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Massillon, OH

Oak Ledges DGC

Permanent course
3.755(based on 32 reviews)
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Averages Score by Tee


Overall Course Stats

Total Rounds Played 272
Total Holes Played 4811
Distance Covered by Members 252.40 Miles
Average Score per Round 58
Average Putts per Hole 2.56
Total Shots 15836
Total Aces 4
Total Double Eagles 2
Total Eagles 27
Total Birdies 704
Total Pars 2382
Total Bogies 1089
Total Double Bogies 160
Total Triple Bogies 23
Total Putts 3396
Total Penalties 22

Hole-by-Hole Stats

Hole Avg. Shots Played Aces D. Eagles Eagles Birdies Pars Bogies D. Bogies T. Bogies Putts Penalty
1 3.55 855 241 -- -- -- 12 116 87 10 2 178 --
2 3.36 809 241 -- -- -- 21 119 68 18 1 176 2
3 3.27 788 241 -- -- -- 14 148 56 7 2 182 4
4 3.02 725 240 -- -- -- 38 140 46 2 -- 198 --
5 3.47 833 240 -- -- 2 23 101 84 14 2 182 --
6 3.10 746 241 1 -- 1 36 136 43 11 -- 185 1
7 3.25 786 242 -- -- -- 20 137 61 9 1 189 1
8 3.30 798 242 -- -- 2 23 137 59 6 1 190 1
9 3.35 807 241 -- -- -- 33 123 62 8 1 184 --
10 2.68 645 241 -- -- -- 100 104 21 -- 2 179 4
11 3.64 877 241 -- -- 1 14 107 83 18 4 190 --
12 2.95 711 241 1 -- 1 54 130 36 5 -- 178 7
13 2.84 676 238 1 -- 1 55 142 24 1 1 180 --
14 4.04 962 238 -- -- 7 55 108 44 9 1 172 1
15 2.93 698 238 -- -- -- 47 147 28 2 -- 177 --
16 3.10 738 238 -- -- 4 49 122 48 1 -- 182 1
17 3.68 876 238 -- -- -- 10 102 88 22 2 169 --
18 3.55 844 238 -- 2 11 17 100 82 9 3 188 --