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Elkhart, IN

Ox Bow County Park

2.945(based on 24 reviews)
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Ox Bow County Park reviews

3 2
Nascar Dave
Experience: 36.2 years 188 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 12, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful wooded course with plenty of wildlife. The fairways were manicured and mowed often, clearly defined and forgiving if you have a errant throw. Always see deer in the woods.
I like the use of the land and some of the manmade structure. Nice little walkways in lower wet areas. Easy to navigate the course.


For some, not I, tight fairways and doglegs making for a rough round for less experienced golfer.

Other Thoughts:

This is probably my favorite course in Indiana.
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1 2
Experience: 14.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Makes other courses seem easy. Wooded/scenic vibes. Course layout is clearly marked and score sheets are provided.


Lots of poison ivy. Many narrow fairways and areas with heavy brush. Difficult/frustrating place to bring beginners.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.6 years 55 played 24 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Ox Bow 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 27, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Tee signs are nice. and have good accurate yardages.

Benches and trash bins around the course keeps it pretty clean.

I actually think #17 is an epic hole out here. Never seen a course with a deck to throw off. Even if it was unnecessary it was a fun little thing to add to the course. Also #12 is pretty epic right next to the river.

I think there is a camping around this park.

Restrooms and running water are around the park.

Good variety of hole distances out at Ox Bow.

I did use a variety of shots. XXX Opto, my OS buzz came in really handily out here,

Good mix of tight and technical and open bombs. I would say more tight and tech but there are some holes that will let you grip it and rip it.

This course is a decent challenge. If you go into the rough it can be hard getting out.

This park does provide some scenic beauty and is really pretty when you walk through and play the course.

Somewhat crowded course. If you play at a good pace you wont run into anyone and no one will run into you.

Locals were nice and told us where #1 was because we came in through a weird spot.


The baskets out here are not the best. They could use an update.

I hated the tee pads at this course. They are way to short. They are concrete which is needed here but the shortness is making me give this a negative.

General course design is not great. Some crossing of fairways. Being a newcomer here we had no idea where to park with the spillway saying Closed but apparently there is a parking lot and people were driving across the spillway.

Foliage maintenance could use a lot of work out here. Why am I paying money for them to not take care of the disc golf course?

Not a lot of elevation changes out here.

Parking is pretty stupid out here. If the Spillway is open why not put Open on the sign and not closed? Going here on a business trip we had no idea we could cross the spillway when it was closed and parked by the disc golf sign pretty far away.

Other Thoughts:

Ox Bow can be a really fun round. I am not a fan of paying to play disc golf. If I am paying they need to put every dollar of it back into the course since you are already giving the Park $2 for coming in then paying the course another $2 per person to play it. From what I saw they are not putting the money back into the course that they need to. I have played way way better free courses. Other than that Ox Bow can be a really fun and woodsy course. It will help your accuracy and make you a better player.
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1 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2017 Played the course:once


Decent Course Design
Not too crowded


The fairways are really thin and the rough just off of the fairway is incredibly rough in spots. Spent 10 minutes looking for a disc just about every missed fairway. 3 missing baskets that we spent a long time trying to find. Looks like no one has put any maintenence into the course in years.

Other Thoughts:

$2 to enter the park per vehicle and an additional $2 per disc golfer. Waste of money considering they don't put it back into the course. Play the free courses around instead of this one
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Domesticated Swamp Monster 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2016 Played the course:once


- Course is set in rather large and wonderful multi-use county park. Great place to bring the whole family with the plethora of grills, trails and pavilions all over the property.
- Navigation really (for once) wasn't a huge issue. There were a few times I had to look around a little but it was never bad enough that a map was needed.
- Flow was intuitive and natural.
- Wonderful mix of left vs. right holes.
- One hole that stood out as really unique was #18 with it's left then right fairway up a small hill and then a stupid fast green made for one of the more challenging sub 200' holes I have ever played.
- Everything was well maintained and all the fairways mowed which was really nice.
- Signs look to be pretty old but very little graffiti and still all in great shape. For the most part distances seemed accurate and the hole diagrams were helpful.


- Tee pads are WAY. TOO. SMALL. These things are in good shape, good grippyness but good grief if you're going to have 300'+ holes they really need to be bigger than that.
- BUGS. I usually avoid listing nature items like this as a con because but the bugs are so bad they really are a distraction to the disc golf. I mean, you put a course right next to and through a swamp...what do you expect? So when playing here use deet bug spray - the higher the concentration the better. I mean like the plus 90% or better deet stuff that makes your skin burn. You wear that natural lemon/eucalyptist scented non deet crap the mosquitos will laugh at you as they haul you away to their lair in the disc eating swamp off of 12 to meet their leader.
- Hikers are everywhere and are blissfully unaware of how much discs hurt.
- While I did say navigation wasn't much of an issue there are still problems. The 15 tee was too close to the 14 hole. 15 is right where you want to throw on a flick Hyzer route. Then, going from 20 to 21 means walking right up the 21 fairway directly in front of the 21 tee. With the thick brush this is a good way for someone to plastic smacked rounding the corner. With all the room there is to work with on this property this should never happen.
- 17 has you teeing off on top of a rickety old platform...Um, wut? Not sure if I should list it as a con or what. It was just weird and kind of out of place and did not seem to add anything to the hole.
- 22 is called, "Charlie's Challenge." With it's super duper extra twisty fairway with a basket behind a bunch of trees tells me either Charlie is a sadist, hates DG'ers or has a cruel sense of humor. Even a doggie chew toy level of wear Stratus could not follow those fairway curves. Discs do not fly like that unless thrown by Harry Potter muttering a bunch of Latin-ish spells "Discamus, rediculous curvamus!". Very funny Charlie...HAHAHAHA. :|

Other Thoughts:

Fundamentally speaking there really is nothing wrong with this course. But unfortunately while there is nothing wrong there is really nothing great either. With its very flat terrain no matter how you cut the holes through the woods it really isn't going to be much opportunity to something special. The holes are fairly easy and pretty pedestrian. Along that line, the course par is a little silly at an 82. Really ought to be a 72 especially if little 'ole me can score a 76 without trying very hard first time out. So, my thought is it's now time to make these holes harder with some creative pin placement or something. Not #12 though. Leave that biatch alone. Yikes.

If I lived nearby I'd play this place all the time but this certainly isn't a destination course in any way shape or form. If you're in the area, then by all means swing by. The pay to play is fairly cheap and worth it.
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1 0
Experience: 5 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

11/18/15 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 18, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


I really like this course for a couple of reasons. 1. There is a good mixture of holes. It doesn't favor any specific shots or handedness. 2. The course layout makes a lot of sense and is easy to follow. 3. This place is well maintained (at least when I've been there)


It's a little boring. There are no signature holes, nothing especially unique about it, and a lot of the holes feel the same. You could get by with just a couple of different shots and as long as you can execute them well, you can play well under par. Which leads to my next point, par is really generous. I was playing here with no prior knowledge of the course and was able to shoot a -14 with no problems. And I am nothing special. As long as you keep it in the fairway, you're usually looking at a birdie.

Other Thoughts:

I really like this course better early or late in the season. The trees and such in the rough can be brutal in the summer. The bugs are generally nasty, and it can be really hard to find if you don't know where you're going. Be sure to ask for directions at the gate. My fav course in the area, but it does have some flaws.
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3 0
Tony Koch
Experience: 11.4 years 55 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Back Open for Business! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2015 Played the course:once


-24 holes
-All of which have their own challenge. Very few are "gimmes". Hole 1 is very simple but it is just to tease you before the shots in the woods come up!
-Massive amounts of trees/bushes that lead to really picking a good line on your tee shots.
-Most holes here are TIGHT. Beginners and even some rec players will hate this but it will help improve your game by playing here often.
-Variety of left and right turning tee shots. I was surprised that most of the tee shots were right turning which made it a challenge for my pal and I as we are RHBH. Lots of anhyzer throws and use of understable drivers for RHBH throwers here.
-Going off of that, some of those right bending shots were out of the ordinary in my eyes. A few of them were types of tee shots I had never encountered in 3 years of playing so that was nice! Especially hole 6, short but bends right VERY quickly.
-Nice big scorecards you can get at the front gate.
-Water fountain near the disc parking lot.
-Lots of benches, albeit small ones.
-Most of the tees are located fairly close to each other.


-No true "bomber" holes. There are a few that go beyond 400 feet but they are so compact withing the woods that I can't justify using a 13 or higher speed driver at this course at all. Which really disappoints me. If there were like 2 open bomb holes at this course where you could rip a max distance driver this place would be amazing.
-This place has TONS of those annoying prickly plants as well as those plants that get little green and brown spurs all over your clothes. It takes forever to get them off too!
-The signs are okay but they can be a bit misleading in terms of how much a tee shot bends.
-Pay to play. Only 2 bucks (as of right now) but many people view that as a con so I will too.
-Lots of mosquitoes around the stretch of holes near the water. Bring bug spray for sure.
-For a first timer here the park in general can be hard to navigate. Not the course itself, just the park because it is very large! My best advice: ask the front gate and if you cross the road "over the water stream" you are going the right way!
-After holing out, a few times you have to backtrack to get to the next tee.

Other Thoughts:

-Play It Again Sports is very close in Elkhart. They have a solid selection of discs, mainly Innova but basically they have all of that brand there. You can sell discs there as well.
-I was very pleased with Ox Bow. Was a little worried about playing here because I had seen some iffy reviews and since it had been closed for awhile. But it is a challenging yet fun course. Played two rounds here in the SCORCHING heat but still had fun and played fairly well for my first time here!
-I just wish there were a few more open holes as I love courses that have that perfect mix of wooded and open. As well as some 450+ tee shots.
-But other than that and all the damn prickly things I got all over me, it is worth the trip and I really recommend trying this spot out. Nice park and a terrific place to work on finesse and tight drives.
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2 1
Joshua Longs
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Flying Disc Sanctuary at Ox Bow Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-No one's mentioning the biggest pro of this course - VERY little wind. Since almost all of the holes are in a basin, the wind is minimal making for extremely fun, consistent putting.

-People are getting pretty good at using the trash cans.

-24 diverse, quality holes (some very long, some short, some have pines, some deciduous, there are open holes, treacherous holes, easy holes, river holes, plains holes, twisting holes, etc).

-Toughest course in the area

-Really nice people!


-Skeeters. (Bring OFF in the summer, for sure)

-Errant throws can be hard to find if you don't track well as the rough can get pretty hairy.

Other Thoughts:

This course is now OPEN (all 24 holes) and FREE for the rest of 2015.

Ox Bow is an adventure and a mildly strenuous hike. Bring some water, and have fun!
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4 5
Experience: 34.3 years 7 played 7 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Potential on the horizon (?), but not playable as of 6/16/15 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2015 Played the course:once


Several of the holes are intact with actual baskets, not ghost baskets. Potential for a challenging, if not borderline ridiculous, course is there since there seems to be orange flags for future basket placement.


WAY too many holes are missing currently. If my memory is correct from this afternoon, holes 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 17, 18, and maybe 20 have no baskets. Hole 2 has a smashed basket. And hole 4 was a "fairway" of 2 inches of swampy water. Even the tee pad of 4 had mulberry branches at eye level forcing you to duck and dodge while driving. This course has been closed for a couple years and is technically open, but one or two mowings down the center of the fairway doesn't mean it's playable. The rough is super-rough. Years of neglect while the ash trees were cut down has turned any astray drive into an expedition bordering on a rescue mission in the Amazon jungle. Bring the Tecnu and poison ivy soap.

Other Thoughts:

When I paid the $2 entry fee at the gate saying "I'm here for some disc golf.", it would have been nice to be told that the course is over half incomplete, especially after driving 34 miles from reading a "good" review of course conditions on DGCR saying the course was open. The dead woodchuck covered in flies, ironically dead-center of the fairway of hole 2 was a telling sign of the rest of the round.

On another note, I haven't played this course in 20 years, so I tried to reignite my memories for this course and give it a try. Now I remember why it's been so long. Many of the holes are horribly designed. Strange, short, tight anhyzers are rampant throughout where there are no actual flight routes. Sure, challenging is ok, but when it becomes a poke-and-hope thru the trees or forced layups because the corners are too tight for an honest approach or drive, it makes for some dumb holes.
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2 2
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Potential Abound 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 8, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


- great place to grow your skills in a creative course layout.
- great area to hike around in


not enough folks actually use the trash cans, but the same can be said for all courses

Other Thoughts:

Looking forward to it being open again. It's taking a while to cut down all the ash trees...sounds like it wont be open until Spring 2015 now.

Gladly spent $30 for the annual pass at nearby Ferretie/Baugo.
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5 0
Experience: 30.5 years 179 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Oldie but a goodie 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Unforgiving, will challenge all skill levels.
Course is well kept and worth the price of admission.
Nice mix of elevation changes, open and tight fairways, water hazards and deep brush hazards.
Signage and baskets in good condition and course is well-marked.


Older tee pads are concrete but on the small side.
Mosquitos are terrible in spring and midsummer. Poison ivy all over - typical of heavily-wooded courses so not really a con, just a reminder!
Some holes come close to flooding out during wetter springs.

Other Thoughts:

Ox Bow is the course I learned to play on so it has a special place in my memory. It is a technical course so leave your distance drivers behind and get ready to thread the needles.
The course does not favor a particular throwing style or handedness - whether you are right-handed or left-handed, throw BH or FH or OH you will need to do a little of everything to make your way through it under par.
This course has aged well - very few holes have significantly different lines from when it was first installed (the exceptions being #3 and #15/old #13, and updated #9 and #16/old #14). It is a very well-designed course that is standing the test of time.
Happy throwing! When you are looking for a disc, may you find two!
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3 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

-- 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Thanks to the work of a local man the course is looking better that I've ever seen it.
1. Good baskets and concrete tees
2. In my opinion a well layed out course
3. Short but challenging holes.
4. Several longer holes. Hole 8,12,13,14.
5. Cost is only $2
6. They have put out more trash cans, SO USE THEM!


1. It can get very muddy after a good rain. Best to wear some hiking boots or shoes you don't care about.
2. The bugs.
3. The idiots that vandalize the course (signs and benches). I would really like to meet these punks.

Other Thoughts:

Its overall a good course. Deffinately not the best one ever but a course worth playing. It will test your control
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4 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 66 played 61 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not the best, but could be worse 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete tee pads. Challenging terrain. Quality baskets. Well landscaped (which it better be since it's pay to play). Not overcrowded, although the locals I did run into were standoffish. Good signage and easy navigation.


Whoever designed this course clearly didn't know what they were doing. Some of the lines are non-existant (hole 6?), and a few baskets are buried in trees. I don't mind guarded baskets, but a few of these were ridiculous. And they try to make up for it by setting a course par that's insanely easy? I'm looking at you 8, 18, and 22. I did enjoy the challenge of throwing through the woods, but unless you play it as pro par you're going to have a crazy low score.

Other Thoughts:

The par needs to be lowered considerably (I threw poorly and still beat my best score of all time by ten strokes), and a few of the baskets need to be moved. Although it's worth a visit if you're passing through the area, I'm not sure if it's worth paying $4 to play. I played in the spring when it was clear, but I hear that the rough is insane in the summer and I could definitely see myself losing a few discs in there. Also, don't follow the lines given on the signs. Walk out and find the basket first. 18 is a prime example. It shouldn't be a par 4 regardless, but if you take the line they show you you're going to lose at least one stroke.
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3 5
Experience: 20.3 years 56 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A nice little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2011 Played the course:once


ox bow is a nice course ,that plays though a large park.
Most holes our short technical holes ,though thick wooded areas .
park is well kept and clean .
The baskets were in good shape and the tees were also good,and the navigation was fairly easy .
water comes into play on a few holes and saves this course from being a boring wooded course .
I can't remember what hole it was but it plays though thin trees that heavily guarded the basket ,I really liked that hole .


course is really short and plays pretty easy .
some of the wooded holes are mostly the same and hard to tell one from the other .

Other Thoughts:

Liked playing here and hope to play it again sometime
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2009 Played the course:once


This course plays through a disc golf exclusive area in a larger park. It is flat and nicely wooded, with fairways cut through thick trees and underbrush. There is good punishment here on most holes for errant shots, missing the fairway will often cost you a stroke. There is a nice variety of lengths, with several fun ace runs if you hit your lines through the trees, and a couple long tough holes including one that plays along the river for over 400'. You'll need to shape different lines through the woods to be successful here, there's a good variety of hole shapes that force different shots.

There are concrete pads that were in pretty good shape. The signage is adequate, and the next tee signs help make navigation here pretty easy. The elevated deck for one tee adds a little bit of extra fun and variety, it's a nice touch.


Despite being in the woods, this course isn't all that challenging. Too many of the holes are shorter and don't offer enough risk that they'll cause too many bogeys. Because so many holes are similar lengths, the course feels a bit repetitive in spots.

The concrete tees are small, not a big deal on the shorter holes, but they don't offer very much room on the longer holes. The course felt a bit unkempt in general, with some areas of brush encroaching on the fairways. Several holes held standing water and there were lots of swampy spots on the course even though it hadn't rained recently.

Other Thoughts:

This isn't a bad course at all, and adds a nice shorter wooded option for the area. It's not worth driving way out of your way for, but if you're in the area it's worth playing a round. Beginners will find the distances approachable, and will get to try out different shot shapes, though the rough can be a little much for a new player. More experienced players will find some challenges, but not enough difficulty or variety to keep them coming back too often.
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6 1
Experience: 32.4 years 51 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The New Ox Bow 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The park is looking better than it has in many years! The local club is alive and active starting in 2010. The park recently approved new sign markers and two new tee signs for hole 22 & 23. The course does flow now if you park inside the park. If you are using the free or secondary lot it could seem a bit confusing. The local club has been working to clear the over growth as well as the fairways are being mowed wider and it really shows.


This course is a staple in the area and the change or improvement is happening but it is going to be a work in progress.

Other Thoughts:

I used to play this course when I lived in Ft. Wayne we traveled to Ox Bow and it was always fun. I am pleased to say it is back and alive. And I would disagree with the other comments that Ox Bow is not one to travel to. It is a course that requires skill and thought in your throwing decisions. If you are wanting to through bombs then this is not the course for you! But if you want to develop your driving accuracy and ability to throw a straight shot, them this is the place to be. Please do your part to support this wonderful sport and Pay the very reasonable fee of only $1.00. It keeps the parks staff feeling that all players are not a bunch of cheep individuals, and they are more likely to feel better about keeping the course looking nice for all to enjoy.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Ox Bow Flying Disc Sanctuary 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 28, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


-This 24 hole, mostly-wooded course challenges accuracy, power, and decision-making on the longer holes, while providing several reasonable ace runs on the shorter ones.
-Fun risk/reward opportunities. Many holes have several possible lines, each of varying risk.
-Water in play alongside a couple of fairways.
-Mostly flat but with great use of available elevation, including an elevated deck-style tee pad on #17.
-Mostly concrete tees, one wooden, and one irregular-shaped concrete tee. Accurate hole representations on tee-signs. Decent "next hole" signage. Trashcans and benches located throughout course.
-Located in an absolutely gorgeous park with tons of activities. All the typical park amenities and facilities are provided, as well as an archery range and self-guiding nature trail.


-Several holes often experience significant flooding. Even when playable, some of the course is muddy.
-During summer, the mosquitoes are unbearable. Bring repellent.
-Mowed sporadically, with occasional ticks in underbrush and taller grasses.
-Scattered thorn-bushes and -trees.

Other Thoughts:

-This is a course you'll want to come back to, provided the water, mud, and insects don't render it impossible to enjoy. Rangers and some locals can provide the stories behind the individual hole names, which are worth inquiring about.
-Forces lots of decisions on whether to play the safe shot or go for the narrow openings between trees. Great pin placements and a good balance of hole types, although lacking in wide-open "bomb 'em" style holes.
-The flow is a little tricky, but nothing a quick peep at the detailed map (adjacent to #1 tee) won't remedy.
-The rough is thick in areas, but not unmanageable.
-$1 pay-to-play due either at gate or drop-box by 1st tee. $2 for parking; free lot outside of park...go past park entrance to small gravel lot on right.
-Baskets of various makes, although all in good condition.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25 years 78 played 43 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Easy to Medium Difficulty---Efficient 24 hole course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 13, 2009 Played the course:once


-24 holes
-Good baskets
-fair tee pads
-#17 unique tee pad
-pretty landscape
-course is taken care of
-not busy in winter
-excellent area with more then disc golf
-hole 12 is probably the sig hole, and the hardest on the course, and for an added bonus it is considered a water hole!
-good signs
-good markers


- somewhat similar holes
- nothing extraordinary (other then the teepad on 17)
-updated signs and markers would make it better
-not many benches or places to sit
-not much in terms of variety
-little elevation changes

Other Thoughts:

-fun course that has 24 holes---which in my opinion is a bonus!
-would be hard to get lost or confused due to excellent signage
-seems like a nice park to take the family with many hiking trails and other activites to choose from
-I enjoyed playing this course. I did play it in the winter so luckily I did not have to put up with bugs, but the location of the course is condusive to many bugs in the season!
-I'd play this course again on the winter months when Kalamazoo is snowed in.
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7 0
Experience: 15.6 years 20 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

recent play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


i think others have layed out great reviews, so i'm just adding the fact that a couple of us are tryin hard to clean this course up, handful of trees (mostly off sides of fairways) alot of brush,thorns, burrs and stuff are being cleaned out. we've started putting in more benches, tee signs, info sign ect. overall this is still a tight course, mostly short still (working on longer tee locations) but overall its been made playable, and continuing to get better, by spring this place will be worth the drive from out of towners
we are workin hard, but only a few of us are actually doing work so its slow
if its been months since you've played i hope you check out to see the improved upkeep, rangers are tryin to work things into next years budget so we'll see how far we can take it


i wish it had a couple open bomb holes
wish they'd let us use chainsaws to clear certain holes,
its a work in progress, was a great technical course, just needed (still needs more) TLC

Other Thoughts:

dont have to pay to park, free parking in 2nd lot (1/4 mile west of entrance)
its only a 1, its an honesty box in which we wish more were honest with... but the park doesn't mind so much, but i'd like to see more folks pay the dollar
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6 0
Mark R
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 118 played 90 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 12, 2009 Played the course:once


Fun mid-range play, with a couple of slightly longer (400+) holes. Lots of challenging narrow fairways, with some nicer grassy areas (Holes 7-10). Short cement tees are not that big but are wholly adequate for most drives, and way better than rubber or grass. Older chainstar-type baskets on all 24 holes. Nearly every hole has a viable pathway despite some holes being tightly wooded. Hole 17 has an unusual tee from a wooded platform that could be considered a signature hole, along with a long straight along the river (Hole 12). Has signs along the way that help navigation. Good course design that effectively utilizes limited area.


Park is generally flat, more so than most courses. Some holes are a little too close to each other, others a little too short (Hole 6 is a tight RHBH anhyzer that could use a redesign). Other holes (3-5) run through lowlands that are a little too marshy to be enjoyable, and would likely be mosquito breeding grounds in summer. Park rangers seem a little bored and unnecessary.

Other Thoughts:

Not a destination course, but a surprisingly underrated course that scratches a disc golf itch and is good for play in cold weather. Easy access in one hour from Kalamazoo, offering a cold weather alternative that's sure to please Coldbrook fans. However, parts of the park were closed to traffic, making a long walk to the northwest corner of the park necessary.
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