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Cottage Grove, MN

Oakwood Park

3.695(based on 39 reviews)
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3 6
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Course for Starters 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 1, 2012 Played the course:once


-Very open


-Kind of hard to see the baskets
-Hole 10 says it's across the way when it's actually to the right
-It took me almost 10 minutes to find each tee-off, there should be arrows pointing which way to the next tee-off point

Other Thoughts:

All in all it was a pretty good course. Usually I'm with friends playing but this is the first time I went alone and also the first time I played at this course. I'll definitely return
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 1, 2011 Played the course:once


The course has a nice mix of grassy fields with scattered trees and brush and some denser wooded areas. The open shots have enough obstacles to make you think about shot placement, and mix in some longer shots where you get to open up with some reachable ace chances. The wooded holes have dense enough trees to make you hit tight lines, and there is good punishment for errant shots with a chance for recovery shots but plenty of trees and brush to make you work for it. There is a good mix of hole lengths in the woods too, with a couple longer tough shots and some reachable holes.

There are hills throughout the course and they're used pretty well to add some challenge and fun. There's one nice open shot throwing down a hill, and a few tricky pin placements with rollaway potential. The tees are in good shape, and the shorts offer some nice beginner friendly options.


There are a few spots that have some tricky navigation, a handful of next tee signs would go a long way. Some of the signs don't really give you a good idea of where the basket is, especially on some of the blind wooded holes. A few spots in the open have fairways near one another, a potential safety issue. The wooded holes mostly call for straight shots, a little more hole shape variety would be fun. There are some erosion problems on the hills in the woods, and some spots that were pretty slick and muddy with even a little moisture on the ground. There was quite a bit of litter and vandalism, not a huge deal but it takes away from the vibe of the course.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course with a nice mix of lengths and foliage. Beginners might find the open holes a bit long and the wooded holes a bit tight, but overall it's not a terrible course for newer players. Intermediate players will find this course a great test, with a variety of skills required and some level of punishment for poor execution. This course won't provide much of a challenge for top level players, but it does have some fun shots.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 34 played 28 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wonderful variety, difficult, needs upkeep 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 13, 2011 Played the course:once


-Fantastic variety of shots required
-Holes vary from 160' to 550' so there is something for everyone
-Good use of the woods as about half the course winds through the woods
-Decent enough signs at each hole (except #9 was missing)
-Nice long tee off boxes that were in decent shape
-Porta potty on site (as well as a picnic area)
-Park is more or less solely for disc golf and it's big


-Litter is a big problem here, I came across broken glass on nearly every hole
-The sign was missing from hole 9
-Navigation between holes was somewhat confusing between 3 & 4, 8 & 9, and 11 & 12. At least an arrow pointing which way to go would be helpful.

Other Thoughts:

I really would like to give this course an even better rating as the layout, difficulty, and variance of the holes was atypical; especially for a free course. The thing that is holding me to a 3.5 for Oakwood is that it is in need of some upkeep rather badly. There is a terrible litter problem everywhere, which is even more boggling when you consider that there are numerous garbage receptacles throughout the course. Also, the grass was very long in the open section of the course making finding a disc a challenge sometimes even if it was thrown down the middle of the hole. The holes that wind through the woods require just about every kind of shot you can throw. You must have good technical skills and be able to hit your spots or you will post awful scores on a few of the holes. It is evident that the course is well worn and older in the woods sections as there isn't all that much underbrush; but this is good as there is enough of it in the open sections to make up for it. The baskets are in need of some help sooner or later as well, the labels are worn off on some of them and some of them have rims that are a little bent up. With some TLC regarding the baskets, litter, signage, and mowing in the open areas this course would be a 4.5 in my book. If you don't care if a course is well kept when you play it and you just want a good layout with some challenge, this is a perfect course for you as I'd give it a 4.5. If you care about all the other things I mentioned, consider it a 3.5. All this said, I will come back when I'm in the mood for more of a challenge.

EDIT 11/18/12: I don't know when they were put in, but there are huge numbered signs attached to each basket now and next tee arrows as well. These two things are extremely helpful. These are a couple of big upgrades which are enough for me to up my rating to 4.0.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 77 played 35 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Variety!!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Oak Grove is a great example of a city park course. It is an older course that shows some wear and tear but a fun play none the less. It has everything a good course should have and is very well balanced. The course will challenge beginners and it offers some interesting holes to more experienced players. This course winds through rolling hills and an old growth oak forest. Get ready to shape some lines and unleash some big drives.

1.Nice grippy tee pads. With some of the holes offering short pads for beginners.

2.Adequate signage with hole #, distance and shot shape.

3.Great variety in length, with holes in the upper 100's and a few over 500'

4.The elevation of the park is used to the utmost. Lots of ups and downs with some cross hill shots and baskets placed on hillsides.

5.The designers knew what they were doing here there is every kind of shot you can think of. Tightly wooded tunnel shots and wide open bombers with left and right doglegs evenly dispersed around the course.

6.This park is well kept and has garbage cans and porta potties available, as well as a few benches/tree stumps to sit on.

7.The course flows very naturally and is easy to navigate even the first time you play it. It does a big loop and 18 ends at the parking lot which is really nice.

8.The course has two very memorable holes. #8 is a long wooded shot that starts throwing over some seasonal water into a tight tree lines fairway with a well-protected pin. #16 is a long side hill anhyzer through the woods that is very challenging and fun to play.

9.Risk reward is present on many holes with water on some holes and thick woods on about half of the course. This forces you to pick a line and hit it or you will be punished.

10.The park has other activates available like basketball, baseball and some grills. This is a great place to bring the family for a full day of fun.


This course defiantly shows signs of its age. The ground is beat up and there are some issues with erosions. None of the cons make really take anything away from how it plays however, most of them are ascetic and do not take away from how the course plays.

1.There is a decent amount of vandalism in this park. There is graffiti all over the benches and signs.

2.Even though there are IMO enough garbage cans there was a lot of litter in the woods when I played. The open holes were clean and well mowed but the woods didn't seem to get the same attention.

3.The signs could be better but they do give all the information you need to play.

4.It would be nice to see some erosion protection of some kind because of all the elevation the problem is not going to get any better. Wood chips around some of the pins would go a long way to help with the ground being compacted.

5.Some of the wooded holes provide a good hide out for trouble making teens but I had no problems when I played.

6.The baskets are old but they still catch disc just fine and that is all that matters to me.

7.Other reviewers said that it can be had to find your disc's if you go in the rough. I had no problems but thought I might as well mention it.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a really enjoy playing this course. I will go out of my way to play it again. The variety of this course is the best part and you will not feel like you are playing the same hole over and over again. I used every shot I know how to throw and used almost all the disc's in my bag at least once. I really like course that are able to do this. In my opinion this is one of the top 15 course's in Minnesota and a must play for anyone in the area.
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2 3
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

overrated 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


nice fields, woods, right by the hiway


crouded, graffity, need guide- no signs, hoodlums about, needed benchs...
was missing pinn but i fallowed the drag marks and found it in the woods.

Other Thoughts:

we have three great courses within ten minutes of each other.
cottage grove, igh, ssp
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6 0
Experience: 27.1 years 38 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Course - Underrated 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2010 Played the course:once


Oakwood is a great course with a ton of variation which makes the course really exciting and challenging.
-The course utilizes the elevation that the park has with great results. The holes with elevation have great variety, from relatively short and easy downhills (#1,#9) to more difficult wooded uphills (#15-16).
- The length and difficulty of the holes has great variety. For my game, there are as many deuce holes as there are bogey holes. Unfortunately for me, I tend to trend towards the bogeys.
-The baskets are in good conditions and most holes have nice tee pads.


-Park maintenance is not very good. There is often litter throughout the course, there are only a few trash cans in the woods.
-Signage could be improved. It's pretty easy to skip holes 12 and 11 if you don't know where you're going. A few baskets are close and it would be helpful for signs.

Other Thoughts:

Play this course while you can. I can't really tell what the future holds for this course. In the past 4-5 years a lot of development has been going on around the course and it seems to be ever encroaching. I don't really think the city of Cottage Grove cares much about the park as they've thinned out a lot of the trees. Hopefully, it sticks around cause this course is great.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23 years 218 played 68 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 15, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


- Dual Cement Teepads
- Multiple Pin Placements
- Set in a large valley with a large mature forest surrounding a open area.
- FUN and chalenging
- Elevation change plays a large part through the entire course.
- A good mix of short and long holes.
- An easy course to follow.
- Good flight control required for good scores.
- Several opportunities from the longs to really rip one out there.
- Wind plays a huge factor
- Dangerous greens, especially in the woods, watch for roll-a-ways.


- The park could definitely use some good tee signs.
- Hole 14's basket could be raised up and repaired.
- More trash cans and benches
- The predomiant shot here is straight. You do need to keep your lines tight and hit certain gaps but the overall flight is very straight on almost every hole. Its own challenge in-itself I guess. I dont hold this against the course that much.
- Last few times I was there garbage was an issue.

Other Thoughts:

I always have alot of fun playing this course. Its a challenging course although kind of one dimensional. A straight line shot dominates the woods. Only a few holes really force a different shot. The course makes up for it though with its dangerous greens. Almost every basket is on some kind of slope. In the woods roll-a-ways were a common nuisance. Because of this not only do you have to keep your disc straight but also control how it lands. So although the lines are somewhat repetitive the landings are not.
This course is best suited for INT players. REC players will enjoy the course and it will help to improve their game. INT players are going to easily handle the shorts and find their challenge on the longs. Confident putting is a big key.
ADV and Pro players will most likely rip this course up. Maybe not first time through but a couple of rounds and they might get bored easily. Although some of the holes are long they are still not difficult to get a 3 with a good approach game.
This course is definitely worth playing. Its a very quick drive from Kaposia as well. If you are going to do that then I would suggest Oakwood first. It will prep you for good scores at Kaposia.
There is alot of nearby dining and shopping. So if your with the family you can drop them off while you enjoy yourself.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging variety in elevation and foliage density. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 20, 2009 Played the course:once


1) Extremely nice variety in the density of trees and foliage.The first 4 holes are fairly open with well placed trees and baskets. Then the course tightens up and you play about 11 holes in the woods. All are heavly wooded but most with very defined fairways. You still have to execute the shot, and the wooded peripherals are not very forgiving. Then you finish back out in the open on the last couple holes, with only a few obstacles in your way. They made wonderful use of this property and from what I can tell is this is a redesign as there is another website that shows holes very different from the ones I played.

2) The use of elevation on the first 4 holes and the finishing hole are wonderful. #1 downhill, #2 uphill/sidehill to basket on sidehill, #3 uphill/sidehill to basket on top of hill, #4 long open downhiller with one very large sprawling mature tree to avoid about 300' out. Then you head into the woods and you still have to deal with moderate elevation changes. This makes the course a very well designed course and a great property for disc golf. I can't think of very many holes on this course with minimal elevation change. Then once out of the woods the finishing hole also ends up back on the top of the hill you played around on the first 3 baskets.

3) Nice big grippy concrete tees AND they were nicely shovelled. They were in perfect condtion except for the fact I was the first person there the day I played and we had gotten 1/4 inch of snow overnight. Its always nice to be able to take full advantage of the concrete pads in the winter!

4) Tee posts indicating where each tee is are helpful for the first timer, but no real good details. Just Par, Distance, and generaly shot shape, no details of specific trees or obstacles. I guess you just have to look ahead of you!

5) Course is pretty long and it also has a nice variety in distances. Holes as short as 160' up to 550' That is awesome, and the best part is it isn't just wide open distance. There are some tough long wooded holes too!

6) There are some benches by some of the teeboxes, (they may be made with 2x4's and tree stumps and logs, but at least there is somewhere to sit down throughout the course.

7) There was a biffy located in the parking lot. I would rather have sen it in the middle of the course but I understand they need access to clean it.

8) I finished when a group of regulars appeared to be arriving to play. They were very friendly and even struck up a conversation with me (an outsider with a Wisconsin license plate). I would have stayed to play as their 8th person (the 7 were flipping for random partners) but I had a long drive ahead of me and the NEED (disc golf course whoring) to play 4 more new courses on that day on my way home to Milwaukee.


1) Some of the pars were just not right on the teesigns. #5 a Par 2 at 180 shorts and 240 longs. Even a wide open 180-240 isn't a par 2, but this basket is tucked into the woods for the last 25-35'.

2) Garbage baskets were a little spotty. It was almost that they thought people only would throw stuff away in the woods when there was almost a basket at every tee. Better than nothing, but could be improved upon.

3) Many of the densely wooded holes could use some maintenance. There are brush and fallen branch piles. This may have occurred int he late fall and then gotten snow early, but it didn't look like they were fresh piles. It makes it very difficult to look for discs with piles of branches especially when there is snow surrounding them.

4) From what I can tell there also will be a lot of erosion and compaction issues on those wooded holes because of the slopes. People just do not tread lightly, and often times they may end up on sideslopes creating a difficult situation for maintaining ground coverage of either turf or even just mulch (or old leaf material).

5) Apparently vandalism/theft is a problem here as other have said. I cannot comment from first hand knowledge but I wanted to indicate what others have also said in their reviews. The tee signs were all there except for #9, but there may be a lot of tomfoolery (yeah I used that word) in those wooded holes. It is nicely isolated from mom and dads eyes, but close enough they cant really get in trouble unless they are caught doing something stupid.

6) Course is not beginner friendly because of how long the open holes are, how tight the wooded holes are, and the fact that the elevation that is used makes the course harded than if it were flat. It would however be a good place for someone who has been playing for a little while to come and really try and improve their game from recreational to intermediate!

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed this course, and while I think the locals maybe rated it higher than it should be it is a solid 3.75 course. I cannot put it in the ranks of all my other 3.5 disc courses so I have to go along with the consensus with the 4 rating. Again for my Milwaukee readers the closest thing I can compare this course to is Brown Deer. There is a nice mix of wooded, to open, to slightly open with moderate tree coverage. It has more elevation than Brown Deer so it could also be compared to Valley View on crack (meaning adding an average of 100' to each hole!) Overall the course is very fun, very challenging, nicely varied and I highly recommend playing it if yo are in the area.

WARNING: Some of the opinions and observations here are assumptions based on the fact that the course was played in winter. I cannot truthfully account for the conditioning of the ground and turf because it was under 10" of snow. I also cannot comment on the fairness of trees and foliage because there simply were just sticks (being winter and how trees tend to lose their leaves in the fall). Keep that in mind and if there is an issue with anything I have said please contact me and I can edit the review if necessary.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 76 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A lot of fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2009 Played the course:once


-Open Holes
-Wooded Holes
-Variations in Distance
-Variations in Elevation
-Concrete tee pads

This course is one of my favorites in the area. I love to be able to go to a course, and get everything thrown at me, from open, to wooded, to water hazards.

Even though the day I played this course, there were 30+ mph gusts of wind, I really liked it. The first few holes are all in the open, making great use of elevation and what obstacles are out there. After the first few holes are a bunch of wooded ones, where the course really becomes more about accuracy rather than distance. Also very good use of elevation in the wooded areas. For the back few holes the course takes a nice loop and leads you back to the last few open holes and right back to the parking lot.


-Crossing fairways/walkways
-Signage could be better

Those are the only things I found could be changed on this course. There are a few holes where you have to walk through other fairways to get to a hole, or fairways play dangerously close to one another. Keep your eyes peeled for discs.
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3 0
Experience: 20.6 years 152 played 68 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Nice layout, good mix of elevation, open to wooded, short and tight to Air-it-out long.


Grass can get long, not always really well maintained. Lots of litter, lots of broken glass on some holes. THe apartments behind the course cause a lot of little disc theives running around, myself and 2 friends have had discs stolen on different trips. Starting to erode badly in some spots.

Other Thoughts:

nice course overall. should be played if you are in the metro area.
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4 0
Experience: 21.1 years 53 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Litterers rampant 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Big course with a ton of variety. Some long, some short, some flat, some with nice elevation change. There are a lot of birdie opportunities early, but the last 6 holes offer some real challenges, particularly 16 and 18. A close match will be decided on those two holes.


Sadly, litter is a big problem here, particularly broken glass. There's a large apartment complex adjacent which brings a lot of its kids to the course, many of whom aren't there for disc golf. Erosion is a problem. There was an example of a disc golfer who broke his leg due to the dropoff at the end of the tee pad. Like Acorn in Roseville, this is a course which is truly excellent, but whose quality is eroding with the dirt.

Other Thoughts:

I love playing this course. For all the cons I listed, Oakwood is definitely still worth playing.
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3 0
Experience: 18.4 years 20 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very good quality course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Fantastic course. Well maintained holes and tee boxes make playing this course a treat. lots of fun and long course that let you break out the big drives. Half of the course is in open fields, the other is deeply wooded. The city takes very good care of the course


Could stand to be updated with better signs and more trash cans. When little league is playing, there is a significant risk of hitting spectators. Not really the courses fault, but its out of the way.

Other Thoughts:

Worth making the trip to play it at least once.
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3 0
Too EZ
Experience: 17.3 years 11 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Oakwood 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2009 Played the course:once


Concrete Tees, Good Fairway Condition, 18 Holes, Varied landcape from long and open to short and narrow holes. Easy to Navigate. Parking by first tee.


Not a con for me, but course may be very intimaditing for a begginer, long drives and accuracy are needed on many holes. Trash Cans at only some holes, alot of litter at holes that dont have trash cans. Some of the hole signs are missing or vandalized so you cant read distance or par. Long grass in the some of the fairways can make looking for a disc difficult.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a very good fun course, alot of challenges and landsape changes. If you have a few hours, are up for a challenge or just want to air out some long drives this is a great course for you
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3 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

I loved this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 28, 2009 Played the course:once


This course a very nice 18 hole course with short tees for those who cannot do the long drive.


Some holes have litter around the tees and some of the paths are very muddy and slick.

Other Thoughts:

First time playing this course and I was very VERY impressed by the lay out and the up-keep of the park.
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9 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 110 played 63 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2008 Played the course:once


There is a lot of good things to say about this course. To start off with, you get a large amount of variety. The first hole is a short down hill shot with not too many obstacles, followed by a long uphill hole, and then a long downhill hole. Most of the course was set up this way, there was probably only 2 or three holes that didn't have a large amount of elevation change.
Around the 6th hole, you enter some woods that change from lightly wooded to heavily wooded. There's a large variety of shots in these woods as well, and all the fairways are relatively tight. Some of the holes are very short but are made hard because of the trees. This being said, there is also a hole that is over 400 feet that is in the woods.
All in all, this is a very good course for players that need more of a challenge, it challenges most aspects of the game.


It is a little hard to find your way around the first time you play here. There are some signs, but in other spots there aren't. Make sure you know where all the baskets are the first time you play, it is quite challenging to shoot at them when you don't know where they are.

Other Thoughts:

If you're in the Twin Cities, you should make sure you play this course.
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3 2
Experience: 17.1 years 42 played 41 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pleasant Surprise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2008 Played the course:once


This course provides a chance to throw a variety of discs in your bag along with testing your skills in throwing a variety of shots.

Some holes allow the big arms a chance to air it out, while other holes will test your ability to throw precision shots.


There was a fair amount of vandalism on this course. Next hole signs were not present as a result of vandalism.

Other Thoughts:

Tee markers and next hole directions would be an improvement.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 159 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Oakwood 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Dual tees on most holes, with concrete pads at long tees.

Nice mixture of distance. Some long holes where you can just reach back and throw, as well as some shorter holes to test your accuracy.

Good mix of open and wooded holes. Very tight fairways in the woods which will challenge you (which could also be a con)


Lots of brush in the woods. If you throw off the fairway, you might have to look for a while to find your disc.

Not enough trash cans at the course, some litter, especially in the woods.

Lack of signs on the back 9.

Other Thoughts:

I used most of the discs in my bag when I played this course.
The course has been kept up pretty well by the city. Very nice city course.

Picnic shelter and ball field on park grounds as well.
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3 2
Experience: 16.4 years 43 played 12 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 15, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Its a great mix of woods and open area with some hilly challenges.


A lot of difficult par 2's that could be 3's due to the massive amount of wooded cover and random trees in the middle of some tight fairways back through the woods.
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6 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

it's worth going 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 5, 2008 Played the course:never


i really do like this course it has a good variety of landscapes open holes to very crowded holes. the holes have all types of different shooting too from up hill to downhill hyzers to anhyzers. the course is pretty well kept by the city they lay down new wood chips every couple of months. also a very easy to find the next tees. the reason that i like it is beacuse its got it all, well to my standards.


not too many cons except sometimes the information posts at the tees are sometimes ripped out or missing because of kids taking them or damaging them but are usually replaced fairly quick. needs a good disc supplier near by.
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