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Omro, WI

Omro DGC

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2.45(based on 5 reviews)
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Omro DGC reviews

3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Very nice middle school course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2015 Played the course:once


The course plays 1 through 9 baskets then backwards as 10 through 18. This is great in my opinion for making more with less. As long as it's not busy. The baskets are Mach 3's which are still in great shape and catch very nicely. The signage is top notch. This is a very well marked course. Navigation here was a breeze. There's numerous next hole signs and the signs themselves were some of nicest I've seen. They're basic for sure but all you need to know at a school course like this. The tees are natural but are, again, perfectly fine for a course like this. There's a good mix of wooded, totally open, and slightly wooded holes. Some of the best I've ever seen at a school course. Keep in mind this is a school course, but the mix of shots here is better than many park and even pay to play courses I've played. This course requires a number of different shots and/or arm angle releases to score well. There's some rough to contend with but nothing too major, enough to want to stay on the fairway though. The course is up year round and would be fun in any season. Keep in mind though this is not playable during school hours (I know this since I tried last fall). They have beautiful scorecards with course maps on them at hole 1 which is awesome. These are accurate and help in spots for sure.


The fact that it's on a school campus means you can't play it whenever you want. This doesn't detract from the course itself, just the playability of it. The fact that it plays back on itself poses some, like 9, safety risks would be a con. I doubt it's ever busy outside of gym class but not the safest design I've seen by far.

Other Thoughts:

This is a really nice course. Don't let the school course tag fool you. This is a really solid course that's designed nicely. Only really playable in the summer months I'd assume. Not worth a trip out of your way but if its june, july or august and you got time to kill you can certainly do worse in the area. (hello Winchester). For what it is, a middle school course, it's top notch, and for people on this site, a pretty fun ace run stop before you hit up one of the better courses nearby. We had a really fun round here. It's nothing major, but this is just a really well designed course for what it is. I liked it more than I thought I would.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 13.2 years 1038 played 214 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Strange little course... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2015 Played the course:once


9 basket course (18 holes...more on this later) that winds through a small section of woods and out into open fields around a school.

Mach 3 baskets were in good shape and caught well. One pin position per hole.

Nice signage, with distances (which seemed spot on) and a small map. Several "next tee" signs helped quite a bit with navigation.

A few of the shorter wooded holes had interesting shots.


This is kind of a wonky course. It's really a nine hole course, but it then plays back on itself for 18 looks. It's a nice idea for a smaller space, but it's a horrible idea if more than one group is playing on the course. Also, I would have probably started the course where Hole 10 is, but that's just my preference.

Not much in the way of distance here. Mostly short holes, with a couple longer, open holes mixed in.

Natural tee pads. There was nothing overly bad about the tee areas, but nothing was really marked out...it was just kind of pick a spot.

There's some real safety concerns here. Beside the fact that the course basically plays back over itself (which could have you throwing directly at other discers, especially in some of the blind woods areas), the course also plays along a well used fitness trail/dog walking trail/general purpose trail. There's fitness stations (sit ups, pull up bars, etc) scattered along the trail, which much of the course happens to follow. We were there on a sub-30º Friday afternoon, and there were several dog walkers and other patrons out there. We even got a slight scolding when we walked up from a dog walking couple, who basically told us it's hard for them to walk their dogs when there's people throwing frisbees in the woods. Yes, they should probably just walk their dogs somewhere else, but the point is, it's a bad spot for a course.

Other Thoughts:

I don't think this course gets all that much play, and it's a good thing. It's a disaster waiting to happen. If I were a local player, I'd be looking for a different place to put the baskets. What IS there is decent, with scorecards and good signage available.

Basically, it's an ok course in a terrible spot. A true baggers only type course.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Omro Shmomro 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 4, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


1) Nice sign made of wood indicating there is a disc golf course there . . . including two yellow flags and a nice big sign at Tee #1 and Tee #10.They must really want people to come play their course.

2) Tee signs are very professional looking. They are wood signs with Hole # etched into the wood sign, plus there is a laminated paper sign behind plexi-glass which indicates Par, Distance, Hole #, and a basic diagram.

3) Nice directionals made out of the same quality wood signage as the tee signs. they are located in half a dozen spots and help to lead you through this course.

4) Nice baskets . . . Mach 3's . . .in very good shape and catch as well as they normally do . . . although a couple seem to be tilted just slightly.

5) Unique idea to capitalize on the land available and the limited funds to make a 9 hole course play like 18! It's on school property and will hardly ever be crowded so I see no problem with this setup in this instance, but it would not be something I agree with on a regular open to the public course in a public park. It all might come down to how good the course is too . . .if a lot of people like the course it could even be a problem here.

6) Beginner friendly course because of its generally short holes. There are a couple of longer hols, but those also help to show beginners what is out there in this sport . . . they also help with showing the effects of wind on throws.

7) Adequate amount of distance variation to be a positive ranging from 132' to 357' with all the range in between also. This is a key ingredient to a well designed course in my opinion.

8) Pencils and scorecards available at #1 tee and #10 tee (although #1 was empty and they seem to be prone to getting wet also). Its a nice thin that tells me they want people to play this course!!!

9) Turf was in good condition, the gravel path seemed to be well maintained, so it looks like he school/municipality takes good care of this area.


1) Inconsistent tees (some grass, some gravel, some level, some on angles). I always like to see concrete tees . . . if they cannot be concrete i just hope they are consistent and these are not as half of the throws are off gravel (which when wet can be really poor and loose), and the other half on grass (which also can be really poor when wet).

2) No garbage cans available on the course . . . albeit a school course, it still might be a good idea to keep the litter down.

3) Some of the baskets seem to be leaningjust slightly . . after levelling a few on two new installs just last week with my smart phone level app . . . I will always bring a real level with me to make sure they are level. The slightest bit of angle can surprise you in a baskets ability to catch discs.

4) Road and a driveway into the school sports complex are in danger of a few errant throws. The walking path that runs through of entire course is also a negative. There are a couple of blind shots that will put people in harms way (although this time of year with no leaves you can see where people are around the corner). In the growing season with leaves on all the trees and scrub brush . . . people will be put into harms way on a couple of holes. Course also crosses a few athletic areas that might be in the way from time to time, but then gain it is on school property so just stay away during school and practice hours!

5) A lot of the holes are bland, wide open, and simply repetitive. This does not make for a course I will revisit regularly.

6) Variety is simply lacking a little bit . . .4 of the holes are in tight wooded fairways, 2 of the 18 are in park like setting with large mature Oaks and turf, unfortunately the rest are wide open, and only a few other trees or other obstacles come into play.

7) They did the best they could with the property . . . I think . . . but the elevation changes simply are not enough to create enough interest. The overall change on the course is minimal and each hole is very small. A couple of rises and falls do create the opportunity for a skip here or there, but overall the elevation plays little role in the course ir shot making requirements.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course that woks around the perimeter of Omro School (High school and elementary) grounds. I believe it to be a part of the school because of its layout. I am unsure if they use it for physical education or not, but would not be surprised if they do.

it is a unique idea with 18 completely different holes using only 9 baskets. it is a good concept and it works in this instance but this is not something I would ever want to see done on a busy course, or a non school course that is completely open to the public. More positives than negatives here . . . but still not the most exciting course in he world. I doubt I would make a trip back but this course serves its purpose . . introducing young school kids to the game and meanwhile presenting a challenge to the beginners. Take it for what it is and play it if you want!!!!
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3 0
Experience: 13.3 years 26 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good use of school property 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2011 Played the course:once


Very easy to navigate
Nice trail
Hard to impossible to lose your discs
Scorecards with course map provided at each end of course!!! Plus pencils!!! Every course should do this!


Crosses football fields, and during football practice, you will probably have to skip a hole or two.
Football players used one of the baskets as a helmet-holder.
Not much for challenges other than holes 1/18 with large trees, and the wooded holes.
Not fun retrieving discs that go over fences into baseball diamonds.

Other Thoughts:

All around decent course for a h.s. course. Very well maintained, Very easy to navigate. Par numbers are a little high, which makes for a great looking scorecard. On a windy day, the fields definately make it tricky to stay on the fairway! Try to play when there is no football practice.
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4 0
Experience: 11 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Omro Frisbee Golf Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice mix of open and woods with some hazards (corn fields and athletic field) The signage is excellent, plenty of posts to tell you where to go, plus the nature trail leads you through it.


Relatively flat, a few small drops in elevation near hole 8/10 but that is about it. No garbage cans yet, but I'm working on that! No permanent tees.

Other Thoughts:

This course just opened this year, so I'm hoping they will continue to improve with tee boxes and garbage cans, but it's good use of space surrounding the schools and athletic fields.
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