 --
13 304 4 3 1 --
14 304 3 3 1 --
15 279 3 3 1 --
16 485 4 4 1 --
Relay/Star Mamba combo, birdie run
17 406 4 3 1 --
Northman/Virus combo
18 525 5 4 1 --
MD1/F-wave combo. E-envy approach
Totals: 6318 64 59 18 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 51 -13
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
40°F Sunny None 996
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 237 3 2 1 --
2 239 3 3 1 --
3 282 4 3 1 --
4 263 3 3 1 --
tree blockage
5 200 3 2 1 --
6 450 5 4 1 --
Star Mamba, tree 2nd
7 236 3 3 1 --
tree blockage
8 217 3 3 1 --
9 208 3 2 1 --
tree C1
10 222 3 2 1 --
11 294 4 3 1 --
eagle run tree C1
12 296 4 3 1 --
13 283 4 3 1 --
tree, approach Servo basket high left
14 225 3 3 1 --
15 236 3 3 1 --
16 310 4 3 1 --
17 334 4 3 1 --
18 387 5 3 0 --
Star Mamba/MD1 combo, 40-feet basket high left Nomad.
Totals: 4919 64 51 17 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 50 -14
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
30°F Sunny None 1006
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 237 3 2 1 --
2 239 3 3 1 --
3 282 4 3 1 --
tree, tree C1
4 263 3 3 1 --
into trees left, clear approach
5 200 3 2 1 --
tree C1
6 450 5 3 1 --
long Orbital faded into trees, standstill servo cheating dogleg clean.
7 236 3 3 1 --
8 217 3 3 1 --
standstill volt
9 208 3 2 1 --
10 222 3 2 1 --
11 294 4 3 1 --
12 296 4 3 1 --
13 283 4 3 1 --
eagle putt tree C1
14 225 3 3 1 --
poor tee
15 236 3 3 1 --
16 310 4 3 1 --
17 334 4 3 1 --
poor tee, signal approach tree C1.
18 387 5 3 0 --
tree, rhythm faded away, 40-feet p-envy
Totals: 4919 64 50 17 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 59 -5
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
60°F Sunny Calm 989
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Both rounds Standstill, 2-step. A few awesome Lizotte and Relay's. Very Scenic raining leaves.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 324 3 3 1 --
split the gap n-wave.
2 314 3 3 1 --
3 326 4 3 1 --
4 297 3 3 1 --
5 315 3 3 1 --
6 606 5 5 1 --
clean, missed line on 3rd
7 293 3 3 1 --
8 255 3 3 1 --
9 279 3 3 1 --
10 314 3 4 1 --
tree, tree
11 341 4 3 1 --
12 351 4 3 1 --
13 304 4 3 1 --
14 304 3 3 1 --
clean , missed line.
15 279 3 3 1 --
16 485 4 4 1 --
P-hex/Star Mamba long left side, tree blockage birdie run C2.
17 406 4 3 1 --
Volt/Relay parked
18 525 5 4 1 --
P-Hex/Star Mamba tree, M1
Totals: 6318 64 59 18 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 51 -13
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
50°F Sunny None 996
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 237 3 3 1 --
2 239 3 2 0 --
tree, 50-feet Nomad
3 282 4 3 1 --
4 263 3 3 1 --
5 200 3 3 1 --
6 450 5 4 1 --
tree, clean rest of the way
7 236 3 3 1 --
8 217 3 3 1 --
9 208 3 2 1 --
10 222 3 2 1 --
11 294 4 3 1 --
12 296 4 3 1 --
13 283 4 3 1 --
14 225 3 2 1 --
15 236 3 3 1 --
long left side, tree blockage
16 310 4 3 1 --
17 334 4 3 1 --
tree, lizotte parked.
18 387 5 3 1 --
tree, M1
Totals: 4919 64 51 17 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 59 -5
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
60°F Sunny None 989
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:both rounds good x-step, short on distance.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 324 3 3 1 --
clean plasma wave
2 314 3 3 1 --
late release f-wave clean thru left trees onto fairway, C2 putt
3 326 4 3 1 --
4 297 3 3 1 --
5 315 3 3 1 --
6 606 5 5 1 --
orbital turning down fairway, clean rest of the way.
7 293 3 3 1 --
8 255 3 3 1 --
motion thru middle gap
9 279 3 3 1 --
10 314 3 3 1 --
tesla down fairway
11 341 4 3 1 --
12 351 4 3 1 --
proton wave down middle
13 304 4 3 1 --
14 304 3 3 1 --
beautiful orbital turning then fading.
15 279 3 3 1 --
into trees right, nice hyzer pitch volt
16 485 4 4 1 --
tee servo, approach star mamba, tree blockage
17 406 4 4 1 --
tee motion, approach f-wave, tree blockage
18 525 5 4 1 --
tee p-hex, 2nd f-wave, approach e-envy
Totals: 6318 64 59 18 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 51 -13
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
60°F Sunny None 996
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:kept it x-step smooth, short on distance, not many trees hit.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 237 3 2 0 --
too left 40-feet e-proxy
2 239 3 2 0 --
40-feet e-envy
3 282 4 3 1 --
4 263 3 3 1 --
5 200 3 3 1 --
tree kick left rough, pitch up entropy
6 450 5 4 1 --
nice f-wave following fairway. approach tree kick to fairway
7 236 3 3 1 --
tree blockage
8 217 3 3 1 --
9 208 3 2 1 --
10 222 3 2 1 --
tree C1
11 294 4 3 1 --
faded into trees right, pitch to C1 entropy
12 296 4 3 1 --
split fairway x-step proton wave
13 283 4 3 1 --
fairway tree
14 225 3 3 2 --
tree blockage
15 236 3 3 1 --
hit the mound, too low
16 310 4 3 1 --
star mamba, tree blockage
17 334 4 3 1 --
nice star mamba left side, tree blockage
18 387 5 3 1 --
fission wave turning on fairway, p-hex x-step turn.
Totals: 4919 64 51 17 --

lee76007 lee76007's Round

Score: 61 -3
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
75°F Sunny None 972
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:What may be fist time bogeys on 9 and 15.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 324 3 3 1 --
2 314 3 3 1 --
3 326 4 3 1 --
4 297 3 3 1 --
5 315 3 3 1 --
6 606 5 5 -- --
Tree x 2
7 293 3 3 1 --
8 255 3 3 1 --
9 279 3 4 -- --
Tree x 2
10 314 3 3 1 --
11 341 4 3 1 --
12 351 4 3 1 --
13 304 4 3 1 --
14 304 3 3 1 --
15 279 3 4 -- --
Tree x 2
16 485 4 4 1 --
17 406 4 4 1 --
18 525 5 4 1 --
Totals: 6318 64 61 15 --