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Cortland, OH

Outflow @ Mosquito DGC

Seasonal course
2.795(based on 7 reviews)
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Outflow @ Mosquito DGC reviews

1 1
Experience: 4 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not Great for Beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2017 Played the course:once


Very wide variety of shots demanded for holes.
Nicely designed course, for the most part.
Maintained relatively well.


Markers aren't very clear, and the pictures included are poor at best. Only one set of tees, and they're natural.

Other Thoughts:

Don't go to this course anytime near rainfall. You'll end up in the mud for the vast majority of your time there.
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1 0
Experience: 9.2 years 67 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging but fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


10 challenging yet fun holes
Lots of different shots needed
Lots of long holes to get out your driver, but also has wooded holes.
Different elevations
Some water involved
Very nice baskets
Course is pretty well maintained
Unique holes, like playing down the side of the dam on hole 4
No two holes are really similar, all pretty different
Fair pars


Not beginner friendly (beginners should go try the short tees at Mosquito Lake State Park)
You have to walk a decently long way from hole 3-4 and back from 9-10
Terrilbe quality pictures on tee signs
No maps available at start point (they are available at the office by hole 6)
No concrete tees (but not usually muddy so not bad)

Other Thoughts:

This is one of my favorite courses, for me its very challenging yet offers great reward when I do good. I hated this course when I first started playing but that was because I simply wasn't good enough. This course makes great use of the land available and rarely has a soul there. Check it out!
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2 0
Experience: 9.3 years 23 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Outflow 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Long holes with a variety of open/wooded and up/down shots
-Rarely busy
-Good baskets, hold well


-Walk between 3-4 and 9-10 is a bit annoying
-Fairway for hole 4 is slanted sideways
-A few blind shots
-Thick brush off the fairways
-Tees signs are horrible, low quality pictures

Other Thoughts:

Hated the course the first time I played it, which was about a month into my career. Just about every hole was unreachable. After I developed my drive, however, it has grown to become one of my favorites in the area. Challenging course, but well designed and fun to play.
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.1 years 179 played 144 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Fun Holes, Needs Better Signage 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 26, 2015 Played the course:once


The Outflow course near Mosquito Lake is a nice addition to the course across the road at Mosquito Lake Park. There is a decent variety of hole types here with the course playing through open fields, patches of woods, and near water with the adjacent creek. For being only ten holes, it covers a lot of distance measuring over 4,000 feet and having three par 4's and a par 5. This is definitely a bomber-type course with a few wide open shots over rolling hills as well as an uphill and a downhill bomb.

The aspect that I enjoyed the most about the course is the designer's use of multidimensional holes. Holes like 3, 6, and 9 change scenery and either play from the open to in the woods or vice versa. Hole 6 is a highlight and is probably my favorite hole here. It's a downhill throw that starts out in the open but plays through a tight gap in the woods.

Pin positions are well thought out and the greens are sometimes carved out within the woods to add to the challenge.

Mach 2 baskets are in great shape.


The course flow is confusing and doesn't naturally go from one hole to the next. There were numerous times where I had no idea where to go after finishing up a hole, and there are a few times where you have to take longer, backtracking walks to the next tee.

The confusion is coupled with the fact that the tees are natural and some of the tee signs are faded.

Maintenance is good for the most part, but 9's green area was overgrown to the point where it was not even worth putting.

I can see some conflict with other park goers with the course playing near picnic tables and near the water where people fish. I didn't have any issues, but I had to be careful.

Keep in mind that it is only open from May-October, according to the course page.

Other Thoughts:

The designer made good use of the land offered and there is a nice variety of holes here. It offers a good mix of both challenging, longer holes and shorter, birdieable ones. This course has potential, and would really improve with better course flow and clear signage. Worth stopping by since it's so close to the other Mosquito Lake course.
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3 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

X-Games 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2013 Played the course:once


½ mile from additional 12-basket course.


Flow - very long walk, mostly consisting of fairway-4, from basket-9 to tee-10.

Other Thoughts:

Course plays in two sections - 1-3, 10 near the parking lot, and 4-9. The first section is open, grassy, land, containing scattered, tall hardwoods. The land slopes way from the parking lot, into a thick treeline of smaller trees, which the designer used well, tucking two baskets and one tee within them. In this section, there are random picnic tables and play areas - no idea how often they are used, but their occupants would come into play.

The second section is where you'll face your extremes - length (#4), cross-slope (#4, too), ups (#7), downs (#8), tight (again, #8), sharp turns (#9), and pondering (#6 - down the drainage ditch for how long, then enter the woods, where, exactly? A double S-turn - really!) That leaves poor old number-5 as a straightforward, 300', slightly upslope, subtle right-turner to be the only "normal" hole!

Favourite hole: #2. Nearly 500', you have a tight early exit, where things open up and scattered, tall hardwoods appear. The basket is far away, down and to the right, partially hidden by a slope. With the tall hardwoods sitting lower near the basket, from your elevated position their branches now come into play, forcing a tough approach shot.

If you like your courses on the long side, and mostly open, you'll enjoy playing here, with over half the holes >= 385', including 840' open number-4.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not the typical 9 hole pitch and putt...not just because there are 10 baskets 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2013 Played the course:once


Lots of challenge in a 10 holer. Half of the holes are over 400 feet. Several legitimate par 4's. Do not come here expecting a quick 20 minute round. The 2 Mosquito courses together took me over 2 hours playing solo.

Tee posts help to find where tee marker is.

Course is deceiving in it's difficulty. Hole 1 looks wide open, but over the hill lies a tunnel you must hit. Hole 3 looks easy enough even from the approach, but there is a drop off after the basket, even if you hit the small window. Hole 4 was 840ft. for those who want to air out their drivers.
Some scenic areas. Baskets 3 and 9 were in attractive locations.
Small Water Hazard on hole 9 comes into play.

Maps available in office by hole 6.


Tees are just colored toe boards flush with ground.

Some navigational issues around hole 7. I played tee 7 to basket 8, then had to go back after looking at the map again. (you get the map in the office by tee 6.)
Long walk back to hole 10 which felt like an after though. Hole 10 was an unnecessary add on that did not really add much to the flow of the course.

Baskets are unmarked, at hole 2 you can see hole 10's basket 90 feet away and it could be confusing.
I though fairway 4 was a bit too close to the main road for an 800+ foot hole, 6 has you play towards an office if you are trying to use the ditch as your fairway. Hole 7 has you throwing right back towards the office.

Other Thoughts:

21 pictures added so you can take a photo tour of the course.

This course is still in progress. It appears that tee signs are getting added and work is still being done on this course. However, even with tee signs and some "next tee" signs, I would still rate this at around 3.

Hole by hole:
1. 450 feet, open for over 350 feet then into a tunnel to the basket.
2. blind 485ft. split fairway over small rolling hills.
3. sharp dog leg right 235 feet into small opening. Basket on edge of mound.
4. 840 long bomb, highway on left OB on right.
5. Short 300ft. sharp right low ceiling.
6. 540 ditch appears to be fairway, but there is actually a hidden fairway in the trees. It pays to shank to the right on this hole.
7. Plays up the ditch back to the office. Dog leg left up hill 415ft.
8. relatively tight, wooded, slightly down hill tunnel 230ft.
9. Blind RHBH hyzer (dog leg right). basket in small window in a rock patch.
10. Back over the overflow near the start of the course. Plays 350 blind and down hill.
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3 0
Experience: 13.3 years 61 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

First one 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2013 Played the course:once


- Excellent use of land
- Variety of shots (long, short, left, right, straight)
- 10 holes close to an excellent 12 holes makes for a great destination set of courses
- Pars are very fair and challenging
- Excellent tee posts that will hold your bags for you


- Poison Ivy
- Still some brush to clear
- Hole maps available near hole 5, which can be confusing when tee off from hole 1

Other Thoughts:

For a course that just went in this year, the folks working on this one have done an excellent job. Real thought has gone into each line and some very creative hallways and mixed open and tight space throwing really makes this course fun. The designers weren't afraid to create lines that would be a challenge to craft and they appear to really have put in a lot of labor to make the lines appear. A few holes still need some clearing (hole 6, the finish branches of hole 8, the final entrance branches into hole 9), but overall the course plays really well and really compliments the Squirrel Run course across the way.

For those of you trying to find your way around without a map, hole 1, 2, 3 are pretty easily found. When you play hole 4, keep playing along the dam (we accidentally first played to the basket for 6, which is the one you can see in the trees off to the right from the number 4 tee). After playing to the correct basket for hole 4 holes, hole 5 will be obvious. For hole 6 you are playing down the ditch and then turning right into a corridor in the woods. Following this hole, you will be driving up the obvious lane in the woods back toward the ranger station, then 8 is a nice ace race tunnel in the pines behind you. 9 goes down through the open space, then makes a sharp left into the woods down by the stream. To get to hole 10, you need walk back around the water outflow and up along the road going back to the cars and you will see it on your left.
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